all i want for christmas is you.

  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Elizabeth Whiteley

    Bucky Barnes

    Emily Adams

    Steve Rogers
    December 26th, 2015 at 05:17am
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    James Buchanan Barnes, the name was hard for him to remember sometimes. Bucky still had trouble with small things like that but Steve managed to help him jog lost memories. It had been months since Bucky was found and with Sam and Steve's help Bucky was starting to live again.

    Bucky sat in back of the room and listened to Sam finish up his lecture. As he stood up he sighed. "Steve showed up to a couple of sessions. It's helped him, well, finding you really helped." Bucky smiled, "I'm here because he asked me to or because he wouldn't stop annoying me" he chuckled. Bucky looked at his watch, "he's late."
    Emily huffed as she put her bags into her trunk, that was the last of it. She walked over and got into the driver side before taking off. It had certainly been a long year and she was ready to leave her past behind. New York would be a good place to start over and get away from drama and pain.

    Hours of driving later she made her way to Brooklyn where she had found a nice apartment. Not too expensive Emily didn't have family or friends here so it would be a fresh start. Christmas would be a lonely one but she didn't care. She knew it was for her own good, maybe she would meet new people and make friends hopefully.
    December 26th, 2015 at 05:47am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Elizabeth Whiteley, Beth or Lizzy for short, was someone who went out of the way for her friends and family. When her brother had started attending meetings at the VA weekly, she was the one who automatically volunteered to drive him there and back. When he started seeing one of the women who also attended the meetings, Beth wasn't needed as frequently, however today was an exception. Her brother's girlfriend was out of town, so her brother had asked if she'd be okay giving him a ride there and back. Of course, Beth hadn't minded. Yes, it was the holiday season, which always proved to be busy and hectic, but she wasn't about to tell her older brother no.

    That's how she found herself walking into the VA's office on that cool December afternoon, just as Sam Wilson was walking out of the room where the meeting was held. "Do my eyes deceive me or have you gotten even more beautiful since I last saw you, Lizzy?" Beth let out a quiet laugh, shaking her head. He was a good friend of her brothers and was the one who ran most of these meetings that he attended. "I think you might need to get your eyes checked, Sam." She said, crossing her arms.
    Steve had begun to lose hope after a while. It was ironic that he chose to look in their old Brooklyn neighborhood last for his best friend, and he sort of wished that he'd looked there sooner. Several months had passed since he found Bucky in a homeless shelter in their old Brooklyn neighborhood. In those months, he'd helped his best friend begin to remember who he once was, and also helped acclimate him to the 21st century the best way that he possibly could. He saw more and more of the man he'd once known with each passing day, though he knew that Bucky would never fully be who he used to be. He'd been through far too much, seen far too much too. Steve helped, so did the meetings down at the VA with Sam.

    Steve was about to head down there to pick his friend up from one of said meetings when he noticed the petite blonde struggling to carry some boxes from her car to the apartment building he also called home. "Do you need some help, ma'am?" He asked. He figured that Bucky would wait for him. If not, well, maybe Sam or someone else would give him a ride back.
    December 26th, 2015 at 11:24pm
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Bucky's personality had changed of course it had. After everything that he had to go through. When Steve found him Bucky had been a wreck, he only remembered Steve and not much else. Steve had helped Bucky so much and he eas grateful but it was frustrating not remembering. He didn't talk to people as much either. Bucky was worried about not being the friend that Steve remembered.

    Bucky was still sitting in the very back of the room, he wasn't as social as he once was. He often wondered if that bothered Steve, Bucky tried his best to remember and often felt bad about not being his past self. Steve had to keeo reminding Bucky that it was okay to be different. Steve let Bucky know he had changed as well and it heloed Bucky feel less guilty. Bucky looked up when Sam called him over, Bucky noticed Sam talking to a small blonde and he wondered if she was here for the same reason. "He's running late... I might walk home. . Don't let me ruin your conversion:" he smiled politely.
    Emily was a very shy girl growing up and often was bullied for having such large eyes. She learned to ignore comments about them, more often they were compliments. She wasn't much of a social butterfl, Emily liked reading books and writing. That had been a dream of her's, to have s book published. With all her problems she didn't have time to write. With her fall out with her best friend and a boyfriend who emotionally abusive, Emily had decided to move away fron it all. Maybe New York would be better.

    Emily struggled with her boxes she had over packed and now was kicking herself for it. As she wobbled around with boxes she heard a man's voice offering for help. She couldn't see because she had boxes stacked up. She sighed softly "yes, please. I'm new to New York and well. . I'm in over my head" she chuckled softly. Emily placed the boxes down for a minute to see who was so kind to offer her help. She had been in and out and people watched her struggle and hadn't offered her help. Emily's bright green eyes scanned the man. He was even more handsome in person, she knew exactly who he was.

    [I work late nights now lol so my responses are gonna be random Times lol.]
    December 27th, 2015 at 08:49am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "I'll have you know that my vision happens to be perfect, 20/20, Beth." Sam said, causing Beth to let out a quiet laugh. Sam certainly was something else, but she did like him. He seemed like a good guy, and these meetings of his had definitely helped her brother out a great deal. She truly appreciated everything that Sam was doing for all of the veterans. He was helping to better so many lives, maybe even more so than he actually realized. "Well, you must be delusional then." She countered, a faint smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. Sam let out a low chuckle and shook his head. "Alright, fine. I can see when my charms aren't working." Beth laughed slightly, shaking her head with an evident look of amusement on her face.

    "I think your brother's talking to someone, he should be out in a bit." Beth nodded, noting what appeared to be a look of realization dawn on his face. "In the meantime, there's someone I'd like to introduce you to." Beth knew what Sam was up to. He was practically an open book and she could see what he was trying to do. "Sam, I swear---" He cut her off by calling out, "Hey, Barnes! Come here for a second!" Barnes was a man who appeared to be somewhere around her brother's age. He was much taller than she was, though there wasn't really anyone she'd ever met who wasn't taller than her 5'0" frame, but what she really noticed were his eyes. They were a striking shade of blue, but the color wasn't the only thing that she noticed. He had this look in them that she recognized because of her brother. She could tell that this man had been through a lot. Maybe more than she could ever realize. "I'm sure Steve'll be here soon, that's not why I called you over here though. This here's Beth Whiteley. I think I've introduced you to her brother Tom once before, he attends these meetings too."
    Steve chuckled. "It's not a problem." He said, taking the boxes she was carrying from her. They had probably been rather heavy for her, but they didn't bother him in the slightest. He figured that Bucky wouldn't mind waiting around a little bit longer, Sam would be there to talk his ear off anyway, and it wasn't like he was about to let this woman struggle to carry things up to her apartment. That just wasn't the type of person that he was in the slightest. When he saw people in need, he stopped and asked if they needed help. It was just who he was.

    "Where am I headed?" He asked, glancing over his shoulder at her. He had no idea where her apartment was. Little did he know that hers was actually right across the hall from his and Bucky's. He knew that it had been vacant for a few months now, however the thought didn't cross his mind that she might be moving into there. After all, the complex was a fairly decent size, so he was sure that there were quite a few vacant apartments around.
    December 27th, 2015 at 10:11pm
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Bucky had noticed Sam talking to a young woman and he was pretty sure he hadn't seen her before. He stood in front of them sliding his hands into his jean pockets. He had made sure to bring a jacket, not b only to hide his arm but the weather was getting cold. Bucky looked between Sam and the petite blonde who had this warm smile on her face. He didn't want to get date, something he often did in the 40s. Bucky tried his best to put a smile on his face, "which one is he again?" Bucky"s memory wasn't always the best and he felt bad about it. "It's a pleasure to meet you," he shook Beth"s hand gently. "Name's James" he told her softly. "My memory isn't the best" he chuckled. Bucky wondered what was keeping his friend so long. Probably stopped to help an old lady with some groceries or something. Somethings just never changed.

    Bucky was almost like his old self but not entirely. He knew that he wouldn't be the same person that he once was. Bucky was told by Steve that it was fine but he couldn't help but feel unsure about this. Steve had been the only person not to see James Barnes as a threat. Of course no one else really knew Bucky not the way Steve does.
    Emily knew better to over pack boxes but she was in such a hurry she didn't care. She appreciated his help though. Emily didn't think she would run into Steve Rogers not that she minded. His reputation sure followed him from what she just witnessed. "Let's see floor six door 5c I think." Emily smiled at him, "I'm hoping I can launch my career here, though I know New York will kick my butt. Sorry I don't mean to ramble.. you're the first person to come talk yo me.." Emily stopped when they reached her apartment, "here we are. I hope I'm not taking much of your time."

    Emily sat her things on the floor while she took out her keys "I only came once to this place before deciding to get it. Its perfect for me" she smiled. "What about you? Uh.. Captain Rogers? I don't want to get to casual. ." She laughed.
    December 28th, 2015 at 03:22am
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    January 19th, 2016 at 05:33am