You Are Loved

  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Aubree laughed. "She probably hates me even more now than she already did before." She said. Not that she cared. She couldn't stand Parkinson. She was kind of smug about being paired with Draco for a second year. She knew that it probably pissed off Pansy a great deal, and it also meant spending more time with him. "Hey! Don't go getting a big head now, or I'll take it back." She elbowed him lightly.
    "You'd be great for the team, Charlie." Fred told her. "They'd be stupid not to take you." He would be shocked if she didn't make the team. He'd seen her play, he knew that she had talent and he only wished that she could see it too. "You don't have to try out if you don't want to, but I think that you should. I'd be really surprised if you didn't make it."
    December 28th, 2015 at 11:28pm
  • The Great Khal

    The Great Khal (100)

    United States
    @ killian jones.
    Charlie smiled at Fred's words and nodded, "Alright. Yeah I'll go out." She said and then took a long drink of her pumpkin juice. She knew that she was going to be nervous but she knew since Fred would be there and he and George were basically guaranteed the positions of beaters, that everything would be okay.


    Draco shrugged, "Who cares what she thinks." HE said and laughed. When she spoke again he laughed once more, "You should know by now that I've always had a big head. It comes with the last name Malfoy." He teased and smiled at her. He knew what he was saying was partly true but he didn't like to make a big deal out of it.
    December 29th, 2015 at 04:19am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "I don't, the feeling's pretty much mutual so..." Aubree punctuated her words with a slight laugh. She could care less what Parkinson thought about her. There was only one Slytherin she really cared about, and she already knew what he thought of her. She rolled her eyes playfully in response to his later words. "Don't be a wanker." She warned, shooting a playful glare his way. Soft laughed followed soon after and she leaned up to press her lips lightly against his.
    "Brilliant." Fred said, a wide grin on his face. He knew that Charlie would do great, and she'd be a great asset to the team as well. He'd be extremely shocked if she didn't end up making it, though the chances of that happening were extremely slim so he wasn't exactly worried about it. He was confident in her abilities, and he knew that she'd do a wicked job in tryouts, so he certainly wasn't worried. "What d'you reckon Burbage will have us do in detention?"
    December 29th, 2015 at 02:41pm
  • The Great Khal

    The Great Khal (100)

    United States
    @ killian jones.
    Charlie shrugged, "Probably write what terrible students we are a hundred times." She said with a laugh before shaking her head. She honestly had no idea what they would be doing, and she didn't really care because they were there and that means that she won the bet. She didn't care that she was there either. Just as long as she was with her best friends she wasn't bothered.


    Draco nodded at her words, knowing very well how Aubree and Pansy hated each other. When she told him not to be a wanker, he laughed, "I'm not." He joked before she kissed him. He smiled and kissed her back instantly. He liked the feeling that he got whenever they kissed. He felt happy, which was something he only ever really felt with Aubree.
    December 29th, 2015 at 08:54pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Aubree smiled against his lips as she kissed him, resting her hands lightly against his chest as she did so. Draco made her really happy, and she knew that he was a very different person when he was with her. She felt like she brought out a different side of him, a better one. Maybe she was giving herself too much credit but she felt like he'd become a different person since they started dating. She saw a less cold and less reserved side to him, and she wasn't sure if that side really existed before they started seeing each other.
    Fred chuckled softly. "You're probably right." He said. He didn't really care much about what they did in detention. He'd had it enough times to more or less see it all, and he doubted that there was anything worse than detention with Snape, so he doubted that this one would be that bad. It probably wouldn't even come close. In all honesty, detention with George and Charlie was never really too bad, they always tried to make the best of the situation and sometimes even enjoyed themselves.
    December 29th, 2015 at 09:53pm
  • The Great Khal

    The Great Khal (100)

    United States
    @ killian jones.
    Charlie shrugged, "It's not going to be too bad I don't think. Nothing will ever be as bad as detention with Snape. Do you remember when he made us reorganize the entire potions closet? I thought I was going to go mad." She remembered with a small laugh. It was her second year and the three of them had gotten detention for speaking out of term to many times.


    Draco smirked slightly into the kiss and pulled her closer. He loved the time that he got to spend with her, even if it meant he would have to skip a class on the first day back from holiday. He didn't care. It was time with Aubree. He didn't get that very often even when they were at school. The sneaking around killed him, but he knew it was the best.
    December 30th, 2015 at 02:00am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    A few days had passed by since the start of term, and Aubree hadn't realized just how careless she'd been sneaking in and out of the common room late at night to go meet up with Draco in the astronomy tower. Little did she know that Harry seemed to have noticed a pattern, and that he'd be waiting up in the common room for her that night. Aubree giggled, pulling back slightly to rest her forehead against Draco's. "It's getting late..." She said, a bit breathless from their kisses. "Wouldn't want Filch to catch us up here..."
    "That wasn't so bad." Fred said as he, Charlie and George walked back to the common room having just finished up their evening of detention with Burbage. With the reasoning for receiving it, he knew that it could have easily been a lot worse than it was. No one's punishments were ever nearly as bad as Snape's were though, so he wasn't very surprised in the slightest bit. "Nah, I'm still pretty knackered though. Think I'll head to bed early, don't want to be off my game tomorrow with tryouts." His brother said as they entered the dormitory. "Alright, I'll be up in a second." Fred said, waiting for his brother to head up the stairs before turning to Charlie. "I haven't paid up yet, y'know..."
    December 30th, 2015 at 03:33am
  • The Great Khal

    The Great Khal (100)

    United States
    @ killian jones.
    Charlie walked with Fred and George to the common rooms after detention, "Yeah it wasn't bad at all." She said as they neared the common rooms. When Fred said that he would be up in a second, Charlie stopped and looked at him. When he spoke, she felt a blush come to her cheeks, "No you have not." she replied and gave him a small smile as she looked up at him. Oh god. Could this be it? The moment she had been waiting for.


    Draco frowned when she said it was getting late, "But I don't want to go. I like being here with you." He said and pouted before leaning in for another kiss before pulling away and holding out a hand to help her up, "But I understand what has to happen." He added and started to leave the astronomy tower with her, "Wouldn't want you to get in trouble now would we."
    December 30th, 2015 at 04:08am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Aubree let out a quiet laugh. "I don't want to go either, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't." She said, smiling and kissing him back though when he leaned in to kiss her once more. She took his hand when held it out to help her up. "That's right, because I'd likely be the only one getting in trouble." Draco would easily be able to get away with it, being a prefect and all. There would surely be some questioning, but he'd have more of an excuse to be out here than she did. She leaned up and pecked him lightly on the lips. "I'll see you in potions tomorrow."
    "I reckon I probably should...wouldn't want to go back on my word." Fred told her. She hadn't mentioned the bet since everything had happened on the first day, and while he hadn't mentioned it either, he had thought about it on a few different occasions. "You did win the bet, after all..." He didn't say anything else after that, instead leaning in to press his lips lightly against hers.
    December 30th, 2015 at 05:32am
  • The Great Khal

    The Great Khal (100)

    United States
    @ killian jones.
    Charlie didn't say anything as Fred spoke and was about to say something before he leaned over and kissed her. She swore that her heart stopped beating almost immediately, but kissed back regardless. It was what she had been waiting for. It was the best kiss that she had ever. She was probably bias because of the fact that she was in love with Fred.


    Draco smirked at her words, "It's not my fault that I'm a prefect." He said before he laughed, "Well actually it is my fault but that's not the point I was trying to make." He joked before she leaned up and kissed him, "I will see you in potions tomorrow." He repeated and walked with her out of the astronomy tower and back towards the Slytherin common rooms.
    December 30th, 2015 at 05:42am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Aubree rolled her eyes playfully in response to his words. "Of course it wasn't." She smiled when she pulled back, walking with him out of the astronomy tower. That was when they parted ways and she headed back towards the Gryffindor common room while he headed back down to the Slytherin one. She had no idea that Harry would catch her sneaking in late at night. She had no idea that any of her friends even suspected a thing right now actually.
    Fred pulled away a few moments later. "I guess it's a good thing that we're both such good friends, or this might turn out to be rather awkward, don't you think?" He let out a soft chuckle. The kiss had been a great one, don't get him wrong, but he knew that he and Charlie were just friends. He had no idea of the feelings that the blonde had for him. If he did, well, he definitely wouldn't have made the comment that he did.
    December 30th, 2015 at 05:56am
  • The Great Khal

    The Great Khal (100)

    United States
    @ killian jones.
    Charlie looked up at him when he pulled away. When he spoke, she could have sworn she felt her heart break at his words, "Yeah. Totally." She said quietly, feeling tears burn the back of her throat. She couldn't let him see. Not now. Not ever, "I'm actually pretty knackered from detention too. I'll see you tomorrow." She said before turning around and practically sprinting up the stairs to the dormitories. Once in and at her bed, next to Ginny, she allowed herself to cry. She tried to be quiet though for the sake of everyone else being asleep as well mainly.


    Draco walked down to the common room and went right in and to the dormitories. He quickly changed and got into bed. He didn't sleep though. He just stared at the top of the canopy on the beds and thought about his relationship with Aubree. It had been much easier last year because the only thing they had to worry about was the Triwizard Tournament, but now Voldemort was back and Draco had to keep Aubree safe from that. Being in the family that he was, it was incredibly hard to do.
    December 30th, 2015 at 06:08am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "A bit late to be roaming around the castle, isn't it?" Aubree jumped slightly, a bit startled when she heard Harry speak up from over on one of the chairs near the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room. It also filled her with a sense of dread. He suspected something...or worse, he knew. Why else would he still be up at this hour? "I just fancied myself a walk." Aubree said, shrugging her shoulders. "You've been disappearing after dinner every night, Aubree? Do you fancy yourself a walk every single night for several hours on end?" Aubree frowned. "I don't really see how that's any of your business, Harry." Was all she said before walking up the stairs to the girl's dormitory.
    Fred couldn't help feeling as though he'd said the wrong thing. He didn't know why, but Charlie had seemed upset. She normally didn't run off like that, but for whatever reason she had tonight. He knew that he must have done something, but he didn't know what that something was. Confused, he made it way upstairs to the boy's dormitory. He hoped that he hadn't done anything to upset her, he hated seeing her upset. He was still entirely oblivious to her feelings for him.
    December 30th, 2015 at 06:34am
  • The Great Khal

    The Great Khal (100)

    United States
    @ killian jones.
    (Should we skip to the next day?)
    December 30th, 2015 at 06:36am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    @ Second Star
    (Yeah that's fine)
    December 30th, 2015 at 07:16am
  • The Great Khal

    The Great Khal (100)

    United States
    @ killian jones.
    "He did not!" Ginny exclaimed as they got ready for their day, "He did." Charlie replied with a sad frown, "I swear my brother is quite thick sometimes." Ginny said before she grabbed Charlie's arm just as they were about to exit the dormitories, "But was the kiss good besides the aftermath?" She asked. Charlie rolled her eyes before they walked down to the Great Hall, "It was amazing. I could have sworn I was flying, Ginny, I swear." She said. Ginny giggled as they were walking into the Great Hall. Charlie instantly saw Fred and looked over at Ginny, "Don't say a word of this to anyone." Charlie stated before Ginny nodded.


    Draco went to the Great Hall for breakfast. He wasn't sure if he would see Aubree there or even get to speak to her before Potions class. He was kind of hoping he would be able to, but he highly doubted it, "So Draco where did you get off to the other day after Potions? We looked everywhere and couldn't find you." Goyle asked as they sat down for breakfast, "I wasn't feeling well so I went back to the dormitories to sleep it off. Woke up in time for my last class though." He lied.
    December 30th, 2015 at 07:26am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Aubree knew that she'd have to talk to Draco after potions. They couldn't sneak up to the astronomy tower late at not anymore. Not now that she knew that Harry might be onto them. He suspected something, he didn't know where she was going off to late at night, but he knew that she was up to something and she wouldn't put it past him to follow her out with the invisibility cloak or something. Needless to say, she was rather quiet at breakfast that morning. She just had a lot on her mind, and she was certain that her being quiet was noticeable to her friends.
    Fred was still trying to figure out why Charlie had run off the night before. "Was Charlie acting a bit strange last night?" He asked George as they started down towards the Great Hall for breakfast. Maybe his brother had picked up on something that he didn't. "She seemed alright to me, why?" George asked as they entered the Great Hall. Fred frowned slightly. "She ran off last night...seemed a bit upset..."
    December 30th, 2015 at 06:01pm
  • The Great Khal

    The Great Khal (100)

    United States
    @ killian jones.
    Charlie ate breakfast with Ginny and her normal group. Charlie wasn't sure what to say to Fred. She knew that her running off last night after the kiss was probably really weird to him. She felt like she could come up with a good lie to give him, but didn't want to lie to him about it. She didn't like lying to Fred at all.


    Draco watched as Aubree walked into the Great Hall for breakfast, and he noticed that she seemed a bit upset. He was curious and knew that he would have to ask her after potions class about it. He hoped it wasn't something really bad. He hated seeing her upset, even over the littlest thing. It was torture for him.
    December 30th, 2015 at 06:17pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "You're rather quiet this morning, Aubree. Is everything alright?" Hermione asked, taking Aubree away from her thoughts momentarily. Aubree looked over to her friend, knowing that her words had got the attention of both Ron and Harry as well, and mustered up a small smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just didn't sleep great last night, that's all." She punctuated her words with a slight shrug of her shoulders.
    "Well, she seemed fine before I went up to bed. Did something happen afterwards?" George asked. Fred knew that something had happened, the kiss. But why would that have upset Charlie? She was the one who had set the terms for the bet after all, not him. "I kissed her. Figured I should pay up." He told his brother, shrugging his shoulders. "I joked afterwards about how it was a good thing we were such good friends or else it might have been rather awkward." He added with a slight chuckle. The look his brother gave him surprised him. "You can be so thick sometimes, Freddie." He said, shaking his head as they neared the table.
    December 31st, 2015 at 04:56pm
  • The Great Khal

    The Great Khal (100)

    United States
    @ killian jones.
    Charlie looked up when she noticed Fred and George. She gave them both a small smile before she turned back to Ginny and kept eating her breakfast. She still felt awkward around Fred and probably would for a bit. He didn't know that he did anything wrong, and that was the problem. It wasn't his fault. Charlie didn't exactly announce it to the whole world that she had basically been in love with him since her first year.


    (Might just hold off on Draco until potions)
    January 1st, 2016 at 01:10am