there goes my hero.

  • [tehe Also, what exactly can Amalia do? Like, what did they do to her? I just realized that I don't actually know, and Pietro does. lmfao]

    Pietro made a face at her. He might grow on him, but he had a feeling that it would take a long time. Everyone else had been fine, but Stark and his smug grin, he was just having a hard time accepting the fact that he wasn't who Pietro had made him out to be. He frowned a little as he watched her. Sure, she was there, but that didn't mean that they were keeping her safe. What if they were putting her in dangerous situations? "Just as long as you're okay, Malia."
    Hayden faltered. Every other debriefing she had been to, no one had actually reassured her that she'd done the right thing. She looked up to Captain Rogers, crinkling her brow a little as she watched him. "It's - I still think of him as my partner, you know? Not some lying bastard that pulled a gun on me." She looked down at the table, her fists clenching in her lap. She'd seen the look in his eyes right before she shot him. She'd been waiting for something of her friend, but there had been nothing. Nothing at all. "What else do you need to know?"
    August 12th, 2015 at 04:28am
  • [I probably should have mentioned that lmfao Um, I pictured her having ice powers...almost like Killer Frost if you're at all familiar with her in the DC comics? But minus having the ability to control men with a kiss? So basically Killer Frost but with strictly ice based abilities, I guess? Haha. Part of me wanted her to have ice powers because I just know that Tony would start calling her Elsa lmfao]

    Amalia let out a quiet laugh when he made a face at her. She knew that he didn't necessarily agree with her. She had a feeling that Tony would eventually grow on him though, he always did, no matter how much a person might hate him at first. It was just how Tony was really. She glanced over to him, noticing the frown on his face. She stopped walking and turned to look at him fully for a second. "I'm fine, I promise." She told him. "SHIELD has been very good to me."
    Steve frowned. He understood what she meant completely. Of course, the situation with Bucky was different, Hydra had brainwashed his best friend and made him think that Steve was one of his targets, but that didn't mean that he couldn't relate to Hayden. He definitely could, and he understood why it was so hard for her to come to terms with what had happened. "You did the right thing, Hayden." He repeated. "If you hadn't pulled that trigger, you wouldn't be sitting here today." Her partner would have finished her off, tossed her aside like she was nothing. "What happened after that? Where have you been since SHIELD fell?"
    August 12th, 2015 at 02:15pm