You Make Me Stronger

  • @ Jinx...
    Ryder was on his way back to the camp walking through the dark cavern halls. He saw flames light up and shoot towards him. Luckily, he reacted quickly enough to jump to the side and watch them fly close by past him. He turned, still startled and on guard, to see Ember sinking down and looking at the button Ryder gave her. He rushed towards her and snatched the device quickly. "Ember! I told you this device is only for emergencies only. So, what happened? Did Kali do something?" Ryder asked urgently assuming she was running from something and needed Sylvia. Her tired face convinced him even more.
    September 26th, 2016 at 08:06am
  • @ Alphora
    Ember looked up at Ryder and shook her head. "I'm sorry. I wasn't going to..." she shook her head choking up and put her head back in her lap. She took a breath there and looked back at him. "Everything is fine." she said and sighed. "Kali didn't do anything." she said. "I'm sorry I was just running out and then I realized I had pulled it out but I wasn't going to. I'm sorry." Ember felt foolish now. She had been holding onto it for comfort really it was stupid. Ember pushed at the tears that slipped out of her eyes. She had used more energy than she thought she had earlier. Ember rested her head back and closed her eyes waiting for Ryder to scold her some more.
    September 26th, 2016 at 04:53pm
  • @ Jinx...
    Ryder paused for a moment then sank down next to her. "I guess I shouldn't be too surprised to see you here then...honestly, I was out here letting off a little steam too," Ryder said sullenly. He looked over and saw the long charring along the ground that led all the way to the end of this path. Now there weren't any boulders there but instead there was a lot of rubble from where Ryder let out frustration of his own. Ryder wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close to him leaning his head against hers. "So tell me what did Saber do this time?" Ryder asked immediately assuming it had to have something to do with him since it wasn't an emergency.
    September 27th, 2016 at 04:15am
  • @ Alphora
    Ember looked over at him as he sank down next to her. She frowned as he admitted to her why he was out here. Ember leaned her head on his shoulder closing her eyes as he held her. She wondered how bad it had been in his time line. She could sense his hate for Kali and she guessed she couldn't blame him because she had hated herself for the longest time for her parent's being gone. When Ryder asked what Saber did and the tears started to prick up again as a flash of him and Laura snuggled up together pressed back into her mind. Ember turned into Ryder more hugging his waist. He was so big. She tried not to cry about it but she had wanted so badly to be the mother to Ryder and Sylvia and the future to Saber but she could plainly see the connection between Laura and Saber was to strong. Ember shook her head. "I shouldn't even be upset. It only makes sense that Saber ends up with Laura. Ember hiccuped and then groaned. She hated hiccups. "I shouldn't have been surprised to see them sleeping together but... it still hurts because I wanted so bad for... She shook her head. "I fell for him Ryder. I fell hard and I don't even know how it happened." she said and swallowed burying her face in his chest.
    September 27th, 2016 at 05:32am
  • @ Jinx...
    "Sleeping together...?" Ryder asked confused. He paused realizing where this was leading and regained his composure. Above all else, he wanted to make sure his mother remained a secret just in case it would cause him to disappear too early so he tried to remain neutral about this. "Let's say for a second that either of you really are my mom. It's still too early for anything to even begin. Especially knowing his ignorant ass," Ryder said still frustrated about earlier. "I don't know what's going on, but like he said I guess I really don't have as much information as I did before. Our goal was to change things and many things are already different. However, you know Saber about as well as I do. Do you honestly think he'd be the type to just cozy up to someone and fall asleep? The only time I've ever seen him do that is when Sylvia would get scared and go to him, but he has never initiated anything," Ryder asked reassuringly. Ryder yawned then put his hand on Ember's head. "Today has been one hell of a day to say the least though," Ryder said worn out and began to fall asleep right where he was laying.
    September 27th, 2016 at 06:09am
  • @ Alphora
    Ember nodded. "Like actually asleep." she clarified. Ember listened to Saber talk and reassure her that there was still time and that anything was possible. She chuckled as he cursed his dad a little. "Hey he's doing the best he can with what he knows." she said softly still sticking up for Saber even if she did agree with Ryder. It surprised her though that she and Ryder really didn't know Saber that much. She bit her lip. It didn't seem normal for him to cozy up to someone but then Laura wouldn't have pushed it on Saber knowing him too. It seemed something to think about but the thoughts soon left her mins as Ryder continued to sooth her. His sleepiness started to seep into her. "Ryder... Thanks." she whispered and yawned wanting to just curl up and go to sleep now.
    September 27th, 2016 at 06:21am
  • @ Jinx...
    The next morning the sun shined in where Laura was laying. She felt something beside her and immediately turned to see Saber right next to her and his arm around her. Her eyes shot open and her face grew bright red. "H-huh?!" She squeaked to herself and was too surprised to move. "S-Saber?!" She asked again but he merely mumbled in his sleep. She was unsure what to do and was thrown for a loop at first. Even though it was sudden and she was suspicious of the reasons behind this she didn't want to fight it and instead curled closer to him and closed her eyes again.
    Ryder opened his eyes and all he saw was blurriness but immediately his whole back felt incredibly sore. He looked around slowly and saw he really did fall asleep right there with Ember. Ryder groaned at the pain but saw Ember asleep as well and couldn't help but smile. "Wake up goofball," Ryder said poking her cheek lightly.
    September 27th, 2016 at 06:27am
  • @ Alphora
    Ember woke in the morning to someone poking her cheek. She rolled over making the hand. "Five more minutes." she mumbled and groaned when Ryder didn't give up. She groaned and stretched out. "What is it?" she asked and stretched not really making sense as she grumbled on about something. She sat up her hair had a few leaves in it. She ran a hand through her hair and stretched. "Ryder?" she asked as she became more awake. She frowned as last night came back to her. She sighed and shook her head. "Oh... hey good morning." she said and stood. "Perhaps we should get back to camp."
    September 27th, 2016 at 06:58am
  • @ Jinx...
    Ryder nodded and followed Ember. When they were close to the town Ryder heard a quiet swirling noise. He looked around then saw something about the size of a bird. It was circular with a single lens in the center and a propeller on top of it keeping it in the air. Ryder's eyes widened then he grabbed Ember's hand and began to run as fast as he could towards the town. "Ember! I don't have much time to explain, just do what I say! Find Saber and Laura and tell them to get out of here as soon as possib-!" Ryder stopped talking as soon as they were able to see the inside of the town. It was swarming with soldiers wearing outfits Ember had never seen before. Ryder pulled them both under cover of a large bush. Ryder put his finger over his mouth motioning for her to be quiet. "The cameras DID pick up something here right?" One of the soldiers asked to the other. "Of course they did," A voice nearby said. A slender blonde guy with glasses walked towards them. He was dressed much more nicely and carried himself with a lot less care and vigilance. "The cameras don't react to animals or small movements every now and then. If they reacted after being here for so long then someone was, and still is, here," The man said. "Commander Leo!" One of the soldiers said rushing towards him. The blonde guy with glasses turned and asked, "What is it?" The soldier stopped in front of him and saluted saying, "It is confirmed there are multiple people here as we speak. Ryder paused unsure whether to move or not. That could mean either they've been spotted or the house Laura and Saber were staying in would be surrounded soon.
    September 27th, 2016 at 07:10am
  • @ Alphora
    Ember frowned as Ryder started acting strange. She followed him and then stopped as they saw the town. She gasped softly. "Saber..." she bit her lip. How were they going to get to him through all of this. Ember looked at Ryder as he pulled her behind the bush and motioned for her to be quiet. She nodded and bit her lip listening to the soldiers. She looked over at Ryder with panicked eyes. She could feel Phoenix inside preparing for a fight and Ember swallowed her resolve and prepared for the fight she would make if they had to get into this. She would not let Saber get taken again and she would not be left behind again.
    September 27th, 2016 at 05:23pm
  • @ Jinx...
    "Watch out," Ryder whispered, "Those are the really old Evo soldier outfits. And Evo will be much trickier than any other enemy you've seen because they could have any trick up their sleeve instead of just elements. All of their power is scientifically induced but it's just as good as our own." Ryder then remembered Ember's aunt and her followers with the blood power. "Robin!" Leo called out among the crowd. "What?!" A woman with long dark hair asked annoyed as she stepped forward. Ryder froze in place and mumbled, "We can't stay here Ember. We have to hurry and run." Leo pointed towards the building that Saber had been staying in and instructed her to destroy it entirely. Robin shrugged and walked towards the building.
    September 28th, 2016 at 12:39am
  • @ Alphora
    "But Saber is in there!" Ember said panicked. "I can't just leave him Ryder." she said. Ember looked at Ryder. "Run Ryder. Get Sylvia and get out of here." she said and smiled softly and kissed his head.Ember stood and ran towards the woman. "Hey!" she said and tackled her not wanting her to do anything she was planning to do. Ember felt Phoenix take over and Ember let her knowing she needed her power. Phoenix smirked and popped up fire licking at her fingers. "Let's dance princess." she said and sent a fire ball towards the woman.
    September 28th, 2016 at 12:53am
  • @ Jinx...
    The woman didn't flinch but as the fire ball approached it went straight downwards into the ground. Soldiers began to surround Phoenix and Robin to make sure she couldn't escape at this point. A huge ball of light came zooming towards Phoenix but Ryder jumped in and kicked it away. "He deflected it with a kick hmm?" Leo asked as he stepped forward. "Phoenix. I know you're strong but we have to go! Now that you're in control you can probably sense that neither Saber or Laura are in that building right now. And you're very incompatible for fighting Robin. She uses gravity itself. She intensified it where your fireball was and made it shoot straight down," Ryder explained. Robin looked completely awestruck and asked, "How do you know what I did?" Ryder smirked and replied, "Let's just say you and I are pretty close. You just don't know it yet." Robin didn't seem to like this reply and intensified gravity directly where Ryder and Phoenix were standing. Phoenix dropped the ground unable to get up but Ryder was standing on both of his feet as if this was normal. Once more Robin was frustrated and surprised. Ryder could tell she normally wasn't easy to read or be dealt with. Ryder sighed and said, "I swear you, dad, and Sylvia always get us into some kind of trouble. I don't know what that Leo guy is capable of but his felt just like a light elemental. Can you hold him off for me if I get this gravity off of you?"
    September 28th, 2016 at 01:06am
  • @ Alphora
    Phoenix frowned as her fire bent to another will. "Imposable." she said and frowned as Ryder stepped in. He started to talk and she realized all he said was true. She had been hoping to find a good fight but this girl did not seem to be the match she was looking for. Phoenix groaned as she hit the ground. She wanted to curse the insolent little pest that brought her to the ground but as Ryder asked if she could take care of the light Phoenix smiled. "Yes that I can handle." she said and waited for Ryder to pull through. Phoenix smiled at the man and dusted her shirt off. "You're move handsome." she said and winked at him ready for him to do something that would try to impair her as well but as long as Phoenix could control her fire she was sure to win.
    September 28th, 2016 at 01:21am
  • @ Jinx...
    Ryder didn't move and waited for Robin to do anything but she didn't move either. "You're much more hesitant than just a minute ago," Ryder said. "Can you blame me? A stranger appears knowing everything about me from my name to how my power works and claims that he knows me, then he is able to stand inside of intensified gravity. I can't help but be curious," Robin explained. Ryder couldn't help but snicker a little and replied, "I'll give you a freebie then. My ability isn't elemental. It's a pure coating of energy around me that keeps my physical abilities up to par with all of your magical abilities." Robin still looked curious about the rest but for now she said, "That's more than enough for me." Ryder felt gravity pulling him sideways then he slammed into the side of the building. "If physical strength is all your trick is than you can only resist being forced down. Simple enough," Robin said seeing him unable to resist flying through the air at her will.
    "On the contrary. I believe the saying goes 'ladies first'," Leo said waiting patiently with his arms crossed. After a pause he looked like he heard someone talking to him and replied softly, "Oh. I see..."
    September 28th, 2016 at 01:38am
  • @ Alphora
    Phoenix rolled her eyes. "I don't like you." she said and then smiled. "You're no fun to play with." she said and then the ground under him started to shift melting beneath his feet. "Now you have no choice but to move." she said and boxed him in with flames materializing from the ground. Phoenix didn't need to show her hand to were her fire was coming from and after the humiliation of that little pest from earlier she was being more careful. What Phoenix didn't know was were Saber and Laura had run off to leaving not only Ember behind but Ryder as well. She was half expecting them to strategize a way into to this fight but then she didn't know anymore with Kali around it changed a lot to her because she didn't trust the little shadow.
    September 28th, 2016 at 05:48am
  • @ Jinx...
    "No fun to play with? Then I'll play your game and won't move an inch from this spot," Leo said as a yellow light floor appeared underneath his feet. The edges slowly formed upwards boxing out the flames as he stood there smiling. "I guess it's my turn to play in our little game," Leo said. Multiple spikes made of light energy shot towards Phoenix.
    Ryder struggled to get off of the wall but she was right. He couldn't go anywhere sideways. "Raaghh!" Ryder let out a cry of anger and slammed his fist into the wall he was being pushed into. The walls shattered and he was nowhere to be seen among the dust and rubble. Robin looked around quickly. Ryder appeared behind her incredibly quickly. He tried to get a swing in but she was pulled left immediately. "You used your gravity on yourself this time. Clever," Ryder complimented.
    September 28th, 2016 at 05:59am
  • @ Alphora
    Phoenix smiled as he played her game. "Oh cute." she said and then gasped as the list came up near her. She groaned having to side step until she was done playing with them. "Enough." she tossed fire across the ground using her fire like stairs and she set herself down beside his dome of protection. She started to boil the air taking out the oxygen around him. She sucked the air away from him leaving the man breathless as she went in sending several fire tornadoes towards him.
    September 28th, 2016 at 06:05am
  • @ Jinx...
    The man smirked between chokes and said, "You really are the real deal huh?" He had no choice but to disperse the light dome, but when it did the shattered pieces sprayed in a frenzy spinning opposite of her tornadoes dispersing them both. He saw Phoenix's shock as she stood right next to him. "Let's see how you are at close combat!" Leo shouted as he grabbed her arm and threw her over him then sat atop of her. His palm engulfed with light to resemble a tiger claw. He began to strike down but a huge gust of wind formed between Phoenix and Leo pushing Leo away and off of Phoenix. Ryder saw what had happened and said, "Took you long enough, Sylvia." Sylvia jumped in between where Phoenix still laid beside her and Leo stood far away now. "Are you alright Ember?" Sylvia asked turning happily. Ryder joined up with the two of them quickly and said, "You should be asking Phoenix right now." Sylvia gasped in surprise and said, "Phoenix?! But how is another elemental able to stand up to Phoenix toe to toe?" Ryder looked a little iffy and asked, "You're sure he's an elemental?" Sylvia nodded confidently. Ryder thought for a second then said, "Well if you're the one sensing it I don't doubt you. Your sensory is amazing, but why would an elemental be with Evo?"
    September 28th, 2016 at 06:16am
  • @ Alphora
    Phoenix smirked as he dispersed the dome and he used it to combat her attack. He was challenging that was for sure. She wasn't done yet . When he came closer though she looked at him in surprise. He then took her arm and Phoenix gasped. He tossed her like a rag doll and she gasped looking up at him and smiled. "Well if you wanted to get close you should have just said." she said and bit her lip as a claw showed up about to hit her full force. Phoenix stood dusting herself off frustrated. She didn't like how out of practice she was and how strong these mortals had gotten in her time away.Phoenix sighed. "Because is is like Kali." she said as if it was obvious. "Only I believe he and his other side have bonded together like a fusion and are using their combined energy." she said and smiled at the man. "But it is indeed the real question of why they would be with Evo. But then again it makes no sense to me to begin with." she said talking of the point of Evo. Why exterminate something so powerful when you could just use it.
    September 28th, 2016 at 06:27am