the wolves all cry to fill the night with hollering

  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Lyra Sage Ramos & Derek Hale

    Charlotte Mae Ramos & Scott McCall

    September 5th, 2015 at 07:52am
  • Artax

    Artax (100)

    United States
    Scott McCall | The Leader

    Thistle and dead grass crunched beneath Scott's feet as he set off into the woods. Tonight was a full moon, and it could potentially change everything. Not even two days ago had a new family moved in; wolves. Whether it be sheer balls or ignorance they had moved in near the Argents. And Chris seemed to know every wolf in this area; and while he may not at first of liked Allison siding with a bunch of "monsters" he had come around these past few months. That alone hadn't been enough to save their relationship, ultimately they wanted different things- and about a month ago she'd been sleeping in Issac's arms. Deep down, Scott accepted it. She wasn't meant for him, and he had become his own anchor; something the rest of the pack was learning to do. They were shaky, at times dangerous pups as he'd affectionately come to call them were beginning to learn to run on their own. When the full moon rolled around his unofficial second-in-command would meet them at the Hale house, and together Scott and Derek would keep a close eye on the bunch. They would usually rough house with each other, Scott himself sometimes stepping in to play.

    Derek had informed Scott this was a critical bonding thing for the pack, let them first trust each other, while also figuring out their "ranks". Scott would be lying if he said that they didn't have a hierarchy. He atop of it, and Derek just beneath him; offering experience and intimate knowledge where he was green. Peter came and went as he pleased; and so much as he didn't stir up trouble, Scott didn't mind. He'd proven himself helpful when Jackson most needed someone; and in Scott's eyes he'd earned the right to come and forth without fight so long as he didn't piss anyone off. At any rate, this night was going as well as it normally did; until Derek paused his head swiveling towards the east. Towards the wolves' home. Sensing Scott's sudden rise in territorial aggression, he felt a low grumble take up this throat, and that's when he heard it. The most eerie howl's floating into the clear night, and not far at all from where Scott's pack was camped out, a few miles from the Hale's home, where Peter and Derek were restoring it. It was coming along nicely and soon it'd be livable if what the alpha heard was true. As the pack sensed Scott's panicked instinct to chase off who ever was far too close to their land, they bristled as well; their fangs beginning to bare towards the intruders.

    As the howls dwindled down into silence, Scott was curious- had they moved on? Around him the night air seemed stagnant and hot, the possibility of a brawl nearing. He'd fought Derek when he was only a beta, and we wasn't scared of another pack- but his more logical and human brain whispered for him to think. There were very few howls, maybe two or three at most, and if Stiles were here the doe-eyed teen would tell Scott that wolves use howls to signal their location. He was hesitant on what to do. "They're summoning you." Derek informed. Sometimes it was like the moon didn't effect him; Scott knew better, the man affectionately nicknamed Sourwolf just had been born into a pack, and all the tricks to master the moon. They were summoning him? Was it a good idea to leave the wolves on their own? But if he didn't go find out what was going on; would there be consequences. "It's not unusual for a neighboring pack to call a meeting. Wolves are at their peak during the moon, so it's not usual to meet now." Derek informed him, making the young alpha grit his teeth with frustration.

    His pack, picking up on his unease had paused, Issac getting a tad too rough with Jackson and throwing him down hard enough to the ground to make the lacrosse co-captain snarl with pain, snapping his jaws at Issac. "I'll watch them." Ever the pack-pleaser the curly haired wolf mumbled around his shifted mouth and deeper tone. It would have to do. The longer Scott put off meeting them the longer it would take to find out what they wanted. "Fine, if anything happens-" Issac cut him off with a nod. "I'll howl." It was a good enough answer so he jerked his head for Derek to follow. What were these wolves like? Chris had only said that he knew they were an old clan, powerful and very, very set in tradition. But overall quiet, not too many had to be put down from their family. Another howl, this one sounding more demanding and impatient split the night; to which Scott growled under his breath. He was coming, though figuring it polite the alpha tipped his head back, his howls seemingly rattling the very trees. That oughta let them know he was coming.

    Breaking out into a four-legged lope, keeping slightly above Derek it was easy enough to follow the strange scent of new wolves. Trees flashed by Scott as achingly familiar scenery whipped by him, he was close to the place where his story had began; where Peter had bit him. Dead leaves that littered the ground gave way to slightly more rocky terrain, until he reached the familiar cliffs overlooking the city of Beacon hills. The only thing that changed, was four figures, varying in shapes and sizes. He could instantly make out a man, by figure and scent, an older women- the man's mate most likely; and then two younger females. Straightening, retracting his claws though not his alpha gaze nor fangs, the man stepped into the silvery moonlight. It was clear he was important, the salt-and-peppered hair somehow managing to lay flat and orderly. His eyes too glowed red, and when he smiled there was the smallest glimmer of white fang. The moonlight that was pouring down from above was making his head feel muddled and his temper flare slightly. "You must be Scott McCall. Alpha of the... Hills pack. And Derek Hale, I thought your pack was gone." Was he supposed to shake this man's hand? And Scott's pack didn't really have an official name, they were kind of just Scott's pack.

    At the mention of Derek's previous pack Scott bit back a snarl. Was that a dig at his quiet beta? He wasn't given a chance to figure out as the man with the silvery tone continued. "My name is Sterling Ramos. This is my wife Elowise Ramos. My heir Lyra, and our youngest, Charlotte." There seemed to be a note of genuine stress beneath this Sterling man's voice which in and of itself was ironic as Sterling was silver and all that lore jazz. One girl, seemed confident sauntered forward while the other one hung back, only stepping forward enough to be seen. The elder one, the heir, was delicate looking and smelled... Funny. Like heat, sand, and plains. Not at all like the cooler, northern smell of most wolves. Her hair was long, silvery blonde beneath the moonlight while her eyes thrummed a tell-tale yellow. It would appear she wasn't an alpha yet. However, Scott's attention was caught by the younger one. She seemed the least aggressive, and about as unsure of this "meeting" as he. "Is a reason you're doing this? That you're here?"


    Lyra Ramos | The Outcast Heir


    Lyra wasn't pleased that her father had moved half her pack from their ancestral home in Upstate New York, to move across the country to California. All because he'd heard rumors of a true alpha. His reasoning had been that this was a near once in a lifetime event, and since she was an alpha yet- which at this point was on the rocks. She may actually have to fight for her birthright, which would be the first time in over a hundred years since the Ramos pack would witness such an event. All because her shift was different. The Ramos were infamous for not only being powerful werewolves they tended to more frequently have the ability to shift from man to wolf. It was a requirement to be alpha of the pack. Lyra by all accounts could shift faster than her cousins and were stronger than the lot of them put together. But the one thing she was not? A wolf. Instead her shift was a large striped hyena, which some had even accused her mother of infidelity which was nearly unheard of. And stupid since she had most Ramos trademarks- save for being a wolf.

    But her father curious to see what this young alpha was doing with himself, and seeking potential alliances for the Ramos pack. There were always turf wars going on, and you didn't want to get yourself caught up in one of those. So, her immediate family had been packed up- where they pulled some sway to find homes close to one another in Beacon Hills. The main family was moving in first however, as they would have to introduce themselves to the current alpha. Thankfully she wouldn't have to shift in front of them, and she hoped that would never happen. She detested her bestial form. Charlotte hadn't been thrilled about moving here either; but for her it was just school complaints. And of course it hadn't escaped either of them that this could backfire. That they could very well make an enemy out of Scott McCall and his pack. Their things had all been moved in and set up before the family arrived, the day before the full moon of course. Her father had informed her mother and sister they were going to summon Scott to introduce themselves as that's normally what a pack did when moving onto an already existing pack's territory. So when the next night came, her father had lead 'em up a spot close to Scott's pack and let forth his alpha cry to meet.

    And from there... Sterling had been his usual self. Showing off the strength and tradition of a blood-pack, rather a bitten one. But what could she do? If she disagreed with her alpha, her father, it would make her already unstable claim to next in line shakier. Scott McCall was nothing what she'd pictured. Lyra had seen him more... Like her father. Instead she was shocked when after answering their summons a boy actually younger than her, likely her sister's age, stepped from the shadows and onto the overlook. He seemed clueless, defensive even. What she hadn't been expecting was to see the Hale had joined with Scott's pack. Her father had great respect for Talia, they'd met a few times, so she was surprised when he made that off-color remark about him being one of the last of his born pack. The true alpha, Scott was terribly green and wet behind the ears.. The moon was still agitating him, and his face was as open as a bar on a Friday night. What really amused Lyra was when he asked what their reason for summoning him was- and their reasoning for being there. She wanted to chuckle, though kept her lips pressed firmly together. Oh he still had a lot to learn.

    "Well, it's customary. Would you rather we not make our presence known?" Feeling that it was best if she took over, her father could be a bit... intense she raised a slender eyebrow. "We're here to inform you of our intent to settle for an indeterminable amount of time. A true Alpha is a rare thing. We wanted to see, this place... Is also good for wolves." There was a lot of ancient magic here, it was like it breathed in the earth and trees of this place. Also, summoning out Scott's pack or at least a part of it in a non-hostile way gave her pack a decent observation of him ad weaknesses. In case it came to that in a fight; and if Scott was any kind of smart he'd be doing the same. "So, Alpha. I guess the question arises. Are you going to let us settle in peacefully? Or not?" She was tired of this song and dance, and at this point wanted to know what they'd be doing. Trying to co-exist or... The bloodier alternative. It was then she flickered her gaze to Scott's companion, Derek if she recalled. She knew he was sizing them up by the way he remained, quiet, arms crossed over his broad chest. She'd admit he was handsome, but now was not the time nor place to be in her father's words, fraternize with someone who could very easily become a foe to the pack.
    September 5th, 2015 at 09:46am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Derek Hale | The Beta

    Derek had followed Scott to where the new wolves were waiting, he stood slightly off to the left and behind Scott but still close enough if the Alpha needed his help. He was weary going into this meeting although he knew it was custom for meetings to be called like this, something he never thought to mention to Scott as he hadn't expected a new pack to rush to Beacon Hills. But he did understand why, a true Alpha was extremely rare and he himself would travel to meet a true Alpha if he hadn't known it was Scott. His eyes stayed the bright and vibrant blue that shone under the moonlight, his muscular arms staying crossed over his broad chest as his eyes slowly moved over the four wolves that stood before him. It was obvious that Sterling meant business, although a low growl has formed deep in Derek's throat when the older man mentioned his pack but he kept his cool and didn't lash out even if he wanted to. As of right now, he had no idea how many wolves were in the Ramos pack. He knew it wasn't just the four of them, the Ramos pack was much like the Hale's. It was a pack filled with only family and he had a feeling in his gut, the Ramos family would be of decent size.

    A pack that if pushed too far, could easily win any fight. Something that Derek was certain of, was that the Ramos family were strong and very powerful. A pack that he didn't want to end up fighting, if he had any choice in the matter. His eyes quickly moved onto the oldest Ramos daughter, her blonde locks were loosely curled and were delicately around her shoulders. She held herself confidently which she would need when the time came for her to take over from her father, but as Derek inhaled something didn't smell right to him. Lyra didn't smell like any other werewolf that he had met before, but it wasn't just that. Her younger sister, Charlotte, smelt completely different. He could sense a bit of wolf on her which made no sense to him at all, it only put him on his guard even more but this was their territory and the Ramos pack would need to tread carefully if they wanted to stay in the small town for any period of time. All packs knew better about pushing themselves onto another pack's territory, which is why this meeting was being held in the first place.

    Glancing over, Derek looked at Scott who was clearing thinking about what was being asked of him. Meeting the familiar red eyes of his Alpha, his head nodded only slightly to let the other know that it would be better if he agreed to having them stay peacefully in Beacon Hills. "I suppose so, yes you can settle in peacefully. You won't be bothered by my pack, of course unless you cause any trouble for anyone in this town then we will be having another meeting. This is our home and we will protect it," Scott spoke with as much force in his voice as he could, Derek would normally make fun of him for it because it wasn't how he was. Scott was caring and would do anything for the people he loved, but when he tried to appear more like an Alpha was hilarious to Derek. "Are we understood?" Derek asked although his eyes lingered a little too long on the oldest blonde before he quickly turned his glowing eyes over to Sterling, it was actually nice to see wolves that could control themselves against the full moon. He was helping the others and Scott as they have all been bitten, they haven't been learning how to control themselves since they could walk and talk. "How many are going to be arriving?" He asked as it was better to know the size of any pack, it would be safer for them in the long run.
    Charlotte Ramos | The Human

    Charlotte didn't want to move from her home and friends in New York, she didn't want to start at a new school where she didn't know anyone. She didn't want to be the new girl. But she didn't have any say in the big move, she also didn't have a choice when it came to attending the meeting that her father howled for. So she just stood back behind her family and let them all speak, although her brows did raise when her eyes landed on the true Alpha. He was her age, he was still a teenager and he was the true Alpha that all werewolves had heard about. She had not been expecting someone so young that it truly shocked her, he was also attractive but that wasn't something she would ever admit. Her father wouldn't have a bar of it if she developed a crush on a wolf that could quickly become a foe to the family, a small part of her wished that Scott would tell them to leave. Although she knew her father, he wouldn't just pack the family up again and go back home to Upstate New York. He would stay as the stubborn trait ran through the entire family, she didn't need this to be happening.

    When Elowise was pregnant with Charlotte, in the months leading up to the awaited birth. Something happened to both mother and child, Charlotte had been attacked by some bacteria which had made them both ill. However Charlotte's werewolf genes kicked in early and fought the bacteria that was weakening her little growing body, the last month of Elowise's pregnancy ran smoothly as if nothing had happened at all. When Charlotte was born, it was clear to the family that she was different. Her body used her wolf genes so much in those few months, that they slightly vanished from her system. She was mostly human now, her senses were still better than an actual human but she was no where near being a werewolf. She couldn't shift at all and she had tried to for most of her life, simply nothing happened and once the family found out about her. Tension arisen between Sterling and his siblings, they never said anything in front of Charlotte but she wasn't stupid.

    Charlotte watched the back of her sister when she stepped forward to speak instead of their father, and then Scott agreed to give them space to settle into the town. "A handful or so, we really won't bother you or your pack dear." Elowise finally spoke in her soft but strong voice, her long blonde locks were pulled into a slick formal bun which hardly ever changed. Their family was larger than a handful but it was easier to say that, than to go through how many where in the family and in their pack. "We have more than just a handful," Charlotte spoke quietly as she wanted the Alpha to know, she didn't want him to get angry because he hadn't been expecting as many wolves to arrive in his hometown. She didn't want a bloody fight to break out, if it did then she would need to hide because she would be killed in a split second. She could fight and defend herself, but against an angry pack of werewolves would end with her dead body laying on the ground and she didn't want to die just yet.
    September 5th, 2015 at 11:47am
  • Artax

    Artax (100)

    United States
    Scott McCall | The Leader

    Scott shifted when the older blonde informed him they wanted to settle down, his instincts cautioning against it. But this family hadn't done anything, and while the father may of come off like a callous ass, that wasn't dangerous per say. What caught his attention was the girl, the one that smelled of sand and sun, prairie and open air, informed the young alpha they had been drawn because of him. Sure he was rare, but why travel to meet him? He was just a kid, and as sensing his hesitancy Elowise stated in that soft voice that didn't need to be raised to hear the power drumming beneath it, "Scott McCall your lands are a perfect storm so to speak. A true alpha, a place of old power, supernatural activity- would make any wolf curious." So it wasn't just him then. It was him and everything else about this place; and Scott supposed she was right. A kanima turned wolf, gobs of hunters and more wolves- most recently an alpha pack. Deucalion was gone though, the Darach had been chased off, and the alpha pack was in ruins.

    Glancing to Derek for guidance he could sense his Beta's sharp, tangy anger Scott figured it was that Hale comment, and a more subtle scent of curiosity. His gaze was lingering on the to-be alpha before switching to the younger one; which Scott followed. He appreciated her honesty, and for a moment he said nothing taking her features in. She was beautiful that much was certain and in even in his slightly intoxicated state from the moon he could see that. Her nose was small, a tad buttoned which suited her. Like the other Ramos' there was an air of pride which wasn't as in-your-face as the parents. Hair that was turned silver by the moonbeams reaching beneath her shoulders. Large eyes, seas of green and blue were watching with reserve as Scott tried to remind himself, it probably wasn't wise to check-out an alpha's daughter in front of him. Clearing his throat he nodded. "I would like to meet them. I need to know if they are capable of keeping this town ignorant to werewolves, and restraining themselves from killing innocents."

    Also Scott would know who exactly was in his territory. They would be outnumbered likely even with their human and non-wolf packmates. His body was tight with tension as Sterling nodded, a careless shrug. "We'll be throwing a welcome dinner in two days time. It's supposed to be family only... But I don't see the harm of letting you an packmates stop by. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by my family's ability to conduct themselves properly." The moon had long ago reached it's apex in the sky, and Scott nodded. "We'll be there." It was getting late, and he didn't want to leave his pack unattended for so long. Sensing his anxiety to close the meeting Sterling smiled. "Well that concludes our meeting. We will see you in two days time- although I do have another small favor to ask." Scott narrowed his eyes, if Sterling thought he and his pack would bend over backwards to- "My youngest, Charlotte is starting at the high school tomorrow. You'd be so kind as to help her get around would you?" His eyes flickered over to the younger one, who looked more than a little embarrassed; which brought a small smile to his lips. "Sure." That Scott could do. Also it would give him time to figure out what the hell she and her sister were; they didn't smell like wolves.

    And with that Sterling nodded, turning his his family "Come." the three women nodded, and with that they were heading back to the Eastern part of town, probably their home leaving Scott and Derek alone in the clearing. Turning back wordlessly Scott took his sweet time getting back; he had questions he wanted Derek to answer. When Scott was sure they were far enough away that Sterling wouldn't hear, nor the pack he stopped Derek mimicking him. "What do you think?" Scott didn't trust the current alpha and his mate as far as he could throw them- figuratively speaking. Listening to his beta's input he nodded, that feeling of something off with the family just beneath his skin. "There's something up with the daughters. They are not wolves." It wasn't a question but a statement, as Scott tilted his head up towards the sky heaving off a sigh. "They seemed really proud about the name Ramos. Chris might know something a little more in depth about them." The alpha had a feeling that it would be a long, long time before this town had any sort of peace and quiet They chatted a bit about who to bring with them to the Ramos' pack dinner thing, and maybe Scott should start doing that though settled for Issac and Jackson. The others could stay with the main pack in case this was some sort of trap, though both alpha and beta doubted it would.

    His wolves had been waiting quietly in the clearing their eyes wide as they glanced their alpha over. He bore no signs of a fight, though he didn't look entirely thrilled. Questions were fired rapidly, Issac already shifted back as the moon had nearly sunk behind the treeline. Shit, Scott hadn't realized how long he'd been gone. "What are they like? Are they friendly? They're not gonna start giving us a hard time right?" At this Jackson, still very much wolfed out growled as if daring them to. Erica and Boyd exchanged a hesitant glance while crossing their arms. "There's no need to get worked up. They only asked if they could move into Beacon Hills." At this Erica's brow furrowed. "They have to ask you?" Letting Derek answer that one as Scott wasn't entirely sure himself; he shrugged. "The big thing is they're having a dinner to greet the rest of their pack. Which apparently is decent in size." This held his pack's attention as they seemed to hold their breath. "Issac and Boyd will come with me and Derek." There was a small ripple of outcry from Erica and Boyd, though it was silenced under Derek's icy stare.

    "I think dress nice? We'll talk about it tomorrow though. For now get in the house, the moon's passed." While he wasn't planning on wearing a tux or anything, a clean pair of jeans and a button up would do nicely. The moon's pull had all but worn off as they piled into the Hale house. It was livable enough for them to have brought sleeping bags. When Scott woke the next morning in the middle of the newly done living room, Derek had specifically told whoever was doing this to start with that room, his back was a tad sore and glancing at his watch grumbled. By the time that he was up and out, Scott barely had enough time to get home shower, get dressed and head out to school. The meeting last night was never far from his mind, and it wasn't until he was already entering the doors of Beacon high, did he recall that he had promised Sterling to help show his daughter around. It was a wise move, diplomatic and would give Scott to get to know her a little better and hopefully her family. So with a sense of determination Scott made his way keeping an eye for the new wolf, he was pretty sure her name was Charlotte; and if luck would have it; she may even be in a few of his classes. That would give him an excuse to further assess the kind of pack she came from.


    Lyra Ramos | The Outcast Heir


    About to cut in herself that they weren't just a handful, Charlotte beat her to it and Lyra sent her younger sister a small, fleeting smile of approval. Deception would breed resentment and make the initial moving into Beacon Hills much harder. The werecreature, raised a slim blonde eyebrow at Scott's request to meet the pack- it's full numbers. Perhaps he was a tad more wise than she originally thought. She could sense her father's surprise and a thorn of annoyance; as if shocked that Scott didn't trust him right of the bat. However he nodded, his face never breaking from that poker stare that used to unsettle her so much as a child. . "We'll be throwing a welcome dinner in two days time. It's supposed to be family only... But I don't see the harm of letting you an packmates stop by. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by my family's ability to conduct themselves properly." Never to appear ruffled her father consented; shocking Lyra though she tried not to let on. He was going to let a bitten pack to his family's first run? It had been ages since they had one, just a night where everyone explored the territory and caught up with one another. Didn't sound as grand as the title made it out to be.

    Apparently she wasn't the only tradition her father was keen on breaking, as he simply referred to it as a pack dinner. Her more stiff and rigid uncles and aunt would likely be pissed; and that would be a whole 'nother family row to settle. Honestly that seemed like what most her job as leading the Ramos pack would be; settling petty squabbles and playing referee between cousins and family. The moon overhead had begun to slowly begin is descent from the sky, and the heightened sense of power that she felt subdued in to a restless need to shift. As the young alpha shot a glance towards the stoic Hale, who ever so slightly nodded, and Scott nodded. "We'll be there." Chancing a glance at her mother Lyra noted her smile was stiff and Lyra could tell she didn't like the idea of outsiders at a family dinner. Ironic as most her family didn't like the fact that she or Charlotte was allowed to attend pack meetings and dinners. But she supposed that Elowise fought for her daughters, and these were near-strangers. As her father announced that concluded their meeting, and then told the girls to run along Lyra lingered for a moment, though turned around to follow her family into the brush.

    "Charlotte, I would like you to gather a little more information on Scott McCall." Sterling said, there was no malice just curiosity though Lyra could see how that would easily backfire on not only her younger sister but the entire pack. "Or if he's not a bully Charlotte could be friends with him." Lyra suggested under her breath, earning a laugh out of her younger sister. "Friends are all good and well Lyra, but we need to see what kind of alpha young Scott is. And if his intentions of letting us settle without incident is honest." Lyra wanted to roll her eyes. If anything Scott should be questioning the Ramos' intention to settle without incident. "You may run. Be careful." Since Lyra was still young, she needed to shift during the full moon and with relief she nodded, nudging Charlotte and murmuring quietly enough so her parents wouldn't overhear.

    "Don't worry about dad. You socialize with whoever you want." And with that Lyra turned from her parents, disappearing a good enough distance to shift. The run was great, there were animals to chase and by the time the sun came up, Lyra had made her way back to the home her large, oddly colored shift melting to a reveal a dirt-streaked Lyra as she made her way to her room. She collapsed with exhaustion. Too soon her mother was shaking her, asking her to give Charlotte a lift to school. Though it wasn't really a choice as her mother tossed a fresh dress and jacket at Lyra. "She needs to be there in twenty Lyra." Charlotte was perfectly capable of getting to and from school on her own- but since her wolf-genes weren't as... potent as their's her mother and father were far more overprotective over Lottie than Lyra. So when Lyra had thrown the dress on, dragged a brush through her hair only to throw it into a messy bun, she jogged down the stairs of the spacious home, grabbing her keys off the rack by the door.

    "Charlotte! Come on I'm getting in the car!" Lyra hollered, only for her sister to poke her head from around the doorway. The drive was quiet, both girls lost in thought as Lyra listened to the GPS on her phone. While she thought Charlotte more capable than her parents gave her credit for, the elder Ramos worried about her as well. Charlotte was far more laid back than she was; and terribly shy at times. While Lyra was sure that her younger sister would make friends well enough- she didn't want her to feel pushed to befriend anyone. Namely Scott's pack. They were pulling up when she turned her GPS down and shot a glance at her younger sister from the corner of her eyes. "Same deal as last year. If anyone gives you a hard time you call me, I'll deal with it and we won't mention it to mom or dad." As they approached the school, and the line of cars of parents dropping kids off she added. "Smile kid. No need to be nervous, you're a Ramos after all." It was the pep talk that was used on her and her sister when their mother would drop them off in grade school. "Besides, you'll be the coolest kid in the grade. You're related to me and all that." Lyra joked, as they inched further and further up in line. Finally they were at the front and 'Lottie was hopping out of the car and heading towards the school. Which was for the best, she had a few errands to run; namely grocery shopping for the dinner tomorrow night. "Knock 'em dead." Lyra sighed to the empty car after her sister as she pulled away, deciding to park downtown and just wander around until she found a grocery store.
    September 6th, 2015 at 01:56am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Derek Hale | The Beta

    Derek had to admit that he hadn't expected to be invited to the Ramos pack family dinner, honestly he didn't know how to feel about it. Both packs were still strangers and knew nothing about each other, although he supposed this would be a good way for them to all meet each other and talk. But he still felt uneasy about it as he knew he would need to go along with Scott and whoever else he decided to bring, Derek hadn't been to anything formal like this since before the fire that killed most of the Hale family. He tried to hide his emotions as much as he could as he stood there, he was still very curious about this family but at least now he understood why they had traveled so far to be there. Not only was Scott a true Alpha but Beacon Hills held such old power, if he hadn't been born into the town then he would eventually want to see it all for himself as well.

    Once Scott agreed to attend this dinner, Derek let his gaze fall onto the oldest daughter. Lyra may not give off the usual wolf scent, but her beauty surely glowed even in the dark night. The blonde tones in her curled hair reflected against the moonlight, and only made her big blue eyes seem brighter. From where he was standing, he could see the different blue hues that streaked through Lyra's eyes and it was obvious how much emotion was expressed through those eyes on a daily basis. But he knew better than to stare at her even if he did find her beautiful, simply staring could end with Sterling calling for a war because Lyra was his daughter. He came across like he would be extremely overprotective of his family, Derek admired the older Alpha for that because he himself could very well be exactly the same. Even if the younger wolves in Scott's pack, he may seem like this moody guy who doesn't care but he does. He wants the young wolves to succeed and grow as people, which is why he often became angry if anything happened to them and he would do anything he needed to to make sure the pack was kept protected from everything.

    "We'll keep an eye on the entire family, this is our town and we'll protect it from any danger." Derek quickly assured Scott as he could smell how tense the other was, but he knew there would have been even more tension in the air if the Ramos family hadn't howled for a meeting. At least now they knew what they were getting in to and who they may need to fight as some point, "We can talk to Chris about them tomorrow. After school so try to relax, you still need to be a somewhat normal teenager." Derek knew that Scott still cared about high school and getting good grades, he always made sure that Scott and the pack kept up with their studies and homework. Just because they were werewolves doesn't mean they can't have a semi normal life after they graduate.

    Once they made it back to where the pack were waiting, he let Scott explain about the dinner and sent an icy glare to both Boyd and Erica. They couldn't take the whole pack as it would only cause trouble, and that isn't something they needed with a family that was going to be sticking around for a while. Let's get inside," Derek spoke clearly to the pack as they all needed sleep before school in the morning, something that he was glad that he didn't have to go through anymore. The house was no where near being done but he and Peter had gotten a lot done considering it was just them redoing the house that held so many memories, he left the pack sleep wherever they could while he went upstairs to his old bedroom. Although the roof wasn't there, the walls were still holding strong and the floor seemed to hold his weight as he slept there for the night. The next morning, Derek was awake early like most mornings and he waited until the pack all rushed home to get themselves ready for school before he climbed into his black Chevrolet Camaro before he drove down the dirt driveway. He needed to visit the local hardware store as he needed more supplies for the house, he also had to stock up on more food as the pups really did eat him out of house and home but he wouldn't change it for a single thing.

    Pulling into a parking space he killed the engine and climbed out, locking the doors of his car he begun walking towards the hardware store when a breeze of air rushed past him. His attention was captured when the scent from last night filled his nose, the fresh scent of Lyra surrounded his senses as his eyes searched for her. He glanced back over his shoulder to see the girl was climbing out of her car and Derek couldn't couldn't stop the grin that formed across his face, "Fancy seeing you again." He watched as she moved gracefully, the breeze brushed down a few strands of her blonde hair that fell around her beautiful face. Now that he could see her in the natural light of day, he could see her naturally rosy pink lips that curved smoothly and he would bet that her smile would light up any room.
    Charlotte Ramos | The Human

    Charlotte felt heat rush to her cheeks as she listened to what her father asked the true Alpha, she couldn't have been any more embarrassed then she was now. She didn't need anyone to show her around the high school, she wanted to curl up and hid under a rock. But she just waited until the meeting was finished, she quickly turned around so she could head home but looked at her older sister. "Thanks," She whispered to Lyra before watching her run off deeper into the woods so she could shift and go for a run, something that Charlotte was insanely jealous about and always has been. Even if Lyra wasn't a wolf when she shifted, at least she was still a werecreature because that was more than what Charlotte was. Knowing that he father wasn't being malicious about wanting her to get to know Scott McCall, she still didn't feel right about talking to the Alpha and reporting back to her family. It made her feel uncomfortable just thinking about it but she would give it a go, for her families sake although she wasn't sure what she could possibly find out.

    Making her way back into the new family home, she bid her parents goodnight before going upstairs to her bedroom. She got herself ready and crawled into her bed before sleep overtook her body, in the morning she was woken up by the sun light breaking through the curtains and by her alarm clock that was beeping at her. Groaning softly she turned her alarm clock off and dragged herself out of her bed, she ran her fingers through her blonde locks as she opened the curtains to let light fill her room completely. Grabbing her clothes she stepped into the bathroom that she shared with Lyra and took a warm shower, it didn't take her all that long to get ready and she was back in her room making sure she had everything she would need in her backpack. She walked downstairs dropping her bag by the front door as she wanted to get herself some breakfast, while her mom had the task of waking Lyra up so she could take Charlotte to school even though she was perfectly capable of getting to school herself.

    "I'm coming," Charlotte finished off her toast and rushed outside to her sister's car, the drive was a quiet one but it gave Charlotte time to think about everything that dared to enter her mind. "I'll call you if anything happens, but I'm sure I'll be fine. And me being cool has nothing to do with being related to you, I'm not even going to tell anyone about you." Charlotte teased her older sister as a smile graced her face, she climbed out of Lyra's car placing her bag over her shoulders before she ventured into the high school. She knew her family worried about her but Lyra always gave her more space and a chance for her to be the person she was, unlike their parents would could baby her as they think that's going to keep her safe. She did glance over her shoulder to see Lyra was already driving away, it was to late to turn back now so she pushed a door open and stepped inside. She held herself proud like a Ramos and walked at a steady pace, she found the principle's office and stepped inside so she could get her locker and class room schedule. "Thank you, sir." She left the office and hurried to her locker, she emptied her backpack which was heavy even to her as she had brought all her text books which her father had made sure was waiting for her.

    She hadn't seen Scott yet and was beginning to wonder if he had forgotten or just decided to not listen to her dad, but as she glanced around the hallway her eyes landed on him. She felt slight relief wash over her as she was more nervous than she realised, she could feel eyes focused on her and she hated the attention that she was getting because she was the new girl. All she wanted was her big sister to be there with her, so she wouldn't feel so damn alone and she always felt like she could take on the world when Lyra was by her side. "Hi... Look I know you told my dad that you'd show me around, but if you're busy than I'll be fine on my own." Charlotte told Scott even though she was supposed to get to know him, she didn't want to be a burden or have him feel like she was thrown at him.
    September 6th, 2015 at 09:26am
  • Artax

    Artax (100)

    United States
    Scott McCall | The Leader

    He'd been on the way to his locker when he saw her, standing off to the side gazing around wide-eyed at everything; she was obviously new. He knew his pack was around, he could sense them about save Derek as it was hard for Scott to focus on a bond further away. As he approached, he was a little taken aback by how quickly she denounced her father's request to help her acquaint herself with the high school. "Ah, right let me check my pressing time schedule." He joked, glancing down at his watch before humming. "Well, Ms. Ramos as it seems I'm free; I'm yours until about homeroom." He found humor was the best way of getting people to relax. He could see it working as her face softened a little, and those Aegean and emerald depths sparkled. "So, do you mind if I see your classes? Give me a better idea where I'm going." He wasn't a natural born leader for nothing. Scott's voice which had been firm and stiff last night was relaxed and soothing. A sort of dopey smile was carelessly blooming on his face. There was something sweet about her, so normal that he just appreciated.

    She didn't seem so much into pack politics as the rest of her family which was probably good because Scott knew pretty much nothing about how a blood pack works, or differs from a bitten. That was something Derek would know but since it would bring it up memories of his original pack and family Scott had never asked him. After looking Charlotte's classes over he nodded. They actually had a fair amount together, they only thing they were different in was math as that was Scott's weakest subject and she seemed to be bright enough to be in a higher level. "Call it luck or misfortune but the only time you get a break from me is math. Third period." Lydia would likely be in that level as it was a higher one, and the banshee was a straight up genius that could keep up with even Stiles. He was aware there were still stares in their direction but it didn't bother him all that much. Since he'd gotten the bite the young alpha was totally used to the stares. He and Charlotte chatted a little bit- the beautiful blonde was a little shy, and self-aware. To which Scott was actually unsure of why.

    She was smart and kind; she'd proven that last night. There was an inherent gentleness about her that kind of drew Scott in. Then there was the whole mystery about what she was. Because Derek was right; neither of them smelled like wolf. Well Lyra didn't smell like a wolf at all. Charlotte smelled so faintly of a wolf that Scott would of thought it just a secondary scent picked up from those around her by her housemates and family. True to his word he hadn't brought up the pack or the meeting or anything pack-like he was thinking. In fact, as they walked about Scott pointed out the best places to find a quiet place to study or think, the places to go if you wanted to be alone or skip class and where the history class would be; as it was also their homeroom. The almost overpowering scent and sounds of high school life was getting to him as he blinked wearily. "So, tell me about your home? I've lived here all my life. Always thought it would be cool to get out and travel. Guess that's not happening so much these days."

    As he listened to what she had to say about her homeland, turned out to be New York, he raised an eyebrow in shock. That was a long way to travel, and he could imagine Charlotte may be feeling a little isolated from her normal friends- which prompted Scott's next line of thinking. "Since New York is far, if you want to you can always feel free to meet the rest of my pack, and hang out with us as you'd like. Could be fun." There was something about her that made Scott want to get to know her, and not just for the beneficial nature a strong relationship would have. Thoughts of her father and whatever trouble they may or may not be bringing to Beacon Hills was beginning to drift from Scott's mind as he was genuinely interested in getting to learn more about the youngest Ramos. Around them chatter filled the room, and he was a little surprised to find it nearly first block and yet no one had shown up yet. Normally Issac and Stiles were here by now; but Scott figured they either slept in or Stiles jeep had broken down. After a pack meeting Issac either went to Scott's or Stiles, and since Issac hadn't come back with him that morning, it left Stiles to be toting them about.


    Lyra Ramos | The Outcast Heir


    Luck seemed to be in her favor as there had been a near empty hardware lot to park in. She'd only gotten out of the drivers side of her G35, slamming the door and locking it before glancing around. So far was just a few shops, a pizzaia and a movie store which she was unsure of whether to question or be impressed by the fact a video store was still around, a Chinese food place, and of course the hardware store. There had to be a food stop somewhere in this dingy little town. Which made her miss New York even more by giving off the feeling it was isolated. The wind was gusting about scattering dead leaves about and the aroma of take-out saturated the city air, leaving Lyra unsure of which way to head. Frowning to herself, Lyra had turned to look across the street see if there was any hints she could find, when she heard someone call out to her. Frowning, surely it was too early for hunters to begin harassing her Lyra turned her lips pressed together; though that frown melted into a subtle smile as a familiar Hale.

    "You following me Hale?" There was a light, airy tease in Lyra's voice as she playfully raised an eyebrow; a clear evident of how she was only playing. "You think they'd have better ways for an alpha in training to spend her days rather than going on a grocery run." Somewhere along the line into this conversation she'd casually slip in that it would be great to actually know where the damned store was so she could get home faster for some Netflix and chill before the cousins arrived. Oh that would be mayhem. For a moment she let her gaze wander over him, and his striking hazel orbs seemed far less guarded than he had last night. Understandably, Sterling had the effect of polarizing people about him. Speaking of... "So I hope you didn't take offense to the whole Hale remark last night. My dad... He's a tough person to get along with but he's just doing his best to protect the uh- family." Figuring that it would be wise not to mention pack in public she lightly danced around the word. The petite blonde knew that coming from a Ramos it may be a weak apology; but she couldn't exactly tell a near stranger about the inner-conflict the Ramos pack was having.

    Relieved when he announced he was going food shopping as well, her morphling eyes of color lit up with relief. "So you know where the grocery store is?" Kingston had been a big enough town it was kind of a little city; but enough room to comfortably still reside in the ancestral home of her pack without fear of hunter or exposal. The fall air was crisp and chilly, though she tended to run hotter than a normal person; so it wasn't unbearable to stand out in the parking lot and talk to him. After all, while Sterling may be more interested in getting to know Scott and his pack, she was far more concerned with getting to know the town and the surrounding threat level. While there was undoubtedly powerful things at work here in Beacon Hills, there was also dangers. She knew for a fact that an Argent hunter and his daughter lived on her street. But since the daughter was one of Scott's she figured that as long as she didn't do anything stupid there would be no danger.

    There was the small problem of the Argents being like the Ramos' or the Hale's to the hunting circles. They were old, revered, and looked up to. Where one hunting family moved in- others were likely to follow. Especially young and foolish ones hearing of the many supernaturals that had passed through in the past couple years. It was like a hotspot and Lyra was going to need to learn how to navigate this town pretty quickly. While she was trying to keep this from everyone but her parents as it was their decision; soon Sterling would pass down the rite of alpha onto Lyra. Then the striking blonde would become the head of the family. She'd be urged to find a mate, and honestly she was terrified of that. Her blood was comprised of warriors and alphas, the stuff that had the potential to be one of the great's in their family. But finding a mate? Settling down? Nope. That Lyra was terrified of. Shaking her head of these thoughts she fixed Derek with her best "pity-on-the-newbie" expression and a hesitant smile. "If you're going shopping I don't suppose I could tag along? I won't bore you with pack politics, can trust me on that."
    September 6th, 2015 at 11:17am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Derek Hale | The Beta

    Derek didn't stop himself checking out Lyra's car, he had always been a car guy and enjoyed working on his whenever he got the chance. "Excuse me, I was here before you. So you're clearly following me," He shot a tease right back at her as the charming grin never left his face as his eyes stayed focused on the blonde, meeting her last night he never would have taken her as someone who would joke or tease someone. But it actually put Derek at ease to know that she could soften and be light hearted, it was the complete opposite of how her parents were but it made Derek want to get to know her more. Not because it would benefit the pack of knowing the alpha in training, but because he wanted to know her and find out what makes her laugh and tick and cry. "Well someone needs to go grocery shopping, once you are the alpha then you can make someone else do the grocery shopping." He told her as he did lower his voice when he mentioned the word alpha, although there weren't many people wandering around the streets but he could smell that there were people in all the stores that littered the street.

    "Don't worry about it, I've heard a lot worse than what your father said. I'm a big boy, I can handle it darling." He assured her as he had lots of time to get used to what people said about his family, which he shouldn't have to handle but people weren't going to stop being shitty so he just had to deal with it. "I'm the same, I'd do anything to keep my family safe and protected. It's just what we have to do," It took Derek some time before he agreed to join Scott and be his beta, he got used to being the alpha and he did enjoy the power that came with it but he was ready to step aside and give Scott his chance to be great. It also took him time before he realised that Issac, Jackson, Boyd, Erica and even Stiles were his family. They never gave up on him, no matter how many times he pushed them away from him so they wouldn't get too close to him as everyone tended to leave him and he was tired of getting hurt.

    Derek chuckled softly to himself and nodded his head, "Yeah. You can tag along with me, I always do enjoy helping out a damsel in distress." Derek sent a cheeky wink at Lyra which wasn't like him at all, he could get cheeky and charming but not with someone that he hardly knew. Saying that, there was something about the beautiful blonde that put Derek at ease. He was always so tense that it felt nice to be able to joke with someone, be around someone that was closer to his age as he was always surrounded by high school students. Which he didn't mind but it could get tiring at times.

    "This way," He motioned with his head in the direction of where the grocery store was, it was a little further down the street but still not that far from where their cars were parked. Turning he walked along the sidewalk, "Keep up girly. I'm not waiting," He called out over his shoulder to her as he heard her footsteps quickly catch up with him, the grocery store was fairly big for such a small town and the shelves held a wide range of products. Within a few seconds he was letting Lyra grab a shopping trolley before he got his own, he pulled out the piece of paper that had Erica's writing on it as she always wrote the food shopping list which was good because Derek was terribly at shopping. So he needed a list to follow.
    Charlotte Ramos | The Human

    Charlotte couldn't help but smile when Scott checked his watch and still wanted to show her around the school, he was different from how he came across last night but he probably thought the same thing about her. "Well I'm glad that your schedule is clear, because I know I'd get lost if I tried to find my classes on my own." She wasn't usually someone who would ask for help even if she needed it, she was a Ramos and they were known for being stubborn. She nodded her head lightly as she handed him her class schedule which caused some of her straight blonde hair to fall into her face, her fingers tucking the strands behind her ear as she looked at the true alpha that was standing in front of her. The dopey smile that was on his face really suited him and Charlotte wished that she would continue to see that smile on his face, "I wouldn't say that's lucky." She teased him but it had come out of nowhere, she hadn't thought about what she was saying and it was already too late to take back.

    She had never thought of herself as a smart person, she did well with her grades and liked going to school but being smart never crossed her mind. When Scott asked about her home, a wide warming smile spread across her face and make her eyes shine from within. "Kingston is where Lyra and I were born and raised, it's a fairly large town so coming to Beacon Hills seems tiny to me. It's laid back and people know each other, I have two best friends that I've known since I was seven years old. I miss it, being here doesn't feel right. From what I've seen it's beautiful here, but it's not home." She told Scott as they walked through the school hallways, she took in everything that he pointed out to her especially where her classrooms were located in hopes that she'd remember. She wasn't used to being in such a small town, she didn't want to leave home and it was all new and scary to her.

    "You can travel when you graduate, just because your a true alpha doesn't mean you can't live your life." Charlotte told him quietly so no one else would overhear them, werewolves could still live normal lives if that's what they wanted. Then Scott mentioned that she could meet his pack and hang out with them, it took her off guard and her footsteps stumbled slightly which she regained her balance swiftly. "Really? I'd really like that, Scott." Her eyes moved over his handsome face as she really did appreciate that he was helping her out so much, he didn't even need to but he was willingly. What her father said to her last night about getting to know Scott, hadn't once crossed her mind as they had been talking. In fact it was her sister's annoyingly right voice that was stuck in her mind, that she could talk to whoever she wanted to. Her eyes scanned the room that Scott guided her into before she sat down beside him, her attention was captured when the teacher stepped up to the front but was interrupted by two boys running through the door.

    "Sorry... My Jeep wouldn't start," Stiles wheezed out as he was puffing and struggling to regain his breathe after having to run from the car park to the history class room, Charlotte watched the two boys as they headed straight towards Scott. Both faulting slightly when they saw that she was sitting beside Scott, a new girl that was probably taking up their usual places. Issac couldn't help himself as he inhaled the air deeply and picked up on the faint scent of wolf, he knew Scott's scent off by heart and this scent was different and weak and was coming from the new girl. Although Charlotte had already done the same thing, to her it was obvious that one boy was a wolf and the other was a human. "I'll move," She whispered almost to herself as she didn't want to get off on a bad foot with anyone on her first day, especially not with anyone in Scott's pack.
    September 6th, 2015 at 01:27pm
  • Artax

    Artax (100)

    United States
    Scott McCall | The Leader

    He just smiled when Charlotte tried to tell him that being a true alpha didn't mean he couldn't live his life. "I'm just paranoid the moment I leave somewhere the pack'll find themselves in trouble. Which would mean probably traveling with them; and after you meet them you'll understand why I think it's in the public's best interest we not all be stuck on a plane or in a car together." Scott joked. It was honestly something he worried about. Sure Derek could probably hold fort down, but there was that small "What if" that really made Scott nervous. This pack was his family; for some of them the pack was all they had. They looked to Scott to look after them, to lead them; and if he failed them... Scott had no idea what he would do. He was rather pleased as she agreed to hang out with the pack; for no other reason than to make her feel welcomed. "That's great. They'll love to get to know a new face." Scott promised, though was cut off by the sound of familiar steps pounding down the hallway. Perking his head up, furrowing his brow to concentrate he grinned at Issac's somewhat colorful insult to Stiles and his piece of shit jeep.

    Stiles of course was quick to defend his "baby" though they both shut up as they burst through the doors Stiles huffing and puffing, red in the cheeks while Isaac, looked torn between amusement at Stiles' state, and annoyed with being late. The two got on like cats and dogs, probably because Isaac had once tried to eat Stiles, though Scott knew they actually did like and care for each other. Like the rest of the pack. They may bicker nearly constantly sometimes, but it was like siblings. There was no actual real bite beneath the words, and in an instant the pack was ready to lay down their lives for each other. It didn't take long for Stiles and Isaac to head to their usual seats, though his very human best friend faltered upon seeing a rather new and delicate looking girl in his seat in conversation with Scott. Was this the new wolf that Isaac had been talking about? Since his alpha looked thoroughly contented and Stiles would swear he was glowing with a self-confidence that honestly it was way too early for, figured this girl was not a threat. She didn't look like the other werewolves he'd encountered. There was some innate soft gentleness that didn't make him feel like he could easily be snapped in half.

    Hearing her offering to move Stiles just shook his head, "It's fine." Watching as his best friend turned to Danny he offered a wide, goofy grin. "Danny, you never answered me, Am I attractive to gay guys?" Scott frowned as Danny groaned and got up, moving to sit near the windows with a few other lacrosse players. With a seat now secured near Scott, next to the new wolf Stiles plopped down leaving him to glance at Scott. "Right! Isaac, Stiles- this is Charlotte Ramos. Derek and I met her uh- last night." Lowering his voice a little to the point Stiles had to lean forward to catch the end of his sentence he noted that his pack member's expressions changed for a moment; a sort of hesitant curiosity. "Welcome to Beacon Hills Charlotte." Finally chirped after a moment, Isaac offering a quiet greeting as well. Relieved Scott sat back and let her chat with his packmates for awhile before Coach Finstock cleared his throat. "Alright everyone shut up, we've got a new student Charlotte Ramos." He stated sweeping his hand towards her. The rest of the class was spent in a surprising lull. Usually classes were spent trying to figure out plans on how not to die. Instead Scott found himself actually able to pay attention- for the most part.

    Classes came and went and by the time that Scott walked Charlotte to her third class she'd met a good deal of his pack including, Lydia, Boyd, and Erica. Lydia was her usual self, giving a skeptical glance over before a terse hello, Erica and Boyd exchanged a glance of amusement that was lost on the alpha as Erica purred a silky hello, and Boyd grunted his. As Scott dropped her he promised that he'd pick her up and take her to the lunch room. As he walked away towards math he couldn't help but feel that maybe... just maybe after the utter shit-storm the past couple years had been that things were beginning to look up. Math passed infuriatingly slow, the only friend in that class was Isaac, who was whispering under his breath the whole time about the dinner fretting. "What if they don't like us. What if it's a trap. Charlotte is nice but who knows about the rest of the family? What is she? She's wolf but not."

    Finally Scott had fixed him with a stern gaze and ordered him to just drop the subject of the Ramos'. That he would take care of it, and okay maybe Scott wanted his pack to like Charlotte more than just a little. Finally it was time for lunch, and with a promise to meet Scott in at their normal table Isaac was scurrying off. As Scott rose, collecting his things and shouldering his way as gently as possible out into the halls he was also admittedly curious of what Charlotte was. But that wasn't important enough to him to just flat-out ask. All the alpha cared about was she was a good person; with no intentions to harm his pack. Nearing the classroom he'd dropped her off at he nodded to her, waving to get her attention. As the blonde walked over he tilted his head. "How was your class?"

    Lyra Ramos | The Outcast Heir


    She hadn't expected the Hale beta to be charming; yet Lyra found herself blushing as he spoke. Business and politics she could breeze through, fighting and defending pack was like breathing; but these subtle flirtations? If they could be called that? Lyra was out of depth there. There was hardly ever a time that Lyra was shocked into silence- now was one of those times though as she stared after his retreating figure. As Derek made a casual comment about damsels and whatnot it gave her pause, and it wasn't until he called for her to hurry up that Lyra shook herself out of her reverie. The moss-and-stone-eyed beta was likely just being kind. After all it would make further interactions much easier if they all got along. "Aye, Aye captain." Lyra rather saucily saluted him, sauntering after the onyx-haired wolf. She called after being told he wasn't waiting up for her; though she could hear the playfulness beneath his words.

    The store was better than what she was expecting, and likely she wouldn't have to make any other stops to get the food her mom had asked for. As the two strolled into the store, and Lyra grabbed a cart from the corner of her eye she noted Derek pulling a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket. It was clearly a shopping list which made the corner of her eyes crinkle up with a gleeful smile. It was just so... Domestic that Lyra had kind of expected him to grab a few hunks of meat and call it a day. That's actually pretty much what Lyra was here for. "How are things in Beacon hills in terms of hunters?" There were little ones in her pack that was migrating here; and not all of them wolves. It was easy enough to drill into the human children they were not to go out on a full moon, nor near the woods. But if hunters were going to give them a problem than it would be wise to move the children back to Upstate New York. No sense in risking lives. The other wolves, well Lyra was sure that they could handle themselves.

    Listening to his response as they made their way first to the snack section, she nodded. Problems with hunters in the past, though on good terms now? She could work with that. It would be one of those ongoing things that Lyra would keep an eye on. Pausing, snatching up some different flavors of chips and and some salsa from further down the isle Lyra was trying to calculate just how much she'd need for the dinner tomorrow. She had four uncles, and an aunt. All in all there were about thirteen cousins, and five more spouses. Then there would be her grandparents, grand-uncle and grand-aunt; then Scott's pack. And that was just a small sliver of the Ramos pack. Her least favorite people would be her Uncle Levi and his family. He and his family had made it well known that their oldest, Elijah deserved the alpha position and hadn't been shy about letting Lyra know this. "He's older than you, a real wolf and a real alpha male. Why wouldn't he ascend to alpha position?" Arlene, Elijah's mother asked her the last time they saw each other.

    There would be a lot of play-fighting and Lyra knew that it would hold a deeper meaning. Frowning lost in thought the bright-eyed woman decided that six bags of chips would be enough before tossing them into her cart. Her mood was slightly dampened by her thoughts as she pushed her cart next to Derek's before glancing over at him. He looked a little amused by the amount of food she was getting, making Lyra furrow her brows together. "I'm not the biggest glutton you've ever met; this is for tomorrow and spoiler alert, everyone's going home with some leftovers." She was curious to know if he was going, though since she'd sworn off talking about pack politics she refrained from asking. "What's next on your list?" She asked, nodding towards it. Luckily on the way to his next item they passed by the meat section. Lyra ended up tossing the best looking steaks and pork roasts into the cart to probably feed a small army. Like the Ramos pack. Overhead soft music was playing, some sugary pop-beat of which was no interest to Lyra. She'd always preferred rock and roll type music. "So, what is there to do in Beacon Hills? Besides clean out the grocery store?" Her voice was quiet, never losing that musical lit of confidence.
    September 7th, 2015 at 12:51am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Derek Hale | The Beta

    Derek didn't want to glance over at Lyra after he took out the crumpled piece of paper, he knew exactly how he looked and didn't need to hear anything from her about it. It wasn't manly but it was better than him grabbing a cart full of junk food and taking that home, Erica and Boyd still lived with their family but often stayed at the Hale house with Issac and himself. So the food was mostly for himself and Issac who didn't have any family left apart from the pack, but Erica had told Derek off several times about not having healthy food at the house which is why she always made sure to write him a shopping list so he doesn't have any excuses. His feet carried him down the aisle and he grabbed several packets of chips and dropped them into his own cart, "We have the Argent's here. Chris has recently decided to side with us, his family have been hunters for centuries and they did cause us trouble. Some members were more ruthless then others, but you can trust Chris. Sterling may still want to speak with him though," Derek wasn't going to bring up what Kate Argent did to him or his family, he might tell Lyra one day if he trusted her enough but right now she didn't need to know what happened.

    Pausing briefly he grabbing a couple of packets of cookies as he did have a sweet tooth, not that many people knew that from his rough exterior. He raised a thick brow when he noticed that Lyra was getting more food than he was, "I wasn't going to say anything about it. But I will admit that I love left-overs," He told her as he would take as much left-over food as he could, it would save him from having to food anything and that was good in his eyes. He wouldn't say that he was looking forward to the dinner, well actually he was because he loved food and he loved eating but he wasn't looking forward to meeting more of the Ramos family. He wasn't the most open person when it came to meeting new people, he wasn't always friendly or nice and if someone pushed his buttons then he would push back even more. He never let anyone walk over him or use him, he learnt that from when Kate Argent used him and since then he's become more closed off and protects his heart from being broken.

    "I need to get some meat and bread, some drinks as well." Derek glanced down at his list before he stopped at the cold display where the meats were, he grabbed a few different sandwich meats and some steaks and chickens as they were easiest to cook when it was just him and Issac at home. He moved onto a few more aisles so they could finish shopping as quickly as they could, Derek never liked spending time shopping as he didn't enjoy it but it was a task that needed to be done. "There's plenty to do here, probably not as much as you're used to but we still have an ice rink, a movie theater, a bowling alley, a few clubs and bars around." He listed off a few places that Beacon Hills had to offer, he wasn't sure what Lyra was looking for but there were places to go and hang out when she wanted to get away.
    Charlotte Ramos | The Human

    Charlotte did understand why Scott was worried about leaving his pack, she didn't completely understand why as she wasn't an alpha so she didn't have the pressure or responsibilities of looking after a pack of werewolves. So she just gave Scott a warm smile in the hopes that would reassure him, "I can't wait to meet them." Although Charlotte hoped that his pack would like her, she knew that she didn't smell strongly of a wolf and that she would be asked about it which she wasn't excited about because it has always been a touchy subject for her. Anything that reminded her that she wasn't a werewolf hurt her deeply, she had learnt to deal with the pain and hide it from her sister and parents but it was still hard on her. Especially when her extended family mention it or give her a disgusted look, saying that she was a disgrace to the family and not wanting her at pack meetings. She sent both the boys a bright smile before hearing the comment that was made to another boy that was sitting on a chair close to Charlotte, she watched as the boy left and the chair to be filled with a boy called Stiles. "Thank you, it's nice to meet you both." She spoke softly and sweetly as she wanted to make a good first impression on them.

    Her attention was captured by the teacher who pointed her out to the class but didn't make any fuss which she was thankful for, the classes went by as usual and Charlotte soon felt herself getting back into the swing of things even if she was still receiving stares from many other students. As the day went on she met more of Scott's friends and pack members, she was friendly to them all even if a few were skeptical about her which she had been expecting. She didn't know what the pack has been through, but every single pack out there has gone through hard times and Scott's pack wouldn't be any different. "I'll see you after class then," She smiled when he dropped her off at her maths class, stepping into the classroom she suddenly felt lost again like she did that morning before Scott found her at her locker. He wasn't there with her, she couldn't sit beside him and ask him any questions if she needed help. She noticed Lydia was already sitting at a desk and although the red head hadn't given her a warm welcome, Charlotte would rather sit beside her than on her own for at least her first day.

    So she stepped over to the desk and placed her books and pencil case down onto the wooden surface, sitting on the plastic chair she gave Lydia a small 'hello' before they both focused on the work that the teacher was giving out. For Charlotte, the maths class went by quickly and the ringing bell hit her ears just after she had finished a difficult sum from her text book. Packing up her books she made her way out of the class room and watched as Lydia wandered off without saying a word, she'd just give the girl some more time to get used to her. Seeing Scott waving at her, Charlotte walked over to him and chuckled softly. "It was really good, the time flew by though. What?" She asked when he gave her a look, an expression she used on her older sister a lot when Lyra wanted to do something that Charlotte was uncertain about. It was the 'are you crazy' expression.

    "Stop it, I'm not crazy." She laughed for the first time since arriving in Beacon Hills, her eyes crinkled and her face just lit up. Lyra would give her that look whenever Charlotte willingly did extra school work, she shook her head lightly as she turned towards the direction that she thought the cafeteria was in. "I'm starving, let's go before I get grumpy." She glanced at Scott and she might even enjoy herself in this town, she was still homesick and wanted to see her friends again but maybe Beacon Hills wasn't as horrible as she made it out to be.
    September 7th, 2015 at 03:14am
  • Artax

    Artax (100)

    United States
    Scott McCall | The Leader

    Scott winced when she said the class went well before making a ludic face. "I think you might have to tutor me in math." It was no secret that was one of his weakest subjects; and science but that was also partially because Harrison hated him. As they leisurely strolled down the halls he snorted at her next words. "A grumpy Charlotte? Sounds as terrifying as intriguing." The main flood of students rushing towards the lunchrooms had trickled out, though a few stragglers were still out and about. "So I'll see you tomorrow night right?" It'd be nice knowing there was going to be at least one friendly face. To be honest he was terrified about going. He had no idea what to expect, what her family was like and what their pack dynamics were. What Scott had no idea about was the tensions already brewing in the Ramos pack. What he did know was they were a big family as Charlotte had informed him last night; and all born wolves.

    Apparently that meant something to them as Sterling had almost sneered the word bitten- as if it were a bad thing. Sure he wasn't born into a pack that knew already how to control themselves; but he was learning and teaching. Which was the important thing. But did the rest of the Ramos pack hold the same belief that bitten wolves were beneath blood ones? He supposed he'd find out tomorrow; and just hoped he wouldn't make an ass of himself. For those going to the meeting tomorrow night would head to Derek's tomorrow so he could introduce them to the world of wolf politics. Reaching the lunchroom, pointing out bits of the school along the way Scott was recanting the story of how he'd met the wolf who'd turned him here face to face for the first time. Of course he'd still in been in wolf form and the pack had become fractured after that, they thought Derek had died- though Scott left all that out.

    "When I was first bitten, it was pure luck. The guy who bit me was, is? Kind of crazy. Was homicidal back then- it was a revenge thing, but see those windows?" Pointing to the one in the back he chuckled awkwardly "All new. The insurance on this place must be astronomical." Finishing his story as he led her to the table where his wolves were already waiting for him he could feel seven pairs of eyes shift towards him. Scott figured the more he opened up about himself, would show he had nothing to hide. "So you've met Lydia, Boyd, Erica, Isaac and Stiles." at the mention of their names each greeted her in their small ways. Stiles grinned, his whiskey depths lighting up happily, Issac dipped his head respectfully while Erica grinned and Boyd greeted her in a small voice. Lydia just tilted her head as if sizing Charlotte up. It was just her nature, nothing was meant by it so Scott didn't say anything. "And the last members of the pack are Jackson, and Allison." His ex was holding Isaac's hand, her head resting on his shoulder while she smiled wearily up at Lottie.

    The ever present, bitter scent of wolfsbane clung to her clothes and awkwardly Scott glanced away. It wasn't so much that he was still cut up about the end of their relationship- it was just that it was a little soon to see her with someone else. And he didn't want the pack being broken up because of stupid teenage drama. Jackson gave his signature cocky smile and wink; causing Scott to hold back an annoyed huff. The alpha knew he wouldn't ever do anything to hurt Lydia, but it still got under his skin. "I actually think we live on the same street." Allison spoke up, trying to be welcoming. Her transformation since coming to Beacon Hills had been for the best. There was a time that she was determined to hunt down Derek and his pack when the beta had been alpha. Now tensions had mellowed out between hunter and wolf. That wasn't to say Chris was pleased she was dating another werewolf; though was warming up to his curly haired friend.

    Other than his pack mates watching Charlotte with a curiosity reminiscent of their bestial counterpart, things went pretty smoothly. Even Lydia was being kind, chiming in about their English teacher with an eye-roll and a small rant about the "menial" reading they'd been assigned which wasn't in the least challenging and over-used as a curriculum piece. The alpha had thought it was pretty challenging though his summer had been a tad preoccupied with trying to survive so he hadn't spent a lot of time reading the book. Then, lunch was winding down and it was time for Scott's gym class. He had Allison in this class and Jackson; though no one else. And after checking classes with Charlotte realized that he had no more classes with her after lunch. So, after each class he'd cut a bit early to bring Charlotte to her next room; before rushing to his. And then her first day was over. On his way out he noticed her heading towards a sleek looking candy-apple colored car and sent her a wave.

    If the Ramos' were like Charlotte, than he thought that everything would be fine. Then it was off to his house with Isaac. He would often alternate between staying with Derek and "His creepy uncle" and staying with Scott and Melissa. Once the two wolves got through the door, dropping their things down before thundering up to his room while Melissa shouted for them to do their homework before doing their "Wolfy" things. His mother was an honest saint. Which reminded him to tell her he'd be gone tomorrow and wouldn't be back until either late Saturday or Sunday. They had finished their homework, and then just relaxed. Isaac had been in one of his moods where he'd mostly just stared off at the wall his face set in a forlorn expression. There wasn't much Scott could do but if his packmate wanted to talk than he'd be happy to listen. They finally passed out on the floor of Scott's living room around one, the world outside cast with gloom and night. Scott's dreams were filled with echos of howls upon howls, and he awoke with a sense of panic late the next day. Night had long since bled into day and day melting to afternoon. Shit, of course this would be the day that Scott overslept. Swearing under his breath the alpha took the steps two at a time until he reached his bathroom, showering quickly and wrapping a towel around his waist as he made his way to his room to pick something out.

    He'd been ready to settle for his black and white checkered button up and a pair of newer looking jeans that wasn't stained with dirt from his many nights out in the woods when he heard a quiet knocking on the door. "What's going on this time?" His mother sounded tired, and wondering if he woke her Scott shrugged. "New family moved into Beacon Hills. Werewolves; they've got a daughter my age so I'm going to meet them all. Make sure they're all safe." A slow smile touched on his mother's lips as she crossed her arms. "Well I hope they're kind. We don't need anymore bodies at the morgue." Nodding Scott, buttoned up his last button before striding over to his mother to hold her wrists. "I'm gonna keep everyone safe." Melissa just reached out, patting her son's cheek. "I know. Go on, go get 'em alpha." Since coming around to what he was; Melissa had adjusted incredibly well. "I'll be home tomorrow. The moon's passed for the month and we'll settle pack things later." Sometimes Scott just felt bad for leaving his mother alone so often.

    If someone wanted to hurt him; the best way to do it was through his very human mother. But he knew that she was good friends with the Sheriff and if Scott needed he could him come check on his mother. Isaac had showered and dressed while he and Melissa were chatting, clearing his throat as he came into the room. "So we should get going. Sorry Scott's mom." Sometimes Isaac had a habit of still referring to Melissa as Scott's mom, though she didn't particularly mind. "You two protect each other. Understand?" Isaac snorted, running a hand through his hair. "We're not going to war." Rolling her eyes Scott's mother cuffed the back of his head lightly before setting off through the house mumbling about finally she could take a peaceful nap. They boys were quick to head downstairs, Scott grabbing the keys off the rack. The drive to Derek's was quiet, and when they pulled up Scott could sense Erica and Boyd already there along with Derek. Hopefully the beta's lecture wouldn't be too painful.

    Lyra Ramos | The Outcast Heir


    As Derek listed off the things to do around here she sighed with relief. "Good, looks like there'll be some places for me to sneak out to. Sitting around with bickering cousins can be a little agitating." Leaving out what exactly most family fights were about she had finally a nearly overflowing cart of food, and decided that the dinner would completely taken care of. Derek's cart wasn't looking too shabby either as they made their way towards the checkout line. Soon ingredients and snacks alike were scanned and checked out by sleepy looking employees. As Lyra paid, she waited a moment for Derek figuring they could at least walk back to their cars together. She'd fallen quiet again, her face sobered by her own thoughts. Derek, didn't press her and for that she was thankful. If Lyra was honest she enjoyed his company. Finally they were back in front of the hardware store and Lyra scuffled her feet against the dead leaves before speaking up. "It was really nice running into you. I'll see you maybe tomorrow night? And if not than I'll make sure your pack is okay. Alpha's promise."

    She could only imagine how important pack was to the mossy eyed man. After all, pack was naturally something wolves protected with their dying breaths; but after losing your entire family... Lyra imagined that he'd get antsy if they went without him. She would be late to pick up her sister so glancing over her shoulder once more she reminded herself she was an alpha to be, so there was no reason for the butterflies in her stomach as he smiled at her. Pulling out of the parking lot Lyra ignored pretty much every stop sign in Beacon Hills as she pulled up to the house wrinkling her nose. Derek was right, Chris Argent certainly was a hunter as their whole block had a subtle scent of wolfsbane. It was something she really had to focus to sniff out so it wasn't a huge deal. Dropping the grocery bags off on the front porch knowing her mother and father would bring them in. With that done it was back to the school to pick up her sister. There was an ungodly long line of people waiting to pick up their kids. Relishing in the solitude as she listened to her music it wasn't too long before the bell was ringing and kids were charging out in search of their cars.

    As the flood of kids trickled into just a small stream of them, she spotted Charlotte with Scott, and an amused grin pulled up Lyra's lips. She was so teasing her about it. What made her brows furrow together was the look that Scott sent her sister, something mixed with a breathless elation and just... happiness. Apparently the two had really hit it off. Shaking it off as Charlotte slid into the passenger seat, Lyra turned her music down and chuckled as they pulled off. "You two looked cozy. Don't tell dad or he'll really have a problem." Watching her fragile looking sister flush she broke off into peals of laughter. Outside clouds had rolled over the sun, casting a subtle gloom upon the town as the eldest Ramos pulled into the driveway noting the groceries from earlier were already put away. Tonight and tomorrow would be devoted to begin cooking desserts and then tomorrow the actual main meal. "So how many friends you'd make?"

    As Charlotte began talking rather animatedly about Scott's pack, Lyra relaxed. It would appear that she didn't have to worry about her sister being teased or harassed which was a huge relief. Since she wasn't a high school student anymore thank god Lyra always kind of worried that her sweet sister would have a bit of a hard time making friends. As the girls waltzed through the door of their house, Sterling could be heard calling "Charlotte, how was your first day? Also, Lyra we must speak." That sounded serious and paling wondering if he had scented Derek and had a problem with it she just nodded stiffly. "Yes father." While Sterling and Charlotte spoke about her day, Lyra had found her way into the kitchen to watch as her mother had bowls set out, and what smelled like cake already in the oven. "Can we put wolfsbane in Elijah's food?" Lyra asked innocently while Elowise shot her a stern look; though it was obvious she found it funny.

    Elowise didn't care for Uncle Levi's family either, as he had been the one to raise questions about the legitimacy of Lyra's parentage. "Someone's feeling cheeky today." Shrugging, leaving out she met Derek again- her parents could be weird about socializing with other packs she did as her mother asked, mixing things and getting what she could ready before Sterling meandered into the room. "Lyra, I think that it's time you became alpha. Your mother and I discussed it today- and we think it's wise. Here is a fresh start, and a young pack that may relate better to a young face such as yourself." Her father, never one for wasting words made Lyra nearly choke on surprise. "I'm a bit young..." She had been groomed for this since birth, though her father simply shook his head. "I've already called grandpa. He's agreed. It will be announced tomorrow night. And next full moon is when your ceremony will take place." There wasn't much that Lyra could do but nod, sending her blonde locks bouncing about her face. "Yes father."

    The rest of that night was spent preparing, and the next day cleaning the home furiously. The house smelled heavenly as strong aromas of heady meat drifted about. Lyra hardly noticed it. Since hearing the news she'd soon become alpha the curvy blonde had been lost in her thoughts. It would come as a surprise to Charlotte, so she wasn't really allowed to tell her younger sister what was bothering her when asked. So the eldest sister had merely said she was dreading Uncle Levi's arrival which wasn't exactly a lie. By noon everything was pretty much cooked, food being kept warm in the oven at the lowest temperatures, and also when her grandparents arrived. Soon after them cousins and aunts and uncles came pouring into the Ramos home. She was greeted with varying degrees of respect, and when Uncle Levi had come he'd barely so much as glanced at her. It was infurating. But as the family began to spill out towards the backyard where things where large hedges obstructed any view of neighbors.

    She was enjoying a hard cider when she heard a familiar voice, "Little Hyena what're you doing? Pack wants to play with you." Holding back a dark growl she turned her gaze onto Elijah. He'd gotten far more muscular and she knew what he wanted. It was customary for wolves to play-fight with each other; though in Lyra's case it was more like she was proving herself. And Elijah was her first challenge. "You'll show me respect Elijah. My name is Lyra to you." Her voice had lost that warm note it usually carried, and glancing around she noted Charlotte hanging out with Sterling who was watching his daughter with unease. He could step in and tell Elijah that he needed to back off; but that would reflect poorly. Her dark haired cousin simply glowered as wolves had subconsciously cleared a space in the middle of the yard for the pair. Tipping back her cider and finishing it off she shed her leather jacket, placing it on the table while she put her hair up. Elijah had growled with anticipation to prove to the family he was a better alpha than Lyra, and soon his human features had shifted revealing the wolf.

    Lyra had shifted as well, not to her full form, but her claws and fangs had come out to play. At first the two circled each other restlessly before Elijah made the first lunge; but he was slow and stepping aside Lyra brought her foot up to kick him literally in the ass sending him stumbling forward. "Four months and this is the best you can do?" She taunted hoping to work him up into a blind rage. It worked as her cousin charged again; and out of the corner of her eye she was distracted by a couple familiar faces. Scott and Derek. The music that was playing in the backyard covered up the growls from the two wolves. Her distraction proved a mistake as Elijah had shoved her had, bringing her down. His gasp was tight as Lyra landed with a groan. She hated family dinners.

    Making enough room to throw her elbow back she felt a sickening crack as her cousin's nose was broken. He let out a snarl of pain; momentarily stunned. It'd heal but for now it gave her enough of an opportunity to knee him. Lyra never said she'd fight fairly. While he was writhing in pain she got to her feet, placing one foot against his throat. For a moment he gazed up, furious before gritting out he submitted and shifting back. That would be enough roughhousing for now as Lyra had proven she was still a capable fighter. The reactions were mixed; Charlotte looked thoroughly amused though that might be because she'd noticed Scott who was now looking somewhat horrified at what he'd just seen. Her father was beaming, very clearly proud while her mother looked smug and her grandfather gave her a nod of approval.

    The music was once again covered by noise as people resumed their chats, sprawling back out as the fight which had been furious in intensity though short-lived if Lyra wanted to she could of dragged that out. Going back to her previous spot she was stopped by her Aunt Lin. "Are there bitten wolves here?" There was a note of confusion and a bit of odium in her voice as Lyra nodded. "Dad invited them." Her aunt nodded, distantly congratulated her on the win before disappearing. As she approached the cooler, bending down to pick up another cider the woman felt a presence behind her and turning around came face to face with mossy depths. "Hey. Drink?" She was a little mortified that he'd seen that. What the Ramos pack called roughhousing, wasn't done in all packs. It was a chance for the younger generation to prove themselves and figure out ranks and hierarchy without actually hurting each other as you weren't supposed to use claws or fangs. The blonde was all too aware of the stares that he was getting; outsiders were not always welcomed at the Ramos' home.
    September 7th, 2015 at 05:55am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Derek Hale | The Beta

    Derek knew exactly what it's like to be surrounded by family, when he was younger he would constantly sneak away because it could be irritating but now he missed those moments and wished for nothing but to have his family alive again. "If you need some company when sneaking away, just ask." He told her kindly as he meant what he said, moving to a new town would be hard and he wanted Lyra to be comfortable there. "Oh I'll be there, I'd never miss out on a free meal." He told her with a cheeky grin as they walked back towards their cars, he watched as she drove off before he went into the hardware store. He picked up a few more items that he had run out of before he drove himself home, he carried all the bags inside and worked through putting all the groceries away. He had made sure that the kitchen was semi working, there was a working fridge and freezer although he hadn't connected the stove yet. So anything that he wanted cooked was done outside on the barbeque, which was easier than connecting the stove as he had no idea how to actually do that and didn't want to burn down the rest of the damaged house.

    He had the night to himself as Issac was over at Scott's house, so he did a lot more work on the house as he wasn't getting distracted very two seconds by the younger betas'. It kept him calm for the most part and he'd take a break whenever he needed it, once the sun faded and the sky slowly turned dark. He cooked himself something to eat before going on a little jog and then he fell into his bed, sleep overtaking his relaxed body within seconds. The sun and chirping birds woke him in the morning, after eating a large breakfast he set onto the rest of the kitchen as it was a large room and would take him time before he would be happy with the finished product. He lost track of time as afternoon rolled around and he checked the time on a wall clock, he went into a downstairs bathroom to shower all the sweat and dirt from his skin. He had found a pair of black jeans and a black button up shirt, he got himself dressed and pulled on his trusty leather jacket while he wanted for Scott to arrive with Issac as he could hear Jackson parking his own car outside.

    He knew it would be Scott and Issac that would be the late ones, but he waited with Jackson for the two wolves to arrive. "Great impression this will be," He snarled at Scott and Issac although he honestly didn't really care, it was still early enough that they wouldn't be terribly late to the dinner and if they were than he'd blame Sterling as he never mentioned a time. They all climbed into Derek's car before he drove off through the town towards the Ramos house, he parked on the street and climbed out while giving the house a one over glance. "Sounds like everyone is already here," He murmured to the boys as he locked his car and had a bad feeling about this dinner, although he ignored those feelings and walked down a side path that lead to the backyard where everyone was. Both of his thick brows raised instantly as he watched Lyra play fight with a guy who Derek assumed was a cousin, once it was over he stepped over to Lyra. "Yeah thanks, that's one way to welcome us." Derek couldn't stop the smile that settled on his lips, he could feel eyes on him but his attention was all on Lyra. He knew outsiders weren't welcome as he could feel that, but they had been invited so everyone else could deal with the pack being there. He had done a little bit of play fighting in his family, it wasn't common but it was something the younger wolves to for fun honestly. Well it was for fun in his family as the meaning behind it, changed for every family and pack.
    Charlotte Ramos | The Human

    The school day finally ended and Charlotte was glad to get her backpack and leave, classes seemed to drag when she wasn't sitting beside Scott although she'd never mention that to anyone. She gave Scott a small wave as they walked outside and headed off into two different directions, she slid into Lyra's car seconds before her comment and a flush to settle across her cheeks. "No, we didn't. You're beginning to see things again," She told her sister even though the redness on her cheeks was a dead giveaway, "He's really nice. That's all, he showed me around for the whole day so I wouldn't get lost." She always panicked when she got lost so she was glad that Scott was there to help her, "I made seven friends. Well I met seven people, Scott's pack and I like them. They were unsure but they still welcomed me," She explained as she wouldn't call any of them friends right now, although Scott and Stiles were pretty warm and amazing for making her feel like she belonged there. As she followed her sister into their house, she set her bag down by the stairs before she walked into the living room and sat on the couch beside Sterling.

    "It was really good, I met Scott's pack and I like them Dad. I doubt that we'd have any problems with them, their all really just normal teenagers." She reassured her Dad before she went off and told him how her classes were and what she did for lunch, a little bit more about how nice Scott was to her as Sterling sat there listening to every word his youngest daughter said to him. "That's wonderful, darling. How about you go get your homework done, tomorrow is going to be busy." Sterling smiled as he pressed a kiss to Charlotte's head and watched her run off upstairs to her room, it didn't take Charlotte that long to finish the work that the teachers had given her in class. So once she was finished she headed back downstairs to help her mom and sister in the kitchen, they finished all the prepping before Charlotte tucked herself into her bed and got some sleep before the busy day that was ahead of them.

    Charlotte cleaned all the rooms that needed to, although nothing was dirty but it gave her something to do before she helped Elowise in the kitchen as she enjoyed cooking with her mom. She smiled widely when her grandparents arrived and gave them both a long hug, they had always been there for both Charlotte and Lyra. They didn't seem to care that both girls were different, their love for their granddaughters would never change. Charlotte greeted all their family members as they arrived, of course some were simply given a quick 'hello' while others received warm hugs as the girls wanted them to be in their home. Stepping outside Charlotte grabbed herself a drink of soda and stood with her father who was talking to Uncle Theo, Theo was Sterling's younger brother and has never said or thought a bad thing about his niece's. In fact he married a human woman and had many non-wolf children, so a little difference in the family was something he liked.

    It didn't take long before Elijah decided to start something with Lyra, she watched concerned for her older sister and went to step in although Sterling stopped her. Told her to let Lyra handle it as they stood there watching, Charlotte was amused when Lyra won the fight which she knew her sister would. Elijah really was all talk about wanting to become Alpha, the family would fall apart if Elijah did become the next Alpha once Sterling felt like stepping aside. She smiled when she noticed Scott had arrived, she walked over to him, Issac and Jackson. "Welcome to our home, do you want a drink?" She asked them and took them over to the cooler where the soda's were, she let them pick out a drink. "Sorry about that, I didn't think Elijah would be so quick to start. They were just playing, we're not meant to hurt anyone." She explained as they still seemed a little freaked out and she didn't blame them, they were all bitten besides Derek so they wouldn't know about how some families could play fight. She could feel the stares coming from her family but knew her dad would speak up about why Scott and his pack were there, once dinner actually started. Charlotte had decided to wear her blonde hair up in a messy bun, she wore a nice navy dress that flared out slightly around her waist and tights covered her legs to keep her somewhat warm.
    September 7th, 2015 at 08:36am
  • Artax

    Artax (100)

    United States
    Scott McCall | The Leader

    Derek was antsy about getting there when he and Isaac arrived; grumbling about being late. "Why you gotta date?" Erica taunted, though quickly shut up under his stare. The ride there was Derek pretty much just going over etiquette on how to conduct themselves. Pretty much stay out of Ramos business, don't insult anyone, try not to get into any fights though there may be playfighting which if asked was okay to engage in; and for the love of god don't get on their bad side. It seemed easy enough but as they pulled up Scott paused, his nose flaring. There was some warning bell in his head that something was going to happen, but he couldn't quite place his finger on it. "Should we have brought something?" Scott pondered aloud while Jackson snorted. "Like what, here's a deer, uncooked and still kicking. Welcome to Beacon Hills." Scouring Scott shut up, in time for his delicate ears to pick up the sounds of growls and snarls. And then he heard a crash as if someone had fallen to the ground. Curious Scott noticed a few things as they entered the backyard.

    The first and foremost was that Charlotte was standing with her father and some unknown men, and Scott would admit she looked beautiful. Secondly some sort of deformed ring had formed in the middle of the yard and pushing to the front, god there were a lot of people, Scott found a familiar looking alpha to be and a dark haired man. They were snarling at each other, shifted out already but it was hidden beneath the music to human ears. Holy. Shit. They hadn't even gotten there and already there were people going at each other's throats. Blinking as Jackson whispered "My money's on the blonde." Scott rolled his eyes and whispered back "That's the gonna be the Ramos' alpha someday. Try not to piss her off okay?" As he spoke, Charlotte had noticed him and was making her way over. "You've got a really nice home." Scott complimented trying not to look too freaked out about Lyra absolutely destroying what he assumed was a cousin. Jackson said a quick hello to Charlotte, though was distracted as a horde of children swamped about the co-captian's legs screeching "A new wolf, a new wolf! Protect the territory."

    It was clearly a game, as a couple half shifted children snapped at Jackson's legs, and the human ones squealed with delight as they followed suit. Was this what it was like for Derek growing up? Glancing over to the stoic beta he felt a stir of sorrow. Scott had never realized how close family packs had been. Was there truly a difference than being bitten into a pack? Jackson, deciding to let Scott be had playfully peeled one of the children off his leg to hoist her over his shoulder growling "I'll eat you all up!" and set about chasing them. As Charlotte apologized for the fight Scott held his hands up. "Don't worry, your sister kicks some serious ass. Remind me not to piss your family off." There was small flirtation in his grin, and they hadn't been chatting long when an arm slid around Charlotte's shoulder; which belonged to Sterling. "Young alpha McCall. Thank you for showing up. I hope my daughter's roughhousing hasn't scared you off us." In a way there was something about Sterling that reminded the alpha of Chris Argent.

    "No sir, I think it's really neat to see how a pack by family interacts with each other. Usually I gotta hide phones if I want people to socialize with each other." Scott joked, over exaggerating that part. He had noticed more than a few dirty stares, especially from an older man, around the same age as Sterling if Scott had to guess who was in quiet conversation with the man named Elijah. "Go around and feel free to talk to whom you like. I think you'll find we're not savage beasts that the Argent's were concerned we'd be." The other alpha had already talked to Argent? Nodding he glanced at Charlotte before wandering around talking to people as they came up to him; mostly asking about what this town was like and how he thought they'd settle in. Of course some people flat-out asked him what it was like not being in a pack bound by blood to which he tried to answer as best as possible. To be honest Derek would of probably given a better answer. By the time had sunk behind the treeline, and mates danced about with each other by tiki lights he was feeling quite at ease; regardless of some member's apparent hostility. Before he could linger too long on it he caught from the corner of his eye Lyra and Derek speaking, though she was leaned up towards his ear and since Scott severely doubted she was nipping at his ear, that she was whispering something. He'd make sure to make fun of the Sourwolf when Scott was sure his entrails wouldn't be ripped out.

    Then the woman from the other night, Elowise, was announcing it was time to eat and the pack began to shuffle their way indoors. Scott was quick to weave people, and score the seat next to Charlotte, and gave her a wide grin. This was one thing that Derek stressed, the oldest of the pack ate first. Which in the case would be the Ramos' grandparents. Things were going smoothly, and Scott nudged Charlotte gaining her attention halfway through his plate. "You look really nice." There was a sort of hesitance beneath his words like he wasn't sure that he could say that to her. Before she could answer though; all hell broke lose. It started when Sterling stood up, announcing his welcome and acceptance of Scott and the pack; and vice versa. As eyes fell on him Scott remembered Derek's warning of staying out of family business so he nodded with a very non-threatening beam. Already he could hear someone scoffing under their breath and while frowned Scott kept his mouth shut.

    Then came the next announcement which made his blood freeze for a moment. Sterling announcing that he was stepping down. It didn't take a genius to realize that the family was torn on looking shocked, pissed, and proud. What he wasn't expecting was for the man from earlier to get to his feet; his face red with anger. "This is outrageous! Dad, you can't possibly be considering letting Sterling pass the position onto Lyra." The eldest daughter just looked mortified as she stared down at her lap looking like she'd rather be anywhere else. So her shift wasn't a wolf? Was she a Kanima? No, surely that wasn't it and shooting a glance at Derek he just shrugged looking like he was torn between leaving and just trying to keep his mouth shut. As the grandparents cut in, that this was pack business and it would be discussed later Scott stood up in a rather spur of the moment thing. If these were his lands, and people looked up to him than maybe his opinion would help convince the other's he saw the potential Lyra had to be a great alpha. "I know I'm not family, but why shouldn't Lyra become alpha? So what if her shift isn't wolf, she's clearly capable." Surely such a mundane statement couldn't really hurt anyone; though from Lyra and Derek's expressions he was wrong.

    Lyra Ramos | The Outcast Heir


    She snorted, as she passed up a soda; some wolves weren't big drinkers. It wasn't like she could get drunk, but going through the motions of being an adult were an important part of blending in. Lyra's cheeks were slightly flushed as she ducked her head at his welcoming comment. "If I had it my way Elijah would exiled from the pack." She spoke quietly enough for only Derek to hear as saying that could serious offend someone. Her cousin was on the other side of the yard, talking under his breath with uncle Levi. It was clear that she was tense; her father's announcement wasn't far off from her mind. And then the outcry would begin. Rubbing her chin with her free hand she glanced around instantly picking out the bitten pack, and her heart went out to them. "They're so young. Yet so old have been bitten. You and Scott have done a good job teaching them." The bitten pack was mingling surpringly well with her family; A boy with cropped dark hair and stunning Aegean depths were chasing a few human and non-human children around half-shifted and gnashing his teeth while the children screamed wth delight.

    Isaac and Erica were talking with Sterling, Theo, and her grandparents while Charlotte and Scott weren't too far from each other. "You'd think they were born into it. Derek." There was a soft urgency in her voice as Lyra glanced around before leaning up to whisper against his ear so not to be overheard. "Dinner isn't going to go well. Just keep your heads down and you should be fine." Her eyes were dark with an intensity that was seldom there. She pulled back taking a nonchalant sip of her cider while she noted a stunning blonde and and the curly haired Isaac walking over. "We'd like to formally introduce ourselves, I'm Erica and that's Isaac." They were sweet looking kids, well that Erica girl had this confidence that could kill a man; which made Lyra smile as she glanced over at Derek. "My sister mentioned you and your pack to father. She had nothing but kind words to say." They chatted a little longer before Elowise and some other family members came out; hollering it was time to eat. Here came the hard part. Smiling as she told the two kids that she'd chat with them later Lyra turned to Derek her posture stiff and serious. "Just keep your heads down."

    With that she was strolling towards the french doors, mingling with family along her way. A few little ones clung to her legs shrieking for her to give them rides later. "Later." She simply promised, making her way to the table for her spot. Lyra, her sister and parent's would be sitting the closest to their grandparents; the oldest and the prior alpha as it showed the line of succession. From there it was kind of a free-for-all, and the dark haired boy which had been playing with her younger cousins ended up taking the spot across from her; while Scott ahd managed to nab the seat next to Charlotte. It probably wasn't a smart move as Lyra's father was sending him barely concealed looks of trepidation, though didn't remark. As the food was passed around, a decent helping on everyone's plate the family paused looking towards Lyra's grandparents as they took the first bite. "It's great Elowise. Dig in everyone." Lyra's grandmother bade with a kind, and wobbly smile. For awhile idle chatter filled the table until Sterling cleared his throat gaining the attention of all gathered.

    "Today we gather as tradition dictates to celebrate the first move of the Ramos pack in a long, long time. As I'm sure everyone knows, there have been great forces at work in Beacon Hills; something that would be a shame to miss this is a once in a lifetime opportunity." Sterling's voice was grand, confident and Lyra was pretty sure she'd never be able to speak like that. "I am sure that everyone has taken notice of my guests of honor. Young alpha Scott McCall and the McCall pack. The true alpha, and a competent one at that." Sterling's praise was surpsingly warm as he continued. "He and his pack have been kind enough to host us on these lands, so old and alive with magic ancient and powerful. This is a chance to meet creatures and beings which before have existed only in our bestiary. It is my decree we will be kind and gracious to any member of the McCall pack. Bitten or not." There was a huff of disgust from her Uncle Stephen, which made Lyra narrow her eyes.

    "And that brings me to my next and final announcement." Outside was dark, night had fallen and the pack held their breath as they watched Sterling. "I have weathered many years leading our pack in the best way I could. It has become clear to me that my legacy as alpha is drawing to a close; and the time has come to pass the torch on to my eldest daughter. Lyra." For a moment every was frozen with silence as Sterling continued. "She has been groomed since birth to take over my position; and I feel that a younger face, with fresh ideas would do our family good in the time of so many things changing. So many firsts. Lyra, my dear should you decide to accept the responsibilities of becoming alpha we will have your ceremony the next full moon." So many eyes were on her as Lyra felt her stomach drop at some of the furious and rattled expressions of her family. "I accept." Her words were short, though confident and sure. For a moment silence was deafening, and glancing at her sister found her to look positively shocked. "This is outrageous! Dad, you can't possibly be considering letting Sterling pass the position onto Lyra." Of course her uncle and a few others nodded their agreement while others just looked annoyed with the outburst.

    "Why not?" Her grandfather's voice, creaky and ancient with age was almost missed as he fixed his middle son with a challenging stare. "Because she is not a wolf. We have already welcomed her and her sister, who also has no real were abilities to speak of, into our ranks. Traditions state she has to be a wolf. Elijah was already nodding along in agreement. "My Daughters have just as much right to be in this pack as any of you; and besides the point it is Lyra's birth right. Regardless of what shape her shift is. Or have you already forgotten that Elijah has yet to best her in any sort of combat" Sterling's voice was sharp, soured with anger. "You all forget your place. We have guests. This is not the time or place." Her grandfather began to lecture when Scott stood up and Lyra wanted to tell him to sit back down. He was getting himself into a world of trouble if he spoke up. "I know I'm not family, but why shouldn't Lyra become alpha? So what if her shift isn't wolf, she's clearly capable." And there it was, Scott was throwing his support in and while the gesture was sweet; it now openly declared what side he was on if things got sour there was now nothing stopping the pack from going after his pack.
    September 7th, 2015 at 10:09am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Derek Hale | The Beta

    Shrugging his shoulders lightly, Derek had his eyes focused on Lyra solely. "We've tried our hardest, even when Scott was first bitten it was incredibly hard. I hadn't needed to teach a wolf anything and I've had to explain everything to them a few times now, it never gets any easier." He admitted to her as it was hard on him, but it was even harder on the bitten wolves because their lives had been thrown upside down in a second and then they needed to learn everything that Derek learnt as he grew up. Control could be hard to get under control for a blood werewolf, it's even more harder for a bitten wolf and Derek did everything he could to help the pack of bitten werewolves the most he could. "I know, they've all done amazingly. I'm actually proud of them, but don't tell them that." He grinned at her as he watched Jackson chasing the little children around the large backyard, even Issac seemed to be fitting in well enough with the Ramos' that actually seemed to be open to having the pack there at their family dinner.

    Then a frown formed onto Derek's face when Lyra told him to just keep his head down during dinner, he had told the pack that already. That they were only guests and to steer clear of any family business, he made sure that they understood that they couldn't speak up no matter how badly they wanted to. But when Lyra told him something that he already knew, the bad feeling in his gut only grew stronger and he wanted to ask her about it but then the lady from last night called everyone inside to have dinner. He followed Lyra into the house and had a brief but nice chat with a man who seemed to be only a year or two older than he was, obviously another cousin to Lyra that he was glad that he got a chair between the cousin, he now knew was Kyle, and Jackson as he wanted to be fairly close to where Lyra was sitting at the table. He filled his plate with the hot delicious smelling food but waited until the Ramos grandparents took the first bites, he was currently chewing a mouthful of pork roast when Sterling stood up from his chair so he could have a speech.

    He glanced over at Scott when he and the pack were welcomed, but as Sterling's speech continued on Derek found himself glancing over to Lyra. He could smell the nerves coming off her and it was clearly written all over her face that something was coming up, he braced himself for anything that was going to happen and it surely did. Sterling was going to step aside and let Lyra take over as Alpha, it was happening a lot quicker than Derek had been expecting but after talking to the blonde yesterday made Derek know that she was ready and she would be a wonderful Alpha. His eyes narrowed in a cold glare at the uncle who had stood up from his chair, so Lyra's shift wasn't a wolf and that is where all the tension was coming from. He kept his mouth shut as he listened to everything that was being said, his eyes moving over to Lyra as he wanted to stand up for her but knew against it. However it seemed that Scott had other ideas, he wanted to tackle the Alpha to the floor to just shut him up from saying anything else.
    Charlotte Ramos | The Human

    Charlotte smiled at Scott and nodded her head, "I'll remind you of that whenever you need it. Lyra would do anything for our family," She told him as her sister really would kick anyone's ass if her family was messed with, the sooner that Scott knew that the best and the safer he would be. A flush coated her cheeks as she looked at Scott, until an arm was wrapped around her shoulders and her dad ruined any moment that could have been forming between her and the true Alpha. She smiled up at her father before she watched Scott walk off and mingle with her family members, most of who seemed to be fine with him. In fact some seemed pleased to finally met him and a few aunt's held Scott back to ask him about the town and how he was after being bitten, she didn't want to interrupt so she moved around the backyard to speak with more of her family.

    Charlotte begun to eat and was glad that Scott had been quick enough to bag the seat beside her, which wouldn't have pleased her father but she didn't really pay any attention to that. She smiled when her dad stood and started his speech, she always did love listening to his speeches as his voice was so powerful and smoothing. She smiled at Scott when Sterling welcomed him and the pack to their new home, but then Sterling went on to tell the family that he was stepping aside and shock flowed through her body as she didn't even know that her dad had been thinking about letting Lyra take over so shortly. But a wide proud smile reached her eyes as she looked beside her at her older sister, she reached under the table and wrapped her fingers around Lyra's hand to give her some reassurance and this was going to let hell break loose which Charlotte was ready for. She sat still and silent in her chair while her Uncle Levi argued about Lyra not being the right fit to be Alpha of this family, she gritted her teeth and bit her tongue as she wanted to have her own say about this.

    Her head snapped down the table when Levi dragged her into this, she didn't want Scott or his pack to know about her yet and here her uncle was blurting it out in front of their guests. Her eyes focused on Uncle Levi as she hadn't been paying attention, if she had been then she would have noticed Scott standing up before she did when it was too late. He was already talking before she could stop him, it was sweet that he was siding with Lyra but it wasn't the right time to tell the Ramos family that. So Charlotte wrapped her fingers around his hand and pulled him back down, she shook her head slightly when he looked at her. "At least we know where the bitten pack sits, with the two abominations" Levi spat with disgust on his face and in his voice, he spoke like he had venom on his tongue and it was burning the skin. But Charlotte had more than enough at that point in time.

    "You know what, you can say anything about me which you already do and have been doing since I was born. But don't you dare drag my sister down when this moment is meant to a happy one for her, deal with it Uncle Levi you will never be our Alpha and neither will Elijah. So get over yourself. So what if Lyra's shift isn't a wolf, this family needs a change and that is why my sister will be a great Alpha." Charlotte spoke so firmly that it even surprised her because she wasn't like this very often, but when someone was rude to her loved ones than she would stand up for them and she wouldn't back down. "How dare you speak to me like that, it seems Sterling needs to put you into place little human." Levi sneered at his niece in a threatening tone of voice that it made Charlotte want to back down and retreat, but his words felt like a slap in the face and soon enough tears were welling up in her eyes which she tried her hardest to blink away.
    September 7th, 2015 at 12:16pm
  • Artax

    Artax (100)

    United States
    Scott McCall | The Leader

    Well this night had taken a turn he didn't expect; but when Levi began threatening Charlotte the alpha once again opened her mouth. "Do not talk to her like that." His voice was quiet with warning while he glared. Oh he wanted to flash his teeth, dare that asshole to come a little closer; but he knew that would flatout start a feud with the family. "Enough!" Lyra having her fill of Levi and his son had her eyes narrowed as she stood. "You need to leave. Now Uncle Levi." He he opened his mouth as if to disagree, but Lyra was flashing her golden depths at him, and with a huff he jabbed a finger at Scott and Sterling. "Do not think this is over." With that he, his wife, and son were standing up storming towards the door though stopping at their grandparents. "We need to uphold tradition, as we always have. A bitten pack siding with Lyra just shows that her reign would be disastrous." Scott heard Jackson mutter Asshole under his breath as Levi left; and Scott had to agree with him. Isaac was glowering while Erica looked like she was fighting to keep her mouth shut.

    Clearly Sterling had meant for that to be a happy announcement; but as people stared down at their plates in stony silence he figured it was anything but. Scott feeling rather awkward glanced over at Lyra and murmured "Congratulations." The blonde just glanced at him, her face set in something mixed with pity and anger. Which was understandable, if his packmates told him he wasn't a good alpha because of something he couldn't help like his race- than he'd be rather disgruntled as well. "I'm sorry you had to witness that everyone." Sterling was uncharacteristically quiet, his eyes cast downwards while Elowise quietly captured his hand with her's. "Your support means a lot to us young alpha. I trust we can rely on it should things go sour?" Charlotte's mother fixed him with an unreadable stare and glancing around at his packmates he nodded slowly. "Of course." And there he went, breaking the rule Derek warned him against; getting sucked into pack politics. Sterling nodded, his eyes softening as he met Scott's gaze. "Thank you. I think it's best everyone go home. This dinner has concluded. Except for Scott, I would like to speak to you privately."

    The alpha jerked his head in Sterling's directions. Had he done something? He'd only been trying to help Charlotte and her family. For Scott, he could see the reasoning behind Sterling naming Lyra so early. If the family was this split and polarized about who should lead the pack; the sooner to announce it was for the better. It would give less time for any opposition to come up with a plan to stop Lyra from becoming an alpha. It also occurred to Scott that this was just a power play. It wasn't like Sterling was leaving Beacon Hills after his daughter took over; and he'd be there to help her lead. While at the same time the family would learn to accept her rule. People had begun murmuring their goodbyes, and congratualations to Lyra. One man, he recalled Theodore, was helping the elderly grandparents up and out of the home. Once the last person had shuffled out, Sterling motioned for Scott to follow. Trying to avoid Derek's smoldering gaze, oh he'd get an earful later he was sure, he quietly followed Sterling deeper within the house to a tidy looking study. "Sit. Please." In the dim lighting of the room it showed how exhausted Sterling looked.

    "You know, I have always known that Lyra would have a difficult time taking over for me. It wasn't until recently that the alpha laws were changed in our family. Usually it was the eldest male. I have always known that it has been traditions that have helped us weather ourselves through rough waters and survive thus far. But Lyra, as a female and as you heard not a wolf is going to need all the allies she can get. Which is why I wanted to personally thank you." Shifting in his seat feeling a little awkward Scott just nodded wordlessly. "But an alliance is a give and take; which is why I will offer you and your pack a place every month to help learn to fully master your shifts and everything that comes along with being a were." Running a hand through his stiff, gelled hair Scott wasn't sure what to say for a moment. That was a big offer, and Sterling continued "And of course for those who wish to run with us may feel welcome whenever. My family is gracious and in debt to you." Maybe the older alpha wasn't such a callous asshole after all. "Wow... That's- thank you Sterling."

    He just nodded gravely and motioned towards the door. "I need some time to myself. Gather your pack at your leisure. And make sure to see my wife, she will give you all leftovers." Nodding, Scott stood biding him a good night before making his way back to the living room. The house was eerily quiet leaving Scott to try to pinpoint where everyone was. Hearing a couple voices from the living room he followed them; finding Elowise and Charlotte talking in soft voices. They didn't notice him at first, and he paused catching the tail-end of what they were talking about. "You know that Uncle Levi is just a bitter old man. You are not an abomination. Neither is your sister. You are two beautiful and different soul which Levi's pathetically small brain and shriveled up heart cannot accept. Your family loves you, but power can twist even blood." Clearing his throat as he stepped into the room Elowise gave one last small smile at her daughter before gently patting her hand. "Please stay a while longer Scott. I'll make your pack some leftovers. Most of them are roughhousing in the backyard. Probably working out some energy" With that she was leaving the room leaving Scott and Charlotte.

    "No offense, but your uncle asshole is the one who's an abomination." Scott all but growled as he sat down next to Charlotte. He didn't understand how someone could call such a kind soul anything other than that. "Being a wolf isn't everything. Some of the most cherished pack-members I have are human." Scott promised in a quiet voice. "Your sister will make a great alpha, and once your uncle gets off his high horse he'll see that. But don't think that his faults and weaknesses reflect on you in anyway." His warm soulful brown eyes were honest and fierce. The orangey glow cast strange shadows on his face as Scott leaned back against the couch. "I know it's not like family- but you always have me and my pack. Can always count on your friends." It was getting late, and he knew he'd need to gather his members and head out soon; but he didn't want to leave Charlotte distressed. He was curious about how a human could smell like a wolf if what Levi said was true; but he wasn't about to ask.

    Lyra Ramos | The Outcast Heir


    Lyra kept her head down as people around her fought, with a ferocity that made her question how the hell this was going to get resolved. See, if most her family was against her taking over and her cousin was capable than she wouldn't mind. But Elijah was hot-headed, aggressive, and found wolves superior to anything. So likely the amount of turf wars they got into would triple, and she and her family would be excommunicated. And besides Elijah there really wasn't any other candidate. When Levi referred to her and her sisters as abominations Lyra felt her heart tearing itself into tiny pieces. It was like Levi could find her most vulnerable spots and drag them out for the world to see; but when he started in on Charlotte Lyra snarled loud enough for the table to hear. "You keep your mouth shut about my sister. Say what you want about me- I'm the one you have a problem with but you will not disrespect the family in front of me anymore. Father had been lenient with you and I will not." There was a soft threat beneath Lyra's words that made Levi pale. Before anyone else cut her off, Lyra pointed towards the door. "Enough! You and your family need to leave Uncle Levi. Now."

    Honestly she didn't fully trust herself not to shift then and there and teach the bitter man a lesson. Surprisingly he backed down, sensing the power and anger beneath her words. He left, but not without a jab at Scott's pack and her family. A low growl was rumbling deep within Lyra's throat though she paused as Scott mumbled a congratulations. He'd been the first to say it, and trying to keep her composure nodded. "Thank you." The sheer amount of eyes in the room felt suffocating. "Excuse me." Lyra mumbled before hurriedly exiting the room with her head down. Her hyena was snarling in her head, furious and heartbroken all at once. What the killer was, had she been born a wolf; her family would of praised her. There would be no rifts nor fighting; just an acceptance she'd be the next alpha. Almost subconsciously her legs carried her to the backyard, finally finding the solitude she needed to sort her thoughts out. It was tempting to shift now, head to the woods and spend the night hunting. Killing deer was far more acceptable than killing people. "Lyra?" Turning her head she found that Jackson, Isaac, and Erica had found her, standing there hesitantly.

    Forcing a smile upon her lips she tilted her head, "Hey guys. Sorry you all to see that." They shook their heads and finally it was Erica to speak up. "We just wanted to let you know we think you'll do a great job. And if you ever need someone to egg his house- you know where to find us. Just don't tell Derek." A genuine smile broke onto her lips as she giggled into her hand. "I will keep that in mind. Thank you, really." She'd have to find Scott later to lecture him about throwing his support down, especially from the beginning as now everyone knew. These young wolves had so much to learn that they couldn't afford to be fighting her battles. If push came to shove she'd do what she could to make sure that no one went after them. An alpha could refuse support; though that didn't mean that they wouldn't still be targets. The three had shuffled further in the yard to roughhouse, probably getting energy out before they headed back. Still lost in thought she pulled her phone out, aimlessly browsing the internet. Sensing something behind her she whipped around to find Derek, relaxing slightly. "Sorry, I feel like now I should of warned Scott. Hindsight is 20/20." Lyra sighed, feeling absolutely apologetic for having the bitten back getting dragged into this.

    She could only imagine how this would effect everything. If things got out of hand the hunters would be forced to act and the Ramos pack my face extermination; even if Lyra's sister, mother, and father hadn't done anything. "You know, I think I may need some sneaking away before shit really hits the fan." Lyra sighed, a bit of a shimmering amusement in the depths of her sea-green depths. "And on a more serious note, I'll do what I can to make sure no one goes after you and your pack. I..." Her voice trailed off, and glancing down heaved off a heavy sigh. She would feel horrible if something happened. If one of those teenagers got crossed in the crosshairs of whatever this was going to be. Which hopefully it would be nothing. But there was a sinking feeling in her gut that Levi wouldn't submit to her rule; and the first inner-family conflict would roll around for the first time in a century.
    September 8th, 2015 at 03:58am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Derek Hale | The Beta

    Derek felt like slapping himself in the face as he listened to Scott agree to help the Ramos' if anything happened between family members, he had warned Scott not to get dragging into another pack's business but he guessed that he had just been talking to himself on the drive over to the house because the Alpha surely hadn't been listening to a single word Derek had spoken. However, he didn't actually blame Scott as he would have probably done the exact same thing if he had been in Scott's positions. But that didn't mean he wouldn't be giving the young Alpha a big lecture of why he needs to stay away from pack politics, it was just the type of person that Scott was and Derek loved that about the boy. He'd do whatever he could to help anyone in this town, but now there was a great chance of a fight breaking out and if the bitten pack weren't careful than it could end with them being the ones who get hurt. His glare followed Scott as he moved through the house when Sterling asked for a word.

    Standing up from the table, he stayed behind to help carry all the plates and dishes over to the kitchen counter. He was now the only one still in the dining room but he didn't really mind, it made sure that he didn't have to talk to anyone. He could hear soft voices in the living room which he didn't want to overhear so he focused his hearing on what was happening in the backyard, Jackson, Erica and Issac all begun to roughhouse with each other which was good because if they did burn off some energy now than they wouldn't be getting much sleep that night. Once the dining table was clear he stepped out into the backyard and quietly walked over to where Lyra was standing.

    "I did warn Scott about speaking when he shouldn't, it would have happened even if you did warn him to keep his mouth shut." He assured her in hopes that she wouldn't feel too bad about everything that went down, "Whenever you want to sneak away just say. I'll show you some great places around town, I'm not that good at talking but I can listen." He told her as his eyes softened as he gazed at her, he couldn't remember the last time he talked about his feelings as that wasn't the type of guy he was but he could still listen to others and just be there for them.

    "Surprisingly, we can take care of ourselves. We might be a small pack but we've been through a lot these past years, the kids are stronger than they appear. We will be by your side if or when anything happens," Derek promised the blonde because it was the truth, even if Scott hadn't verbally agreed to side with Lyra they would have done so either way. Her uncle was an asshole and a bully which Derek has never put up with before in his life, so he wasn't going to start now. If Levi and whoever else started a war than it will be them who suffer and retreat with their tails between their legs, Derek was stubborn so he was never going to back down.
    Charlotte Ramos | The Human

    A couple of tears rolled down Charlotte's cheeks as she listened to her family leaving the house, she didn't really bother saying goodbye to many of them as she didn't want them to see how upset she was. Once Lyra had excused herself, Charlotte did the same thing but decided on going to the living room. She sat on the couch where she let some more tears escape from her crushed blue eyes, Levi's words constantly echoed around her mind and it was only upsetting her even more. Feeling the cushion sink slightly she smelt her mother's perfume and looked at her, "Why has he have to be so cold hearted?" She asked with a break in her voice, she felt Elowise's arm engulf her which always got Charlotte to calm down whenever her emotions got the best of her. They sat on the couch talking quietly as Elowise assured Charlotte of how beautiful and amazing she was, she had wiped her tears away from her eyes not long before Scott cleared his voice and her mom rushed off to get the leftovers ready for the pack.

    "Lyra is going to change this family, I've always known that. But in this family, being a wolf if the most important thing. Yes, some of the children are humans but that's because one parent is a human. Both of mine are wolves, meaning Lyra and I should be as well." Charlotte hadn't really looked at Scott yet, she was so embarrassed that he had witnessed a family argument already. Charlotte and her family had only been there for three days and yet Scott and his pack had already been dragged into a fight which was going to be worsen, she let a heavy sigh escape through her parted lips before she turned slightly to look at the young Alpha. It was obvious that she had been crying a little bit, "I didn't want you to find out like that. I didn't want you to even know so soon... But I had the wolf gene and I sort of still do, my Mom was seven months pregnant with me when she got sick. It attacked her body and it attacked me, I wouldn't have made it if my wolf genes didn't kick in and fight the illness off." Charlotte had to stop for a moment as it was not only a lot for Scott to take in, but it had always been tough for Charlotte to think about and now she had to explain what happened to someone.

    But she shook off how she feeling as he deserved to know, he had already agreed to be there for her family so he had a right to know about her. "Fighting the illness took everything my little body had, it took my genes away from me. I have some heightened senses but it's nothing like a werewolf and I can't shift, I don't have the teeth or claws. I guess a tiny part of me is somewhat a wolf, but I'm mostly human which is why I don't have much of a wolf scent." She told him as quickly as her words would let her without getting tongue tied, she wouldn't tell him about Lyra as that was her sister's place. She looked down at her lap as she didn't know what Scott would even say to that, she hoped that this didn't cause him to see her differently now.

    "I should be able to do more, help my sister be the Alpha that she was born to be. Stop my uncle and cousin from bullying her, her shift is beautiful." She would always be there for her sister and her parents, but she wished she was a more of a wolf so she could actually help. "Thank you, Scott. But I don't want you risking yourself or your pack," She lifted her eyes to lock onto his, she had only just met him but she already worried about something bad happening to him. "And you don't scrub up too badly either." She never got to thank him for his compliment on how she looked nice earlier, it was never to late to give someone a compliment.
    September 8th, 2015 at 09:25am
  • CoffeeandLightsabers

    CoffeeandLightsabers (100)

    United States
    Oh my god wrong post I am so sorry!
    September 9th, 2015 at 07:49am
  • Artax

    Artax (100)

    United States
    Scott McCall | The Leader

    Listening, nodding at her words Scott smiled. "The only shift I've ever been terrified of is a Kanima. And that's mostly because it was trying to kill all of us." He didn't doubt that Lyra's shift was unique, how could it not? This whole family was kind of unique. That happy-go-lucky and kind of dopey grin as she started in on him about not wanting his pack to be in danger. "So far, we've fought off a homicidal alpha, a kanima, hordes of crazy hunters, and an alpha pack. At this point, your family doesn't scare me that much." He didn't know Charlotte that long, but there was an undeniable want to protect her, and softening he added. "Besides, my pack would help you even if I told them not to." He fully believed in fighting for good causes, and not having Levi or Elijah leading the Ramos' would be a good cause. "I can consult my emissary too, see if he has any suggestions about how to help you guys." He may not of been born into this pack; but it was common sense that assured him it would be wisest to see the intended alpha leading. Maybe he also wanted to impress Charlotte. Just a little.

    He could sense his pack, they were restless and he was not looking forward to what Derek would say once they were in the car. Scott could easily just lope back but that would just be putting off the inevitable. "Charlotte, the most important thing is you're alive. Try to remember things will pan out, and I'll do my best to help." Hearing her mom hurrying back from the kitchen Scott got to his feet; exhaustion beginning to color his blood. "Here you are dear." A shopping bag full of containers was handed to him, Scott would give this to Derek. Could probably use it more than him. "Thank you." She just nodded and turned to Charlotte, Elowise's expression softening. "Charlotte dear, start getting ready for bed. It's late and you need your strength." Charlotte dipped her head, fixing Scott with a shy goodnight to which he nodded. It was time to get going the night had long since passed into being and his mother would begin to get worried. "Thanks for having us again." Scott mumbled beneath Elowise's incomprehensible gaze. "Of course. We'll see you around Scott." With that Elowise too began to head back towards the stairwell, probably going to bed.

    The house had fallen deathly quiet, and Scott could still smell the anger and jealousy in the air making him feel muddled. "Never a dull day." He sighed to himself, stepping out to the backyard where Derek and Lyra were speaking. Derek was stating that they could take care of themselves, while his other three pack members jostled each other about, Erica sending Isaac flying. "Guys, are you all ready?" Scott called, earning a few chorus of yeah, save for Isaac. "Uh... If you don't mind I'm gonna go to Allison's tonight." Even though the pair had been dating for months now; Isaac still sounded unsure whenever he mentioned the relationship to Scott. "Go for it man." The Argent's were only a few houses down. He could hear a few animals caterwauling in the night, and the alpha was unsure of how to tell the rest of the pack they were potentially going to be having conflict with yet another pack. And why. In his hand was the shopping bag of food, and almost sheepishly he offered it to Derek in hopes that he wouldn't be too upset with him.

    Yes Scott had ignored his rule of not getting into pack politics; but he felt like it was right. It was for a good cause and deep down in his little stone heart, he probably wanted to help as well. Erica had given Jackson one last shove before bounding over to Lyra and giving her a quick hug. Beneath her gruff exterior something that he was convinced she got from Derek when he was her alpha she was really sweet. "Tell Charlotte that I'll see her in school okay?" Lyra just nodded, looking taken aback as if she were shocked that someone would be kind to her. Same with Charlotte, and it kind of hurt Scott's heart. Jackson sent her one if his rarer genuine smiles before biding goodbye, and together he and the blonde headed towards Derek's car, leaving Scott to trail after them. He was already coming up with the words to defend his actions as he slid into the passenger seat. He'd like to drive Derek's car was fucking sweet- this he knew from the one time he'd been able to drive it; but Derek treated that car like his firstborn. No drinking, no eating, no feet up on seats and no one was to get behind the wheel without his permission.

    A few minutes later Derek came sauntering from the side of the house and Scott readied himself for the stern words he'd surely get. As Derek opened the door, sliding behind the wheel and starting the engine Scott decided to speak first. "You know that went pretty well." Jackson from the backseat squawked with laughter and Scott glared at him from the mirror. "I mean all things considering I think they like us. And uh no died." It was Derek's turn to glower as he started in about how I told you to stay out of it, nyah-nyah-nyah, do you have any idea what could happen if this pack went to war, there are other ways to support Lyra without getting involved, did you not hear a single thing I said? At least that was the gist of it. "What would you have done if Elijah or Levi got the spot? You know acted like we had rabies." From the backseat Jackson chimed in once more, "Probably because that's what he thinks of bitten wolves. So does their uncle Stephen. He told me about how he was so sorry I was bitten and this and that and how I'd never control myself during full moons. Good stuff." He could sense everyone's agitiation from their pack bonds. Nudging Derek the alpha added in a small voice "C'mon Derek. Not like you didn't want to help Lyra out anyway. It's in your best interest and mine. And the packs."

    Lyra Ramos | The Outcast Heir


    She was a little touched by his offers. And honestly they sounded great. Lyra loved her parents and sister, but she didn't want to continuously let on about how much Levi and his children got to her. In her eyes it was a weakness to allow something that was so trivial upset her. "Thank you." Her voice was soft and quiet, and she wasn't sure if she wanted to say anything else because Scott was heading out the door, looking for his pack. Derek hadn't mentioned anything about her unusual shift. Hadn't asked to see it or even what it was; and for that she was grateful. "I'll be in touch." Lyra promised, a voice softer than she usually used before dipping her head to Scott before heading inside. "They can't die because of me." Three days in Beacon Hills and she already felt the need to protect that pack like her own. Lyra had headed to the kitchen to grab a glass of water when she heard quiet footsteps. "Lyra, tonight you did well." Glancing up she saw her father looking drained and exhausted, to which she nodded.

    "Well it was nothing less than what was expected." Sterling sighed, his shoulders slumping as he nodded. "There's something that could help cement your reign." She didn't like where this conversation was going and already her beast was snapping it's teeth with it's strange noises which had become like a lullaby to Lyra. "Dad-" He cut her off, raising his hand. "It's part of pack life Lyra. You're twenty-three. You can't lead a pack without a suitable mate; now I'm not suggesting you take the next male you lay eyes on, but a werewolf would be a strategic move. You understand?" He had a point, and Lyra felt her stomach sink. "I want to prove myself first as an alpha before considering finding a mate. The only way I'd take one now if it was my soul-mate. But since those are rare I wouldn't hold my breath." She hated the fact that it took an alpha pair to lead a pack, and once she accepted her position opposes and supporters alike would urge her to find someone she could lead with.

    But she refused to settle for just anyone, and honestly in her opinion she'd only moved here, she was young and that wasn't nearly her first priority. "Other than that Lyra; you'd be wise to form some alliances and bonds. As I saw tonight." Of course, everything was just one big lead-up to the shift in leadership of the Ramos pack. Taking a long swig of water, dumping the rest into the sink she was about to brush past him upstairs when Sterling reached out, gently grabbing her arm. "I have another favor to ask of you darling. McCall- I'd like you to watch him around Charlotte. I'm all for her forming friendships but I do not want her getting involved with a bitten werewolf." Oh how different her world was from her younger sister. He'd just urged her to keep an eye out for at least a suitable mate, while forbidding Charlotte from developing anything more than a friendship with McCall. "Bit early for that." Was all Lyra said before hurrying towards the stairwell. Her steps were heavy and quick up the stairs, she was going to head for Charlotte's room.

    Her gentle sister had a way of soothing Lyra's more fiery temper- and also she felt it in order to chat about today. Knocking before allowing herself into the room, finding her sister sitting by the window with the reading light on. "I'd ask to come in- but you know I will anyway." Lyra joked, as she waltzed in shutting the door. "How you feeling Little Sister?" The brazen boldness in Lyra's voice was gone, just a benevolent husk. "Your friends offered to go egg Uncle Levi's house. I might do that myself." She joked, sitting down on the bed while rubbing her chin with a slender hand. "I'm really sorry I didn't tell you before. Dad didn't want me saying anything in case everyone found out and that whole day would of been chaotic. Also, just so you know I'll do what I can to denounce Scott's help. Make him less of a target. Foolish boy." For a moment Lyra's eyes hardened though softened as she added "Kind though. I think our packs will gel nicely together." She spoke to fill silence and chase ghosts from her head of everyone's anger. All the things she'd kept bottled up, was usually laid out for her sister. Charlotte had a way of letting Lyra speak her mind, without making the alpha to be feel weak and churlish.
    September 9th, 2015 at 07:49am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Derek Hale | The Beta

    Derek gave Lyra a sharp nod of his head as he followed Scott to where his car was parked, setting the bag of delicious smelling leftovers on the floor he started the engine before pulling away. His voice shortly filled his car as he told the Alpha off even though he had no idea if Scott was even listening to him or not, "It doesn't matter what they think of us, we know how we are and they have the right to think whatever they want. But getting us all involved in a family of werewolves wasn't a smart move, we were all put on the spot and you reacted without thinking, Scott." Derek fired with caused Jackson to shut his mouth ever so quickly, "If you thought fighting a pack full of Alpha's than a family is only going to be harder. It's obvious that the dick uncle doesn't want Lyra to take over being Alpha, he's not going to stop until he gets what he wants and it won't matter to him if he has to fight his family. I've seen and heard of wolves like this, the power of belonging to such a strong family has already gotten to to his head. Derek sighed heavily as this was going to be tough on Lyra, she hasn't even become the Alpha yet and she would already need to deal with family members that see her different shift only. They don't see her as family or blood, she's different and that isn't right in their eyes.

    "I would have helped her out, but I wouldn't have let which side I was on in front of everyone. There were other ways, better ways of doing this Scott. But... I suppose we'll deal with whatever happens," He didn't want Scott thinking that he wasn't going to be there for the pack when it came time to a war, of course he would be fighting but he still wanted Scott to know that jumping in blindly wasn't how a strong Alpha would do things. Derek felt like he could only teach Scott so much, everything else Scott would need to learn for himself which was harder than Derek first thought. He didn't want anything to happen to the Alpha but at the same time, he couldn't treat Scott like a child even though he was still technically a child. "I'll be spending more time with Lyra and you lot will keep an eye on Charlotte, we have no idea what their uncle will plan but we need to be ready for whatever he does bring upon this town. Derek told them before he pulled over to the side and let both Jackson and Erica out as they lived close by, they could run back home to wear themselves out a little bit.

    Derek continued driving towards the McCall house, this time there was silence as he had said everything he needed to for the moment. Scott was always learning and that wouldn't be stopping any time soon, he couldn't be that angry with the young wolf as he did what he felt was right. If he could take it all back, Derek wouldn't as this made Scott who he was and he would be one of the greatest Alpha's because of it. "Did Charlotte explain to you what her uncle meant when he called her human? Is she someone we have to worry about?" He would admit that he was curious, he could still smell some wolf on her although it was weak. He didn't want to be helping the Ramos family when the youngest of Sterling's daughter would become a hazard for them, he hoped she wouldn't be as she seemed nice enough and Scott liked her already which he never did often. He gave everyone a chance, but he could still be cautious of new people.
    Charlotte Ramos | The Human

    Charlotte had changed into her pajamas and decided to read for a little while as she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep, even though she was tired from how busy the day was. Scott's voice echoed in her mind and it felt nice knowing there were more people around that would help them willingly, but she still didn't want him or his pack getting anymore involved in the family problem. Looking up she sent her older sister a small smile, "You never did wait longer than a second after knocking. I'm fine, how are you? You know how green with jealously Uncle Levi is, I bet he wants to be something other than the mutt he is." She looked at her sister as she shut her book, although that would make their family and Scott a mutt which she didn't mean, but Lyra always knew what she meant so Charlotte didn't correct herself. "Could we go egg his house? I mean he won't have any proof that it was us, it's get some anger out and Mom always told us that we can't hold anger inside our hearts or our hearts will die." Her face brightened up when the thought of egging Uncle Levi's house entered her mind, it would do them both good and it would also be fun for them.

    Moving from the window over to her bed, Charlotte took Lyra's hands into her own. "Please don't feel like you need to apologize, I understand and I'm not upset with you or Dad. All I feel is happiness for you, I'm insanely proud of you. I knew this day would come and it will shortly, sooner than I thought but it's time. Our family needs this, we've been stuck in old traditions for far too long." She assured her big sister while giving her hands a gentle squeeze, she couldn't be prouder of Lyra even if she tried. A warm smile formed on Charlotte's face when Scott was mentioned, "He was foolish but we would have done exactly what he did tonight. We've never been good at standing back and watching something we believe is wrong, I don't want his pack or himself to get hurt but it's nice to know that there are people willingly to risk their lives for us. Even now that they know we're different," She looked at her sister letting go of her hands, instead she wrapped her arms around Lyra's body.

    "They are nice, I like them. I told Scott, about what happened and it was easier than I thought. When you're ready you should show them how truly beautiful you are, or maybe we could just show Derek. Mr tall, dark and mighty sexy." Charlotte couldn't hold the laugh back as she heard her sister speaking with him outside, "He could be a mate. Your babies would be perfect," Charlotte's voice took on a playful edge as she knew how much Lyra didn't want to search for a mate yet, it was something they've talked about and it always made her sister uncomfortable thinking about having to settle down as she could have help being the Alpha of a large pack. Charlotte knew that Lyra didn't need a mate to lead the family, but she liked the idea of having a soul mate that would always be there for her and love her for who she was. "I still miss home, but maybe Beacon Hills is a fresh start for us and we could need that. We haven't died yet, that's a bonus." She wasn't even joking, there was a war brewing but they had made it three days in Beacon Hills and they have survived so far.
    September 9th, 2015 at 09:56am
  • Artax

    Artax (100)

    United States
    Scott McCall | The Leader

    He could see the sense in Derek's words, there were different ways to do it- but Scott didn't regret it. In fact, he'd do it again. It wasn't like he expected his words to sway Levi and his son- but perhaps those on the fence. He may be a bitten abomination, but he was still a true alpha something no Ramos. Since becoming bit Scott had always led more with his heart than head; which had in a few instances saved them. The Argents, dealing with Derek when they weren't on good terms... For a few minutes he fell quiet his mind playing out the next month. Lyra had to become alpha, he and his pack would make sure that happened to the best of their ability, but how many people would once again get caught in their crosshairs? To get the pack this okay had taken a toll on Scott. He'd had to deal with homing some of his homeless wolves, due to either being orphaned or kicked out, training and leading them. All before he was an adult.

    But, mentally Scott had matured over the past couple years. No longer was the little boy that was invisible to those around him; he'd become a man. A man who would lay down his life to protect those around him without hesitation. He had helped everyone around him find their places, their paths, opened his ranks to any lost or alone. Jackson was able to say I love you to Lydia, Isaac's night terrors weren't as frequent and his wall of apathy had mostly crumbled to the pack; even finding trust and love with Allison. Stiles no longer felt useless, had put his spark as Deaton called it to use, in terms of training with the Druid vet to become Scott's official emissary. Lydia no longer had to hide her true self, and Erica was no one's ghost anymore, she'd learned to advocate for herself. Boyd had been learned to open up and want to become his own person. Scott liked to think that Derek considered himself having a pack again. And Scott was prouder than anyone could know to be able to witness and help his packmates.

    He'd been lost in thought when Derek spoke again. Glancing up he nodded, "Sounds like a good plan. We have the best chance of helping Charlotte transitioning smoothly and whatnot." For awhile they lapsed back into silence, the aroma of the leftovers wafting about the car. "Did Charlotte explain to you what her uncle meant?" That ingrained sense of distrust was back in Derek's voice and Scott's head snapped up his eyes narrowed. "Yeah, don't worry about it." Scott didn't feel right telling him exactly what happened with Charlotte's mother's pregnancy to make her almost human. So he just kept his mouth shut. Soon however, Derek was dropping him off at the his home- the lights all off. His mother was either out or sleeping so he gave a quick nod. "Thanks man." Saying his goodbyes the alpha slid out of the car, casting his gaze up to the blackened skies wondering what he'd gotten himself into. It didn't take long for Scott to kick his shoes off and turn the lights on to find himself alone. He was grateful of the hours his mother worked... but sometimes it just got lonely now being on his own.

    "Pack meeting Monday. Chemistry room during lunch." Scott group texted those who hadn't been present for the dinner before slumping down onto the couch closing his eyes; exhaustion rushing from behind his eyes to take him over. The rest of the weekend was uneventful, Chris had texted him once to ask if what Isaac had said about the dinner was true. Groaning Scott just texted back "Dunno what he said, but everything's under control. Don't heckle them." It had taken a long time for Scott to feel like he could talk to Chris like that, rather than hide from him and his family. "As long as they follow the code their business is their own." Even Chris had come pretty far in the past couple years in coming to terms with werewolves. It wasn't long after that Scott fell asleep watching some cliche horror movie. When he awoke the next day, his mother was shaking him awake, her large eyes anxious. "Well? How'd it go? No one's gonna show up in the hospital right?" Pushing himself up onto his elbows Scott shook his head.

    "It's okay mom. They're really nice." She gave a sigh of relief and visibly relaxed. "Thank. God. We've got too many people getting hurt in supernatural shit." It wasn't like his mother to swear, and as if she realized how that could sound clapped her hand over her mouth with a look of horror. "I did not mean you and your pack Scott. You know I support you, you've done an amazing thing for some kids who otherwise could of gone off the rails. I just mean the Supernaturals who want to kill people." He smiled, nodding. It was easy to understand her stance, t was the same as Stiles' dad. After the two found out about their son's secret lives; they'd taken to asking Chris Argent how he dealt with it. They had all come to the agreement that one of them must be present as school functions and sport games. Isaac stopped by Sunday night for dinner and to crash with Scott as Chris still unnerved him. Too soon Monday had rolled around and since the dinner he hadn't heard much from his pack. But, as Scott and Isaac got ready, deciding to walk to school as Isaac refused to get behind Scott on his motorcycle, the alpha was looking forward to seeing Charlotte.

    He'd decided that he'd give her his contact information in case something happened; and seeing as how Sterling or Elowise hadn't called out his pack Scott figured the rest of her weekend had gone quietly. The second they got through the double doors Isaac informed Scott he was off to find Allison. Erica and Jackson had passed by Scott on his way to homeroom and once he got there, he found that it was quiet, Charlotte wasn't there. Amounting it to just tardiness he'd unlocked his phone when he heard a familiar voice. "Scotty! How was the uh, dinner?" Raising his gaze to Stiles he smiled with a shrug. "Fine, we'll talk more later." His shaggy haired friend nodded, slumping down into his feet. Homeroom was nearly done when Charlotte rushed in, her cheeks flushed and looking a little sheepish. As if it were reflex Scott's gaze sought her out, while Stiles grinned sticking his hand up in a wave. He'd taken the seat he had Friday leaving the one directly next to Scott open for her. "Rest of the weekend okay?"

    Lyra Ramos | The Outcast Heir


    Sometimes, alright most of the time, Lyra felt that Charlotte knew more how to aid her than the emissary. "We would of helped them." Lyra agreed, returning the hug and relaxing. Even if the world was falling about her head, Lottie would always be cheering her on. "I'm really glad to see you're making friends Lottie. And don't worry about whatever dad says about Scott and his pack." As progressive as her father was in Ramos terms; he still had the prideful streak and conception that anyone not born into this life was dangerous. And even if you were born into it, unless you were pack material than you may as well be bitten. "A pack grounds you Lyra. How can you be grounded if you don't share blood?" However, at her younger sister's next words Lyra's face broke into a flush of red as she made a strangled noise of disagreement. "I swear Dad just had that conversation with me. And my babies will be perfect regardless. If I want any." Lyra gave a halfhearted shrug.

    She was young, and the fact that it would be expected of her was something nerve wracking for her. And should she not have a couple rugrats of her own, than she'd be more than happy to pass the alpha position onto Charlotte's future kids. She seemed more the nurturing type than Lyra. Still flushed to the ears from Charlotte's Derek comment she leaned forward, pecking her sister's temple. "Get some sleep. Lyra bade her younger sister before heading to her own room to strip off her shirt and pants before flopping down in bed. Alpha, something she'd been trained for yet felt woefully unprepared for. Sleep never came easy for her that night, as Lyra tossed and turned. She knew there were a few things that Uncle Levi could do to prevent her from becoming alpha, one prove that Elijah or himself was the best choice, rally enough support that the pack had to choose someone else- or formally lodge a complaint. That would take awhile and would require all elder family to gather and debate whether or not she was deemed worthy to lead- or even if she fell within pack law given Lyra's case.

    Sunday was slow, uneventful and drove Lyra out of her mind. The blonde was agitated, her bestial side was screaming that something was going to happen. The family would be immersed in conflict and people would get hurt. What made her even more weary was the other members of her family; didn't stop by. Which was unusual. Usually there was hardly a day where the main Ramos family could get by without visitors. It was this bone-deep knowledge that something was wrong. A war was brewing. Sterling tried to distract Lyra by taking her out to the woods for a near five hour sparing session. By the end of it her muscles were screaming with exhaustion and the woman crawled into her bed and passed out until her mother shook her awake for dinner- which she just picked at. "Lyra you need to eat." Elowise scolded though the pale-skinned blonde was worlds away. Eventually seeing it was a hopeless cause her mother gave in, standing up and clearing Lyra's plate along with her own. By the time the ten rolled around Lyra was once again tucked into her bed slumbering.

    She had this almost uncanny ability that, if something was bothering her, she could just sleep for hours on end. So that's why the next morning Elowise, after several attempts to wake her eldest decided it'd be wise to just douse her with ice water. It was the rudest awakening she'd had in a long time and it left her spluttering in bed "Mom!" all but growled her eyes flashing with annoyance. "Lyra you have been asleep for seventeen hours, your sister needs a ride to school. Up before I get the pitcher." Groaning she swung herself to her feet, pulling on the closest dress and throwing her hair into a messy side braid. The air outside was cool, the promise of winter's chill on the way- though it wasn't as bad as New York winters. Charlotte was already by the car and sliding behind the wheel blinked wearily and mumbled an apology for oversleeping before pulling out of the driveway. "You know Elijah's a senior. If he gives you any problems just call me. I swear I will fuck him up. Not in the mood today." Lyra sighed, guiding the car into the drop off line. "Uncle Theo's wife is supposedly teaching math here though." Before too long she was bidding goodbye to her sister and pulling out of the Beacon Hill High school parking lot.

    The woman was unsure of where to go, she didn't quite want to go back home yet, as surely Sterling would have a list of "Must do these to ensure secure leadership" tasks that would make her only more upset. Nervously tapping her fingers against the steering wheel she decided to go to the nature preserve and just explore. Lyra really hadn't been able to do much of that. It didn't take her long to find a secluded spot to shed her dress off so she could come back and get dressed, rather ripping her clothing to shreds. Once she was in her other shift, for awhile she just wandered aimlessly. There were a few deer to chase, and quite a few spots to just bask in the sun. People must of been weary of the preserve as no one was there, and the forest hummed it's song undisturbed. It always helped Lyra, running like this. The woman didn't know how long exactly how long she'd been out, so she began to head back to the spot she'd shifted when the wind shifted, and the scent of a burning long since blazed drifted towards her. Curious she tilted her broad head, ears shoved forward while the fur on her back rose. With curious paws she followed the scent for about a mile until the tree-line thinned out and there was the shell of a home; burnt out. "What is this doing out here?" She thought, her fur making for poor camouflage in the thick trees.
    September 10th, 2015 at 06:11am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Derek Hale | The Beta

    Derek had mostly been on his own over the weekend, apart from Erica and Boyd visiting him for a full day of training. They were both getting much better in protecting themselves from any blow that he would send their way, he was pretty impressed by how far they had came since getting the bite from his former Alpha self. When Monday rolled around he knew the pack would be busy with school so he didn't bother them, instead he decided to get even more work done on the house which is what he did on most days when he wasn't needed for anything. His dark jeans had patches of dirt stuck to the fabric and his grey vest clung to his torso as he was working up a decent amount of sweat. He was carrying tall wooden beams into the house as he wanted to secure a few more places so the burnt wood wouldn't fall down, he wiped beads of sweat from his brow with a rag that he stuck back into the back pocket of his jeans. He was glad no one ever came this far as he could use his wolf strength without having to worry about anyone else seeing him and in turn asking questions.

    Stepping through the old front door, he was about to lift more beams into his muscular arms when something caught his sight from the corner of his eyes. He scanned the trees although it wasn't long before his eyes landed on a striped Hyena which caused him to do a double take as he had never seen a Hyena before, it wasn't a wild animal that ever came near Beacon Hills so Derek near it wasn't actually wild. Standing straight his eyes never left the beautiful creature and he stayed calm, it was a shock seeing her but he felt no fear towards her. In fact he was curious and wanted to know more, "Lyra? Is everything alright?" He asked from where he was standing on the front porch of the Hale house, he hadn't heard anything from her family since the dinner so he hoped that nothing had happened. He was certain that Sterling would have at least informed Scott if anything did happen, although he hadn't really texted or seen Scott over the weekend.

    Slowly he stepped off the porch and took his time as he moved closer to Lyra, his eyes and face were soft as he meant no harm to her. He just wanted to see her in her full shift, now he understood why Levi was so set on not having her become the next Alpha. "I like your stripes," He grinned wanting Lyra to feel comfortable, he would never push her or pressure her into doing anything she didn't want to. So if she ran off now, he wouldn't go after her and wouldn't mention it until she was ready and brought it up herself. But she surely was beautiful in her shift.
    Charlotte Ramos | The Human

    Charlotte hadn't done much over the weekend, she spent most of her time with her Mom which was nice because Sterling was busy with Lyra. But when Monday came, she was ready to get out of the house although she wasn't sure that would happen as her sister wasn't waking up easily that morning. She had left her blonde hair down as she wore a blouse with a nice skirt and tights, ankle booties covered her feet and she had a cardigan in her backpack in case she got cold. She stood by Lyra's car and climbed in once her big sister had joined her, "It's fine." She spoke in her sweet voice, she knew how Lyra could sleep for hours when things were on her mind so she just let her sister be. She'd ask once school was over and Lyra had a chance to actually wake up more, Charlotte sighed softly as she nodded. She was dreading this day, it would be Elijah's first day and after what was said at dinner. She knew he'd search for her just to make a point, "I'll be fine. I've dealt with him before too, I'll go find Aunt Maria too." She sent Lyra a confident smile as she climbed out of the car, as she rushed into the school she heard the bell ring.

    She was going to be late as she still needed to make it to her locker, so she went as fast as a human could and neatly placed her books into her locker before rushing over to her homeroom which was almost over. She apologized as her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, she quickly sat down beside Scott and regained her composure. "It was fine, boring actually." She didn't want to tell him that none of her family had come over for a visit, which was very common for them and it did make Lottie extremely worried. Levi was quite persuasive and could have already gotten to some of her family, she wouldn't be surprised if he had gone around to each house and talked to them about what happened and why Lyra shouldn't be the next Alpha. But Charlotte could be stubborn and she wouldn't let Levi continue on doing this to their family, she'd find a way to fix things as much as she possibly could.

    She smiled as Stiles told her about his weekend which sounded nearly as boring as her's, he was stuck at home and in his Dad's office at the police station. It was a nice distraction for her so she was more than happy to listen to him, then they were off to their classes which filled their brains with knowledge and the day continued on as the same. She found out that her Aunt Marie was going to be teaching Scott's maths class which Charlotte was jealous about, she would have loved her aunt to be her teacher but knew that Scott would learn even more with Marie as she was amazing at her job. Once Maths was over, Lydia went off to use the bathroom so Charlotte walked off to meet everyone in the cafeteria. During the day she had spotted Elijah a couple of times and it seemed like he had already made friends with the jocks, she had been minding her own business when she felt sharp nails press against her back. "We need to talk in private," Elijah whispered to his younger cousin and smirked when he felt her body tense, he took her through the school and behind the lacrosse bleachers where they wouldn't be disturbed.

    "My father won't let your filthy sister be Alpha, she doesn't belong in this family. Neither of you do and when I become Alpha, I'll be kicking you both out. She's a disgrace to the Ramos name, I'm ready to prove to our family that it should be me being the next Alpha." Elijah warned his cousin as his claws turned back into normal fingernails, Charlotte stood there silently as anger boiled deep inside of her. "You'll never be ready, Elijah. How many times has Lyra beaten you? I've lost count, and I dare you to threaten her again." Her eyes narrowed at the boy in front of her, when he opened his mouth her hand went flying. Her palm made contact with Elijah's cheek and although it was only a slap, she was still able to slap him and that was good enough for her. Elijah's eyes flashed with anger as a growl rumbled in his throat, "How dare you touch me. You pathetic weak human," He spat as the back of his hand made hard contact with Charlotte's cheek, the force of the hit sent her to the grassy ground as her skin sting and her blue eyes welled up with tears. Elijah stepped over her and grabbed her face with his hand, "Hey!" Elijah glanced over and chuckled softly when he saw the bitten Alpha with a human toy beside him, "This is family business." Elijah glared at the bitten wolf, he let Charlotte go and for something extra he let a claw scratch her cheek before he walked away.
    September 10th, 2015 at 08:04am