You're My Kryptonite

  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Skye Harper


    Elli Bradley
    November 23rd, 2015 at 07:54pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Skye laughed as the roller coaster fell down the step ramp. She put her hands up feeling her belly jumping with the fall. She looked over at her boyfriend Elli, he had brought her here to celebrate and she was having so much fun. It was their 1 year anniversary and she couldn't be happier plus she had a feeling he was going to ask her to move in today too. She loved Elli so the answer would be an easy yes. The coaster jerked to a stop at the platform and Skye grabbed Elli's hand dragging him from the cart as she hurried to the exit. "Let's go again!" She laughed seeing the look on his face. Skye felt him tug on her hand and her stomach leapt as it had with the roller coaster. She turned and kissed him taking pleasure in the moments pause he gave in surprise before he kissed her back. Skye giggled as she pulled back and looked up at him waiting for him to pop the question she knew was coming. Skye felt so impatient but he really had taken his sweet time asking her to move in. For goodness sake they had been dating a year but yet somehow she knew if he asked her that she passed some test that he had been waiting on. She laced her fingers with his her cheeks hot with adoration. Only Elli had ever made her feel like a silly school girl in love and yet she didn't care because it felt so great and he loved her despite it, maybe even for it.
    Skye remembered back when Elli asked her out. He had been so careful that they were alone first it still baffled her why he did that. There were just some things Elli did that didn't make any sense but what did it matter when there was instant chemistry between them? She had meet him through one of her friends who had long since not been her friend. It was one of those things were she was the wing woman that ended up taking center stage. She hadn't meant to, she was just having fun at the party. She had danced and laughed with Elli and they exchanged numbers. It was later that she found out that he had only had eyes for her and her friend had been so pissed that she had tried to warn Elli off but he couldn't pay attention to her long enough to care. Skye hadn't seen him for weeks before suddenly there he was in a coffee shop line and looking handsome as hell. Skye had gone up to him and tapped his shoulder. That little connection had sent sparks through her reminding her of the party and the connection there. Two coffees and a short walk in the park later and they were meeting up for dinner that weekend. It took three dates and he finally kissed her goodnight on her door step. Skye was tipsy and not from the wine either but from his kiss. She finally understood that silly saying of being 'drunk of you'. She opened her door and turned back to him and pulled him inside to her little shitty apartment. Her intentions where not as innocent as the night ended up being. Elli had been the perfect gentleman. It took two more dates and a dinner at her place before he finally gave into her sinful desires. Skye remembered that night so well because it was the best she ever had and the one she still only wanted.
    Skye bit her lip as they sat on a flower holder bench with poppies and a birch tree. "Well spit it out Elli." she said seeing him nervous after all this time still made her heart squeeze for him. Skye smiled as he gave her a look. He always went at his own pace, never to be used or slowed unless he decided to. Skye grinned knowing she made him smile even in his slight annoyance.
    November 23rd, 2015 at 09:00pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Eli, he didn't have an answer as to how, or why, not really, as to why Skye changed him so much. Maybe she didn't, but when he was with her, he was careful. More careful than he had ever been before because he didn't want her to worry about him and partly because he didn't want her to know, period. Because then she would be a liability to his business and if she became a liability, he would have to make a choice. It would either be his gang and his business or it would be Skye Harper. Maybe if he could figure it out and explain to her the why, maybe he could have both.

    Happily following Skye, Eli grinned as she leaned in for a kiss. God, she was perfect. She really was. She managed to surprise him, after almost every turn. Skye just had a way of looking at the world that opened his eyes to the world and he was addicted to her. Eli knew he had developed an attraction he wouldn't necessarily be able to kill but he couldn't help it.

    Protecting her was of his biggest concern because he had enemies, that was no surprise. But he had to protect her. Both from the physical threats out there to the mental ones - the ones that would alert her to everything that Eli had ever done in his life. The stealing, the murders, the threats. There was nothing that he hadn't done but it had all been in the name of something better, at least for him. Whether it was for his life or whether it was for the greater good, that was up for debate. Not that he cared one way or another, so long as it served his better interest, why should he care?

    Eli didn't know what he should do, he didn't know if he should ask the question or if he should wat to see if she would ever ask. But then, he didn't know how this whole dating thing worked. Sure, Eli was confident with women because he could be. It was that simple. He was good looking and charming, that always attracted ladies. Some, he didn't want the attention of and then others, then there was Skye. One girl that he had never been able to get his mind off of after meeting her. Sitting beside her on the bench, Eli glanced down to his hands and flexed them, turning them over to stare at the scars that covered his knuckles. Questions had been asked but he had always been good at brushing them off, Skye seemed almost too gullible. She believed anything that he told her. He knew that was for the best and yet, Eli didn't know if that was what he preferred.

    Clearing his throat, Eli looked back up to Skye with a hesitant sort of smile on his lips. "Well, we've been together... for awhile. Some people would even go as far as to think it was long enough to marry," he paused with a laugh and a shake of his head, "But every morning, I find myself waking up, wishing you were there beside me." Eli was quiet for a moment longer before taking a deep breath. Fuck, why was he nervous? He didn't know. It wasn't as if Eli didn't make hard enough decisions about peoples' lives and would in the future, so what was so hard about asking her to move in with him?

    "Move in with me." Eli said it so quickly, like he was afraid if he waited any longer, he would lose his courage and not ask her. What was the worst that could go wrong, right? She could say that was too much... but really, that didn't have to be the end of it. It would all work out, Eli was sure of it. Regardless of what happened, it would work out the way that it was meant to. He had to have faith, that was all he had these days.
    November 24th, 2015 at 05:42am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.
    Skye giggled and nodded. "Yes." she said and tossed her arms around his neck. She kissed him nearly knocking him over. She laughed happily as she pulled back. "It's about time you asked. If you had waited any longer I was going to ask myself." she teased and moved closer to him to be in his arms. Skye smiled and snuggled into him just enjoying this moment.
    How had she gotten so lucky with Elli? She couldn't have imagined a better man to be her lover, her boyfriend and maybe some day her forever. She looked up at him being the relief there on his handsome face. "Elli you weren't worried where you?" she asked and turned facing him. "Why wouldn't I want to live with the man I love? I want to wake up next to you too every morning not just some mornings." she said and kissed him again. "Hey... where do you live anyways? I know you took me there maybe once but we never stayed over..." she frowned wondering why. She figured maybe he was just use to leaving his home in a mess but now she knew that they could make it work between the two of them.
    She was so excited she could hardly contain herself. "Oh god I am going to need to get boxes from work." she said and laughed shaking her head. There were so many things she hadn't thought about but yet it all didn't matter because she would end up with him. Skye chuckled and shrugged before standing. "I think we should celebrate some more." she said and took his big rough hands and pulled him to his feet. "Let's see maybe the boomerang." she said her eyes wide as she turned to look at it spinning and moving and she giggled.
    November 24th, 2015 at 07:51am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Elli let out a laugh when Skye jumped into his arms. He quickly turned his head so that he could kiss her, intent on the physical connection. "I would have had to say yes," he answered quietly, hands set on her hips, holding her close to him. Everything about Skye was perfect, he couldn't wrap his head around her. Never could because she was just so amazing. Everything he could have ever hoped for in a woman, Skye possessed. And more. How, it happened, Elli couldn't figure it out but he wouldn't question it anymore. Why would he? He had everything he could want, there was no reason to.

    Shaking his head, Elli forced a smile to his face and shook his head. "No, of course not," he answered her, nosing her neck. He had to act the confident man that he was in most of his life. He was. He was calm, confident, and a stubborn man. Not someone that you would want to go toe to toe with. Both literally and figuratively.

    Elli shrugged his shoulders, head tilting to the side as he moved to stand so he could lead her on to the next thing that they would decide to do. "You can start moving in the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow, I'll work on getting the house ready for you," he spoke, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. There were certain things that had to be taken care of before she moved in to make sure she never came across anything incriminating. That was the last thing that they needed, he would be damned if something stupid broke their relationship. He would go to the ends of the earth for her, as he had told her time and time again. It was no secret, Elli would do anything for Skye.

    "Anything you want, Skye. You lead the way," Elli answered her quickly, giving her a light, suggestive push forward. Wherever she wanted to go, whatever she wanted to do, Elli was happy to do just that.
    November 25th, 2015 at 03:16am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.
    Skye smiled. "And rightly so." she said knowing on some level they belonged together. She smiled as he held her. He fit her better than her favorite sweater. His arms where home and without him she would be lost. Skye chuckled as they he denied his fear. "Of course you are never afraid. I forgot." she played and cupped his cheek kissing him again. Then his nose moved over her neck and she shivered. He always knew how to disarms her. She ran her hand into his hair and held him to get for a good long while before they stood. Skye smolders he said she could move in so soon. "Wow. I might have to buy boxes then." she said and smiled defiantly thinking that he left his house a mess. She chuckled at the thought. "Fine I will wait a few days only if I don't have to wake up a single morning without you from now and to forever." she said beaming with her love for him.
    They headed to the ride she wanted to go on and she giggled hopping into place at the end of the line cuddling into Elli. "I have never slept in your bed... is it nice? Or should we take mine?" she said and chuckled. "Call me sentimental but I almost want to keep it since it is where we had our first time." she said and kissed his jaw as they swayed gently. She looked up into his eyes. Her eyes sparkled with the joy. She peeked his lips knowing they were that couple that other people could never look at because they where just close all the time. "I think I will have to cook something special our first night in your place." she said and moved with him as the line moved. It wasn't long before they where climbing into the seats. She strapped in looking over at Elli. "Are you afraid of anything?" she asked but was interrupted by the ride taking off. She screamed with glee as the ride tossed them and sun them all over until all too soon the ride came to an end and Skye jumped off the ride and walked out feeling a little dizzy. She giggled and slipped under Elli's arm her own arm snaking around his middle. "Really though, I want to know." she said softly.
    November 25th, 2015 at 04:17am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    "Never," Elli mimicked her, a small, mischievous smile playing at his lips. Fear wasn't something that he felt very often, mostly because he was secure in his job. There was no fighting that, Elli had fought his way to the top and he would be damned if he lost his position. He laughed and shook his head, offering his help to her, to help her move in. Finding boxes would be the last of his worries, he needed to make sure the house was spotless. Or maybe, appear so.

    "I have a bed you'll never be able to forget," Elli answered with a grin. It was true, his bed was unforgettable. It was a temperpedic memory foam mattress. A lot of the time, Elli ended up sore because of his work. Whether he took a rare beating or it was because he put in some hard work. His mattress was a safe haven that he could forever enjoy. It made sleep easy. Or as easy as you could sleep, running in the business that he ran in. At the mention of their first time, Elli only gave a nod. He didn't care one way or another because they had been together a countless number of times and they would be with each other just as many times after today.

    "Sure. Cook whatever you want, I'm sure it'll be amazing," Elli complimented her, squeezing her hand. He shoved one hand into his pocket, his other arm wrapped around her shoulders as they headed toward Boomerang. His eyes shot to her at the question and he had almost opened his mouth to answer but thankfully, the ride took off and he didn't have the chance to. He hoped she would forget she had even asked. How would he explain to her there wasn't really anything that he was afraid of? A man of his status, he didn't work under anyone. People worked for him and they were loyal, what was going to happen to him? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. The only thing that he was afraid of, in the moment, was losing her. She had managed to bring out the good in him. When he was with her, he was a stand up man. The man you wanted your daughter to bring home.

    Snuggling into her side, Elli started to lead Skye toward the games. He could win her a stuffed animal or something, that would work to distract her - she'd brought it up again. "What do you want?" He asked, gesturing to the countless games displayed in front of them. Anything from posters to shirts to stuffed toys to little treats. HE only hoped it was enough to completely distract her with all the different possibilities.
    November 25th, 2015 at 05:23am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.
    Skye smiled and looked over everything. "Something squishy... just like you..." she teased. Elli was nothing but muscle but every once in a while she would catch him being a mushy with her, all lovey dovey. Skye leaned against the counter and watched him waiting as the man handed him the rings. She bit her lip knowing she could either distract him and make him miss or let him concentrate and win. Skye chuckled knowing he always won. She licked her lips and watched him move. Skye squealed in delight as he won. She grinned and leaned into him as the man behind the counter handed her the stuffed penguin. She hugged it and then kissed him. She pulled back and giggled licking her lips. "Thank you honey." she said and hugged her penguin. Skye realized he hadn't answered her question but she let it go. Like a lot of things she let things slide with Elli because she loved him. Skye took his hand and pulled him over to the cotton candy shop. "Blue Raspberry please." she said and smiled. She giggled as the girl handed her the cotton candy. She pulled some off and took a big bite then offered some to Elli. She went with him over to the little garden and they walked around. She couldn't have asked for a better day.
    The sun was setting and they got to his car. She slipped in and buckled up. She cuddled into her seat and looked at Elli as he got in an started the drive back to her place. "Honey... Thank you for today." she mumbled and blinked slowly watching his face as the lights moved on and off his face as the lamps passed by. "You are so handsome." she said and watching him as she slowly fell asleep on the drive home.
    November 25th, 2015 at 06:34am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Elli raised his eyebrow, looking at her kinda funny but he didn't make a comment, just nodded and headed toward one of the booths that had giant stuffed animals. Which animal didn't really matter but it was part of the joy of going to an amusement park with your boyfriend. If you didn't walk out with a giant stuffed animal, then by God, your boyfriend hadn't done a good job. "Anything for you, darling," he answered back, returning the kiss happily. Lacing his fingers in hers, he let her lead the way to wherever she wanted to go.

    Not having much of a sweet tooth, Elli declined the cotton candy. Even as a kid, he didn't have a sweet tooth, that hadn't changed and wasn't likely to any time soon either. That was one thing that Elli loved about Skye, she was almost too innocent. Too naive but she always managed to see the good in people and in the world, that warmed his heart strangely enough. She was his sunshine and he was pretty sure that was why he needed her in his life. Without her, it would be a lot more gloomy and damn if he would put up with that. He needed something to look forward to.

    His hand rested on her knee as he drove home, slowly massaging circles into it out of habit. Elli was admittedly nervous because he didn't know what the future held for them. He didn't know how she would react if she found out about his work but he hoped, liked to think that she would still see why he did what he did. But that was for another day to tackle that problem. Hopefully he never had to.

    When they got back to Skye's place, Elli climbed out and headed around to her side. He opened the door and leaned down to pick her up in his arms. He carried her inside, intent on putting her to bed before anything else happened. Skye deserved to be happy and he would be damned if he wasn't going to do anything he could to make that happen. Anything in the world.
    November 26th, 2015 at 05:59am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.
    Skye woke up as he was trying to open her door and hold her at the same time. She giggled and kissed his cheek. She took her keys from him and opened the door as he took her over the thresh hold. "We're back already?" she asked and yawned. "I'm sorry I fell asleep on you love." she said and wrapped her arms around his neck. She grinned as he took her to her room. "Say your staying the night." she said as the moved through the darkened room. She moved to her end table and took out a lighter lighting the three candles on her dresser. It created stunning light.
    Skye moved back over to him and took his hands. She moved closer to him humming softly. "I don't want to go back to work tomorrow." she said softly and chuckled. Honestly it didn't matter what she did all she wanted to do was spend her time with Elli. She wrapped her arms around his waist leaning her head on his chest. She had a nice nap and now all she wanted was him. But she knew he probably was just wanting to go home and go to sleep.
    Skye hoped he would stay though. She slipped out of her shoes and socks then out of her sweater and looked up at him. "Tell me what you want Elli." she said realizing that other than what was between them she didn't know everything she wanted to know about him. He was just so quiet about his personal life but now he had asked her to move in with him things would be a little bit different now. Now she would meet his friends and they would be together nearly all the time they weren't working. Not that she knew exactly where he worked either.
    But it was times like this when they where alone that none of it mattered and she could feel nothing between them but their love and of course those damned cloths. Skye ran the tips of her fingers under his shirt teasing. He always saw her as so innocent but when it came to the bedroom she wasn't so innocent any more. She knew what he liked and she knew how to get her way.
    November 26th, 2015 at 07:10am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Elli had been trying, without success, to open the door without dropping her or waking her. He breathed a sigh of relief when she woke and he readjusted his grip on her so that he wouldn't drop her. "That's what happens when you fall asleep, love," he murmured with a soft laugh. He leaned and kissed her forehead, carrying her toward her bedroom. Setting her down, he grimaced at the question, watching her move around to light candles. Sure, he wanted to stay but she was moving in. There was so much work to do that he wasn't sure he could afford to stay the night. He would still need to get home in the morning and that would surely take up valuable time.

    He forced a small smile to his lips and moved forward, to meet her and wrap his arms around her. Elli leaned down to kiss her, rubbing small circles into her back. "Once you move in, you don't have to work if you don't want," he answered with a shrug of his shoulders. His line of work provided plenty of money for the two of them to live a comfortable life. Well, as comfortable as he could with the possible threats looming over his head. But that wasn't something he particularly wanted to let her in on yet. Or ever, if he could afford to.

    "I want to retire to a villa in Italy, on the Mediterranean Sea. With you. To be able to relax and enjoy life, with you, would be perfect," Elli answered her with a gentle smile. For once, he was speaking of the future and some sense of him wanted that scenario for the two of them. BUt that was so far out that he wasn't going to get his hopes up any time soon.

    "What do you want? I'll give you the world if that's what you want," he said, a smile playing at his lips as he leaned down again to peck her lips. Elli figured that he could stay for a bit and then l eave. That was a happy medium, right?
    December 3rd, 2015 at 05:33pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.
    Skye smiled and held onto him thinking of what a life that would be. "That's sweet but I would be bored without some work. Maybe I can find something I like to do better." she said and kissed him listening to him tell her what she wanted and she smiled. "That sounds perfect Elli." she smiled amazed. He obviously had been thinking about this for a while. She grinned and thought about his question. What did she want? That was the real question. "I want to be happy and content all my life.I can't want more because I already have you." she said because honestly she had what she wanted already. She hat Elli and they where in love. That was all she needed. Skye smiled and kissed his lips again before pulling back and stripping to her underwear. She walked to her closet and pulled out a night shirt. She slipped it on then crawled into bed and waited for Elli to join her at least for a little while. Skye smiled and snuggled up into him. "Your dreams are so beautiful. Tell me more." she pleaded.
    Skye could listen to him talk forever. His voice was so soothing. She hoped they would stay happy like this. She never had ben one to be for the money. No she was for the people. She loved those who where with her through it all. And the only one that had been there for eyer the longest was Elli. He reminded her at times of her grandpa. He had died a few years back after raising her. She still missed that man. But now Elli was her rock and the only one that knew her more than anyone else. Skye was slowly falling back to sleep as she laid there with him listening to him talk and the pounding of his heart.
    December 3rd, 2015 at 08:48pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Elli let out a soft laugh when Skye said she didn't want anything else in life. He smiled and leaned to kiss her, cupping her cheek. God, she was perfect. How had he ended up with someone who was so amazing? The people that he ran with weren't normally so precious, most were people that you probably didn't want to run into in a dark alley at night. Granted, Elli could handle himself, but all he wanted to do when he was around Skye, was protect her. Love her, and make her world brighter in any way that he could.

    His eyes devoured her body as she stripped down to her underwear, convincing him to stay to stay just like that. He kicked off his shoes and moved to lay down, pulling her into his side. His arms wrapped around her, his other hand resting on her side. At her prompt, Elli opened his mouth and began to talk about his dreams. Every last one of them had been true at one point, mostly as a child but his current ones? Outside of the ones with her in them, he absolutely would not divulge them. They involved expanding his hold on the world, he wanted to be a house hold name. A name that either people loved or feared but either way, he would be known to everyone. One way or another.

    "Ten years, where would you want to be?" The question was popped so that he could steer the conversation away from his dreams. Elli always wanted to focus on her and her desires because she was just so pure in them. In everything. There were at times that he was almost jealous of her because she just had such a lovely view of the world, he wondered what it would be like to be in her shoes.
    December 4th, 2015 at 07:41pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.
    Skye smiled and thought about it. "Well since I won't need to work so much with you then I was thinking about going to trade school to work in computer design. I am really good with computers." she said and giggled because he didn't know the half of it. "Other than that I want to be in a nice neighborhood and work in my spare time with the school. Maybe even think about adopting..." she said and shrugged. "But that's a long time away. "First I have to save up some money." she said and smiled at him. Skye didn't want to have kids of her own not when there where so many already out there that needed good homes. Her dreams where simple but most importantly they where achievable. She use to dream of things she could never hope to do and that was how she got into computers. She had stopped after high school though because it lead to no where and was to dangerous to continue as an adult, not if she wanted some kind of a life. Skye realized she had never told Elli what she could do with computers and she smiled knowing that now she had a secrete just like he did.
    It wasn't long before Skye was to sleepy to talk anymore even though she tried. She didn't want this perfect day to end but she knew it had to. She fell asleep her head in Elli's lap. She slept much deeper now that she was in her own bed and her night shirt. Skye loved to fall asleep with Elli because he always left her with good dreams, sometimes really good dreams.

    It was a day later and Skye was cooking dinner at her place waiting for Elli to show up. She had worked the morning shift and was ready to just relax with a nice mea with her boyfriend. She heard a knock and opened the door smiling as she saw Elli. "Hey!" she said and kissed him taking his hand and pulling him into the apartment. "Did you get everything taken care of that you needed to?" she asked remember him having talked about needed to do business. Skye pulled the food off the burner and served them plates. Most of her apartment was already packed up and the furniture she didn't need had been donated except for her bed with she was keeping till the last second.
    December 4th, 2015 at 08:19pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Elli had left when Skye was just getting too tired to even hold her eyes open. He had kissed her goodnight before setting off to rid his home of any and all indications of his lifestyle. There were still pictures hanging on the walls and furniture but anything that may hint at his choices were locked in his office. He was the only one with a key to the room, Skye wouldn't be able to access the room. Ever. That was the very last thing that he needed to happen so he made sure that it never would with a number lock.

    He made his way to Skye's apartment and smiled as she answered the door. Elli wrapped an arm around her waist and followed her inside, sniffing the air for a moment. "Smells delicious," he said with a small smile. He leaned and kissed the top of her head before sitting down at the table. He watched her, head propped on his hand. He was surprised by how much she had managed to get packed, he was expecting her to need a few more days before she could actually move. Thank God he had gotten his friends to sort everything else out.

    "Everything is taken care of. Whenever you want to move in, you can. You don't have to bother with the boxes, I"ll just get some of the guys to come and bring them home," he said with a small smile. It was all about making the move easier for her. Anything and everything was for her, when it got right down to it with him.
    December 5th, 2015 at 02:14am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.
    "Really?!" Skye exclaimed excitedly. She had at least another day to pack up the bathroom but she had been surprised how easy it was to get rid of things. She hopped over to him and kissed him as she sat in his lap. "How did you do it so fast?" she asked. She had done it all yesterday after work. She had been so excited she had hardly slept. It seemed to be a pattern. Skye smiled and kissed Elli again. She giggled and stood placing their bowls on the table. "Eat up." she said and sat down beside him taking a long drink of her wine. She was so excited about moving in with him.

    Skye sat back slowly eating as they talked about her work and what else she had to do with the apartment. "You said some guys would come pick up my stuff? Who are they?" she asked curiously. "Are they friends?" she asked and smiled. "Oh can we have a house warming party? I always wanted to have one." she said and giggled. She really wanted to meet his friends. "You don't talk about your friends... who is your best friend?" she asked knowing if she had to pick one she probably could but in all honesty it was him. He meant so much to her he didn't even really know it. She would do anything for him but then she knew he would do anything for her too and she loved that about him. It made them a good match.

    After dinner she cleaned up continuing to talk with him. She knew at some point he would ask her a question to change the subject. She always wondered how he did it. Elli was so smooth and she admired him greatly though she still wasn't clear what he did with all the time he wasn't with her. But they spent so much time together he had to run his own business or something.
    December 5th, 2015 at 02:56am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    "I just like to keep my place tidy. Wasn't that hard to move some things around to prepare the house for you to move in," Elli answered with a soft smile. When Skye set down the food, he immediately started diving in. He hadn't realized just how hungry he was, after all the work that he had put in in the past day or so. He moved his legs to entangle them with hers, comforted by the touch more than he probably would ever willingly admit.

    "Friends that I've known for a long time. You can trust that they'll be careful with your stuff," he answered her between mouthfuls of food. Of course, there was an unspoken threat that if anyone was stupid and broke something valuable of hers, it was likely that Elli would return the favour. "James," came the next answer. James was his best friend and consequently, his right hand man. They had been through thick and thin from the beginning, James had stood by his side from then on. Elli could never hope to repay the man.

    "After you're completely moved in, we'll have a house warming party," Elli agreed, knowing that the party would make her happy. Her happiness was what mattered, wasn't it? He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "After that, I want to take you on a little vacation. That way we can destress from the move and everything," Elli commented with a smile. He would surprise her with a cabin he owned by a lake a few hours away they wouldn't have to worry about anything at all until they returned back to their home city. "How does that sound?" He asked, brow raised as he moved behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close.
    December 7th, 2015 at 02:22am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.
    Skye smiled and nodded. She wasn't worried about her things. She grinned knowing he liked her cooking. She wrapped her legs with his letting her foot move up and down his calf. "I'm so excited to move in." she said and reached over taking his hand in hers and grinning from ear to ear. "Tell me more about James. "How long have you been friends?" she asked but was soon distracted as he said yes to a house warming party. She squealed already making plans.
    Then Elli went overboard as usual and said they should go on a trip. "A vacation?" she grinned leaning back into him melting into his arms. "That sounds perfect. Tell me what days you want to go so I can schedule it with work." she said and set the plate down that she was washing and dried her hands. Skye reached back and ran her hands into his hair. "I love you Elli... I love you more than the stars and the moon, more than the ocean and the sky." she grinned knowing she had said it to him more than once but probably only after that had made love.
    Skye turned around after finishing the dishes and took his hands moving them to the couch. "Do you want to watch a movie?" she asked knowing he probably wanted to relax but she rather talk or do something much more fun with their mouths. Skye thought she would ask though. She sat beside him and ran her fingers up and down his arm as she watched him.
    December 7th, 2015 at 02:56am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    There was nothing particularly special about James that Elli could open up about unless he wanted to let Skye in on the secret. So he just said they had been friends for a long time. Long time could mean anything from a decade to since childhood. He let her fill in the missing pieces for herself, not particularly caring to correct her on her assumption. His boys weren't stupid either, they wouldn't accidentally say something that would tip Skye off. God help them if they did because Elli would be coming for them.

    Elli hummed for a moment, head tilting to the side as he contemplated when they could go. He did have a meeting the week after next that he had to be around for. "How about not two weekends from now but the next? If you don't have the schedule for that," he said after a moment, a small smile playing on his lips. He followed her over to the couch and settled in beside her, his arm wrapping around her shoulders without hesitation. "Pick whatever you want to watch. Doesn't much matter to me," he answered, running his hand over his shoulder. He readjusted and pulled her closer, gaze settling on the television in front of them.
    December 7th, 2015 at 09:53pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ varkatzas.
    Skye smiled and listened as he talked about his friend. She was glad there was someone there for him. She knew friends where important. She was so excited to move in. When he said to pick the movie she bit her lip and picked something they had watched dozens of times before. She sat back on the couch and curled up into his side. "That sounds good to me. Work will defiantly give me the time off. How long do you want to go for?" she asked and ran her hand up his chest looking up at him as the previews turned on for the movie. She smiled as he looked at her and she pecked his lips. It felt so nice to be with Elli. He was the one that made her life worth it.
    Skye wasn't interested in the movie at all. She straddled his lap some time during the middle of the movie and she looked down at him. "I'm not really interested in watching this movie... are you?" she asked and smiled down at him her hair falling to one side. Something about tonight was special. Maybe it was their last night here and she was feeling a little sentimental or maybe it was just being around Elli that made her like this either way she liked it. She liked how confident she was around him and how supportive he was. "What should we do instead?" Skye asked as she ran her hands up to his shoulders.
    December 8th, 2015 at 01:31am