You Are Loved

  • "Fact, my arse." Aubree mumbled just before Snape threatened them both with detention. She wasn't surprised by the threat, things were going just as they had the year before, though she set to work after that, not really in the mood to receive detention on the first day of term, even if it would mean spending more time with Draco. She wasn't very surprised when they completed the task soon after, and successfully too. "Well done, Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Delacroix. Do try to keep the bickering to a minimum next time." Snape said after testing their potion. The potion's master walked away soon after, leaving the couple to clean up before they were both free to go. "I'll meet you lot back at the common room." She said to Ron as she walked past him and headed out of the classroom.
    Fred chuckled slightly, shaking his head. He wasn't at all surprised that Charlie wound up receiving a detention as well. "Looks like you won, Rhodes." He said once class finally did end. He really wasn't surprised, he'd expected her to win, but he wasn't about to tell her that. She had enough to brag about for the time being, he didn't need to add more fuel to the fire so to speak. "I assume that we're keeping to the original terms of this bet?" He punctuated his words with a raised eyebrow.
    December 27th, 2015 at 03:37am
  • @ killian jones.
    When class finally ended, Charlie jumped up and smirked at Fred, nodding, "I sure did. This is just the start now, Weasley. Any bet this year that we make I can already see me winning. You're losing your edge." She teased as they walked out of the classroom. When he asked about the terms of the agreement, "We are." She replied back. There was no way she would go back on that now. She had waited too long for this.


    Draco and Aubree finished soon after. He packed up his things after Snape told them that they were free to go. He walked out of the classroom, giving a nod to Crabbe and Goyle as he did. Once out and far enough away he looked over at Aubree, "How much time do you have before your next class?" He asked curiously. He would miss his next class if it meant that he would get to spend more time with her.
    December 27th, 2015 at 03:49am
  • "My next class isn't until after lunch." Aubree told him. She knew that it wouldn't matter when her next class was. She knew that he'd easily skip his next class if it meant spending more time together. She also knew that she wouldn't be able to convince him that skipping class on the first day of term was a bad idea. "I'm guessing you'll be skipping your next class?" She punctuated her words with a raised eyebrow as she sent a knowing look his way. "And there's nothing I can do to convince you that doing so is a bad idea?"
    Fred chuckled softly. "Don't go getting ahead of yourself, Rhodes. You won this bet, that doesn't mean you're going to win every single bet we make after this one." He said as he walked out of the classroom with her, Lee and George. "Alright, I was just making sure." He wasn't surprised that she wanted to stick to the original terms of agreement. Charlie wasn't someone who backed out of any bets, or anything of the similar sort. This clearly wasn't an exception to that fact either.
    December 27th, 2015 at 04:04am
  • @ killian jones.
    Charlie shook her head at him, "I think you losing this bet is coming with your old age." She said with a laugh, "I think I already see a few wrinkles happening." She added and grinned at him. When he spoke again about the terms of the bet she nodded, "I'm not one to back out of a bet when made, Weasley, you should know that by now." She replied and laughed. She had been waiting for long for this kiss and she was kind of sad it was coming because she won a bet but she also didn't care because it was happening and that's all she ever wanted.


    Draco grinned and nodded, "Doesn't matter what you say. I want to spend time with you. So looks like I'm skipping my Defense class. Which I guess isn't that bad because at least I won't have to deal with Umbridge bringing down the good mood I'm in because I got a great partner for Potions class." he said with a smile as they walked down the hall. That was the nice thing about being let out early, was that there was no one in the halls to see them walking together.
    December 27th, 2015 at 04:15am
  • "Flattery isn't going to get you anywhere with me, Malfoy." Aubree teased, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She didn't bother trying to convince him not to skip his class. She knew that doing so wasn't going to get her anywhere with him, he was going to skip whether she tried telling him not to or not. She was thankful that they'd finished up as early as they had. She didn't need to worry about them being seen walking together and actually being civil towards each other. It was always refreshing.
    Fred rolled his eyes in response to her words. "You're hilarious, Rhodes." He deadpanned. "You really have no room to talk, I mean, wait, is that a grey hair I see, George?" He teased, a slight grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "I think it is, Fred." Fred chuckled slightly. He had no idea that Charlie had wanted to kiss him for quite some time now. His siblings had been dropping a number of hints over the years, none of which he'd caught on to.
    December 27th, 2015 at 04:28am
  • @ killian jones.
    Charlie shook her head at him, "Well at least if I had a grey hair it wouldn't stand out as much in my blond as it would your ginger." She teased as they walked the hall. It was lunch and Charlie always ate with Fred and George and Lee. She was always with them no matter what, "So Freddie whether you like it or not you lost the bet. I believe you have to pay up to Charlie." George said as they walked. Charlie looked over at George and gave him a look. She didn't want to force the issue. Frankly she was just planning on letting Fred do it whenever he felt like it.


    "I think it got me somewhere or else I wouldn't be in a relationship with you right now." Draco said with a cheeky grin. He liked that they were able to do this out in the open for once. Granted, there was nobody around, but Draco didn't care. He felt like in a way they weren't hiding their relationship and Draco wished that they got to do that more often.
    December 27th, 2015 at 04:41am
  • Aubree rolled her eyes. "Remind me why I'm dating you again?" She was only teasing of course. She liked that they were able to be out in the open about all of this right now. She knew that, technically, there wasn't anyone around to witness any of it, but it still felt like they weren't hiding their relationship. It was refreshing to say the least, though she knew that it wouldn't last for very long. They'd have to go back to hiding it soon enough.
    "I suppose you're right, George. I wasn't planning on doing so right now." Fred said, though he figured his brother would keep on pressing the issue if he didn't. He looked to Charlie, wondering if she had a preference. "Seeing as Charlie here won the bet, however, I do believe I should at least leave it up to her to decide when I need to pay up." He didn't know how she wanted to do this, maybe he was overthinking a simple kiss too much, but he couldn't quite help it.
    December 27th, 2015 at 04:54am
  • @ killian jones.
    Charlie nodded at Fred's words, "I would prefer to not do this in the halls in between classes before lunch." She stated honestly as she looked at Fred, feeling a blush coming to her face. George was the only person that knew of how she felt about Fred, which is why he always pressed the issue whenever something was brought up.


    Draco smiled, "Because I'm awesome and you find me charming." He said. To be honest he wasn't completely sure why she was dating him. He was a total ass to everyone else except for her and she still seemed to look past it and see good in him or see something in him that would make her want to stay in a relationship with him.
    December 27th, 2015 at 05:16am
  • "I'm not so sure about either of those things..." Aubree teased, a slight grin tugging at the corners of her lips. She knew that he was different with her than he was with everyone else. He was sweet and funny, and not a complete wanker like he was to pretty much all of her other friends. She liked the Draco that she had, and it was sort of nice knowing that she got to see sides of him that no one else did. "So, where are we off to seeing as neither of us apparently has class until after lunch?"
    Fred nodded. "See? It's going to have to wait until later, Georgie." He said to his twin. He wasn't surprised by Charlie's response. He hadn't really expected her to want him to kiss her in the middle of the corridor while everyone was being let out of class. She wasn't one of those showy people, and he knew that, so it didn't come as much if a surprise to him at all that she wanted to wait until later on.
    December 27th, 2015 at 05:27am
  • @ killian jones.
    Charlie nodded at Fred's words, "It will wait until you two aren't around either." Charlie stated looking at George and Lee. She didn't want an audience for this. She had waited a long time for this and nobody was about to ruin it for her but interrupting and all that kind of stuff. She would rather it just be her and Fred.


    Draco rolled his eyes playfully at her words and then shrugged, "Maybe to where we went last night." He said. He liked being up at the astronomy tower because nobody ever went up there except for when they absolutely needed to and so it was always free and Draco knew that it would work when meeting up with Aubree.
    December 27th, 2015 at 06:29am
  • Aubree nodded. "We can go there." She said. She doubted that there would be very many people there right now. Classes were still going on, and lunch was soon, so those who were already out would likely make a beeline for the Great Hall. The only time the tower was ever really put into use was at night for the Astronomy classes, and that wasn't until later in the evening anyway.
    Fred chuckled softly. "Sorry, mates." He said, grinning slightly. He understood where Charlie was coming from. He knew her well enough and he knew that she wouldn't want any type of an audience for this. It was understandable, though he knew that George and Lee had probably been hoping to catch it, namely to ensure that he followed through and paid up for losing the best in the first place.
    December 27th, 2015 at 08:45pm
  • @ killian jones.
    Charlie nodded at Fred's words before looking at George and Lee, "I'm sure you weirdos were expecting a show, but sadly you will not be getting one." She stated as they walked into the Great Hall for lunch. She sat down at her normal spot next to Fred with George and Lee on the other side of the table. She wasn't really hungry, so she just sat at the table and watched her three best friends pig out like normal.


    Draco nodded as he started to walk towards the Astronomy tower. He smiled over at her, "So how was your first class?" He asked. He knew that if anyone saw them talking right now there would be chaos. Everyone knew that Draco and Aubree "hated" each other. Only nobody knew that wasn't actually the case.
    December 27th, 2015 at 10:45pm
  • Aubree shrugged her shoulders in response to his words. "It was alright. I don't think it'll be too bad." She said. She knew that this year was going to be a challenging one what with OWLs at the end of the school year, but she wasn't too worried. She was no Hermione, but she did normally do well in most of her classes. "How was yours?" She asked him curiously. She knew that heading up to the Astronomy Tower was for the best. No one would find them up there, and that meant no one would see them talking or willingly spending time together. If someone were to see them, well, to say that chaos would ensue wouldn't be stretching it much at all.
    "Oh, they definitely were hoping to watch, Charles, you know that." Fred joked, chuckling slightly as he walked into the Great Hall with the other three. He was starving, and any and all concern over the bet and following through with it was put on the back burner for the time being as he tried to decide what to pile onto his plate for lunch. "Are you not hungry?" He asked, noticing that Charlie wasn't really eating anything meanwhile he, George and Lee were pile food high onto their plates.
    December 28th, 2015 at 01:37am
  • @ killian jones.
    Charlie laughed at Fred's words before he asked if she was hungry, "Not exactly." She said and shook her head, "I would rather watch you three pig out like always." She said with a laugh. She didn't usually eat lunch but would eat a lot during dinner to make up for it, "I'll eat during dinner." She stated as she smiled at Fred.


    Draco shrugged as well, "It was pretty boring if I'm being honest." He said and opened the door for her to the astronomy tower before he followed her into it. He hated that they had to hide their relationship, but he knew if they were open about it that nobody would accept it. It would be a mad house. He knew that his parents would kill him.
    December 28th, 2015 at 03:12am
  • "Well, I'm sure that potions was much more interesting." Aubree said, grinning slightly as she walked into the astronomy tower. As much as she hated hiding their relationship, she knew that it was for the best. Acting like she hated him was kind of exhausting at times though. She knew that it was necessary to keep the act going. It was for the best. She wasn't just a Gryffindor, she was a muggle-born too, and if Draco's parents were to ever find out that they were together, well, she didn't really want to think about what might happen.
    Fred chuckled slightly. "Suit yourself then." He said, punctuating his words with a shrug of his shoulders before he dug into the food piled high onto his plate. The bet was still kind of on his mind, and he was sort of starting to wonder when exactly he'd follow through and kiss Charlie. He didn't know why he was putting so much thought into it though, after all, this was all for the sake of a silly bet they'd decided to make.
    December 28th, 2015 at 04:02am
  • @ killian jones.
    Charlie laughed and nodded and just sipped on her pumpkin juice as she watched George and Lee discuss quidditch with Fred. The bet and kiss were still on her mind. But of course why wouldn't they be when she was so nervous about it. She wasn't sure why she decided to make that the "punishment" in the first place, but it didn't matter now because she was finally going to get to kiss Fred, even if it terrified her.


    Draco laughed and nodded, "Of course. I got to spend time with my favorite person." He said with a grin, "And no I don't mean Snape." He teased before he leaned over and kissed her cheek with a smile. He liked being able to show this side of him to someone. All anyone ever saw of him was the part that was supposed to be mean and nasty, but that wasn't him all the time.
    December 28th, 2015 at 04:12am
  • Aubree laughed quietly. "I figured you were talking about Parkinson actually." She teased, smiling when he leaned over and kissed her cheek. She liked this side of him, and she liked knowing that she was one of the few people who got to see it. He was completely different with other people, and she sometimes wondered why she was any different. She really didn't know how she'd gotten to where she was right now, in a relationship with Draco Malfoy of all people. They just seemed After spending time together thanks to the detentions Snape had given both of them, once they stopped bickering, they found that they got on really well.
    Fred chatted with George and Lee about quidditch. Tryouts would be soon enough, and the three of them were all looking forward to this season. He had no idea that Charlie was nervous about the kiss or that she'd wanted it to happen for quite some time now. He was always completely oblivious to the blonde's feelings and the hints that his siblings and friends were constantly dropping.
    December 28th, 2015 at 10:44pm
  • @ killian jones.
    "Charlie you should think about going out for quidditch this term. I've seen how goo you are when we play at the Burrow." George said with a smile. Charlie raised her eyebrows and shook her head, "I don't think so, Georgie. I would never make the team, for one. For two I would rather watch you two from the stands." She said.


    Draco made a face at her words, "You're not funny, Aubree." He said with a small smile. She knew how much Draco hated Pansy. He hated the fact that she had some sort of obsession with him and that she never left him alone, "She's far from my favorite person. I was clearly talking about you." He said, even though it was obvious who he was talking about.
    December 28th, 2015 at 10:54pm
  • Aubree laughed, seeing the face he'd made. She knew that he hated Pansy Parkinson and the weird obsession that she had with him. "I'm sure that she wasn't happy that Snape didn't make you two partners." She said, smiling soon after when he'd said he was talking about her. She knew that he was, and she'd only been teasing him, but it was nice hearing him say that. "Good, because I think you might be my favorite person too."
    "George is right, Charles. You're bloody brilliant." Fred chimed in. She definitely had talent and he always wondered why she never tried out for the team, though he supposed it was a confidence issue or something. "Why d'you think that? We both have seen you play, you'd be great." Anyone would be a fool not to take her, though he wouldn't push the issue if she really didn't want to try out.
    December 28th, 2015 at 11:08pm
  • @ killian jones.
    Charlie shrugged, "I don't know. I would love to try out but there are already so many chasers probably trying out I don't know if I could go against them all." She admitted before taking another drink of her pumpkin juice. She knew that she could probably make the team but she had a huge issue with her confidence so that always stopped her from trying out.


    Draco nodded, "Oh I could tell she was down right upset about it. I was thanking the stars for not getting me paired up with her. And the fact that I got paired with you made it even better." He admitted with a grin. When she said that he was her favorite person too he got a proud look on his face, "Good. That's what I like to hear." He joked.
    December 28th, 2015 at 11:19pm