Lights Will Guide You Home

  • Emma and Henry finished their breakfast and Emma walked Henry to the bus top. The entire time Henry was trying to get Emma to realize that Dean and his siblings were from his books, "If your parents are Snow White and Prince Charming how hard is it for you to believe that they're from these books?" Henry begged. Emma was about to respond when Leroy came running over with Sleepy. They stopped in front of Emma and Henry, "We're under attack!" They yelled.

    "What do you mean we're under attack?" She asked before he continued on, "Did you get a look at the thing that hit you with the magic?" She asked, not realizing that all three of the Winchesters were standing close by. Emma listened as Leroy and Sleepy explained what had happened. Emma sighed, as if her life wasn't complicated enough at the moment, "Henry go to school. I've gotta go." She said as she looked down and hugged her son quickly. She walked off before he had a chance to protest. There was no way she was letting him get anywhere near whatever this thing was.


    Killian looked up from his food when he heard two of the dwarfs yelling and running into town, straight to Henry and Emma. He walked outside and listened as one explained to Emma that they were under attack by something that hit them with magic. Killian also didn't notice that Layla and her brothers were standing near by and could hear everything going on.

    Killian walked over to Emma just as she was sending Henry off to school, "Swan what's going on?" He asked, "Apparently we're under attack by something with magic." She responded. Killian sighed before asking the question that Emma probably didn't think of, "What's going to happen if our new guests happen to get sight of this thing and it's magic with it?"
    December 1st, 2015 at 10:30pm
  • "We might want to stick around a little longer..." Layla said quietly as to prevent anyone but her brothers from overhearing her. She knew that Dean probably wanted to skip out of town as quickly as possible, even though Layla thought that he should at least talk to Emma first, but if something was going on here, and it certainly sounded like it had the potential to be their kind of thing, then sticking around for a little while longer was probably in their best interest. Plus, more cases meant less awkward and tense time spent driving around in the Impala.
    "As much as I hate to say it, you're probably right, Layla." Dean said, still listening in on the conversation that a couple of different people from the town were having as he threw his duffle bag in the trunk and shut it. "The whole van's iced over! We woke up in a meat locker! Who's got that kind of magic?" One of the men said, not so quietly. Dean cast a look Sam and Layla's way. This definitely sounded like their kind of thing. "I think I might know." Layla said quietly, yet again so only Sam and Dean would be able to hear. She nodded to where what appeared to be a trail of ice on a small section of the sidewalk. It led towards a fenced in area. A part of the fence was out of place so the person likely went back there. "Boys, I think we have some work to do." Little did either of the three of them know, but they wouldn't be the only ones to notice the ice trail.
    December 1st, 2015 at 11:11pm
  • @ the corpse bride.
    Emma looked over at Hook when he came. She explained everything to him that Leroy had said before she looked over towards the sidewalk, "Look." She said and pointed out the patch of ice on the sidewalk. She looked at it curiously before she noticed a path going back behind Granny's, "There's a trail." She stated and walked towards it, following it, "Let's go." and with that she started walking next to the trail. She figured that this was going to lead them towards the person who possessed that powerful of magic.


    Killian walked with Emma as they followed the trail. He was actually quiet nervous to figure out what happened to the dwarfs and who was doing this to the town. Killian swore they were finally done for a while with this stuff. Everyone thought that the Wicked Witch was the last thing to happen. Killian knew that Emma was probably finished trying to deal with this kind of things. Being the Savior was probably a lot on her. Killian knew that he wouldn't be able to handle that kind of pressure.
    December 2nd, 2015 at 12:03am
  • Layla and her brothers were quick to find their own way to the back area the icy trail led to. When they got there, she wasn't at all surprised to find Emma already there, but Killian was a different story. Emma was the sheriff of the town, so she understood why she would be in search of any and all potential threats to the town, but what was Killian doing there? There wasn't much time to ponder though, as, right before her very eyes, what could only be described as a rather large and pissed off looking snowman materialized out of a few snowflakes.
    "An evil snowman, well that's new." Dean said as he drew his gun from its holster. He was the first to speak out of him and his siblings, alerting Emma and the man who had been talking to Layla the night before at the diner that they weren't the only ones who had followed the trail of ice. Dean, being the more shoot first ask questions later, fired his gun at the thing. That certainly pissed it off even more. "Go away!" It shouted, sending a blast of icy wind with it. "Nice job, dumb ass." Layla shouted to her brother as she booked it back through the fence.
    December 2nd, 2015 at 12:55am
  • @ the corpse bride.
    Emma was shocked when she got to the back of the dinner and watched as a huge snow monster formed out of a few snowflakes. She turned around when she heard someone talking, "Dean what the hell are you doing?!" She asked him before he shot at the monster, "NO!" She yelled. It was too late. Dean pissed off the snow monster and then he started yelling at them before his icy breath blew at them.


    Killian looked as the snow monster formed out of snowflakes, "Bloody hell what is that thing?" He asked before he heard a voice from behind them. He turned around to see Layla, Dean, and Sam joining them. Killian watched as Dean raised his gun to shoot the snow monster then Emma yelled at him before it was too late and Dean shot anyway. Killian flinched as ice cold
    Air blew their way. Killian was confused as to what was going on, "Swan what are we going to do?" He asked.
    December 2nd, 2015 at 01:40am
  • "I suggest running!" Layla called over her shoulder as she wasted no time in doing so. Dean had pissed that thing off, and she didn't exactly know how to handle a pissed off evil snowman right now, she doubted that was something that their dad had written about in his journal. And she also doubted that there were many hunters out there who would know much about going up against a pissed off evil snowman either. It was definitely something new, though, with her line of work, that wasn't very uncommon. "You just had to shoot at that thing, didn't you?" She said, shooting a look her brother's way as both Dean and Sam were quick to follow her lead.
    "I'm sorry, but when I see an evil snowman you bet your ass I'm going to shoot at it and hope for the best. It's not like we come across those every day, Layla!" Dean shot back, sending a pointed look his sister's way. He hadn't even taken the time to process the fact that neither Emma or Killian seemed at all phased by the fact that there was an evil snowman not very far behind them. That was the least of his worries right now. Layla wasn't helping very much giving him all this grief either though.

    They had reached the center of town at that point, and it wasn't long after that when other people in town noticed the ice monster. "Evil snowman! Run!!" One of the men who'd run in screaming about being attacked shouted. That caught even more people's attentions.

    "It looks like all of the noise is scaring it." Sam said, nodding to where the snowman was storming off in the opposite direction of town. "Looks like it's headed for the forest."
    December 2nd, 2015 at 02:04am
  • @ the corpse bride.
    Emma grabbed Hook and started to pull him away from the snowman before he killed them both. She looked over at Dean, "What the hell did you shoot at him for?!" She yelled at him as they ran into town.

    She looked over when Sam was talking, "I think we just need to try and calmly talk to him. I think Sam is right. He's scared." Emma said and stopped running, standing in the middle of town.


    Killian froze when Emma stopped and turned towards the snowman, "Swan you're going to get yourself killed." He said before standing next to Layla, "You don't seem very phased by all of this."

    There was no way that someone in the...oh what did she call it...the CIA dealt with things like this on a daily basis. This thing never happened in the real world, he knew that for a fact.
    December 2nd, 2015 at 04:11am
  • "I could say the same thing to you." Layla said, glancing over to Killian. He and Emma didn't seem too surprised by the snowman. In fact, it almost seemed like they were used to seeing things like this, much like she and her brothers were. If the snowman hadn't alerted her to the fact that there was a lot more going on in this town that met the eye then their reactions certainly had.

    "I'm more of a shoot first, ask questions later kind of guy, what can I say?" Dean responded, punctuating his words with a slight shrug of his shoulders. It was clear to him that Emma was kind of pissed at him, though he didn't seem very phased by that fact at all. "Yeah, that's something that quite a few of us are already aware of, Dean." Sam said, shooting a pointed look the eldest Winchester's way. Layla knew exactly what Sam was referring to. Amy, the kitsune Dean killed despite the fact that she was Sam's friend and they'd established that she wasn't dangerous. Sam hadn't been too happy about that to begin with, and then he'd discovered that Dean had befriended Benny, a vampire, in purgatory and well things had kind of escalated pretty quickly from there.

    "Are you seriously bringing this up right now?" Dean asked, shooting a look Sam's way. "Yes, I'm bringing this up now, Dean. Maybe if you weren't so trigger happy we wouldn't end up in half of the messy situations we end up in." Sam said harshly. Layla let out an audible grown. "Could you two, I don't know, maybe not do this here?"
    December 2nd, 2015 at 04:29am
  • @ the corpse bride.
    Emma rolled her eyes, "Why the hell do you have a gun anyway?" She asked him before he and Sam started arguing. "Um I think we have a bigger issue at hand here you two." She reminded as she looked up at the snowman. She was more concerned about who was causing this because there was no way that this snowman just showed up here with magic without anyone controlling it.


    "Swan I think it's leaving!" Hook yelled before looking over at Layla, "True but you people are new. This could be normal for us. You never know but I still feel like you three shouldn't be this calm in this situation." He said and then smiled over at her, "But if you happen to get scared I'm always here to protect you."
    December 2nd, 2015 at 05:33am
  • "I work for the FBI, remember?" Dean was still going to go along with that story for the time being. He knew that any old FBI agent probably would have been a bit more phased than he was by a giant snowman, and there would likely be plenty of questions to be asked sooner or later, but for now that was what he was sticking to. He shot a look Sam's way but didn't say anything more on the subject. He knew that he could trust Benny. He was a good guy, vampire or not.
    "A giant snowman is normal for you?" Layla asked, punctuating her words with a raised eyebrow. That just didn't seem very right or very normal at all, not that what she dealt with on a daily basis was normal by any means, but that didn't make this situation normal either. If this was normal for Killian, Emma and everyone else in this town, well there was definitely something going on here. She rolled her eyes at his later words. "I can take care of myself, thanks." She didn't need protecting. She could hold her own just fine.
    December 2nd, 2015 at 03:37pm
  • @ the corpse bride.
    Emma shook her head before she looked over at the snowman, noticing it was going towards the forest. Emma let it go. When she turned she saw her parents running towards her, "Emma what was that thing?" They asked as they reached her, instantly checking to see if she was hurt or anything, "From the looks of it. A giant snowman." She replied, "Who would bring that thing here?" Mary-Margret asked. Emma sighed and shook her head, "I have no idea."


    Killian gave her a smirk, "Not usually." He replied. He smiled at her following words, "I know you could handle yourself, love. But I just wanted you know I'm here." He gave her a wink as he finished his words. Killian looked over to see Sam glaring at him again. Normally Killian would tease the guy but he didn't want Layla to hate him then.
    December 2nd, 2015 at 04:21pm
  • Dean's gaze shifted as he watched the snowman go off towards the forest. Clearly there was a lot more going on in this town than he, Layla or Sam had thought. And, if Emma knew about stuff like this, surely Henry did too. Maybe Layla was right. Maybe he should talk things out with Emma. He'd be here longer now. If there was a giant snowman, what else was going on in this town?
    "Not usually?" Layla repeated slowly. "If you don't deal with giant snowmen on a daily basis, what exactly do you deal with that could possibly make it still even somewhat normal?" The smirk on his face was kind of infuriating, and his vague response just added to it. Why hadn't she noticed this all yesterday? She wanted to wipe that damn smirk off of his attractive face. "Good to know, but again, not necessary." She said. She glanced over to Sam, noticing the glare he was sending Killian's way.
    December 2nd, 2015 at 04:36pm
  • @ the corpse bride.
    Emma turned towards her parents, "We need a plan." She said, "Hook are you going to help?" She asked. Emma looked back at her parents, "We are most likely going to need a group effort on this." She stated, "It's angry and scared because someone had to go shoot at it." She said and gave a pointed look over at Dean.


    Killian smiled at her, "I guess you're going to have to find out." He said before Emma asked him if he was helping. He nodded, Storybrooke was his new home and he wasn't going to let some snowman destroy it. Killian looked over at Emma before back at Layla, "So I guess with this new discovery about our town that means you're sticking around." He asked with a cheeky grin.
    December 2nd, 2015 at 05:20pm
  • "I'm assuming you deal with this kind of stuff a lot?" Dean asked, looking over to Emma. She really didn't seem all that phased that a giant snowman had just gone storming through town. Most people would. It made him wonder what she'd been up to in the last thirteen or so years, and if she would believe him if he actually told her the truth. Maybe it was worth a shot. Maybe he should talk to her like Layla had suggested. "I'm going to give Robin a call and warn him. That thing is probably heading straight for his campsite." A man, the one who had been sitting with Emma in the restaurant the night before, said.
    "I guess I have to if I want to find out what you deal with on a daily basis." Layla. To say she was intrigued was an understatement. And she hadn't missed Emma calling him Hook either. She'd noticed the lack of one of his hands yesterday at the diner, and the instrument in its place, though, now after hearing Emma refer to him as such instead of Killian, her thoughts went back to what he'd said to her the night before. It's almost like a fairytale. Was there more truth behind his words than she could have realized? Hearing what one of the men said about warning someone about the snowman, Layla's attention shifted away from Killian momentarily. "We'll help." She said, speaking for herself, Sam and Dean.
    December 2nd, 2015 at 06:38pm
  • @ the corpse bride.
    Emma looked over at Dean and shrugged, "In a sense." She said. He had already seen it now, there was no use hiding it. It was all in the open now. She nodded at David's words, "Yeah it's probably best especially with Roland out there with him." She said to him. When Emma heard Layla say that they would help she raised an eyebrow, "Really?" She asked, "What experience does the FBI have with dealing with this?" She questioned. Emma realized it was kind of a harsh question but there was no way that they were used to this kind of thing in the FBI.


    Killian smiled at what she said and then gave her a wink. He was surprised when she said that they would help, "We could always use more people on this, Swan." Killian suggested. He didn't mind Layla and her brothers helping out. It would make it less work on Emma and her parents and the whole town really. Killian looked over when Sam spoke, "We have more experience than you would think." He said, making Killian raise an eyebrow at his words and look over at Layla, "Do you now?" He asked curiously.
    December 2nd, 2015 at 09:47pm
  • "There's more to me than meets the eye." Layla said, a small smirk gracing her lips. The FBI had absolutely no experience dealing with this. She and her brothers weren't actual agents, they just had numerous fake IDs with aliases with different pop culture references for name. She wasn't about to tell any of them that though, figuring that it wasn't so wise seeing as Emma was the town sheriff and technically what she, Sam and Dean did was breaking the law. Technically. But they saved plenty of loves doing so.
    "Just throwing this out there, but I don't think standing here debating whether a couple of FBI agents have experience with this kind of thing is really going to do much good." Dean said. He was sure that he'd have to explain everything to Emma sooner or later. He was certain that he wanted to talk to her about Henry now, possibly really meet the kid, and maybe he'd actually tell her the truth. Little did he know that Henry was already trying to convince Emma that he wasn't an actual FBI agent. Why would he think that the kid had Chuck's books. They really weren't that popular other than the few weird fans like Becky who wrote Sam/Dean fan fiction.
    December 3rd, 2015 at 03:06am
  • @ the corpse bride.
    Emma rolled her eyes at Dean's words, "Alright. Mom go back to the loft and grab your arrow and bow. Dad go with her and get your sword. I'll go out to the forest to find Robin and his Merry Men. I'll bring Hook and the Winchesters and you can meet us there." Emma said. She watched as her parents nodded before walking away. Emma looked over at Dean, Sam, and Layla, "Are you all ready?" She asked before walking towards the forest. She walked next to Dean, "I'm not dropping this FBI thing. There's no way you're able to stay calm about this. I know the FBI doesn't handle this kind of thing." She said before walking away.


    Killian walked with Layla toward the forest, "Are you ready to face this thing?" He asked, knowing she already was but he still felt the need to ask, "Should we call Regina?" Killian called up to Emma, "Maybe she could be of assistance in some way." He suggested and shrugged before turning back to Layla, "So if you're staying longer maybe we could get together sometime for lunch or something, granted that we don't die today." He said and shot her a smirk and a wink together.
    December 3rd, 2015 at 04:35am
  • "Let's just say that I've faced far worse than a giant snowman." Layla told him. She was definitely ready. While she might not have faced something like this before, she highly doubted it had anything on say a Wendigo or Woman in White or, hell, even Bloody Mary. She found his later words almost laughable. If only he knew the history she and her brothers had with cheating death. "I don't plan on dying today, so just might take you up on that offer." She said, smirking slightly. She really didn't know why she was doing this. She knew what happened to people who got involved with hunters. It never ended well.
    Had she just said Robin and his Merry Men? As in Robin Hood? Maybe Dean had underestimated this small town after all. "I think we both have some explaining to do." He said. He still wanted to talk to her about Henry, and he was thinking more and more about telling her the truth about, well, everything. It seemed more likely that he, Sam and Layla would be sticking around town for a little while longer now anyway. That gave him more time to talk to Emma about everything, and try to begin to explain why he hadn't shown up thirteen years ago.
    December 3rd, 2015 at 04:57am
  • @ the corpse bride.
    Emma raised her eyebrows at him, "Yeah okay." She said as they walked towards the forest. When she reached Robin's campsite he walked right over to her, "We saw that thing you were talking about. We didn't mess with it just as your father said. Little John took Roland into town so we could all face it together and I wouldn't have to worry about him getting hurt." Robin explained before looking over at Dean, Layla, and Sam, "Uh right. Sam, Layla, Dean. This is Robin. Winchesters this is Robin." She introduced.


    Killian smiled over at her, "Well it's good to know you're not scared." He said before he was actually surprised by her following words, "Really?" He asked, clearly shocked. He would have figured that she would have turned him down in a heartbeat, "Well then we'll have to set a date once we're done with this whole snowman business." He said and grinned at her. He looked over and saw Robin talking to Emma about the snowman. He wasn't quite sure what they were going to do but he was going to do everything to not get killed by this snowman.
    December 3rd, 2015 at 05:26am
  • "It takes more than a giant snowman to scare me." Layla told him. She'd come across far scarier creatures, and even then she was rather unfazed by them now. That was more than likely because she was used to it all by now, but that was besides the point. She could see the surprise written on his face when she agreed to grab lunch with him sometime. In all honesty, her response had kind of surprised her as well. "I suppose that we will." She smiled.
    "We're happy to help in anyway that we possibly can." Dean said once introductions were finished thanks to Emma. He couldn't help wondering if this guy actually was Robin Hood or not. If that were the case, what the hell was even going on in this town? If there was one fairytale character, did that mean that there were others as well? And if the towns people really were fairytale characters, then the stories had to all be real, and that was a whole other can of worms that Dean had never even thought about before now.
    December 3rd, 2015 at 09:45pm