Like the Moon

  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Haden smiled. "Well don't count yourself out yet. She is a woman and there are sometimes I even know women need to talk about to other women." he said and chuckled. "I wouldn't steal her away from you but I would totally use her to convince you that you both are already part of this family." he said and leaned over kissing her gently. Haden was glad that she had said yet. It gave him hope but he knew little progress would be made in three more days. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "You are so stunning Laney." he said and smiled at her finishing his food as he watched her.
    Avery smiled. "Hi sleepy." she said and smiled softly. She chuckled. "You know you make the goofiest smiles in wolf form." she said and frowned as he stood and winced. "Take it easy Maverick." she said and moved it closer to him. Avery sighed as she sat on the side of the bed eating her own food. "Did you sleep well?" she asked nibbling on her food and chuckled. "I know it's hard to eat and answer at the same time. Small talk really isn't optimal like this." she said and chuckled.
    April 28th, 2017 at 12:14am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney smiled looking down at her food before looking up at him. "What's up with you?" She questioned him, she noticed every since Avery had come back after being attacked, he'd been more aped to tell her she was family and reminded her she was beautiful. "You've been acting a bit different since Jake and Avery returned." She informed him wanting him to be honest with her. She didn't understand why he wouldn't tell her every thing, if he felt like something was wrong shouldn't they talk about it.
    Jake continued to eat even though she'd asked him a questioned, it wasn't like he could answer her. He huffed out into his bowl shaking his head softly. Yeah he felt well rested, but he didn't sleep good. He'd missed holding her it was the first time he didn't have her in him arms when they sleep together.
    April 29th, 2017 at 12:37am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Haden frowned as she asked what was up with him. "What do you mean?" he asked. She explained and he sighed. "After everything that has happened don't you think it is alright to take a moment and reevaluate our lives, to take a look at the things that are most important and value them more because it could be at any time we loose them?" he asked her softly and reached over and took her hand. "I love you Laney, more then I could have ever imagined loving anyone or anything." he said. He wanted to tell her but now was not the right time, not quite yet. He was sure that would hurt them in the future but he needed more time.
    Avery smiled. "You missed me huh?" she asked and chuckle. "Well I hate to break it to you babe but you're not sleeping in the bed either." she said and chuckled. "I don't want permanent wet dog smell in our bed." she said and chuckled finishing her food and setting it aside. Avery sighed. "I do miss you though... well if you know what I mean." she said and blushed. "You understand what I mean right?" she asked. Avery wished it wouldn't hurt him to shift back. "After dinner I would like to change your bandages." she said.
    April 29th, 2017 at 01:11am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney smiled at him, "yeah I guess it is." She shrugged setting her bowl down after having finished her food. "I'm just not used to the leisure we have here." She smiled at him, "I always had to deal with all my problems and emotions fast and on the go." She smiled remorsefully. "So I can be kind of heartless in expecting people to do the same, like bounce back already." She chuckled, before smiling at him. "I love you too." She said still getting that nagging feeling that something was off.
    Jake tilted his head, it was like she could hear what he was thinking. Did that have that bond? She was making him wonder because it was weird to him at the same time he hoped that they did. Playfully growling at her he shook his head, not liking her dissing on his smell. It was something she'd have to get used to.
    April 29th, 2017 at 10:47pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Haden smiled. "Well now let's take this special time to really relax. Care for a bath?" he asked and started to strip off. He pulled out some towels and set them aside then the fresh cloths and the soap he had gotten from a bag he had stashed their earlier thinking about her. "You worked really hard today let me work it out of your shoulders." he said and moved into the cool water.
    Avery laughed. "Oh deal with it I'm taking some pretty good steps here and you're smelly." she said and chuckled. "I would make you take a bath in human form if you smelled but in wolf form that would just make it worse unless we had some shampoo from the pet store." she said and chuckled. Avery stood and went to the bag of medical supplies she kept with her. She pulled out some things then looked over at him. "Ready?" she asked. Avery sat on the floor waiting for him. She knew it hurt to move to much still but she didn't want to accidentally get blood or anything anywhere that it would stick and be gross. This was their home after all. Avery couldn't;t explain how she guessed what Jake was talking about but it felt like she could feel it as her won. She had talked to Haden about it and he had guessed it had to do with the bond her and Jake had. It was an instant thing between them they had all noticed. "You know I haven't had any dreams of you lately." she said wondering aloud. "Do you think we both have to be thinking of the other?" she asked.
    April 29th, 2017 at 11:17pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney laughed out lightly as he started to strip. "Any thing to get me naked." She teased him, before starting to pull her clothing off. Once undress she slowly made her way into the water. The coldness of it biting at her skin, nibbling on her lip she tried to ignore it, as she moved over to him, goosebumps raising on her skin, and her nipples perking painfully as the cold consumed her body.
    Jake huffed out she made it sound like he really stank, he knew he smelled like wet dog, but that was her doing in washing his fur. Shaking the thoughts from his head he moved slowly over to her, the pain wasn't as bad as it had been earlier, it was either due to him having healed more, or the fact that he hadn't been moving around and his joint had been stiff earlier. He listened as he stood in front of her, tilting his head to the side. Her thoughts were always jumping all over the place. He shrugged his shoulders not knowing anything about how mating or the connection of their worked.
    April 29th, 2017 at 11:58pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Haden laughed. "Now now that is just a side benefit." he said and pulled her to him knowing his heat would help keep her warm. Haden took the soap and ran it over her body then set it aside and started to rub her shoulders working any tension there out. "How did your day go other than the trap setting?" he asked as he watched his hands work magic through her body.
    Avery chuckled as he huffed at her. She smiled seeing he was at least feeling a little better. She uncovered his wound and then started to clean it up. "It's already looking better. If you weren't a wolf I would be really worried about you." she said and smiled softly rubbing his head then continuing to change his bandages. Avery wrapped his wound then smiled. "All done." she said and smiled cleaning up. "That feel okay? Not to tight?" she asked.
    April 30th, 2017 at 01:00am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney sighed out feeling her body slowly unwinding at his touch. "It was fine, Penny's really easy to work with and she doesn't give me shit about bossing her around, which is a plus since I need people to listen to me to understand my thoughts." She chuckled, shaking her head lightly. "God is so cold." She said scooting closer to him, feeling the warmth rolling off of him.
    Jake huffed before laying down next to the bed, he did some almost in a pouting manor. He just wanted to shift back into his human form, more than anything else. Healing while in wolf form had never bothered him until now. He just wanted to hold her in his arms and tell her how much she'd really meant to him. He panted out before rolling over onto his back, his four paws up in the air as he wiggled around trying to get comfortable.
    April 30th, 2017 at 02:01am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Haden chuckled as she said it was cold and moved closer to him. "Sorry Wish I could warm it more for you." he said and then rinsed her off and quickly washed his body rinsing off before he pulled her to him. He took out the shampoo and lathered it into his hair rinsing it out then lathered hers up. Haden smiled as he rubbed her head and ran his fingers gently though her hair. He kissed her shoulder as her front was pressed to his as he worked his hands through her hair lovingly.
    Avery giggled watching him. "You wanting a belly rub?" she asked and ran her handover his belly and noticing when she hit a good spot and scratched it for him. She laughed as he seemed to relax and she laid down on the bed beside him. "You will be bake into your human form before you know it don't you fret." she said and sighed. She pulled the blanket over her and snuggled into it curling up tight. "This is probably the third night I will have slept out of your arms in total and that is all it takes to know I don't like it." she said and shivered a little. "I guess it makes sense why you are so warm now." she chuckled and sat up and turned out the light. "Good night Jake..." she paused laying down and bitting her lip. "I love you." she whispered and smiled faintly.
    April 30th, 2017 at 07:23am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney sighed feeling his hands in her hair. "You know how to make a woman feel special." She moaned softly, enjoying the feeling of being pampered. She placed her hands on his chest gently rubbing, leaning forward she pressed a kiss to his chest. "Your warming me up right now." She whispered out.
    Jake twitched feeling her hands on his belly, his body reacting in a way he'd never know. A soft whimper left his snout. He could feel the excitement built up in his body. Smiling he looked at her. Love you too, knowing she would understand him. Laying down he rested in the floor. His eyes closed and he curled next to the bed, as close as he could. Falling into a slumbered, his dreams plagued with thoughts of being human again. His wolf form always chasing behind Avery, wishing and longing to walk beside her. Needed to touch her, tossing and turning, his sleep was restless. A soft groan leaving his lips, as his body phased, curling his naked form into a ball.
    May 2nd, 2017 at 02:59am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Haden smiled then chuckled. "Literally or figuratively?" he asked and smiled as she kissed his chest. "Because I am not at all against sex in the river." he winked teasingly as he carefully wished her hair out. He smiled as she was all clean. "There. Now you should be all relaxed and clean." he said and rubbed her sides as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Haden was so glad that he had thought of doing this for her. It was important that they have these moments. He needed to think of a way to take her on a date. They had a lot of time alone but he was guilty of not taking her out on a date and that made him feel guilty. She deserved to be taken on dates even if it wasn't a big thing now-a-days.
    Avery smiled as he laid down and rested beside her. She could feel his love surge for him then rest the same in her heart. She sighed and laid down her hand hanging off the bed close to him before she fell asleep. Avery joined in his dreams seeing them from his perspective trapped in the wolf form. When she heard him groan she woke her body burning until she breathed with a sigh of relief as her body relaxed. Avery turned over and saw Jake. She sat up. "Jake!" she smiled but then was instantly worried. "Jake wake up!" she said needing to see the wound and be sure he hadn't ripped out his stitches. She sat on her knees and put her hands on his arms. "Jake wake up." she said softly. She felt suddenly shy. Could it be that his wolf form was easier to deal with after the incident? She shook her head. No this was her Jake and she wouldn't feel weird around him, she refused. Avery smiled softly as his eyes opened. "Hey you. You really couldn't wait could you?" she asked and then frowned. "Are you alright? Let me see you're wound."
    May 2nd, 2017 at 03:20am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laughing she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. "You would dare to pollute our drinking water?" She teased him, knowing it wasn't the first time someone has fucked in this water. The good thing about rivers was the water never stopped moving so the water washing in would clear away and dirty pollutions. "I don't know I think I'm still a bit dirty," she teased kissing his neck, "and I'm all bound up." She whispered over his skin.
    Jake groaned hearing Avery try and wake him up, he didn't understand why she was so prescient. Blinking slowly at her he frowned feeling weird. His limbs were stiff and he could feel a cool breeze in places that were exposed. Shifting softly he offer her his leg, knowing she'd have to make sure he hadn't damaged himself further by phasing. He felt stupid for not being able to control himself. He blinked softly at her, watching her reaction. Knowing full and well that he's entire body was exposed to her. He was trying his best to keep himself covered so she wasn't to uncomfortable, but it was quite difficult considering the morning wood he was sprouting.
    May 2nd, 2017 at 05:25am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Haden smile then laughed as she teased him back. "Oh right there is that but I don't really think that would be really bad for anything around here. It is natural." he said and chuckled. He groaned as her lips met with his neck. Haden groaned and pulled her to him as he smashed his lips to hers. He needed her so much right now. "Laney." he moaned her name and ran his hand into her hair. He wanted to be inside her and feel their connection through that. He pulled her up until her legs could wrap around his waist.
    Avery smiled softly. She carefully unwrapped the now loose semi ripped fabric. She put it to the side and got new bandages and a few other things that would now be easier to use on his human skin. She carefully cleaned and rewrapped his wound. "It will be soar for a while but you are healing remarkably fast, it seems even for a wolf." She said and smiled gently. She looked at him her eyes sweeping up his body and she blushed unable to not notice. Avery reached into his bag and grabbed him some boxers. "These will probably be the most comfortable to wear." she said and then cleaned up what sh had used. She yawned and stretched. "Mmm so tired." she said softly and crawled back into bed and looked over at him her skin still tinted pink. She actually felt the opposite of what she had expected to feel upon seeing him complexity naked and turned on. Avery bit her lip and pressed her thighs together shifting slightly. Avery closed her eyes a moment. "Jake you are the only thing in this world I need like I need air." she said and looked back at him. "I never believed I would need someone like I need you." she said and bit her lip. "Hold me please?" she pleaded having missed him in the day she had without him.
    May 2nd, 2017 at 05:38am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney moaned into his demanding kiss, her hands moving up to tangle into his hair. He'd never been this rough with her, but she liked it. Feeling the rolling down her body sent chills down her spine. The cool air being the last thing on her mind, as her hand slipped in between them to grasp his throbbing hard member. Guiding it to her entrances she lowered herself down on it. Her body being filled by him as he kissed her fiercely. Not allowing him much control, she grasped his shoulder using it as leverage to move her body, slowly bouncing herself on and off his cock.
    Jake smiled sheepishly noticing she'd been staring at his exposed body. Once she throw the boxers at him he quickly slid them on knowing she wouldn't have given them to him if it wasn't bothering her. He watched as she crawled in bed, his smile brightening as he noticed her thighs squeezed together. He felt stunned as she confessed to him then pleaded for him to hold her. Knowing that he'd never deny her her wants, he quickly crawled into bed. Wrapping his arms around her he pulled her back flushed to his chest. "Avery." He sighed out, he didn't feel like he really needed to say much, she'd been doing enough talking for the both of them. As she shifted her head to look back at him. He captured her lips, his hand moving to cradle her neck, as his lips devoured her. He let his feel and his wants out into the kiss. Shifting he laid her back, before crawling over her, never once breaking the kiss. He knew he was being fueled by lust, but his love was pouring out of him, and he really needed her, but he was only going to allow her the control of setting the beast inside him free.
    May 2nd, 2017 at 06:10am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Haden groaned as she moved over him. He wrapped her closed to him growling softly as he kissed her skin letting her take the control. He supported her and teased her skin with his mouth as heavy pants of lust and desire escaped his mouth. His hands moved over her body feeling every piece of her in an entirely different level as they made loved there in the river completely consumed in each other. Haden hadn't meant for it to take his turn but it had and he was only glad for it. He could feel his body impatiently wanting to come as he ran his hands down her back. He wanted to come with her.
    Avery looked over at him his shuttered voice of her name sending chills down her skin and making her insides quiver. She hadn't meant for her words to be taken like this. She didn't know if she was ready for this. She gasped as he kissed her and her thoughts drifted away as his body moved over hers. Avery slipped her hand up his body and into his hair kissing him deeply her body moving up toward his without her realizing it and even if she had she wasn't sure she could stop herself from the need to get closer to him. Something inside of her swelled with lust held back just barely and she broke the kiss taking in a deep breathless breath as her hands moved gently over his skin. "Jake." she licked her lips. "I'm scared." she whispered realizing that Jake was the only one who would completely understand and she opened up everything inside of her to him. The lust, the love, the fear, the bashfulness and inexperience. Avery let him feel everything, or at least she hoped that he could feel it like she felt what was inside of him. Avery didn't let him pull away from her. She knew that this moment could be big, very big for both of them but they had to do this right. She wanted to be completely open with him and him with her.
    May 2nd, 2017 at 06:38am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney moaned out into the night air, her grasp shifting as she moved her hands into his hair. Her hips bucking to keep the friction going. She'd never been this demanding before. It seemed like every time they made love there was something different in the ways. She couldn't quite wrap her head around it, but it made her even more excited for the next time. She knew it was that fact that they were in the early stages of dating so fucking like rabbits was a given, but she never tired of the way his body moved against hers. Or the way his lips set fire to her skin with every kiss. She felt like she needed him like air, and it was always so confusing having him inside her. But she enjoyed it, and never questioned it. A soft moan escaped her as she felt him nibble lightly on her neck. She bucked her hips harder loving how he managed to work her up even more, while she was already dripping for him.
    Jake groaned feeling her body press into his, sighed out when she pulled away knowing it was a good thing to give him some space. "I'm here." He told her, before placing a soft kiss to her nose. He could feel her grip on him, almost like she was pleading for him not to leave her. Placing his forehead to hers. "I can't make you do this Avery." He said softly. "I know that there's a lot more than just losing your virginity here." He told her. "You get me body and soul, it's a lot to take in." He said, some of it wasn't a bad thing. He pressed a soft kiss to her lips. "I need you." He said to her. "But it doesn't have to be this way." He wanted her to know that even if they didn't sleep together that he'd still already chosen his mate.
    May 4th, 2017 at 05:48am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Haden groaned and ran his hands up her sides as her hands moved into his hair. He let his lips and teeth move over the skin that was exposed to him as he took her higher and closer to the edge. He wanted for her to feel how they became one in these moments. He could feel her pleasure making his higher and how their bodies felt moving together sharing in the heat and the passion. She was his everything and in moments like this he knew she could feel that too. Haden took her lips with his kissing her passionately. Overtime they made love there was always a new aspect and he didn't know how but it made him glad that they were still able to surprise each other.
    Avery shivered underneath him. "Jake I love you." she whispered closing her eyes as his forehead touched hers. She sighed under his lips and smiled softly at his words. "You're hurt Jake I don't want to accidentally hurt you. And I am not scared of committing to you Jake. I'm scared that I will say yes then can't because..." she closed her eyes suddenly looking sad. It was still to room from the attack. "I don't want to think of that day when I am with you for the first time. I want to be completely concentrated on you. I don't want to push you away because I am thinking of..." she trailed of and looked ashamed.
    May 4th, 2017 at 06:09am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney gasped out feeling him nibbling on her skin, her body reacting to the pleasure, sending waves of tingling sensation down to her core. She could feel her belly tightening as a pleasure started to build. "Haden." She moaned out, leaning into him as her hands moved down to his back. Her nails clawing at any skin to get a better grip to increase her momentum. The pleasure almost too much for her to handle, but her mind and body craved the release. "I'm so close." She moaned out, not wanting him to stop his pursuit on her body. She felt his hands move to her hips helping guide her and even increase their movements. The quickening pace being what she needed to send the over the edge. "Fuck." She moaned out, her head lulling back as her orgasm washed over her, her limb going numb as pleasure consumed her body.
    Jake smiled down at her, "baby I'm a big boy." He chuckled knowing that it would take a lot more than her pushing him away for her to hurt him. He understood since she had been talking to him. "I want you when you're ready, not before." He said before kissing her forehead. He gently lowered his body down onto hers', her hands still clinging to him. "I think you're doubting you self because your afraid, I think you're stronger than you give yourself credit." He told her having listened to her the past day or so not having been able to talk to her. "And beside there are other things we can do, if you want to test the waters." He offered, knowing her body was feeling the need and want to mate. She'd gotten inside his head just as much as he to her.
    May 5th, 2017 at 06:01am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Haden growled as she orgasmed around him. He kissed her skin thrusting into her again and releasing himself. He thrust into her until her orgasm reached it's end. He sighed and pulled out holding her to him. He kissed her softly and let the water hold them up. "Mmm you ready to get out now? I think I'm starting to age in here with all the pruning." he said and smirked. "I'll carry you if you like." he said and smirked looking at her fully spent state as she clung to him still if only barely. Haden was so glad he had her and it only made it harder for him to think that he could loose her. He would tell her soon and then they could work it all out, hopefully together. For now he was completely relaxed and feeling like he could fully enjoy these moments.
    Avery sighed as he soothed all her worries. He had been listening and he understood how she was feeling now and she was glad that they had been able to finally come to this place where she wasn't afraid he didn't understand and there was nothing between them other than love. She moaned as his body pressed down into hers again. She let her eyes close and shifted against him feeling the need to be touched by him as her hands held onto him. He spoke softly and her heart swelled. He believed in her, he believed she was strong and that made her feel like she could explode with finally being known completely by someone and trusted completely. Her eyes drifted open and he said there were other things they could do. She blushed softly. "Other things?" she asked her insides feeling like fire with every move he made, every breath he took made the fire move and swell like tides inside of her. Avery gently kissed him then pressed her cheek to his shoulder as she held him close. She had missed him so much.
    May 5th, 2017 at 06:26am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney shook her head, she didn't want to move let alone go anywhere. "I need to clean up." She murmured out, she could feel both their releases seeping out slowly. But she knew if she didn't clean up now it could be a problem later. Pulling away from him she settled back down on the floor bed of the river. "Fuck that's cold." She said all feeling returning back to her limbs, letting out a quick breath she sank into the water. Allowing her whole body to submerge into the water. Quickly cleaning herself she stood back up before smiling at him. She splashed water at him, knowing he could use some cleaning too.
    Jake stifled a groan as her hips brushed against him. "Trust me." He whispered, letting his hand move to her leg. Sliding it slowly up to her hips, moving under all her clothing. "Tell me to stop any time and I will." He told her firmly, before letting his hand move into her panties. His fingers slowly caressing the soft skin, as he moved closer to her core. His fingers brushing across labia, before slowly slipping between her folds. His fingers gently stroked her entrances, soaking up her arousal. His thumb shot up and brushed across her clit, rubbing small circles on it. He gauged her reactions to the pleasure, then slipped one finger into her. His eyes closed as he felt how tight she was, just imagine his dick replacing his finger had his member hardening against his boxers.
    May 5th, 2017 at 06:46am