Big Booty F Youdi

  • Here's how this goes down: you post your most ridiculous attempt at self censorship. You can put a backstory or nah, but tehe I love new, fun and interesting ways to curse without actually doing so.

    Example: Big Booty F Youdi.

    I was attempting to complain to a relative about my recent application/work situation, and was about to say "I got a big ass fuck you." I finished the 'big' when I realized her son was literally an inch from me, so I finished it "booty F youdi." it's now something I say daily.

    Have fun, feel free to delete if this has been done before.
    October 26th, 2015 at 03:29am
  • "Shut the front door" as opposed to shut the f up, but that's more of a common saying in Australia. It always makes me laugh when I hear someone use it or I use it myself.
    October 27th, 2015 at 01:35pm
  • Two that me and my group of friends have used since high school have been "bump you/that" as opposed to "fuck you/that" and "bootychatter" in place of "bullshit."

    I rarely ever curse - like, I don't even curse when I'm mad, usually when I'm super excited - and I'm not around kids as much, but I will still use "bump" like a fiend Coffee
    October 27th, 2015 at 05:43pm
  • Sometimes I hear "sucking (insert name)" instead of "fucking (insert name)" from my aunties when they're pissed lmfao

    "Bish" instead of "bitch" is said a lot when my friends are raging or pissed lmfao
    October 30th, 2015 at 01:44am
  • There's a village really close to me called Fenwick (pronounced fen-nick) and I'm pretty bad for catching myself at the last moment for swearing and saying 'aw, away to Fenwick' instead of 'away to fuck'. I also regularly substitute fudge for fuck and sugar for shit. I also once substituted shine for shite once, because I didn't realise my little cousin was behind me until the last minute.

    I just swear a lot, so I have to substitute a lot of words all the time because most of my cousins are little and don't need to hear my potty mouth. Shifty
    November 25th, 2015 at 10:32pm