Into Your Loving Arms

  • Taehyung smiled a little as he walked over to Jimin. "Did you meet her yet? What's she like? My wife is so pretty! She's American."
    She tried on several dresses and sighed, looking at the clock. An hour and a half had already passed.

    "We have one in your size that just came in, I got it for you in case you'd like it." The lady said, bringing it over.

    It was beautiful, and I was pretty sure this was it. But I wouldn't know until I tried it on.
    July 22nd, 2015 at 05:09pm
  • "Mine too!" he said excitedly, "She is pretty too, she is almost as tall as me though," he said with worry and laughed,"But it's okay, she is really nice!" he nodded a little as he looked around and rubbed the back of his neck.

    "I'm nervous," he said as he looked at him.
    Marissa sighed a little as she looked at the dresses the woman showed her - none of them were catching her eye till she looked in the back, "What about that one?" she asked her, and she smiled then went to grab it.

    "This one was returned so it hasn't been processed yet - do you like it?"

    "I love it," she whispered as she smiled, "May I try it on?"

    "Of course!" the woman said and led her to the dressing area - it was perfect once it was on, it fit every curve just right.

    "I'll take it," she aid to her.
    July 22nd, 2015 at 05:20pm
  • "This is the dress," She smiled a little as she looked in the mirror. It was perfect, it fit just right and she looked amazing in it.

    The woman smiled a little and nodded. "Excellent, alright. So I'll ring that up, any accessories with it?"

    She nodded, getting a white and silver hair piece that looked like it was woven to wear. She wasnt sure if she'd be able to use it, but it was beautiful.

    "I'll wrap everything up for you, and you're good to go." Rhe woman smiled,

    Jazmin smiled and sighed, now she had exactly an hour and 45 minutes to find a ring.
    "My wife is a lot shorter than me. She has blonde hair, and she's nice too." Taehyung smiled.

    "I'm nervous too, I'm hoping she likes me a lot," He said with a smile, getting his garment bag. "Have you looked for rings yet?"
    July 22nd, 2015 at 05:28pm
  • "Not yet," Jimin said,"I'm a little worried about that part cause I don't know anything about her!" he said laughing a little.
    She was rung up and out the door in no time then off to the nearest jewelry place - she only hoped they had a simple band in there that suited her tastes for what she thought he would like.
    July 22nd, 2015 at 05:32pm
  • He chewed on his lip and sighed. "If she doesn't like it, you can always exchange it for something she will. But its the thought that counts," He smiled a little. "Come on, we don't have a lot of time. Let's go look."
    She hung her garment bag in the trunk and sighed, heading to the jewellery store. She headed over to the bands, looking for one that stood out to her.
    July 22nd, 2015 at 05:36pm
  • He nodded a little and smiled a little then followed him out of the sotre and to his car so he could get to a jewelry store.
    She was parked outside and got out to go into the store to get the ring, she looked around the licked her lips - her eyes coming back to the same ring several times; "That one," she murmured softly.

    "Do you know his ring size,"

    She groaned internally, "No," she pouted, "no I don't," looking at the camera people for help, "Do you know his ring size?" she asked them.
    July 22nd, 2015 at 05:41pm
  • She sighed as she looked at the rings. She had no idea if he liked diamonds or white gold or yellow gold or simple or what. She saw one that was simple, but not boring and pointed at it. "Can I have rhat one? What size is he?" I said simultaneously to the salesman and camera people. They told him and went to take the ring and resize it and she felt like she could finally breathe until it was time to go.
    "I like that one!" Taehyung smiled, and the salesman handed it over. "That was easy, that's all right?"

    "What's her ring size?" The salesman asked politely.

    "Ring size..." He said, looking around in confusion until the camera people told the salesman. "Yes, now I do." He smiled,
    July 22nd, 2015 at 05:49pm
  • She thanked the Camera crew quietly then sighed a little as they went to rsize the ring then brought it out in a case for her, "Thank you," she said once she'd paid for it.
    Jimin was slightly freaked out when they asked for hte ring size but when the camera crew told the jeweler her ring size he felt a sigh of relief he could only hope that she liked the ring.
    July 22nd, 2015 at 05:54pm
  • She had the ring sized and packed up, and headed to the car. "I'm so nervous, I'm praying he likes it." She murmured mostly to herself, and also for the cameras to pick up. They began driving over to the shoot place, so I had no idea if he was already there or not.
    Taehyng had it packed and he smiled at Jimin.. "Good luck, I'm sure she'll like it. We're running out of time, I gotta go. We can all hang out soon!" He said, walking towards his car. "Bye!" They began drivng him over to the building, he only hoped he wasn't running late.
    July 22nd, 2015 at 08:51pm
  • She smiled a little as she was being drove to the venue and the camera man asked her what she was thinking, "I'm a little all over the place right now, I'm not all sure what to expect but I'm sure everything will be fine," she laughed a little.
    He nodded and got into his own car and let them drive him to the venue as he held the ring in his hand then put it back in the box.
    July 22nd, 2015 at 09:00pm
  • Taehyung smiled a little, looking at the camera. "I hope she likes the ring, I'm excited to go and see if she does." He smiled, as he played with the box in his hands. When they got there, he looked around for her, wonderng if she was already there.
    She smiled a little as they pulled into the venue, getting out of the car. She had the ring box in her hand, and the dress was taken by a producer. Now she just had to wait for Jimin to get there.
    July 22nd, 2015 at 09:13pm
  • She smiled as she walked into the venue and her things were taken by the staff then she was led into a room with some couches - she sat down and sighed.
    Jimin walked into the venue and smiled,"Hey!" he said to her as he let them take his things from him.
    July 22nd, 2015 at 09:31pm
  • "Hi," She smiled, walking over to him. "Did you get everything done alright?"
    He walked in and sighed. "Bee? Where re you?" He asked, looking around for her. "Oh! Hi! Did we finish?"
    July 22nd, 2015 at 09:52pm
  • She nodded and smiled,"Yes!" she smiled a little, "I finished, just barely enough time though," she said to him.
    He nodded,"Yep, with time left over,"
    July 22nd, 2015 at 10:01pm
  • "Awesome, so we passed our first test." She smiled. A producer handed us a second envelope and I handed it to him, letting him read it.
    "Good!" He smiled as the producers handed him another envelope.

    Congratulations on passing your first mission. Now, with the rings and whichever wedding you chose, you will be changed and have a ceremony, before going to your Honeymoon on the beautiful Jeju Island.
    July 22nd, 2015 at 11:24pm
  • He smiled a little,"We passed the test so now we'll have the wedding ceremony of our choice and then honeymoon in Macau!"he said with wide eyes.
    Her eyes got wide,"Whoa!" she said, "I've never been there!"
    July 22nd, 2015 at 11:42pm
  • "I've always wanted to go to Macau!" She smiled, looking at the envelope. "That's great!" She smiled a little. "So we're doing the ceremony right now?"
    "Me neither! I'm so happy!" He said pulling her into a hug and jumping. "We should go get ready."
    July 22nd, 2015 at 11:51pm
  • She smiled a little and nodded, "See you soon," she said to him smiling a little.
    He smiled a little,"Me too!" he said to her then nodded,"Right now I will see you soon,"
    July 23rd, 2015 at 12:05am
  • She nodded a little, heading over to where the producers were taking her to put her into the dress and to do her hair. She felt like it was actually her wedding day, and she was excited. They finished her hair and makeup, and she got into the dress, letting the producers take her to where the ceremony would be. After, they would do a photo shoot.
    He smiled to himself and got his hair done, before getting into his suit. He was excited, some of the members of his group was there for the ceremony, and then he would do the photo shoot. He waited until they said she was ready, and then he went into the small ceremony room standing at the altar.
    July 23rd, 2015 at 12:52am
  • She smoothed her dress and looked herself over in the mirror - she was more than excited this was so awesome and he was so sweet - she hoped he liked the ring she'd gotten him.
    Jimin sighed as he did his tie and looked himself over before nodding a little,"Alright," he murmured as he walked to his place at the alter.
    July 23rd, 2015 at 12:57am