The Price of Evil

  • Stars Can't Shine

    Stars Can't Shine (100)

    United States
    Stars Can't Shine :

    Rowan Gray

    Matt Sanders

    dancing.dead :

    Brian Haner Jr

    Zacky Baker
    October 21st, 2015 at 10:51am
  • woe.

    woe. (100)

    United States
    Brian walked into the doors of the deserted supermarket with two other men following shortly after. In his hand was a flashlight, shining brightly against the contents on the racks. The other hand was grabbing whatever he could in the small amount of time they had.

    "We need to hurry or else we won't make it in time before nightfall," he said to the other two who were busy shoving random items in grocery bags.
    "We just got here Brian," Zacky replied. If it was his choice, he wouldn't be doing these kinds of runs. He didn't like to leave their camp, for it was the only place where he felt a sense of security.

    But things didn't go the way he wanted. Because if it was his decision, his family would still be alive.
    October 21st, 2015 at 11:34am
  • woe.

    woe. (100)

    United States
    @ Stars Can't Shine
    October 21st, 2015 at 11:35am
  • Stars Can't Shine

    Stars Can't Shine (100)

    United States
    Rowan had entered the supermarket looking for food and a place to stay for the night. She was almost done filling her backpack when a sudden noise from the front startled her, and sent the can she was shoving in the bag onto the tile floor with a loud thud. Closing her eyes tight for a second Rowan quickly zipped up her bag and moved as quickly as she could away, tired and hungry she was in no shape for a fight.

    Matt followed the guys into the supermarket a baseball bat firmly in his right hand. This was the stuff he liked to do, sitting at the camp all day made him feel antsy and like he was wasting time.
    "We have plenty of time to get what we need before dark," Matt stated looking around for a second before going back to stuffing the bags. Sometimes rushing to much brought unwanted attention, and while they would handle it if they had to, he rather avoid it.
    October 21st, 2015 at 12:15pm
  • woe.

    woe. (100)

    United States
    A loud noise echoed through the market, and Brian's eyes had traveled to the back where he assumed the noise had came from. He motioned for his friends to follow closely after him.

    "Probably another biter," he whispered, careful not to cause too much noise.
    Zacky gripped his black switchblade tightly. While it could've been another rotting corpse roaming aimlessly around, the whole market was silent except for the sounds of their heavy breathing.

    As they reached the end of the aisles, his eyes searched for any trace of what they thought was a biter. But then, he spotted a dark figure hiding behind a stack of soup cans.

    The others must have seen it too, he thought as they advanced towards the soup cans.
    October 22nd, 2015 at 08:46am
  • Stars Can't Shine

    Stars Can't Shine (100)

    United States
    Rowan was cursing herself under her breath, she almost wished it were biters now, they at least couldn't think. She peeked over the cans and saw them quickly approaching her spot. Making up her mind quickly she ducked back down and moved as quickly as she could in the other direction. The odds of me against three grown men, Rowan thought, are slim to none.
    But as she took off running she could hear them doing the same behind her.
    "Well shit," She muttered quickly.


    Matt was startled by the loud noise, but quickly went in to protector mode, sparing a second to glance at the green eyed boy beside him. The bat held tightly in his hand they got to the soup cans just in time to see a mop of red hair fly off in the other direction. Deffinately not a biter then, he thought as he followed behind as fast as he could.
    October 22nd, 2015 at 09:18am
  • woe.

    woe. (100)

    United States
    Brian ran in the opposite direction of Matt, and instead ran into an aisle of toiletries. As he stood silently for what he guessed was about 5 minutes, he heard the sound of light footsteps approaching him.

    He didn't even have time to think about his actions before launching at the stranger, knocking the both of them to the ground.
    A loud thud echoed through he market, which made Zacky grab Matt by his sweater.

    "Come on Matt, we have to find Brian. For all we know, he could be dead."
    October 25th, 2015 at 02:30am
  • Stars Can't Shine

    Stars Can't Shine (100)

    United States
    Rowan thought she was doing a pretty good job getting away when a stranger knocked into her, taking both of them down him on top of her. "Get the fuck off me!" She yelled pushing him as hard as she could. When he didn't really even budge she knew she was on trouble.


    Matt rushed down the hall heading towards the yell. His only worry was that the yell would bring biters there way. He looked back to make sure Zacky was still behind flashing him a quick smile. "He'll been fine, he always is."
    October 25th, 2015 at 04:27am