Pages All Torn and Frayed

  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    Athena Eris Parun x played by LaylaPetrovana x
    Chloe Mills x played by Bongs Before Bibles x
    August 5th, 2015 at 10:34pm
  • LaylaPetrovana

    LaylaPetrovana (100)

    United States
    Athena Parun | The Lovers


    This past year had been trying; more trying than she’d of thought for her twenty-one years of life. You see, Athena had always been the woman with the plan. Go to college, get her degree in history, get a job at a museum surrounded by little bits of the past that she had adored so growing up. Daddy’s little angel was going to be a curator and follow in his footsteps. Make her father proud, join the family business and all that jazz. Maybe settle down with a clean-cut guy. Do the whole 2.5 kid thing. But all that had been thrown off her senior year when she moved to Jersey with her mother after a nasty divorce. Her hippie mother who had never grown up. She thought she was fucked. And then she started at Belleville High; and it was easy enough to put on her plastic smiles and fall into stride with the other populars.

    That is until she met Gerard, the social outcast who with his “couldn’t give a fuck” attitude slowly stole her heart. By the middle of the year the two were inseparable and ‘Thea fell into his world, and his crowd. They weren’t nearly as bad as the rumors that were spread, in fact he was more honest and painfully real that it was a breath of fresh air. With him the divorce never seemed to bother her, nor her father’s secret family; the reason of her parents splitting. No matter what she was going through he was always there; that tantalizing and ever-so accessible escape from her problems. She fully and wholeheartedly threw herself into loving him; and deciding to follow her own heart she turned down going to University of California, instead going to the local community college with Gerard. It was hard, but with two part-timers they managed to afford a pretty shitty apartment, and a couple roommates. A couple of Gerard’s older friends, Ray Toro and Bob Bryar. And things were great, Athena had fallen so deep into the rabbit hole that became her life; she never wanted to leave. She was Alice, and he her Mad Hatter.

    It was into the second week of school that Athena found out she was pregnant. Gerard had taken it all in stride, swearing to stay by her and raise their little family. Together they laughed off people who told them they were too young and stupid to have any idea what they were doing. Athena managed to get through school with her head held high and look forward to the slowly growing bump inside her stomach. It was hard to believe she was going to be a mother; and while it was ideal she figured that there was no one she’d rather have kids with than Gerard. Maybe it was the stress of school, or the stress of their jobs and the subtle snipping they’d make towards each other by winter rolled around, but with the gelid winds came the event that had truly and utterly broken Athena. She miscarried. She’d been asleep, curled with Gerard unsure of where she started and he ended when the pain in her belly started. Terrified, she pulled back the covers and flicked the lights on to find puddle of blood staining the sheets.

    Gerard had been woken by her panicked cry, and he only needed to take one look at her before he called a paramedic. White faced and wild-eyed he stayed as they took her into the ambulance, trying to hold her hand during the ride. And then it was over. That life that had been so healthy and quickly growing within her only weeks before was gone. The nurse had informed her it would of been a girl. And that ten percent of pregnancies resulted in miscarriage. And then things had gone to shit. Athena had truly and wholly fallen apart; and not even Gerard could fish her out of the sea of despair that had set upon her. She quietly withdrew from school for that year; knowing that when she started again- she’d be starting with Frankie and Mikey. The Way family was incredibly supportive, though she and Gerard both knew that a piece of her had died with that baby.

    The rest of the year she worked full time, stashing money and saving up for god knows what; just an emergency stash she supposed. She and Gerard grew distant; she far more moody and he just… Wasn’t there. He’d often lock himself in their room and furiously scribble over his art pads, and when he talked to her just that January chill they’d lost the baby in seemed to forever remain in his voice. And then the next shitstorm they had to deal with was Bob and Ray both moving out only months apart. When Gerard had finally managed to squeeze an answer out of Bob the blond had mumbled that neither he nor Ray wanted to live in a house where there was near constant fighting. Lucky for them Athena had saved up, and Ray and Bob left their next two month’s worth of rent with them. And Athena thought that was where Gerard finally snapped. The day the two moved out Gerard strolled out the door and hadn’t come home until about three in the morning reeking of booze and weed. That was a screaming match to remember.

    And finally came the next semester of college, and Athena had signed herself up again. Frank had agreed to room with them, and she knew he was a little heartbroken over his newly lost relationship. She vaguely recalled the girl, just knew she was a pretty face and a kind soul who was moving on to bigger and better things. Like she should have. That gave way for resentment to grow between them. It was like neither tried, but neither could seem to let the other go no matter how toxic things had gotten between them. And then when Frank moved in, it was like party fucking central. More nights than not that baby-faced sweet Frank and Gerard would get boozed up, or high and do god knows what before staggering home whenever they pleased. And today was the last straw. So after her mid-morning class Athena had jogged home knowing Gerard’s latest class wasn’t until one. She took the steps two at a time and threw the door open to the apartment; slamming it shut behind her.

    She knew where he was, holed up in their room furiously scribbling away on some dark piece of work that she didn’t want to know. Without ado she let herself in, dropping her bags with a reverberating Thunk!” and causing Gerard’s hand to jump over the sketch he was working on. ”We need to talk. Now.” Athena growled, too tired to try to even act nice. Last night he and Frank and once again woken her up; making her nearly fall asleep in her psychology class. Apparently deciding that she wasn’t important enough his gaze flickered back to the notepad, the pencil scratching against the paper. That boiled her blood. Frank wasn’t home, nor would he be for a few hours which emboldened Athena to march forward snatching his notepad from him. ”First of all, can you maybe fucking answer me when I’m talking? And secondly no more. No more coming home any later than eleven, and no getting buzzed on school days. some of us actually wanna pass so we can-” Her voice dropped off abruptly as she lurched away from Gerard, frantically trying to get his drawing back. If he was saying something it was muted, because Athena’s gaze fell upon his drawing for the first time in months.

    It was clearly him and her; and a little girl on his shoulders. Trees hung overhead while they tread on a sidewalk, and what she thought would be houses when he finished. She could feel the emotion through it; and normally it’d be impressive if it hadn’t been a drawing of that. She stilled long enough for him to snatch it back out of her hands, but the damage was already done. Athena had seen and a soft noise like a gasp and a sob was drawn from her. Around her the blackened walls, his idea, seemed to press down on her from all sides; and all too familiar was the pain of her heart shredding to bits. ”What the fuck was that? She asked, her voice soft and trembly; indicating just how upset she truly was. Feeling her stomach twist in knots the dark-haired beauty was worried she was going to throw up; though after a few moments wrestled that down. There was a sort of unspoken rule of the house and it was simple; don’t acknowledge the miscarriage. No matter what.


    Frank Iero | The Rebel


    This college experience so far had been a trip, and not an entirely good one. Yes he was relieved to be out of the house; more for gaining independence than being away from his mom. Usually on Sunday he’d catch a bus over and have dinner with his folks and catch up. Other than that College wasn’t too terribly different from high school. Of course except for the fact that he no longer had Chloe, his high school sweetheart. They had come to the realization that her going away and him staying here simply wouldn’t work. Frank didn’t want to hold her back; and she wanted him to focus on schoolwork. Like that would happen. It had been almost poetic how they’d spent the summer together, and when that crisp autumn breeze snuck into the air; he kissed her his last goodbye.

    There had been nights he spent up, agonizing over the question on if she had found someone; or if she missed him as much as Frankie missed Chloe. But he had other things to occupy his mind to try to chase her phantom away from him. That was namely Gerard. No, no they weren’t fucking or anything like that- Gerard actually had a girlfriend and deep down, beneath the mountains and heaps of shit they gave each other, Gerard loved her. Frankie knew he did. But Frankie had moved in with them, working his ass off to do school and pay rent. And other… recreational activities. During high school he’d been known to swipe the occasional booze or light up the once in a blue moon joint. Anyway, with trying to balance school, the adult world, and missing Chloe the way a fish would miss water; it all felt a little overwhelming.

    So he and Gerard usually spent their nights walking around, finding places to get high, or just drinking. Frank kept up decently well in school. He had met the requirement for passing the courses so far, and two months in was right on target. That was because he refused to go home until his school work was completed; and that's why the out of place looking boy; with the scent of cigarettes clinging every so lightly to him was hunched over his algebra book wishing death- well further death, on the founders of mathematics. "Just wait until geometry." Athena had warned, her eyes literally depraved of hope at the thought. That's just what math did- crushed people's souls. Anyway, back to him Frankie was wrapping up studying and preparing to head home for the night. He had gathered his things as per normal and was heading out the door, glancing down at his iPod and trying to pick a song; when he literally ran into someone.

    Frank was never a big boy, probably like a hundred pounds and about 5'6. So just lightly knocking into someone sent him, and in this case both of them, tumbling to the ground. "Fuck!" Frank hissed as his iPod bounced off the floors, tearing itself from his headphone jack. Scrambling forward to try to pick it up Frankie was about to whirl around; tear into whoever for not watching where they were going ironic little shit he was when her voice stopped him dead in his tracks. Shit. It had been the voice Frankie had dreamt about nearly every night; the voice that whispered to him while floating about in a seas of THC. Chloe.
    August 6th, 2015 at 05:54am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ LaylaPetrovana
    Gerard sat hunched against the headboard of the bed, his eyes droopy. He'd been out last night fucking around with Frank. Something he'd missed doing. But as of late it felt like nothing he did any more was even worth his time. His classes whizzed by as if they were blurs, though he managed to stay passing.

    It surprised him how he'd fallen as far as he did. But he just couldn't pull himself back up. He couldn't grasp the concept of being happy, and he knew that he wasn't just dragging himself down but everybody around him. And it hurt more to know he was causing the people he loved pain.

    Shifting on the bed his eyes drifted around the sketch pad on his legs. He'd been working on it all day, but the image was still obscured to him. His mind couldn't focus on anything. A loud thunk pulled him from his pivot, looking up he frowned. Athena was pissed again, nothing new. He didn't even bother to listen to her, a scowl overcoming his features when he's drawing was ripped from his hands.

    What the hell had gotten into her, she was never one to bother him when he was drawn, never one to act rash. Quickly moving to get his book back he huffed at her, feeling his anger slowly rising. The audacity she had to even touch his pad.

    Finally grasping the papers in his hand he jerked it back with much more force than was need. Before scurrying back to his seat. Hearing her words he looked up at her like she was dense. "A drawing." He huffed before turning his attention back to the page. The lines jumping out at him, slowly showing him an incomplete scene. Putting his pencil back to the page he quickly set to work on finishing it. Acting as if nothing had happened. He wasn't in the mood to fight, and he wasn't in the mood to listen either.
    Chloe sighed looking down at the map in her hands, she'd been attending the school for a bit over a week now and things were still as foreign to her as they was on day one.

    She'd been set to Brown University, thought it was only 5 hours away. She couldn't part with her family right now. Not after finding out her mother had cancer, and they didn't know if she would make it. She'd attend college here closer to her family, and once things were decided then she'd go to Brown. It was already set. If in the two year time her mother hadn't past it was agreed she would still attend Brown. But they all knew with how close she was to her mother, and her being the only real family she had left. She couldn't part.

    It was hard to stay, after everything she went through to go. It all seemed like a waste now. Her goodbyes to friends and loved ones hurt. But none more than Frankie. She and him had been together for so long that she couldn't imagine her life with out him. But the time came when she finally decided they weren't meant for each other. If they were then they never would have said good bye. Or he would have answered her call when she called to tell him she was staying.

    Three months, it had been three months since she had called him. And she knew he attended the same college as she did. But three months and she hadn't seen or heard from him. And was actually getting her hopes up that he wouldn't show his face around. She was better off without him. He had proven that he was over her when she called. When she needed him the most he let her down. And it hurt. So she was glad she hadn't seen him.

    Lost in her own little world she flipped the map over looking over the names of the buildings. Lifting her gaze, she frowned before turning a sharp corner. A light yelp left her, feeling something solid collide with her. Her bag dragged her back, making her land with a soft thud. Though she was glad it wasn't full of books, instead with her gym clothing.

    "Asshole." She growled out, her eyes lifting from the ground. Feeling like the wind had been knocked from her, she blinked thinking she was mistaken. She recognized him, but it wasn't her Frank anymore. His everything had changed, and that hurt more knowing she was right, he wasn't who she thought.
    August 6th, 2015 at 08:40am
  • LaylaPetrovana

    LaylaPetrovana (100)

    United States
    Athena Parun | The Lovers

    Her mind was drawing a blank and she was left standing as still as stone in the middle of their room. The musky scent of unwashed clothes was beginning to give her a headache and it broke her heart the way that Gerard glared at her as if she were stupid; before turning back to his drawings. She didn’t know what the fuck was holding them together anymore. If she was a stronger woman Athena probably would of left by now- but she knew that wasn’t going to happen. Because whatever toxic thing had sunk it’s claws into their relationship was far from being done.

    The apartment was quiet and the tension between them was almost a palpable thing. She knew their relationship was in shreds and it was partially her fault. Athena had been too sucked in by her own grief and sorrow to notice how broken Gerard was. Any desire to yell at him had since vanished, and maybe she could fix this. "Baby." Athena cooed, feeling slightly validated when his eyes flickered over towards her; though back to his drawing. "I shouldn't of grabbed your sketchbook. But please can we talk about this? I'm trying really hard to make sure I can get a degree and a good job. Like we talked about, but it's really hard when I'm falling asleep in class. Can you and Frankie just go out on days I don't have class?" It felt reasonable, and this was the first time in awhile Athena tried to bargain with him.

    Trying to cheer him up she walked over to him, and this time far more gently placed his sketchbook on the desk beside him before sliding into his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Gerard, let's get out of the house for a day. Let's go see your parents. It's been awhile and I know Mikey probably misses you." 'Thea murmured, hoping that she didn't piss him off again. These days he was so moody and withdrawn even her trying to help may not be received well by him.

    But she was tired, of all the fighting and the screaming and the guilt. She knew that he probably didn't know what to blame for the miscarriage; and it was probably a toss up between her and him. "I'm really trying here Gerard. I know it's been hard for both of us. But I don't want to lose you too." The slender brunette mumbled, not even trying to hide the plea in her voice. Large green eyes evenly met his hazel ones; and she could see the exhaustion and the distance in them. Athena would give him the world if he asked; but Gerard was worlds away from her most times. How long had it been since they'd been affectionate with each other? Since they made love or Athena told him she loved him? How long had it been since Gerard said it? "I still love you." She blurted out, thoughts sparing her mouth into action. She didn't want to fight with him, not right now. She was tired and for fucks sake Athena just wanted to know that everything would be fine.


    Frank Iero | The Rebel

    Holy. Shit. Frank had let out a startled squawk when his eyes found the last person he expected to see. ”Ch..Chloe?” Why was she here? Caught in his excitement he forgot momentarily to notice the cold anger in her eyes. ”Here let me help you- What are you doing here?” She had plans. Big plans- Brown in fact. It had been the reason that they had decided to breakup. It was the damned reason he missed her every time he closed his eyes; or his heart raced when Frank had seen girls that looked like her. Now he was beginning to think that he actually had caught glimpses of her.

    Scrambling to his feet Frank hurried over sticking his hand out to help her up. Frank was shocked and more than a little hurt when she slapped his hand away and helped herself up. What had he done? Was it when he hadn’t picked up her phone call a couple months ago? Right around the start of school actually now he thought about. But they had agreed, it would just be easier for a clean break- the only way that Frank really let someone go. Besides, he was really too weak to just be friends with her; Frank’s heart still ached for Chloe.

    On top of that, had Chloe remained in contact with him; she would of never made friends at Brown. She would of spent weekends either in her dorm on the phone with him, or planning weekend trips down. Frank had figured it was in both their best interest to just try to focus on getting through college. But now there she was in front of him and it was then she noted the anger etched deep into her eyes. Without saying anything she turned on her heel; heading out the door. Swearing, earning a glare from the librarian, Frank smiled an apology before scrabbling his things together to chase after Chloe. His feet pounded against the ground as he pushed past a crowd of students; his gaze never straying from her blonde hair.

    ”Chloe wait up!” He hollered, as a couple other girls turned around. Paying them no mind however he dashed down the hall and finally caught up to her. ”I haven’t seen you for months; why didn’t you stop by and tell someone you were staying? You know my mom’s place. You’ve been there before.” Frank gasped, panting a bit and wow maybe he should really start running in the mornings. Green orbs of the most dazzling and lightest shade of emerald rested on her face, searching for an answer; a reason.


    OOC: I am so sorry that I've been off. I have a few other RP's going on and I've been kind of busy so I've only been able to update one really :(
    August 7th, 2015 at 04:17am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ LaylaPetrovana
    Gerard sighed once she took his sketch book, watching as she placed it on the desk. He didn't know what had gotten into him. But over the last few months, he didn't bother with affection or love. He knew she knew he loved her. But even then it was weening thin. They were always so in love. Now it seemed that they couldn't be together. Listening to her as she clung to him, he thought over her words.

    A trip. To his mother's? Was she crazy, that's the last person he wanted to see. He didn't want to hear the sympathy in her voice every time she talked. But he did miss Mickey.

    Hearing her declare she loved him, he frowned. He didn't know hearing those words in such a manner could actually hurt. She still loved him, as if he'd forgotten. But hearing it was nice none the less. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he buried his face into her. She was after all the woman he loved. "I love you too," he murmured out, almost as if he didn't want her to hear him.

    Love was foreign to him, and right now even holding her felt weird. Almost like he was a virgin again. Though this time with out the incredible need to fuck. Maybe just maybe there was a way to fix things. After all the baby that died, hadn't taken the woman he loved with it.
    Chloe scrabbled to her feet after smacking his hand away. Who did he think he is. Trying to show he cared now. After months of ignoring the way she felt for him, it was easier to turn and walk away from him than she thought.

    Rolling her eyes as his shouts after her, she just ducked her head and walked faster. She knew Frank was short but he did have longer legs than she did. So she wasn't surprised by his appearance next to her.

    Ignoring his inquires she moved through the halls silently. She'd dropped her map and hadn't bother to fetch it. So now she was wondering around aimlessly. Hoping to find a place she could get away from him. Maybe the girls bathroom. But then she'd just be trapping herself in, and hiding from him wasn't really that smart. She just wanted to avoid him at all cost.

    Frank Iero was dead to her, and she didn't plan on reviving him any time soon. So like a fish out of water she'd let him gasp for air. And just watch his suffering. Since he did feel the need to try to get closer to her. Maybe he did have some feelings for her, but hers were gone. She knew though that those hazel eyes would be her down fall. So that's why she chose to keep her attention any where but the boy lagging along next to her.

    She didn't want to think about the changes, how he dressed differently. His hair was different, and he look really mature and not like the mousy boy she knew. But he did have a whole summer break to get everything out of his system. So she was surprised he was even bothering. With his now freedom he should be out fucking some random chick and not bothering her. She figured that's what he would have done even it they stayed together. And she couldn't put herself through that.
    I get it, we all have lives. I have a two year old so believe me I understand that when you can't write you can't write.
    August 7th, 2015 at 06:39am
  • LaylaPetrovana

    LaylaPetrovana (100)

    United States
    Athena Parun | The Lovers

    She was relieved as Gerard buried his face in her; and carefully one of her hands came up to gently run her fingers through his thick, inky hair like he’d used to like. When they were on better terms anyway. She almost missed when Gerard whispered that he loved her, and Athena nearly sagged with relief. He was quiet, as he usually was these days. Outside she could hear rain splashing against their windows and leaning forward she pressed a kiss to his temple.

    She didn’t want to move, not from this. How long had it been since he’d actually allowed this much physical contact? Athena had begun to get increasingly worried about him. She knew that he probably wouldn’t want to see Donna, but Mikey was usually a welcomed person for him. ”I’ll invite Mikey over ok? You two can go spend the day somewhere.” While Mikey attended the same college as the four of them; he still lived with Donna.

    Maybe she thought her youngest son would also knock someone up. While Gerard detested Donna’s sympathy and whatnot towards them; Athena appreciated it. It made her feel… Validated. Like it was ok to actually be falling apart and that other people felt that way too. For a moment she just remained still before sighing and pulling back. ”Wanna get some takeout before class? We can order it’s raining.” The great thing about living in a college neighborhood was plenty of cheap places to eat. Pizza, Italian, Chinese, the little sushi place, Indian though Athena always kind of disliked indian and of course burgers.

    During the past year Gerard had lost a lot of weight; and it was kind of worrying. He was paler than when they’d first met and Athena was kind of worried he was just locking himself away. She wanted to hold him, show him she was there and promise him that it was ok to hurt. But he didn’t have to do it alone. But right now, just with his arms around her waist Athena didn’t want to press her luck. ”Maybe we can watch a movie hmm? You can pick.”


    Frank Iero | The rebel

    Frank wouldn’t lie. He was frustrated. He was late back to the apartment, it had started raining outside and Chloe wouldn’t even look at him. What had he done? Was she pissed he broke up with her? It had been mutual from his understanding. Fucking hell! He had bent down and quickly scooped up her map, shoving it into his back pocket just quietly following her around until she either stopped or spoke to him. It wasn’t fair to Frank; he loved her- and still did but to not know what the fuck he’d done so he could fix it? That was harsh.

    Finally when she paused he smirked, ”Lost?” He asked innocently, his emerald eyes aglow with an impish sparkle. ”Tell me why you’re pissed and I’ll give you your map back.” He tried to reason, only to watch her scour grow deeper. Exhaling loudly through his nose Frank stood there for a few moments feeling like an utter sod. ”I have fucking missed you every day. Not a day goes by where I don’t think about you Chloe. About our summer, and high school. Whatever I have done to piss you off I’m sorry!” Frank finally burst after about ten minutes of her cool silence.

    Fishing the map from his back pocket, trying to smooth it out and trying not to let onto how much his heart was fucking breaking he gracelessly shoved it back into her unexpecting hands. ”Here. Take it, have a great life. Sorry for whatever it is I’ve done to you. I hope you know that you’re the only thing that’s been on my mind since you supposedly went to Brown. But I think I get it now. You just didn’t want to start college with the weird kid as your boyfriend.” He muttered sourly.

    That was the only thing that he could think of. Frank hadn’t hurt her, the split had been amicable he thought; but now she was acting like he’d murdered her kitten or something. The pain in his chest was actually quite real, and it kind of felt like he may be having a heart attack; but he knew better. Giving her one last glare, mixed with a sort of incredulous piteous look of hurt Frank turned away from her. He should of taken a cue from literally every movie he’d ever seen; high school sweethearts never work out; why should he have been any different?
    August 7th, 2015 at 07:52am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ LaylaPetrovana
    Gerard listened to Athena ramble about wanting to hang out. But he found it impossible with their schedules, it was one of the reason why he and Frank hung out so much. The two of them weren't really that close but they both liked to drink. And right now that's all he had wanted was a drinking buddy. Somebody to make sure he made it home.

    But he might have to think things over, if she was really wanting to try then maybe they could fix what was broken between the two of them. Because he didn't think he could survive if she left him too. "A movie sounds nice." He informed her, "but don't you have classes?" He didn't want her to waste her life on him when she could better herself. As hurtful as that sounded he still knew he'd let her go if it meant she was better off. But right now they both were clinging to each other because it was all they knew. Neither had lived alone before, and both were hurting.

    They needed time together to fix things, but things wouldn't go back to the way they were over night. He'd still go out drinking. And she'd still ignore him for classes. It was what they did, and would continue to do until she was finished with classes or he decided to quit drinking. But he didn't plan on quitting anytime soon.
    Chloe bit her lip as she watched him walk away. She hated it when he put himself down. And him being the weird kid was what drew her to him. She knew he self hated, it happened because he was bullied so much in middle school.

    But she didn't get why he tried so hard to get her to talk to him, he knew how stubborn she could be. When they fought she'd ignore him for days, pissed off at him. And this wasn't any different, but then again it was completely different. She wasn't his girlfriend any more. And she didn't owe him any sort of explanation. She had been by to see Linda and tell her about her mother's condition. And all she did was tell her she was sorry and rush to work. But she would never tell Frank that, because it didn't change anything. Her being here instead of Brown, was just a small set back.

    Brown was in her future, and she'd end up leaving him behind then too. So why waste another two years of her life loving him, when it was just going to rip her heart out when she left again.

    Closing her eyes she fought back tears, she didn't think seeing him again would hurt as much as it had. But then again when they left they were on good terms. And now he was showing her hatred just as much as she was him. And it hurt. She wouldn't lie.

    Turning her attention to the map in her hands she turned and followed behind him. She hadn't realized she was going in the wrong direction. The dorms were on the other side of campus, and here she was almost in tears having to trek her way through the students just so she could cry in peace.
    August 8th, 2015 at 04:50am
  • LaylaPetrovana

    LaylaPetrovana (100)

    United States
    Athena Parun | The Lovers

    She had to remind herself, that this- this reluctant agreement was a start. It was better than ignoring each other. "I already had class today. It's my short day. I'll have a night class but I've got time to kill." She reminded Gerard gently, a little concerned he was missing his own class. She didn't bring it up though, the need to be close to him overshadowing any concern for their grades. They were young and stupid, but for now Athena wanted and maybe deep down needed for them to stay together. There was a lot of hurt and resentment and general drifting apart, but she liked to think they weren't broken. Not completely. "I'll order some Chinese, the usual. Why don't you pick a movie?" With a semi-forced smile she leaned forward, gently kissing his cheek before getting up. The slender brunette didn't look back as she exited their room; scanning the apartment for Frank. He was nowhere to be found and Athena was getting a little concerned. Did he get lost? Making a mental note to text him later she shuffled to their tiny somewhat chaotic living room flopping down on the couch while grabbing the Chinese place's pamphlet off the coffee table.

    After skimming the menu she pulled her phone from her pocket, dialing the number. It would take about twenty minutes for it to get there, which would be fine. Probably be enough time to cajole Gerard to at least come draw on the couch. "Just don't antagonize him." Athena reminded herself as she stood, her fingers tapping nervously against her thigh. Since the place was so small it didn't take long until she was knocking on their door, sticking her head in. "I've got Netflix on the TV if you wanted to join me. I'd really like that Handsome. Also food should be here in about fifteen." Athena half implored, half stated already expecting him to push her away. Again. That was the worst, when Athena actually tried to reach out to him; only to have Gerard shove her away. Couldn't he see she was hurting too? She'd been drowning in her own self-loathing and guilt since the baby. And fuck she was lonely. Athena missed the days they'd stay in and loose themselves in each other, days where they'd go out and explore the world not a fucking care in the world.

    She would do anything to have that back; with him. In her eyes she wanted to make this work, and a part of her would always be willing to stay with Gerard- so long as he wanted her as well. It scared her to think that maybe he wasn't in love with her anymore. That whenever he looked at her, he just saw disappointment and empty promises. That he'd find a new pretty face that didn't remind him of what was lost. And another part of Athena thought that the only way they could fix themselves was to talk about it. It'd been a year and a half; yet they'd never been the same since that event. And maybe she deserved it, the state of their relationship for pushing him away when it had first happened. She'd been hurting too much herself to see how much he had hurt. And now it felt like they were almost strangers sharing a bed. "We could watch a horror." Athena relented, though she detested the genre. Oh they'd keep her up for a couple weeks with thoughts of monsters and bloody knives; but if it made him happy the girl was willing to compromise.


    Frank Iero | The rebel

    Frankie hadn't even flinched as he stormed his way out of the college, wrapped and absorbed in his own self-pity to notice the fat drops of rain, nor the freezing temperatures that rose goosebumps on his skin. All he could think about was the fucking hurt in his chest. How un-fucking-fair it was that she wouldn't even tell him why. What he had done so Frank could fix it. He had given her everything, had torn his heart out and spat on it when he had calmly agreed that it was the best thing for their relationship to come to a close. Cold turkey and no more communication- at least until they were both over it and settled in. So while he had spent this college semester so far getting high and drunk, and of course reliving every moment of their relationship; Chloe had lied. Chloe had moved on, hadn't told him she just wanted to be rid of his sorry ass.

    He had made it halfway back to his dorm when he became aware of his surroundings; and the quiet familiar footsteps behind him. Clenching his jaw together, trying not to acknowledge Chloe's existence Frank shoved his hands deeper into his pocket and marched on, eyes glued to the ground. That's probably why he didn't notice the student on the bike speeding towards a puddle close to him; and also why he got soaked when said biker rode through it snickering and calling Frank an emo fag as it drenched Frank's small frame. "Fuck!" He hollered loudly, a strangled yelp in his throat as icy water began seeping through his clothes. Just his motherfucking luck. His temper, normally even was now shortened by not only Chloe and her ignorance, but now the asshole kid on the bike. Kids were kind of sort of assholes and this wasn't the first time Frank had been called that since the start of his college career.

    Feeling like everything was just a little too much he stopped forcing deep breaths down his lungs. He had been ok when he thought Chloe had gone to Brown. He hadn't exactly been ok with the fact she was probably going to date some handsome rich college-boy who was smarter and better educated than himself. Hell Frank had even tried to convince himself he'd be ok without her. But standing there in the freezing rain, having possibly the worst day of his young life Frank was forced to come to terms with the fact that he hadn't been alright. He'd been hiding himself in the bottom of a bottle and the end of a joint. Turning around, acutely aware that Chloe was still standing there, and to his humiliation had probably heard what the asshole biker kid had said, marched towards her with a determination to his step and fire in his eyes. If she was going to leave him broken, than she was going to know it. She was still standing there gazing around with confusion in her eyes as if she were lost; and Frank figured she probably was. If she thought he was going back to dorms or class she was very wrong. Frank lived off-campus with Gerard and Athena.

    "Look, I've lied to you. When we broke up I told you it was fine, that it was smart. And maybe it was smart; but fucking hell I have missed you ever since you 'supposedly' went to Brown. I don't know why you stayed.You don't have to tell me. I doubt you'll talk to me; but I want you to at least know that I never stopped loving you. I spent the last three years of my life with you. I figured we'd grow old together and all that shit. But then you left for Brown; and I wanted to respect that. If your other half wants to go better themselves; than don't stand in the way of that." He took a deep breath, hesitant about where he was going with this before Frank glanced away for a moment and then back to her. "I haven't been myself since you supposedly left. And not in a good way. If you don't want to talk to me or even acknowledge my existence, fine but you should at least know how fucking shitty it is, and how it feels to ignore me. To not even let me know what I did wrong." By the time he finished his small rant, Frank was shivering. He was freezing, it felt like someone dipped him into an icebox and at this point if she didn't want to talk he just wanted to go home and try to convince himself that he didn't love her.


    So sorry it's been so long. There was an unexpected death in the family around the same time we were helping my great-gram move in. I'll be active again now that everything's been sorted. Gah my life has been so chaotic lately.
    August 27th, 2015 at 06:44am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ LaylaPetrovana
    Gerard stood once she exited the room, his eyes strayed over to his drawing pad. He was debating in weather or not he should take it with him into the living room. Breaking his stare he moved to the ensuit bathroom, not realizing just how hard it was to walk away from his drawing. His body even screamed at him for not taking proper care of it. The way his bladder hurt was proof he hadn't used the bathroom in hours, and his stomach ached from hunger. Sighing as he relived his tension, he knew that he'd need to eat soon too, and it was a good thing Athena w as still here, he'd never eat if she wasn't leaving him little hints here and there.

    Moving to the sink he splashed some water on his face, he needed to shower, but he didn't think he had the strength to do it now. And she'd be expecting him to join her shortly. And really he didn't want to let her down. Because she was right, he had been pushing her away. And that needed to stop, he'd never get a girl like her ever again. And even if she was far better than he deserved she still wanted him, and it scared the shit out of him thinking he could lose her.

    And if she left him he didn't know what he'd do then. He was afraid to let his mind drift that way. Because death was the first thought that always popped into his head. And he couldn't let that happen. It would devastate Mikey and his mom.

    Stepping from the bathroom, he pulled his shirt off, he wasn't going to cuddle up to her on the couch smelling like a bar. Since he was still wearing the clothes from the past few days, he'll he couldn't remember when he last changed. Stripping down to his boxers he moved to the closet, browsing through it. Since he didn't plan on going out tonight, he'd wear a pair of sweats. Pulling on a pair of dull grey ones, he then shuffled through the clothes looking for a shirt. He hated his body, and being reminded that he was puggy wasn't something he wanted to deal with right now. Pulling on a clean shirt he heard Athena's voice from the door way. "Okay." He informed her letting her know he was listening to her. He decided he needed to make a better effort, or he'd end up with his ass in a rehab somewhere with his mother pissed off. Not something he wanted to deal with. Moving to the door, he shut the light off before following her back to the livingroom. Even though he didn't really want to watch a movie, he'd at least put forth the effort to be with her. "Why don't you pick something." He told her, before going into the kitchen and grabbing them both a pop. He knew he wanted a beer, but right now he needed to be sober, if not from himself the for her.
    Chloe lifted her eyes, them widing once she seen Frank get doused in water. Frowning at the words that left the bicyclists mouth. Though she didn't have a long burst of anger, as she squeaked out quickly moving out of the guys way. His burst of fun with Frank almost had her pancaked to the ground. Huffing she glared after the guy, before turning her attention to Frank.

    She watched as he shook, she knew he was pissed. And part of her wanted to go and soothe him, but her feet were rooted. And the ache in her heart returned. Tucking her head she looked down at the map in her hand, everything looked like a blur. Gulping she tried to fight back the tears that were brinking, she bit her lip hearing his stomping feet approach her. She hoped fear wasn't display on her face, slowly lifting it she took in his angered features. The words that spilled out of his mouth were almost lost on her, she had to force herself to listen. And that was a first for her. Usually when Frank spoke she was hanging on to his every word. But now she was so disheveled and lost in her our self pity she was trying to hold onto the little bit of anger she had towards him. Because it was slowly dissolving, and she knew she'd fall right back into deep hearthache. Feeling her emotions taking over she tucked her head, letting the tears slip down her face. "Frankie." She sobbed out, she didn't want to deal with him or the world right now she just wanted to breathe, freely. And that wasn't going to happen. She knew that what they had was done, and it had to stay that was. She was going to Brown.

    Shaking her head she brought her hand up wiping her eyes on her sleeve. She wanted to tell him off, just yell at him about how stupid he is. How she needed him and now that he needs her he can finally feel what she felt when he wasn't there. She wanted to scream about how she still loved him. But nothing would leave her mouth she just needed him to stop, to back away and give her space. She couldn't do this right now, and she wouldn't. Lifting her head she looked at him, letting him see the pain she was in. But she shook her head and took a few steps back, before turning and walking away from him. She needed to get away from him and her dorm was out of the question since it was behind her.

    Moving through the thicket of students, she finally found a place to rest. Out behind the school building there was a couple of empty benches. And since it had started raining people were scares. Dropping herself down on the bench she let her frustrating out, her sobs raked her body.
    No worries.. And I'm sorry for you loss.
    August 27th, 2015 at 07:55am
  • LaylaPetrovana

    LaylaPetrovana (100)

    United States
    Athena Parun | The Lovers

    Honestly, Athena was terrified. She was so fucking scared that they were just prolonging the inevitable. That, even when she reached out to him, and Gerard responded, that they were just kids who had lost too much and he'd be gone at the end of the day. And the thought of Gerard being gone, her anchor through so many things, made her blood turn to ice. When she found out why her parents had gotten divorced, that her father hadn't wanted her, rather his other family hadn't wanted a thing to do with her, Gerard was the one who was there. He was the one who'd come over, spend nights coaxing Athena back to her normal behavior. The onyx haired boy with his sweet words and actions had always made sure she was taken care of in his own way. When things were tense between Athena and her mother, it was Gerard who'd convince Donna to let her stay a couple nights not that it was that hard to convince her. But overall, when it felt like Athena didn't have a family- he gave her one and never made her feel bad for it.

    And then they were going to be an actual family, but she'd gone and lost that. Sitting on the couch, drawing her knees up to her chest the little brunette nervously chewed at her lip her nose scrunched up with thought. Athena didn't know if she could handle losing Gerard. The scratchy, old, faded green fabric of the couch cushioned her as the girl tried to get comfortable waiting for her beau to join her. Athena could hear him, rustling about in their tiny, shared bathroom. It was one of the things about living in the apartment. It was tiny as fuck, and close quarters. But when she and Gerard had moved in they joked that it would bring everyone closer. A year later Athena wasn't sure that was the case, but all this was besides the point. As she waited, twirling a lock of her mocha colored tresses around a slender finger she heard Gerard call to her "Why don't you pick something?" For a moment she paused, though a soft smile touched down on her lips as she hesitantly nodded. "Alright."

    Athena would be lying if she said she wasn't weary when Gerard ambled off to the kitchen. Weary that he would get a beer. His drinking had increased and honestly she was a little worried he was going to have liver failure if he kept his habits up. However, when he reappeared only a can of soda she relaxed, offering a tepid smile. As he sunk down beside her, looking worn and hallowed. In fact, concern welled in her chest for the dark-haired boy she'd fallen so in love with. His cheeks were hallowed, gaunt, and as he shifted to wrap an arm around her she could feel the weight he lost. Against her better judgement Athena tabled that conversation for later. It wasnt so much she thought he was starving himself, just he hardly ever put down his art pad to even pee let alone eat. The slender brunette would just make sure that he ate enough when the food arrived. When they were both situated, Athena laying on her side with her head resting in his lap while his hand lazily rested itself on the curve of her hip, she began to browse Netflix.

    A few titles she asked if he was feeling up for, namely a few cheesy Adam Sandler movies; though nothing elicited a big response from him. The brunette was ready to just put on a hack and slash they could both enjoy when she stumbled across a film she hadn't seen since she was a child, The Last Unicorn. It was too good to pass up and she eagerly looked up at Gerard. "Let's watch this!" It was a great story-line and when he offered a little smile and a nod the girl clicked it on. She knew he was a sucker for a good animated movie, and this one was a classic. Like the grandfather of all animations. For awhile she just enjoyed being with her beau. The fact that they weren't screaming at each other, or fighting. Any awkwardness in their silence was masked by their movie. Halfway through the movie their food was delivered, which between the two of them was paid and eaten for pretty quickly.

    She reckoned that Gerard was hungrier than he realized, going by the rate he scarfed down his Lo Mien at. Finally, the movie was winding down and still the two hadn't gotten into any sort of fight. Kind of a new for them since their relationship had fallen apart. "Just because we're not as bad as we usually are- doesn't mean we're in a good place." Athena reminded herself gravely. If she wanted this to work, the girl knew they'd have to address the hurts they had bottled up for so long. And as they were now, 'Thea wasn't sure that their relationship could handle hashing everything out. Her thoughts preoccupied her right to the end of the movie, and oddly enough still no Frankie. He was smaller than most men his age, and it would't be the first time he'd of gotten into trouble. "Wonder where Frank is... He's usually home by now." Athena mumbled worriedly, nibbling at her lip. While her unborn child may of died, her maternal instincts had never quite gone away. "D' you think he's alright?"


    Frank Iero | The rebel

    He told himself he didn't care as she turned and all but fled from him. That it didn't tear his heart out to see the look she shot him, like she was just begging him to leave her alone. And like that she was backing away from him, and even from where Frank stood he recognized her I'm about to cry look; and he felt torn as she turned and ran in the opposite direction of him. Should he chase after her? Wrap her in his arms like he used to and whisper sweet nothings to her until Chloe calmed. In fact, he had started after her, forgetting his own freezing, shivering misery; but he stopped after only a few steps. There was something different about her. Icy, hardened and the fact that as far as he knew, she'd let him believe she was off to Brown, rather than going to the same college that he was going to. Something had changed, and she didn't want anything to do with him. At least, that's how the situation looked to him. He of course had no idea of her real reasons for staying behind rather than going to Brown.

    How could he? No one had told him, and he had thought they were still on a clean break from one another. For a few moments he stayed, shivering beneath the heavy, icy white-wash of rain. His skin was absolutely frozen, cheeks flushed with a bright red as Frank quivered beneath the rain. Should he stay or go? Biting at his lip the young man knew he'd need to do something soon lest he freeze trying to make up his mind. "Fuck it." He grumbled, turning away and ambling back to his own apartment. It was clear she didn't want him rushing to her rescue. That Chloe did't want Frank around her. For what reason he had no idea. So he turned, shoving his numbing hands into his hoodie's pockets, waterlogged as the rest of him. "I don't fucking need her. I don't fucking need her." Frankie chanted to himself, hurt driving his thoughts to be rather dark and cruel. He wasn't really aware of his surroundings as he trudged home.

    He was nearly to the crosswalk three blocks from the apartment he shared with Gerard and Athena when a feeling of guilt began to squeeze his innards. This was New Jersey and a pretty girl in the rain was just asking for trouble. "Dammit." Frank hissed, whipping around- sprinting towards the direction he'd seen her vanish. The bleachers were that way and he figured if she was lost that was probably the place Chloe would go to collect her thoughts. His feet pounded desperately against the pavement, though his footsteps were swallowed up by the noise of the city. Breath exploded in the young man's lungs as he hurtled towards the bleachers, slipping once or twice; though hardly noticed as he scrambled back to his feet. He still loved Chloe, missed her like hell even. As angry as he was at the situation he couldn't stand the thought of her being lost or in trouble. Finally, what felt like hours to him though was only about ten minutes, he was at the large field.

    Frank didn't even slow his pace as he careened through the gates, scanning the empty field. There was no one on the field. No teams were crazy enough to play in this weather. His body still racked with shivers though he hardly noticed it. He had to find Chloe. God forbid something happen to her. Setting his emerald gaze on the bleachers, it took him awhile, but he noticed a small figure, bent over in what looked like a huddle. But he knew better. She was crying, and Frank felt it was his fault. For a moment he didn't know what to do, how to make it better for her. So, he acted on auto pilot. Slowing to a jog Frankie headed up the bleachers taking the steps two at a time to reach her; and finally, finally he was in front of the woman he'd never stopped loving. At this point her soft sobs reached his ears, and whether or not she wanted it Frankie sank down to the spot next to her.

    With only a pause he carefully wrapped an arm around her shoulder; "I'm sorry Chloe." He murmured, his voice nearly drowned out by the pounding of the rain against the metal bleachers. "I- please don't cry." Frank mumbled, trying to get her to cease her sobs. It hadn't occurred to him that her mom was sick. Or that she wasn't able to go to her dream school because of it. He had just assumed that she thought of him like every other girl they went to high school with- the weird freak who hung out with the wrong crowd. "Look, I shouldn't of yelled, Chloe please talk to me." Frankie tried again, this time determined to get her to talk to him. His gaze fell onto her figure, filled with hurt, regret and confusion. Fuck he just wanted to make this better. To make her not hurt and to understand what had happened between them. At this pint he knew it was getting late, he should of been back awhile ago but making sure Chloe was okay was his foremost priority.


    OOC: I totally understand if you don't want to continue this RP but I really enjoyed it and I just got so busy between school and a new job, puppy and helping to take care of my great-gram that I just did not even have time to get on this site.
    November 8th, 2015 at 08:40am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ LaylaPetrovana
    Gerard watched the poorly animated movie, his mind going over ever flaw wanting to correct it. He knew that his skills for drawing was better. Though his mind was wrapped around the animation and not the plot he still didn't mind it. His arm rested around his love, not minding that once he was away from his drawing. Even if it didn't last long he still enjoyed the company. Hearing the door bell he got up and retrieved the food. Pigging out on it wasn't something he'd normally do, but since he'd more than likely hadn't eaten in days. It was easy for him to forget and get lost in his artwork.

    Sighing he set an empty container down on the table, before frowning at her words. He wasn't sure how he felt about her concern about Frank. "He's a grown ass man." He nearly spat, his mind automatically going to her cheating. Though he knew that Frank would never betray him like that, he had his suspicions about her. And it hurt knowing that she would ever stoop that low as to hurt him like that. Shaking his head he huffed before pushing himself off the couch, so much for actually being a couple. He hated fighting with her, but at the same time he couldn't hide the fact he believed she was now cheating. Never had it crossed his mind, since lately all he thought about was how she could do better. But maybe she had found better, and this was just a ploy for getting back at him for treating her like shit for the past few months.

    Shaking the thoughts from his head he moved into the kitchen, fuck staying sober. Grabbing a beer for the fridge he chugged it. The vile liquid landing on his full stomach almost made him sick. But he could feel the the slow toxins seeping in and his body starting to feel the slight high. It would take him a lot more before he didn't give a fuck. But right now these few he had would just have to work so that he could forget his hurt. He didn't need this hurt, betrayal in the lowest form. He would never get over it, if she chose Frank.
    Chloe sobbed out, her body betraying her and relaxing into his touch. Though she couldn't remain there long. The rain had already soaked her and she shook not only from the cold but because of the violence of her cries. Pushing away from his she lifted her gaze up to him, not knowing why he would even bother. She wasn't worth it, he'd already made that clear. "What do you want from me Frank?" She bellowed, shaking her head and wiping at her face. "I tried to tell you I wasn't going to Brown, but you fucking ignored my call. She huffed out, before shaking her head. "I don't own you fucking shit." She stood and took off walking away from him.

    In her hast to escape him she didn't mind her footing, and slipped on the bleachers. "Shit." She huffed out as she landed on her ass, today wasn't her day. Sighing she shook her head, sighing out, tears slipping down her cheeks. She felt pathetic crying in the rain, but the man she loved was causing her unneeded pain. And she knew she shouldn't get involved with him again, but she couldn't lie she still loved him. It was harder than she thought to turn her love off.
    November 27th, 2015 at 07:38am