welcome to the new age.

  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Iris Steel -- Bellamy Blake

    Grace Steel -- Finn Collins
    December 28th, 2015 at 10:03pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Iris wasn't sure how she knew this going to end up badly, but she did. There was just this feeling in the pit of her stomach telling her that things weren't going to go well. After all, it didn't take long for rumors to spread around between everyone that they were thinking of sending them to the ground, and honestly, Iris wasn't sure how well that would really work. And it made her wonder if she'd ever see the people she loved again. Her mom, her sister, Bellamy. Which she knew that really she should just be glad that the council hadn't decided to float her for keeping it secret that Bellamy had a sister, but she supposed that was the beauty of not being quite eighteen. Really she was glad they hadn't decided to float Bellamy like had his mother given he'd also kept it secret. But she supposed it made sense given he wasn't the one who had a second child, and as far as she knew they'd taken away his badge so he wasn't on the guard anymore. Honestly, she hated this. She hated being locked up in a cell unable to do anything. And she hated that they were all being kept in the dark. Because if they were about to send them all to the ground she felt like even though they were in prison they deserved to know.
    Finn leaned against the wall of his cell and sighed. Even though he was locked in a cell, and for something he didn't do though he wasn't worried about that because at least it wasn't Raven, he'd heard the rumors that were spreading like a wildfire. That the council was planning to send them down to the ground. Just the prisoners though of course. He wasn't sure if he believed it or not, though. After all, he was in a prison cell, and everyone around him was also a prisoner. So for all he knew the rumors that found their way to him could be false. Though a trip to the ground, if they were to make it down alive and it was survivable like they hoped, could be kind of nice. He had spent his entire life up here in space, and getting the chance to go back to the ground would be a big deal.
    December 29th, 2015 at 06:16am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bellamy knew exactly what he needed to do, once he overheard two guards talking about how there was a drop ship being filled with kids so they could be sent to the Earth. He knew Octavia and Iris would be among those kids, it was his fault they were both locked in those cells and he wasn't going to lose either of them again. He wasn't sure how he would get onto the drop ship, but he would do anything. So when he was approached with the chance to sneak onto the drop ship, he took it in a second but he would need to do something first. Something that he didn't want to and wasn't sure if he'd be able to go through with, but in the end he did because it meant being with his sister and girlfriend once more. After he shot Chancellor Jaha he ran towards the drop ship as the guards had been taking the confused delinquents onto the drop ship, most of them had heard the rumors but now it was being confirmed that the Chancellor was allowing this to happen. Bellamy stayed hidden as he waited for the last second when Commander Shumway would wave him over and he'd get onto the ship right before the doors were sealed shut, his heart was racing in his chest as he found himself a place on the drop ship that he would be hidden but still safe at the same time.
    "Their being sent to the ground, all one hundred of them." Grace stared at her Mom in shock, she had heard the rumors but didn't think it would actually ever happen. Her Mom was whispering this to her as Iris was locked up in a cell for a reason that Grace didn't know, they weren't eighteen yet so they couldn't be floated but now her twin sister was being sent to the ground. Iris was being sent to her death and Grace couldn't let that happen, "I'm sorry. We love you and Dad, but we need to be together." Grace whispered kissing her Mom's cheek who looked heartbroken but there was understanding in her eyes, the girls had been apart for so long now as Grace wasn't allowed to see her sister. Having been twins and allowed to live, they weren't the most popular kids on the Ark. They tended to stick together until Iris fell in love with Bellamy, it had taken Grace some time to trust him but she grew warmer to him. But now her twin was being sent away and Grace wouldn't be able to handle that, so as she moved away from her Mom she ran through the corridors until she found guards taking kids towards a open door. Nothing was going through her mind as she pushed a guard with all of her strength, she watched him fall before her arms were held roughly and she was dragged onto the drop ship. She was shoved into a chair before the buckled locked around her body and a metal cuff was tightened around her wrist, as she glanced over the faces she couldn't find her sister and that was making her feel even more scared. Until her eyes connected with a gorgeous pair of dark ones, a boy she had always seen on the Ark but never had the guts to talk to.
    December 29th, 2015 at 11:33am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Iris didn't see the point in fighting the guards when they finally made their way to her cell. There were too many of them for her to be able to fight them all off, and even if she did find a way to fight them off she'd just end up dead as soon as they found her. Which there weren't that many places to hide on a spaceship. At least, if she got on the dropship and went to earth there was a small chance of her actually surviving the drop. Though that wasn't exactly a comforting thought given she going to the ground meant she probably wouldn't see her family again, or Bellamy for that matter. But honestly, there wasn't ant point in her trying to fight when she knew she'd lose. So she let the guard lead her to the ship and strap her into a seat then put a cuff on her wrist. After all, she was still a prisoner, and of course, they couldn't send 100 criminals down to earth without some way of keeping track them on the ark. Which she assumed was what the cuffs were for. Iris did have to admit to herself though that sitting in the chair knowing she was about to sent to the ground made her a little sad. Because she didn't even get the chance to tell her family goodbye, and if she never saw them again then they'd never know why she was locked up in the first place. Well her sister wouldn't know anyway, not unless her parents told her. Which really Iris wasn't even sure her parents knew. And she hated that because Grace was her sister, and maybe Grace deserved to know. It was too late now, though.
    Finn went with the guards to the dropship. He got the cuff and let them put him in a seat, but he had no intentions of staying in the seat. They were being sent to the ground, where they'd all most likely die. After all, they all knew the ground wasn't survivable, or at least, it hadn't been. So what changed? Why were they being sent down there now? All Finn could come up with, was the council planned to save oxygen or something ridiculous like that for everyone on the ark by getting rid of 100 people who were just sucking it up because they were too young to be floated. Which sounded insane probably, but if anyone really thought about it, he was sure they'd think it made sense too. After all why else were they suddenly being sent to the ground? As far as he knew nothing had changed in the over one hundred years, and they weren't even supposed to return to the ground for another few years at least. But what could he really do about any of this? Nothing. All Finn could do really was let the guard lead him to the dropship, then pray that he didn't die. And maybe he wouldn't. Maybe the ground was survivable, and maybe just maybe everything would work out the way it was supposed to. They'd make it to the ground, make contact with the ark letting them know it was safe to come down, then he'd be pardoned for his crimes on the ark and could get back to a normal life on earth. All he could really do was hope that that was how things would go. He didn't know if they would or not, though.
    December 30th, 2015 at 03:49am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bellamy had found a pair of spare straps that he could use to hold him in place, he wanted to find Iris and Octavia to tell them how sorry he was for letting them get locked up and how much he loved them. But it was too risky to move around the ship now, he knew there was a high chance of no one surviving the Earth. Either by crash landing in the ship or the ground was going to kill them, but there was also still a chance that they would survive and he'd be reunited with the two people he loved the most. He locked the straps around his body and a pole as the ship begun to move and large noises echoed from the metal walls, it was happening and there was nothing any of them could do to stop this. Closing his eyes, Bellamy thought of Iris and Octavia as it would help get him through this without panicking. He wasn't sure how much time had past, but he did feel a different sensation when the drop ship had come completely away from the Ark. It felt more like floating and being free, the next thing he'd have to do if they did actually survive this was to get the criminals to break the cuffs from their wirsts. He wasn't going to have them all learn who he hurt so he could get onto the damn ship.
    Grace held onto the straps as the ship shook before it moved away from the Ark, she had done the right thing and her parents would know that one day. She needed to be with her twin sister more than anything, so this was the way that things had to happen. Even if they didn't survive the drop or being on Earth, they wouldn't be a part any longer. She listened silently as people slowly begun to speak with each other, she could hear people around her whispering about what she was doing there as she hadn't been the one who had gotten locked up. She ignored the noises around her as best she could, although it was hard at times but instead she focused on the rattling of the ship. However a frown settled across her face as watched the boy sitting not too far away from her, he was taking the straps off his body which was just stupid in Grace's opinion but it did look fun. He floated from his chair and into the air, "You do know how dangerous that is, right?" Grace spoke to him even though it was causing other's to laugh and enjoy watching him, which was what they needed if they were going to die before or when this drop crashed into the Earth.
    December 30th, 2015 at 07:13am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Iris closed her eyes and held onto the straps holding her into her seat as she felt the dropship start to move away from the ark. And hearing the echo the metal walls were making didn't help ease her mind at all. This was really happening, she was actually on a dropship heading to earth not knowing if any of them would actually make it or not. Before they made their drop down to earth though there was a moment of peace as the ship just floated away from the ark, and in that moment alone Iris didn't feel scared. But that feeling didn't last long because before she knew what was happening she felt the ship starting to gain speed and the walls were starting to shake. They were starting to plumet to the ground. Her fingers were quick to squeeze the straps again, and her fingers were most likely turning white, she didn't really know because she'd closed her eyes and was praying that somehow they made it to the ground okay. Because she wasn't ready to die.
    "But it's fun, and if we're going to die on this ship before we even make it to the ground we might as well have a little bit of fun while we still can." Finn replied to the girl. He knew who she was. Of course he was pretty sure everyone knew who she was. She was Grace Steel, and last he'd checked Grace hadn't done anything to get locked up. Her sister on the other hand had. Though he wasn't exactly sure what the other Steel sister had done. There were all sorts of rumors about why Iris had been locked up, rumors everyone tended to be curious about. Especially given people weren't allowed to have more than one kid on the ark without being punished for it. Yet both of them were alive and neither of their parents were floated. He also knew all about Bellamy and Octavia Blake, and how their mother was floated for having Octavia then Octavia was locked up for being born. Of course before he'd really been able to figure out which rumors were true and which weren't he'd gotten himself locked up to save Raven from being floated so he supposed he was as in the dark about Iris as everyone else.
    December 30th, 2015 at 06:06pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Grace continued to watch the boy float in the air, "And what if we do survive? Don't you want to give yourself more of a chance to live through this," She commented before she rolled her eyes when she noticed two other young boys had decided to copy and unbuckled the straps that kept them in the seats, the smiles on their faces showed happiness and joy as the floated around that level of the drop ship but Grace still had a bad feeling in her stomach. She wasn't sure why or if it had been the news that she was going to lose her sister forever, but this wasn't going to be easy. She figured a good few minutes had past before the ship increased in speed as they headed down to the ground, the walls creaked and the whole ship begun to shake rather violently. Grace's hands tightened their grip on the straps as fear flooded her entire body, screams echoed from the walls as she watched the three boys trying to make it back to their seats. As Grace squeezed her eyes shut, she had only seen the first boy pull himself back into his seat and within seconds her body was jerked roughly forwards before everything stopped. Her heart was racing in her chest as she didn't move, she wanted to calm herself down before she went to find Iris. Voices hit her ears before she wasn't paying attention to the words, she could feel people moving around her but still waited a little while before she opened her eyes. Some people were gone and other's were still in their seats, but they were somehow alive and they had to be on Earth now as the drop ship was still and silent. As she glanced around, she couldn't believe it. They had survived, well two of them didn't as she saw the bodies of the two boys that hadn't made it back to their seats. "They copied you and they knew the risks, it wasn't your fault." She told the boy who also hadn't moved yet but his eyes were focused on the bodies, she wasn't sure if he believed her or not but she wasn't sure what else she could say to him.
    Bellamy had to hold on extra tightly to keep him from being thrown around the ship, the rocking and clashing lasted for a long time in his opinion before he was jolted to the side and everything fell silent. His eyes were instantly alert as things calmed down and that is when he unbuckled the straps and stood up, he felt eyes focusing in on him as he wasn't meant to be there but right now he didn't care. He needed to find Octavia and Iris before anything else happened to them, he scanned the level he was on but didn't find either of the girls. So he tried to move onto the next level but a crowd of the kids came towards the ramp although no one opened it just yet, he scanned the faces before he found his younger sister in the crowd. "Octavia," He called out above the noise and saw the shock on her face when she saw him, he pushed his way over to her and pulled her into his arms. She had grown up even more than the last time he had seen her, she of course asked him what he was doing so he told her the truth. He couldn't lose her again and he wanted to make things right, for her and for Iris as it was his fault that they had been locked up in a cell. But she hadn't seen Iris yet and that made Bellamy's heart drop, what if her parents pulled some strings and had gotten her off the list. They had somehow managed to keep living on the Ark after having twins, while his mother had been floated for having Octavia and she had been locked up.
    December 31st, 2015 at 06:13am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Finn had made it back to his seat before they'd crashed, but those other two hadn't. And while he did know that it wasn't his fault they'd died given it was just the harsh crash to the ground that killed them, he couldn't help but feel a little responsible since he was the one they were following. He'd gotten out of his seat first to try and have a little fun in case they died on the way down here. And if he wouldn't have gotten out of his seat they wouldn't have followed, and they'd still be alive like everyone else. "Thanks for trying to comfort me I guess," Finn finally said as he unstrapped himself and stood up from his seat. He looked around at everyone and was a little sad really. He wouldn't deny if asked that he was glad they'd made it to earth in one piece, of course, they hadn't opened the doors yet so if they'd live past that who knew. He was a little saddened though by the thought of actually living even once the doors were open because Raven wasn't down here with him. But maybe it would be best for him to move past Raven. He wasn't entirely sure if he'd ever see her again really. Because none of them were even sure if they'd make it once the doors were open. Plus the only way he was seeing Raven again was if it was possible to survive on earth. But they'd also have to get a message to the ark letting them know, then she'd have to safely get down there. He loved Raven, honestly, he'd do anything for her because of that. Which again was why he was even down here. But the fact was right now he didn't know if he'd ever see her again. Of course, this was something he could worry about later, like after they opened the doors and found out if they were going to live or die.
    Iris had never been more terrified in her life than just then. But once they'd landed and she realized that she was still in one piece, her grip on the straps released while she took a moment to breathe before working her way out of the seat and down a level. She felt like almost everyone had already found their way out of their seats and down a level by the time she'd pulled herself together. That was fine, though. Of course, when she started down the ramp she was a little shocked at the first person she spotted. "Grace?" She called quickly making her way to her sister and pulling her into a hug not even bothering to ask what she was doing there right away. Though, after a moment, she did wonder. "What're you doing here? How are you here? Why are you here? There's no way mom and dad just let you come down here. And if you were locked up too they would've told me last time I saw them," she said honestly, just glad to know her sister was still alive. Iris had been so worried about her family the last few months. Then when she rumors started to spread that they were sending the prisoners to the ground she was, even more, worried. Afraid she'd never see them again. Clearly that wasn't the case with Grace, though. Now really the only things that could make this whole trip to earth better would be if somehow Bellamy were here. That wish was a bit far fetched, though, she knew. It was one thing for her sister to be there. Honestly, Grace had most likely come up with some last minute plan to get herself a spot on the ship and since she was only 17 they'd put her on here rather than float her. Bellamy, however, was lucky he hadn't gotten floated as soon as the council found out about Octavia like they'd done his mother. And Iris was kind of worried about what might've happened to him if he'd tried to get on the ship with them since he was over 18.
    December 31st, 2015 at 07:00am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Grace knew she could have said something better to the boy, who she remembered hearing a nickname for him, Spacewalker. But right now all she wanted to do was find her sister, thankfully it wasn't long before her sister came rushing over and engulfed Grace in a tight hug which she instantly returned. She wrapped her arms around Iris and never wanted to let her go again, she smiled as she listened to the questions that her sister wanted to know. "I wasn't going to let you do this on your own, Mom told me what was happening. So I got myself thrown in here," She shrugged her shoulders lightly as she knew Iris would have done the same thing, if Grace had been on her own and traveling to the ground. "I had to be here with you," She looked at her twin and hugged her again, "I've missed you so much." She whispered to Iris as she hadn't felt the same without her sister by her side, they had been born together and grew up together. Their parents didn't think it was a good idea for Grace to visit Iris in the cell, so she had only seen her sister a handful of times which hurt her more than anyone could imagine.
    Bellamy spent a few minutes with his sister but he was anxious to find his girlfriend which Octavia could sense, "Go on." She smiled giving him a nudge which he didn't waste and continued to look around for Iris, he wasn't sure what he was expecting when he did find her. But he wasn't expecting to find Grace standing there with Iris, he didn't have the guts to tell Grace the truth about why her sister was locked up. He had tried many times after it happened but the words never came out, he knew she had heard the rumors about Octavia but he never talked to her about it and she still didn't know why that would get Iris locked up. He wasn't sure if he should stay back or not, but when Grace glanced over and saw him, he knew he couldn't hide anymore. "Iris..." He looked at her as his heart went into his throat, she had always been gorgeous to him and she still was. He saw shock cover her face as she saw him standing there, he walked over to her and wrapped his strong arms around her small body.
    December 31st, 2015 at 09:02am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "So I know we're all probably nervous about if we'll make it once those doors are open. But I think we should get it over with and open the doors." Finn said nervous about what was on the other side but excited as well. Because what if it was survivable? What if all of this really wasn't for nothing? Sure they'd still have to find a way to tell the ark they were okay and all, but they could worry about that later. For the time being, they were all free, they weren't trapped in a cell just waiting for the council to pull them out given them a review and decide if they should be floated when they turned 18 or not. They were free and no earth. Sure Finn understood that there would have to be rules while they were the only ones down here because even it no one else agreed there had to be some form of structure. However, he also knew they all deserved a bit of freedom given how long some of them had been locked up and what they'd been locked up for. "Let's open it," he heard someone else say and looked over to see Octavia. He didn't know much about her, really aside from her name being Octavia, her brother being Bellamy Blake, her mom being floated for having a second child, and her being locked up Finn assumed because she was born he didn't know anything. However, she seemed pretty eager to get off the ship too. So he nodded and they pulled the lever that would open the door and let them know what was on the other side together.
    Iris was quick to wrap her arms around Bellamy's neck when she saw him. Of course, she was shocked that he was there, it wasn't bad, though. If there was anyone she'd missed more than her sister it was Bellamy so being reunited with both of them actually really put her at ease. Before she could bring herself to question how he'd gotten on the ship since she was sure she knew why he was there already, she had to pull back and kiss him. It'd been way too long since they'd really seen one another so it kind of felt overdue. They wouldn't let him see her, though, which hadn't surprised her really. She knew that the prisoners were allowed visitors on certain days and usually her parents would come see her. They'd only brought Grace along with them a couple of times, and every time she asked about Bellamy they were quick to change the subject. So Iris knew her parents had most likely pulled some strings and found a way to keep Bellamy from seeing her. Because they blamed him for her being locked up with little they could do for her. Of course, they didn't know the whole story or that it was her decision to keep his secret and Octavia's. So she'd never really held that against them. "I've missed you so much Bel," Iris said softly once she'd pulled away from the kiss and rested her forehead against his, one of the perks of being tall.
    December 31st, 2015 at 05:04pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Bellamy would have lifted Iris up into his arms and maybe even spun around with her, if they actually had any space to which they didn't because they were surrounded by young criminals. It wasn't as romantic as he had planned in his mind, but he honestly couldn't care less because he had his sister and his girlfriend back in his life and that is all he wanted. His arms tightened around her small waist as his warm lips melted against Iris' and it caused his mind to turn foggy, he hadn't kissed her or even held her for so long and now that he was it felt like his body was on fire. Holding Iris securely against his body, he rested his forehead against her's which caused some of his raven curls to brush against her skin as his hair had grown a little longer since the last time she saw him. "I missed you so much more, Iris. I can't apologize enough to you, I don't know how you could even look at me for not taking your place in the cell." He whispered to her before he captured her lips once again with his as he couldn't get enough of her, "You're even more gorgeous. You need to stop otherwise I'll have to fight off all the boys," He grinned placing a tender kiss to her forehead as he just enjoyed having Iris so close to him again.
    Grace walked away from the couple so they could have their own private time, she stood beside Finn and watched the lever being pulled which would open the door. "I really hope we don't die now, we did survive the drop down here." She murmured quietly as they had gone through enough already and if the ground killed them all now, it would be disappointing. She watched as the door lowered and turned into a ramp, Grace waited as the fresh air rushed into the drop ship but nothing happened. In fact it was rather nice to breath in the air that they had never experienced before, it was Octavia who stepped out onto the dirt ground first and she waited a few seconds before she cheered. Nothing was happening to them and although Grace knew it could take time for the Earth to effect them, if it still wasn't livable, she didn't want to let herself think like that. The 100 kids all followed Octavia's lead and stepped onto the ground for the very first time, but Grace still wasn't sure so she wanted to take her time. "I've always dreamed about what this moment would be like, now that it's here... I'm scared." She admitted to the boy standing beside her, she wasn't sure why she was telling him anything. But she felt comfortable enough around him for some reason, and he also hadn't treated her differently because she was a twin.
    January 1st, 2016 at 09:17am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Iris honestly, couldn't explain how overjoyed she felt right now. It'd been way too long since she'd seen Bellamy or Grace and she didn't want to lose either of them again. "You don't have to apologize to me Bel," she replied softly. "You didn't do anything wrong. You were just trying to protect Octavia and it was my decision to keep your secret and not tell anyone even though I knew the rules. I'm just glad the council didn't decide to float you because I don't know what I would've done if that had happened." She told him still not sure why they'd let him live, but she wasn't complaining. "Well hopefully you know that I won't be running off with any of them," she said kissing him one more time. Being with Bellamy again was one of the few things Iris had spent most of her time locked away thinking about. That and seeing her sister again. So now that she'd been reunited with them both the only thing allowed to pull her away from either of them would be death. Which she hoped that didn't happen because she wasn't really ready to die yet. Of course, with the drop ship being open now and the earth's air flowing in for them all to breath then if it was toxic they'd find out if this place was survivable or not soon enough. "How'd you get on the drop ship anyways?" Iris finally asked Bellamy biting her lip while she thought of all the different things he could've done. None of which were good things.
    Finn held out his hand for Grace to take figuring that they could just walk out together and maybe it'd make it a little less scary for her. Though, he did understand why she was scared. He was a little frightened himself really. After all, if this place wasn't fit to live on it would probably take it, at least, a couple of hours before they knew. But he supposed for the time being that until people started to drop dead they were okay. Which he hoped that didn't happen. They'd made it down here alive so he hoped they'd be able to survive down here. He knew it wouldn't be easy, really he knew that they were probably going to have to hunt for food at some point, and water. Because well he was pretty sure they hadn't landed at Mt. Weather or wherever the guards had said they should land. But really hunting couldn't be that bad. Even though this was his first time on earth Finn had always pretty much aced most classes on the ark about earth skills, so tracking and things. And he had no doubts that actually being on earth tracking would be different than it was on the ark that however to him just meant he'd have to be even more thorough. "We can walk out together if you'd like," he said smiling over at her.
    January 1st, 2016 at 09:23pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    (Sorry for the delay, I just wasn't in the writing or role play mood for a few days there.)

    Bellamy couldn't stop smiling, which is something that hasn't crossed his face in a long time. "I still need to apologize, I shouldn't have let you keep that secret for me. I was being selfish," He told him how he felt about the whole situation, "Do you forgive me?" A cheeky smirk took over from his smile as he closed the gap between them and pressed another kiss to Iris' lips, so she would have to forgive him even though he wouldn't forgive himself for being the cause of Iris being locked up in a cell. Pulling back he lightly ran his fingers through her hair, which was slightly longer now but was still just as soft as it was before she was taken from him. He still had no idea why he wasn't floated, he really should have been but he guessed it was because his father wasn't around and his mother had been floated not that long ago for having a second child. But there have been days when he wished he had been floated for keeping the secret about Octavia, losing his mother and than having his sister and girlfriend locked up had taken a toll on him. "I have my ways, which you don't need to worry about right now. All you need to do is stay by my side, at all times because I'm not losing you again. I'll even fight Grace for you," He chuckled softly knowing he would always lose if it ever did come down to him and Grace, Iris needed her sister with her. They were twins, nothing could break them apart from each other. He knew Grace would figure out the reason why Iris had been locked up, as soon as she saw Octavia she would work it out and he would have hell to pay for it.
    Grace looked at the boy standing beside her, his hand was out waiting for her to take it which she did. Her fingers wrapped around his warm ones and her grip instantly tightened, she really did want to stay and hide on the drop ship. She had never been one who enjoyed taking risks or doing dangerous things, but everything had changed now and she would need to change as well if she wanted to survive the ground. "I'd like that," She looked at Finn before she looked out at the Earth, trees were surrounding them and the leaves were green and full of life which had to mean the ground was survivable. But Grace didn't want to let her guard down too soon, anything could be out there or there could be nothing and that is what could kill them off. They needed water and food, without those two important things they would all slowly die, but she pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind as Finn took a slow step. He was making sure that she was ready and although she wasn't, she couldn't stay on the drop ship forever. So she walked down the ramp still holding onto his hand, her boots connected with the dirt ground and Grace wasn't sure how to feel about it. "Is this what you had been expecting?" She asked looking at Finn, the sun rays hit his face and seemed to make his deep brown eyes glow from within. Which Grace shook from her mind because she couldn't think like that right now, she wasn't there for a boy... even if he was attractive.
    January 9th, 2016 at 07:23am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "Of course, I forgive you," Iris said softly leaning into Bellamy and resting her head on his chest. "And I don't see any reason for fighting anyone because I'm not going anywhere," she said laughing a little at the comment about Grace. Of course, none of that changed how awful she felt about everything he'd been through over the last year. Losing his sister and her, then his mom being floated. She was sure it'd been hard for him. And she didn't know why he hadn't been floated, she wasn't going to complain about it, though because now they were together again. What she was curious about, however, was why the council had really decided it was okay for her parents to have two children but no one else. And she understood that she and Grace were twins and that's not exactly something you can just control, but it still didn't make sense to her. She supposed though that she could've just been thankful they hadn't decided one of them had to die or that her parents deserved to be floated. Iris also wasn't going to question Bellamy anymore about how he'd actually gotten onto the dropship, mostly because she was sure once she knew it would change a lot. She was assuming it had something to do with the guards however given he was wearing a uniform. But whatever actual task he had to complete she probably wasn't actually ready to know about. "You think we should go out there with everyone else?" She asked glancing over to the entrance of the dropship where people were exiting the dropship onto land. Just something most of them had been dreaming of doing forever.
    Finn had to look around once he was off the dropship. They were surrounded by trees, and the ground was actually solid. This was honestly something he'd only ever dreamed off. If he were being honest he'd always thought that he'd be stuck up in space for his whole life and that he'd never be able to experience the ground. Yet here he was. And it was more amazing than he'd ever imagined it to be. "No," he said shaking his head. "It's, even more, amazing than I'd been expecting," He told her. Of course, as soon as he'd heard they were being sent to the ground he'd started to imagine what it would be like, and he'd went over what he was expecting and well this wasn't it honestly. "I've kind of been dreaming of what Earth would be like my whole life though so actually being here is pretty amazing," he said positive that there was going to be some kind of sick twist while they were here. Because there was no way that they'd all survived the drop and now everything was going to be peachy keen. He just wasn't sure what the twist would be, or when they'd figure out what it was. He also was going to worry about it right at this second either because he'd rather just take everything in for a little bit. He'd rather look around and be amazed by everything than have it all ruined by the fact that they had no idea what was next. "What about you? Is it what you were expecting?"
    January 21st, 2016 at 05:33am