For Every Dark Night, There Is a Brighter Day

  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Jimmy gasped. "You!" he exclaimed. "How could you?" He narrowed his eyes as he looked at her, biting his lip hard as he thought. "What am I gonna do, huh? I guess I'll just have to punish you." He smirked as he reached up, sliding his hands under her shirt and quickly tickling her sides. If she wanted to play dirty, then he could too. And she even stooped so low as to call him fat! He couldn't believe that. "I am not fat, by the way!" He lifted his leg and laid it across her lap to hold her in place as he gripped her sides with his elbows, trying to hold her torso still so he could tickle her more. He looked down at her half-eaten burger and grinned. "A-ha!" he exclaimed, using his leg as leverage and climbing over her, pulling his hands out from under her shirt and grabbing her burger. He did a barrel roll off the couch and quickly pulled himself up, running to the kitchen with her burger half in his mouth and half hanging out.
    Cassie woke up the next morning, groaning softly as she rolled over. But that hadn't been a smart decision, because as soon as she moved onto her side, a wave of nausea hit her hard in the gut. She grunted as she pulled herself up quickly, stumbling to the bathroom and dropping to the floor. She puked into the toilet, pure bile since she hadn't eaten anything in almost two days. She grabbed a wad of toilet paper to wipe her mouth off with as she stood up, flushing the toilet. She turned to the sink and rinsed her mouth out, clearing her throat and sighing heavily. She hated morning sickness so much, and she wanted nothing more than for it to just go away. But she guessed it would be over with eventually, once she got further into her pregnancy. She walked downstairs to the kitchen, pouring herself a glass of orange juice and taking a sip, making a face at how bitter it tasted.
    December 13th, 2016 at 07:49am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Robyn smirked. "Punish me, huh?" she asked. Her thoughts started going south when Jimmy's hands slipped underneath her shirt, but they quickly changed directions when he started to tickle her. "Jimmy...!" she choked out, squirming underneath him. She'd almost managed to get away when Jimmy used his leg to pin her down. She gasped at him when he snatched the rest of her burger and ran into the kitchen, looking over the back of the couch and pouting at him. "Hey!" she shouted. "I was going to eat that, you meanie. Now I'm hungry and I have nothing to eat because you stole my burger. By the way, only fatties steal food. Fatty." Robyn moved up onto her knees, resting her elbows on the back of the couch and looking over at Jimmy. "I demand that you make it up to me, right now," Robyn demanded teasingly. "Otherwise I'll be sad. You don't want me to be sad, do you, Jimmy?" Robyn enjoyed being able to flirt and have fun with Jimmy like this. With a four year old, it was a rare occurrence that they got time like this to themselves. "Well? I'm waiting," Robyn teased. "You owe me for stealing my delicious burger. And for making a mess, because you got Big Mac sauce all over the floor."
    Matt halfway woke up the next morning when he felt Cassie getting out of bed. A short glance at the clock told him it was way too early to be getting up, at least as far as he could tell. His eyes weren't all the way open and the numbers were sort of blurry. As he started to drift off to sleep again, Matt heard vomiting in the bathroom, and he knew it was Cassie. He tossed back the covers and padded to the bathroom, raising an eyebrow when he found it empty. Where the hell did she go? He eventually found Cassie downstairs in the kitchen, sipping on a glass of orange juice. Matt went to her and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, nuzzling his face into her shoulder. "Morning, baby," he mumbled, yawning. "Are you still feeling sick? Do you want me to make you some breakfast? Maybe some plain oatmeal? That shouldn't upset your stomach." Matt moved one of his hands to Cassie's stomach, slipping his hand underneath her shirt and rubbing her belly. "You need to stop making your mommy sick, little baby," Matt whispered. "Your daddy doesn't like seeing her sick. And your aunt Amy is a sympathy vomiter."
    December 13th, 2016 at 09:19am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Jimmy gasped. "Quit calling me a fatty, you . . . you fatty!" he hissed, pouting slightly. He walked towards her, raising an eyebrow. He looked down at the floor and groaned. That was going to be a nightmare to get out of the carpet. But it was better than the stain Matt had left on the couch that one time. He thought quickly on his feet, smirking as he walked around the couch, standing in front of her and reaching down to cup her cheek. "I know what you can eat," he said, wiggling his eyebrows playfully at her. He wouldn't mind getting a blowjob from her. It had been a while since the last time he'd gotten one, and maybe in return he could eat her out too. Or he could just fuck her, right here on the couch. The fact that Jace was just down the hall had slipped his mind at this point, so he wasn't even thinking about that right now.
    Cassie jumped slightly when she felt someone behind her, relaxing instantly when she heard Matt's voice, leaning back against him slightly. She smiled as she listened to him, shaking her head. Honestly, how did she get so lucky? After all the shit she'd put him through, he was still here, treating her like a queen. She made a face when he mentioned Amy. "Sorry," she mumbled. "I'll try to be more quiet. I hope I didn't wake you up." She reached down and placed her hand over his, lacing her fingers through his and pulling his hand up to kiss his knuckles. "I guess I could eat something. I don't really have an appetite, but I know I need to eat." She turned in her seat to face him, reaching up and gently touching his cheek. "You're absolutely amazing, you know that? I can't wait to move into an apartment with you, so we can wake up like this every morning." She leaned up and pecked his lips, pulling back and grinning. She would have kissed him more, but she was sure her breath wasn't too pleasant after vomiting, especially pure stomach acid. "Maybe some oatmeal and a piece of toast. I haven't really eaten anything the past two days."
    December 14th, 2016 at 08:31am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Robyn giggled at Jimmy, seeing the look on his face when he noticed the sauce he'd spilled on the floor. She watched as he walked over to stand in front of her, biting her lip as she looked up at him. There was just something about seeing him really tower over her like this that just made her feel so vulnerable and submissive and for some reason, she liked that. Smirking at Jimmy's words, Robyn reached up, palming him through his jeans. "Oh yeah?" she whispered, glancing up at him. "And what would that be, hmm? Maybe it's this?" Robyn undid the zipper and buttons on Jimmy's jeans, tugging them slightly down his thighs. She reached into his boxers and pulled out his dick, gripping him in her hand and stroking him lightly. She was acutely aware that they were doing this in the middle of the living room, but Jace was dead to the world right now, so it would be fine. Robyn moved to the edge of the couch, leaning up to press a kiss to his tip. It had been awhile since the last time she'd given Jimmy a blowjob, so she might be a little rusty, but she knew he would enjoy it regardless.
    "You don't have to be sorry, Cass," Matt said, yawning again. "You didn't wake me up. I just don't like seeing you sick because I know you don't like it." Matt smiled down at Cassie when she turned around, laying his hand on top of the hand she had on his cheek, giving it a squeeze. "I know, it's going to be fantastic," Matt agreed. "Especially once we have the baby." He could just see it now. He and Cassie had a beautiful apartment, and every morning he would get to wake up next to her and their baby. The idea excited him so much. Matt nodded when Cassie said she wanted some oatmeal and toast. "Yeah, you definitely need to eat something, baby," Matt agreed. "It might help you feel better if you get something on your belly." Matt kissed Cassie's lips again before he went to the cabinet, grabbing a package of oatmeal and the bread. He started the water boiling and then pulled out the toaster, plopping in two pieces. "You want butter on your toast, Cass baby?" Matt asked, looking over at her.
    December 14th, 2016 at 09:44am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Jimmy let out a soft moan before biting his lip hard, looking down at her as he reached up to run his fingers through her hair. "Maybe," he mumbled, smirking as he looked at her. Robyn could probably give the worst blowjob he'd ever had and he would still enjoy it, because it was her, and he loved her regardless of if she was good at blowjobs or not. Besides, blowjobs couldn't really be all that bad unless teeth were involved, right? Well, he guessed they could get pretty awkward, but for him, you had to do some pretty crazy shit before it would get awkward for him. He gently brushed his fingers through her hair and locked eyes with her, smirking down at her. "Keep going, baby," he encouraged, pressing his hips forward.
    Cassie smiled, nodding her head. "Yes, please," she murmured. Normally, she would object to having Matt cook for her, but right now, she was just going to sit back and enjoy it. After all, her birthday had kind of been ruined, not that she really minded as long as Jace was okay, and she hadn't gotten to see Matt for very long during it. Which reminded her, she needed to go get that picture from Hannah, because she was genuinely curious to see what it was. "You know, that necklace you got me is really beautiful," she said after a moment. "You know you didn't have to get me anything, though." She stood up and walked up behind him, sliding her arms around his middle and resting her head on his back. He'd gotten the slightest bit taller since high school, which she didn't mind, because before she'd nearly been eye-to-eye with him. She looked up at his hair and bit her lip, pulling away. "Can I draw you today?"
    December 14th, 2016 at 10:18am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Robyn looked up at Jimmy when she felt his fingers in her hair, licking over her lips. She wrapped her lips around the tip of his dick, resting her hands on his thighs as he pressed his hips forward. She closed her eyes, pausing for a second to breathe through her nose and to get used to the feeling of Jimmy filling her mouth and throat. Using the little trick she'd learned years ago, Robyn tucked her thumb into her palm and took every bit of Jimmy into her mouth, stopping when her nose brushed against his pubic hair. Even though it wasn't making her gag, the feeling of Jimmy all the way down her throat was definitely a weird one. Pulling back from Jimmy, Robyn moved off of him with a satisfying pop, moving down slightly to take his his balls into her mouth, sucking lightly for a minute before moving away again. She took him back into her mouth, this time using her hand to cover the base of his shaft, bobbing her head over the rest. With her other hand, she massaged his balls, just wanting to hear him moan her name.
    Matt nodded when Cassie answered her, grabbing the butter from the fridge. He checked to see that the water was boiling and then he emptied the oatmeal into a bowl, pouring the boiling water over the oats, stirring until it was thickened. The toast popped out of the toaster soon afterwards, and Matt spread a little butter on both pieces, ready to take the plate to Cassie when he felt her wrap her arms around him from behind. "I did too have to get you something," Matt argued playfully. "You're my girlfriend and I had to get you something as beautiful as you are." He heard her next question and he couldn't help but chuckle. "If that's what you want, Cass baby," he told her. He actually quite looked forward to having Cassie draw him, because she really was just an incredibly talented artist, and he was honored that she wanted to use her skills to draw him. "Here's your breakfast, my little artist," Matt announced, turning to hand Cassie the plate. "Eat as much as you can, okay? I know it'll make you feel better."
    December 14th, 2016 at 10:53am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Jimmy moaned as he watched her, just completely amazed by how she transformed into a different person when it came to sex. It was like she had an alter ego that came out to play when she was having sex with him. Not that he minded, of course. She was all Robyn, one and the same. "Fuck, baby, that feels so good," he murmured, biting his lip hard. It was so hard for him to just hold back from fucking her right now, but he had to. Because he always stopped her mid-blowjob to do so. And he knew she didn't like it when he stopped her, because she always wanted to please him just as much as he pleased her. So this time, he'd let her go until either she wanted something else or he came. When she took his balls in her hand, he tipped his head back, moaning her name out. "Fuck, Robyn."
    Cassie smiled and sat back down with the plate, grabbing his hand and pulling him over to the island. "Sit with me," she murmured, patting the stool beside her. She picked up a piece of toast and took a generous bite, chewing it and swallowing it. She looked at him and smiled. "I do want to draw you. You're beautiful. I might have drawn you from memory for four years, but there's nothing like having inspiration to draw from." She reached up and gently touched his cheek. She glanced back over her shoulder before looking back at him and leaning up to his ear. "I want to draw you naked," she whispered into his ear, biting her lip hard as she pulled back, her cheeks bright pink. She was nervous to see what his reaction would be. If he didn't want to do it, she wouldn't mind, but the idea had just occurred to her, and she had never drawn a naked body before.
    December 14th, 2016 at 11:06am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Robyn could tell that Jimmy was itching to get her to stop and just fuck her, he always was when she gave him a blowjob. But she liked pleasing him without getting anything in return, so she was glad when he didn't try and stop her. Robyn glanced up at Jimmy when she heard him moan her name, continuing to massage his balls with her hand. She hoped he would come soon, because she pretty turned on and she just wanted him to fuck her. Robyn moved the hand she had wrapped around his shaft and took him entirely into her mouth, feeling her eyes water just a little when he stretched out her throat again. He was so big she didn't understand how he fit anywhere. No wonder her first time had stung so badly. After a few minutes, Robyn pulled away from Jimmy again, glancing up at him as she ran her tongue along the slit at the tip of his dick. She hoped the change in sensations would bring on his orgasm, and she also hoped she didn't make as big of a fool out of herself as she did last time she tried to swallow.
    Matt sat next to Cassie at the island, smiling when she started to eat. He just wanted her to feel better, and he knew getting a little something on her belly would help a lot. "Beautiful?" he repeated, laughing softly. "I appreciate the compliment, but I think I'm more handsome than beautiful. You're the one who's beautiful, baby." When she leaned over to whisper into his ear, Matt's eyes widened at her words, but he smirked slightly. "You can draw me however you want, Cass," he told her. "I mean, if you want to immortalize this fantastic body of mine through art, go right on ahead. Draw me like one of those French girls." Matt laughed at his own little joke, since he was sure that he didn't get that quote entirely right. "We can even do it after you finish eating breakfast. I'll be your naked little model." Matt chuckled again, sliding out of his seat and going to the fridge to pour himself a glass of milk. He squirted in some chocolate syrup and stirred it, tossing the spoon into the sink before he went back to sit next to Cassie.
    December 15th, 2016 at 01:39am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Jimmy moaned when he felt her take him into her throat again, knowing that at the rate she was going, he would be finishing pretty soon. He looked down with a pout when he felt her pull back, only to find her licking the tip of his dick. He moaned out, biting his lip hard. He reached down and gripped her hair again, holding her head in place as he felt his orgasm wash over him suddenly, spilling his load into her mouth. He let go of her hair, not wanting to hold her in place in case she wanted to pull away. He didn't want to force himself into her mouth because he knew she probably wasn't into swallowing that much. Which, hey, he didn't really mind. Because the fact that she was so willing to give him a blowjob to begin with made up for that.
    Cassie was surprised that Matt didn't mind, but also happy. She grinned, leaning over and kissing his cheek. "I can't wait," she murmured, eagerly eating now, wanting to finish it so she could draw Matt. She had a few of her supplies here with her, just enough to draw with. Once she finished eating, she downed the rest of her orange juice and stood up, going to the sink to rinse her dishes before placing them in the dishwasher. She turned to look at Matt. She walked over, reaching up and placing her hand on his shoulder. "I've always wanted to have my own Titanic moment. I just didn't think I would be Jack." She giggled and pecked his lips. "I'll meet you upstairs." She went upstairs to begin setting things up, excited.
    December 16th, 2016 at 04:30am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Robyn was pretty pleased with herself when she heard the moans coming from Jimmy's mouth. It had been so long since she'd given him a blowjob that she was sure it wouldn't be very good. When he pressed on her head, she knew he was getting close, and so she wasn't surprised when she felt him come into her mouth. Jimmy let go of her head but Robyn kept her mouth on him, swallowing as much as she could around his dick. She pulled away from him, biting her lip as she reached up, grabbing Jimmy's hands and pulling him down onto the couch. "So I think you still owe me for eating my food," Robyn whispered, kissing Jimmy hard on the lips. She pulled back, grinning sheepishly at Jimmy. "And Jace is still asleep and probably will be for awhile so...why don't we have a little more fun?"
    Despite telling her that it was okay, Matt had been the slightest bit unsure about letting Cassie draw him naked. But after seeing how excited it made her and how she now seemed eager to eat, Matt was glad that he'd agreed. He watched as she put all her dishes in the dishwasher, laughing at her comment about having a Titanic moment. "I guess that makes me Rose, then," Matt chuckled. He gave Cassie a few minutes to set up whatever supplies she needed before he headed upstairs, going into his room and shutting the door. "So I guess I'll just start getting naked now," Matt laughed, tugging his shirt over his head. He was glad it was still pretty early in the morning and that his dad was already gone to work, because he would hate to get caught. Matt pulled off his sweatpants and boxers, placing his hands over his crotch and staring at Cassie awkwardly. "So...what do you want me to do?" he asked. "Do you want me to stand or sit or lay down or what?"
    December 16th, 2016 at 07:49am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Jimmy panted softly, licking over his lips. He looked down at her, gasping when she tugged him down onto the couch. He kissed her back and grinned down at her, pecking her lips. "Sounds good to me, baby," he murmured, smirking as he grabbed the hem of her shirt. He tugged her shirt up, pulling it over her head before he reached around her back to unclasp her bra. He pressed kisses down her chest, taking one of her nipples into his mouth and sucking lightly on it. He let out a soft moan, looking up at her. He loved her body so much. Honestly, if he could just have her walking around naked all day, he would. But they couldn't do that with Jace here, unfortunately. He pulled back and kissed down her stomach, stopping at the hem of her jeans and reaching up to undo the button and pull the zipper down. He tugged them down her thighs, grinning as he kissed her hips.
    Cassie smiled as she watched Matt undress. She couldn't help but giggle when he covered his crotch, shaking her head. She walked over and grabbed his arm, pulling him over to the bed. She gently pushed him down onto it and began positioning his body. She smiled down at him, leaning down and pecking his lips. She pulled his hands away from his crotch, thinking for a moment. She reached down and gently wrapped her fingers around his length, stroking him a few times until he was semi-hard. Just enough so that she could lay his dick flat against his body without having it dangling there. She backed away and looked him over, biting her lip gently. "Are you comfortable?" she asked. He was in a great position now, but the most important thing was whether he was comfortable or not. Because she could always move him so that he was more comfortable.
    December 19th, 2016 at 01:19am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Robyn sat up a bit to help Jimmy as he pulled off her shirt and removed her bra. She would've preferred it if he'd left those on since they were in the living room, but she wasn't going to argue about it. She groaned softly when he took her nipple into his mouth, blushing just slightly when he looked up at her. This was something Robyn loved about Jimmy for some reason; he could make her feel so innocent even they were about to fuck on the couch in their living room. She lifted her hips to help him tug off her jeans, moaning softly when he kissed her hips. Robyn had a pretty good idea of what Jimmy was planning to do, and as much as she loved it when he did that, she didn't really think they had time, because she really just wanted him to fuck her. She just wanted to feel him inside of her. Robyn gently pulled Jimmy up to kiss him on the lips, biting her lip when she pulled away. "I don't know how much time we have," Robyn said softly. "So uh, let's not waste it, okay?" She leaned up to press a kiss to Jimmy's jaw, kissing a trail up to his ear. "I just want you to fuck me," Robyn whispered.
    Matt frowned at Cassie when she giggled at him. He couldn't help it, it just felt weird to be naked when he wasn't about to shower or they weren't about to have sex. He let Cassie pull him over to the bed and lay him down, positioning his body the way she wanted it. Matt's eyes widened when he felt Cassie grip him in her hand and start to stroke him. What the hell was she doing? "Uh not going to lie, I'm a little uncomfortable since you, well," Matt paused, glancing momentarily down at his crotch. He cleared his throat. "But other than that, I'm fine. Just do whatever it is you do, Cass." Matt really hoped no one came to his room any time soon, because this would be awkward to walk in on. Maybe even more awkward than someone walking in on him and Cassie having sex. Although this might be a little easier to explain away, because there was a slight chance his parents or Amy might be okay with a little impromptu nude art class. "So just a quick question, how long is this going to take?" Matt asked after a few minutes. "I'm not rushing you or anything, I just don't know how long I can sit still for."
    December 19th, 2016 at 07:20am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Jimmy chuckled softly. "You act like we only have a few minutes left on earth," he teased, pecking her lips. "But I won't deny you what you want, baby." He sat up slightly and tugged her panties down, tossing them onto the floor with the rest of her clothes before he reached down and grabbed himself in his hand. He stroked himself a few times, still a bit hard from the blowjob she'd given him. He lined himself up at her entrance and slowly pushed into her, letting out a soft moan as he began to thrust into her. He pressed his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. "God, I love you so much, Robyn," he whispered, kissing her lips softly as he grabbed her hips.
    Cassie blushed slightly. "Sorry," she murmured. "It's just easier if you're a little bit hard, than if you're flaccid." She bit her lip hard and walked over, sitting down in the chair she'd pulled away from his desk, grabbing her sketchpad. She looked up at him and smiled. "I'm not sure how long it will take, but we can take breaks if we have to. As long as you remember the position you're in." She opened her pack of pencils, pulling one out and adjusting her sketchpad on her lap. She looked at him, smiling before she looked down and started sketching out some basic shapes. She started first with the bed, drawing it along with the pillows and the blanket over the mattress. She then began to work on the shapes of Matt's body, starting with his head and working her way down. This was really fun and exciting for her. It had been a while since she'd drawn a full body, and her first time drawing one that was fully naked. "Thank you for letting me do this, Matt."
    December 19th, 2016 at 09:22am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "I meant until our son wakes up, you little turd," Robyn said, groaning when she realized what she'd said. She blamed Jimmy for that, because be was always calling Jace a turd. She lifted her hips again so that Jimmy could tug her underwear off, biting her lip as she watched him stroke himself. As he lined himself up with her entrance, Robyn tugged the blanket down from the back of the couch, laying it over them from the waist down. She moaned softly as Jimmy started to thrust into her, smiling against his lips as he kissed her. "I love you too, Jimmy," she whispered. She moved her hands to the back of his neck, pulling him down and kissing him again, arching her hips up into his. If Robyn hadn't been so distracted by Jimmy and trying to bite back her moans, she probably would've heard Jace waking up and shouting for her down the hall. But she didn't, and just like his father, Jace didn't appreciate being ignored, and he came into the living room to try and find Robyn or Jimmy.

    "Hey, stop that!" Robyn pulled away from Jimmy when she heard a tiny voice shouting, and she was absolutely mortified when she saw Jace standing a few feet away. He rushed over and started swatting at Jimmy. "No hurt Mommy, Daddy! Stop!"
    "Well I mean it should be easy to draw either way, it's kind of hard to miss," Matt said, smirking at Cassie. He nodded carefully when she said that they could take a break if he wanted. He was mostly just worried about having to go pee. He wondered how often Cassie would have to well, adjust him, since it wasn't like he could stay hard without a little stimulation. But if she did too much then he would have a problem and it wasn't like they could take care of it with his mom and Amy home. "So you're going to let me see it when you're done, right?" Matt asked, craning his neck to see if he could peek at Cassie's sketchpad. He couldn't see much, but from his point of view, it looked like she'd mostly just drawn the bed. Which made sense, because the drawing would look a little weird if she just drew him floating in midair. "I just want to see how amazing it is. But I know you probably don't like people to see it until you're finished because that's how most artists are, right?" Matt knew that he and the other guys didn't like for anyone to hear their songs until they were finished. Well, any of the fans at least.
    December 19th, 2016 at 10:08am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Jimmy was distracted as well, and didn't hear Jace coming down the hall. He pressed his face into Robyn and thrust into her, moaning softly. He jumped slightly when he heard Jace yell, looking over and frowning when Robyn pulled away. He grunted when Jace ran over and started hitting him, reaching down and grabbing his arms. "Jace, stop!" he hissed. Goddamn, he had an arm on him for a four-year-old. He sat there awkwardly for a moment, his cheeks dark red from embarrassment. "I'm not hurting Mommy, okay?" He let go of Jace's arms and reached under the blanket to tuck himself back into his jeans, zipping them up before he carefully slid out from under the blanket. He laid it over Robyn and looked down at Jace, frowning when he saw the little boy glaring up at him. "Come on, let's go have a talk, yeah?" He reached down to take Jace's hand, but the little boy turned on his heel and stomped off down the hall.
    Cassie laughed softly, shaking her head. He had a point, it was kind of hard to miss his dick, but still. She would prefer if it wasn't just dangling off to the side. She looked up at him and smiled. She'd have to give him a little treat after she was done, and she had an idea of what she could give him. She nodded her head. "Yeah," she murmured. "Of course. I mean, I don't mind if you look at it before it's done. I don't know how you would, though, considering I need you to be in that position until I get every detail down." She glanced up from her sketchpad at him. "Speaking of, hold still, Mr. Sanders. If you move too much, you'll lose your position." She smiled and continued drawing. Once she had the basic shapes and outlines, she began going in to define more, starting with his legs and his feet. She wanted to get every single detail perfect.
    December 19th, 2016 at 10:23am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Robyn just absolutely wanted to die right now. She couldn't believe they were stupid enough to have sex in the living room while Jace was home, even if he was asleep. He wasn't a baby anymore, he could easily walk in on them. When Jimmy laid the blanket over her, she tugged it up over her red face, listening as Jimmy followed Jace down the hall to his room. Once she was sure Jace was gone, Robyn pushed the blanket away and started to collect her clothes, quickly tugging them on. Once she was dressed, she went down the hall to Jace's room, taking a deep breath as she pushed the door open. "Hey buddy," she said softly. "Were you hungry? Did you want your cheeseburger?" Robyn decided to ignore what had happened for now; she didn't know what Jimmy had told him and she didn't want to contradict that. She would have to talk to Jimmy later and find out, but for now she would leave it alone.

    "Yeah, want my cheeseburger," Jace mumbled, looking at the floor.

    "Okay, I'm going to go warm it up, you stay in here with Daddy," Robyn said.
    Matt let out a playful ragged sigh. "I'm staying as still as I can," he whined. "But it's hard when you know someone wants you to stay still. It's human nature." As Matt laid there, trying to stay as still as possible, he was starting to wish he'd had Cassie turn the TV or his radio on, so he would have something to do instead of just laying here staring into space. "Hey Cass, can you turn on my radio?" Matt asked, giving her his most pleading puppy dog eyes. "And pop in my Metallica CD. I want to listen to it while you finish drawing me." Matt would've gotten up to do it himself, but Cassie wanted him to stay still and not move from his position. And he didn't want to ruin her drawing. Once the CD was in and the radio was on, Matt started to mouth the words to the first song, trying not to bob his head too much. "How's it coming along over there, little artist?" Matt asked, trying to peek at the sketchpad again. He was immensely curious to see the drawing, but he was sure Cassie wouldn't let him see it until she was finished.
    December 20th, 2016 at 06:44am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Jimmy followed Jace back to his bedroom, scratching his neck as he looked at his son, unsure of what to say to him. "Why you hurt Mommy?" Jace finally asked, breaking the silence.

    "I wasn't hurting her, Jace," Jimmy said. "We were playing a game. Uh, having fun, you know?" He made a face, totally uncomfortable in that moment. He couldn't remember a time when he'd ever felt so uncomfortable before in his life. "It's a game adults play. It's not meant for children, and you weren't supposed to see it."

    Jace pouted, not understanding why he wasn't allowed to partake in this said game. "That not fair," he said, crossing his little arms over his chest.

    Jimmy was about to speak when Robyn came in, saving him from more excruciatingly painful explaining. He listened to them, frowning when Robyn told him to stay in the bedroom. He wanted to whine and complain, but he didn't think now was the time to be messing around. When Robyn went back to get Jace's cheeseburger, Jimmy lifted him up and sat on his little bed, holding Jace in his lap. "Listen, little man, it's hard to explain, but when two adults love each other, they play this little game where they make each other happy. That's all we were doing," he said, not sure if he was making the situation any better.

    "But why I not make you and Mommy happy?" Jace asked. "I wanna play too."

    Jimmy frowned. "It's only for adults," he stressed. "You're too little. And you do make us happy, bud. Just in a different way."
    Cassie rolled her eyes playfully at him and got up to put his CD on. She sat back down and looked at him, giggling softly and shaking her head. She continued drawing, biting her lip. "It's coming along," she said. "We can take a break soon if you want to." She was working on the detail in his abdomen, all the muscles and planes of his body. All she had after this was his face and then she'd be done. She could add some more details after that if she wanted, but after she finished his face, he didn't have to sit in the same position anymore. She glanced up at him. "But I'm going to be working on your face soon, so you won't be able to sing or move your head." She looked back down at the paper, sculpting the muscles on his arms and realizing now just how much muscular he was compared to four years ago. It was crazy how much he'd grown since high school, and four years honestly wasn't that long.
    December 21st, 2016 at 12:18pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Robyn went into the kitchen and grabbed Jace's food from the fridge, arranging it on a paper plate before sticking it in the microwave. When it was finished, Robyn sat the plate on the table and went to fetch Jace from his bedroom. "Alright come on, baby boy, your food is ready," Robyn announced, pushing open the door. She beckoned Jace over, taking his little hand in hers and leading him to the kitchen. "What do you want to drink, Jace?" Robyn asked, helping him up into a chair. She was hoping that by ignoring what had happened earlier, Jace would eventually forget about it. He did have an almost goldfish-like memory, and he was easily distracted. "You want some apple juice?"

    Jace nodded, picking up a few now soggy fries and stuffing them into his mouth. Robyn made a face. She couldn't say exactly how many times she'd told Jace not to stuff his mouth with food, but she knew it was a lot. "How come I no play the game too, Mommy?" Jace asked suddenly.

    "The game?" Robyn asked, confused.

    "Daddy said you play a game," Jace continued, and then Robyn understood what he was talking about. That must have been a what Jimmy told Jace they were doing on the couch.

    "Because that game is just for grown ups," Robyn answered simply, and Jace frowned. "But how about this? If you hurry and eat your food, we'll all play a game together. Any game you want, except the one Mommy and Daddy were playing."
    "Ugh fine, but you may have to turn my radio off when you draw my face, otherwise I won't be able to stop myself from singing or bobbing my head," Matt said. He would be glad when he could move, because his neck was starting to get a little stiff. But he didn't want to rush Cassie, because he knew good art took time, whether that art was drawing or music. He wondered what part of him Cassie was drawing right now. No matter what, he was sure it would look amazing. She was such a talented artist. And how many guys could say that they'd been drawn nude by a beautiful woman? But Matt guessed it was fair, since he'd technically written a song about Cassie, one she probably hadn't even heard yet. She said she hadn't listened to Avenged Sevenfold's first two albums, and he doubted that she had since then. But she would get to hear some of the songs if she came with them to Warped Tour in a month or so. But now that he thought about it, Matt wasn't sure that he wanted Cassie going to Warped Tour with them now. She was pregnant, carrying his child, and he wanted to keep her as safe as possible.
    December 22nd, 2016 at 06:15am
  • mochi.

    mochi. (100)

    United States
    Jimmy really hoped Jace let this whole thing go, but he knew the little boy was just as stubborn as he was, so that wouldn't be happening. He sighed as he walked into the kitchen, biting his lip as he looked at Robyn. He knew she was embarrassed, and he felt bad for it. He'd have to make it up to her at some point. He walked over and sat across from Jace, watching him eat. He needed to think of a game that they could play to completely take Jace's mind off of the "game" he and Robyn were playing. But he didn't even know what game that would be. He didn't even know what games they had. He thought for a moment, biting his lip. "We could play hide and seek," he said.
    Cassie knew Matt was getting a bit restless, so she put the finishing details on pretty quickly, knowing she could go back in later if she needed to. She signed her name at the bottom of the page and smiled up at him. "Done," she murmured, standing up. She walked over and sat next to him on the bed, reaching up with one hand to gently rub his shoulder. She let out a small breath before handing him the sketchpad, biting her lip hard. She'd never been nervous for other people to see her work before, but this time was different. She'd drawn something new and Matt's opinion meant the world to her. If he didn't like it, she'd be crushed. But she knew he'd say he liked it regardless, because she'd drawn it. But she would know deep down if he truly liked it or not, because she knew him that well.
    December 31st, 2016 at 06:01am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Robyn looked over when Jimmy came into the kitchen, glad when he suggested playing hide and seek. A game like that would definitely help distract Jace. "What do you say buddy, you want to play hide and seek when you're done eating?" Robyn asked, smiling when Jace nodded his head. "Alright, that's what we'll play, then. Just hurry up and eat." With the promise of playing a game with his parents, Jace was quick to finish off the rest of his food, throwing his plate away when Robyn told him to. "Do you want to hide or seek first, baby?"

    "Hide!" Jace shouted excitedly.

    Robyn grinned, since their little plan of distracting him already seemed to be working. "Alright, well why don't you and Daddy hide while I count to ten?" Jace nodded, and Robyn made a show of covering her eyes and counting loudly to ten. When she was finished, she started off in the direction she'd heard Jace scamper off to, quickly seeing his little feet sticking out from under the curtains in his bedroom. "Hmm, I wonder where Jace could be?"
    Matt let out a sigh of relief when he heard Cassie say that she was done, immediately flopping back onto the bed. "Wow, being a model is a lot harder than I thought it would be," Matt said, laughing. He smiled when Cassie started to rub his shoulder, taking the sketchpad from her when she handed it to him. He looked over the drawing she'd just done of him, taking in all the little details she'd paid attention to, and he grinned. "This is so good, baby," Matt said, looking at her. "I can't believe you did that in such a short amount of time. This is fantastic. And you got all the proportions right," he added, smirking at her. He leaned up and kissed her softly on the lips. "It really is good though, Cass. You're a talented little artist." Matt gave her another little kiss, getting up from the bed and reaching down to pick his boxers up from the floor, tugging them up his legs.
    December 31st, 2016 at 07:46am