▲Been counting stars and scars {PAFP, wanted inside} I'm becoming a work of art▲

  • Artax

    Artax (100)

    United States
    Delicate ears picked up the distant rumbling of thunder, and gray clouds swollen with the promise of rain hung over Lyric Bradsgaard as she attempted to make her way to school without getting rained on. The air about her was stiff, muggy, and stagnant; crackling with heat that made Lyric thankful she was wearing her waterproof makeup. Sharp blueish green eyes anxiously scanned the sky above her for any signs of the impending rain; while she sped up her pace. Lyric lived in the nice part of town, not too far from school which meant. While most kids would take a bus; the petite brunette enjoyed her morning and afternoon walks, though this was the last year she'd enjoy them. Lyric Bradsgaard was on the cusp of graduation, only a year away and she was petrified of what to do with her life after this. Her summer had been spent doing countless hours of research at the library, looking up careers online; and she'd even taken to volunteering at the local animal shelter. All of this though didn't bring a sliver of certainty to the svelte girl of what she'd like to major in much to her disappointment. Scrunching her nose against the thought, the girl tried not to think of it. No use in working herself into a fuss before she even got to school on the first day.

    About her the suburban-almost-city bustled about, the scents of the city assaulted her nose, the scent of urine from the bums, the incessant noise of traffic, exotic foods and perfumes as swirled together to create an almost nauseating, repugnant adore. While Lyric lived on the outskirts of San Diego, and often considered suburban, it wasn't uncommon to have some of the negatives from living closer to the city. "At least I'll have some classes with Acacia. I usually do anyway." The closer Lyric got to the school, the larger the crowds became and the lonelier she began to feel. It was always like this; even in a large crowd such as this Lyric was normally alone. It wasn't as if the kids about her wished her ill-will, no Lyric just felt invisible to them half the time. Really if she were being honest with herself, Lyric admitted as she weaved through slow moving kids towards the large double doors so she may beat her class and get to homeroom and maybe have a little time to relax, but if Lyric was being honest with herself she was a large reason she felt so isolated. While incredibly clever, the curvy senior had always experienced difficulties making friends. Had told herself even that it was better to focus on her academics and make social connections later.

    But eighteen years old and only having been kissed on a dare... That did kind of blow. Her thoughts had carried her to the large, mostly still crowd just inside the door; milling and catching up. Irritation colored the girl as outside thunder clapped overhead once more; this time sounding closer and far more menacing than it had on her walk here. "Excuse me." Lyric intoned with a dull and clearly unamused voice to a pair of what looked to be freshman boys just standing about; blocking the hallway she needed to get through in order to get to homeroom. She'd gotten an English class for her homeroom, though the teacher hadn't been indicated. There were rumors the woman who used to hold the job before suffered a mental breakdown and was in a loony bin somewhere; though Lyric was doubtful that was entirely true. Voices all clamoring with a desperate timber to be heard above one another rang about the echoey main hall; creating a sense of chaos within Lyric's mind. It was hard work pushing past the throng of kids, though once she made it to the staircase at the end of the hall, it was pretty much empty. From there it was easy enough finding her room 203; and to her pleasure found it to be at first glance empty.

    The light was on, there was a briefcase on the desk and a name written on the board that Lyric didn't really care to read- though no teacher was to be found. Figuring he or she had run out to grab their homeroom scheudals or coffee Lyric took the seat in front towards the right corner. Sliding her backpack off, hanging it off the chair and pulling her phone out the girl sent a quick text to Sara; just to see where she was. "Coming to homeroom?" A few minutes later, her phone was abuzz only to find that Sara was in homeroom; they just didn't share the same one. A little put off by this a despondent and somewhat pathetic looking frown crossed Lyric's lips as she tucked her phone away into her backpack, smoothed her lacy summer dress down, it's cotton stained with the lightest of pinks, and leaned back in her chair and tapping her fingers against the desk. Where was the teacher? Had he forgotten to come back? Bored, and somewhat put out that she was to spend her first two and a half hours in homeroom doing "Senior" things the curvy brunette fervently prayed that the teacher would at least be bearable.

    Deciding now would be the perfect time to go over her schedule, Lyric twisted in her seat going into her backpack and pulling out her folder. Opening it was her classes and after sliding it from the little file she examined it; and found that her year was going to be pretty boring. After homeroom she had English, in this class with assumably the teacher. Her next period would be math, then an open block. It was technically supposed to be a free-study period for seniors who'd finished a requirement early; though most took it as their lunch break and would often go down the street towards the cluster of cheap restaurants and grab a bite to eat while doing their school work there. After her free block was science, which Lyric inwardly cringed. Science was almost as bad as math in her eyes. After that she had gym Lyric prayed to be struck down by lightning so she may not participate and her final block was advising. Each senior had an adviser; their homeroom teacher though really it was just a time to relax and get work done, maybe talk about plans and college. "Easy year." She murmured to herself, a small and an amicable smile spread over her cherry-red lips.


    Plot: Plot is pretty open, the base plot will be a Student/Teacher romance and from there we can plot about what will happen.
    My Form: [spoiler]Just a little background.

    Faceclaim: Zoella Sugg

    [ NAME ] Lyric Hadley Bradsgaard
    [ NICKNAME/S ] Tiny, 'Ric (hates this), Sunshine
    [ AGE ] Seventeen
    [ GENDER ] Female
    [ D.O.B ] April 20th

    [ HAIR ] Brunette (Naturally)
    [ SKIN ] White/Fair
    [ EYES ] Blueish-Green
    [ FRAME ] Petite/Curvy
    [ BODY MODIFICATIONS ] Unless you count her earrings, none

    [ DETAILED APPEARANCE ] Lyric's face is somewhat round; though it suits her. Her eyes are large and the deepest of blues imaginable. Her lips are pouty and plush; while her nose is thin and straight. She's small, standing only at about 5' give or take an inch, and is acutely aware of this she's rather self conscious about that fact. Her hair is a deep, rich, mocha in color, complete with smooth and silky tresses that reach her waist. Lyric enjoys adding splashes of color into her hair; though her parents dislike it. She's rather curvy, and has quite the femme fatale figure which is prone to attention. She has small wrinkles around her mouth from smiling and laughing; and there's an air of lighthearted warmness to her. She's very approachable and rather easy to get on with.
    [ TRAITS ]
    -Down to Earth
    -Short tempered
    -Easily discouraged
    - Kind:
    Lyric is naturally very kind. She thrives when doing some good deed; whether lending a listening ear to someone; or simply doing small tasks like laundry for everyone or making sure the house is clean. Lyric won't stand for bullying and does her best to calmly find solutions to conflict; trying to appease everyone. Lyric is always up for doing something nice for someone, big or small. She knows how it feels to be ignored or whispered about; therefore doesn't do it. Lyric does her best to care for others and doesn't expect anything in return.

    - Respectful
    The svelte brunette is mindful of other's feelings, and does her best to respect that by not coming off as obnoxious or annoying. Ironically due to her trying to be polite and respectful, Lyric can come off as uncaring though she just doesn't want to upset anyone by prying. She's very polite when talking with others and although when angered, upset, or flustered can be a little snippy, but will apologize after she calms down. Lyric listens well to directions, and seldom stirs trouble for her peers, teachers or parents. Her parents believe that they missed out on her rebellious phase. .

    - Timid
    When she doesn't know people well Lyric is incredibly timid and withdrawn. She's hard to break out of her shell, as she tends to seclude herself in her room. At first she comes off as jumpy, skittish and kind of hard to talk to. To mask her timidness the girl can often be seen with her nose stuck in a book, or her ear-buds plugged snugly in. She is prone to a little stuttering when nervous, and is decidedly tight-lipped around strangers. Lyric is apt to ignore your existence if she doesn't know you; or give you short clipped answers.

    - Secretive
    While Lyric is happy to give advice and help whenever she can, the girl is very quiet and reclusive about her own past. Even when it comes to her needs, Lyric won't say anything unless it directly affects someone. The girl most certainty has trouble self-advocating and can be quick to keep silent on matters. Lyric is used to letting her adoptive parents speak for her. She can often keeps herself in her room, with the door shut tight. While her parents are sure that she's in there writing or drawing; they never know for sure. Lyric is also decidedly tight-lipped about this. She's vague when she asks to do something, though never seems to get herself into trouble. It's clear she enjoys keeping an air of mystery shrouding herself from most people.

    Full of conundrums and almost hot-cold behavior Lyric is complex to say the least. While she is kind, she can be very reclusive and almost icy to other's around her. While she wants to help, the girl keeps many of her thoughts, suggestions and ideas to herself, and has no problem with disappearing alone for long periods of time. While around Lyric is normally sweet-tempered, but can be touchy and short when she perceives someone trying to pry into her business, or if people try to pry about her past. She keeps secrets, but has no problem in listening to other's. Doing a lot of house-hold cleaning around the home Lyric can be very helpful; but unless asked she is hesitant about stepping into personal conflicts. She's a hopeless romantic, but is terrified of falling in love and is very reluctant to do so.

    - Indecisive
    Lyric doesn't believe herself to be a leader; instead she'd rather leave that to someone else. Never quick to decide things the petite and curvy girl will go to great lengths to avoid making decisions and would rather leave that to someone else. She knows how a simple choice can alter one's destiny and if things go wrong because of a choice she made, Lyric doesn't think she'd be able to live with herself. She finds a great responsibility in being a leader; but finds more responsibility in making sure that leader's aren't abusing their power or coming to poor choices; affected by lack of understanding or influx of emotions. She has a great idea of what a leader should be but is hesitant to step up to those shoes.

    - Free-Spirit
    Believing that everyone should be able to govern themselves; and only make big choices together Lyric can be a little resentful of authority. As long as her choices aren't affecting any others, Lyric is a little hard to "boss" around. While she is timid, if the girl doesn't like something, especially something directly relating to her, she'll voice her opinion. For the most part however, Lyric enjoys doing her own thing, such as running, doing all sorts of odds and ends, reading, drawing, and can be found up at odd hours of the night due to insomnia, reading, baking, or listening to music she has been known to be prone to take late night walks. Lyric also loves watching storms, and when one is going on she can be found out in the middle of it; staring up with a small and unchecked grin, uncaring of how wet she may get, or how loud the storm may be.

    [ HISTORY ] Lyric didn't have the greatest start in life. Her mother was knocked up when she was seventeen, and gave birth to Lyric at eighteen. For the first few years her mother, Lynette and her father Richard tried to keep their little family together. However, both parents were young and immature; and Richard had the tendencies of a drunk. While he tended to shout and loose his temper more, it wasn't as if he'd ever hit his kid or girlfriend; though often he'd take off for days. Lynette wasn't much better. She was hardly home and seemed to detest the idea of taking care of a baby; and often Lyric was left to babysitters. This facade of a family continued until Lyric was about seven and put up for adoption. She spent a year in and out of foster homes until she met the Bradgaard's at nearly age nine. It was love at first sight and the elderly couple were soon filling out the paperwork to officially adopt the wide-eyed girl. She seldom caused trouble, doing as she was told and helping them out around the house as she could. However it proved shortly that Lyric was painfully shy and had a very hard time at making friends during school. Her lack of social life and interactions was concerning for the Bradgaard's; though Lyric's strong intellect made up for that tenfold. From a young age it was apparent she was very bright, a quick learner, and eager to do so. As she grew, she made a few close friends, and seemed to seamlessly get high marks in school. Around sixteen however her mother decided that she wanted Lyric back; and after a long and nasty dispute it was agreed that Lyric would meet with Lynette at least once a month, with supervised visits. Her grades took a slight dip at this, and she seemed to withdraw from her social life. Two years later, Lyric seemed to recover from Lynnette's reappearence into her life. However recently she's been struggling with what to do with her life. She knows her parents would love to see her become a lawyer or doctor; though isn't sure that's the right path for her. As such she's withdrawn a bit into herself once more and these days can often be found wandering about in a dream-like distant trance half the time.
    ✔ Knows how to be very silver tongued manipulative
    ✔ Intelligent
    ✔ Fast
    ✔ Stamina
    ✔ Excellent Diplomat
    ✔Great at deliberations
    ✔ Resourceful
    ☠Can't run long distances
    ☠Her friends
    ☠Her past
    ☠ not strong
    ☠ can't lie
    ☠ hard time saying "no"
    ☠ too nice/self-advocacy
    ☠ Lacks confidence in her actions

    [ FEARS ]
    ✘Her lack of confidence
    ✘Rude/Condescending people
    ✘The future
    ✘Being abandoned/left behind
    ✘Being forgotten

    [ DISORDERS ] Lyric has a small streak of anxiety and time to time will get an anxiety attack.
    [ SEXUALITY ] Heterosexual
    [ LOVE INTEREST ] Your character

    [ TURN ON/S ] -Smart
    -Guys that are human, can make mistakes and own up to them
    -Unique and their "Own person."
    -Down to Earth but can still be a little cocky at times
    -Protective but not overbearing

    [ TURN OFF/S ] -Blonde
    -Too arrogant
    -Too Clingy
    -Total Authoritarian
    [ PLOTS ] As stated, would prefer to plot with you along the way

    [ THEME SONG/S ] [youtube]PElhV8z7I60[/youtube]

    [ OTHER ] N/A


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    © COMET ✯

    Wanted: [spoiler] First off: if there's some sort of RP you'd like I'd be happy to double and play a guy in either this thread or a different thread with you as well.I would prefer that you respond with any of these male characters and am comfortable doubling on any of them with you: Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Vic Fuentes, Jaime Preciado, Oliver Sykes, or Alex Gaskarth. TAKEN FROM MY FERAL FRONT ACCOUNT[/spoiler]
    July 28th, 2015 at 09:05am