
  • @ oddrascal


    The way Matt apologized to Eve really shocked her completely. From all that she experienced, she expected him to be as heartless and fucked up even during an open discussion on her life. But by the fact that he actually looked torn up from what she said made her think if he really did have actual feelings for her. Even if Matt did, Eve could not just take "love" from him so quickly...especially after everything he forced on her last night. Resting her head against his chest when he rested her on his lap while embracing with his bulky arms, Eve wiped the tears from her eyes to hide the vulnerability and looked out at the ocean, wondering if any happiness will be given to her in her lifetime at all.

    "Can we just...go inside?" Eve asked quietly.

    Matt hesitated before kissing her head and picking her up in his arms in a more comforting gesture, "I'll take you inside, baby girl. Come on... Why don't we lie down in the theatre and watch a movie? I don't want to leave you alone after everything I did to you last night. Yes, what you did was absolutely against my rules and a form of betrayal... But I want to remind you that I love you..."

    "I don't want sex," Eve said straight up, feeling a harsh trigger hit her broken heart from the sudden memories last night, "Please...I just want to rest, Master..."

    Matt frowned down at her and nodded, heading towards the back of the house to go back inside, "Of course, beautiful. But I still want to remind you how much I do care about you, okay? Just give me a make up everything."

    This is going to be a long fucking session of forgiveness from the both of us Eve thought in worry.

    Finally getting inside and being set down gently on one of the couches near the theatre screen, Matt went over to grab a plug-in heating pad and a can of Coca Cola to comfort Eve more. Once Matt plugged in the heating pad, he gently placed it under Eve's back to ease the soreness and tenderness from the rough actions he did last night. He opened the can of soda and handed it to her while adjusting her body so she sat up a bit to drink it with the pad still underneath her back.

    "How does that feel? Does it feel better?" Matt asked curiously.

    Eve looked up and nodded, watching him adjust the couch by moving away all the pillows so he could slip in and cuddle with Eve. Matt gently wrapped his one arm around her waist and used his other arm to hold himself up to look down at her while she drank the soda.

    "You...really don't have to be all nice to me... I mean, I'm used to you being pretty evil at this point..." Eve admitted, feeling still scared out of her mind with Matt lying right next to her.

    Hearing Ali's story, Tuck frowned at how her parents could be so harsh to a delicate, beautiful woman such as herself. He never understood a family that could act like that, especially to a little girl. But he felt better when he heard that Ali met Eve through that orphanage and so, they stuck together like glue. But even with Eve being the "hero" in this backstory, Tuck could not get over how much Eve was a backstabbing traitor to him and Matt. He felt no sympathy when he found out how bad Matt fucked her up.

    "I'm sorry you went through that and I'm glad that Eve helped you through a good amount of it in the orphanage," Tuck sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, "Have you ever found out if Eve went through as much shit as you did?"

    "Yeah, she went through a lot worse than I ever could imagine," Ali frowned, running her fingers along Tuck's side a bit when she lied down more comfortably, "I mean...I really can't hate her, Tuck. Not after everything she helped me with. I mean, she fucked up my relationship with you but...I don't know."

    "I understand you love her, but you still have to be on guard," Tuck warned, running his fingers along her delicate locks, "After all, she did trick you into escaping with her. That pissed me off greatly."

    "I know, and I'm so sorry, Master," Ali apologized, giving a kiss to his cheek, "Am I truly forgiven yet or do I still have to make it up?"

    Tuck smiled, "Don't worry about 'making it up', beautiful. You did enough to me as it is."

    "I'm glad," Ali sighed in relief, snuggling up more against Tuck, "So...what can we do now?"

    Tuck thought about something that Matt had in mind for Eve today, but Abigail was nothing to be worried about when it comes to escaping. Besides, she had the shock collar on.

    "How about a walk along the beach?" Tuck offered, pressing gentle kisses to her lips when she was close enough to his face, "We can look at the stars and all that sappy shit?" he teased.
    October 4th, 2015 at 12:09am
  • @ RavenArtist93


    Matt was taken aback by Eve calling him evil, but as he thought it over he realized that there wasn't a much better term for a kidnapper and rapist. He couldn't believe how far things had gotten out of hand, even though he enjoyed the majority of the past several weeks tremendously. "I never would have agreed with you before, but it's true, isn't it? I don't feel evil... but maybe that's how it works. The villain often sees himself as the hero..." Falling silent again, he continued to watch over her, wishing there was some easy solution to the giant problem presented by keeping her captive. Tuck and I were so stupid to do this. Looking down at her, Eve was so fragile, yet stronger than anyone else he'd known. "Part of me wants to let you go, so you can find something better out there, something worthy of someone so... full of life." Matt wasn't sure if it was a good idea to admit that out loud, but he hoped that acknowledging his mistake would pave the way for correcting it. "I wish you would..." Eve sounded hopeless. "You know I can't. Even if I knew that you wouldn't rat me out, everyone would want to know where you've been." She nodded, still looking forlorn. Matt wanted to make her smile instead, but it wasn't the time for that. He was beginning to feel a bit hopeless himself.

    After the movie credits started rolling, Matt opened his mouth to speak again. "I... I don't want to be the bad guy, Eve. I want things from you, but... nevermind." He had to reign himself in, stop blathering on, stop getting so excited by her suffering, stop... everything. This was the path he'd chosen, and no amount of regret would change it. It was his responsibility to care for her, and if she hated him all the while, it was because he hurt her and she had every right. The worst part was that he still loved doing it. He managed not to get hard as he thought about it, but forcing her, making her fight and cry and scream, was still the most thrilling experience he could recall. Why did it have to be like that? The sense of power was intoxicating, and deep down, he wanted more. He pushed the thought away. "Are you tired? I can take you to bed, or bring you something for dinner."



    "How about a walk along the beach? We can look at the stars, and all that sappy shit?" Tuck surprised her with that suggestion, but she did want to go outside. She nodded. "It doesn't have to be sappy. I just want to go out!" She didn't bother to disguise her excitement, which made him laugh. "I suppose you'll have to dress then, pet." Ali practically flew to the wardrobe, picking through the clothes he'd given her. All of them were very nice, even the simple things though she knew Tuck really only liked taking them off of her. She guessed that he gave them to her for her own benefit. "Is it cold outside? I'm not even sure what day or month it is, you know." She said the last part with slight annoyance. One thing that did bother her about her captivity was how successfully Tuck kept her disoriented. Since he was the only one she saw every day, and yesterday was the first time she'd gone outside in who knew how long, she'd lost track of time completely, not to mention not knowing exactly where she was.

    When she turned back to him, he had a slight smile playing at the corner of his mouth, but he didn't let her in on the joke. "It's probably fairly cool out now, though I'm sure I can keep you warm enough." She sighed, half in amusement, half in frustration because he didn't answer the question that was currently sticking in her mind: How long have I been here? Having that information wouldn't change anything, she knew, but she was still dying to know. Deciding not to dwell on it, she turned back to the wardrobe, choosing a purple sweater and a short skirt. Tuck got dressed, too, and before long he was leading her upstairs by the hand. He sounded pleased as he explained. "We have the beach to ourselves for a mile or two in both directions. It's a very nice perk about this house. Let me show you."
    October 4th, 2015 at 09:23am
  • @ oddrascal

    (Tuck has gone bonkers...just

    ***The Next Day***


    “Tuck, we need to talk,” Matt suddenly said from near the door as Tuck continued to look on the computer screen while browsing the internet, “I don’t think I can do this with Eve anymore. This is getting out of hand.”

    Tuck furrowed his brows at the computer screen before slowly rotating in his mobile chair to face his partner, “What the heck is that suppose to mean?”

    Matt let out a long breath before explaining further, “Eve opened up to me about her past yesterday.”

    “Yeah, so?” Tuck shrugged.

    “So, it was very…very hard to hear,” Matt swallowed hard at the memory of visualizing what Eve said about how terrible her past was, “I am only making it worse for her just…doing what I’m doing. I am literally repeating her past in a constant cycle with everything. This is ridiculous, Tuck.”

    Tuck let out a bitter laugh, “So you are going to give up just like that? After all that bitch nearly put us through, this is where you suddenly become soft? Take that back, you were always too soft for the women. Yes, I agreed to do this certain ‘fantasy’ because you really wanted to do it the most but I had a heartache that you would get to this point. This is why women are bad for you, Matt. They turn you away from me and give you the worst softness to your personality.”

    “Take that back, Tuck,” Matt glared.

    “No,” Tuck stood up quickly from his chair, walking towards Matt until he stood right in front of him with a intimidating stare, “I will not take that back. At first, I didn’t care you were all over her. But now, it has gone too far to the point where you are believing that bitch more than me after how long we have known each other? I was trying to shrug all of this crap off but it ain’t happening no more.”

    “What the fuck-“

    Tuck suddenly made a hard smack across Matt’s face that shocked him for sure and left him dumbfounded, “Keep your mouth shut. Now, if you want to continue this fantasy like you always wanted and keep things under control, you are going to have to break her to the fucking core.”

    “I already have!” Matt exclaimed, “I can literally prove it how fucked she is now!”

    “Then show me,” Tuck huffed.

    Staring at the wall in deep thought from everything yesterday, Eve was starting to believe that maybe Matt can finally settle it down a bit more on his actions to prevent anything further from fucking up Eve’s mentality. Although she is already broken enough as it is, Eve had to remain stronger than her weak side. Maybe she can convince Matt to be nicer to her from now on in order for things to go better? Who knew?

    Hearing a sudden unlocking and opening of her room door without any warning, Eve shot up from the bed to not only see Matt but a very pissed off Tuck. Gulping hard at the sight of his intimidating glare, her eyes followed to Tuck going near her that made her very much uncomfortable.

    “She still looks like she is up to something, Matt,” Tuck said ignorantly, “She is always up to something,” he growled, suddenly grabbing Eve’s arm so hard that it made her yelp a bit from the pain, “Tell me whore, how much can you risk from us? Hm!?”

    “Cut it out, Tuck!” Matt yelled.

    “You know what? I got a better idea,” Tuck thought out loud, suddenly leaving the room to go to Ali’s, “Ali, darling? Can you come in here, please?”

    “What the fuck are you doing, Tuck,” Matt demanded in question, looking over at Eve with worry, “Please stay calm, Eve. He seriously lost his nerve today.”

    “Get over here,” Tuck said through gritted teeth as he shoved Ali into Eve’s room and forced her to sit in the chair across from Eve’s bed, “Look, your best friend again. You know what I haven’t done yet Ali? I haven’t showed you what it really means to feel fear when you fuck with us. So, since all of that bullshit a few days ago was Eve’s fault, I will demonstrate it on here. And if you move from that chair-wait, I can just do this,” Tuck said as he fished out handcuffs from his back pocked and cuffed Ali’s wrists to the back of the chair as she sat down in pure worry and confusion, “You will see what I mean punishment in pure ferocity, Ali,” Tuck clarified.

    “Please…” Eve whispered in plea at Matt, suddenly letting out a whimper of pure fear when Tuck goes over to her and rips the sheets away, “Leave me alone!”

    “Matt you will either do this with me or I will dump this bitch out in the fucking dumpster nearby after breaking her neck, got it?” Tuck snapped.
    October 7th, 2015 at 01:29am
  • @ RavenArtist93 (I guess there's no question about them being evil now. XP)


    At first, Matt didn't believe Tuck when he said he'd kill Eve, but when he looked into his furious blue eyes, it made even him feel afraid. He glanced at Ali, cowering in her seat, then to Eve, who looked like she was staring at the Devil, and then finally back to Tuck, who was towering over her. He had some idea of what Tuck wanted, and it made him feel deeply conflicted. On the one hand, he was starting to realize that abusing Eve was not something he should do if he really loved her, but on the other hand, he enjoyed it very much when he did. Adding that to the fact that Tuck was demanding this from him, and he'd been loyal to the man for years, Matt didn't want to cross him. He was at war with himself. Indulge in this terrible, unforgivable but incredible pleasure, or protect the woman he was falling for? It was not an easy choice. She's mine, he thought, and I'm supposed to be able to do what I want with her, but what if this destroys her entirely? Tuck wasn't feeling very patient, however, rousing him from his inner turmoil. "Don't test me, Matt. We're going to make her pay for all the trouble she's caused, or she's done for." Ultimately, Matt's old mentality won out. Better to rape her again than kill her, he reasoned. The part he didn't want to think about was the fact that he couldn't imagine something he'd rather be doing. He could already feel blood rushing to his groin, so he stepped closer. "Fine. Gag her, you know the one. She'll bite otherwise." Tuck gave him a nod and an evil little smirk, turning to a drawer to retrieve a suitable gag. Eve immediately moved away from them both, but Matt caught her by the shoulders and pinned her to the bed. She fought him hard, clawing and struggling. "Stay away!" She spat at him, but she wasn't going anywhere. "I was starting to trust you, you evil bastard! You crazy fucker, let go! Let me go!" Matt didn't want to look her in the eye, but he set his jaw, keeping his expression emotionless, knowing that she belonged to him, and if he wanted to make her suffer, he would. He could hear Ali making little noises of protest off to the side, but otherwise she kept her mouth shut like she should.

    After a moment, Tuck returned with the toy he asked for. It wasn't an ordinary ball or bit gag made to keep her quiet; it was a spider gag designed to force her mouth open and keep it that way. It consisted of a steel ring with metal pieces on either side that would make it impossible for her to bite down. "Open your mouth, pet." Matt's tone was all business. Of course, Eve resisted, fighting harder, turning her head away. Matt climbed on top of her, pinning both arms with his knees so he could use both hands to force her to open wide. Wasting no time, Tuck slid the metal ring into place between her teeth, binding the strap tightly behind her head. Eve let out a wordless scream, thrashing under him, but Matt ignored it. The gag would serve more than it's practical purpose: it was also humiliating because she'd be unable to stop herself from drooling. If this didn't break her down, Matt didn't know what would. "Cuff her, too." Matt handed his handcuffs to Tuck, who forced her arms up over her head, locking them to the bed frame. Satisfied with her current state, Matt moved down between her legs, keeping one hand on each thigh to force them apart. Eve's distress was already making him so very hard, and Tuck was rubbing himself slightly through his jeans. In a unexpected way, this made him hot for Tuck, too. He would never have let him touch Eve before, but now he wanted to do this together. "Now you'll see what I mean, Mattie, about the power, the rush of it..."



    Ali couldn't believe her eyes. Tuck, who had been so sweet to her the day before, was acting like a violent lunatic. After cuffing her to a chair, he turned his attentions on Eve and Matt. At first, she didn't understand what was happening, but Ali soon realized that both men were going to rape Eve and that she would have to watch. She whimpered a little, afraid to protest, but she didn't want this to happen to anyone, least of all her best friend. Surely, this was not a punishment that anyone deserved. In minutes, Eve was gagged and bound, fighting as hard as she could. This was a nightmare.

    Tuck and Matt seemed to know exactly what to do. Without saying much at all, they both got on top of her, Matt between her legs, and Tuck positioned in front of her face. Ali felt so bad for Eve, but she knew she'd get shocked, or worse, if she said anything. All she could do was watch in horror as they forced themselves on her, and neither one of them was gentle. The worst part was how much they were getting off on it. She even saw them kiss briefly before focusing on Eve once more. I should be trying to stop this, she thought. "Master.... She doesn't deserve this, please. Just leave her alone, please..." She could barely make herself say the words, but she tried. To her dismay, Tuck turned his angry gaze on her. "Shut up, or you're next." That silenced her completely. She knew that both men could be sadistic, but this was a whole new level. Ali would never disobey him again.
    October 8th, 2015 at 04:49pm
  • @ oddrascal

    (This is going to get brutal, just warning o.o)


    Out of the many several weeks he has spent with Ali and mostly with Ali alone, Tuck never realized how good Matt's pet would feel when he forced his dick inside of her mouth. She was so warm, wet, and vulnerable to his desires at this very moment. He was going to make sure that after what Eve nearly put him and his partner through that she would never even think once about escaping from them ever again. It made Tuck feel even more powerful to manipulate Matt's mind to forcing him on his side and using his powerful force on his own pet without any mercy whatsoever. If Tuck can keep Matt up like this, it could prevent him from falling under Eve's "spell" that made him so in love with her. But how can he if Matt has to care for Eve's severe injuries for the next week or so? At this point, Tuck could care less about that thought. He was only taking pleasure in the whore's mouth and how broken she will permanently be after this day.

    "Such a hot, delicious mouth you have here, hm?" Tuck growled directly at Eve as he continued to stand on his feet while thrusting viciously into her mouth, his hands grasping her hair painfully and his eyes glancing at Matt's brutal thrusts, "I bet you like getting fucked by two men."

    "Mph...!" Eve whimpered in fear and discomfort, her eyes pouring out tears that dripped out from her chin.

    "What's that? You want me to cum inside of your mouth? Well I'm just about there, sweetheart," Tuck chuckled evilly as he used Eve's own head for leverage to shove his cock deeper down her throat, not caring how discomforting this was to her, "Fuck...fuck, I'm going to cum so hard. How about you, Matt? You about there?"

    "Y-Yes..." Matt whispered with a stutter, his hands grasping Eve's hips as he continued to slam into her, "Oh god..."

    In just minutes that were grueling and long for Eve, Tuck arched his neck back and released a howl of pleasure as he shoved his cock as far down her throat as possible and sprayed cum in several heavy spurts. His body shuddered from the unbelievable ecstasy that coursed through him. Now he couldn't wait to release her from the chains after Matt came and do what he really wanted to do because of Eve's stupid decision...and what can really strike fear into this pathetic bitch.

    Eve didn't know what to feel at this very moment: disgust...dread...worthlessness...and terror? All those emotions were hitting her all at once, causing a severe, excruciating knot forming in her chest that attacked her heart like a painful dagger. She was in pure relief when Tuck finally came into her mouth, his warm seed dripping down her throat that made her want to throw up, but she knew better than that thanks to her own will-power. As for Matt, it was another sign of relief when Matt finally came a large load inside of her very sore cunt with a loud curse and a groan from the amazing pleasure that jolted through his body. To say that Eve despised Matt was an understatement; he never wanted to trust him or love him...ever. Not like she was going to before anyways...but his chances of making up to her completely was wiped off the face of the Earth in this session of pure rape. All she really wanted to do after they finished was wish that maybe Tuck was angry enough to put her out of her misery.

    She might be close enough to getting that chance...but she knows she isn't getting away that easily.

    "Now," Tuck let out a steady breath after the two gathered themselves together and pulled out of her, "How about a real preview of terror, huh? More like...real pain."

    Eve's eyes closed tightly at his words, the tears never stopping from flowing as he took the gag out of her mouth and undid the cuffs on her wrists, which caused her to slump to the bed. But before she could wish they would disappear, Tuck suddenly shoved her so hard that Eve fell off the bed and onto the ground back first with a loud thud and a yelp from her lips. Matt looked at it in horror as Tuck got on top of her while straddling her waist and began literally beating the crap out of the woman. His fists felt like concrete to her face, which lasted for a good minute before he then began choking her ferociously until she turned blue and he finally let go.

    But it wasn't over.

    Tuck then got up on his feet and began kicking her painfully in the sides that caused Ali to cry at how evil Tuck was being and how he was literally destroying her one best friend completely. Eve couldn't scream for help or protest anymore after he did a few blows to her sides. Her face swelled up, blood streamed down from her nose, her lip busted open, bruises were developing over her neck, and she knew that a couple ribs were now broken. She was in so much pain that all that could come out of her mouth when she lied in a fetal position on the floor was slight grunts from the struggling of even trying to breathe normally again.

    "You can take care of your mess of a whore," Tuck growled as he cracked his bloody knuckles and undid Ali's cuffs, soon dragging her with him, "This was what you deserved to see, Matt. Now you know what I am capable of doing and how fucked up I am. When a bitch risks all our hard work, you have to do what is necessary to prevent that happening again. Now, you try to clean up her fucking mess. I don't want stains on that goddamn floor," Tuck snapped before slamming the door shut, leaving Matt alone with a nearly dying Eve.
    October 10th, 2015 at 04:49am
  • @ RavenArtist93 (Sorry this one is a little short.)


    Watching Tuck lay into Eve was awful. Matt thought the rape was punishment enough, but Tuck was obviously still furious as he beat her far more severely than he ever would. He would make Tuck regret that later, maybe not physically, but there would be consequences one way or another. Before that, however, Eve needed medical attention and Matt couldn't concentrate on anything else until he knew she'd be alright. Once Tuck left the room with Ali in tow, Matt rushed to Eve's side. "I'm sorry, Eve, I'm sorry. I didn't know he'd do that, I'm so sorry. ..." He picked her up gingerly, putting her back into bed, checking her for broken bones or head trauma. "God, broken ribs, three it looks like... I'm going to kill him. Don't move. I'm so sorry..." He fucked up this time, and he had to help her immediately. "I know you don't want me to touch you, but you need stitches, and a sling so your ribs can heal. Just please, please stay calm, love. I'm so sorry I let him touch you." Eve only whimpered in pain. Biting his lip, Matt rushed out of the room, collecting supplies, painkillers, and some Valium for Eve's nerves.
    When he returned, he immediately knelt down beside Eve again. "Take these pills, please, Eve, for the pain. I'll get you patched up, I promise."



    Even though Ali had always known that Tuck had a mean streak, she never felt more afraid of him. She couldn't believe the ferocity he unleased on Eve, and now she was afraid for her best friend's life, as well as her own. As he dragged her from Eve's room, she couldn't help but cry, though she tried to be quiet, lest she provoke Tuck's wrath on herself. Why did he do that? He brought her back to her own cell and shoved her inside. "That's why you don't cross me, Ali." He seemed to be calming down, but she was still petrified. She whispered, her reply barely audible. "Yes, Master." It was hard to imagine that there had been such tenderness between them at various points, because now she wanted to leave more than ever. Just keep your head down and obey, she thought. There was no other way to survive.
    October 11th, 2015 at 02:20am
  • @ oddrascal


    Looking at Matt who was holding the pills in his hands and a glass of water, Eve cringed at the sight and with her own inner strength, she slapped the back of her hand against Matt's hand of pills. Tears flowed down her face as she looked up at Matt's confused expression.

    "Just let me die...please?" Eve begged, the pain becoming too unbearable for her to deal with at the moment, "If you were still kind in your heart, you would...let me go..." she whispered, letting out a loud, violent cough right after her words.

    Matt's heart clenched at what she said as he leaned down to grab the pills and place them on the stool nearby before returning his attention to Eve, "Baby...don't fucking say that to me," he pleaded, grasping her hands in his and staring right into her eyes with his face barely an inch from hers, "Don't you dare think I would let you die. You know I don't have the strength to do that. Please, let me help your wounds."

    "You hate me...and love that...that monster..." Eve stammered, coughing up some blood on to the sheets, "Why even bother. I'm just a pain in the ass to begin with.... I lived my entire life with suffering and trauma. Just do justice and rid of my existence..." she said to him, gently grabbing his hand and placing it on her neck, "Take the life from me... I was meant to die a long time, this is your chance to be a saint..."

    Finally able to calm down from the rage he put over on Eve, Tuck cracked his bruised knuckles and sat down on the edge of the bed to gather his thoughts. He had a feeling that Matt would be furious at Tuck's dangerous actions that he inflicted on to Eve's fragile body. The rage was evident over Matt's face once Tuck walked out that door. And now, he was soon going to face the consequences by his own partner. But Matt got what he deserved for replacing his own partner with a "whore" that he chose from a fucking party barely over 2 months ago.

    " I going to get the same fate as Eve?" Ali stuttered in fright, the sound of her frightened voice causing Tuck to smirk slightly.

    "Only if you are as stupid as she was," Tuck chuckled, trailing his fingers over Ali's shoulders, "Come here, pet."

    "O-Okay," Ali nodded, sitting even closer to Tuck as his arms wrapped around her slender waist, "I-I won't ever disobey you...I promise."

    "Oh I know you will," Tuck smiled, leaning in to kiss Ali's lips softly, "I may love Matt...but I love being pleasured by you, along with also giving you amazing love that I always wanted to give to a woman. Just obey me and pleasure me whenever I need it and you will be just fine," he whispered, brushing his lips over her neck.
    October 15th, 2015 at 04:18pm
  • @ RavenArtist93 (I tried to go for realism here but I probably failed. XP)


    Listening to Eve literally begging for death felt like a knife to the gut. He was subjecting her to a fate worse than dying? Matt didn't want to believe that. "I'm no saint, Eve. Never have been, never will be." He didn't want to argue with her, he wanted to heal her, so he started cleaning her cuts and scrapes. When it was time to stitch her up, he paused, trying to make eye contact with her. "You need stitches, and adrenaline isn't going to keep the pain at bay for much longer. Please just take the damned painkillers." He waited for her to respond, but it was clear that she wasn't going to cooperate. "Fine, I warned you." Using his smallest suture, he started with a small but deep cut on her shoulder, the skin split from Tuck's boot. He wanted to deal with her face first, but not without some type of anaesthetic, so he would wait until she agreed to take it.

    He tried to empathize, but it was never one of his more noteworthy skills. Torn between regret and anger, he worked quickly on her wounds. Eve occasionally cried or whimpered, but she never made a move for the medication on the table, so Matt was forced to continue without it. When he started on the injuries to her face, she lost consciousness from the pain. He was honestly relieved, checking her pulse periodically as he put his medical skills to use. As long as she wasn't bleeding internally and didn't contract an infection, she would be fine, though Matt knew that her ribs would take months to heal. This is not how you treat someone you love, he told himself.



    Tuck was back to being calm and gentle with her, which was a relief, but frightening in its own way. If he was capable of acting with violence like that, Ali knew she would have to try very hard not to provoke him, but at the moment, he wanted her close and she had no intention of resisting. "Is Eve going to be okay? I mean... I know that... I'm worried about her." Tuck dug his fingernails into her skin, obviously disliking the question. When he answered, Ali could hear the restraint in his voice. "That's none of my concern, nor yours. Matt will take care of her." Ali didn't like the sound of that, but she didn't press the subject.

    Instead, she tried to appease him. Settling herself behind Tuck's back, she started massaging his shoulders, which were noticeably tense after his outburst. It was first time she tried it with him, but he gave no sign for her to stop, so she slowly rubbed the tension from his body. When he sighed with relief, it made Ali smile. Everything depended on her ability to calm him, please him. She kissed Tuck's neck softly, increasing the pressure of her fingers. This part was easy, despite the fact that she still feared him a great deal. "Feeling better, Master?"
    October 15th, 2015 at 09:13pm
  • @ oddrascal


    After the rather pleasuring shoulder massage that Ali was willing to give after Tuck's earlier outburst, Tuck smiled and kissed her cheek before getting up on his feet, "I'll be back, beautiful. I'm going to get some drinks for us to calm down a bit for the day."

    Once Tuck headed out the door, Matt suddenly grabbed him and forced him to the side where he was suddenly cornered against one of the basement walls face-to-face with an infuriated Matt, "The fuck are you doing, Matt?"

    "What the hell was all of that about back there?" Matt snapped, pointing his index finger at his partner's face, "You had no fucking right to beat the crap out of Eve. Yes, she fucked up big time. But since when did you become a fucking woman beater?"

    "Oh, like you weren't on that very night she tried to escape?" Tuck rolled his eyes, "Why the fuck would you care? Are you seriously still fucking soft after what I showed you not even a few hours ago?"

    "I care about her, Tuck!" Matt thundered, his eyes blazing with anger, "She passed out from the pain she had to endure when I had to treat her by myself. Luckily my grandfather taught me medical shit in the past or she would be in a great deal of health related trouble! This is ridiculous!"

    "Stop fucking complaining," Tuck growled out through gritted teeth, "We have to find ways to control these women. At least mine is obedient. Yours needed more breaking and obviously, you were too big of a pussy to do so! I was soft the first several weeks but then I realized that it can be used as a game for the girls to play to figure out their next escape. So get your stupid fucking head out of your ass, Matthew! Stop being an idiot, which is obvious that you were born that way from how you are lately, along with being a fucking coward."

    Seeing Matt huff to calm his nerves and prevent from striking at his partner, Tuck furrowed his brows as he watched Matt go upstairs oddly in a hurry. Tuck followed right behind him and once they got to their room, he couldn't believe that Matt was grabbing a suitcase and packing up a good amount of his clothing and items.

    "What the fuck do you think you are doing?" Tuck exclaimed in confusion, "Are you leaving me?"

    "Just for maybe a few months or more, I don't know," Matt said bluntly to prevent more of a violent argument to continue, "I need some space...and so does Eve. She needs to rest and get better, and the only way to do that is if she is in a more comfortable environment. I will call you later on when my head is more straight. Plus, that cabin is a secure as this one when it comes to someone like her. I'm not going to worry about it anyways because she is badly damaged, can't fucking walk, and once she gets better, we will come back."

    After gathering his things, Matt walked right past Tuck and placed his suitcase with a thud near the front door. Only a few minutes passed by when Matt packed up his suitcase in his truck and left the door open to prepare his next transit to his vehicle. This was where he was getting Eve at the moment.

    After being passed out for a good half hour or so, honestly not sure how long or short she was out for the time being, Eve's eyes opened to soon hear the room door open and both Matt and Tuck walking inside. Eve's heart clenched at the sound of Tuck's voice and prayed to the fucking heavens that he wasn't back to finish her off. Luckily this time, he wasn't...but she realized it was something much more different that was about to happen than she thought.

    "I can't believe you are doing this," Tuck exhaled, his voice obviously tense at the presence of seeing Matt go near Eve, "She is worth nothing. I can stop you but I won't...because...I don't know. Maybe it is best that you two get the hell away from here and figure this bullshit out."

    "Fuck off, Tuck," Matt spat out without looking at his partner, which made Eve's eyes slightly go wide, "Eve?"

    Eve's eyes glanced upwards to the right to see Matt walking towards her range of sight and bending down a bit to grab her attention, "Y-Yes?" she asked curiously in a strained voice from the pain earlier.

    "We are going away for a bit so you can get better...just trust me, okay?" Matt whispered, "I'm going to pick you just hang on to me. You can keep the blanket around you. It's a bit cold outside anyways."

    In moments, Matt had Eve cuddled up in a blanket in his arms with Tuck glancing at her eyes with such envy and hatred. Eve knew this was only the beginning with Tuck and she hoped it would settle down more calmly after returned from God-knows-where.

    "Goodbye, Tuck," Matt said through gritted teeth as he quickly went up the stairs, outside towards the car, and settled Eve right in the backseat so she could lay down, "Just rest, sweetheart. It will be a little way of a drive..."

    Confused and slightly scared, but also in serious ache and pain, Eve nodded slowly and began to drift off again into a drowsy state. The last thing she heard before drifting off was the sound of Matt's engine igniting and the sight of the house disappearing from her view into the night.
    October 18th, 2015 at 05:45am
  • @ RavenArtist93


    After listening to Tuck go on about how necessary it was to hurt Eve so severely, Matt knew he had to get out of their house, and away from the other man for a while. He was too angry to look at him, but he didn't want to fight, and he knew that keeping Eve in her cell of a room wasn't going to help her mental state at all. It only took a few minutes for him to get everything ready to go, despite the fact that Tuck was furious, trying to argue. As far as Matt was concerned, there was nothing left to say. He put the most essential items in his truck, still ignoring Tuck's angry grumbling, and then he brought Eve out, too. He was somewhat nervous about transporting her in the car, but there was nothing else he could do, and she seemed stable enough for the time being. He gave Tuck a brusque goodbye, and then pulled away from his house, their house, furious, but also hoping that it would still be theirs when he returned. He murmured under his breath, "This is so fucked up."

    Thankfully, Eve was asleep before he even reached the main road. He still didn't want her to know the exact location of the house, for a number of reasons, and he knew she needed rest to recover. Getting away from his psycho partner would be the best thing for Eve at the moment, but it also meant he'd have to live without sex, at least until she was healed, maybe longer if she wasn't interested. That was all Tuck had really done for him lately, and now there was doubt about if or when that would resume. Celibacy was not Matt's preferred way of life, but there was nothing he could do about it for now, since he was resolved not to hurt Eve again, even if she could physically withstand it. The road was dark and empty, so the drive to the cabin was shorter than usual. It still took three hours to arrive, but Matt was glad Eve slept soundly most of the way. What bothered him was the way she occasionally whimpered in her sleep, as if she were having a bad dream. He knew it could be caused by the physical pain she was in, but he hoped that she wasn't dreaming of him.



    Tuck didn't return to her room as quickly as expected, so Ali had plenty of time to lounge in her bed and think about everything that happened. She assumed that Eve was still on the other side of the insulated wall, but as usual, she heard no sign of the melodrama taking place in the house, isolated in her cell. She braided her newly blonde hair and glanced over one of the books Tuck left for her, but she was distracted, wondering about Eve's condition. Would Tuck really have killed her? In some ways, Ali was glad that she'd been so compliant all this time. At first, it embarrassed her, but now it seemed to be the main thing that kept her safe from Tuck's temper, so she clung to it like an anchor. Obedience was the only way to survive.

    When Tuck did finally return, hours later if Ali had to guess, he seemed displeased once again. "Is everything okay, Master?" She was really hoping for news about Eve, but she thought that showing concern for her captor couldn't hurt her situation either. Tuck glared at her for a moment, but then his expression softened slightly. "Everything is fine. Matt's taken Eve elsewhere for a while, but it's nothing for you to worry about." Ali wanted to ask him where, and if it involved a hospital for Eve, but she held her tongue. Instead, she just nodded, playing with the end of her long braid. Before their escape, Ali had been a little bolder in her dealings with her captor, but now she felt like she was back at square one, afraid of making even the slightest mistake.
    October 19th, 2015 at 05:22am
  • @ oddrascal

    **Next Morning**


    The bad dreams were flowing into her mind like a dangerous toxin flooding her conscious, causing her to involuntarily whimper in her sleep. The angry expression of Tuck was shown through most of those nightmares; the feeling of him raping and beating her feeling so real that it made her sick to her stomach. While Tuck did his evil deeds in her dream, Matt was standing in a dark corner of her vision, watching her get tortured beyond anything that she could imagine. It really made her think: will Matt even intervene with stopping Tuck the next time he goes at her again? If he followed his partner's orders previously, there is no telling with what internal and external battle will be fought on the next fuck-up.

    Slowly opening her eyes, Eve blinked several times to regain consciousness and focus towards the wall that was nothing similar to what she was used to waking up to. The wall was a smooth light wood that towered over a black carpet and other furniture that blended with the theme of this...this house? Now she remembered: Matt took her to somewhere far from home to get some space and a chance to heal. Glancing downward towards her waist that rested under the covers, Eve noticed Matt's arm gently wrapped around it. His breathing was near the back of her neck, as if he has been embracing her the entire night. Weirdly enough, Eve never actually slept with Matt; only by herself since she was hostage in that room for several weeks.

    "Where am I..." Eve whispered.

    "You are in a cabin a couple hours from that house," Matt suddenly responded rather low, "This place is highly protected. This is...a place I would stay when I needed time to think, which was quite often. Now, it is your place to heal," he whispered near her ear, placing a gentle kiss to her neck.

    "Why are you helping me this much?" Eve asked curiously, trying to ignore Matt's actions that were actually making her a bit uncomfortable, "Not like I don't appreciate it were following Tuck's orders... Why go through all this trouble because of me, a pathetic, young woman?"

    This was the one of many times that Tuck had to sleep by himself in his own bed that Matt shared with him. His eyes opened to the empty space that was Matt's favorite spot to rest on. He always enjoyed waking up to that big, masculine man of piercing hazel eyes that bore through his soul, a body that felt amazing under his own touch, and a laugh that was infectious enough to give goosebumps up his body. Tuck honestly really wanted that right now...but he knew that it was for the best that he doesn't deserve to have it.

    I hate that bitch so much...but...I can't help but think how much my relationship with Matt is falling apart and it kills me Tuck thought with a long sigh, I wish I was able to make things go back to where they used to be...

    Sitting up on the edge of the bed with his face in his hands, Tuck then slowly looked towards his bedroom wall while in deep thought of what he could do to keep his mind off of Matt for the day. And all of a sudden, he got just the think that related more to Ali: a date. Smiling to himself in victory, Tuck got off the bed in his boxers and headed down to the basement to check on Ali. When he got to her room and entered, he was a bit surprised to see Ali already awake watching a TV show on the TV that Tuck gave her back then.

    Ali smiled up at Tuck before speaking, "Yes, Master?"

    Tuck sighed and sat down on the bed with her, his eyes glancing over her body curiously, "Say, would you like to go on an actual date? Meaning a nice dinner, desert near the beach, and a steamy session before bed?" Tuck smirked.
    October 21st, 2015 at 06:25am
  • @ RavenArtist93


    Matt spent the night beside Eve for three reasons. The most important reason was that he was still very worried about her condition and needed to monitor her carefully, but he also wanted to take advantage of the fact that he could sleep beside her for once without being in the tiny room where he normally kept her, and finally, he did it because he hated sleeping alone. He always woke up feeling better with a warm body beside him, and he didn't want Mattie for that at the moment. Matt already decided that he wouldn't ever let his partner near the young woman again, but he still had to determine what to do with the man himself. Imagining his life without Tuck wasn't something he wanted to do, but he wouldn't tolerate him abusing his pet. When they played rough together, that was one thing, but Tuck could not go about doing that with whoever he pleased, no matter how angry he was.

    When Eve asked him why he was helping her, Matt was shocked. She still couldn't tell? "I shouldn't have listened to him, but all I can say is that I didn't think he would go that far." It was the truth. He wanted to get off on her struggle, even though he knew it was wrong, but he never had any intention of hurting her the way Tuck had. "As for you, surely you have some idea why I would look after you. There's self interest involved, of course, but I truly want you to be well and happy, love. I know I can't really fulfill you while keeping you captive, but I intend to do my best anyway." He fell silent, brushing the hair away from Eve's face. There was nothing else to say, but he wished there was. He wished he could tell her that it was all a nightmare, that she could wake up from it now and continue on with life, with or without him, but there was no point because that could never happen. With a sigh, he got out of the bed, knowing Eve would appreciate the space. Taking a moment to text Tuck, he wrote, "I'll call in a few days."



    Looking up at Tuck, Ali was surprised. "A date? Really?" Tuck mentioned the possibility to her a few times, but she started to assume that it was just idle talk, a fantasy to distract her. Now that he seemed to be offering it for real, Ali was caught between hope and disbelief. "Where would we go, Master?" She wouldn't deny that she was dying to see him in a different setting. How would he act toward her in public? Would he make her wear the shock collar? When he responded, she watched him attentively. "I have a place in mind, for dinner, at least. I can trust you, can't I?" Brown eyes wide, Ali nodded enthusiastically. This was her chance to prove herself to him, and she didn't want to fuck it up.

    She set about preening, choosing clothes, trying to decide what to do with her hair, and Tuck just watched, amused by her excitement. Sometimes he chose things for her, so Ali looked back to him for approval periodically. When she held up a very short blue dress, Tuck nodded. "Yes, I like that one, pet. I love it when you show off those legs." Ali blushed prettily in reply. "Can we take a bath first, Master?"
    October 25th, 2015 at 07:50am
  • @ oddrascal


    As Matt withdrew from holding on to her in bed, she began to wonder if maybe she can peel through that soft side of him at some point in the near future...or distant future if it really was going to be that rough. At this moment, Eve could give a shit if Matt loved her or not...and she was the same way towards him. After everything she witnessed from Tuck, how can she even trust Matt's emotions anymore? It was even to the point where she even couldn't trust herself, because a part of her sick mind was loving this man. Why the fuck would she? What is wrong with her?

    "I'm thinking about ordering some pizza," Matt said dully, walking around to the closet across the bed to put on a loose black shirt, "You should try to eat, sweetheart. Even if it isn't the best thing to eat, you need some food."

    "Okay..." Eve whispered back almost quietly, not looking over at Matt.

    "Do you...want to watch some movies with me in the living room while I give you drinks?" Matt asked curiously, walking over to facing her with a slightly worried look on her mental condition, "I know you don't really...feel like being around me. But the alcohol will loosen you up and relax your mind..."

    Eve let out a long breath and looked up with glossy, tired eyes, "Okay... I won't mind at all... I'm just...sore...and a bit fucked in the head for the moment. I don't want to ruin your mood today...Master... You can just lock me in the cabin and leave me here while you go back to him. I hate to ruin your relationship."

    Karma is a bitch to your relationship though, asshole Eve's bitter brain thought.

    Tuck had to admit that he was getting turned on with imagining Ali in that short blue dress she showed to him without question. He smirked at the fabric and nodded his head, "Yes, we can take a bath, pet. A very nice bath if you want," Tuck purred near her ear as his tongue moved along the shell of it very sensually, "I'll be taking my time enjoying those gorgeous legs when we are in the car on the way to the restaurant."

    "O-Okay," Ali stuttered, shivering from Tuck's actions as his hands teased around her hips and then moved away.

    "Let's get cleaned up, baby," Tuck said, gesturing her to follow him, "Come. Since Matt isn't here, I want you to walk to the tub naked so I can see that beautiful ass walk."

    “Yes, Master,” Ali nodded, immediately getting rid of any articles of clothing on her and taking a deep breath before walking nude right in front of Tuck towards the bathroom down the hall, “The air is a bit cold…”

    “Oh it will warm up quite quick,” Tuck hummed, walking right behind Ali with his eyes on her delicious curves and the movement of her hips, “Now, turn on the water for me and let it warm up. After you do that, undo my clothes. No buts, I am in no mood for exceptions and luckily, you are making my day very easy for me by obeying me, pet.”

    “Yes, Master,” Ali nodded, opening the door to the bathroom and turning on the warm water when she got to the large tub.

    It was honestly much easier to have her walk around nude this time with Matt and his pet not around. It brought more of his small fantasies to life, which aroused him greatly at this moment. Tuck’s anger was still present in his veins and he hoped to use some of that aggression with her in the tub. Maybe if he was lucky, Ali could give him a reason to get more rough and angry with her while they bathe. It would be a very good, twisted release.
    October 30th, 2015 at 02:45am
  • Matt

    Matt snorted at Eve's suggestion that she was ruining things with him and Tuck. As it was, nothing was ruined at all, though Matt felt less trusting of him, and he definitely wanted to kick his ass. He didn't blame Eve for that, he blamed his crazy partner. "You aren't ruining anything, pet. Tuck's the insane one, apparently, though a few months ago he had me convinced that it was the other way around." He laughed bitterly at that part, recalling their conversation after the first time he forced himself on Eve. Now who was the brutal monster? I'm still going to make him regret that. "And I'm not going back to him. We will go back later, but not until you're able to come with me."

    He briefly left the room to make sure the sofa was clear and comfortable, and then returned to collect Eve. He knew she was probably sick of him carrying her around, but his primary concern was about her ribs healing, so he picked her up gently. "I wish I had proper drugs to give you, but you'd probably refuse anyway. Sometimes I admire your stubbornness, you know, frustrating as it is." While they were there, Matt hoped that Eve wouldn't feel so much pressure and despondency. His only expectation was that she would cooperate with his efforts to nurse her back to health. The biggest downside of the situation was that there was no one to assist him, and the fact that he was already annoyed at being unable to have sex, but he had no intention of mentioning either issue to Eve.



    Once in the bathroom, Ali felt distracted by Tuck's eyes on her. Even after all this time, his insatiable appetite made her blush. As far as she could tell, he liked it that way, so she looked over her shoulder at him. "What's on your mind, Master?" If it was her innocence that he preferred, innocent she would be. She still felt on edge, but there was nothing she could do about it, and whatever else there was about him, she enjoyed sex with him, so she wouldn't refuse. He didn't answer her question, just looking at her expectantly. She decided not to press.

    She knew from experience that the huge tub took ages to fill, so she moved back toward Tuck, lifting the hem of his shirt. He smirked and let her take it off. "Good girl." Once she had it over his head, his long hair falling free, she leaned in and kissed his chest delicately. Her emotions were at war, body, heart and reason at odds, but she had nothing left, only him. Kneeling down, she undid his pants, rubbing the side of her face against his cock through the material before pulling it away. "Certainly look pretty down there, don't ya?" That accent used to be purely charming, but now it made Ali shiver for a number of reasons. Tuck was watching her with that little smirk that be both hated and adored, so she pressed one wet kiss to his inner thigh before turning back to the bathtub.

    Leaning down to test the water temperature, she bent over coyly, hoping to tease him, but when she touched the water, she quickly recoiled. "Ouch, too hot.." She should have been paying more attention, but there was nothing to do now except add a little cold water to balance it out. "Sorry, Master..."
    October 30th, 2015 at 11:03pm
  • @ oddrascal


    Hearing Matt talk about not going back to his partner made her realize just how pissed he really was the entire time. At first she thought, in her weird but aware mind, that Matt took her somewhere secluded to force a “relationship” over her and get more personal in her life than ever before. The thought was making her slightly nervous around him, but with her being in this bad physical condition, how can he get so creative?

    “I wish I had proper drugs to give you, but you’d probably refuse anyways. Sometimes I admire your stubbornness, you know, frustrating as it is,” Matt noted as he settled her against the couch, the frustration evident on his face that made Eve think a wild guess at what it is that was bothering him.

    “Master…” Eve whispered.

    “Yes, my pet?” Matt responded with curiosity and slight concern in his eyes.

    Eve closed her eyes and let out a long sigh, “I know that…because of this, it prevents you from actually pleasing your needs of sexual desire with me…and I’m sorry about that,” she muttered, lying about being apologetic when she really wasn’t, “But…if you have to get…frustration off,” she swallowed hard before continuing, “I can let you…fuck me if you have to. After all, I could do is lay there and take it while I heal…”

    Matt frowned but actually hesitated at the thought of what to respond with, “Maybe later, pet. I appreciate you being cooperative. But…let me spoil you a little bit for once in our time together, please? I’m going to call for pizza and when I’m done, I want us to lay down together…kiss here and there…and let me prove that I can treat you as if you were my girlfriend…”

    Eve smiled slightly with a nod, “Okay…Master.”

    It was an understatement that Ali turned him on greatly when her soft, facial cheeks rubbed against the shaft of his cock; it made him really wonder what it would be like fucking her in that tub and showing how much he is in control of every aspect of her life and how he is not the one to double cross. When he heard her mention how hot the water was, Tuck frowned a bit but immediately replaced it with a smile, “That’s okay pet. I’ll give you a slight preview while I wait for it to cool down.”

    Seeing the confusion on her face, Tuck chuckled and walked over to her while she tried to bring the temperature of the water down. Standing right behind her, Tuck used his right hand to slowly move along her perfect, bare ass that was making his mind wander even more at this point of what it would be like to fuck that tight hole again. But he knew to control himself at this moment…for now.

    “Mmmm such a delicious, round ass you have here, pet,” Tuck hummed in approval, his fingers only going downward towards her pussy with great need, “I wonder how good this would feel when we get in the water,” he muttered before suddenly sliding the tip of his fingers right into her delicious cunt, “So wet…and so ready.”

    Smirking at the slight shaking of her body, Tuck leaned down next to her ear and whispered, “Is it cool enough yet for the both of us?”

    “Y-Yes…” Ali stuttered.

    “Then get down there and sit down in the water with your legs spread, and don’t make me have to tell you again,” Tuck said firmly.
    November 7th, 2015 at 06:16am
  • @ RavenArtist93


    Matt actually had no intention of having sex with Eve until her ribs were healed, but he would let her figure that out on her own. Even just "laying there and taking it" was far too dangerous for her, frustrating as the situation was. If anything, he had to avoid touching her as much as he could, because sudden or harsh movements could easily lead to a punctured lung, an injury which would be fatal without a huge amount of luck and a competent surgeon. Hospitals were not an option, or Matt would find himself in prison, which was something he wouldn't risk for anyone.

    He dialed out for food, and brought Eve a mixed drink, to take the edge off the pain she was bound to be enduring. At least she was being compliant for now, though Matt was sure that it was because she had no choice. He knew she despised him, and he didn't blame her. "It's going to be boring, until you can get around on your own normally, I know, but things will be better. No one will ever hurt you like that again." He was sincere, but he had to stop worrying about what Eve thought of him. There was no happy ending for either of them. It made Matt miss when things were simpler with Mattie, but he couldn't think about the other man without feeling his blood pressure spike.



    Ali remembered that having sex while submerged in water could be harmful: tearing and infections were common among those who engaged while in swimming pools and the like, but she knew that Tuck wouldn't take 'no' for an answer, so she quickly climbed into the large bathtub. After witnessing the extent of the violence he was capable of, she had to do whatever he said without question. Any injuries she might sustain now would be minor, and he could easily take her life if he chose. It wasn't a hard decision to make.

    She settled into her spot, legs parted obediently, waiting. Keeping her brown eyes fixed on him, she worried her lip between her teeth. He was still being very gentle and sweet to her at the moment, but it was impossible to forget the satisfaction on his face when he kicked Eve repeatedly before. Tuck joined her in the tub, pushing his hair back over his shoulder, and Ali wondered again about how he could be so beautiful and yet so cruel. "Is this okay, Master?" Even at the start of this ordeal, she hadn't feared him this much, but she tried to show a brave face, smiling a little. She would do anything to please him, and somehow, in spite of everything, her body still responded to him. The sex was never on her list of complaints, and she expected that she'd enjoy it now just as much as any time before.
    November 7th, 2015 at 08:51pm
  • ***Several Weeks Later***


    After many long weeks of proper healing, Eve was starting to get the hang of it with walking around again and move from one spot to the next. Even though she was getting better, thanks to Matt’s knowledge of medical skills passed down from his family, Matt refused to take her back to the house. The fear of her getting hurt again was making her realize that it was Matt’s true fear; it was obvious that he couldn’t trust his partner around her for the time being.

    Drinking on a big cup of a chocolate shake Matt bought from an ice cream shoppe nearby, Eve’s eyes looked over at him taking a long sip of his beer while sitting right next to her. His hazel eyes glanced down at hers with not annoyance or shame, but only some sort of curiosity and a hint of lust. She expected him to take advantage of her a long time ago, and that greatly surprised her expectations of this man.

    “How are you feeling, sweetheart?” Matt questioned in a soft tone.

    “I’m…doing okay I guess,” Eve cleared her throat, noticing that his hair was a tad bit longer since she last remembered it nearly 2 months ago.

    “You know,” Matt began, “These many weeks have made me think a lot over things. I have watched you and healed you with each passing day. And I believe I have came to the conclusion with my thoughts,” he smiled, suddenly placing the bottle on the coffee table before leaning in and pressing a long, soft kiss on Eve’s lips, “I love you, Eve.”

    Eve swallowed hard and returned an elegant smile, “Are you sure this time?”

    Nearly 2 months and no Matt Tuck sighed in frustration, his temper getting the best of him lately since a couple of days ago where he nearly swung his fist at Ali for screwing up with some of his cleaning in the office he had her do to get her out of the room, I feel like I’m literally going to blow up at some point.

    “Master, I made you your sandwich,” Ali whispered while holding the plate in her hands with Tuck remaining on the couch.

    Tuck smiled up at his pet and took the plate from him, patting a spot next to her to sit down, “Thank you, beautiful. I’ll let you get your food in just a second. Just relax next to me.”

    As Ali rested next to Tuck while they both watched a football game on the plasma TV, Tuck began to take the first bite out of his sandwich. A sour look went over Tuck’s face at the annoyance and realization that Ali even screwed up his food. First it was his office and now, it was the shit she prepared?

    “I asked for honey mustard, Ali,” Tuck said lowly in a disturbingly calm manner as he placed down his sandwich.

    “I-I thought you said just plain mustard?” Ali gulped.

    Tuck let out a long huff before suddenly wrapping her hand around Ali’s throat from next to her and squeezing it tightly, watching her gasp for air and look t him in horror, “How many times do you have to fuck up this week ever since I first let you roam free from your fucking room many days ago? Hm? You up to something, cunt?!”

    “N-No,” Ali gasped.

    Tuck snarled before throwing her to the floor so hard that she shrieked with a loud thud, “I will expect a punishment in order. As for today, there will be no lunch for you. So you can fucking starve until later tonight for all I care. Now, remake my sandwich and this time, put honey mustard on it, you dumb bitch. And bring me another beer. When you give it to me, you can go to your room and prepare for your punishment.”
    November 17th, 2015 at 06:25am