You Found Me

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    Beth Greene

    Daryl Dixon

    Beth played by creeps
    Daryl played by Dandy Darling;
    October 12th, 2015 at 04:14am
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    Daryl's voice made it's way to Beth's ears through the chaos that was filling the air; his hand on her forearm dragging her away from the prison and into the woods. She looked back, her eyes searching for Maggie, but realized she must have already been on the bus with Glenn, then worried about Judith and the other children. Where was Rick and Carl? She hadn't seen them before she got lost in the chaos; in fact, she wasn't even sure how she ended up shooting beside Daryl. She made out a "let's go" before going into full sprint behind him through the woods. She trusted him with her life and knew wherever he was taking her was for her own safety.

    Her instincts told her to run back and find everyone, find her family, keep them all together, and she realized tears were falling down her face as she ran. Her father- her protector, the man that always cared for her, cared for everyone.. He was gone. The Governor killed him in the cruelest way; he new how important Hershel was to the group, to the family, knew the uproar he would bring when he sliced her fathers head off- with Michonne's own weapon! Her tears weren't for the loss of her father, no, it was the rage and anger boiling in her body, the surge of getting revenge on the Governor, but she saw him behind the tanks and new someone, anyone must have ended him, because the battle was over.

    Smoke was heavy in the air and the shots being fired ceased a few moments before Daryl grabbed Beth, but that didn't mean whoever was left wasn't going to shoot her or Daryl, so she understood his reasons for running off the battleground. She continued following him for what felt like hours but were probably just a few moments before she tripped and fell in the forest.
    October 15th, 2015 at 12:40am
  • @ creeps

    "We got to go, Beth," Daryl continued to reiterate, dragging her away from the prison. There was no time to look for Maggie, Rick, or anyone else within their group. "Beth, we will find them later," He called out once more, feeling her resistance to him. For now, they needed to get away from the prison and flee from the Governor's attack. Charging off into the woods, Daryl never looked back with Beth by his side. He knew that they would regroup with the others and find each other later. They had to.

    Daryl thought back to his brother's death and the toll it took on him. He knew the feeling of despair and anger that coursed through Beth's body, but she had to remain strong. The second a person let his or her guard down was the time when a zombie took advantage and attacked. He needed Beth to think as rationally as possible and not blinded by rage, because that is exactly what the Governor wanted. If they were lucky, someone within their group had ended his life and atoned for Hershel's death.

    Continuing to sprint through the forest, his eyes searched from some sort of safe haven or temporary stopping point. In a span of one day, they managed to lose their home and a precious member. It was clear that they were physically and emotionally exhausted, and they needed to relax for the remaining hours of the day, especially since night was about to fall. "We have to keep going," Daryl stated, offering Beth a hand back up. He glanced around and spotted a cabin off in the distance. It seemed to be safe enough, but they could never be too sure. "Let's check out the cabin. Be on guard," He mumbled, readying his crossbow and heading off in that direction.
    October 17th, 2015 at 05:26pm