Together? Forever.

  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    Ophelia Astor x played by max bemis. xImageImageGeorge Weasley x played by Bongs Before Bibles xImageDraco Malfoy x played by max bemis. xImageImageLaney Reyes x played by Bongs Before Bibles x
    August 25th, 2015 at 09:11pm
  • maxim adam bemis;

    maxim adam bemis; (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Ophelia Astor

    The young girl sat with her back against the large oak tree in the outskirts of the small neighborhood park, her lips pursed in silent concentration as she tried to successfully get the shading correct in her latest drawing. Before graduating high-school she had found herself excited for the possibilities – the new-found independence, but it didn't take Ophelia long to realize that life after school wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Instead of spending her days in a crowded classroom or cramming for finals; she either found herself holed up in her bedroom, or wasting away at the park – usually reading a novel or trying to sketch. Most of the friends she came to know over the years, despite all of their childish promises to keep in contact, moved away to start their lives and forgot the timid girl that helped with their studying. Ophelia couldn't place blame on them, they were all at uni; a dream the brunette once had for herself, but towards the end of her last year her Gran's health began to drastically decline. Through all eighteen years of her short life it had always been Gran and her, she couldn't just abandon her caregiver. It was her turn to take care of the woman who made sure she had the life she deserved growing up – she just didn't anticipate it being so lonesome.

    Ophelia's grandmother, of course, didn't understand her final decision to give up on her education – but the brunette didn't expect her to understand. Ophelia would have much rather spent her time with her Gran making sure everything was okay, than waste hours learning things that she probably already knew.
    Feeling momentarily defeated by her art the girl let out a soft sigh and closed the thick journal, letting it rest flat against her knit leggings – her lips pouting in disappointment; for months her artistic abilities had been stunted and she loathed the feeling. It was too early to start heading back to the small apartment she shared with her grandmother, but the longer she lingered in the park the more frustrated she became. Perhaps, she could do some exploring.

    Despite the fact she had lived in the small English town her whole life she didn't quite know what was around her – the only places she very ventured to were the school building, the market, and the apartment complex she resided in. She never needed to go anywhere else – maybe a nice walk around would clear her mind, give her inspiration. Brushing the fallen leaves from the back of her leggings she made her leave – her teeth lightly tugging on the skin of her lower lip as she tried to formulate a path for herself to take. She didn't want to go too far into the city, or get herself lost among the hustle and bustle that the city was falling into preparing itself for the fall season.
    Draco Malfoy

    After the second Wizarding War the young Malfoy found himself at a loss – many of his friends stood among the deceased and the population that was still living refused to accept him back into society, along with many of the other remaining Death-Eaters. It didn't matter what the blonde said, they still saw him as the enemy and Draco wasn't the type to plead – so he packed his things and left, needing to find refuge among strange faces – Wizards and Witches who didn't even know his name, or his crimes from the past. It wouldn't be a hard challenge, just a tedious one. Draco wasn't quite sure what to expect – he was far too used to people fearing him because of his bloodline. Originally he wasn't entirely sure where to go – thank Merlin for Blaise, a friend who left months prior to the war for a job, deciding to not stay and fight like many had foolishly done – but how were they all to know how the war would end. Many of his acquaintances had been bred into the lifestyle their families lived – they all battled Potter believing it was simply the right thing to do, simply trying to making their families proud. Draco spent months blindly traveling around Europe, not sure where to go – not quite sure where he would fit in.

    Ha, his father, the great Lucius Malfoy, would probably spit at his son's feet for the thought. Malfoys didn't need to fit in – they were above everyone else, before the war at least. Fortunately, a month or so into his travels, he heard word ( by owl of course ) from his old school friend – Blaise Zabini. The two wrote back and forth for a week or two, simply discussing the predicament that the blonde found himself in, before it was decided that the two friends should reunite – his old friend promising that nobody would know of him or his family in the small English town that he currently resided in.

    It took Malfoy another week to actually work up the courage to apparate to the given address – admittedly, he was a bit hesitant to see Blaise. He didn't want to see that the boy's life was turning out better than his own, it was a childish notion, but Draco was known for being proud – infamously so. How could it sit comfortably in the back of his mind that fucking Zabini was actually enjoying life while he was running from the Potter supporters like a damn coward? Finally, however, he convinced himself that he couldn't pass up the opportunity. He was running out of both options and patience. On a warm September morning he found himself on the porch of a fairly sized home – he hesitated before knocking once on the large door, chewing on the inside of his cheek as he waited. He wasn't even sure if his friend was home, or still willing to meet with him – he probably should have written before barging in on him, but it was a spur of the moment idea for the blonde.

    [ I hope this isn't too bad. Facepalm Sorry for the wait. ]
    September 19th, 2015 at 09:48am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ max bemis.
    George Weasley

    George sighed dusting the soot off his clothing, he hated traveling by floo powder. But since they were in a muggle district apparition wasn't allowed. Since his mother had badgered him all morning long to join her on a trip to town, he'd finally surrender deciding to site see while she did the shopping she needed. Biting his lip he stayed in step with his mother as they moved along the sidewalk. Her constant chatter, had his eyes rolling. But he didn't listen, and she didn't complain. Once Fred passed there wasn't much left for the man. He felt his other half had been ripped away. And his family knew he needed space. How much was uncertain. But they respected his wishes, even though his mother felt he needed to get out more.

    "Mother." He said abruptly, cutting her off. His playful banter even with her had subsided. "I think I'm going for a walk." He nodded, before moving from her side. Letting his feet carry him along a different path. He had no direction or indication of where he was headed. He just knew he needed to be alone. Even blocking out her chatter wasn't helping him any. Stuffing his hands into his trouser pockets he sighed, feeling the cool Autumn breeze.

    School had just started up so that meant Ginny was off to Hogwarts. And Ron well he was doing what ever it Harry was, those to blokes attached at the hip. That and sending his free time with Hermione. All his family seemed to be moving on, he how ever was still stuck.

    Stuck didn't even begin to describe his currant situation. He would wake up in the mornings and rise with a smile, ready to head over to Wealeys' Wizard Wheezes with Fred. Then he'd realize Fred wasn't ever going to step foot in the place again. Those thoughts stopped him in his tracks, and had him hiding under his covers. He couldn't face the world with out Fred.

    Lifting his attention from his feet he noticed the vast tree growth surrounding him. Finding it a bit particular that he'd wound up in a park. Muggles and their strange name for things. Moving off the beaten path he let his feet carry him over the leaf covered ground. The simplicity of the muggles life had him fascinated, and moving along not paying attention to his surrounding he found him self falling over someone. "Oh." He let out barely catching himself in time, but none the less managing. "Bloody hell, are you alright?" He questioned quickly gathering himself. Turning to the other person hoping his clumsiness hadn't brought them harm. Noticing brunette waves encasing her face, he smiled wondering just how she managed the mass of hair on her head. Gently taking her hand he lifted her to her feet. Watching as the disheveled woman quickly tried to compose herself.
    Laney Reyes

    Laney sighed putting a few more items into a box. She hated how when she agreed to move in with Blaise he'd demanded nothing change in his home. It was the one thing she couldn't stand, how was she suppose to make this place her home. All her decorations and memories were to be packed into a box and stowed away. It angered her how he could value his things over her. Though their relationship was still new and fragile, she could see they still had leaps and bound before ever reaching the point of true love.

    She'd only had agreed to live with him for the simple fact that it was that or go back to the states. Her time spend wandering around after graduation had come to an end. Though she didn't want to end the romance between her and Blaise just yet. So she'd agreed to stay, a decision she was slightly regretting.

    Blaise was a passionate person, but he lacked other qualities. Compassion being one of them, any person could show passion. But without compassion it was just lust. Something they had yet to concede to. He had pushed for it, but she was standing strong in not budging. He couldn't be bothered to let out a shelf for her to put somethings on. It was quite demeaning that he would expect those things from her, yet wouldn't put her first.

    As it stood right now she was home alone, while he was off 'working'. A line she was skeptical about, though she knew he worked. He would just come home late smelling of bourbon, and thickly of his cologne. It wasn't a match made in heaven by any stretch, but she was glad to be out of her parents home. And here she had her own room, something she was grateful for. Though she still couldn't believe he wouldn't allow her to decorate it the was she wanted.

    A soft knock rang out through the house, furrowing her brow she wondered who it could be. Frowning she figured it was the post man, he'd been more adamant about leaving things in her hands than putting them into the mail slot. She knew it was because of the way she dressed. She never bothered to change out of her nightwear before noon. If she did it was because she planed on entertaining or going out.

    Slipping out of her room she smirked knowing her outfit would get a rise out of him like it always did. Placing a soft smile on her lips she pulled the door open, not bothering to conceal her body. A soft blush consumed her face as she took in the appearance of the man in front of her. "Can I help you?" She asked softly, feeling very exposed in front of the man. The very attractive man.

    [Nah it's fine, it's actually better than I expected.]
    September 20th, 2015 at 12:13am