
  • saegusa.

    saegusa. (105)

    United States
    who do you think you are?
    [n i a l l.]

    [j u s t i n.]
    who do you think i am?
    September 17th, 2015 at 02:29am
  • dombelova

    dombelova (125)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    @ loueh!

    Walking down the school's main hallway, and he had to hurry. If he was late again, his physics teacher would give him another detention. He just couldn't afford another one, and that was going to get him a suspension.

    "Hey Jus--" a friend of his was saying, but Justin didn't stop to chat like he normally would do.

    "Sorry, I gotta get to class!" Justin yelled back, and it was made clear that he was in a rush.

    Just as he walked into the classroom, the bell rang, and hw was safe.

    One class down, five more to go.
    September 17th, 2015 at 03:53am
  • saegusa.

    saegusa. (105)

    United States
    @ BringMeTheFuentes

    Some things do not work in Niall's favor. Like his history with girls, his history with boys, his history in any social situation aside from the couple of friends he's got and the brother that kinda just probably loves him because he has to sometimes. Another thing that does not work in Niall's favor is the everything that is Justin Bieber. His entire entity is a misfortune in Niall's book. Every sneer, every comment, they all come at Niall with a horrid precision, stabbing at every effort he's ever made to live around here.

    And now he's sitting right behind him.

    Niall is staring at the back of Justin's neck, too afraid to make a move. What if he breathes wrong and Justin whips around and punches his braces down his throat or something? He laces his fingers together and tries to stop being so jittery, but he can't, it's nothing he can help. He tries determining if the thin chain around Justin's neck is real gold when a small piece of paper is dropped on his desk.

    are you gonna keep eyefucking the back of that prat's head?

    He shoots a glare at Louis, one of his closest friends, who defends his scrawl only with a shrug and a nod towards Justin's back. He is so not eyefucking Bieber's head. That doesn't even make any sense. And if Louis wants to talk about sexual tension, fine, but it comes with a side order of embarrassment.

    He starts to write a response when Bieber, oh, God, turns around with a disinterested look on his stupid face and snatches up the note from Niall's unprepared hands. "Hope you don't mind, dude," he says, reading it quick and bursting into laughter. "Oh, my God, you're kidding me." Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God. Niall's face goes as red as his Chucks and he can't duck down fast enough to avoid hearing, "Maybe I shouldn't sit in front of you, huh, Neil?"

    "Niall," he chokes out. "It's Niall."

    "Yeah, whatever. Just quit eyefucking the back of my head."

    Laughter spreads around the desks in the back, causing Niall to fall deeper in his shame. He wasn't doing that! He wasn't! He was just looking! But no one's going to listen. No one ever really does.

    Louis tries to bring peace to the back by snapping, "Oi, quit laughing or I'll shove my foot up each arse I can get to into five minutes!" He jumps at Justin, snarling something about him being a stuck-up prick who can't tell his head from his shithole, but the teacher wrenches him back down in his seat before any real damage is done.

    One class down, five more to go.
    October 23rd, 2015 at 11:34pm