You Make Me Stronger

  • Alphora

    Alphora (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    "Then I would like to give it a shot, but not now. When I have a clearer state of mind. We know what happened last time I was anything like this and fused," Saber said then remembered he still hadn't told Ember a single bit of what happened and grew silent. "Hey, why are you reluctant to tell Ember what happened when you fought Dray?" Kali asked out loud. Saber figured she was going to say it the moment he finished talking. He felt it, just like Kali did with him. "Oh I get it," Kali said not saying anything after. Laura looked between the two of them and said, "This whole being able to know exactly how you're feeling and what you're thinking is weird, but I do guess it's even weirder for you."
    June 18th, 2016 at 09:23am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Alphora
    Ember frowned and looked at Saber. He was keeping things from her? She bit her lip and walked over to him and took his hand gently in both of hers. "Saber?" she whispered and bit her lip. Ember took a deep breath and then told him. "No matter what Saber I will still feel the same for you. I will still look at you the same. Because that's what you've done for me." she said and moved closer hugging him gently. "When you're ready you'll tell me." she said softly her breath against his neck. Ember pulled back and looked at Kali. "It was nice meeting you Kali." she said and smiled. "I think I should go though." she said and looked at Laura. "Just call if you need me. I won't be far." she said and walked out the door a confused look on her face. Ember had never thought Saber would keep things from her. She was kind of scared to find out what they were. They had to be really bad for him not to tell her. Ember sat under a tree just a little ways away. She closed her eyes listening for birds. She knew if there were birds it would be okay. Birds didn't stay around dangerous places, or dangerous elementals.
    June 18th, 2016 at 06:44pm
  • Alphora

    Alphora (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laura turned to Saber and said, "I'm worried about Ryder...I'm going to go check on him. It might be best to fill her in." Laura headed out before Saber and Kali who turned to each other and then immediately walked out after. Saber and Kali walked towards her and sat a little ways in front of her. "No...," Saber sighed and continued, "You have every right to know." Even Kali was a little surprised about how quickly Saber did bounce up from all of this information, but at the same time she knew that was one of the traits she kept. Kali tended to harp on things for long periods of time, unlike Saber. "When I was fighting Dray, I had to fuse with Ellie. When we fuse, I am in control. However, when Laura and us ran into Dray he had Reena completely under his control. I had Laura keep her at bay while trying her best not to hurt her, but Dray had a trump card. The moment Ellie and I started getting the best of him he triggered a trap that detonated and killed Reena...I lost it. I was completely overtaken with rage and in turn drained every ounce of energy I could from Ellie. She fell unconscious inside of us and I still continued to take from her until I was satisfied with how horribly ruined Dray was by the end of it all...I felt like a monster. By the time I realized what was going on I saw Ellie unconscious and almost dead, and a horrified look on Laura's face that was directed at me. That's why she was so mad at me when we were done with everything that went on, and why I wasn't saying too much about finding Reena. It's also one of the things I've had to talk to Laura about before. I'm not good at showing my weak side, but with Laura I am able to be a little more comfortable with it because she knows it so well. I'm sorry I kept all of it from you. And I understand if you're angry...," Saber explained.
    June 19th, 2016 at 09:10am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Alphora
    Ember looked up as Saber walked out and looked at him as he sat in front of her. She looked at Kali as she stood there looking at them. It was hard to see Kali as also a part of Saber. She listened to Saber talk about Dray. This had been when they had been trying to save her. Ember's eyes widened as he said he saw Reena. She listened to his story her pain becoming clear on her face. She sat there in silence for a while after Saber stopped talking. She could tell he was afraid of what he had done to Dray and Ellie but honestly Ember hadn't been there to see it so she didn't know how bad it was and it didn't topple the news of Reena. A tear slid over her cheek and suddenly she tossed herself into Saber's arms her head buried in the crook of his neck as she silently cried until the shaking grew and the sobs started. Ember hadn't realized how much she had cared for Renna. The little girl she had given to the hands of the people who would kill her. Ember couldn't speak, couldn't apologize for what she considered her fault. Ember hadn't realized how much Saber had been keeping in and she knew why there was pain in him now and she hugged him tighter. Ember cried until his shirt was stoked and her voice was raw. She sniffled and sat back slightly looking at Saber and cupped his cheek. "I'm sorry you carried that alone. It was my fault she was there. I shouldn't have let her go." Ember said and shook her head. "She might not have been ours for real but I loved her deeply and I understand why you have been so distant and why you have been keeping things from me. Saber I care for Ryder and Sylvia too and I want you to keep them as long as you can too. It's why I don't ask questions and why I refuse to listen to speculation of who is their mom because I want them to stay too." Ember said looking at Saber with her red puffy eyes. Ember let her hand drop back into her lap as she sat there with him. "But the truth is that I miss you. I miss my friend above all." She said because by now he had to know that she and Laura had feelings for him. "Please don't leave me alone anymore." She said softly looking up at him her green eyes begging him. Ember didn't know if Saber saw it but without him she was a ghost in their little group and now with this news she would need him close now more than ever.
    June 19th, 2016 at 09:40am
  • Alphora

    Alphora (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    "You don't need to be sorry at all. I have to bare it alone. That's all there is to it. I could have saved her if I had focused on it, but I was too concerned with dealing with Dray because of the past few years I've spent with Ellie and Laura trying to overcome him for the good of all the rest of the Elementals. But I always cared for Reena as if she were mine. You've seen that, and I traded her for the sake of defeating Dray...Maybe I really am a monster," Saber said looking back at Kali. Kali's face didn't show any expression as she said, "Who knows? Maybe we weren't even meant to be friends with anyone here. I still don't consider anyone besides you an ally, and that's only because you are me." Saber sighed and said, "Some help you are. And what worries me more is with what Ryder said I also know that Kali was supposed to be part of one of you. Remember, he said she was the one who overtook his mother and started the tragedy that occurred in his timeline. He's told me a few stories about her strength and supposedly she is just as strong if not stronger than the immortal elements. He said they were able to get the help of a few of them, but were never able to defeat his mother with Kali's strength. Maybe it would be right to let Ryder do what he came here to do..." Kali put her arm around him and leaned in saying, "Aww don't be like that! Besides, I'm a slippery one. You on the other hand could let him off you if you really wanted. I think that might take us both out, or at least cripple me mentally and physically straight to a vegetable! And I wouldn't even be the yummy kind."
    June 20th, 2016 at 08:25am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Alphora
    Ember frowned and shook her head looking between the two. "Stop it." she said softly and took Saber's hands. She looked up at him. "Look at me, listen to me." she said and waited. Her red eyes were soft. "You are not alone, so don't you go trying to act like it again. Do you remember when we first started to travel together? You had such a hard time really letting me in." Ember smiled fondly of the memories. "You trusted me with everything but your thoughts and emotions. Sometimes you still try to do that." she said and bit her lip. "I guess it's easier to keep us out if we don't know how much you care." Ember paused. "I don't know everything about you, I don't know a lot actually."She looked up at Kali then back at Saber and smiled. "But I do know that a part of you does what ever you can to protect those you care for. Even when you have to make sacrifices. I know during this time you were looking for me, and Reena was there in a war zone. It wasn't what either of us wanted for her." Ember choked up a little but kept going. "And what happened to her was not you're fault. When you love so many people it is imposable to protect them all. And Reena was in you're sight but I wasn't. So from a statriegial stand point it would make sense to try and protect the one that seemed most in danger, the one furthest from you." Ember caressed the back of Saber's hand with her thumb as she looked down at his hands. "I can't say what happened afterwards wasn't wrong but I can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing if it had been you I watched..." she inhaled sharply at the thought and closed her eyes. Ember looked back at Saber. "And you're not like me, you love everyone with so much passion." she said and then reached out cupping his cheek. "So no... you are not a monster, you are normal... yes even in all of this you are as normal as I am as normal as Tawny and as normal as a human because our emotions drive us." Ember smiled softly and dropped her hand back into her lap. "As for everything else. I don't believe you mean all that you just said. I think you're tired. I think you're emotional and you don't know what to do. I think you need someone to lean on and you're not sure who you can lean on without risking loosing you're kids who you love so much." she said. Ember sighed. "So let me make a decision for you like you made for me when Phoenix showed up. "Let me be you're friend." she said and reached up taking Kali's hand and looking at her. "All of you, completely as you are." she looked back at Saber. "The good, the bad, the joy and the pain..." she said tears welling up in her eyes. "It's time you lean on me and Laura. I know you can do it evenly if you really had to but Saber you need to rest." Ember said and took her hands back and placed them in her lap. "I know I can't possibly feel exactly how you are feeling now. But I also know I have tried to explain some of these feelings to you. When I accidentally set fire to my parents home. When I almost set fire to the house with you and everyone else in it. When Phoenix came and I wanted nothing to do with her and I was scared to death. When you said you would try to be her friend when not even I would. When you helped me thorough the changes with her and didn't act afraid of me. All these things I think you know how I feel. So let me try and be there for you now." she said softly. "You said it best earlier. We have no idea what the future will be like. I'm not quiet sure we ever did. But the only way we're going to find out what the future does look like is together." Ember said and offered her hand like a shake. "You think you can take that road with me... with us?" she asked her hand sticking out hoping that he would put his hand in hers.
    June 20th, 2016 at 09:50am
  • Alphora

    Alphora (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Saber listened throughout everything that Ember said. At first, he felt a little more at ease but nervous until she drew to the end. Something clung to him and it made him stifle a laugh. It continued to a chuckle then uncontrollable laughter. Even Kali was giggling as she said, "I hate feeling what you feel! Why am I even laughing?!" Saber eventually stopped but the smile didn't leave his face as he replied, "I just love how every time I act stupid she won't let me. She always pulls me right back to my senses." Saber reached out and grabbed her hand with both of his and said, "I never even thought about it like that. This future is already so different that who knows what could happen. I don't need to distance myself from all of you or that will just end poorly for everyone. That's why I need to quit worrying about hiding things that could change the future because it already has changed. Even if it's a future where Ryder and Sylvia don't exist I've still been lucky enough to see them and love them now. We'll just keep forging ahead even if it means I end up somewhere else, with someone else, or even dead. Because what counts is that I have Ryder and Sylvia now. Sure, I may end up seeing them again in the future but even if I don't I will have the amazing memories that have no regrets from keeping secrets or hiding things. Thanks, Ember." After talking he realized more and more of his own feelings and was excited by this point. Ready to take on anything. "First things first. I need to find Ryder," Saber said standing up and walking in the direction Ryder took off earlier.
    June 21st, 2016 at 09:31am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Alphora
    Ember hadn't expected to make him laugh. She blushed and let her hand rest in her lap. He finally stopped laughing and she smiled as he explained. He took her hand in his and she smiled more. He talked and she was reassured that he was going to be okay even if it was going to take some time. "Good because I honestly was getting tired of it." she said softly and chuckled standing as he went to go find Ryder. Ember stood beside Kali and looked over at her with a chuckle. "He's contagious isn't he." Ember said and chuckled. "I really hope things work out." she said and touched Kali's hand gently. "Shall we go find something to eat? Are you hungry... I guess I should ask." she said and chuckled.
    June 22nd, 2016 at 12:12am
  • Alphora

    Alphora (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    "This is probably really weird for you, huh?" Kali asked noticing how much more formal she was then said, "I have every one of Saber's memories so talking to you isn't anything new to me, but to you it is."
    Saber eventually found Ryder who was laying besides Laura. "Ryder," Saber said as he walked closer. "I'm guessing you're not here to apologize or change your mind are you?" Ryder asked without moving. "Nope," Saber said walking closer and sitting beside Ryder. He saw Ryder was still incredibly angry and didn't want to turn to him. "Listen, I know you're mad. If it's about me figuring out your mom I am sorry. I couldn't help it. It's how my mind works so it came naturally," Saber said lightly. He waited for a reaction but Ryder said nothing. Saber's tone turned more commanding with his next statement, "I won't apologize for protecting Kali, though. I don't know what happened in your timeline that involves her, but this isn't your timeline. You need to remember that. You said you came to change the future, but you already have. Kali is already a completely different person because she is a part of me and not a part of you know who. You being here has already made a world of difference and changed everything entirely. That's why I'm going to stop worrying about things and hiding them. Even if this time leads to a future where you don't exist I will still have the memories of us now and love you just the same." When Saber said this Ryder sat up immediately and looked confused and scared. "What do you mean?!" Ryder asked suddenly. "You came here hoping to change the future even at the cost of your own existence. You said that to me. So, even if it risks you being born in this future, I am going to continue to be with the people I love no matter who it turns out to be. I don't know if I will make the same choices as your father Saber but if I keep things going this way then you won't have the memories you intended to make by coming here. Even if I choose a future where you don't exist I would rather enjoy my time with you now then be in constant worry about a future you originally intended to carve." Ryder's eyes welled up hearing the first parts of his little speech, but the more and more it went on the more he empathized with Saber. "You really know how to piss me off sometimes," Ryder said sobbing slightly. He wiped his eyes and added on, "Especially when I completely agree with where you're coming from with this. I'm sure I would do the same thing if I were in your shoes...and I will admit, selfishly, I would rather enjoy my own time with you here instead of letting some future Ryder take away all my work here." Laura watched the two smiling and realized Ember must have said something to Saber. It felt bittersweet to her. She loved the fact that Saber was dedicated to going back to normal, but wished she was able to make him feel that way. She sighed trying to get over it, which was easy watching Saber and Ryder together like this, and remembered what Saber just said. Even if Ryder wasn't hers Saber doesn't care. She clung to that thought knowing there was always going to be a chance regardless of some other future.
    June 22nd, 2016 at 06:56am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Alphora
    Ember smiled ay Kali and chuckled. "Yeah it's weird." Ember paused guessing it was weird for Saber to talk to Phoenix who looked nearly identical. "If you were a guy, then it would be less weird." she said and laughed. "I guess you realized far sooner than Saber my desires for him." she said and chuckled shaking her head. "Sometimes I still wonder if he really knows." she said and chuckled nervously remembering as she talked that Saber could hear what she was saying to Kali too if he wanted and yet she wasn't worried about what she said. "Anyways I just wonder somethings about you." Ember turned to her. "You're a part of Saber but different... obviously. So I wonder different in what ways and then how that changes how you perceive things like... Phoenix and well I won't ask about me but things like that." she said and shrugged. "You're still easy to talk to though Kali." she said and chuckled hoping she and Kali could still be good friends.
    June 22nd, 2016 at 07:12am
  • Alphora

    Alphora (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    "As I said, you can think of me as Saber's shadow. Everything he isn't I am and vice versa. That means you could make a few assumptions," Kali said with a bubbly smile. "For example I am much more positive on appearance but negative in my mind while Saber seems like a tough guy on the outside but is actually a big goofball. By the same standards, I don't trust anyone easily at all and I immediately assume the worst case scenario," Kali said all these negative things as if they were simple. She swayed her arms back and forth for a moment thinking over what Ember said then replied, "Oh! And also I hate Phoenix with a passion. Saber enjoys having someone to compete with, but I don't like the possibility of dealing with a bigger threat. If I would have been in his shoes I would have squashed her while she was weak instead of taking a gamble. Sure, it looks like it's paying off but no ones always right." Kali said all of this with a smile as if she was explaining any basic lesson.
    June 22nd, 2016 at 07:22am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Alphora
    Ember listened completely enthralled with Kali as she talked. Ember nodded but she didn't want to make to many assumptions. "Yes but are there similarities at all between you two? And if you are connected to Saber then do you already trust me or do I still have to earn that?" she asked feeling like a kid in a candy store. Ember loved a challenge, she loves a puzzle or a mystery. Ember could ask questions until Kali got annoyed and swatted her away like a bug. "And what do you mean when Phoenix was weak? When I was weak?" she asked. Ember bit her lip. Kali was harder to get to talk than Saber. Ember thought it was curious to have a female opposite to Saber. "I feel silly around you because honestly I could see us being good friends... Kali you might be Saber's shadow but... you're a lot alike in a way that I just ca't put words too." she said and blushed and shrugged. Ember stopped rambling to let Kali finally say something.
    June 22nd, 2016 at 07:48am
  • Alphora

    Alphora (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    "And that's exactly it!" Kali said agreeing with her last statement, "That's how Saber and I are the same. It's hard to explain, but it's like we are two sides of the same coin. Any who, when you and Phoenix first joined together is what I mean. I would have seen you guys as a threat and killed you on the spot getting rid of Phoenix in the process. She was just as weak as you because your body was in such bad condition which she shared." Kali listened in on Saber's conversation and drew a disgusted face. "I won't ever understand why Saber and Ryder are so easygoing," Kali said then she paused. "Wait, correction. Saber I understand because he is missing my parts, but how did Ryder ever end up like that. We must have raised him weird," Kali said referring to herself and Saber raising Ryder as one person. Kali sighed then said, "To be honest, I don't really see any of us being friends per say but as long as that guy trusts you guys I don't really have any other options or plans so I may as well help him out which in turn could mean helping you guys out."
    June 22nd, 2016 at 07:58am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Alphora
    Ember bit her lip bathing from all of that that Kali didn't really trust her and she wondered what someone had to do to earn her trust. She chuckled as she talked about Ryder. Ember chuckled as she thought about Saber and Ryder. Yes they were a bit strong in that way but it made them nice to be around. "Well Kali I hope you change your mind one day because I like you." she said and blushed. "Even if you are a little rough around the edges. To be honest Laura is to and I still consider her my friend even if she doesn't see me as that." Ember said a little saddened that it was only Tawny out of all of the people around Saber that was really her friend. Sure Sylvia and Ryder and her sister Brooke were in their own ways but they were kids... even if currently Sylvia and Ryder were the same age as her. For goodness sake they could be her kids. Ember guessed she didn't have a lot of friends. Phoenix scoffed in Embers head. You're seriously going to be friends with the girl who rather have killed you than me? She asked and Ember sighed thinking back to how Phoenix had pushed her out of her head more than once. Ember sighed. "Kali I really hope you find happiness or whatever it is you're looking for because honestly I don't care if you are the other side of Saber you deserve it because any part of Saber has be good deep down." she said and shrugged. "Well that is what I choose to believe." she said and hugged Kali. "I'm going to go and make food for everyone." she said and then headed off. Ember was aware of Phoenix being more alert around Kali. Ember wondered what it was that Phoenix knew. Before the night is over please check in on Ryder. Phoenix said and Ember was shocked she had asked for something nicely that she immediately started to search for Ryder. Ember walked over to them and stood there confused. "Hey guys." she said softly. Ember was not sure she was going to tell them all about her talk with Kali though the more she thought about it the more unsettled Ember started to feel.
    June 22nd, 2016 at 08:17am
  • Alphora

    Alphora (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    "Hey," Laura said moving closer to Ember then lowering her voice saying, "Whatever you did for Saber, thanks." She almost sounded defeated but happy. For now she didn't give Ember time to respond and announced to everyone she was going to go search around a little more before it got too dark. She started walking off and Saber looked a little curious. "Honestly, after earlier I want to take a little break but I still don't quite feel like that's an option. Especially after Kali's talk earlier," Saber said looking at Ember inferring he know show she is. "Right now, she will be my top priority. Especially if she's as dangerous as you say Ryder. I'm counting on you to help me out okay?" Saber asked trusting Ryder once again. Ryder hesitated but agreed. "For now, I'm going to take her with me and look around with Laura some more. Either of you want to come with?" Saber asked bracing himself for the rest of what's to come. Ryder saw the look on Ember's face and knew it all too well. There was something eating at her so he didn't respond and instead waited for her to answer first.
    June 22nd, 2016 at 08:29am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Alphora
    Ember was shocked when Laura came up to her. She was about to say something to her about how it was nothing she couldn't have done but then Laura pretty much just took off after telling the boys that was what she was doing. Ember stood there looking after Laura until she felt eyes on her and she looked over at Saber and blushed smiling softly. "Well of course but you should take a little break too." Ember said and smiled. "I tell you what I will find and make some food then you can go and do what you need." Ember said moving closer to him and smiling. Ember moved to Ryder and wrapped her arms around his and chuckled holding on just long enough for him to turn red before she let him go. Ember was happy to get to spend some time with her boys before she had to go and make sure they were fed and rested. " But if you were feeling andy to start you could start until I call for food." she said and stood and swept her hair over her shoulder. I'll be around if you need me." she smiled at them then headed back to her bag to see what she had left inside of there and get her items for her traps. Ember smiled remembering when she first started on this journey with Saber. She had known nearly nothing and he had so patiently taught her.
    June 22nd, 2016 at 08:58am
  • Alphora

    Alphora (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Saber immediately headed off in the direction of Kali and Laura while Ryder remained behind with his arms crossed. Ryder saw Ember leave and followed behind her. "You don't need to worry about it. Laura and I took care of it earlier while we were talking. We just need to check them now," Ryder said as he saw her pulling a few things out of her bag. After his talk with Saber he began thinking more and more about 'What if he never did come to existence in this timeline?' He knew that was always a possibility but shoved it to the back of his head for the sake of protecting everyone from Kali. Since Saber wouldn't let him do anything like harm Kali he decided to focus on what Saber said and try to take it easy, so he started by following along Ember who seemed to be the only one to try to take things easy in these times. At least in his eyes. "Want to come with me to see what we've got?" Ryder offered. He smiled when she lit up immediately. It felt nice being something that cooled each other off. They began walking and he remembered something from earlier. "By the way, earlier when Kali first appeared. Phoenix took over for you didn't she?" Ryder asked knowingly.
    June 22nd, 2016 at 09:09am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Alphora
    Ember smiled and nodded as she set the traps back in her bag. "Oh okay." she said glad they had already set them. She pulled out her bags for herbs and smiled as Ryder asked is she wanted to go along with him. "Yeah." she said and followed him out. They started to walk around and she looked out for herbs. Ember could deal with the small things like this and keeping everyone together. It made her feel like she belonged so she took things easy and slow for the most part but earlier with Phoenix had made her so angry. She was just pinning it up inside and when Ryder smoked her with his knowledge. She frowned. "You noticed that?" she asked and sighed. "Yeah she barged her way into my mind and shut me out. I had to convince her logically that Saber wanted me there by that time everything to get mad about was already over." she said and sighed. "It was a good thing I guess but I... I hate feeling weak like that and helpless when she does it. Honestly it scares me. I'm afraid I won't be able to come back the next time or the next or the one after that. I am afraid I will slowly disappear." she said and shook her head. "And I can't read Phoenix all the time like she does me." Ember said. She blocks her mind off to me." Ember said and shook her head. "But she was weirdEarlier. She actually asked me to go see you." Ember said and looked at him curiously as if would know why.
    June 22nd, 2016 at 09:23am
  • Alphora

    Alphora (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    "Phoenix is a lot more than you give her credit for," Ryder said defending her as he picked up a few traps from earlier. "It wasn't her blocking you. It was her helping you. Think of it this way: If Brooke was still a small girl and someone was fighting in front of her wouldn't you protect her from seeing it? Phoenix knew you weren't ready to handle yourself in that situation and took over to protect you. She said herself there's a reason you two are together. It would be better to stop looking at your differences and start thinking of her as you. If she does something you're not sure of then ask yourself: 'If I did this for someone why would I do it?' and the picture will paint itself," Ryder explained thoroughly. Ryder saw Ember's face filled with surprise and said, "She's probably in there getting upset at me for giving a few things away, and wondering how I know so much right?" Ryder had a huge grin on his face as he mentioned this last part.
    June 22nd, 2016 at 09:29am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Alphora
    Ember frowned wondering why he defended her. Ember frowned as Ryder started to make sense and she hated that he was right. She could feel Phoenix in her head but she said nothing only listened for now. Ember sighed and chuckled. "Sometimes you sound like me." she said and chuckled. "Of course Saber does this to me too." she said and shook her head. "So you sound like your dad I guess." she smiled. Phoenix perked up at that last part. Ember laughed and shook her head. "Phoenix says you need to be more careful with what you say and your ego is as large as your head and she won't add to it by commenting on that last part." Ember chuckled and shook her head. "Phoenix likes you Ryder, but it's different from how she likes everyone else. It's like she knows things I don't." she said and laughed but I guess that would make sense since she's an immortal." she said. Ember stopped and got some berries and other herbs placing them in their little baggies. Ember sighed. "Ryder I'm worried about Saber... do you think Kali could ever take over your father instead of your mother?" she asked. Ember didn't know what she would do if she lost Saber.
    June 22nd, 2016 at 08:56pm