devil within | closed

  • maxim adam bemis;

    maxim adam bemis; (100)

    United States
    I will keep quiet,
    you won’t even know I’m here.
    You won’t suspect a thing,
    you won’t see me in the mirror.

    But I crept into your heart.

    Freya Bryant, the ticking time bomb.
    Tony Stark, the pig-headed man of iron.
    Fallon Bryant, the eye of the hurricane.
    Steve Rogers, friendly neighborhood Captain America.

    I made myself at home,
    in the cobwebs and the lies.
    I’m learning all your tricks.
    I can hurt you from inside
    August 22nd, 2015 at 03:32am
  • Dear Porcupine.

    Dear Porcupine. (100)

    United States

    It wasn't the first time Freya and Fallon had found themselves perched on a crumbling corner of a downtrodden street, passersby shouting crude comments followed by the blaring of horns from souped up junkyard cars. In fact, for the two sisters it had pretty much become the norm. The world didn't like them, and that was fine. It's not as if they owed the world anything anyways. It and everyone in it was shit, at least in Freya's opinion. Then again, she's always been a negative nancy. Freya exhaled slowly, lowering herself to sit on the curb and fished out the white and red colored pack of cigarettes peeping out of her left pocket. Popping one into her mouth, the girl then plunged a finger into her sock, quickly fishing out a box of matches and struck one, pressing the alighted flame against the cigarette that dangled between her lips.


    Freya dropped the match, it's heat grazing her leg on its decent to the concrete. There was no time to think, time to scream. Though she had never been much of a girl to scream at the sign of danger. Something inside of her that she couldn't quite place twisted at the startling noise. Down the street a car window shattered, intensifying the violent quiet which followed the bang. Springing to her feet, she protectively, grabbed onto Fallon's arm and spun towards the noise. A greying old woman stood there cane in one hand and pistol in the other, waving the pistoled hand around wildly. "You hood rats better get outta here 'fore I get the cops on ya! I know you're up to no good, so go be someone else's problem!" Her quivering New York accent managed to shout.

    The knots in the girl's stomach settled at the sight, annoyed, but amused. And to think she thought they were in real danger. Oh please, an old lady how horrifying. Someone call the avengers cause this is a serious threat to society. She smirked, I mean how couldn't you. The old bat, you could practically hear the wrinkles in her voice. She was most certainly going to give herself a heart attack before her or her sister could. Rolling her eyes, she grabbed Fallon's hand in hers and started dragging their tired feet down the street.

    The sun was reaching the highest point in the sky, as the two girls shuffled along the pavement peeping through store windows. Freya pushed her long brown hair back, reigning it back into a ponytail, while half paying attention as Fallon went on about God knows what at this point. That girl could talk like nobody's business, but no one else knew that of course. That side of her sister was reserved for Freya alone. Tiny snippets of the smaller girls' words broke through Freya's distracted attention. Something about the mention of movies, yada yada, so and so super hot, yada yada, we should sneak it, yada yada. Everything else seemed to slip in one ear out the other as the taller girls' dark eyes focused on the reflection of a shady black Lexus creeping slowly a few feet away in the shop window.

    Keeping her eyes on the windows they passed, Freya, veered her sister to the right, chewing on her lower lip. The change of course however didn't faze the other girl, she continued chatting her eyes darting between Freya and her old Nintendo DS. A minute passed, then two and Freya began to relax, her paranoia settling. The black Lexus eased out of an alley just ahead of the girls causing her pulse to jolt, yanking her sister back and out of the way as the window between the girls and the car exploded. "Run," the taller girl whispered to Fallon, taking her hand and sprinting off in the other direction and down an alley, her sister in tow.

    Breathing heavily the two weaved in and out of alley ways, across streets, jumping fences, ducking into shops (before ultimately getting kicked out, that is). Wheezing and struggling for breath, Fallon and Freya darted down an short cut, and stumbled across a store back door. Freya, red in the face and deflated in the lungs, looked at her sister who echoed her own struggle and with one last glance back ushered her into the door. The dark of the room engulfed them, as she slammed the door shut with a heavy sigh and dropped with her back pressed up against it.

    "Anyone want to tell me why in the hell it takes three highly trained agents and and a month to track down two stupid ass teenagers?"
    August 22nd, 2015 at 05:30am
  • maxim adam bemis;

    maxim adam bemis; (100)

    United States
    @ Maester Puppeteer.

    running was never a strong suit for the eldest sister, despite the fact that the two spent the majority of their lives on the run – it was a skill her short legs loathed, but despite this fallon kept pace with her sister, the ds she had swiped years ago now secure in her short's back pocket. she couldn't help but feel annoyance bubbling underneath her skin. today was meant to be a good day, damn it! she was tired of running, she was tired of being treated like dirt underneath every damn shoe in new york. it seemed as if the mistreatment went over freya's head, but it took residence in the eldest's mind – always floating around, always reminding her that she would never be normal, that her and her sister would never find someone to truly care about them. the fact made the twenty year old grit her teeth, but she knew she didn't need anyone. the only person she needed was freya – it had been like that since their parents pushed them into the system.

    the pink-haired girl was panting as she followed behind her sister, simply praying that they found a safe location soon. she wasn't too sure how much longer she could keep up the unwanted physical activity, "really need to give up smoking, eya." the girl complained in a soft whine, her slim fingers gripping freya's as the sisters took a turn into a back room. her face was flushed as she leaned back against the cool wall, her breath coming out in quick pants. god-damn, she needed to get more exercise. she was ready to gloat about yet another escape, her head turned in preparation when she heard the sharp voice. she made a scoffing noise in the back of her throat, her blue eyes narrowing at the darkness. "clearly, we aren't the stupid ones." her voice held venom, but was low in volume as she insulted the faceless stranger, her thin arms crossing across her chest. fallon down-right loathed when her intelligence came into question, it reminded her of when she was child and was constantly prodded at for her learning disabilities. the outsider gave now reply, but seconds later the three were surrounded by a glowing light – causing fallon to squint. jesus, he could have offered a warning before blinding them.

    the older sister snuck a look towards her sister, silently asking if she could simply use her "powers" to throw a brick at the man's head, that would put a seize to the headache he was giving the sister. "nick fury," The man introduced, his eye set in a heavy glare at the girls – clearly he didn't trust them and the feeling was mutual -, "director of s.h.i.e.l.d." Was that supposed to mean anything to them? With a frown, growing weary of the male, fallon shuffled closer to her sister's side – the energy of her forcefield bouncing underneath her skin; ready for an unwanted attack from the "director". "we know all about you two," fury continued his gaze surveying both of the sisters – even with reading their files, they weren't what the man expected to encounter. "in fact, you've been on our radar for quite sometime." but much like bruce banner, s.h.i.e.l.d kept their distance – until they believed the time to be right.

    [ not my best, babes. Arms ]
    August 23rd, 2015 at 09:52pm
  • Dear Porcupine.

    Dear Porcupine. (100)

    United States
    @ lost.


    The younger girl cursed herself silently at the predicament that she had gotten Fallon and herself into. She was used to being the one to get them out of situations like this, well.. not like this, but you get the point. Freya found herself distracted, letting his introduction slip past her as she found her attention glued to his eyepatch. Unconsciously she wondered if it bothered him as he casually leaned against a towering stack of brown boxes, flipping through a manila folder filled with papers. Did he have to turn his head to read all of the words...? was it even real? or was he just trying wayyy to hard to seem mysterious?

    Freya cast a glance over at her younger sister, praying to the gods that she understood her plea. For god sake, just knock him out, then we can get away from this fucking creep and i might get a peek under that fake ass eye patch... Apparently though her message did not get through to the pink haired girl because the man spoke up lifting his attention from the documents. His eye shifted between the two girls skeptically. "Look, we know all about you two. In fact, you've been on our radar for quite sometime," Director Fury stated closing the folder and taking a few steps towards the girls who leaned against the far wall. "The board of directors agreed it was smart to wait until you were ready. Until we needed you."

    Swallowing hard, Freya found her voice and squinted at the man. "Oookay, Patchey the pirate. Why would a bunch of big scary men, like yourself need us?" She scoffed crossing her arms over her chest, not feeling nearly as sure of herself as she was putting off. His face didn't even finch as he watched the outspoken girl, clearly not amused by her side comment.

    "I'm not going to stroke whatever ego you already have, kid. It's already big enough by the looks of your file. so, no I'm not going to say that your special or any of that hallmark shit. Given the abilities the two of you possess though, you might have a big part to play before the end of this," the man responded, then cleared his throat. "Id like to talk to you girls about the Avengers Initiative." The finality of his statement, left Freya confused.

    [ no, no. It was perf<3 hopefully my continuation isn't terrible xD]
    August 24th, 2015 at 06:25am
  • Dear Porcupine.

    Dear Porcupine. (100)

    United States
    @ lost.


    The younger girl cursed herself silently at the predicament that she had gotten Fallon and herself into. She was used to being the one to get them out of situations like this, well.. not like this, but you get the point. Freya found herself distracted, letting his introduction slip past her as she found her attention glued to his eyepatch. Unconsciously she wondered if it bothered him as he casually leaned against a towering stack of brown boxes, flipping through a manila folder filled with papers. Did he have to turn his head to read all of the words...? was it even real? or was he just trying wayyy to hard to seem mysterious?

    Freya cast a glance over at her younger sister, praying to the gods that she understood her plea. For god sake, just knock him out, then we can get away from this fucking creep and i might get a peek under that fake ass eye patch... Apparently though her message did not get through to the pink haired girl because the man spoke up lifting his attention from the documents. His eye shifted between the two girls skeptically. "Look, we know all about you two. In fact, you've been on our radar for quite sometime," Director Fury stated closing the folder and taking a few steps towards the girls who leaned against the far wall. "The board of directors agreed it was smart to wait until you were ready. Until we needed you."

    Swallowing hard, Freya found her voice and squinted at the man. "Oookay, Patchey the pirate. Why would a bunch of big scary men, like yourself need us?" She scoffed crossing her arms over her chest, not feeling nearly as sure of herself as she was putting off. His face didn't even finch as he watched the outspoken girl, clearly not amused by her side comment.

    "I'm not going to stroke whatever ego you already have, kid. It's already big enough by the looks of your file. so, no I'm not going to say that your special or any of that hallmark shit. Given the abilities the two of you possess though, you might have a big part to play before the end of this," the man responded, then cleared his throat. "Id like to talk to you girls about the Avengers Initiative." The finality of his statement, left Freya confused.

    [ no, no. It was perf<3 hopefully my continuation isn't terrible xD]
    August 24th, 2015 at 06:25am