You Make Me Stronger

  • @ Jinx...
    Ryder listened with a warm smile as she mentioned how Phoenix felt towards him. He paused as Ember asked what Kali might do. "To be honest, I don't know," Ryder said worried. Ryder sighed and said, "In my timeline Kali was a part of my mom just like Phoenix. She was never her own physical entity, but rather a separate part of her that loomed within her. Now that she has her own form I don't know how she could ever convince dad to do anything. Honestly, I wouldn't put it past him to be the one to change her instead...but after everything I've seen I can't just put it past me so easily. What is your opinion on Kali? Do you think we should be very careful or do you agree with Saber to try and treat her like Phoenix?"
    June 23rd, 2016 at 06:00am
  • @ Alphora
    Ember frowned and bit her lip. Ryder made it sound like Phoenix had also been a part of his mother which made her wonder for a second but she shook her head. She sighed as he asked her opinion. "Well... Kali is a part of Saber now. And I know I can't see straight when it comes to him so when it comes to Kali I can't really do anything but want to befriend her and love her too... differently of course." Ember chuckled. "But earlier when I was talking to her she said if she had been in Saber's shoes she would have killed me when Phoenix first entered me and killed her in the process. It was a bit unnerving but I don't think she meant anything by it really." Ember said not sure who she was trying to convince, herself or Ryder. Ember helped Saber pick up the catch and they headed back towards town slowly. "As far as what we should do well I don't trust people easily including Phoenix so I will probably keep my eye on her until she does something that proves to me she doesn't need to be watched. But I wouldn't go out of my way to watch her. Nor would I really want her close to those we left behind." she said thinking about Brooke and Tawny and Sylvia. "Of course I don't think I would leave Phoenix to watch Brooke anytime in the foreseeable future." Ember said and ignored Phoenix's emotions to that. "Perhaps I am over reacting though." she said and smiled thinking how in some ways Ryder did to and she suddenly hugged him again and then let him go without a word.
    June 23rd, 2016 at 06:38am
  • @ Jinx...
    Ryder heard her worries then reached in his pocket. He handed Ember a device with a single button on it and said, "Promise to keep this a secret from everyone else. I had Sylvia follow us just in case. I know Saber didn't want us both here but I disagree. We both took these with us from our time just in case we ever got separated. This sends a signal to her to come rushing towards me. Hers does the same thing, so if you hear it go off then immediately follow the beeping. Guessing by the range of these things she's probably set up camp somewhere on the edge of this town or just outside of it."
    Saber had caught up with Laura and Kali followed behind with a carefree attitude in the old building that she destroyed. Laura had been showing Saber deeper inside the facility and finally made it to the rooms she stayed in when she was smaller. "You weren't kidding. This really is more like a prison cell," Saber said exploring the inside. He didn't have much to explore. He turned to see Laura who was a lot quieter than usual. "This place probably brings up bad memories still, huh?" Saber asked. "Yeah...," Laura said agreeing with him to change the subject away from her. Saber wasn't satisfied with her staying distant but decided not to pry for now and kept wandering deeper past the rooms. "Hey, Saber...," Laura said. "Hmm?" Saber hummed as he kept walking. "What exactly did Ember say to you?" Laura asked curiously. "She just reminded me to be myself really. To quit worrying over the 'what-ifs, if-onlys, and maybes' and to focus on what I can still do," Saber explained. "I see...," Laura said shying away then hugging him from behind. "Laura?" Saber asked startled. "I know I'm not too good with words...but don't forget you can always count on me when you need it," Laura said. Saber stifled a laugh and replied, "I've done it for years. Do you think I was going to stop now?" This made Laura rest easy and smile. She let him go and continued to follow him down the halls. 'Grossssss...,' Kali thought to herself which in turn gave Saber an idea. "You too, Kali!" Saber said and locked arms with her, "I will be counting on you from here on out!" Kali grew pestered and tried to flail away from him yelling, "Cut that shit out! All this affection is nasty!" Her reaction only fueled Saber more and made him laugh as he pestered her.
    June 23rd, 2016 at 07:13am
  • @ Alphora
    Ember frowned looking at the thing in her hand."Ryder!" she scolded him. "You shouldn't have done that." she said stopping. "God you're just as stubborn as you're father! Sylvia shouldn't be alone! What is she going to do if she can't reach this thing and something happens to her? Ember asked and shook her head. "Saber is going to find out eventually and he's going to be pissed!" she said knowing Saber being pissed off was short lived but very quiet. Ember sighed. "And why are you giving this to me? You need it more. Saber asked you to go with him with Kali. And what is Sylvia going to think about all of this without you explaining it? There is no way either of us can really sneak out without Saber finding out. You should know how I hate keeping secretes especially from you're father." she said and ran a hand through her hair putting it back in Ryder's hand. Ember was worried now about Sylvia out there alone. She knew she was strong and could take care of herself but that didn't stop Ember from worrying about her. She sighed and picked up the things she had set down and shook her head. "I care for you Ryder but if I was your mother I would so ground you right now." she said and shook her head. Ember had thought it to dangerous to bring such a large group and here they were picking up more and more. Next she would find out Tawny and Chip came with Brooke and Ellie who would bring those left loyal to her. Ember shook her head as Phoenix laughed. "How has no one felt Sylvia's powers yet?" she asked and guessed by Phoenix's laughter that she had the moment she had gotten out of Ember's body that first night. Ember sighed. "I won't tell... you know that but I think you should." Ember said looking at Ryder. Ember headed back to the camp they had set up and she started to make food hoping Sylvia was getting enough to eat and finding safe ways to get some sleep.
    June 23rd, 2016 at 07:29am
  • @ Jinx...
    Her reaction made him laugh a little bit. He knew she was frustrated with him and wasn't surprised but for some reason it was enjoyable. "Not happening," Ryder replied saying he wasn't going to tell anyone but held onto it himself. "I won't force it on you, but I wanted to give it to you BECAUSE I am going to be the one with Saber and Kali. If something happens, I doubt I will be able to have much time to grab it and contact her. I don't have an element to help keep me at range. Just my fists. So, if something happens to me I won't really have a chance to use it myself," Ryder explained offering the button to Ember once again.
    June 23rd, 2016 at 10:29am
  • @ Alphora
    Ember stopped once more and looked at Ryder. She stood there quiet for a long time her eyes intense as she looked over Ryder. "Saber won't let anything happen to you... you hear me? You may not agree with him on this but he will put his life on the line before yours." she said knowing it was true though it made no sense. Ember took the thing though just in case and she then stuffed it into her clothing and they continued on. Ember cleaned cut and cooked their catch. She created a meal though they didn't have much. Ember was skilled in making things feel more like a home and doing things to make the situation they were in more comfortable. They were little things like making meals or making sure people had places to sleep. Even now Ember cut some fresh flowers and put them in Saber and Laura's childhood home were she had set up camp. Ember cleaned righted things and then went to find everyone. She had made enough for for everyone. When she found everyone else she smiled softly. "Hey take a break and come eat!" she called. "I hope you don't mind I set up camp in Laura and Saber's house." she said and blushed not liking to say it like that but that was what it had been since she didn't know what else to call it. It wasn't home anymore but it use to be so she hoped they could feel comfortable in it.
    June 23rd, 2016 at 01:01pm
  • @ Jinx...
    After Ember called her question Ryder heard a huge crash come from inside the facility they were still exploring. His face grew serious and he charged in there with Ember following quickly behind. He scoured the depths of the halls towards where the sound came from as fast as he could. Not to his surprise, he saw Saber and Kali were in the middle of fighting in one of the biggest rooms. It looked familiar, though. Ryder remembered the videos from earlier and figured out this was where they made Laura fight. Just as he was going to jump in to help Laura stopped him. She sighed and said, "It was only a matter of time before Saber fought her. I just didn't think it'd be so soon. I'm surprised, though." Ryder didn't look pleased and replied, "Surprised how?" Laura face was completely baffled as she said, "I've never seen Saber so outmatched before. She was definitely holding back when she fought me before, but to put it bluntly Saber hasn't landed a single hit on her." Ryder grit his teeth and saw Saber was completely battered and panting while Kali was standing there with the same smile as ever. Shadows slithered out of the ground and swayed all around her ready and waiting. "At first, Saber's goal was to win but that's changed several times," Laura said dissatisfied as well, "His goal has gone down to: Land a single hit. Which he still hasn't done." Ryder didn't like the sound of this the longer it went on and he turned to see Saber smiling. 'How can you be so happy that a potential enemy is knocking you around like a rag doll?' Ryder thought to himself angrily.
    June 24th, 2016 at 08:25am
  • @ Alphora
    Ember followed Ryder and frowned at what she saw. Ember stood there on the side and put her hand on Ryder's shoulder. "It's not about the defeat. It's about what he's learned." she said and bit her lip. But Kali had an unfair advantage. She was use to reading Saber's mind. Ember bit her lip knowing she was probably hearing every hit he was going to make before he even moved. Ember wondered if Saber realized this. She hoped he at least was going to stop before he got to hurt. She really didn't have the proper supplies to heal him but then maybe Laura could. Ember bit her lip watching Kali Phoenix pipping up in her head watching as well.
    June 24th, 2016 at 09:00am
  • @ Jinx...
    Ryder saw Ember and had the same thought. 'Surely she's reading Saber's mind right?' he thought to himself. Saber panted and said, "I want to make this a little harder." Kali saw his face and laughed saying, "A little harder? You still haven't even landed a hit on me." "Yet!" Saber added in then panted some more before saying, "I want you to start reading my mind." Kali looked surprised and said, "Are you sure? I even agreed not to do it at the start of the match." Laura face palmed as she sighed. She saw Ryder and Ember's face and couldn't help but smirk. "I guess this is the side of Saber only Tawny and I have seen up until now. You two look awestruck. I warned you guys how crazy he gets when he finds someone stronger than him. He went on like this for weeks until he was able to land a hit on me," Laura explained. Saber nodded agreeing to what Kali said. "There's no point in trying to improve if you've still got more up your sleeve. I want you at your best, so when I overcome it I will feel completely satisfied," Saber said completely confident that he will eventually.
    June 24th, 2016 at 10:24am
  • @ Alphora
    Ember smiled softly and she shook her head. She sighed worriedly but she knew he had to do this and she wasn't about to stop him. Ember wanted to leave but Phoenix stopped her wanting to watch. Ember sighed and let Phoenix watch through her eyes listening to her think out loud. It was kind of soothing to Ember to have Phoenix there talking to her now. When it came to battling Ember needed Phoenix to show here it wasn't all about death and hurting others there was also protecting others and strength and pride.
    June 30th, 2016 at 11:50pm
  • @ Jinx...
    Saber charged towards Kali and thought, 'Her left is open!' He swung his leg towards her left but a shadow tendril immediately threw itself between them. 'Next below!' Saber thought which made her jump over his legs. 'Now above!' Saber thought which made her raise her arms slightly and he threw his fist at her stomach. This surprised her but a shadow shot from the ground and blocked his fist. "I get it now," Kali said smirking, "You were trying to throw me off with your thoughts. Not a bad idea but now I just won't read your mind." Saber laughed and said, "Darn. I figured that was a one time trick and I blew it. Back to square one then!" Saber charged towards her again with his wind backing him up but no matter how he came at her she either blocked using her shadows and counterattacked back or just ended up tossing him away every time. "If you guys are bored you can feel free to leave," Laura said simply and added, "He's going to be at it for hours." Laura continued to watch with calm admiration.
    July 9th, 2016 at 05:24am
  • @ Alphora
    Ember sighed. "Well the food is ready for anyone that wants it. I'm going to walk around..." she said half tempted to go visit Sylvia. She missed her and was worried about her out there all on her own. But there was risk in going to see her. If Ember wasn't careful enough she could lead the enemy or Saber right to her and then Sylvia would be in more trouble than if Ember left her alone. Ember sighed and headed back to camp making sure there was enough space for everyone to crash tonight including their new ally. Ember finished mothering and decided instead of visiting Sylvia she could practice like she hadn't in a while and check out her new range of powers. Ember climbed up to the roof and looked around for the most fire resistant place in town then she headed that way.
    August 2nd, 2016 at 06:41am
  • @ Jinx...
    "I'll tell Saber soon," Laura said replying to Ember before she left then saw Ryder's concerned face and asked, "So what are you thinking? And don't lie to me by saying it's nothing. You're much easier to read than your father." This bothered Ryder slightly but he replied, "To be honest, I'm scared. Saber isn't holding back and he hasn't been able to land a hit on her yet. What if she decides to quit playing nice? What will we do?" Laura understood his concern and slid next to him. "Then your Saber will take care of it. And if he doesn't then I will. And if I don't then someone else will. That's the beauty of being on a team. We can rely on each other," Laura said. "You're a lot more laid back than I'm used to...," Ryder mumbled still unphased.
    August 2nd, 2016 at 08:28am
  • @ Alphora
    Ember jumped rolled and climbed o the place she needed to be sharpening and noticing the way her body moved after not having had been training as much though she felt her fire was stronger her body needed work. Ember got to the place and she set up. Phoenix rose within her wanting to help. "I really would like to try and see what I am capable of but then I would like to see if I would remain in control with you're help of the fire." she said thinking of there was a way to fuse from with in. Ember started on her own realizing she was a lot more scared now that she had so much power behind her and she wasn't even really trying. She remembered when they had fought the leader with the lava. Ember knew she had to ever fight him again, or someone similar that she could win pretty easily. Ember sat on a rock and listened to Phoenix inside of her giving her tips. Ember ran her hand through her hair and nodded. "Okay let's try it." she said feeling Phoenix burn the fire from within. It scared her but part of this new power was learning to trust Phoenix and it was hard and scary but she didn't want to ever be in a position were she would loose those she cared about because she wasn't strong enough and with Kali in there nearly completely demolishing Saber Ember wanted to be prepared and if she could stay in control she would feel much better.
    September 23rd, 2016 at 06:06am
  • @ Jinx...
    "You seem like you're starting to get worn out," Kali said with an amused look on her face. "I'm not worn out," Saber managed to say in between panting. "That was incredibly convincing," Kali said sarcastically but happily. After a brief pause she walked towards Saber and asked, "I honestly thought you'd be a little stronger by now. I'm a little disappointed Saber..." Saber scoffed it away. This was the first time he'd been frustrated the whole match. "I know you're still curious what more would be possible because all you ever think about is getting better. So, how about I make you a deal and start training you. You already know how much you improved after you met Ellie," Kali offered. Saber definitely knew he wanted to but his mind was reminding him to be cautious. "What's in it for you?" Saber asked. "Hmm, for now there's nothing specific that comes to mind so let's just say you owe me one until then," Kali said happily. Ryder didn't like the way she was carrying this conversation and was sure she was lying about having nothing in mind that she wanted out of Saber. "Alright," Saber agreed. Ryder immediately chimed in saying, "You have no idea what she might want Saber! I've warned you how she is in my future!" Saber turned and replied, "And I've told YOU that this isn't your timeline! Even if she demands or wants something that I don't want to give all I have to do is cut the deal off then and there. There's no danger in anything she's said so far." This frustrated Ryder even more. For now, he angrily accepted what Saber said. Kali looked sharply at Ryder and said, "Now son, you need to calm down or you'll have to get a time out." This infuriated Ryder who lashed back saying, "I'm not your son! And I refuse to stand idly by while everyone else accepts you so easily!" Before Kali said anything else Ryder stormed away angrily. Kali sighed then turned back to Saber saying, "My one condition is that your training is done in private. I don't want to have to keep dealing with outbursts like this." Saber nodded in agreement but Laura narrowed her eyes unsure about this part of the agreement. But she decided to keep silent for now.
    September 24th, 2016 at 05:41am
  • @ Alphora
    Ember sighed panting softly. She looked around at the scorched earth. It was more work to restrain her fire than it was to let it out. 'Ember come on lets try it together.' Phoenix said softly inside Ember's head. Ember sighed and agreed. She sat down and closed her eyes. She didn't realize the ground around her started to steam around her. Ember felt a click and just like that she felt that she and Phoenix where sharing the inner flames. They had become one. Ember stood and Phoenix smiled as they looked down at their body already flickering with the warm glow of flames moving up from their hands to over their arms. Ember shivered feeling the extent of Phoenix's mind. Phoenix gasped and blushed. "Hey!" she said and Ember laughed. "Well now you know how I always feel." she said. Phoenix chuckled. "Fair enough." It was then they both realized they weren't talking out loud but only to each other. Ember sighed. "Alright let's try this." They stepped forward and started to build a fire tornado. Phoenix turned with Ember and then they watched as what was orange fire started to turn blue and wrap around them. Ember watched the way the flames started to etch into the rocks. "It's to hot for the rocks Phoenix." she said to her. They instantly pulled apart from one another because they were afraid of the power of the flames. Ember fell over her head spinning and her vision blurring black at the edges. She took a huge breath feeling empty without Phoenix in her mind like they had just been. "Phoenix?" Ember whispered. 'Still here.' Phoenix's tired voice assured her that she was alright. Ember sighed and laid back closing her eyes on the hot ground. The warmth seeped into her. Ember realized how powerful Phoenix was but as always they were more powerful when they worked together. She was glad that she knew they had that power up their sleeves if they really needed it. Ember decided though that she was going to keep this to herself. She wasn't sure what exactly had happened but she was going to find out eventually. Ember still wondered if there was any way to pull apart. Maybe it was the desire to just like it was the same for them to pull together.
    September 25th, 2016 at 07:16pm
  • @ Jinx...
    Saber thought for a moment then decided to head in the same direction Ryder went. "I can't just leave him like that when he's only trying to look out for us," Saber said as he passed by Laura on his way out. Laura smiled and agreed but didn't follow him out. Saber left and Kali was about to leave too but Laura stopped her. "Why did you hold back against me before?" Laura asked with a demanding tone. Kali smirked and answered, "Who knows? Maybe I wasn't holding back." Kali ignored Laura's continued stare of disbelief and walked out next.
    Laura walked out and realized it was completely dark outside now. She sighed and forced herself to look around until she saw some smoke nearby. Once she found the source she knew she'd find Ember. "Hey," Laura said seeing her laying on the ground. She hadn't seen anything that went on but was a little surprised seeing everything nearby as burned as it was. Laura stood nearby and said, "As weird as it feels to ask you this I don't really think I have much other options considering who all is here. Normally, I can rely on Saber to talk to about anything like this but this time it's about him. To put it bluntly, I think he's being too trusting." Laura cooled off the area under her and sat down with her arms crossed. "It was crazy with Phoenix and him but this time it feels a little weird. You weren't there, but what you missed was Kali wanted to start training Saber. Ryder disagreed wholeheartedly and that's when Kali ended up taunting him and making Saber agree to only train in private. It really feels like Kali is pushing this whole fusion thing and I feel like Saber might do it. He has mentioned several times how he doesn't ever really feel normal in certain situations and it bothers him. What bothers me is Ryder mentioned in his future Kali wasn't ever her own person but was one with Ryder's mom which is how she was able to get to her. You can probably see where I'm going with this," Laura said analyzing everything and summing it up for Ember. When she talked she made sure to leave very little room for Ember to speak at first because she had a lot on her mind that she wasn't sure how to feel about it all.
    September 26th, 2016 at 06:41am
  • @ Alphora
    Ember looked up hearing foot steps. She sat up seeing Laura her first though was that something bad was happening but then Laura started to speak and Ember blinked a little confused. She turned to her and crossed her legs under her listening. There was no room to talk but Ember wasn't sure what she would have said if there was. Ember smiled softly truly amazed at how Laura talked to her. Ember could understand why it was concerning with Kali though from the start after hearing all Ryder had said to her. Ember nodded and bit her lip hoping that it wasn't the case that Kali was going to betray Saber.
    Ember nodded again once Laura was all done. "I see." she said and bit her lip. "I have a hard time trusting people to begin with Laura so I'm really not the best judge of character on if Kali is really out to get Saber or not. But I trust your judgment as long as you're not jealous..." Ember paused and then kept going. "Saber has always been to trusting in my opinion and the only time he isn't is when someone he cares about is in danger so if you truly believe that Kali is dangerous then show Saber how dangerous she is to at least one of us. But there is only one way she will ever keep Saber even if they fuse and that is over our cold dead bodies." Ember said and blushed. "More than that though I trust Phoenix on this one and Phoenix doesn't like it either though she's not scared. I'm afraid of loosing Saber though if what you're thinking might happen does..." Ember shivered despite the warmth of the smoke still seeping from the ground around her. "But I don't know what to do about it. If I have learned anything being with Saber is that if he makes up his mind then there is nearly no way on this planet to change his mind." Ember sighed. She didn't like secrecy though. Ember thought maybe if she could show Saber she wasn't coming from a place of judging Kali that maybe he would listen to her more. Maybe he would care with her what was going on in his mind to make him completely ignore those he cares about and their concern. She really hoped he would talk to her. Maybe she could catch him before bed or early in the morning.
    September 26th, 2016 at 07:06am
  • @ Jinx...
    Laura smirked when Ember mentioned being jealous and said, "I don't think Saber has any intention of doing anything with 'himself'. At least not like that..." Laura realized what she said and how it might be taken then turned red and immediately changed the subject. "Regardless, I'm not saying she's completely horrible. After all, if she really is a part of Saber then most likely there's just as much chance for her to change as their is for him. I just wanted to let you know to keep an eye out is all. I'll see you in the morning," Laura said standing and walking away.
    No matter where Saber looked he couldn't find Ryder, and Kali was still following behind but very far away. It felt like she was stalking him honestly, but it didn't bother him. Saber sighed and thought, "Maybe I should listen to Ryder a little more. He did already live through a few of these things. And even meeting Kali before..." But something in the back of his mind kept gnawing at him telling him to remember this isn't the same timeline and things are already completely different than they are in Ryder's life. Saber decided to head back to his old house where Ember had set up camp earlier. Saber smirked feeling a little nostalgic about heading to where he used to sleep but saw Laura laying there already. He was confused at first but remembered earlier that they really did used to sleep together all the time so this was her room too, in a sense. The same gnawing feeling came into his head from earlier telling him, "Go ahead. Just sleep here. You're all wound up. When you were worried as a kid you slept closer to her because you felt safer and more comfortable." Saber thought for a second and felt odd about it but walked silently over and laid down next to her then fell asleep.
    September 26th, 2016 at 07:21am
  • @ Alphora
    Ember chuckled at Laura's comment. She was right but Ember had to be sure Laura was thinking clearly. It was embarrassing once Ember realized why Laura was blushing though and she turned bright red and tried to follow the change of subject. Ember didn't agree with Laura on this second part. If they were nearly complete opposites than it was unlikely Kali would change because of the people around her she would only change because she wanted too. "I really want to believe that." Ember said and nodded. "Thanks for the umm heads up. It was nice talking to you Laura. In another life we could have been real good friends." she said and smiled softly. "Night." Ember said as Laura left. Ember sighed and took a second to listen to Phoenix before standing to head back to camp. Phoenix was agreeing mostly with Laura again. Rational minds seemed to think a like. Ember wondered if Ryder would be okay. She knew he was really upset about Kali and if Kali was going to be privately training Saber than it wouldn't make Ryder feel any better.
    Ember walked into camp and into the house. She looked around to see if Ryder had gotten back to camp yet. Ember walked into a room and stopped her blood running cold. She inhaled sharply. There was Saber curled up with Laura. Her emotions jumped and sparked like flames on green wood. She had expected nostalgia even a little closeness but sleeping together. Her mind tried to remind her that this use to be normal for Laura and Saber and he probably hadn't thought anything of it but her stomach twisted in nots of anger and disappointment. Ember turned and found herself running from the house. She just had to get out. Suddenly it felt like the walls of the house and the trees were closing in on her but most of all it felt like the weight of the mountains around them were crushing her. Ember found the cave entrance somehow and she sent a streak of fire to the end. Ember stopped once she made it out pressing her back to the cave entrance. She looked down at the thing Ryder had given her earlier to find Sylvia. She bit her lip looking at the little red dot. Her mind raced but she knew this was a bad idea. She just didn't know where Ryder was otherwise she would have gone to him. Ember felt Phoenix try to chime in. "No you... you made me think this would be fine that he wouldn't... make it so obvious who his children's mother was." she hissed shutting Phoenix out as she sank to the forest floor were she was clutching the marker of how far Sylvia was. Ember let her head fall into her knees as her mind slowly started to stop spinning and she came to rest not realizing she was falling asleep.
    September 26th, 2016 at 08:00am