Crossing Boundries

  • oddrascal

    oddrascal (100)

    United States
    @ Dandly lion

    "Hi, Poppy, it's... Dr. Summer's," he narrowly avoided using his first name, something that rarely, if ever, happened. Micah shook himself briefly, trying to remember that professionalism was key here. "I'd like to schedule our next session, as promised." He was really eager to see her again, and feeling a bit guilty for having to bail on his other patients earlier that day. Plus, he was a bit worried about her. "I got your message, and I thought maybe we should check in. Did you sleep okay?"

    Micah always did his best to remain neutral in his tone and manner when talking to his clients, but he was sure he failed to disguise his concern. Hopefully, Poppy wouldn't notice. "We can meet on Wednesday, if you're available." Sooner was better, he figured, since she didn't have a great support network right now.
    November 29th, 2015 at 08:16pm
  • Dandy lion

    Dandy lion (100)

    United States
    Poppy was kind of excited he had called her back. "Yeah...I actually slept really well, I know it was because of the medicine, the pills but I needed it." She said and bit her lip. "I think I'm gonna go back to work on wednesday..." She added. "I-I'm free today...If you are?" She said, instantly regretting it, knowing she sounded desperate. "Or, next week or whatever. I've got a refill on the sleeping pills, maybe I should take a week off and just try coping on my own." She added, feeling rather stupid for suggesting they get together now.

    (Sorry it's so short, just wanted to get a response in ral quick.)
    December 3rd, 2015 at 01:50am