You Make Me Stronger

  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Alphora
    "That sounds awful." Ember said and touched his arm wishing she could be the one to take him home. She looked down and shook her head. "I am sorry Klein... I wish I could but I can't go with you." she said and frowned. "If there was anything I could do I hope you know that I would but..." she looked back at the house again and it was obvious who she was looking back for. Saber still had her loyalty and she had promised herself to help him find his revenge plus she had to protect her sister and Reena. If there was any way she could help Klein while keeping all her internal promises then she would but this didn't sound like a day trip he wanted her to come on. Ember looked back up at him caught in the look he was giving her. It was like he was in awe with her.
    July 9th, 2015 at 09:38am
  • Alphora

    Alphora (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Klein looked lost at first as if he completely expected her to agree. After regaining his composure he said, "I see. That's understandable but I must insist. Ember, you are incredibly special. Not only as a person, but to me," Klein leaned in before she could react and kissed her without any hesitation. As this happened Ember was able to feel wind blowing all around and Saber was standing pretty closely. "Alright, pretty boy. Now you've crossed the line," Saber said. "Oh? Do tell where I've 'crossed the line' if you don't mind," Klein asked smiling but continued before he could answer, "I would normally see what you say but you seem like you'd rather talk with actions than your words." This was the first time Ember saw a little bit of Klein's real side. Saber smiled and said, "You took the words right out of my mouth. I don't want to get the town caught up, though." Saber began leading the way out of town and Klein followed without hesitation.
    July 9th, 2015 at 09:49am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Alphora
    Ember was surprised to hear the words come from his lips and then suddenly those lips wherein her and she held onto him until the wind pulled her back. She looked up to see Saber. "Saber... stop it!" she said as he started to argue with Klein. Ember was surprised by Klein's harshness but then again Saber had provoked him. "Stop it." she said feeling dizzy as she walked after them. She grabbed Saber's arm and pulled him back so he was looking at her. "Stop this Saber! What say do you have in what I do? It's not like you have interest in me. You made that clear today." she said her face only showing pain. she put a hand on her side and groaned as she straightened again. They were only a little ways into the woods. "Klein likes me Saber and it feels nice to for once be liked and to know it! Tell me why you are doing this? What makes you do this when you were kissed by someone else just last night?!" she said and looked away finally revealing a lot that was going on with her.
    July 9th, 2015 at 10:19am
  • Alphora

    Alphora (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    "You say it like I had an option. Did I blame you when he did that just now? No, you had no control over it. He's the one I have a problem with. You're never to blame if you had no control over something, I told you this when I first met you and actually became close with someone for once!" Saber exclaimed, "You had all that talk about how you couldn't trust anybody easily and then get won over by simple words. Are you really going to trust the words of someone you just met over everything we've been through?!" Saber couldn't believe she didn't believe he cared about or liked her at all. He calmed down after a moment and explained, "I don't know how he talks to you, but whatever it is is just a mask and that's all. When you were unconscious he spoke nowhere near gentlemanly as you describe. I don't know why he puts this facade on for you but I don't trust him, and I am not losing you." Saber was serious as he spoke and continued on the path for Klein to follow who still seemed willing as if it was hardly worth his time. Soon after they made it to a giant clearing in the woods with plenty of open area.
    July 9th, 2015 at 10:33am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Alphora
    Ember felt like she had been slapped in the face. She looked away and frowned. "Is it so hard to believe that I trusted you? Is it so hard to believe that it was just a kiss and nothing more? I wouldn't have left with him Saber." she said softly. It was true wasn't it? Saber needed her help and Klein was able to take care of himself. Ember frowned as he went on. "Don't fight please." she begged Saber as she followed him. Ember grabbed a tree by the edge of the clearing and held onto it. She would try once more. "Saber you won't loose me but please don't fight him." she said realizing it was only Saber she was pleading not to fight as if she knew Klein wouldn't listen to her. She realized that though she liked his attention she didn't trust him not like she trusted Saber. She realized that even after Catherine she still trusted Saber with everything in her. The town must have already figured out what they were by now they needed to leave not fight someone of unimportance. Ember knew Klein liked her and she knew Saber cared for her but right now there was more danger than jut a man that over stepped a boundary. Ember needed to heal her wound so she could move. "Klein I beg of you don't hurt Saber." she said trying a different approach since Saber wasn't listening to her. He must really be mad at her.
    July 9th, 2015 at 10:49am
  • Alphora

    Alphora (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Klein smiled and said, "Actually, Ember, I have something to gain from this myself. You say you won't come with me because you want to stay with him, correct?" Saber narrowed his eyes as Klein continued. "How about we strike a bet?" Klein asked a bit sadistically, "If I win, then I take Ember as mine." "And if I win?" Saber asked, "There isn't anything you have that I want." Klein smirked and said, "If you win, I will tell Ember the whole truth. You aren't as easy to convince, but then again I am better at 'reasoning' with women." Saber gave a little smile and agreed. Saber turned to ask Ember about this guy's technique but as soon as he saw Ember he wasn't even sure if she would tell him and turned back without saying anything. Klein drew his sword and held it the same way as when he fought the bear. In a flash he appeared beside Saber and attempted to swing at him. Saber was a little surprised but dodged in time and jumped backwards. However, again Klein appeared beside Saber and landed a kick this time knocking him to the side. 'He isn't even moving. He's teleporting somehow,' Saber thought to himself. Everytime they finished any type of skirmish Klein went back into his stance with the sword. Saber sent a rush of wind towards Klein where he was able to dodge with relative ease by teleporting to the side this time, and then again behind Saber. This time, Saber expected it and kicked backwards without looking sending wind backwards as well. Klein managed to block the kick but the wind knocked him into a nearby tree. After hearing the thud Saber looked back to see Klein. Once again he was nowhere to be seen and Klein was on the other side of the clearing. "You aren't bad, but your moves need much more polishing and work. It's time I finished this," Klein said in a cocky tone. Light particles gathered around his sword and he teleported besides Saber once more. Saber was able to dodge but immediately Klein appeared next to his other blind spot and struck with a fist. Klein then began rapidly teleporting all around Saber hitting him from all sides in a huge barrage. Saber fell to the ground. Klein stood with a smirk and said, "The winner was obvious. I guess Ember is mi-" Klein was cut off as he heard Saber getting up and turned quickly and surprised. Saber had a bloody nose but appeared completely unphased. "If that was your best shot, then you've got a long way to go," Saber said as if he was sure of what he said. "Tch! You can hardly keep up with me!" Klein said started to sound frustrated. Saber shook his head and said, "No, it's time I get serious now." He was sure even Ember could tell his movements were much less flashy and offensive than normal. Klein grunted and took his stance. Saber made a whirling dome of wind all around him with a bit of room on the inside. Klein smirked thinking Saber made a mistake and teleported inside of the dome in the open area, but as soon as Klein appeared he saw Saber's fist in front of his face. With no time to react he took the hit directly and slammed into the side of the dome. The whirling winds cut up his back from all sides. When he landed his entire back was scratched up intensely and Saber stomped on the sword that lay on the ground. The sword shattered and Saber released the wind dome. Klein was grunting and let out a yell as he shakily stood up and tried to swing on Saber once more. Saber dodged and returned with a fist of his own using the wind to intensify the blow and sending his back into the tree. Klein stayed down this time, still conscious, but barely able to move. Saber didn't press the fight any further and honestly appeared unphased. He saw Ember's look and said, "Don't worry, I won't continue this any further. I figured you'd know by now I never take things farther than they have to be." Saber still sounded as if he wasn't sure that Ember really did know the kind of person he was from what she had said to him earlier. He felt as if she believed him to be some sort of heartless stray who could do nothing but hit hard. Even if it wasn't the truth Saber began feeling this way.
    July 9th, 2015 at 11:10am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Alphora
    Ember gasped as Klein started to really hurt Saber. she wanted to do something but they had made their bet. Truth was she wasn't going to uphold itEmber was a free person and someone to be won in a wager. Saber looked to her after the wager and that had been her only relief. She knew he was determined she understand. Ember was starting to see what Saber had been seeing and she was surprised that she had let herself get swept away with pretty words but then again she was still upset from earlier seeing Catherine and Saber together like they were. She knew Saber was not giving his all and she was confused as to why he wouldn't. She shook her head as Klein tried to declare victory but she knew better. Saber was strong. Saber ended up finishing the match with honor where Klein ended acting like a coward. She frowned as Saber spoke to her. She knew she had hurt him bad by not trusting her but for a moment there her emotions had gotten the better of her. She walked over to him and took his arm. "Hey... stop that. I know you won't take it any further." she said and bit her lip. Ember cupped his cheek looking over his nose and ripped a piece of cloth from her dress and wiped his nose. She hugged him an sighed. "I am sorry I doubted you for even a minute..." she shook her head. "He was enchanting. I should have known better but... I wasn't the girl boys talked to in my village." she whispered and pulled back. "Forgive me?" she whispered and pushed a hand though his hair smoothing it out. Ember sighed. She wondered if he could really trust her again after that but she hoped so. Ember stepped back and bit her lip. "Now you have a debt to collect on." she said and looked at Klein moving over to him and made sure he was alright. He might be someone she should't trust but he had saved her life and she owed him something for that. She would clean him up.
    July 9th, 2015 at 11:41am
  • Alphora

    Alphora (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Saber smirked the same childish smirk he had done many times. "Of course I forgive you," Saber said as he put his fist on her head playfully, "I promised I would be the one to stop you when you got too out of hand didn't I?" He was referring to the night she attacked him with her full force fireball. After he walked over to Klein he waited expectantly for him to explain. "I may have lost but that doesn't mean I have to-..." Klein was about to go back on the deal but Saber made wind swirl around him with an insane amount of power scaring Klein. "Okay. I'll talk...," Klein said fearfully, "When I said someone special I meant anyone with an Elemental ability. It could have been anyone, but you had a base element making you even more prize worthy." When Ember looked confused Saber explained,"Base elements are things such as Fire,Wind,Water,Lightning,and Earth. While there are many Elementals who have things like Ice and Metal they are only derived from these base five. Think of it as a family tree. The ones at the base being most versatile. The five at the base have much more potential to use similar skills as those further down the line. Like your fire and Reena's earth. Let's say we found a Lava user out there. You have a chance to use Lava as well because of your base and so does Reena, but the Lava user would never have a chance to use basic Fire or Earth abilities only Lava." Klein was a little surprised Saber knew so much and realized he needed to stop underestimating him in any respect. "The home I was talking about to take you to is a group called Origin," Klein explained but before he could say anymore they both paused and Saber pushed him back against the tree. "I have a few more questions for you," Saber said demandingly then remembered Klein's scratched up back and let go. "Do you know anyone by the names Laura or Tawny?" Saber asked intently. Klein thought for a second and said,"I honestly don't. Origin is huge and to be frank we don't usually talk or see many people out of our division. If they were born a member or forced then I won't know anything about them. I only know the members that joined by choice." Saber understood but continued, "Tell us where Origin is." Klein wasn't sure why he wanted to know but he said it was on the shore at the very edge of the East side of the continent. They were a long ways away from its base. However, it had smaller bases and towns under its control making most of the east ruled by Origin. "At least we are in the right area...," Saber sounded a little relieved.
    July 9th, 2015 at 11:58am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Alphora
    Ember laughed as playful Saber was back. She nodded and watched him scare Klein into talking. She frowned as he talked. She stood and turned away from them looking out. She had heard that Origin liked the basic elements and that she was special because of it. Ember rubbed her arm. She let Saber talk to Klein until he sounded received and done. She bit her lip and looked at Saber. "You're looking for them... you think they are still alive?" she asked softly. She had thought this was a revenge mission but it was more of a rescue mission. She frowned and that feeling was back with her the pit in her stomach was growing. Ember knew it was to good to be true. Guys didn't like her, she was to hot headed. Ember sighed suddenly feeling very tired. She talked over to a tree stump and sat down laying her head on her lap. She looked very tired. "Saber we need to get our things from town then we should be on our way." she said not moving.
    July 9th, 2015 at 05:26pm
  • Alphora

    Alphora (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Klein smirked as she walked away and said to Saber, "You may be strong but you really need to learn what others want to hear." Saber more or less got the gist of what he was saying and walked over to Ember and asked, "Are you sure you're alright to?" He saw her trying to force herself and kept his hand on her when she tried to force herself up. She looked up defiantly but he didn't budge and said, "Listen, I want to save them. But I don't plan on trading you for it. It's like you and your sister. You plan to go back for her in a few months, but I don't think you'd give up anyone else close to you if that's what it would cost, especially if you could help it. You aren't that type of person, at least I don't think so." Saber helped her up and propped her up walking back with her. "We will get our things but we are going to take it very slow. Got it? Pushing yourself will only make things worse and I don't like seeing you hurt. After all, you're one of the only three people I would take on the world for just like those two," Saber said a little shyly as he kept walking.
    July 9th, 2015 at 11:57pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Alphora
    Ember sighed as he told her they would take it slow. She bit her lip. He would take on the world for her? Ember looked up at him seeing his embarrassment. She giggled and leaned into him so he could help her move around. "Thanks Saber." she said softly wanting to put al of this behind her. She made it a little ways before letting out a groan of pain. "I need to stop." she said and went to sit down. She put a hand on her side. "Turn around." she said and waited for him to do so before she pulled up her dress to look at her wound. It had started to bleed again. She frowned and took off the bandage. This was going to hurt. She put a hand on her side and made it burn real hot. She cried out in pain but didn't stop until it was singed and stopped bleeding. She pulled her dress back down feeling light headed. Ember looked up to see Saber looking at her and she shrugged. "Burning it will help heal the wound." she explained still panting from the pain seeing black dotting her vision.
    July 10th, 2015 at 12:08am
  • Alphora

    Alphora (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Saber held her up as she grew dizzy once more. He hated seeing her like this and wished he had some kind of water element instead so he could help it, but all he could do was support her. After she could move once more he grabbed their bags and carried both of them. She tried to insist to carry her own but he wouldn't let her. He also did everything he could to convince her to lean on him too. After getting a small ways away from the village he stopped to let her rest. They made sure to stay by the river so she could cool it off if she needed it and so she wouldn't have to worry about walking far to get to a water source. "How long do you think it will take until you're completely better?" Saber asked concerned. He saw the wound was already much better than it was originally, but the further they traveled east the more likely it was that she would need to be able to move. Saber was confident he could protect her, but he knew it'd be much more beneficial if she was okay. And it would make him feel much better knowing she was okay.
    July 10th, 2015 at 12:40am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Alphora
    Ember smiled as they sat. "About another two days to be completely better. The scar will vanish in about a week." she said and sighed. "I will be able to move better by tomorrow." she said and looked up at him. "A three day healing period is pretty good." she said and smiled. It's one of the hidden benefits." she unwrapped her hand and showed him the disappearing scar. "And to think last night that my hand had been punctured." she said and smiled trying to relax. "Thank you for helping me Saber." she said still feeling bad for what happened with Klein.
    July 10th, 2015 at 12:46am
  • Alphora

    Alphora (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    "Personally, I don't think there's any downfalls to having these abilities," Saber said and further explained, "You said 'hidden benefits' just now. There's plenty of benefits. It lets me do things other people can't. It lets people rely on me. It gives me the chance to protect those I care about. And it helped me meet you." He smiled to Ember as he said this. After setting down everything else to rest a while longer he sat next to her and asked, "What was it that made you like him, anyways? I've always hated the snobby, refined types but that's just me. So, I'm curious. Why did you like him before you figured out what he was really after?" Saber seemed really curious but also thoughtful as he spoke.
    July 10th, 2015 at 08:27am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Alphora
    "I can see why you could but my gifts are not so simple. I was dangerous when I... well when they manifested." she said and smiled as he said sweet things. She watched him and then rested her head on his shoulder as he sat by her. She frowned. "He wasn't snobby that I knew. He wasn't who he really was around me. I thought he was just... well overly polite." she sighed and thought about it. "I think I liked that he paid attention to me like I was someone special. I liked how he said such poetic things and spoke with passion for things that I never really knew to have passion for." Ember looked up at him. "He was like a knight with his hole facade of rescuing me. I guess for that moment I just needed someone to see me as who I could be when I am my best in a time were I felt at my worst. I was vulnerable." Ember said and looked at him. "Why do you ask?" she asked him softly and then looked down at her hand.
    July 10th, 2015 at 09:45am
  • Alphora

    Alphora (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Saber noticed the pause at what she said at first, but felt that story was for another time. At the end when she wanted to know why Saber asked that, his face turned a little red and he looked incredibly awkward as he turned away saying, "No reason in particular..." He could feel her gaze still resting on him and he went on to saying, "Although, I disagree with you on one thing. I want someone who can still love or care for me even after seeing me at my worst. To be there when the storms hit, as well as when the skies are clear." When Saber said this he remembered the promises he made to Ember previously and added, "If it helps, it isn't hard to see you at your best. No matter how much you may change or grow I can always assure you that the best curve on your body will always be that smile. It's brighter and warmer than the morning sun." He looked over and saw her face turn more red than her hair and finally realized what he said. He wasn't used to it; his thoughts coming out before thinking about them like that. "H-hey, what about your training missy? I haven't seen any burning sticks in quite some time. And that wound isn't any reason to quit that type of training," Saber said quickly and playfully as if he was her parent.
    July 10th, 2015 at 09:56am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Alphora
    Ember giggled seeing him turn red. she thought it was endearing but she wished he would tell her the real reason. He had her curious now too. Ember listened to him and turned really red as he said the sweetest thing she had heard in a long time. Saber was't the overly romantic type but he as the kind to be honest and everyone in a while he was poetic. This rarely and the honesty behind it made the moments special and even more meaningful. "Thank you." she said softly letting her smile rest on her face showing him her gratefulness for his sweet words. Yet somehow she was glad when he changed the subject. She laughed as he talked about training. "Right. Well I was sitting and not picking up sticks so... I guess I should work on that yeah?"
    July 10th, 2015 at 10:16am
  • Alphora

    Alphora (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Saber nodded and instead of moving to go grab a few sticks he used the wind. First it swirled near the top of a tree breaking off many of the branches and cutting them up into tiny, equally sized twigs just like she had been using up to this point. They then fluttered through the air into a pile next to her and he waited patiently. "This time, I'm going to see your training over myself and help you. Okay?" Saber said with a smile. "A good tip is to make sure you're focused. Like I said before, don't ever get frustrated and keep a clear mind. Besides that, make sure you know what you want to do and just let it happen. The more you think about it the harder it will be to stabilize. Just know what you want to do, focus, and do it. I will be right here in case anything goes wrong so don't hold back." He gave her a thumbs up signalling his advice for now was over and to give it a go.
    July 10th, 2015 at 10:24am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Alphora
    Ember watched in amazement as Saber collect the sticks. "Wow. You still manage to amaze me all the time." she said and and smiled as she made her way to stand. She groaned and then set up some sticks and looked at him narrowing her eyes at them. She sighed. "Focus but don't focus." she laughed. "You know your advise makes no sense." she said and looked at him and shook her head before looking back at the sticks and took some deep breaths. "How do I stay calm if I use my fire based on emotions?" she asked calmly as she tried to do as he directed. She wanted to be able to get this right though so she was asking the questions she was afraid to ask anyways.
    July 10th, 2015 at 11:04am
  • Alphora

    Alphora (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Saber realized how it did sound and rephrased a little, "Have you noticed for me I just do these things without a second thought? If you know what you want then do it. It's just like reaching your arm out to grab the stick. You knew what you wanted and just did it without thinking. Your fire is a part of you just as my wind is a part of me. Once you take that in, it becomes much easier just like grabbing the stick. In reality you aim your arm, think about how hard you want to grasp it, and many other things. But because of the way you view your arm it just happens in an instant. Your fire isn't a tool. It's a part of you." Saber knew she was rough around the edges but was sure she would be able to master something like this soon after all the work she had put in until now.
    July 10th, 2015 at 11:10am