You Say What?

  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    June Kharington
    Played by monstersquad

    Toni Ballard
    Played by BadStreetBoys
    October 17th, 2015 at 01:37am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    Toni had broken up just two weeks ago, and he had miserable everyday since. He beat himself up over it constantly, he hated himself for leaving the best woman he ever had, but he had done it to protect her. Her family had been threatening to take away everything she had and would receive in wills and trust funds. He was also actively involved in gang activity which could endanger her. Toni told himself he wasn't going to go by her house again, he knew that was a lie. As he headed out to the car he tried to convince himself otherwise, but the moment the car was started there was no way to stop himself. He drove from his small apartment, to her decent-sized, nice, house in the rich part of town. Her parents had bought it for her and hated whenever he had stayed over there, but he preferred her house to his apartment. Toni knew he wasn't welcome in this part of town. His car was well known, it had a Vipers symbol painted into it and was the stereotypical mustang of a gang boy. He pulled up across the set from June's house, taking a few deep breaths. Toni didn't want to go and ask how she was, he was just getting himself mentally prepared to leave. He didn't want her hurt or to ruin her life.
    October 17th, 2015 at 01:46am
  • monstersquad

    monstersquad (100)

    United States
    June was upstairs in her bedroom, trying on dress after dress for a gala she had to attend with her parents and as she inspected how every dress fit, she wondered if anyone could tell that something was new about her. She hadn't told anyone, let alone Toni, but June had taken a home test and it came back as she had suspect, positive. June was pregnant and she didn't know how to anyone, least of all her parents. Once they found out who the father was, she would no doubt be cut out from her inheritance. She couldn't imagine how Toni would take the news either. She pushed the loose strands of her hair behind her ear as she tossed the dress onto the bed and she caught sight of the familiar car sitting across the street. She peered out the window, she wondered if he would come to the door and the thought alone scared her because she knew that it would be one more step into having to tell him.
    October 18th, 2015 at 07:22am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ monstersquad
    Toni sighed and hot is hands against the dashboard before he stood up and exited the car. Slamming his door shut he made his way across the street, up the steps, and to her front door. There wasn't a lot that made Toni scared or uneasy, but this did, he was shaking a lot. His hands shook like the colorful leaves in the fall. When he finally approached the door Toni brought up one shaky hand, the let three sharp knocks ring against the wood. Toni looked from side to side, making sure no one was around or watching him. He was still nervous which caused him to rub the back of his neck, his nervous tick. As Toni waited for June to come to the door his nerves got worse and worse. When she finally did it was as if the floodgates opened. He was relieved, but still terrified of seeing her again.
    October 18th, 2015 at 01:39pm
  • monstersquad

    monstersquad (100)

    United States
    June didn't even open the door all the way as she eyed him from behind and no matter how much she wanted to throw the door open and throw herself into his arms, she couldn't. He had been the one to cut things off, no matter the odds against them, that was never what she wanted. June didn't care about the risks or the threats made by her parents. As she looked at him now, she was fearful that her parents would know."What are you doing here? You can't be here." She shook her head as she tried to shut the door.
    October 19th, 2015 at 03:43am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ monstersquad
    Toni bit his lip and looked down at his feet as he pondered how to string his words together. "I love you, June." He murmured and looked back up at her through the crack in the door. "I love you so much, I couldn't keep myself away." He mumbled, Toni had never been one that was good with words and he hated it about himself, because he could never express himself to her fully. As well as for the fact he had gotten so much shit as a child for not being able to communicate his thoughts. "I just want you back. You are my world. I've been miserable without you." He said and clenched his hands into fists. "I know I'm not rich and I can't give you the things your parents do but I love you." Toni bit his lip again to keep himself from crying, looking down at June through the small crack the pain, as well as love, in his eyes burned.
    October 19th, 2015 at 04:26am
  • monstersquad

    monstersquad (100)

    United States
    June slowly opened the door, letting Toni inside."A couple of weeks ago, I could have cared a lot less about what you could give me because I had you. That's all I ever wanted or needed. I didn't care about what my parents said or thought." She could feel the somersaults in her stomach and she didn't know if it was the morning sickness or just her nerves at seeing Toni again."But now, when I think of the things you're doing. How I never want my kid to lose their dad because of it, what am I suppose to do?"
    October 19th, 2015 at 04:51am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    Toni stepped inside making sure to shut the door behind him, the last thing he wanted was someone seeing him inside there and her parents finding out he was back. As he listened to her talk a small smile set on his face, but when Toni heard her say 'kid' his face dropped. He held up his hands. "Wait what?" He said a bit stunned, taking a step closer to June. "June, baby, what do you mean?" He asked and not his lip again. Toni didn't seem upset by the news being brought to him so quickly, just surprised. He didn't really process it, all he knew was that he wanted her back. "I'll do anything to get you back, anything to get you back and to be in my kids life."

    @ monstersquad
    October 19th, 2015 at 07:29am
  • monstersquad

    monstersquad (100)

    United States
    "I thought it was just stress or something. I thought it would come back negative but I took a test and I'm pregnant." June barely could get that last word out, she hadn't said it aloud to anyone, not even herself."I haven't told anyone yet." She wasn't sure how she felt about having a baby at this point in her life, it wasn't apart of her plan but it was Toni's and maybe she had always hoped one day they would have a baby together."I really need to be getting dressed. My parents are waiting."
    October 19th, 2015 at 09:38pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    Toni rubbed the back of his neck and looked down at her. "Do you want me to leave or can I stay?" He asked softly. Toni still had plenty of his belongings still here, having not collected them. Toni suddenly pulled her into a deep embrace. "I love you June. Please take me back. Your parents don't have to know." He paused and pulled back looking at her. "And we can find a way to tell them by the time it's noticeable." He reassured June. Toni wasn't sure what to do or what to say to her. All he knew was that he wanted his girl back, and do anything for that to happen. She was carrying his baby, which made him feel a sense of responsibility for her.

    @ monstersquad
    October 19th, 2015 at 10:47pm
  • monstersquad

    monstersquad (100)

    United States
    June hugged Toni back, she had missed how he smelled and how he felt against her."You can stay. I'll be back in just a few hours." She didn't say anything else but headed to finish getting dressed and slipped outside to awaiting car that her parents had sent for her. June had settled on a blue cocktail dress and nude heels and her hair was curled in an updo.

    The gala was underway when she got there, all high brow names and the richest of the rich mingling among each other, probably talking about their latest splurge. June was handed a glass of champagne and she walked around with the glass, unable to drink it. The crowd became more intense and she needed to breathe, she sat the flute down and made it outside, the air felt nice on her flushed skin.

    She unclipped her hair, letting it fall as she pulled her phone from her clutch. She landed on Toni's name and wondered just how furious her parents would be if she called him to come and get her.
    October 20th, 2015 at 08:40pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    Toni was so familiar with June's house he knew where he could go without worrying about being seen. Toni made his way into the kitchen and made some soup. He wasn't very hungry, too many nerves to feel hungry. It was relaxng to be back inside her home, it felt like his home. Toni knew that was where he was meant to be. Here, with her. Now that he knew she was pregnant , it was a shock, but he would do anything to keep her and that baby safe.

    After eating Toni headed up to the bedroom, he curled himself up kn the left side of the bed like he always did. Toni passed out within minutes because of how tired he had been from his days events and the stress he had endured. When June called him he woke immediately, agreeing to come pick her up. He only worried about being caught by someone or her parents.

    Toni was at the gala in less than 15 minutes, pulling up in front and texting June to tell her he was there. It made him nervous sitting here and waiting, his car was very recognizable, and they all knew what her parents thought of him. But he loved June and didnt care about that. He wanted her

    @ monstersquad
    October 21st, 2015 at 12:35am
  • monstersquad

    monstersquad (100)

    United States
    June saw Toni pull up in his unmistakable car and June quickly climbed in before she could change her mind or anyone could stop her."I think we should go to yours. My parents will go to mine once they see that I'm gone." She looked over at him, she wasn't sure what she was even doing but she knew she had to see where this went with him again. she deserved that much, her unborn baby deserved that chance.
    October 21st, 2015 at 08:02pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ monstersquad
    Toni nodded and pulled out from the gala, he made sure to drive down back roads. Toni knew why they were going to his house, but he hated his apartment. It was that of a single man, very stereotypical. As he pulled into the driveway Toni hopped from the car and went around to open June's door. "How was it?" He asked and led June inside, locking his door behind the pair of them. Toni went into the living room and dropped onto the couch, turning on the television. "I'll have to clean off my bed so you can sleep in it, it has a bunch of laundry on it." He said with a chuckle
    October 21st, 2015 at 08:11pm
  • monstersquad

    monstersquad (100)

    United States
    June followed him inside."It was crowded. Rich guys talking about their yachts and whatnot." She shrugged."Not a lot of food and I couldn't drink." Going all through the years, alcohol had been the only thing to get her through events, it was a long night." She sat down, pulled off her heels as she settled back into the couch."At this point I could sleep on a pile of laundry."
    October 22nd, 2015 at 07:59pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    Toni snickered and sat down besides June, putting an arm around her waist. "Well I won't force you to do so. How about I go clear that off and we can lay in my bed, cuddle, and watch shitty movies." He suggested. Trying to keep the focus off the problem at hand.

    @ monstersquad
    October 22nd, 2015 at 08:14pm
  • monstersquad

    monstersquad (100)

    United States
    June nodded with a smile."Sure, that would be great.." She watched as Toni made a move to his bedroom. Her phone buzzed, her mother's name popping up on the screen and June quickly ignored it but seconds later, a text came through and it was her mother, frantically asking if she was with Toni but June decided not to answer, not wanting to lie to her mother.
    October 26th, 2015 at 10:12pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ monstersquad
    Toni had put the pile of laundry he had neglected to put away on the chair he had in his bedroom then made the sheets a bit nicer. While waiting Toni sorted through the movies he had before finally settling on one, placing it in the DVD player. Toni stripped to his boxers before finally jumping onto his side of the bed and waiting for June to join him. When she did he wrapped his arms around her smaller frame and pulled June into him. "Who texted you?" He asked softly, pressing play on the remote.
    October 27th, 2015 at 12:30am