Like the Moon

  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney was glad when they made it back into camp, the animal they were carrying was starting to weigh her down. And she knew she'd been pushing herself to her limits as of late. It didn't help that she was so worried about her sister and Jake. Though she would be glad once she got back from meeting her sister. She'd be able to take a nice long break, the entire pack would. But she couldn't think about that right now. A soft smile pulled at her lips as Haden cuddled into her. I know, I've miss you too. She sighed out, before moving a bit away from the pack. She was glad when he followed. Taking the chance to be alone for a moment, it was needed. Phasing into her human form she watched as he did the same. Stepping into his embrace she felt her body relax, like all the tension she'd been carrying fell away. "God I just want to sleep for days." She told him, before placing a kiss to his lips. It'd be the first one she'd had in over a week. They'd been so busy they were always coming and going they didn't have time for each other. "Promise me, once I get back, we'll take a few days to rest." She knew it was risky to let their guard down. But with Avery away they didn't have to worry about all the extra work, like patrolling. As long as Haden marked his territory every few weeks they'd be fine. The were far from a threat, but that didn't mean they had to let their guard down entirely. But it didn't hurt to have a few days of play either.

    Pulling herself away from him, "I've got to get going." She sighed, before placing a soft kiss to his lips. "Love you." She said before phasing into her wolf. Giving him a curt nod she turned and took off into the forest. She'd have about an hour's jog to get to Avery. Though normally she got there early as she didn't dilly dally. And today wasn't any different. After arriving she quickly shifted back to her human form pulling on a pare of short and a shirt her sister had stashed for her. Then she kicked back and waited. She had a little while before her sister would arrive. And getting some shut eye seemed like a good idea. Away from the worries of the pack, it was easier for her to just relax out in the wilderness. It soothed her.
    Everything in him pulled at him to sleep, that he needed the rest and he was just worrying for nothing. And for a while he was in and out of conscious. Though he wasn't sure how long he'd been dozing in and out. At one point he could hear celebrating and tons of talking. But he didn't dare lift his head to see what was going on. Nothing chaotic was going on so he didn't see why he was needed to. Drifting off was getting harder to do the closer it got to when Laney was to meet up with Avery. He knew that he should try and muster up his courage to go and persuade her to come home. But he couldn't, he didn't have it in him to walk away when she wanted him to. It was one of the reasons why she'd disappeared in the night after conspiring with his alpha. And he knew he was still nursing his hurt after the betrayal. He tucked his head into his side, doing his best to settle down. He heard her thoughts before he pushed them aside, he didn't want to trapped in someone else's mind right now. Especially his alpha's mate. Sure he could get lost in her thoughts of Avery, but he didn't have the want to deal with his feelings right now.

    Lifting his head he looked around the sun was already getting low in the sky it was hidden from his view behind the tree. A soft whimper left his lips, something just didn't feel right. Getting to his feet he tilted his head as he looked off in the distance. He's eyes zeroing on the path Laney went down. But her knew she was fine as he could tell from her thoughts. But something in the air had him slowly moving through camp. "Jake?" He heard Penny ask, her concern shown on her face. He could feel panic pulling at him but he couldn't figure out why. Was he having a panic attack because his mate had abandon him. But it felt like cold water was poured down his back as he heard his name clear as day. It was like a switch flipped, his body shot off, not a second to think about it. He just moved, everything in him pulled him forwards. And when he heard Haden's commands of him to stop, he didn't falter for a second.

    He couldn't explain it to anyone, but he knew that Avery was in trouble and he was going to help. He just hoped that he wasn't to late. If anything that was what pushed him harder was knowing if he didn't get there in time he'd never forgive himself. He could hear growling and the sound of snapping jaws. He knew he was getting close, but he didn't slow. Instead he barreled right in. Her scent was strong and it pulled him deeper into his fears that she was hurt. But instead of letting his worry over come him he used that and turn it into anger. Slamming head first into a wolf, watching as it went flying. Though through it's pain it got up. A loud growl fell from Jake's jaws, his teeth bearing.

    He didn't know when they'd arrived, but he could tell they were all around him. And he knew that even if they wanted to stop him he'd go right through him to protect his mate. Lunging forward he snapped at the wolf before him, a loud bark escaped him as he missed. He was getting pissed off, and he wasn't going to let this wolf leave here alive. Seeing another wolf from the corner of his eye Jake snarled giving a warning to back off. This was his fight, and he wasn't about to let his pack interfere. Seeing his distraction the other wolf launched himself at Jake, but instead of panicking Jake used it to his advantaged. His jaws locked around the wolf's neck, his eyes looking straight at his alpha, before letting the lifeless carcass hit the floor.

    Jake didn't waste anytime in phasing. He knew that with his pack around any danger would be detected and he could easily change back in an instant. But right now he needed to see her. Moving to the door he pushed at it, the weight behind it told him something had been place in front of it. "Avery." He yelled before banging on the door with his fist. He just hoped that she wasn't injured.
    July 10th, 2019 at 03:57am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Haden smiled as he stepped apart with Laney. He phased and took her into his arms grinning. He kissed her deeply then again and again not getting enough of her. It had been too long. He wanted her to be by him always. He finally felt whole with her here in his arms. She made him promise her that they would take a break and he chuckled. "Yes of course." he said and ran his hand into her hair feeling her anxiety to get going to see her sister growing. He kissed her again and then stepped back. "Okay my love. I love you too. I will see you soon." he said knowing this would be good for her. She needed to see her sister. It would calm her in a way he had no ability too. "Be safe and enjoy your time." he said and watched her shift running his hand over her ear. She was so beautiful. He watched her go before shifting again and heading back to the pack to check on Jake. This was the worst time for him and Haden was going to be staying close.

    Haden was making a round through camp when he felt the panic rising and reached out to his pack searching for it but he knew it was Jake. He started to run towards Jake hearing Penny in his head. He came up just as Jake shot off. Jake, Haden growled a command and was shocked seeing the wolf not even breaking. Stay on territory. Haden felt the push back and the panic setting into him and Haden suddenly realized why it felt so familiar. Penny go to Laney have her meet us. Leo will keep you updated on our location. He spoke to his pack before running after Jake but the wolf was fast, always had been but now it was as if every fiber inside him was amplified and he was loosing Haden quickly. The head start hadn't helped either.
    Avery screamed as she heard the door break open in the other room and heard the snarling and a bang against the door. She looked at it then back Jessie. She wrapped his leg and then picked up the flare gun. It was at least something she could fight with. When it went quiet she was more worried but then she heard a yelp and her ears picked up listening and hoping it was Jake. She held the gun with shaking hands as she waited for any sound.

    Avery felt her knees buckle and her hands loosened before her mind realized it was Jake she heard calling her. "Jake!" she yelled and dropped the flare gun tossing everything he had placed in front of the door away. When it was bare enough she shoved the door away and left from the room into Jake's arms. She squeezed him tight whimpering as the tears welled up in her eyes. She closed them breathing him in. "You came... you're here." she looked up at him and the tears rolled down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry." she said and then buried her head into his neck. She knew she shouldn't have called him. It was too dangerous for him and she knew he had to come alone, he was pushed by something that no one else was. Still everything inside of her came to life with him here. She never had lost a single ounce of love for him. "I'm okay." she said knowing he was trying to make sure she wasn't hurt. She ran her hands into his hair and suddenly kissed him and she felt like she was finally taking a breath after being under water for so long. Avery pulled back and looked up at him feeling so guilty. He looked tired and worn. She had caused him so much pain and she would spend every moment making it up to him.
    Haden ran up to the docks and onto a boat following his nose smelling Avery and Jake. He looked around seeing a pack grieving the loss of a wolf and knew it was Jake. But he could also tell that these where human killers. They killed for sport and he wasn't sorry that there was one less. He stood like an alpha walking through towards Jake and Avery. He turned guarding the door with his body as he watched them. He could see they where scared of Jake. One wolf had crippled their pack, they had a right to be scared and he believed that they where realizing that Avery was his mate and it made them more scared. A mate was a powerful thing and the drive to be with them could move heaven and hell. He knew his pack was coming close as well and he warned them about the other pack. He could smell blood. He knew it wasn't Avery's but it still concerned him. When Leo showed up he knew that the rest of the pack wasn't far behind. He turned into the room as Leo took his spot and slipped past Avery and Jake looking at the boy propped up against the wall with Avery's handy work covering the bleeding bite. He frowned knowing that boy would be a wolf here soon. He saw the sweat trickling down his temples and he made a low noise getting the couples attention.

    Avery looked back at Haden and a scared Jessie looking at Haden worriedly. "Jessie this is the leader of my group... He won't hurt you." She turned to Jake. "We need to get him out of here. We'll be lucky if we make it off the pier before he shifts." she said and bit her lip. In her fear she had forgotten a bite would turn a human.

    Haden shifted and looked over Jessie. "I'm going to pick you up and get you out of here." He said to Jessie then turned to Jake. "Let's go." he said and then picked up Jessie getting ready to take him with them.
    July 10th, 2019 at 06:02am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney's eyes flew open when she felt a nudge and her name being called. Lifting her tired eyes to the culprit she frown when she noticed Penny. "We've got trouble." Was all she was able to get out before Laney jumped up and took off. She phased on the fly. She didn't dare let her mind run wild with her, but the moment her paws hit the dirt she could feel the packs anxiety. With Penny on her flanks she took off heading towards the danger. She could hear the rest of the packs worry as Jake was running right into unknown territory. She knew it was going to cause an issue that Avery had caused them problems. With and if anyone got in trouble she'd have a hard time getting forgiveness. Instead of dwelling on what may happen she pushed her thoughts aside and just focused on getting to her pack. Having her and Penny separated it left them vulnerable. Should be just up a head Penny pointed out, knowing they were both worried about the others. Jake and Haden had lost connection with the pack and it worried her more. Breaking through Laney sighed when she noticed Kyle, Char and Leo standing guard. What caused her pause was the pack standing, they weren't moving or acting like they were going to attack. Moving to take the lead she stood before her pack watching as the others slowly backed away. Knowing they were currently out numbered. However Laney knew they still had the upper hand, with Avery being a human protecting her was going to cause some issues. We can take them. Kyle stated knowing he was calming not only her fears but voicing what everyone of them was thinking. Laney wanted to believe him, but she wouldn't act with out Haden's permission. Though she also wondered if they'd listen to what she had to say, maybe they'd be reasonable. But she didn't think they would, as none of them seemed to have been mated. Though they were still pretty upset about the loss of a pack mate. Hearing footsteps on the stairs Laney wondered if this was going to be an easy escape or if they were going to have to fight off an attack.
    Jake felt relief flood him when Avery was in his arms, just having her back by his side was enough to calm the wolf inside him down. However it still was looking for blood, no one ever dare attempt to hurt his mate. He watched her closely a smiled softly when her lips pressed against his. It was like all the hurt and betrayal lifted and was forgotten. But he knew it wasn't that easy. As everything came crashing back down when pulled away and started comforting a man. Jake felt his jaw lock and his eyes darken. He knew he didn't need to be jumping to conclusions but he could smell the man all over Avery. So he knew this wasn't a meeting by chance, kind of situation. They'd been spending their time together. Hearing Haden concern he felt like he just wanted to leave the boy to shift on his own. They didn't owe him anything and he wasn't a part of their group. Watching as Haden lifted him he turned his glare to Avery. His wolf wanting to come out and make her remember who she belonged to. But he couldn't risk hurting her. Grabbing her he pulled her up into his arms, before stepping out the door behind Haden. He could already feel the atmosphere shifting as the other pack took notice of her being cradled into his arms. Not daring to say anything he moved down to the pier. Haden had already made his way onto the wooden surface setting the bitten boy down. The rest of the his pack had taken defensive positions, Leo flanked him as he moved with Avery onto the dock. Setting her down, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest. "Stay very still." He told her, the anger in his voice seeping out. He knew that if the other pack wanted to attack they'd have one hell of a fight as they out numbered them. But with Avery and the boy in the way they lost two good fighters. And if push came to shove Haden would leave the kid to fend for himself and go help this pack. Jake would do his best to protect Avery. But it wasn't going to be easy. That's if it all came down to a fight.
    When Haden made it out onto the deck with a boy in his arms Laney growled. She didn't like the fact her sister was out with another guy. It went against everything in her. But she didn't know if it was her wolf that was pissed off about it or herself. Shaking her head she couldn't believe the mess her sister had gotten into. Quickly phasing she moved over to her mate. It had taken her a bit of getting used to not caring about wearing clothing around the men. But right now she didn't care. "Haden?" She questioned him, wonder what the fuck was going on. As he stepped back from the boy. She moved to him, wondering what they were going to do at this moment. If they were wise they'd leave now before the kid turned. It could be very dangerous for them all. But she knew they weren't the kind of people to abandon someone who needed their help. That was unless they've proven they weren't worth it or had shown themselves to be a danger to everyone.
    July 12th, 2019 at 07:10am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Avery could see the pain in Jake's eyes as he realized Jessie was there. She bit her lip and knew she would pay for it later. She hated that he thought there was something there that wasn't. She only had a heart for Jake always and she wished he could feel that but didn't blame him for not, that was her fault for not proving that to him. She flinched as Jake glared at her. Avery fell into his arms as he pulled her to him then lifted her up off her feet. She leaned her head on his shoulder. She hated that she did this and put everyone in danger again. They walked out onto the deck and she heard her sister's growl and closed her eyes knowing she had more than just Jake that she needed to really make it up to. The pack of course but Jake and her sister had a personal connection that was hurt deeper. They made it off the ship and onto the dock. Avery wished they hadn't stopped but she could hear Jessie had started his transformation. She bit her lip as Jake set her down. She leaned into him pressing her cheek to his skin. She closed her eyes feeling so tired as everything seemed to catch up with her but she stayed completely still listening to what was going on around them. Honestly Avery felt better than she had in weeks just seeing in Jake's arms and she knew that only made it all the worse. She listened to Haden try and fix her mistake and the pack trying to protect them all. It broke her heart that she had made this mess.
    Haden set the boy down and turned looking at the wolves on the dock. He frowned at the young males seeming to talk to one another up there on the ship. Haden looked at the bitten shifting boy. He looked at Avery and knew she wouldn't be with the boy if he wasn't good. They had a duty to help him. Haden could not turn his back on the boy. Haden looked at Laney as she spoke and he sighed softly and took her hand kissing it. "I suppose I had better go and talk with them while you all get the hell out of here." he said talking about being a distraction. Kyle whimpered an objection and Haden shook his head. "I know you all don't like it but someone has to get the boy out of here. Jake you need to take care of Avery and Laney you are my mate and the other alpha. I need you to take care of the pack." he said. Leo growled lowly and Haden sighed. "I know one of you could stay but I don't want anyone getting hurt because they think this is a power play. I am going to simply explain our pack and Jake and Avery's situation. With any luck they won't argue about letting us all go." she said and looked at Jake wishing he hadn't killed the pup but they had to deal with whatever happened now. "From the look of it they don't want to fight anymore otherwise they would have already attacked." he said and looked at Laney kissing her hand. "Get everyone back to camp safely I won't be far behind just enough of a lead for you all to get safely away." he said and rubbed his neck. "Once you all are in out territory then you can send a group back if you are worried." he said and cupped her cheek. "Okay?"
    July 12th, 2019 at 07:51am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney place her hand on his chest giving him a soft smile, “you are delusional if you think I’m leaving.” She told him. She could hear a few snorts and a round of huffs, letting her know the pack stood behind her decision. “You must be if you think leaving me mateless is a smart idea.” She said before letting her eyes trail to the young alpha. “I will rip them all limb from limb in anything is to happen to any of my pack. That includes the brats” she nodded her head towards her sister and Jake. Part of her wondered if this was their territory as the made no attempt to leave, some had become docile almost. It was like they didn’t know what to expect or how to even react to another pack being in their midst. “And I’m not above going rouge to protect what is mine.” She said it was a warning not only to the other pack but to her mate too.

    “Why don’t we leave the pettiness at home Laney Rea.” A loud voice enter the air. Causing her head to turn towards her father who was stepping out into the dock. A few stragglers following him, they were acting skittish. Rolling her eyes she turned to look up at her mate. The last time the two met they’d damn near killed one another. “Looks like you found yourself some trouble.” He chuckled lightly looking at the young alpha. Shaking his head he dropped the pleasant act. “Attacking my little girl.” He shook his head, before motioning with his hand to come forward. And a rather large wolf burst out of the trees, barreling down the dock. He skidded to a stop just behind her father, but he was showing signs of aggression, snapping and snarling.

    Laney felt Hadens uneasiness behind her, none of them were looking forward to dealing with a fight. “Why don’t you clear em out.” Her dad said, before the the pack shot off. She watched as the pack launched themselves at the other pack. The young wolves scampered away with her father’s pack on their heels. “Don’t worry love, they know not to kill any of them.” He said smiling at his daughter, before moving close to the young boy who was already showing signs of phasing.
    Jake didn’t like the idea of leaving his alpha here alone. Not for some punk who they didn’t know. And he could tell he wasn’t the only one that didn’t like it. He tried to keep his attention on the other pack, but every now and then he’d find himself glaring at the guy Avery had been with. He wanted to tear him limb from limb. But he knew that it wasn’t going to happen. Right now Haden was protecting him meaning he had to back off. His ears perched up when heard the voice. Turning to face Avery’s father he felt the tension in the air. But he didn’t dare move an inch. He turned his head to watch Haden’s response to the man before him. It wasn’t a smart idea. But when things started to get interesting he could help but smirk as the pack ran the others off. It was just a scare tactic but it had worked. He could tell that it had made the others a bit more relaxed now that they were all alone with the girls’ father. He just hoped that it didn’t turn into a blood bath between mate and dad. But he’d place his money on Haden, it was just the smarter bet.
    July 12th, 2019 at 10:43pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Haden stiffened hearing that voice. He turned looking at the man. He narrowed his eyes standing taller. That patronizing talk made him want to lash out but he held his wolf in. He watched the show as Trent's pack went and scared off the other pack. Haden crossed his arms. "We appreciate the assist Trent. Jessie here if our only real concern getting to a safe place to shift." he said. Haden didn't want to invite Trent back onto his land even for a moment but knew after the save it was kind of expected. He looked at Laney and rubbed the back of his neck. "Laney why don't you talk with your father I will get Jessie back to the forest. He should be shifting soon and we can head back to our territory." he said and then went picking up the boy looking at his pack. Penny was to stay with Laney until she was ready to join them but Haden did not want to be in that man's presence anymore. Haden heard off the dock and back to the forest setting Jessie down in the pines. It wasn't much longer when Jessie finally shifted there in the pine needles. Haden sighed. "Just lay there Jessie let your body adjust it is a rough transition for the senses." he said and looked back out of the trees. He didn't want to deal with Trent on top of everything.
    Avery left with Jake as Haden lead the pack away. She didn't even speak to her father not wanting to. She walked with Jake behind the pack and bit her lip and looked up at him. "Jake... I'm sorry I put you in danger again." she said and looked down. "I didn't realize I stepped into another territory." she admitted. "I'm sorry I left. I just..." she knew no matter how she tried to explain this it wouldn't be enough to fix it. "When we get home we can talk but I can tell you are upset with Jessie. He just helped me Jake that is all." she said and looked up at him wondering what was going through his mind right now. She was sure when they where alone that he would say something more. She could tell she had caused a lot of tension through the pack and she was sorry about it but she had needed to in order to get her mind straight. She knew her mind now and she knew what she wanted. Avery looked up as they stopped and watched Jessie shift. He whimpered and Haden was kind to him soothing him before turning tot he group. "Once Laney catches up we will go home." he said tot he group and Avery really hoped that would be soon. She looked back through the trees looking for Laney.
    July 13th, 2019 at 12:09am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney watched as Haden walked away, wrapping her arms around her body she did the best to keep her exposed body covered from her dad's eyes. It wasn't the best time to talk but she knew that it wasn't a smart idea to bring him back to camp after the last ordeal that happened. "Why are you here?" She asked not able to keep her anger and discomfort from leaking into her words. "Look I can't change what happened but I do want my daughters in my life." He told her, knowing that he had a lot of explaining to do. But he still just wanted to spend some time with his girls. They'd grown up so much without him. And it wasn't till he was forced out by them that he knew he'd really messed up and he wasn't the father he'd been when the girls were growing up. "Look we can talk about this at another time, but I feel it's best we at least try." He told her, "even if the out come is you girls never wanting to see me again, at least we tried." He said hopeful she would want to speak to him and talk all this out instead of push him away. "I'll think about it, you stay off our land." She told him, turning away from him. "I'll met you at the old factory out side of our territory in one week." She told him, knowing that shew wasn't going to make her pack suffer through her father again. If he was going to be coming around it was going to be when and where she said he could go. If he crossed into their territory he'd be ripped to shreds by her mate. And she didn't want to face that right now. "Thank you, love you girls." He called after her as she took off, she phased on the fly as she took off after her pack. Catching up wasn't hard they'd not gone very far, when she arrived Jesse was standing on his own. Shifting she stood next to her mate as he was trying to coxes the wolf. Raising a brow she wasn't sure how she felt about this young boy hanging around the pack. Not that she had a problem with unmated wolves she just didn't trust this guy at all.
    Jake stopped a few feet away from the ground as he listen to Avery. He wanted to cuss and scream out his anger. But he knew that it wasn't going to do him any good. Shifting his gaze from Haden and Jesse he looked at the beauty in his arms. "You don't get it do you?" He asked her, not caring if others heard them or not. "Leaving me put me in danger." He snapped at her. Closing his eyes he pulled in a few shaky breaths. If he hadn't been hold her he would have phased and when and hunted down each and everyone of those wolves just for fun. But something in him just would let him put her down. It was like this need to be with her, even though he didn't even want to look at her. "Just drop it." He muttered, it was more to himself but he knew that they weren't going to fix this easily. Hearing Jesse whimper he felt a smirk pull at his lip, hoping it hurt the fucker since he couldn't. He knew that it wasn't good for him to think like that or have any ill will toward the guy. But how should he feel when his 'wife' ran off and met up with this dude. Not once did she think there was something wrong with what she was doing, or she'd have come home to him. And in honest if he wasn't making her go back now, who knows if she'd be coming back to him. For all he knew she was only going along with everything because Jesse was a part of it now. He honestly didn't know what he'd do if she decided to leave him for good. He nearly starved himself while she was gone this time. So he couldn't even fathom what would happen if she made it a permanent thing.
    July 13th, 2019 at 04:48am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Haden looked up as Laney made it back. "Let's get going." he said. "Jake, Avery can ride on your back but we are going to get out of here now." he said and stepped back shifting. He growled out and order and everyone followed. He made sure to keep Jessie close to him watching as he sound his new found speed. Once they made it back to their territory he slowed only a little. He waited until they got to the camp and he shifted and found Jessie a place to rest for the night. "In the morning we will talk about everything and we will get you set up." he said. Haden turned and headed back to everyone else. "Take a rest tonight guys I will be on watch." he said and headed to his house with Laney. He slipped in and smiled at her. "Feel like sleeping or going for guard duty with me?" he smiled at her as he stepped closer and held her close to him kissing her sweetly. He knew this was a mess and he was sure Laney had an opinion in all of this but for tonight he knew Jake and Avery had to work it out just them. As much as Haden wished to just stay home with his mate he knew his pack needed the break tonight.
    Avery frowned at what Jake said. He was right. She had hurt him more than anything and it was going to take a lot to put them back in a good place. They where quiet the rest of the time until they took off back home. She clung to Jake as the wind rushed his hair. She closed her eyes and sighed. She had seen him a lot in her dreams. He must not have slept for her to be able to see out of his eyes like that so often. She kept thinking about what she could say but there was nothing she could think of. As they made it to their house she relaxed as Jake stopped and she slipped off his back and looked at him. She waited until he shifted and then headed to their house. She opened the door and looked back at him. "Come inside and let's talk." she said hoping he would open up to her about what was going on in his head. She wanted to make things right, or at least start. It would take a while but she was determined to make it happen. Avery headed up to their room and opened the door. She looked around and lit the lamp leaning against the window seal looking back at Jake.
    July 13th, 2019 at 05:38am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney was thankful they didn't wait around before they decided to head home. She was anxious to get back into their territory. It was all that kept her father away, and right now she needed the separation. The last time they'd been together she'd acted rather stupidly, falling victim to his lies. Shaking her thoughts away she headed into her's and Haden's house. Looking around she knew it wouldn't be long before they picked up and left. But to where. She hated to admit it but she'd miss this place, it held so many memories. The good and the bad, but this was her's and Haden's first home. Turning as the door opened she smiled at him as he moved to her. Her smile faltered as he asked if she wanted to go out and be on watch. Feeling his soft tender kiss she sighed softly, knowing she couldn't stay mad, or be disappoint ever while he was here. "I though we agree to take some time off, for every one." She pointed out. "Besides my dad's pack is out there right now, they've already ran perimeter and resting for one night isn't going to kill us." She told him, knowing that she really didn't want to run. She needed some sleep and she wanted to get it while sleeping in his arms. They'd barely seen each other as of late and as much as she wanted to protect her pack, she wanted time with her mate more. Though she wasn't going to force him to do anything he didn't want to. If he'd feel better running that night then she'd up her wants and let him. But she however was getting sleep, no matter how terrible her night would be without him beside her.
    Jake shifted after they entered camp and Avery had moved away. He watched as she headed for their house, he followed almost robotic. He stopped once she was inside, not wanting to enter the place. He'd yet to go in since she left. When she requested he come inside he knew he couldn't say no. Following her upstairs to their room, he stopped in the door way. His eyes looking around. Everything was left the same way it was the morning he woke up and found her gone. Looking at her he wondered what exactly she wanted to talk about. Because right now he didn't know what to say to her or even tell her. As everything that happened over the past few weeks felt like it was all bursting on the tip of his tongue just trying to spring out. But he knew he couldn't fire off at her, he wanted to talk not scream at her. Because it was important to him that she want to be with him. And what he wanted to tell her right now wasn't going to ensure she stayed. In fact it would push her right back into the arms of the young pup outside. And he could have that. Making thing right between them was important to him. But she also had a lot of things she had to make up for. And really he didn't know how she was going to be able to do that. Or if they could fix this.
    July 14th, 2019 at 05:13am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Haden sighed and nodded. "I know but today really hasn't been very relaxing anyways." he said and bit his lip. He looked out the window. He wanted to run the permitter but he knew it was just because he didn't trust Trent and his men. He sighed knowing that he wanted to get on his daughters good side so he would protect them. "You're right Trent will make sure you are safe. I just don't like it." he shrugged. Haden turned back to her and kissed her deeply. "Would you like to bat with me before we head to bed?" he asked her softly and nibbled playfully at her neck. "I would love to freshen up and then cuddle you to sleep." he chuckled and kissed her sweetly. There was nothing that he wanted more than a night to relax with the love of his life. He couldn't imagine how hard tonight was for Jake and Avery. Haden wondered if they would need to amp up their security and everything they had been doing before Avery left again. He had a feeling she wouldn't have come back with them if she had decided not to return permanently. Maybe it would all work out. Haden had to believe in it. After all it worked out for him and Laney and he couldn't be happier.
    Avery frowned as they stood there and he was silent. "You're not going to say anything?" She bit her lip. "I left... I get it I messed up but I didn't know how to take the time I needed here and I couldn't take you away from the pack. It would have caused issues and it wouldn't have given me the space I needed. I rely on you too much Jake and it's not fair to anyone." she said. Avery sighed. "I wish you would say something, anything. I rather you yell and scream at me than this silence." she said and walked towards him. "What is going on in your head?" She asked and stood right in front of him. She didn't know what else to do to get him to open up to her. She waned to talk with him. They wouldn't make anything up if they couldn't talk to one another. Maybe it was to soon but she didn't want to go to bed with him not heir first night back together with this weight over them. Avery wanted to be in his arms. "Jake... I missed you. I love you and I will start being better at showing that." she said and grabbed his hands pulling on him so he looked at her.
    July 14th, 2019 at 06:02am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney shuddered when he nipped at her neck, letting her eyes fall close as she enjoyed the warmth from his body. "I would love a bath." She panted out softly, all her wants and desires surfacing. They'd spent so much time apart that she couldn't remember what his touch felt like. Though she was very sleep deprived that she wanted nothing more than to cuddle up with him and just sleep days away. "Why don't we make this quick, I'm dying to get some sleep." She teased him. "It's been so hard to sleep with out you." She told him as she moved around the room gathering the stuff she'd needed for bathing. Once she'd grabbed her things she turned to face him. "Ready?" She asked feeling rather giddy knowing they were getting to spend time together finally. And there wasn't a treat lurching around the corner. Something told her what was about to happen with her dad was going to change their entire relationship, but it wasn't threatening her way of life. Leading the way out to the water, she was really looking forward to getting to actually bathe as well. Having been so used to being in wolf form she didn't ever need to bathe.
    Jake watched her and listened to what she had to say, and when she grabbed his hand it took everything in him not to rip it from her grasp. He was pissed about a lot of thing and once he voices them she's going to make him feel like a jack ass and make it out to be like it was all his fault, or in his head. Sighing he stepped away from her and further into their room. "I'm not saying anything because I don't think yelling or screaming about it is going to solve anything." He shook his head before he sat down on the bed. "And I really don't know where to start, the fact you betrayed me and left me, or the fact you say you rely to much on me, yet you basically leave me for another man." He held his hand up when she went to rebuttal his word. "You can say what ever you want and twist this however you want. But it's not going to change the fact that instead of letting the bond between us work your ran and you ran indirectly into another man's arms." He shook his head. "This entire time while you were gone, I never once thought you betray like that. But I guess the knife you stuck in my gut wasn't enough you had to twist it again and again." He told her, not able to stop the tears from coming. But doing his best to blink them away before they fell. "I can't break the mating bond with you, but you have no idea how much I want to right now." He told her truthfully. He hated himself and felt like he couldn't get any lower. Because he loved her so much, but the betrayal was so much he didn't know how to recover from it.
    July 15th, 2019 at 05:23am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Haden smiled at the excitement on her face. He grabbed his showering things. He chuckled as she said to be quick. "Yes my love if that is what you want." he said and walked with her to the creek. He moved into the water with her and pulled her close to him. "Hand me your hair stuff." he said as he ran the water over her hair wetting it gently. He smiled and kissed her neck and down her chest until the water obstructed her breasts form his lips. "It has been hard without you in general my love but you are right sleeping is so much worse than anything else. My unconscious mid could not den how much I want you while you are away and now that you are here..." he chuckled and ran his fingers over her body. "Now it is all i can do not to devour you in one bite." he nipped her neck playfully as he said bite. Haden chuckled and leaned in kissing her. He worked a lather into her hair his lips on hers now and again while his forehead pressed against hers as he worked her hair clean.
    Avery stood there watching him. When he said she left him to go to Jessie she shook her head going to tell him he was wrong but he stopped her. She saw the tears and it tore at her heart. She had hurt him so deeply he didn't know if they could come back form it. He didn't even want to be bonded to her and it made her feel sick. He was right even now she wanted to run from this, but she couldn't this time. She had to fix this. Avery walked over and dropped to her knees in front of him. She looked up at him tears in her eyes. "You're right..." she said and looked up into his eyes letting what she said sink in. "I did run from our bond too because I couldn't figure out who I was and who we are suppose to be. I ran and I am so sorry." She swallowed hard before continuing. "There is no excuse and nothing I could say. I hope that you can give me a chance to make it right. But you have to hear me about this one thing... Jessie was only a friend and I would give that up in a heartbeat for you. I love you Jake, however imperfect I am, I love you. I have only ever loved you Jake. If you can believe that, even if it takes a while, then we have a chance and I will prove it. I won't run from us, from our bond again." she said and reached up wiping his tears away as her own spilled down her cheeks. She dropped her hands and looked down at her hands. "Tell me what I can do tonight to make it better for you? Do you want me to stay here? Do you want me to go to one of the other rooms, out of the house?" she bit her lip and looked up at him. "Do you want me to talk, or just listen? I will stay up all night if that is what you need tonight." Avery didn't know what to do because now it was her that hurt him like no other and she couldn't sooth him from that.
    July 15th, 2019 at 05:47am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney sighed out over his lips as his hands moved through her hair, her body nearly melted into his touch. She wanted nothing more than to give into all her desires, but something plagued the back of her mind. Pulling away lightly she smiled at him softly. "As much as I'd loved to let you take me here, I don't really feel comfortable with my father watching me." She told him, knowing that the moment she stepped out side her father was alerted and anything his pack was witness to he would soon be privy to. Slipping from his grasp she quickly dipped under the cool water to wash away the soap from her hair. Coming up she turned to look at him, "maybe once we get back inside." She offered knowing she wasn't going to be able to keep his wolf at bay. They'd been apart for far to long, that she felt the pull to mate, even if she was extremely uncomfortable with the setting. Even if it meant they needed another bath in the morning. Moving to him she gently rubbed her hands across his back, helping him to wash. Placing a kiss to neck she chuckled softly as she noticed the way it effected him.
    Jake felt her hand on his face and he couldn't help but lean into it. No matter how much he hurt, he still loved her and he wanted her more than anything. "I don't know." He told her truthfully, he had no idea what he wanted or where they go from here. All he knew was if they were going to try and fix things, then she could never leave him agian. And they'd have to tough this out. But he didn't know what to do now. He was exhausted, but at the same time he wanted to show her who's mate she was. And then there was his need to just be left alone. He wasn't sure what he should do, but the one thing he was for sure of was she wasn't going any where near that mutt. "I don't want you to leave," he told her, knowing he was very much anxious she'd find her way into that wolves arms. He was plagued with those thoughts, and he didn't know what to do with himself. The fact she was human made him unsure if she felt the bond. She'd always been connected with him on a deeper level but it didn't seem like it was that important to her. Though he was letting his thoughts run away with him as he was scared. "I honestly just want to get some sleep and forget this ever happened." He told her, knowing that after getting everything off his chest he just need her to show him that they could fix this. And she would be true to her words and never leave him again. And that the mutt was history. Moving back up the bed he laid back, he knew he should cover himself up but didn't bother with it. Even though he'd missed her and would love to spend time making love. He couldn't bring himself to even want to, it felt wrong thinking of her sexual. But however he still wanted to cuddle, and he did make room for her to lay next to him. He knew that it was just because he was having trust issues. He wanted her to sleep next to him so he knew she wasn't sneaking off to be with someone else.
    July 15th, 2019 at 06:36am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Haden groaned as she stopped him. He huffed as she mentioned the other pack and her father. "That was one of the reasons I wanted to do a sweep. If they are close enough to see they are too close." he growled as she slipped out of his arms. He dunked under the water hoping he cold shock would help his wolf keep his cool a little while longer. Haden smiled as she suggested inside. He kissed her softly. "Fine inside it is." he said and went to finish cleaning himself but Laney came over to him. Her hands moved over his back and he moaned. She had such amazing hands. It really wasn't fair and if she kept it up too much longer, her father be damned he would have her. "Laney." he growled needly.

    They finished washing and he took her to their bedroom. He was trying to hold it together at least enough for her to pick up her things and bring them inside. Once inside their house her scooped her up into his arm so she dropped her things. He grinned as he kicked the door closed and headed towards their bedroom. "I am trying to tell my inner wolf to behave... I think I am starting to fail." he said and kissed her deeply with so much need. "I need you now Laney." he said under the animal desire in his voice.
    Avery bit her lip when he didn't know wha the water. She was given hope with how he reacted to her touch. It was small but it gave her hope. She nodded softly understanding. When he said he didn't want her to leave she smiled softly. "Good because I want to stay too." she said and bit her lip as his deep thoughts took over and silence followed until he said he wanted to sleep ad forget. She knew forgetting wouldn't happen but she could help him get some sleep. She nodded. "Okay let's get some sleep." she said and watched him lay back. He was so handsome, ever inch of his body was chiseled. She looked hi over then took off her shoes and her pants before she crawled into the free part f the bed. She pulled the covers over him and herself and laid back. she looked at him bitting her bottom lip her hand moving over his arm as she slowly moved closer. Avery finally laid her head don his chest and sighed relaxing finally. "I will be right here Jake." she soothed and closed her eyes. Avery hoped this would be a start for them. She was sure he was pissed about Jessie and she was starting to understand that he thought she had slept with him or at least wanted to because she felt something for him but that was the farthest thing from the truth. Avery was relaxed quickly and it wasn't too much longer before she fell asleep snuggled up to him.
    July 15th, 2019 at 07:08am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    Laney steppes from the water, quickly wrapping a towel around her body. It wasn’t something she was used to having to do. But with he mate being sex crazed she knew it would only serve as a barrier for so long. After gathering her things up she started to short walk back to their house. A soft frown pulling at their lips as she was going to miss this place like crazy. A soft gasp left her lips as he feet lifted from the ground, Haden having already been patient to long, her arms wrapped around his neck. A smile forming on her lips as he kissed her. She knew the want, she could feel it pulling at her. Though she knew if she rushed it they would end up fucking on the stairs. It wasn’t a bad idea but after being apart for so long and being tired, a bed would be the idea place. “I’ve missed you.” She whispered to him placing a soft kiss to his jaw, her body fully filled with want. A smirk pulled at her lips when he set her down on the bed. Reaching up she grabbed the towel wrapped around her, quickly undoing it and letting it fall open. She knew the restraint he must have was slowly slipping away, but she didn’t dare move from her spot. Instead she just toyed with the towel that barely covered her. Letting her hand slid along the material pulling it down her body as it went.
    Jake watched as she laid beside him, his body relaxing into the bed. Though his mind was further from sleep then he’d like to admit. As she slowly started to slip off her felt her cuddled up to him and he sighed. There was nothing he could do to change the past, he just had to except this and try to move on. Slowly wrapping his arms around her he pulled her into his chest. His eyes fluttering close and a sigh leaving him. This was how it was suppose to be, but he just could seem to muster up being happy. But he knew if he dwelled on it he’d never sleep. Trying his best to push all thoughts away he finally managed to slip to sleep.
    July 19th, 2019 at 08:07pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Haden groaned as she started to drag off the towel. Her naked body was enough to send him over the edge and as soon as she dropped it to the side he pounded on her his lips roaming hungrily over her body. He kissed , sucked and nipped his way from her thigh up to her neck. He pressed his hard against her so she knew exactly what she did to him. "I love you Laney." he said against her ear before his teeth teased her earlobe. Her moans fueled him to move further into seducing her. He ran his hands up her sides and then back down. He moved her legs around him so he fit perfectly against her before pressing his tip against her wetness. He thrust in and hid his face in her neck at the satisfaction of having her completely. Haden stilled a moment before he slowly started to move letting the heat build up. He wanted to drive her crazy too before he threw them into the wild mating and desire frenzy his body was demanding.
    Avery was grateful when he held her close to him. She knew this had to be hard for him but she defiantly slept better in his arms. She slept through the night waking with sun pouring over her face. She groaned and turned her head into Jake's chest. She ran her hand up his chest feeling like she was finally home. This was right. She blinked and looked up at Jake. She grinned and kissed his chest softly. He looked so peaceful. She didn't want to wake him. She knew she shouldn't wake him just because he hadn't slept well in a long while but also because she didn't want him to wake and feel the pain of her past actions anyways. She felt terrible for what she had done to him and knew she had to make it right. She had come to a decision she just needed to find the right time to tell him. She didn't want him to think she was doing it to try and earn back his good graces. Avery wondered if his need for her was greater than his anger. She wanted him with every fiber in her being. She slipped her hand down his chest and kissed up his neck. Maybe she could wake him to something pleasant. After all they where still bonded despite it all. Avery ran her hand down to his cock and slowly started to wake it up as her fingers massaged over his flesh enticing his body to desire.
    July 19th, 2019 at 09:22pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Once Haden's lips touch her body she could feel the heat taking over her body. Her core aching to be filled, she knew having spent days apart was going to bite her in the ass. But she knew once things were done it would be well worth it. "Haden," she whimpered feeling him enter her. She'd almost forgot how well he fit inside her, as her walls constricted. Panting out her back arched off the bed, feeling his slow drawn out pace. Reaching out she grasp anything her hands could reach, drawing him closer to her. Her lips searching for his as she withered in pleasure he was driving upon them. Feeling his soft moist lips against her own she lazily fought him for dominance, losing to him shortly after. "Haden, please." She pleadingly panted out as their lips broke apart. She knew he was wanting to draw this night out as long as he could, but she needed him raw and rough. She wanted him to fill her eyes desire, no she needed him to fill them. She felt like if he didn't take her to a new high she'd go crazy with want for him. She whimpered when he didn't respond to her request, hoping he'd understand she wasn't wanting him to toy around any more.
    Jake felt the stir next to him, though he ignored it. Before she'd left him he'd been used to Avery's sleeping habits. Such as twitching or rolling over. But sleeping beside her week after not having her anywhere near him was like sleeping beside her for the first time again. Though this time it wasn't as bad, as he was dead tired and even when it did disturb him he'd drift back to sleep effortlessly. And this time wasn't any different, though the thing that pulled him from his slumber. Was the tightening sensation in his balls, at first he chalked it up to being morning wood. But the soft foreign touch to his skin had a groan pulling from his lips. It had to be a dream, one he was desperately trying to get back to as Avery was surely still sleeping next to him. Blinking his eyes opened he didn't move, however the sensation didn't cease. Letting his eyes drop close he sighed out, the pleasure from it only rising. Something about cutting off your sight seemed to heightened the feeling of it. And even though they weren't on the best of terms he wasn't going to stop her from giving him pleasure. He'd be more than happy to devour her, and the thought of having her taste on his lips causing him to throb in her hand. "Mmm." He mumbled, knowing that right now she was just teasing him, trying to get him hard. Though he was now fully erect, and he was curious to see what her next move was. So he made no attempt to move. He didn't care if she knew he was awake or not, this was her doing her was going to let her progress things.
    August 7th, 2019 at 05:59am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Haden chuckled and moaned softly. "I do enjoy hearing yo beg for more of me." he said and kissed her before he thrust into her hard pulling out slowly then quickly and roughly back in. Again and again feeling the wildness starting to take over and his hands came up pulling her closer as his thrust became desperate and wild with reckless abandon. He growled her name as his body dominated her claiming her back to him as she yielded claiming his heart and his body back to her as well. Haden knew it had been too long because he was teetering on the edge of shifting, his wolf insistent upon reclaiming and satisfying the hunger the mating had placed within him. Haden ran his hands over her body greedily trying to absorb every angle.

    Haden knew if she wasn't holding onto him he would explode with the sensations and demands of his body to have her. "Laney." he kissed her and then down her neck before he connecting his lips back to her. It was so natural with her. There was everything he had always been looking for there inside of her and it just pleased him more that his pack was getting to see what he had known. Haden ran his hand into her hair and breathed her in as his hips took a new speed and angle. He moved her leg up onto his shoulder allowing him deeper into her and he moaned with the pleasure of having more of her.
    Avery looked up at him as she heard his moaned of light and saw his stunning eyes on her. Though still hard she could see the delight at her initiative but he also seemed very intent on making her work for this. She understood and was nervous. She hadn't actually been complexly in control like this before. She leaned in and kissed his shoulder as she slowly stroked his hard her lips traveling then up his neck sibling occasionally. Avery breathed him in. He was the sent of home and comfort but he held all her passions. She came up and bit his earlobe gently tugging on it smirking as she let is go softly. "Good morning Jake." she whispered him and ran her thumb over the top of his hard before going back to stroking him. She kissed his shoulder again and placed her free hand on his chest. She moved straddling his legs so his cock was in front of her. She looked him over and briefly stopped storing him only to pull off her shirt slowly as he watched. She dropped it to the side leaving her body bare down to her underwear. She ran her hands up his thighs her hand taking his hard back into her hands as she ran her other up his chest and took his hand. She held it a moment to see if he would pull away before she brought it to her belly. "Touch me Jake." she pleaded as she stroked him a little faster her hand guiding his up her body to her perky breasts with her hard nipple from the cool morning air. She hummed her body instantly reacting form his touch like it had been just as starved for him as he had been for her. She felt the aching beginning deep inside of her. She wanted him inside of her. She wanted as much of him as she could have.
    August 8th, 2019 at 04:48am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney whimpered out when she felt him trust into her. Her eyes closing almost as if she was in pain, but the pleasure was to great that she couldn't bare it. His words pulled a blush onto her cheeks. She'd never thought about using her words to drive him on. They'd been slightly vocal in their worship or praising of each other. But she'd never thought about begging for him. It's always seemed degrading or to embarrassing. But right now at this moment she couldn't think of anything else but wanted to push him further. When he pushed her legs up over his shoulders a loud moan left her lips as she panted. "Oh god." She barely managed to peep out. "Harder," she begged, her voice coming out whiny. Her words were were for his pleasure just as much as her. She wanted to say more, but her mind went blank as her head fell back. Her body trembling as he pushed her closer, her breathe coming out in pants. "Please, Haden." She whined wanting him to push her over the edge, at the same time she didn't want this to end. Part of her wandered if they could last all night. But she knew that she wasn't going to last to much longer if he kept at this pace, and movement. Her eyes closed, giving into him and letting herself be claimed by him. Her wolf had long ago given in and was content with the connection with her mate.
    Jake sighed out softly at her work, the way her hands moved across his dick, and the soft kisses she littered across his skin. They'd been apart for so long that he knew he couldn't stop her from taking this opportunity. When she sat up to take off her shirt his eyes couldn't help but wander over her body. Taking in small bruises that weren't their previously, or the way her stomach looked smaller and toner. Or how perky her breast looked, when she pleaded for him to touch her he hesitated to move. Though his will was broken through when she moved his hand to her breast. Cupping her, he let his thumb slide across he harden numb. He wasn't sure what he should do, or how much of this he could take. As her hand was bringing him pleasure but it wasn't anything that was near what she'd done in the past. Leaning up he took her nipple into his mouth, sucking on it. His hands moving to her hips, gripping them and pulling her warmth closer to him. The slight friction between them was enough to wake his wolf. He knew that now they weren't going to be all soft and lovey dovey. His wolf was angry still and wanted to remind his mate just who she belonged to. His grip on her hips tightened before he flipped them. "You sure you want me to touch you, as I don't think I can stop?" He asked her, his hands pulling down her underwear. He didn't want to push her away by dominating her, as he knew Avery loved her independents. But he still wanted her to know just how much his wolf needed her. After taking his time in relieving her of her last bit of clothing, he'd given her enough time to stop him. However she didn't, so he took it as a cue to continue. Lining himself up with her entrance, he sunk in. A rather strangled groan falling from his lips. Knowing that he was scared he'd never feel this again, the connection between mates. He wouldn't care if sex was taken off the table for life, but being back with his mate. This moment it made everything almost alright. "Never leave me again." He demanded, though it was more of a beg. He didn't think he could survive never having her around again.
    September 11th, 2019 at 03:12am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Haden moaned hearing her words. It drove him to madness as he buried himself in her. His thoughts where consumed in her as his body fought to do the same. Haden ran his hand into her hair as his lips met hers his tongue tracing her bottom lip until she yielded to give him entrance. His tongue slipped into her mouth touching to hers. His hips thrust against hers lettering between wild and satisfying. He wanted her moans, he pleasure as his own pleasure was growing. Haden gave into all her crying pleads. He wanted it just as she had spoken it. Haden had never thought that anything he could ask of her would degrade her because she was a part of him. As he felt her growing towards her pleasure he felt his own rising as he thrust in and out of her wetness. He obliged to her every plea because he belonged to her and her pleasure only brought his own. He could not compare their bond to anything else for it was beyond meaning it was a part of him. As Haden drove her closer to pleasure he moaned as he felt himself unraveling. He was holding on just to bring her to her own glorious satisfaction that he craved as much as he craved his own release.
    Avery let out little moans as he started to give into her. He mouth tasted her breast and she ran her hand into his hair. He pulled her closer, then his grip tightened before he was atop her. She moaned and ran her hands up his arms. He was pulling down her underwear as he spoke and she nodded looking up into his eyes. "Yes Jake I want you." She watched as he tossed her panties away and she opened her legs watching as he moved closer before plunging into her. Avery moaned and arched to him. She wrapped her arms around him drawing him closer as his hips started to take her. She gasped for breath as she felt the pull he was giving her. He demanded she never leave again and she nodded in agreement. Avery kissed his shoulder. "Never again." she whispered as she moved with him. She could feel the desperation inside him and she clung to him with the same desperate need to be closer to him. She felt her heart ache with finally having him back in her arms. It was like a part of her had been missing she hadn't realized until now. Avery had to blink quickly to clear the tears gathering in her eyes just because it was her own fault for all of this. She didn't want Jake to get the wrong idea. She wanted him to know just how happy she was to be back with him even if they needed to work some things out. Avery loved Jake with every ounce of her being and that had not changed in the slightest with her absence. If anything her love was stronger because she knew how special it was to be his mate and for him to be hers as well.
    September 11th, 2019 at 04:22am