Like the Moon

  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Jake couldn't help the smile that pulled at his lips, it was a welcoming distraction having her talk about her enjoyment. After all they wouldn't be allowed that much alone time moving forward. He'd have to focus his time and energy on helping the pack now that Haden was moving around. He knew they wouldn't stay cornered like this any longer. It was something that threaten their way of life. And Jake knew Haden could tell something was off too. They'd managed to cut them off from the outside world, boxing them in and running their food source off. If they were having trouble before, now would make thing worse. He'd be surprised if Haden didn't move them again. Of course this place had only been talked about being temporary. He'd hated to leave, but that didn't mean they wouldn't find a new home where ever they went. "I'm glad that you enjoyed yourself." He told her, "but lets get you some food." He knew when he'd taken her out it was only a small amount to hold them over till her father had left camp. But as they neared the camp he could hear the arguing, or where they enjoying themselves. He knew that having two alphas together wasn't the smartest thing to do, but that didn't mean they were fighting, right? It could just be they were getting rowdy. But he could taste the tension as they enter the camp.
    Laney's eyes blew wide when she felt the gentle push from Haden, she couldn't believe that he was actually going to challenge her father. But it was something she had expected to come about when her father opened his mouth. Though she couldn't let either one of them hurt the other. "I'm sorry was I not clear enough, you are a lazy piece of shit leader and don't deserve my daughter." Trent growled back at the younger wolf. "And carrying me, please son if it wasn't for my pack you'd have starved by now, you think that moose being this close was some kind of miracle. Please we herded it here." Trent spat, Laney was shocked hearing her fathers words. She wasn't sure if they were true or not, this wasn't the man that had raised her. He was someone entirely else and she was trying her best to expect that he was here alive and that he hadn't abandoned them. But on the other hand Haden was her mate and she felt the need to protect him and be by his side through all this but didn't know how to chose. "Your own mate even told me you were a worthless alpha, it's why she hasn't joined your pack and expressed that she wanted to leave with me." He told Haden. Laney could help but stepping forwards as if she wanted to punch the man before her. But a loud snarl and a piercing pain in her arm froze her to her spot.
    January 1st, 2019 at 06:09am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Haden probably could have taken anything else but the moment he brought his and Laney's problems into it and the mention of her leaving him his wolf ripped out snarling and ready to kill, not just fight. Haden had not expected such hostility from the man tonight but the way he spoke about Laney and the agony he felt for even the thought and the possibility that she could still leave him after all they had been through broke anything inside him that had control all reason was gone. Haden rushed forward not even noticing how he had injured Laney in his rage. He had always tried to be connected to her but her refusal of her wolf and the pack made it hard in the best circumstances. Haden tackled the man still in his human form to the ground going for the throat his arm getting stuck in his mouth. Haden bit down and pulled pulling the man as he moved. The man was completely at Haden's mercy which he currently had none of at the moment and was intent on removing the threat that was between him and his mate.
    Avery smiled at Jake as he mentioned food and she nodded. She was glad to have spent the time with him too but as they got into camp and got closer o the arguing Avery looked at Jake with panic and grabbed his hand starting to run towards the sound clearing into the center just in time to see Haden shift violently and lunge for her father injuring her sister in the mean time. "Jake!" she yelped knowing he was the only way to control Haden right how before he truly started to injure her father. As it was there were going to be a few puncture marks if they were lucky. Avery pulled off her shirt and rushed over to Laney pressing it to her bleeding arm pulling her away from the mess of wolves. She got her up and over to the fire placing her own arm on the wound while she grabbed her bag rushing back out and grabbing some of the prevailed water she had in her kit cleaning the wound before starting to stitch it up. It was important to do this in a rush otherwise the skin would heal the wrong way before she got a chance to help it a long. Avery looked up at her sister seeing that look on her face that worried her. "It was an accident Laney." she whispered.
    January 2nd, 2019 at 12:23am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Jake watched as his alpha attacked the man before him, blinking he knew that he should do something to stop it. But it was two alpha fighting, and unless he wanted to take Haden or Trent's position he had to act carefully. Hearing the pain in Avery's voice he acted before he could think, lunging at Haden he wrapped the wolf in his grasp, pulling him away from the man. It wasn't with out difficulties, as he was set to kill the man, and knowing he was going to be stopped he aimed to do some damage. After Jake managed to pry Haden away from Trent he drug him out into the wooded area closest to Haden's house, it was close yet far enough away. "Are you happy?" He growled at the large animal in his arms, "you hurt her." He snapped, before dropping the overly large dog to the ground. Watching as he quickly scurried to his feet, already trying to take off. "Laney's bleeding." He said, in hopes to clam the beast down. He wasn't sure what was said nor why the fight broke out just that if one thing was for sure Haden cared about Laney, and if he didn't curb his anger right now he could lose her. Jake moved to stand in front of his alpha. "You can punish me later as you see fit, but right now I'm not letting you leave this spot." He squared up the best he could preparing for a fight. Though deep down he hoped it didn't come down to that.
    Numb, that's what she felt. Laney couldn't wrap her head around anything. Her body screamed in pain but she couldn't even feel it as every thing in her pulled at her to run. She'd never though she'd live to see the day when she'd actually want to leave Haden but right now it was happening. She couldn't decide weather or not it was the fact he hurt her or that he'd went full alpha and her wolf wanted away. And even though she knew that leaving him would nearly kill her, the pain was numbed. As Avery fretted over her all she could do was stare at the ground her mind blank as she listened to all that was going on around her. Pulling her eyes up to meet Avery's she gave her the best smile she could muster though she wasn't sure if she did more that twitch. It was comforting to know her sister though he hadn't meant to hurt her. "Honey, are you okay?" She heard her father say, as he moved closer to her. He stalked closer to as if she was a wounded animal. Blood dripping off his arm though he didn't seemed worried about it in the slightest. "I know you're confused right now, but why don't you girls come with me." He offered his voice soft and sincere. "It will give you the space you need to figure all this out. After all you, you shouldn't be with a wolf who's going to hurt you." He said, watching as Laney nodded her head. Even though she was going through the movement she was still uncertain on what he was saying.
    January 2nd, 2019 at 06:30am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Haden snarled as Jake picked him up all kinds of terrible thoughts going through his head. He clawed trying to toss himself out of Jake's arms to get back to his mission his wolves anger all consuming. He might as well be a wild animal at this point. Jake tossed him to the ground and his words struck somewhere deep inside. He couldn't have hurt Laney, he never would do that but it was there no matter how much he tried to deny it he could feel it and he let out a strangled cry of pain. As much as his wolf wanted to put his second in his place and go and take the other alpha's life gaining command of the other pack as well he knew he couldn't and the pain of his mate gave him that hold on his anger that he needed. It would be a while before he could shift again but he was glad that the red haze was starting to leave his eyes despite the angry emotions bouncing around inside of him. He whimpered pacing. What did it mean if he could hurt his mate, even unintentionally? He had never heard of this problem before and didn't know what to do.
    Avery smiled softly hoping to bring comfort as she watched Laney's pain. She sighed and finished up the stitches and started to wrap the gauze around her arm as her father came over being very quiet as he spoke. She stopped suddenly sitting there her breath becoming jagged as she began to shake. Suddenly she was on her feet and pushed her father away. "How fucking dare you!" she yelled and smacked his chest again.

    Avery clenched her fist as she stood between him and Laney. "I can't believe you! You waltz in to our camp with no explanation and you start causing problems! You come back into our lives and expect us to pack up and leave with you like you are the some kind of saint that can only protect us. Well how fucking dare you! You manipulate not only our pack but Laney as well making her doubt her mate who has been nothing but good to both of us and always there for us unlike you! You left us! I don't care why! Laney scarified so much because of that just to protect me like you should have been doing for both of us no matter what happened to you! You were alive! You could have been protecting us you coward but you left! I hate you and I will never leave with you. I love Jake and when I am ready I will let him turn me and I will join him in his pack because he is my mate! I don't have to be a wolf to feel that devotion and responsibility." Avery ran her hand through her hair and shook her head as her father tried to speak. "Oh no I'm not done yet you shut up and sit down!" she yelled. She had never been this violent before and as she was shaking with anger she paced. "You come in here where we where dealing with so much and tell Haden he is not enough, no wonder he lost it! He is the most caring and hard working man! All he does is take care of other people, not that you would know because you weren't looking for that, all you saw was what you wanted to see. I know what you did bringing food here. Potatoes showing off saying see no one can do it like I can and yet you drive away the game in the area and keeping the pack inside of the border! Oh you thought I didn't know! I have a bond with Jake stronger than you can imagine. Not to mention the little peek show Penny and Char where talking about! We are not safe with your pack! You know what this pack does! They take in two hopeless women not just because of the potential bandmates but because they saw we needed help and a safe place to be ourselves! They have had more understanding for Laney's wolf that I even do as her sister! They don't push don't run off and tell when they smell her wolf out and about when Haden is giving her space. So how fucking dare you come in here trying to get Laney to leave her mate! That would fucking destroy him! And her! And me? Oh you should have known better! Jake is my mate and more than that." she said touching the ring he gave her on the chain around her neck. "He is the love of my life, and the man I consider myself married to!" she said and shoved him. "You have no right and I want you to leave! Now! and don't bother coming back!" she stood in front of her father shaking with outrage and the tears streaming down her face.
    January 2nd, 2019 at 06:58am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney bit back tears as she listened to her sister shout at her father. The world around her filling with dread as she thought over what her actions could do. She stood on shaking legs as she placed herself behind her sister. She wasn't about to let this man walk into camp and destroy everything the two of them cherished the most. After finally finding her footing she knew that even thinking those things had hurt Haden and he'd not been inside her head. As Avery let all her anger and emotions fly at their father Laney stood back feeling pride seeping in, it was time that she'd stood up for herself. But what shocked Laney the most was when Avery said she'd taken Jake as her husband, it wasn't official or anything but it was none the less impressive for her to know where they stood with each other. And Laney knew that marriage had always been something that Avery had wanted, ever since they were little. So knowing this it made her stand firm. Neither one of them was leaving nor where they going to be played like a fool. "Laney." Her father said, hoping the elder of the two could be reasoned with. "I don't know why you're looking at me." She told him, finally seeing what Avery had. "You heard her. Leave." She stated firmly, "and know lone wolf or not I will fight along side my mate." She told him, watching as he looked at the two hurt etched on his face. They both stood their as they watched him leave their camp. "Thank you." Laney told Avery, though she didn't stick around to talk. Taking off towards Jake and Haden, she knew there was a few things she needed to fix. First being her heart, he was hurting and she could tell. Even before she ever reached them. I'm here. She did her best to reach his mind, she wanted him to know that she wasn't leaving, and she didn't want to walk up on an enraged alpha. When she reached Jake she smiled at him before patting him on the back. "Why don't you go back to camp, Avery's a bit shake up." She told him, she watched as he was going to say something but she shook her head silencing him. She didn't want him to interfere with anything right now, she needed to face Haden alone. Once she was sure he was out of sight, she started to pull her clothing off. Once she was bare she phased, she winced as she put pressure on her paw, she knew it could cause damage but she didn't care. Moving slowly towards him as to not enrage him, she didn't stop till she was nuzzled right under his neck. Gently rubbing her head up into him, you're going to have to help me, because I have no idea what I'm doing. She informed him. Wanting him to know that she was excepting him as her alpha.
    Jake felt pain shoot through him, as he watched his alpha and brother pace before him. He'd never seen this much hurt consume someone before. But what startled him was the soft touch on his back. Turning to look at Laney he was surprised she'd snuck up on him, he knew that it was just because he was used to her scent that it'd happened. He'd been not only dealing with his alpha but he'd been focusing on possible danger. Blinking at the woman before him he wanted to argue and stay with them to make sure thing were okay. But hearing Haden demanding him to go with one word. He knew his place was back at camp. As he made his way back to camp he listened carefully wondering if the others were going to pick up and go quietly or if they'd have a fight on their hands. The fact that their alpha was wounded was enough for any pack to hold off. But they were large and didn't really need their alpha to fight, but it wasn't a smart move to attack now either knowing they were all ready to fight. Jake enter camp a soft smile on his lip as he looked at Avery. He knew he should be smiling but what ever happened while he was with Haden he knew it was because the girls had managed to stand up to their father. "Hey love." He greeted her, before pulling her into his arms. Wrapping them tightly around her he was slightly worried she couldn't breath. But he knew that he wasn't going to let her go without a fight. She was his every thing. Pulling back slightly he looked down at her before placing a kiss to her lips. "I love you so much." He told her, know that right now after the thought of her leaving he needed her to hear how much she meant to him.
    January 2nd, 2019 at 07:49am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Haden sat down as Laney walked up behind Jake. He whimpered softly. Had she come to tell him she was leaving? He looked at her arm knowing he had hurt her was awful. He watched Jake leave then turned watching Avery strip confused. She shifted and tat beautiful wolf of hers shifted out. What did she mean she was here. He watched her slowly approach standing tall. He was nervous as she came closer but then she nuzzled under his neck and his body gave a jerk of excitement. He stayed still his alpha insisting upon it. Haden listened to her. Let me see your mind. He said softly knowing it was probably the hardest thing for her to open completely to him.

    Haden went into her mind as she let him in. He looked over the past couple of minutes how she and Avery had stood up to her father and how she had decided to become part of the pack. He tussled her head closer to him and licked her ear. Laney to become part of the pack you have to swear your allegiance. How ever you see best to do that. He had always been fairly flexible on how his pack joined him but they all did it in their own way and that to him meant more than just repeating after him. Haden was nervous about this because he had hardly believed that it would happen. Haden only had hoped for it because he loved Laney so much and now he had to wait while she considered how best to submit to him. With that she would gain access to the entire pack as their female alpha.
    Avery was sitting by the fire still crying her breath ragged. She hoped she did the right thing here tonight. She bit her lip whipping her tears when she saw Jake. He came over and held her. She curled up into him her head under his as she all but crawled into his lap. She hiccuped and looked up at him as he pulled back. She kissed him back leaning her head against his forehead as he spoke again. She closed her eyes and then laid her head on his shoulder again. "I love you always." she said and rubbed her eyes a little more calm now.

    Avery looked up at him and cupped his cheek. "You don't think I would ever leave you do you?" she asked him softly her thumb caressing his check. She reached for the ring he gave her. It might not be wearable as a ring but it was round and she wore it just the same as she would a ring with that commitment. Avery was worried Jake might have believed it at all. She wanted him to be assured in their relationship. No matter what happened she was with Jake as long as she lived. Avery knew she would need to let him change her but she just wasn't ready. It wasn't something he needed to assure her of it was something she felt she needed to personally be prepared for. It was an entirely new way of life and it frightened her even though she knew Jake would be there for her. Her fears were there reminding her the dangers of being a wolf. She had the choice they all made that clear to her. She needed to talk to Penny about it all because she would have a way of explaining it she was sure.
    January 2nd, 2019 at 06:12pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney struggled to allow him access to her mind, it was one of the things she'd never wanted to happen. It was almost like letting people see her pain and struggles and paint her as a victim. Something she never wanted to be, also she never wanted to discuss her past with anyone. But sighing she knew it had to happen if she was going to expect him fully. She couldn't seem to relax as he sat there right now she wanted more than anything to be in his arms and all this behind them. But she knew that she'd been in tougher spots than this and never had she backed down from a fight. Feeling his nuzzle and the soft lick to her ear she knew he was well in tuned with her and was doing his best to be there for her as a mate as well as an Alpha. Relaxing a bit she sat down in front of him, waiting for what was next. Still unsure where this was suppose to go. She lifted her head to peer up at him, what was that suppose to mean. However she could. She hadn't really thought that through. Letting her mind go over what he said agian and agian. She couldn't think straight. But everything in her past seemed to be weighing on her. It was almost like she was getting flashes of her past, the times she'd learned to hunt, track, and ever kill. There was so much more that she wasn't even sure how she could forget all the times she'd protected Avery, all the different ways. She was lost in her own mind that she'd forgotten she still needed to say something to him. But she couldn't put anything into words. Just knowing he was connected to her mind she was sure he could tell the internal battle she was having. I swear.. She started but stopped not know how word it right. But she knew that everything she did in her past for her and Avery she'd do for this pack.
    Jake offered her a soft smile, "never." He told her. He knew there was a part of him that would always fear she'd leave him. Where it would be by her own will or death. But that was part of being human, doubt. A wolf on the other hand knew and trusted in the mating. She was his and would never leave him. "I know your father said some pretty hurtful things about Haden and Laney." He shook his head. "But the only thing he could do was feed off of our doubts. The fact that Laney is a rough wolf hurts hers and Haden's relationship, not their mating." He told her, knowing that he'd doubted the mating process too, only because he wasn't sure if a human could feel the pull like a wolf. But having Avery as his mate he knew that he'd never doubt it agian. "And hearing other's flaws and reflecting on your own tends to bring doubt into your mind. So yes there has been times I was afraid you would leave me, but I learn more and more about you everyday, and I know that even through our differences you'd never leave me. But it wasn't always like that." He wanted her to know that even though he trusted in their mating he'd still had his own worries and doubts. But they'd worked together to help him over come them. "Now tell me love, why were you crying." He knew it wasn't because she thought he would leave her. So he wanted to hear what all she had to say, if she was ready to tell him that is.
    January 3rd, 2019 at 09:12pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Haden was surprised as Laney started to slowly let him in a thought and a memory at a time. Haden watched her mind flip over the past as he let himself explore her mind feeling their bond growing as they sat in silence. When she thought about what to say and the emotions welling up. She was fighting herself trying to remind herself that this was what she wanted. When she spoke and then stoped the pack connected to her. Haden dipped his head to press against hers and gave her a wolf kiss. Welcome to the pack Laney. He spoke not only to her but to the pack as well. He knew she could feel them, hear them. He let her feel the connection, the family relation before he spoke again only to her this time. In time you will learn how to block them out and talk one on one mind to mind. But for now start by picturing a window and close the blinds. It will allow you some peace. He said knowing like so many other things she would pick this up easy. He only hoped that this time she would let him help her. Haden hoped she didn't try to block him out again but continued to let him in and to take her role in the pack.
    Avery nodded. She didn't care if he use to doubt it as long as there wasn't any doubt left now. She smiled as he tried to reassure her of everything. She leaned into him feeling at peace with him. Avery loved him so much. She bit her lip as he asked why she had been crying. She blushed. "I was just upset at my father." she sighed and hugged Jake hard. "I was so angry that he was manipulating Laney and that he hurt her and left us. I let him have it, everything he did wrong to us, I let him know how wrong he was to do it. I never acted like that before screaming and cursing. It was hard in a way." she shook her head. "I think I really realized how much the pack has done for us and how I love all of them but more than that I realize how much I love you." she chuckled blushing. She was silent a little but still not done. She spoke again after a while her voice quiet. "I told him I hate him and to leave and never came back..." She closed her eyes. "I meant it but it was still hard." Avery told him all she said then looked up at Jake and wondered what he would say about it.
    January 4th, 2019 at 03:02am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney wasn't ready for the flood of information she received, letting out a soft whine she knew that some of the things she didn't want to see. Hearing Haden's word about shutting things out she did her best to do so, hoping to quite everything. It seemed like it was easier said than done. Blinking she closed her eyes and tried harder, but it was difficult to put a stop to everything when certain things drew her in. Letting out a sigh she finally relaxed as she managed to block out the noise. All of it was started to give her a headache. So thankfully she'd managed to get it to stop. Turning to look at Haden she tilted her head not really wanting to be in wolf form any more. They had quite a bit to talk about and it was difficult to talk to him like this right now. Stepping back from him she shifted back into her human form. Standing up she didn't bother to get dressed as they were alone. "Sorry it's just easier for me this way." She told him, knowing that speaking to him through their minds wasn't as easy as it had been before joining the pack.
    Jake smiled softly at her. "I know it hurts baby." He told her wanted nothing more in the world than to cheer her up. "And I know you were looking forward to getting answers from him." He knew that if the time ever came then she'd take it. He knew that it would eat her up if she didn't. Avery just had to kind of a heart to hold grudges for ever. He knew that it was important to get those answers but right now there was nothing they could do. Gently sliding out of her grasp he smiled before moving over to the fire. Grabbing a bowl he quickly filled it up with some food then moved back to her. Taking a bite he sat next to her before offering her a bite, he knew that through all the ruckus that she'd not eaten yet. "Eat up love." He told her know that no matter what was going on right now she still needed to eat.
    January 4th, 2019 at 03:58am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Haden nodded softly when she shifted and explained. It was understandable. The pack was more quiet in human form. It was helpful at times. He shifted as well and went to her pulling her into his arms and kissing her head. "I love you Laney." he said softly. He was so glad she had decided to join the pack. "I am so sorry I hurt you." he said looking at her still healing arm. It probably would have been healed by morning if she hadn't shifted but he was glad she had. "What changed your mind about all of this?" he asked wondering what happened in her own words. Haden loved Laney so much and was very glad she had decided he was good enough for her and that she wanted to stay with him. He smoothed her hair back gently looking into her eyes.
    Avery smiled softly glad he understood. She watched him get up and get some food. Her stomach grumbled and she chuckled as he offered her a bite. She took it and yawned not knowing if she was more tired or hungry. Avery stood and got her own bowl wanting to be sure Jake ate too. She sat back down with him eating. She would need to clean up camp before bed. Despite everything she wasn't going to leave it a mess. Avery smiled at him over her bowl. "Thank you for taking Haden earlier...." she bit her lip. "I know it's not really your place in the pack but I needed to deal with my family. I just want you to know I appreciate it." she said softly. He was dealing with a lot with the pack too. She wished there was more she could do but until she was changed she was just a human that could do small things. "Jake... I know we never talk about it but me being human... I know it's hard on the pack but I don't think I really understand why." She said hoping he would explain.
    January 4th, 2019 at 04:38am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney smiled up at Haden loving the way she felt in his embrace. "I love you too." She whispered out, trying her best to remember to keep that curtain closed. Things felt different now but at the same time nothing seemed to have changed. She looked down at her arm as he apologized about hurting. "It's not your fault." She told him know that her father was to blame for everything. Looking up at him she did her best to think of what to say to him, speaking her mind had always been easy. But when it came to speaking from the heart that was when things were hard for her. "Honestly it was Avery." She told him. "I was being selfish, not wanting to be a part of a pack just a part of a group. I hate the thought of someone having control over everything I do. I'm so used to coming and going and even leaving when I please." She looked at the ground, knowing that it was true she had thought that if things got tough like they always did she'd not be afraid to leave. "But Avery pointed out everything you've done to help us, me. And I've been thinking about losing my independence. I wasn't seeing the bigger picture, this is my family. Not the man that waltz into camp and looked like the man I loved growing up. This right here. And though I'll hate losing my free time and spending less time with you. I'd give all that up to protect these people because that's what family does." She looked up at him, blinking back tears. "I'm sorry for being so selfish." She told him.
    Jake pouted lightly when she went a got her own food. "I was wanting to feed you." He told her, knowing that quilt tripping her wasn't going to work. He smiled though as he watched her eat that was what was really important. "You're welcome," he told her knowing that it was in fact her fight. "But remember that when Haden punish me and I don't get to spend as much time with you." He teased her, knowing that it could happen but it more than likely wouldn't. He loved her and would do anything for her, but challenge his alpha to a fight. After all that was never something he wanted. He turned to look at her when she said his name. "Hmm." He hummed putting his now empty bowl aside. "You seen what happened to Laney when she was to close to Haden when he phase?" He asked knowing she did. "You're a lot more delicate than Laney is, and if one of us was to phase next to you." He shook his head not wanting to think about it. "Human are weak with out weapons, and they break real easily." He sighed knowing changing the perspective wasn't helping any either. "The biggest danger is you're a distraction. If a fight was to break out right here right now. I'd be to worried about your safety that I wouldn't see crucial points in a fight, and I'd lose because my guard was down." He told her. "But humans also give off a scent that makes them easier to find. So there are many many reason why it's hard on us. Because that's just the aspect of attacks. While we enjoy being in our human form we don't live in it, we never settle down at a place for more that a few days. With you we can't travel by pack and we can't be wolves, so accidents are bound to happen. It's one of the reason why Kyle and Leo stay away from you. There instincts tell them to kill you because you're ultimately a threat to their mates." He knew that he'd rambled on for a bit now. But he noticed she'd finished her food. "Come on, lets get you to bed." He told her, stopping her from cleaning up camp. "It can wait." He told her, before pulling her to him. Placing a kiss on top of her head. "Lets get some sleep."
    January 4th, 2019 at 05:32am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Haden kissed her head. "I love you so much Laney and you are the female alpha, this is a family so you can't just leave us, just like you wouldn't leave Avery but you do have some advantages for being an alpha." he said and smiled softly. "I know it is a lot but it is a good thing too." he said and smiled softly. "You will see in time." he said and took her hand realizing they were both naked and a lone for the first time since he had been allowed to shift back. He smiled and pulled her close kissing her deeply his desire for her flooding him. He wanted so much to make love to her right now against a tree but she deserved more than that and he really needed to be with his pack out on the land making sure they were safe to sleep through the night. They also would need to be leaving this place here soon. He had to find a way to get them all somewhere safe again. He wished he didn't have to move them again knowing it was hard on Avery and the pack. They didn't have puppies yet but he was expecting either Penny or Char to be making an announcement here soon. Haden pulled away from their kiss and pressed his forehead to hers. "Fuck it they can wait." he growled. They were safe for now and he knew if he didn't take care of the beast inside telling him he couldn't wait to mate any longer he would be distracted and useless to preform his duties. "Laney my love. I want you... I want you so bad right now and this time no one is going to stop me from having you." he said and ran his hands up her back his lips pressing to her shoulder. "I love you so much Laney and I need you." he whispered to her.
    Avery giggled and blushed. She leaned up and kissed his lips. "Sorry babe I want you to eat too." She said relaxing as she finished her food. She was worried about Haden Punishing Jake and she frowned. "I will talk to Haden. If he wants to punish anyone it will have to be me." she kissed his cheek and smiled. "Besides I don't think he will. He really lost it and needed someone to real him in because Laney couldn't at that time." she said and shrugged knowing she was just rambling out of worry now.

    Jake answered Avery's question and she frowned more and more as she listened. "If I was a wolf would you really be less distracted?" she asked not knowing how her being a wolf would change anything. She wasn't the fighting type. She could run fast and was smart but even if she had the ability to she didn't really think she could kill or seriously harm someone, at least not to save herself. She would do anything to save Jake in a heartbeat. She frowned. She hated the idea of moving all the time, especially while she was still getting use to her wolf form. At the last reason she felt like she could cry. She didn't want to put anyone in danger but she just wasn't quite ready. She ran her hand through her hair and stood needing something to do. Jake stopped her and pulled her to him. She sighed as she leaned into him. Avery closed her eyes and sighed. "I can't sleep right now Jake. I don't know what I expected out of that question but it wasn't that. I think I just need some time to digest this. I'm going to clean up and then I should probably check on Haden some time tonight because of the fight and how he is recovering still." She said and sighed kissing his cheek softly.
    January 5th, 2019 at 05:01am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney listened to Haden fear creeping into her, she knew that it was just doubt. She was scared she wouldn't be a good alpha. She knew that there was a lot of things that she still needed to know about. Also she wasn't willing to learn from him the last time so now she'd have no choice but to step into the roll fully and allow him to teach her. She nodded, before looking up at him. "I need slow, okay." She was still trying to deal with keeping the curtain closed. But she was managing it, she didn't like it very much. She knew that he had always been understanding of her, but the last time he'd pushed her a bit to far to fast. So she was hoping that this time he'd allow her a bit of leniency. She'd been so lost in her thoughts she hadn't noticed the shift in him. Looking up at him as he pulled her close her mind still clouded with all the changes, but the moment his lips touched hers. All that faded and all her yearning from the past few days flooded back to her. Lifting her hand she ran it along his chest as she stepped closer to him. Losing herself in him, she knew that there could still be danger lurking out there, and that he father may come back. But right now she wasn't worried about any of that. Her want for him greater than she'd felt it before. When he broke their kiss she looked up at him, smiling softly as he pressed his forehead to hers. It faltered when he growled out, her eyes going slightly wide at the way it effected her body. Shifting light she pressed her thighs together hoping to relieve some of the tension. A soft gasp left her lips at the words that fell from his lips, causing her anticipation building. And her eyes closing as he kissed her shoulder, knowing they weren't moving fast enough. Running her hands up his chest she gently nipped at his neck, before placing a kiss under his ear. "Then take me." She whispered to him, knowing that something was holding him back. And giving him the green light she hoped he was true to his words and no one would stop them now.
    Jake shrugged it off knowing that at least she was eating, he looked at her as she told him she'd have Haden punish her instead. "Love it doesn't work that way." He teased her, he didn't want to say she wasn't part of this pack. Even though it was technically true she had to be a wolf to be part of it, she was close enough to be cherished by all members so they could over look the technicality of it. He couldn't help but smile at her, knowing that she was the only on willing to challenge Haden's authority, it was a luxury. He didn't say more as she was always so determined to do as she pleased.

    He looked at her watching as his words effected her knowing that she wasn't taking knowing she wasn't taking it well. He frowned as she questioned him and then turned to clean up. "Uh you might want to put off visiting Haden till the morning." He warned her, knowing that him and Laney were more than likely enjoying each other's company. "Laney joined the pack." He told her, knowing he'd felt it earlier but they were in the middle of talking about how her being human effects them as wolves. He sat there watching as she cleaned up thinking over her words and wondering what he could say that would help her be okay with her place in this pack as a human. "I don't think you'd ever be less of a distraction to me, the others more than likely. But I can't bear to lose you so I will always do everything I can to protect you." He told her, rubbing his hands together trying to think of what could be upsetting her so much. "We said we would talk about you wanting to be a wolf, soon or later." He informed her. "I don't want this to be something that forces you to make a decision either." He told her, before throwing a look over his head at the baby boar they'd brought back. He wanted to just get back to when he brought it back into camp, how happy she was.
    January 6th, 2019 at 09:50pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Haden smiled softly and nodded. "Yes we can go slow... I really suck at slow." he chuckled. "But if you help me with that I will make sure we will go at the pace you need." He said and when they kissed all the worries melted away. The passion between them was so strong and when she told him to do it his smile widened and he picked her up and pressed her back against a tree. He kissed her deeply his hands moving over her body. "Laney I adore you so much." he said and ran his lips over her skin then down to her breasts. He teased and pleased her until he couldn't stand it anymore then slipped his hard into her slowly. He moaned as his lips took hers again.

    Haden ran his hands over her skin and then one up into her hair and kissed her deeply as he thrust slowly into her enjoying that they reconnected the mating finally. He never had felt so deprived before and they needed this moment so desperately. His fingers trailed over her skin feeling as the goosebumps rose over her skin. He kissed down her neck nibbling gently at the tender skin. She drove him nuts and made him crazy for her.
    Avery smiled. "I know it doesn't but still... I think that worries me. I usually don't have much to do with how things are run but everyone and then I think a more clear head needs to be thinking ahead for things than just fighting so I worry that I won't be a good Beta and I don't want to be an alpha." she shook her head. "It's okay." she bit the inside of her lip hard trying not to cry it would only upset Jake with something that would end up working out. She would need to talk to Haden. He would give her some advise on all this.

    Avery turned as he said she should wait to see Haden. She frowned about to ask why when he told her Laney joined the pack. She smiled softly feeling glad she finally took the plunge but also sad that it meant she was their last "problem". She sighed stopping what she was doing and sitting down again rubbing her eyes as she sat there. She looked up at him and nodded. "I know Jake. I know you will always be there for me forever and I for you. We do need to have a talk about it but what am I suppose to think after all this? I don't think I will make a good wolf." she finally said the tears finally brimming over. she shook her head standing and wrapping her arms around herself. The most useful she had was in healing and cleaning. She didn't know what more to say than that. She wasn't violent in the least and she didn't always follow directions.
    January 7th, 2019 at 04:38am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Feeling her back hit the tree she wasn't even worried about the rough surface against her skin, in fact she welcomed it. Nothing could ruin their moment, she'd felt like it'd been far to long since she last kissed him. So the need in her felt like it'd been an eternity since she'd last had if filled. Smirking against his lips she couldn't help but grasp his shoulders and parts of his back she could reach. Any thing she could do while his mouth moved along her body. A soft whimper escaped her lips as his mouth found her breast. "I love you too." She managed to get out though her brain was shutting down and just enjoying the pleasure riveted on her body. Closing her eyes she rested her head against the tree as his lips and touch moved along her body. She wasn't complaining not one bit, it'd been so long and she was starved of his affection. That when he started to enter her she couldn't help the whine that left her mouth. Almost begging like tone, seeking for him not to stop. Her hands moved up into his hair and tugged she just needed something to hold on to as they kissed. Smiling as she let out a moan she couldn't help but be loud. He was barely doing anything and he was driving her mad. "Haden." She panted, softly. She wasn't even sure what she was trying to say to him, but she just needed him and in this moment she wasn't sure what else he could do to actually fill that need inside her.
    Jake was on his feet as he moved to her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into his chest. He wasn't sure what he should say at a time like this, every time she cried it broke his heart. "I know we need to talk about it, but I think it's best to talk about it when you're ready not when someone's pushing you." He started. "Because when that happens all you can do is think about what it is they want out of it for you, not what good will come out of it for you." He sighed, he'd never been good with her when she cried. "The only thing I can tell you is that you don't have to ever worry about being good enough, because you living it the best we want." He sighed, again sounding like crap. Taking a deep breath he thought over what he could say to explain better maybe give her an idea of what she'd be like as a wolf. "When I was a young boy, I was awkward. Long lengthy legs always tripped myself up. For the longest time I hated them and I couldn't do anything. One summer I grew and may legs were never a problem agian, until I became a wolf. Now my legs are lengthy all over again and I had to learn how to walk with them as well. I was never the wolf you know until I meet Haden, he taught me how to hunt, right, and build a shelter while being in wolf form. Those of us who didn't have a choice, we never feared not being a good enough wolf. In fact we were scared and hated the beasts. You've gotten to see something that we've created, and you'll be the prefect fit no matter what you bring to the pack." He told her.
    January 7th, 2019 at 06:45am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Haden moaned. He wanted to take her more and more. He wanted to spend all night with her but they didn't have that kind of time. Still he was going to enjoy this and taking his time with her. He wanted her to feel all the love and the pleasure he wanted for her. His lips trailed over her neck nibbling at her skin as he thrust into her varying the speed in which he took her. He thrust into her slower as his bitting increased and then harder as his hands tugged her hair watching the pleasure corse over her face. Haden took her mouth as she called out his name tugging her lip into his mouth before slowly letting it fall out as he pulled back. "Laney." he whispered her name back as he ran his hands up her sides his thumbs tracing over the curve of her breasts feeling her arch to him. He felt his orgasm slowly rising as his head rested on her shoulder. There was something different about this that he had never felt before between them. It was amazing and he was glad to have this moment with her.
    Avery felt Jake pull her in and she clung to him. He was silent and she could hear him trying to find words. He had never been very good at them but he still tried. She sighed trying to think what good would come of her being a wolf and it was only one answer she could come up with and that was her and Jake's connection. She snuggled into him as he sighed and then went into his story. She listened silently and sighed as he finished. He said she would fit into the pack but she still wasn't sure. None the less she felt comforted that Jake tried and she was sure his words would sink in eventually and she would feel better. "Thank you Jake." she said softly and kissed his cheek. Laney smiled softly. "Let me finish up here and then we can head to bed." she said and and pulled away grabbing what she needed to do and quickly finished up. Once she was done she took Jakes hand and taking his advise left Haden to Laney, he was sure she had him well under control. Avery walked back to their house with Jake and smiled as they got inside. She went up to their room and started to strip off. "I would really love a bath tomorrow, will you join me?" she asked him. She knew it was best for safety and it would just be really nice to spend time with him.
    January 11th, 2019 at 01:43am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    With his movement Laney could feel her self teetering, and her body ached for that sweet release. Though she didn't focus on it, as he was all over the place, marking her and making her his. She knew it was only because they'd finally been able to touch each other. And that was she did, touched as much of his as she could reach. Her hands ended up being tangled in his locks, tugging when thing were almost to much for her to bare. Feeling his hands over her body she arched into him enjoying the blended pleasure. It was burning her up and she knew it he kept at this pace she'd be cumming over his dick in no time. Running her nails up his back she latched on to his shoulders as she used them to brace herself for her orgasm. A loud moan leaving her lips as she shuddered and relaxed as her orgasm took over. "Fuck." She breathed out, feeling him still keeping a stead pace as he aimed for his own.
    Jake nodded knowing he wasn't going to win in getting her into bed. She was still in the mode to keep busy. And he knew that leaving her to her thoughts at time was best other times she needed to hear she was being stupid and over thinking things. Of course he'd never tell her that exactly. But thinking about how she'd never be a good wolf, most people would never even want to be one in the first place. And she was talking about being a good one. Laney had it right when she got changed, it was a horrible thing to do. And honestly Jake wasn't looking forward to the day Avery wanted to be changed. Sure he'd be greedy and change her but it was because he loved her and wanted her by his side always. But really being human had always been his want, because this was never his choice. So her staying human was best for him because he got to hold on to his humanity a little longer. He didn't miss them traveling in a pack, even though it was less bother some. Because it meant they were no better than animals. And really he'd proven to her time and time again he was nothing but an animal, though with her he able to play human. Because once she changed he'd ultimately change back into being an animal. He was pulled from his thoughts when she finished cleaning and he smiled as she lean them inside. He wasn't sure what to say to her any more, as there was some much he want to say but didn't want to see her cry. It was so hard to navigate through this. Jake sat on their bed as he watched her, not sure how to act right now. He couldn't help but let his eyes linger over her body as she started to undress. Licking over his lips he look up at her. "I'm always up for a bath with you." He told her, before grabbing her arm and pulling her to him. Wrapping his arms around her waist he buried his face in her breast. He didn't care if she was tired or even in the middle of undressing he just wanted to hold her.
    January 11th, 2019 at 05:32am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Haden moaned as he felt her orgasm clench around him and driving him higher. He loved that he could make her feel so good and if they had time he wouldn't stop until the sun rose. He moaned as his own orgasm burst and he slowed his thrusts until he stilled just holding her panting. "Laney my love." he whispered and slowly stepped back letting her down kissing her sweetly. He was tender as he touched and kissed her now his intentions to make her feel his adoration.

    After a while he sighed and stooped picking up her cloths handing them a couple at a time to her. He was holding her pants watching her dress. "I need to go and join the pack. If you would like to join us you are welcome to but I also wouldn't blame you for going and resting tonight, the pack and I can handle the safety and perimeter of camp." he said thinking that if her father hadn't made a move by now he was going to leave peacefully and he truly hoped that was the case not only for his pack but for the girls sake.
    Avery giggled and laughed as Jake pulled her in her underwear into his lap and buried his face in her breasts. She ran her hands through his hair. "I am glad to hear you will be up for it." she said and laid her head on his shoulder with a comforted sigh. "I love you Jake." she whispered to him. This was why she loved Jake right here. He didn't have words but what really counted was how much love he had to give and he was overflowing with it in spades so much so that it calmed everything inside her in moments like this. He did all the right things and made her feel like no matter what that it was going to work out as long as they were together and she truly believed it.

    Avery hummed softly. "Thank you Jake." she said softly. "I know it's not easy for you when I am upset but I appreciate you telling me the truth and not hiding it from me and I appreciate you talking with me trying to cheer me up." Avery grinned and pressed a kiss to his shoulder. She knew they should sleep or be helping the pack but that was not what her heart told her was right in this moment. Right now Jake was what mattered and reminding herself of that was important. She was feeling better now and wondered if he could catch the passion the contact of his skin was creating inside of her.
    January 12th, 2019 at 01:07am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Feeling him spilling inside of her made her moan out, she loved the way it made her feel even more connected with him. Resting back into the tree she relaxed feeling them both slipping into post sex mode. Turning her attention to him she perked up as he started handing her her clothing. Smiling she pulled them on before stepping back to him. A soft frown pulling at her lips as he told her he needed to go out. She knew that it was for the best, but at the same time she wanted to be selfish and keep him with her for the rest of the night. But she knew that he'd been locked up for a long time as well and he wanted to feel like he was a leader and not some piece of trash as her father tried to paint him. "I want to." She told him honestly. "But I don't think I can, not till I have a better control on blocking everybody out." She knew it was harder for her than anything else had been, because her mind had always been a place of solitude now it was open to the entire pack and knew they knew everything about her and she couldn't hid her pain and suffering from them any more.

    "Just promise me we'll get some time together tomorrow just the two of us." She knew that if she didn't demand time now he'd get to busy and they'd never be able to have time due to him needing sleep and him pushing himself to help everyone out as well.
    Jake chuckled lightly as she said she knew he had a hard time when she was upset. "You have no idea." He told her, sighing softly. "I know that you feel our mating you've always had a deep connection even before we mated, but it effects me like that too, so when you're upset I am too." He told her not knowing if she remember it or not but they were connected and it was hard for him to reel in his emotions when they were tied to tightly to hers. He couldn't complain one bit but he wanted her to see that he was improving. But what he was focusing about earlier seemed to fade away when he noticed the change in her moods. A soft smirk pulling at his lips as his hand moved to her ass, gripping it he started to place kisses along her neck. He knew earlier they'd been close to tearing each other's clothing off, but he couldn't figure out how they got back to here after her being so upset earlier but he wasn't question it.

    Gripping her ass tighter he stood holding her to his chest before he turned and dropped he down on the bed. His body moving over hers, before his mouth capturing hers. His hands moved over her body as he lavished his attention on her. Not needing much persuading to get his body ready for her.
    January 12th, 2019 at 07:57am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Haden smiled as she told him she wanted to. He knew she couldn't yet he could feel it but he still offered because it was her choice always. Haden stepped forward and caught her chin between his thumb and forefinger pulling her face up gently and placing a kiss to her lips. She asked for time just the two of them and the doubt her father had placed in him raged a war between taking care of his mate and his pack. He nodded. "I promise Laney." he spoke softly. "Besides there is so much we need to talk about and I have to teach you some time too." he said and grinned quieting the raging battle inside him in a decision. It was a balance he would need to find, he was a different alpha now, and he thought he would be a better one too with Laney. "I will see you later babe." he spoke and then stepped back shifting. He rubbed against her leg his wolf smile looking up at her before he bolted into the woods. He was pleased that the sight of him in his wolf form no longer completely revolted her.

    Haden ran out to meet with his pack who was running together. They all were tired but they understood, even if they weren't happy about it. He was sure he would hear about it and he hoped Laney didn't take too long to understand there was little she would be able to hide from the pack and defiantly not those big feeling she has been carrying around for so long. It seemed Char was already thinking about having a chat with her in her special way and he was hoping as she had many time for him she would be able to help Laney. Any signs of them? He called to his pack as he took the lead. He was going to hear form Avery tomorrow about how he pushed himself tonight but he was thankful Jake had taken her away from it all and was keeping her safe. They were pushing back their limits in the camp reclaiming territory at least for the next couple days until they would be packing up again to move on because the hunting would not return after so many wolves in the area and it seemed many of them disrupting the natural order.
    Avery nodded softly listening to him tell her he felt her emotions like that, it made her feel bad because she could stop them, or hide them they were just going to have to figure out how to get through them together. She knew it was hard for him to know what to say but she was glad he tried. She trailed her fingers over his skin lightly as she just tried to listen to their bone. It had been a while since she had felt him so close to her other than sex and in her dreams. Unless she had come to think his feels were also hers, that could explain a lot. She really needed to start to distingue the two so she could be there for Jake too when he needed it.

    When Jake's hands moved to her ass as his lips travel up the sensitive spot on her neck she moaned softly her mind starting to cloud with desire. He kissed her skin and when he stood her eyes popped open looking at Jake right before he dropped her. She yelled and moaned at the same time her stomach filling with butterflies before she giggled bitting her lip. She watched him crawl up her body and she gasped softly before his lips took hers. She kissed him back her hands moving up his body her nails pulling his shirt up as she went. She wanted more skin on skin. "Jake." She gasped his name as shelled his shirt off her eyes catching his for a moment before he start to devour her again.

    Avery moaned her body rolling to his urging him on as her hand ran down to his pants teasing as she dipped her hands into spots before coming around tot he front stumbling to get the button off. She hated these blasted buttons. She was so deep in Jake she suddenly had a thought. Why did it matter what the pack thought of her being human, what did Jake want? But before she could open her mouth and ask a stupid question that would distract him Jake pulled her back into pleasure making her mind fog over and she was lost in the desire of him.
    January 12th, 2019 at 03:56pm