Is it worth believing?

  • Enchanting

    Enchanting (100)

    United States
    September 12th, 2015 at 06:46am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (I really hope this is okay; I'm terrible with starters.)

    Pulling out her phone, Letha checked the time, noting that it was around the time that she was supposed to meet her best friend. Part of her was sure that he would probably cancel due to "something came up," which usually meant that he found somebody to take to his home and sleep with. Considering that it was so close to time to spend time with him, though, she was incredibly hopeful that he would ditch. Slipping her hands into her sweater pockets, she looked around her home for a moment before she made her way out and headed to their meeting spot. Maybe he wouldn't even show up or bother to warn her that he wouldn't be coming - as much as the thought pained her, it wouldn't really surprise her. Though he usually warned her, there was the occasional time that he didn't and she would sit around, waiting for a few hours because she was too hopeful for him to show. Sometimes, she really hated her own feelings for her friend because she knew that he didn't believe in things like love - it was easier to keep the feelings to herself, though, so she figured that it didn't matter.
    This wasn't something that Aria really wanted to do, honestly. She had no interest in underground work, be it mobs, gangs, mafias, whatever. But, really, this was the only way that she could avoid getting into trouble herself, according to the police who had approached her when they had discovered that she had been wrapped up in her own forms of crime: pretending to be an escort, only to steal men's money and valuable items, along with blackmailing them. It was either help them take down this new boss who had to take over his father's group or be put in prison. It was easy to decide. The problem was being able to approach the man - somebody by the name of Valentino Vento. For the police to be willing to let her go just to help get rid of a group, she really had to wonder what was so bad about the group in and of itself. With a sigh, she looked through a small file that the police had given her, eying the name of a restaurant that the man seemed to frequent. Well, she could try there, couldn't she? Deciding it was her best chance at the moment, she put the file away and left to head to the restaurant.
    September 12th, 2015 at 08:24am
  • Enchanting

    Enchanting (100)

    United States
    (that was great :D)

    Ash rolled off the sweaty naked girl beneath him leaning his head back against the pillow as she laid her head on his equally sweaty skin. He sighed as he pushed the girl off him and sat up grabbing his phone from the pile of clothes that had come off in that time span. Adjusting his eyes to the brightness of the screen he noticed the few unread texts and missed calls from his best friend. Of course it totally skipped his mind that he had promised to take her out tonight "Shit..." he cursed to himself looking over his shoulder at the blonde girl who wrapped her arms around his waist kissing on his neck begging for more. He breathed in lightly his fingers moving over the screen letting her know that he was caught up at work, knowing very well that she would guess what he was doing but he was well aware of her feelings for him and frankly he was just trying to spare her the details. His mind wandered to the day she told him she loved assuming as a friend of course but he way her eyes looked up at him like he was the king of her world, it was a joke all of it was a joke. Love never existed it doesn't exist its something people say to either get the pleasure from someone or an excuse to say with the person. He bit his lip as the blonde ran her fingers over his built body " you want it again" he laughed as he set his phone down erasing all the memories of her when he turned around and pushed the tiny blonde on her stomach.

    Valentino took off the dark shades that covered his baby blues he set them down at the table looking up as the waitress had set a coffee by his table pressed down in his black suit his hair slicked back he stuck a cigarette between his lips . His father had passed away recently and the funeral was in a hour tops, He inhaled the smoke into his lungs trying to capture the peaceful moment he had until he had to deal with all the business for the next day. The rain drops stuck to the window he was gazing out of his head turned as the bell of the door had rung showing that someone had came in. He looked for a second and turned his head back as he took as sip of his coffee, he checked his watch grabbing the leather wallet out of his coat pocket he set money on the table. Getting up from his seat he put his shades on walking back the girl who seemed to look alittle too long at him, grabbing his keys he unlocked the doors to his silver bmw .
    September 12th, 2015 at 09:02am