The Force

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    December 19th, 2015 at 07:50am
  • Kaiya headed down the street with Sehun towards one of the clubs where most people made underground deals. She had her hood up because of the rain, but also to let everyone know who was coming. The two of them were the only ones who wore black robes like the ones they had on, and it scared the average person shitless. She enjoyed it though, heading down the dark staircase and heading towards the back.

    It was neutral territory so it meant you could often find people from both sides, and often fights broke out. But it was a popular place and they went often just to keep an eye on things. She headed in but kept her hood up, going to sit at a table while Sehun looked around with an unreadable expression.
    December 19th, 2015 at 08:01am
  • Miri let her hair down as she walked down the street, she was wearing her usual attire which was leather pants and a crop top with heels to add to the look. Her life hadn't been one with an easy walk - she didn't have the life she wanted, her goals in life were only to be successful in ever endeavor she had; and right now her only goal was to be with a man in power - whomever that might be.
    Jongin shook his head, "You're something else you know that," he said to Miri who just shrugged. "You're going to get hurt one day,"

    "Then I'll be hurt, nothing that hasn't happened before,' she said to him as they walked down the street and into the club that seemed to be hidden.
    December 19th, 2015 at 08:05am
  • She sat down with Sehun at one of the Vip tables in the back, ordering a drink and sighing. A few of the troopers hung around because they almost never went anywhere without extra protection, even though it wasnt like they needed it.
    Sehun looked around as they waited for their drinks. "I wonder if we'll have to deal with any foolish Jedi today."

    "Only for a reason to use your lightsaber, but if you were bored, I'm sure we could find some." She replied.
    December 19th, 2015 at 05:45pm
  • She sighed as she went to the bar and ordered herself a drink before casually looking around when her eyes stop and a smirk spread on her face, "Oh goodie," she said to herself.

    "You've got to be kidding me, they're on the dark side, Miri," Jongin said to her, "You can't," he said as he looked at her. He thought of her like a sister and she was constantly trying to get with the wrong guys, but he knew it wasn't love for her.
    December 19th, 2015 at 05:55pm
  • Sehun looked up as a Jedi walked in with a girl, before turning his attention away. "It's unfortunate, things have gotten boring."

    Kaiya smiled. "It's only boring if you let it be. We're on this side for a reason."
    December 19th, 2015 at 05:59pm
  • She finished her drink and sighed as she walked over to where Sehun sat, "You look bored," She said to him, "Let me buy you a drink," she offered.
    Jongin cursed under his breath as he watched her go, his hand twitching for his light saber. He didn't trust this with a fifty foot pole much less with his basically adopted sister.
    December 19th, 2015 at 06:12pm
  • Sehun raised his eyebrows at the girl and then saw when Kaiya tensed, her eyes on the man behind her. "And a drink from you will cure my being bored? I doubt it." He said coldly, his eyes on her but half of his attention on Kaiya.
    Kaiya kept her eyes on the guy, but moved her hand, using her power to push his hand away from his lightsaber. "Don't try to start something you aren't willing to finish."
    December 19th, 2015 at 06:34pm
  • She snorted a little, "I never said anything about it just being a drink," she said to him as she stared into his eyes, "Let me take your mind off things for a while,"
    He glared at her and cursed under his breath, what the fuck was Miri thinking - this guy could kill her.
    December 19th, 2015 at 06:37pm
  • "Are you sure thats a good idea?" Sehun asked her, tilting his head to the side. "You don't know what you'd be getting yourself into."
    Kaiya kept her eyes on the guy, half listening to the conversation. "If you have no business here, leave." She said to the guy. "This is a fight you won't win."
    December 19th, 2015 at 06:42pm
  • "I know exactly what I'm getting myself into," she said to him as she looked at him, "So are you going to continue to be bored or are you going to come with me?"
    "My business is protecting her," he sneered at her.
    December 19th, 2015 at 06:47pm
  • Sehun shrugged. "After you," He said, raising an eyebrow and heading out the club toward his car.
    "And your business has just walked out of the door," She pointed out coldly.
    December 19th, 2015 at 07:03pm
  • She smiled a little as she walked with him climbing into the car with him, she waited till he was in the car and the drive had started moving before she climbed onto his lap and pressed her lips against his skin.
    He sighed a little as he stood and walked over to her, "It's best if she stays away from this, she is better than him - she's not a killer, unlike some people," he said to her.
    December 19th, 2015 at 07:07pm
  • She scoffed. "She is better than he is? In what world? He is a Sith, and what is she? A prostitute? This doesn't make her better in any way. And as for being a killer, he warned her."
    He smirked slightly and began driving to his home, letting her do what she wanted. "You do know you've gotten yourself in the most dangerous situation," he reminded her.
    December 19th, 2015 at 07:20pm
  • He rolled his eyes, "She is not a prostitute," he said to her, "She kows what she wants so she went to get it, even if I disapprove, he told her.
    She smiled a little as she kissed his neck and ground herself against him, "Have I? Why don't you show me how severe this situation is then,"
    December 19th, 2015 at 07:25pm
  • "She goes after well off men in power? That... If not a prostitute seems to be quite a bit like a gold digger. Which brings me back to in what way is she better than my sibling?" She asked with a snort.
    "If I did you may not live to tell the tale." He said quietly, continuing to drive. "Still think this is a good idea?"
    December 19th, 2015 at 11:40pm
  • "She has the force inside her, she doesn't want it - but she is extremely powerful, probably just as if not more powerful than you," he said to her.
    "IF you plan on killing me, than that seems like a very not fun experience for me, and quite unfair I might add," she said to him softly as shelooked at him.
    December 20th, 2015 at 12:15am
  • She laughed. "I'll benefit you by not outwardly assuming your stupidity. Sehun and I are siths, who control the entire First Order and answer only to Darth Vader himself. Do you actually think that a free prostitute could ever possibly have a power even comparable to mine?"
    "You came to me, and in full knowledge of what I could do to you." He smiled a little. "But if you still want to take the risk, by all means go ahead."
    December 20th, 2015 at 12:36am
  • "I'm just here to have sex, if you have any other things in mind I suggest you stop the car," she said to him her eyes darkening.
    He smiled,"You'd be surprised," he said to her, "But I guess you'l just have to find out on your own,"
    December 20th, 2015 at 12:48am
  • "I doubt it. You can believe what you want. But if instead of using her power to gain power she's using her looks to seduce men in power, well." She shrugged, taking another sip of her drink.
    "I guess thats a risk you'll just have to take." He said to her.
    December 20th, 2015 at 01:00am