mischief managed.

  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Lily Evans && James Potter

    Marlene McKinnon && Sirius Black
    August 11th, 2015 at 02:08am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Lily was an early riser, and she'd been that way since well as long as she could remember. She rarely ever slept in, and if by chance she did then she was probably sick. Really she wasn't quite sure how James could sleep in the way he did, she especially didn't see how he could fall back to sleep after she'd left the bed. Sleeping in made her feel lazy, being up early though she found she got more things done and just felt good. Which was why as usual it was nearing 10 am and she'd already been up for a good three hours and gotten so much done. She'd warmed up some water and was now on her third cup of tea, she'd already read the paper which only seemed to be getting worse, had breakfast, did some laundry, cleaned the kitchen, and of course taken a shower and gotten dressed. She didn't really have any plans for the day, but that didn't mean that she had any intentions of staying in all day either. Things might have been getting worse as far as the ministry were concerned, but well they weren't bad enough to where she shouldn't leave. Honestly, she'd probably end up meeting up with Marlene later in the day to get a little bit of shopping done.
    Sirius stretched his arms above his head and yawned as he climbed out of bed and made his way downstairs towards the kitchen. He put on some water and then started to go through the cabinets until he'd gathered everything he needed to make breakfast. After all, he wasn't staying at Hogwarts anymore, and so he had to take care of himself. Which at first was kind of hard. Not having to wake up at certain times, or having someone to make you every meal you ate when it was kind of all you were used to was hard. He'd felt like he'd gotten the hang of it though. Luckily he actually knew how to cook, he just had to make himself do it usually. Though when he wasn't feeling it there was a nice little place right down the street from his flat that served breakfast, lunch, and dinner. That or he could just show up at James and Lily's place, or make Marlene take care of him. Honestly, Sirius was a pretty independent person, so usually he just figured things out for himself.
    August 11th, 2015 at 03:13am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    James never understood how Lily woke up so damn early every single day. He'd never been an early riser himself, it was a surprise that he made it to class in the morning let alone breakfast. That was the beauty of being out of Hogwarts though. No classes to be at. No allotted time for breakfast. He could wake up whenever he well pleased. Of course, he knew that that wouldn't last. He'd eventually have to stop sleeping the mornings away, but, for right now, he was taking full advantage of having his own place with his amazing girlfriend. Sometimes he woke up when Lily did, the slight shifting of the mattress as she wriggled out of his grasp and off of the bed was enough to wake him, but he never stayed awake. Normally, he'd grumble something about it being too bloody early, roll over, and drift back off to sleep for a few hours. Today was no different. When he finally did get up, his hair in even more of a disarray than it normally was, he stumbled out into the hallway, bleary eyed and still half-asleep, in search of his girlfriend. He wasn't at all surprised to find her curled up, a cuppa in hand, and clearly dressed and ready for the day. "Mornin', Red." He mumbled, pressing a kiss to her head.
    Marlene was pleasantly surprised to find that she hadn't received an SOS of sorts yet today. It wasn't exactly an SOS though, she knew very well that Sirius could take care of himself, he just chose not to. If he wasn't searching for a place that served breakfast, lunch and dinner, he was either mooching off of James and Lily, or attempting to convince her to whip something up for him. Granted, it didn't always take much convincing at all, and he was always certain to point that out to her, but that was besides the point. The point was, he hadn't bugged her yet today, the day was still rather young of course and that wasn't to say that he wouldn't, she was just surprised that he hadn't yet.
    August 11th, 2015 at 03:31pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "Morning," Lily replied before she folded the paper and set it on the table in front of her. "Did you sleep well?" She asked him walking into the kitchen to get another cuppa. Honestly, she really didn't need another cup given it was already her fourth one that morning, but it helped calm her nerves for whatever reason. It wasn't like the war had gotten bad yet or anything, but it was still a war and wasn't exactly good. Plus every time she read the paper it was like instead of getting closer to finding Voldemort and his followers they were getting farther away. And it all made her wonder if they should take Dumbledore up on his offer to join the army he was building. At least then she'd feel like she was helping with something instead of sitting around hoping everything went well. She and James hadn't really talked much about it, probably because they were both worried about the same things if they did join. That one of them could get hurt or killed, but then again things were getting worse. She could feel it, even if the paper didn't want to admit it but they were.
    Sirius had thought that he was doing a good job at taking care of himself given he'd actually decided to try and make his own breakfast, but he was starting to realize why he never made breakfast. Honestly, why he thought he could do this he didn't know. So he figured he'd just get ahold of Marlene and make her come over, she was pretty good at taking care of him. Honestly, it was nice to have Marlene around because she took care of him. And it wasn't that he needed her to exactly it was just nice that she did. Really aside from James, and his friends he'd never actually had someone in his life who would drop basically everything for him. He was pretty sure that was one of the reasons he cared so much about his friends because they cared so much about him.
    August 12th, 2015 at 04:27am