you will always be my heart.

  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    Deanna Foxworth and Zack Baker
    Wednesday Parker and Brian Haner
    July 26th, 2015 at 08:27pm
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    Deanna woke up to her Siberian husky, Bob, licking her face. “Dude, come on—morning breath.” Deanna yawned as she gently shoved Bob to the side. Satisfied that his owner was up and he would now be getting fed, Bob jumped off of Deanna’s bed and scampered to the kitchen. The purple haired beauty rolled over and grabbed her phone to check the time—9:47 am. She sighed and got out of bed, rubbing her eyes as she padded to the kitchen. Almost as if by muscle memory, the twentysomething started to go about her morning routine. First was feeding Bob—if she didn’t feed him first, she wouldn’t be able to enjoy her own breakfast in peace. She quickly emptied a can of Alpo into Bob’s bowl and put the bowl down on the floor, backing away before she got her fingers snapped off. Bob was like his owner—when he was hungry, he was HUNGRY. Now that Bob was taken care of, it was time for Deanna to eat.

    She opened her pantry cupboard and stood on her tip toes to examine the contents. After a few seconds, Deanna decided on Froot Loops. She snatched the box from the top shelf and set about making herself a bowl. Once she selected a spoon, Deanna plopped down on the couch and flicked on her television, settling down in front of the news. This was her morning ritual—a little bit of quiet time before she left for work in the morning.

    All too soon, Deanna’s bowl was empty and it was time to get ready for work. She put the bowl in the sink and padded back down the hall to her bathroom. Deanna shed her comfy pajamas, made sure her shower was the perfect temperature, and then stepped into the warm spray. She hummed a little ditty to herself as she washed up and shampooed her hair. About fifteen minutes later, Deanna reluctantly hopped out of the shower. She wrapped a towel around herself and padded across the hall to her bedroom, ready to pick out something to wear.

    Brian was super glad to be home. It had only been three shows and they had only been on the road for about two weeks, but he had forgotten how stressful touring could be. He had said goodbye to the guys and promised to call them soon, went home and immediately went to bed. Brian loved touring with all of his heart—seeing all of the fans scream their hearts out along with the songs was something that he lived for, but he was glad to be back home. He had gotten used to spending time with his family, friends and dogs.

    He woke up at about noon that day, rolled out of bed and went to smoke a cigarette on his back porch. Brian watched Pinkly and Jax run around the yard, carefully avoiding the in-ground pool that he had put in the previous year. He took a drag of his cigarette and exhaled, watching the smoke curled in the air. That was what Brian liked most about being at home. The simplicity of being able to sit in his backyard and enjoy a cigarette without having to get up and go anywhere unless he wanted to. The guitarist plucked his phone out of his pocket to see if anybody had texted or called him during the night.

    Seeing that he had no texts (and knowing that all of the other guys were probably passed out right now), Brian decided to fire off a text to Wednesday. He’d known her for a decent amount of time, and she was a pretty cool girl. Well, except for some things. But Brian chose to look past it.

    Hey, you. I’m back in town. Are you going to be able to get away and have some coffee or something later?
    July 27th, 2015 at 08:56pm
  • maxim adam bemis;

    maxim adam bemis; (100)

    United States
    As much as Zacky adored his profession, he couldn't help but beyond glad to be home. He wasn't gone long, but he was gone long enough to miss his bed. Leaving his bed for months was one of the most painful things the man had to do – luckily the tour was a brief one, just two weeks. It was bittersweet now that it was over, but it gave him time to clear his mind and just relax with his family and friends. Despite his prior plans to stay snug in his bed for the majority of his first day back, he was quite rudely – in his opinion – awoken by a phone call from his mother just checking in on him. It was a sweet gesture, but honestly she could have given him a few hours. He glared at the small digital clock to his right, the neon numbers practically taunting him – 10:57 AM.

    Pulling the blanket over his head to block out the sun he went through his contacts, somewhat pouting when he came to the conclusion that all the guys would still be passed out at this hour. He didn't blame them, he envied the fuckers. He was half tempted to spam all of them with phone calls, however he didn't want to deal with their bitching and fuck could they bitch for hours. His finger froze over Deanna, his hair stylist, the two weren't terribly close but the guitarist thought she was pretty cool. He weighed his options before sending her a text. Deannnnnnaaaa! He hesitated, his thumb hovering over the send option, before muttering a "fuck it" and sending it to the girl. What could it hurt? Throwing his phone to the other side of the bed he stood up and stretched his arms over his head – god it pained him to up this early in the morning. How did people do this everyday? As he walked to the kitchen he hummed to himself, quite pleased to be back in his own home. He didn't feel like making anything but the grumbling in his stomach needed to be silence. Cereal or Eggs? Opting out for the easier option he poured himself a bowl of Frosted Flakes, he grabbed a spoon before making the journey back to his bedroom.

    He hated eating at the kitchen table – made him feel lonely. He took several bites before setting the bowl on his bedside table and picking up his phone. Seeing no response from the hair stylist he made a noise somewhere between a whine and a scoff, Give me attentionnnn. He hit send, before realizing that maybe the girl didn't have his number anymore. It wasn't as if they texted each other often – well not as often as the band member would have liked. Trying to redeem himself and not seem too desperate he sent one final message, It's Zacky, by the way. Are you working today? He wasn't in desperate need of a haircut, but anything to get him out of the house was welcomed.
    Running on no more than three hours of sleep the petite girl couldn't help but feel exhausted as she washed the dishes from the night before – despite the fact that her fiance ]Beckett had swore he would make sure the small mountain of dishes were taken care of before he went to sleep, "We'll just add this to your list of lies." Wednesday huffed to herself, although silently scolded herself as she dried her hands on the fabric of her jean shorts. She knew that the male had his faults when it came to their relationship, but Wednesday never had the heart to hold everything against him; it was easier for the photographer to simply forgive and forget when it came to him. What else could she do?

    After taking a few minutes to tidy the small apartment kitchen she briefly glanced at the clock that decorated the pastel blue walls and let out a whine . Why did she have to wake up so early on her only off day of the week? Today was her napping and Netflix day, but here she stood in the middle of her kitchen trying to make the apartment presentable – not that she had very many visitors. Beckett loathed interacting with people outside of his friend group, so Wednesday often went out to visit her friends. Hearing her phone go off in the other caused the girl to quirk a brow in curiosity – not particularly sure who would be texting her. It wasn't that she didn't have friends, she had plenty, but the majority of them should be at work or sleeping in.

    Despite, the confusion she began to hunt for her mobile device. She didn't know what it was about the damned thing but she was always misplacing it! It took several minutes, but eventually the girl located it underneath her bedside table, not entirely sure how it ended up in that particular spot. Seeing Brian's name on her screen Wednesday couldn't help but grin – when she first met the guitarist she couldn't help but think he was an absolute douche but it didn't take long for him to grow on her. She read over the short message before sparing a glance towards the sleeping figure of her fiance – she highly doubted her absence would be noticed.

    Hello, hello. Coffee sounds like Heaven on Earth. I'm free now, if you are. (:

    [ Hope this isn't too awful ~ ]

    @ randall keith.
    August 24th, 2015 at 08:40am
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    Deanna had just shimmed into a pair of leggings when she heard her phone beep. It had been the third time in about a fifteen minute span, so she figured it had to be important. She walked across the room and picked her iPhone up off of her nightstand. Her brow rose when she noticed it was Zack. Isn’t it a little early for you to be awake right now, Mr. Rockstar? She teased, sending a response. But yeah, I work today. I’ll be in the shop at about noon. See you then, I’m guessing? Deanna added a few emojis before sending the text. She still had a few minutes before she had to leave for work, so she decided to actually straighten her hair instead of using her trademark ponytail.

    Her friends would say it was because Zack was coming into the shop. And honestly, they would be right. Deanna had had a thing for the guitarist since he first walked into her shop (Curl up and Dye—Deanna was a big fan of puns) about five years ago. He was married then. So, she really couldn’t do anything. And when he had gotten divorced, Deanna was in a relationship. So nothing could really be done there. But now, they were both single. Only Deanna was too much of a chickenshit to make her feelings known. Sure, they were friends. They had gone out to lunch and socialized outside of the salon, but Deanna wanted more than that. She wanted to be able to go out to the bar, get takeout, and stumble home at two am with Zack. She wanted the cheesy stuff that came with a relationship.

    “Jesus Christ. Get yourself together, Foxworth.” Deanna mumbled to herself as she unplugged her straightener. She looked up at the clock and realized she had half an hour to get to work. Deanna slipped on her flip flops and nearly flew down the stairs and into her car. I might be a bit late, you know how traffic goes. She sent Zack a text as she began the drive to work.

    Almost miraculously, Deanna made it to work at ten to noon. I’m here. She fired off another text to Zack. Just let me know when you’re on your way.


    Brian had just come in from his cigarette when his phone went off, signaling that Wednesday had texted her back. A surprised look took over his face. More often than not, Wednesday was busy doing something with her fiancé. Her fiancé, Beckett (even his name was douchey as hell), always bitched when Wednesday hung out with the guys alone, but Beckett only wanted to hang out with his friends. It took nearly all of Brian’s patience to not beat the hell out of Beckett. I’ll meet you at Starbucks in a few minutes. Just gotta shower. Brian sent the text and put his phone down on the kitchen counter before jogging back upstairs to take a shower.

    Normally, Brian just rinsed off when he took a shower. But he took a little bit of extra care this time. He was going to be hanging out with Wednesday, after all. Not the guys. Once he was out, he threw on a nice t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. Brian quickly dried his hair and slipped on a pair of canvas shoes. He quickly checked his watch and noticed that he was almost late to meet Wednesday. Brian hurried downstairs and grabbed his phone, sending a text to Wednesday as he walked out the door.

    On the way. See you there!
    August 26th, 2015 at 02:01am