Lights Will Guide You Home

  • @ the corpse bride.
    Emma nodded, "Yeah I guess it does." She replied before taking a breath, "Alright. Well follow me then. My parents' apartment is in town." She said as they started walking back through the woods to get to town. Emma had no idea what exactly she was going to tell Henry. She figured that she should just tell him the truth but she was really scared he would freak out. She did lie to him by telling him that Dean was dead. This was a lot for her and she had no idea how to truly react to it all.


    Killian laughed at her words before nodding, "A lot of people get it wrong. Most people hear Peter Pan and think of yeah the kid that never grows up that sounds awesome. No it's actually terrible. Neverland was one of the places I regret sailing to the most." He said honestly. His time on Neverland before going with Emma and her family was an absolute nightmare for him because of never being able to get off the island until Pan finally let him go, "No everyone in this town is a storybook character...well except Henry." He explained.
    December 7th, 2015 at 05:41am
  • Dean nodded. "Alright, lead the way then." He said, following her as she started out of the woods. He really didn't know how things were going to go. He hoped that the kid would take the news better than either of them were anticipating that he would. "Any ideas on who might have created that snowman?" He asked Emma, figuring he might try to get her mind off of Henry for a little while. He didn't know if it would actually work, but he figured that it was worth a shot.
    "How long were you there?" Layla asked curiously. She found this all rather fascinating, and she hoped that he wouldn't mind her asking so many questions. It was just crazy to think that fairytale characters were actually real. And, now that she really thought about it, she'd agreed to go on a date with Captain Hook. She wondered how Sam would take that kind of news. Not that she cared. She could make her own decisions. And she did. "So, Emma's one as well then?"
    December 7th, 2015 at 05:48am
  • @ the corpse bride.
    Emma looked over at Dean as they walked through the woods then shook her head, "No idea." She said honestly, "And that's what makes me nervous. I know everyone in this town so I have no idea how I could not know who did this." She explained and then ran a hand through her hair. All of this was just making her nervous because she had no idea who this was and what kind of threat they were to this town.


    Killian shrugged, "The first time I was there it was so long ago I don't really remember how long. But it was a long time I do know that. The only way you get out of Neverland is if Pan lets you go." Killian explained, "Then when I went with Emma and her family it wasn't for very long. We had to save Henry from Pan. We succeeded and then Pan ended up here because he switched bodies with Henry. But everything was sorted out in the end." He said and then nodded at her next question, "Aye. She's Snow White and Prince Charming's daughter." He replied.
    December 7th, 2015 at 05:58am
  • Dean frowned. "Hey, I'm sure you'll figure it out." He told her. "You said you're the savior, didn't you? You don't get a title like that for nothing." He could tell that she was nervous, and it was understandable. He was certain that she'd figure this one out. "And you'll have me here this time around. I don't know much about snow monsters or fairytales, but I think I might be able to help." He sent her a small smile. He didn't know what he'd be able to do, but he wasn't about to stand back and let her do it all herself. That just wasn't in his nature at all.
    Layla nodded. "And I'm assuming he doesn't let very many people go?" She asked. She really didn't mean to ask so many questions, but this was a subject she clearly didn't know much about. Ask her about any demon, ghost, vampire, wendigo or other supernatural creature and she could probably rattle off a shit ton of facts about them and how to kill the sons of bitches, but Neverland, fairytales, Peter Pan, well, to say that was new to her would be an understatement. Dean banged a princess, damn. And assuming what Emma said was true, my nephew's the grandson of Snow White and Prince Charming. "A lot clearly goes on in this town."
    December 7th, 2015 at 06:08am
  • @ the corpse bride.
    Emma nodded, "Yeah I am and it took a lot to get that title." She said and laughed lightly. She raised her eyebrows at his following words, "Well I can use all the help I can get. Usually it's just me and my parents and more recently Hook and Regina and Robin. But I like having a bunch of people around me that can believe in me." She admitted with a small smile as they reached the town and quickly neared her parents' apartment. She took a breath as she walked into the building and up the stairs, "Just let me talk to my parents first and get them out of the apartment so we can be alone for this." She said as she opened the door, walking in.


    Killian shook his head, "Yeah not usually, especially not young people. But of course those usually tend to be the ones that find their way to the island anyway. The ones he keeps I believe you also know them as the Lost Boys." He said and sighed, thinking about the Lost Boys and how when Emma was there she had to admit to herself that she was just like them, a Lost Girl, "Just stick around and you'll find out how much exactly goes down in this town."
    December 7th, 2015 at 06:27am
  • "So who's to say you can't give people reasons for that title to continue being accurate?" Dean pointed out to her. He knew that it had been thirteen years, but she still seemed just as strong as she had back then. "Well, Sam, Layla and I are probably going to at least stick around for a little while. We'll help out when we can." He didn't really know what was going on past that. Cas was still in purgatory, and Kevin and Mrs. Tran were hiding out from Crowley. Kevin was still trying to translate the tablet. There wasn't too much going on right now, so he saw no reason for him to not take this time to get to know his son as best as he could. "Alright, I'll wait out here." He leaned against the wall, crossing his arms.
    Layla nodded. "Well, right now I'm under the impression that my brothers and I will be sticking around for at least a little while." She told him, a small smile gracing her lips. She really didn't know for certain just how long they'd be here, but definitely longer than they'd initially planned on. She certainly didn't mind it. The person who had created that snowman was still out there somewhere. Dean was going to, most likely, if all went well, be getting to know Henry, and she and Sam would be getting to know their nephew she supposed. Plus, she really wouldn't mind taking this time to get to know Killian better either.
    December 7th, 2015 at 06:35am
  • @ the corpse bride.
    Emma nodded before going inside and looking at her parents, "I need to have some alone time with Henry for a bit. I need to talk about things with him. I'll fill you in later." She said to her parents and they nodded in understanding before leaving the apartment. She peaked out the door and motioned for Dean to come inside, "Henry you know Dean from Granny's last night." She introduced as she sat down with him at he dining table, "There's some things I have to talk to you about. And some of them, well all of them actually, involve Dean." She said before Henry raised his eyebrows at her, "Remember when I told you that your dad was dead?" She asked and then continued, "Well I lied...Dean is actually your dad." She blurted before taking a breath to see how he would react.


    Killian smiled and nodded, "Good that's more time I get to spend with you." He said and then winked at her, "So your brother then, Sam. He's pretty protective over you isn't he?" Killian asked, already knowing the answer. It was plain to see that Sam was protective over Layla. Killian understood in a way. Even though Liam was his older brother, Killian was always protective over him and vice versa, "I don't think he likes me very much." Killian added with a laugh.
    December 7th, 2015 at 06:45am
  • Those few minutes while Emma was inside talking to her parents seemed like some of the longest five minutes Dean had gone through. And that included his time spent in both Hell and purgatory too. He nodded wordlessly to her parents when they walked out. He wondered if he'd end up going through the whole meeting her parents deal later on once Emma told them he was Henry's father. The thought was slightly amusing, only slightly though, and before he could think much on it, Emma was motioning for him to come inside. "Hey kid." Dean said, hesitating for a moment before taking a seat at the dining room table as well. "Wait...he's my dad?" Henry clearly wasn't expecting any of this. "Why would you lie and tell me he was dead?" Dean frowned. "Your mom and had I hadn't seen each other since before you were born. I skipped out on her one night when we were supposed to meet up. I was...preoccupied...I only just told her what actually happened." Dean stole a glance over to Emma before his gaze shifted back over to Henry. "And what exactly happened?" Henry asked, obviously not happy with what he was hearing. Dean sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I was in Hell."
    "What makes you think that I want to spend more time with you?" Layla teased, punctuating her words with a raised eyebrow. She was only kidding. She knew that she wouldn't mind spending more time with him. She was enjoying it right now, so she doubted that was something that was likely to change so quickly. "Sam means well." She started. "But he is overprotective." Sam was only looking out for her, she knew that, but it got pretty freaking annoying sometimes. "He's felt obligated to do so since we were kids. When Dean was old enough to go off on hunts with our dad, Sam and I were left behind in motel rooms, some of which were in different states completely." Sam had always gotten frustrated when their dad wouldn't let them go. Layla hadn't questioned it for a while. "Even though he's only two years older than me, it almost made him grow up sooner than he probably would have if we had a more normal childhood." She didn't blame Sam for wanting to protect her the way that he did. She understood, but she was a grown woman now. She could fight her own battles. "He doesn't like most men who show an interest in me, don't take it personal." She said, laughing quietly.
    December 7th, 2015 at 02:09pm
  • @ the corpse bride.
    Emma watched as Dean spoke to Henry, "I knew it!! You are him!" Henry exclaimed as he shot out of his seat, grabbing his book off the kitchen counter, "These are about you and your siblings then?" He asked. Emma smiled slightly, seeing how well Henry seemed to be taking the news, clearly right now focused on the fact that he was right.


    Killian raised an eyebrow at her words, "Well I figured if you didn't want to spend time with me then you wouldn't be here." He said with a grin. When she spoke about Sam more he nodded, "I understand." He said and then shrugged, "I guess if I was in his position I would act the same way if a devilishly handsome pirate was taking an interest in my sister." He joked with a smirk.
    December 7th, 2015 at 06:56pm
  • Dean was honestly pretty relieved by Henry's reaction to the news. He was taking it pretty well, although Dean supposed it made sense with what the kid had dealt with already in the past. "Yeah, everything in those books has happened before." He said, nodding. He really was going to have to find each and every single one of those books and get rid of them. But that could certainly wait for now. "It says that Sam went to the cage with Lucifer and your half-brother Adam who was Michael's vessel though...why did whoever write these books stop writing?" Henry asked curiously. Dean sighed. "Because Sam, Layla and I found out and asked the author to stop writing them. He's a pretty chill guy, so he agreed."
    "Touche." Was all Layla said in response. She really didn't mind spending time with him right now, and that wasn't something that was likely going to change any time soon. Not in the foreseeable future anyway. She let out a slight laugh in response to his later words. "Devilishly handsome, huh?" She couldn't help being slightly amused by his words, though there was some truth behind him. He was rather attractive, something she'd already taken note of and rather quickly too
    December 7th, 2015 at 07:40pm
  • @ the corpse bride.
    Emma nodded at Dean's words but found Henry's curiosity to be a relief in a way because he wasn't freaking out, "Henry how did you come across the books?" Emma asked curiously, "My mom bought me them to pass the time and get my mind off the storybook that Mary-Margaret gave me." Henry replied. Emma raised her eyebrows, "Oh the irony." Emma stated with a small laugh before looking at Dean. He seemed to be dealing okay with all of this, seeing he just found out that he had a son only last night.


    Killian smiled over at her and nodded, "I mean if you want to go with something better than devilishly handsome then go right ahead and say it but I like devilishly handsome." He smirked and winked at her before leaning back in his seat as he looked at her. He was really enjoying his time with her and he hoped that it didn't end any time soon.
    December 7th, 2015 at 10:51pm
  • "So then you've read all of them?" Dean asked curiously, wondering just how much about his, Layla and Sam's lives his son already knew about. "I've read all of them cover to cover, more than once on a few occasions." Henry told him. "Of course you did." Dean chuckled slightly, shaking his head. At least the kid wasn't freaking out about all of this because of the books, one good thing that had come out of Chuck writing them he supposed. "What happened after the last book?" Henry asked curiously. "Well, Sam came back from Hell without his soul, and then Cas brought in a bunch of Leviathans from Purgatory. We lost Bobby, then Cas and I got stuck in Purgatory, Sam hit a dog and Layla, well, Layla continued hunting for a while with Garth actually before she went back to the Bunker, a place once run by an organization known as The Men of Letters. Your great-grandfather was one of them, and well, we've kind of turned the place into our homebase recently. Oh, and we met a prophet of God named Kevin."
    "No, I think devilishly handsome works." Layla said, smirking slightly as she popped a fry into her mouth. She was definitely enjoying their date, and she honestly wouldn't mind going on a few more. She liked Killian, and she found it strange, but she actually wanted to take the time to get to know him despite the fact that she knew that it was taking a risk. She knew what had happened to so many people that Sam and Dean got involved with. And she'd always been afraid to let people in because of that, but that wasn't on her mind right now for one reason or another.
    December 7th, 2015 at 11:03pm
  • @ the corpse bride.
    Emma laughed slightly at how quickly Dean explained everything that happened since the books had ended, "Wait I thought you said that Chuck was a prophet of God?" She asked curiously. She frowned when she realized that her son knew more about Dean's life than she did and Henry just met him the day before. She didn't want to be bitter about it but it did kind of make her a little salty.


    Killian raised an eyebrow at her words before he smirked, "I knew it." He said and grinned over at her, "So when you're not hunting what do you like to do?" He asked. He was very curious to get to know her and wanted to do it in the least amount of time possible. He just really enjoyed talking to her. He didn't remember all the things that were happening in the town when he was around her.

    (sorry they're short. Still trying to multitask.)
    December 7th, 2015 at 11:32pm
  • Dean looked to Emma when she spoke, nodding at her words. "He is, but there's more than one out there." He told her. "Kevin's one we've come across more recently. The King of Hell is actually looking for him. We helped find him and his mother a safe place for them to lay low for the time being." He didn't realize what Emma was thinking. It really hadn't crossed his mind, he was just glad that Henry was taking this all so well. "So, when you said you were heading to Portland, you had a case you were working there, right?" Henry asked. Dean nodded. "Yeah, figured we might as well jump right back in to it." He punctuated his words with a shrug of his shoulders.
    Layla let out a quiet laugh, shaking her head. "I probably shouldn't have agreed to that." She said, realizing her mistake now based off of the rather smug expression on his face. It was too late to take it back now though, and it honestly was true. She did find him attractive, so devilishly handsome worked as well. "Well, home's back in Kansas, or the closest thing I've had to home in a really long time." She told him. The Bunker was awesome, and, much like Sam, she found herself easily getting lost in the library there. "Sam, Dean and I sort of acquired this place that's kind of become or safe haven recently. There's this huge library there, so I like searching through the stacks, though I don't mind relaxing with a beer and watching some TV shows with my brothers either. Netflix is a beautiful thing."
    December 7th, 2015 at 11:46pm
  • @ the corpse bride.
    Emma nodded in understanding before Henry asked him about the Portland case, "And you got lost on your way up there?" She asked, remembering that being mentioned the night before. She looked between Henry and Dean and furrowed her brows at the two. She could see similarities between them but could see more of Dean's spirit in Henry than she could see her own, "Well thank God you got lost." Henry said and Emma smiled over at him, seeing that he was taking it well that Dean was his dad.


    Killian shrugged, "But you did so you obviously think it's true." He said and smirked again before he stole another of her fries. He listened as she talked before he gave her a confused look, "What's Netflix?" He asked, clearly oblivious. It must have been something from this realm because he had never heard of it before from his or recently around here but then again this town wasn't like most so it probably explained why he had never heard of it before. He knew of most things around town but there were still things that were strange to him.
    December 8th, 2015 at 12:12am
  • "I uh, took a wrong turn. Sam called me out on it pretty quickly, as did Layla, but I refused to believe either of them." Dean admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. Why would he think he'd gotten them lost? He couldn't remember any other instance when he'd gotten them lost on the way to a case before. He smiled at Henry's words and nodded. "I couldn't agree with you more, kid." He said. He was honestly glad that he'd gotten lost. He would have never known that he had a son and he would have never seen Emma again. Most likely anyway.
    "Quit stealing my fries." Layla said, changing the subject altogether as she shifted her plate away. His later words caused her eyebrows to raise in surprise. "You don't know what Netflix is?" She asked before thinking about it. Maybe he hadn't been in this world for that long. After all, he had told her that he'd been in Neverland for a while. "You haven't been here long, have you?" She asked curiously. "Netflix is a website that streams different TV shows and movies. People pay the same amount every month so that they can keep their membership and continue watching what they want to watch."
    December 8th, 2015 at 12:24am
  • @ the corpse bride.
    Emma raised her eyebrows, "I see you haven't changed very much." She said with a laugh before she grinned when he called Henry kid like she usually did, "Are you sticking around for a while around here?" She asked, "'Cause you can stay for dinner if you want." She suggested. She would love to have Henry spend more time with Dean and get to know him more, "I can try and make us all dinner. Or we can all go down to Granny's for dinner instead." Emma added.


    Killian grinned at her words before he leaned up over the table and stole another fry, "Pirate." He stated with a grin before he shook his head at her question, "I've been here for a bit of time but not very long. Maybe only two years." He replied and then nodded at her explanation, "It sounds very addicting for people." He said and took a sip of his drink.
    December 8th, 2015 at 12:53am
  • Dean chuckled softly. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" He asked, grinning slightly. And then she asked if he'd be sticking around. Layla was off somewhere with Killian and Sam was probably off being a nerd and doing research in the library or something, so he didn't see why not. "If you'll have me, I wouldn't mind staying." He told her, smiling slightly. "And I'm up for whatever." He wasn't about to be picky when she was offering to let him eat dinner with her and Henry.
    "You have your own food! Eat it!" Layla said, glaring at him though she only maintained her composure for a few seconds before letting out a quiet laugh, shaking her head. "If you wanted fries, you should have ordered something with fries instead of lasagna." She added as an afterthought. She listened as he talked, nodding at his words. She could see why he wouldn't know what Netflix was if he'd only been here for two years. It made sense. "Oh, it's very addicting. Sam, Dean and I have gotten through an entire TV series in like two days."
    December 8th, 2015 at 01:02am
  • @ the corpse bride.
    Emma shrugged, "It's whatever you want it to be." She replied with a grin, "Do you two want to help me with dinner? Henry usually likes to help out so I figured you would want to as well." She suggested, "So what's fun to make and is delicious to eat?" She asked and looked to Henry for suggestions, "Pancakes!" He yelled happily.


    "I like your food, love. Plus I like get a reaction out of you." He said with a laugh before she spoke more on Netflix, "Wow that's impressive. It's taken me almost a year to learn how to use a cell phone and I still don't understand the fascination." He said with a laugh. He took a bite of his own food before he looked over at her with a laugh.
    December 8th, 2015 at 01:26am
  • Dean smiled. "I'm always up for pancakes, though there needs to be bacon too. You can't have pancakes without bacon." He said, the smile on his face widening into a grin. Things seemed to be looking up now. He didn't know if it would stay that way, but he certainly hoped that it would for at least a little while. "We have chocolate chips, right, mom?" Henry asked Emma, causing Dean to grin. "I like the way you think, kid." He said as he stood up, ready to help make their breakfast for dinner.
    "And let me guess, it wouldn't be the same if it wasn't mine?" Layla asked, punctuating her words with a raised eyebrow. "Well, that's too damn bad, because they're my fries. So eat your damn lasagna and quit stealing from me." Of course, it really wasn't that big of a deal, though she was pretty hungry and, this being her second time at Granny's, had realized that the food was freaking amazing and that it hadn't simply been because she'd been starving the night before. "Cell phone's are a convenience. Sam, Dean and I only recently upgraded ours from the basic flip phones we had for years." It was mainly because those ones had become obsolete more or less. They still had a few different phones, some burners for just in case.
    December 8th, 2015 at 01:40am