Love Outweighs Ignorance

  • @ paradigm;
    Callie frowned when Matt left her bunk, she knew he was right but that didn't mean she'd make it easy. Shifting she pulled her hair back, before laying down. Resting herself back on her pillow, she wondered if he was returning. Sighing she closed her eyes deciding she'd rest until he came back.
    July 14th, 2017 at 09:56pm
  • After pulling on his shirt, Matt went back to Callie's bunk, pulling back the curtain and climbing inside. "You want me to go grab you your shirt or anything before I get comfortable?" Matt asked, looking at Callie and noticing that she was still almost completely naked. If she wanted her clothes he would get out and get them, but of course, if she wanted to stay the way she was, he wouldn't complain about it at all.
    July 16th, 2017 at 08:37am
  • @ paradigm;
    Callie looked up at him, "does it bother you?" She asked him softly, she'd rather not have anything constricting her while sleeping. Not to mention this would be the first time she'd share a bunk with someone else. So feeling less confided would actually help her rest better. Once he said no she shook her head, "I'm fine with out." She smiled softly, before shifting and making room for him. The cool air brushing across her skin raising goosebumps and causing her nipples to harden. Ignoring what was happening to her body she smiled up at him, waiting for him to enter the bunk so she could get comfortable again.
    July 16th, 2017 at 08:39pm
  • "No, it doesn't bother me," Matt said with a smirk. He got settled in the bunk, slipping his arm over Callie's waist. He reached down and tugged the cover up, just enough so that they covered their waists, and nuzzled his face into Callie's neck. "Have a nice nap," he mumbled, closing his eyes. The steady movement of the bus on the interstate was enough to lull him to sleep pretty quickly, especially cuddled up to Callie like this.
    July 18th, 2017 at 07:48am
  • @ paradigm;
    Feeling a jolt Zacky's eyes opened, looking around he frowned. Then looked down at the sleeping beauty in his arms. Smiling he remember what had happened, placing a kiss on top of her head. He looked at his watch, before shifting and getting comfortable. He knew it was to early in the morning to wake anyone, especially since they had their first concert tonight.
    Callie shifted feeling a tug, groaning she opened her eyes. Blinking she tried to clear her blurry vision. Smiling softly she noticed Matt still sleeping. Nibbling on her lip she looked around trying to figure out what cause her to wake up. It was then that she noticed she'd slept with her leg on, and it was trapped against the wall by Matt foot. Shaking her head she gently shook him trying to wake him up and not anyone else. She'd hate the attention she'd get for having him in her bunk. "Matt." She whispered.
    July 18th, 2017 at 06:30pm
  • Elizabeth groaned as she finally woke up, pressing her face into Zacky's chest. She wasn't sure what time it was, but the bus was still moving and the light shining through the blinds told her it was probably early in the morning. Yawning, Elizabeth glanced up at Zacky. "We should go to my bunk," she whispered, her cheeks turning a little pink. "It's more comfortable than the couch. And the light won't be in our eyes."
    Matt was having a very nice dream, so when he heard someone calling his name and trying to wake him up, he groaned, turning his head away from the source of the noise. He hoped this would deter whatever was bothering him, but it only continued. Forgetting for a second that he was in Callie's bunk, he thought it was one of the guys trying to wake him up and he was irritated. "Oh my God, what?" he asked, finally waking up. Spotting Callie, he grinned. "Shit, sorry. Forgot where I was for a second."
    July 19th, 2017 at 10:30am
  • @ paradigm;
    Zacky smiled at her, "yeah, though I do need to run to the restroom." He informed her, gently rubbing her side. "I'll meet you there?" He offered, wondering if she wasn't feeling a bit nervous about being with him. He knew that this could possibly just fizzle out, or the drama could get to intense. He didn't know how his feeling would effect this out come, when really it all boiled down to did she want to continue their fun. Once she stood off of him, he followed her pursuit and moved to the restroom.
    Callie was surprised at the snapping she'd received from Matt, it really showed her another side. "Morning grumpy." She smiled when he'd done a complete 180. "Sorry to wake you, but you've got my leg pinned." She told him, smiling once he moved. "Thank you, though I do need out." She wouldn't be able to get any more rest with this on, it was way to uncomfortable. She was surprised she'd slept this long with it on. When he moved to let her out. She froze noticing Liz standing there, she must have decided to go back to sleep in her bunk. Nibbling on her lip she moved to the back of the bus before sitting on a stool. Slipping her leg off was an easy feet, but she knew sleeping with it on could cause her some discomfort for the day. It was normal, standing she braced herself, before hobbling back to her bunk. Seeing as it was only a little after 4 in the morning.
    July 20th, 2017 at 06:46pm
  • Elizabeth nodded when Zacky suggested that she meet him in the bunk, climbing off of him and heading for the back. As she made her way to her bunk, she stopped when she noticed Callie's bunk opening, spotting a glimpse of Matt as the other girl climbed out of her bunk. Elizabeth was definitely surprised that Callie had let Matt into her bunk, especially seeing that Callie was nearly completely naked. Something must've happened while she and Zacky were asleep. But she would ask about it later. Climbing into her bunk, Elizabeth got comfortable underneath the covers to wait for Zacky.
    "Oh shit, sorry," Matt said, moving his foot away from her leg. He nodded when she mentioned needing out, sitting up just enough to let her slip out. As he held the curtain open for Callie, he spotted Elizabeth standing in the hallway and he flashed her a grin. Settling back in the bunk, Matt scooted against the wall, tugging up the covers. He didn't know how long it would take for Callie to come back, but it was four in the morning and he wasn't waiting on her. So he closed his eyes, managing to doze off a little when the curtain was opened again.
    July 21st, 2017 at 09:29am
  • @ paradigm;
    Zacky exited the bathroom smiling as he noticed Liz getting settled into bed. Moving over to her he climbed into her bunk, wrapping his arms around her before closing the curtain separating them from the world. "Comfy?" He asked as he cradled her to his chest, not wanting to squish her or put her out to much. Seeing as they were in her bed. Something he didn't think would happen. Placing a kiss on top of her head he settled down better allowing his eyes to close before he slowly started to drift to sleep.
    Callie froze as she watched Zacky leave the bathroom, the last thing she wanted was for him to see her naked. She waited until it seemed they were settled before she made her way to the bathroom. It was a lot easier to move around with out her leg on when she was on the bus. It having smaller living spaces was convenient for her. Exiting the bathroom she smiled softly noticing Matt sound asleep in her bunk. Grabbing a shirt she pulled it on before managed to climb into the bunk. Matt having taken up the entire thing she just made her self comfortable on his chest. Her legs straddling his waist as she did her best to close her eyes and slip off to sleep.
    July 23rd, 2017 at 05:48am
  • "Yeah," Elizabeth answered. She still felt a little weird knowing that she was lying in her bunk with a guy who technically had a girlfriend, but if she could sleep with him and take a nap on the couch, she supposed this wasn't so bad. She closed her eyes, eventually falling asleep. She only woke up when a particularly rough bounce of the bus sent her tumbling against the wall and she cursed as she rubbed her head. Elizabeth grabbed her phone from the cubbyhole on the wall, checking the time. Since it was now just past eleven o'clock, she decided she might as well get out of bed. Slipping out quietly so she wouldn't wake up Zacky, Elizabeth went to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee before she went to the bathroom.
    Matt stirred when he felt a weight on his waist. He cracked open an eye to see Callie laying on his chest and he gently moved her off to the side of the bunk before he turned over and went to sleep. When he woke up the next morning the first thing he smelled was coffee, which was enough to lure him out of Callie's comfortable bunk. He fixed himself a mug of coffee and sat down on the couch, pulling out his phone and seeing that he had messages from the guys and Larry, wondering where the hell he and Zacky were. He was sure Zacky likely had the same messages on his phone. Matt sent a quick message to Larry letting them know that they were on the girls' bus and then settled back on the couch.
    July 24th, 2017 at 09:37am
  • @ paradigm;
    Zacky stretched as he stepped from Liz's bunk, he'd had better nights of sleep. But he did choose to sleep on a couch. Not the smartest thing he could have done, padding through the bus he lifted a brow notching Matt in the living room. No sign of Liz or Callie, shrugging it off approached his friend. "Got on for me?" He teased the bigger man, turning when some commotion came from the bunk area. He frowned wondering if someone fell out of bed. Rolling his eyes he headed for the kitchen, it seemed this bus was just a noisy as theirs.
    Callie yawned as she leaned up, her eyes taking in the empty bunk. She knew that they weren't alone on the bus. She'd slept with Matt last night, she couldn't forget about that. Peering out of the bunk she looked for any signs of Zacky, he was the only one that didn't know about her leg. Slipping out of her bunk she braced herself on the wall before hobbling back to the back room to put her leg back on. "Shit." She cursed as she knocked the limb to the ground. Grabbing it she huffed out before going through the process to put it back on. Then moved around the room to dress for the day.
    July 25th, 2017 at 07:06am
  • When Elizabeth left the bathroom, she was a little surprised to see Zacky and Matt sitting on the couch. She hadn't forgotten that they were here, she was just shocked that they were already out of bed. "Nice to see that you two helped yourselves to my pot of coffee," Elizabeth teased, fixing herself a mug. Taking a seat on the couch, she reached for the remote and turned on the television, flipping through the channels until she found something satisfactory. "So are you guys ready for the show tonight?" she asked. She didn't know why though, he was sure they were ready. They did this all the time.
    "Well I didn't make it, but I guess you can have some," Matt said to Zacky. He honestly had no idea who made the pot of coffee, but it was safe to assume it was one of the girls. Or maybe they just had it set on a timer. But a few minutes later Elizabeth came up from the bunk area, closely followed by Callie. "Good morning ladies, did everyone sleep well?" Matt asked, smirking. "Yeah sorry, me and Zack stole a little bit of your coffee. But I'll make some more if I need to." Taking a sip of his coffee, Matt reached for his phone when it vibrated again. "Hey, Larry said we've got time to stop at IHOP for breakfast if we want."
    July 25th, 2017 at 07:42am
  • @ paradigm;
    Zacky looked up from his coffee to take in the beauty that entered the room, "best way to wake up." He teased talking about stilling her coffee. He tilted the cup back slowly sipping back the contents. He was rather tired still even though he'd gotten plenty of sleep. "It's the opening show, so yeah." He told her hearing Matt mention IHOP. "Oh that sounds so good right now."
    Callie smiled at Matt, "morning, I did." She told him before sitting on the arm of the couch next to him. Her eyes trailing over the tv. She wondered what Liz was watching. Turning her attention to him when he was done on the phone. "Okay." She nodded, "will the others be there?" She wondered out loud, her thought going to the guys leaving them and rejoining their band on their bus.
    July 28th, 2017 at 02:39am
  • "Not going to lie, I'm a little nervous," Elizabeth admitted. This was definitely the biggest show they'd ever done and she was a little scared about going out onstage. But she knew that once they were out there and they started to play, she would be fine. "Uh yeah, IHOP sounds nice," Elizabeth said, hearing Matt mention it. Heavy breakfast foods like pancakes and waffles had been one of the types of food she'd avoided when she was suffering from her eating disorder and even in recovery, it was difficult for her to eat them.
    "Yeah, we're all stopping," Matt said, answering Callie's question. "I mean, you guys don't have to go if you don't want to. But the bus is already going to be stopping to let us off so you might as well join us." As much as Matt would rather relax on the girls' bus with Callie - and he was sure Zacky felt the same way - they really needed to get back on their own bus so that they could start getting ready for the show tonight. And they could always come back afterwards. Or maybe even talk the girls into joining them for drinks after the show.
    July 28th, 2017 at 09:40am
  • @ paradigm;
    Zacky smiled before shaking his head, "I get it it's your first big show, I was nervous for mine." He smiled before relaxing back. Taking a drink of his coffee. Thinking about his first big concert, he'd gotten drunk before it. Thankfully he could play in his sleep he didn't mess up too bad, so it was water under the bridge.
    Callie nodded listening to him, "oh I was just wondering if the others would be joining us." She informed him, hoping that their stupid guitarist would be there. She really didn't want to have to go through the trouble of finding a replacement last minute. Though she'd love to never see that asshole again. But things would only be this way until their real guitarist recovered from his injuries.
    August 2nd, 2017 at 07:03am
  • Hearing that Zacky had been nervous before his first show made Elizabeth feel a lot better. If he could be nervous and go on to be as successful as he and Avenged Sevenfold were, then she would definitely be okay if she was nervous before her first show. When the bus finally stopped, Elizabeth got to her feet and stretched, grabbing her phone before following everyone off of the bus.
    "It's our treat anyway, so you guys might as well come and eat with us," Matt said with a grin. When the bus pulled into the parking lot, he was the first one off, leading the way to where the rest of his band was assembled.

    "Fuck, we thought you two died or something," Brian said.
    August 2nd, 2017 at 08:50am
  • @ paradigm;
    Following everyone off the bus Zacky looked around, his eyes searching the crowd hoping that she'd listened to him and just gone back home. He didn't want this anymore, their time together had been terrible, and he'd broken it off a thousand times. Now all he was to do was stand firm, keep her at arms length. It wouldn't be to hard since he and Liz had started something, though he just hoped he wasn't jumping the gun and hoping it continued. But if Liz didn't want this then he'd have to find another girl to meet his needs, or he'd find himself right back where he was with Sarah. "Fuck you." He told Brian knowing that the man was just jealous they'd gotten laid and his wife was back home.
    Callie smiled as the other band member emerged from the bunk area and decided to join them in eating. Stepping off the bus she stumbled a bit, catching herself on the door of the bus. She knew that sleeping with her leg on could cause some discomfort but it seemed that last night her limb had swollen a bit, making her leg squeeze a bit to tight. Walking was a bit much right now. But she have to manage it later. Wrapping it in a cool cloth later would help with the swelling. Standing up she bit the inside of her cheek as she walked into the restaurant.
    August 4th, 2017 at 09:22pm
  • Elizabeth was a little nervous as they were all seated at the restaurant. Pancakes and waffles and breakfast food in general had always been some of her "fear foods", things she wouldn't have dared to touch during her years with an eating disorder. And even now, in recovery, it was still a little difficult. But she knew that she needed to at least try. "So I think I may just get eggs, toast, and bacon," Elizabeth said, looking over the menu.
    Matt just rolled his eyes at Brian's comment, knowing he didn't need to say anything. He walked alongside Callie as they made their way into the restaurant, noticing that she seemed to be limping just a little. "You alright?" he asked her, trying to keep his voice quiet. He knew it was probably her leg that was bothering her and he was sure she didn't want everyone else knowing that.
    August 5th, 2017 at 09:56am
  • @ paradigm;
    Zacky smiled as he sat down in the booth next Liz, he's earlier hopes of Sarah being her vanished when she never exited the bus. The guys didn't say anything about her either, so he hoped she'd left. "You sure that'll be enough, we've got a busy day ahead of us, there's no telling if you'll get lunch." He said to her, not really trying to push food on her, but being on the road they were days they didn't get to have things to eat. Being the guys they were prepared for it, since they'd done it a time or two. But with this being the first show, there would be interviews and then sound check, they would be pretty busy.
    Callie smiled up at him, "yeah I think I may have bruised myself with that fall." She said knowing it could partly be to blame for the pain she was feeling. But it was because she'd slept with her leg on, it always swelled when she did so. Most people found it uncomfortable to sleep with them on, but she'd never had that problem. It was the swelling the next day that always did it for her. Smiling up at him she touched his arm as he opened the door for her. "I'll be fine." She told him before moving to the booth Liz and Zacky were in, sliding in opposite of them.
    August 7th, 2017 at 06:51pm
  • Elizabeth immediately felt uncomfortable when Zacky wondered if it would be enough food for her. She remembered a time when even just the toast would've seemed like too much for her and when she wouldn't have dared eat an egg yolk. But even though she was recovering, she still heard a voice in the back of her head. And it made it really hard to really indulge and just eat. "I think I'll be fine," Elizabeth told him. "Unlike you, I don't need to eat an entire pig or something to feel full."
    Matt felt bad when Callie mentioned that she was hurting because of her fall. It was his fault she'd fallen in the first place and he'd felt bad enough then, but now he felt even worse. Matt slid into the booth next to Callie, grabbing a menu and looking it over. "Shit, I forgot they don't just serve breakfast food here," Matt said. "Do I want the monster cheeseburger or this steak tips meal?"
    August 9th, 2017 at 08:40am