gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove

  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [I lied, I have zero chill so we're starting this one back up now tehe]

    "We did." Callie said. "We didn't realize there was a nearby nest of vamps too." All signs had pointed to there being basic poltergeist activity, why would they have expected there to be vampires there as well? "I think that was the only case I've ever dealt with where something like that's ever happened." She couldn't think of any other time something like that had ever happened, and she'd definitely seen a lot over the years, so that was saying something for sure.
    "I was relieved at first. Sam and I had finally gotten the son of a bitch who had taken everything from us, but afterwards I realized that it didn't change a single freaking thing. Our mom was still dead. Our dad was dead too, so yeah I guess I did feel emptier afterwards." Dean told her, punctuating his words with a slight shrug of his shoulders. "Sam's always been better at handling stuff like that than I do."
    November 11th, 2016 at 02:04am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    [It's all good. No chill away. tehe ]

    Sam looked from Callie to the dark brown table his hands were currently rested on. It was definitely something that was a rarity in all the time he had been hunting and he had never even read of anything like it in his father's journal. "Could the poltergeist have been an old member of the nest," he asked. "I mean that would make more sense then Melody being that unlucky and dealing with vamps and a ghost in that short span of time." It kind of made him wish he had better answers for Callie and Melody. They had been hunting long enough with their dad. There had to be some sort of explanation for it all.
    Melody couldn't help the humorless chuckle that escaped her lips before she pressed her lips to the bottle of beer and drank from it. At least there was a silver lining to them talking about revenge and how it made them feel. Now the redhead didn't feel so alone in her ability at sucking with emotions and how she tended to suck at controlling them. "I guess I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels that way," she mumbled. "For a while I thought I was a weirdo." The redhead looked at Dean, a somber and completely depressing look on her face before a small smile peeked through as she reached for the bottle of Jack on the small coffee table. "How trashed do you think we can get before they finally show up?"

    @ sam winchester.
    November 11th, 2016 at 05:02am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Callie shrugged her shoulders. "I mean, yeah. I guess it's a possibility." She said. She had tried to wrap her head around what had happened with that case for years now, and it still didn't really make much sense to her. There weren't many instances where a case caught her completely off guard, but this had been one of the few exceptions to that fact. "Melody doesn't like talking about it very much though, so don't mention it when we head back." She added as an afterthought, figuring that they should probably head back to the hotel at some point soon.
    "I'm sure we aren't the only ones who have ever felt that way before." Dean said. He knew quite a few hunters who ended up getting into the business because of a vengeance of sorts that they were seeking. He never met one that ever seemed fully satisfied when they had ganked the evil sons of bitches that had taken loved ones from them. "Well, I don't know about you sweetheart, but my alcohol tolerance is pretty high." He said, chuckling slightly.
    November 16th, 2016 at 03:25am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    "Did she ever say why they let her live," Sam asked. He was honestly curious why a nest of vamps would let a human survive an attack unless it was to change them and Melody wasn't a vampire. The tall Winchester brushed some of his hair behind his ears, hoping he wasn't pushing his luck asking Callie what he had. If anything he felt sort of guilty being so interested by the redhead's tragedy.
    Melody stood up, grabbing a bottle of tequila from her bag. It was still fairly full and the redhead honestly hated the stuff but she wanted to get Dean drunk. The redhead honestly wasn't sure why she wanted to get the other hunter drunk but a piece of her wanted to see how raw and honest she could get him to be when the alcohol finally shut off his filter and he let everything just blurt out. "Let's see if I can prove you wrong on that," Melody smirked.
    November 16th, 2016 at 03:45am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Callie shook her head. "She doesn't like to talk about it much and I never push her to do so." She said. She knew that Sam didn't mean any harm asking all of these questions, but she did know they would have to leave this conversation here. She didn't want Melody to get upset if they continued with the conversation back at the hotel. "I've wondered that myself for a while now. It doesn't make sense why they would have kept her alive if they didn't turn her." She was glad that they had though. Melody was like a sister to her now. She was pretty much the only family Callie had now.
    "You're on, Red." Dean said, a faint smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. If there was one thing that the eldest Winchester liked it was a challenge, if it involved liquor than he was even more for it. He was confident in his tolerance level though. He didn't think she'd be able to get him drunk, even if it was tequila. He could hold his liquor, that much he knew.
    November 23rd, 2016 at 08:47pm
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    "I promise I won't say anything around her," Sam stated. "I know it's a touchy subject." The younger Winchester gave Callie a small smile and offered her his hand. "So how much do you wanna bet they're both drinking in one of our rooms," he chuckled. He didn't mean to keep bringing up Melody and Dean but it had been so long since he'd been around the blonde and it made him feel extremely nervous. For Sam Callie always made him nervous but that summer he had gotten better at hiding it from and now he felt like was back at square one again.
    Melody smirked at Dean, pouring shots for them both before she pulled up iTunes on her laptop and began playing her oldies rock playlist. The redhead's smirk turned to a wide grin when Black Dog from Led Zepplin. She handed Dean his shot, clicking her glass with his before she downed the tequila quickly. If there was any liquor the redhead could handle extremely well besides whiskey it was tequila. "First one of us that can't stand straight has to run naked down the hall."
    November 23rd, 2016 at 10:07pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Callie smiled. "I didn't think that you would." She said, taking his outstretched hand as they both made their way out of the little coffee shop. "Oh, that's a definite. No betting necessary." She let out a quiet laugh, shaking her head. She'd be very surprised if they didn't find Melody and Dean drinking in one of the hotel rooms. The two were actually very similar, and Callie would be very surprised if they didn't end up getting along.
    Dean clinked his glass against her own before downing his shot quickly. He was confident in his ability to hold his liquor, tequila or no tequila. He nodded, grinning slightly in approval at the song choice. The redhead clearly had good taste in music. He let out a soft chuckle in response to her words and shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever you want, sweetheart." He said, a faint smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
    November 25th, 2016 at 09:41pm
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Sam smiled when his ears caught the blonde's quiet laugh. Callie's laugh and smile were probably two things he would always love the most about the blonde. Of course she was smart and beautiful which to Sam made her beyond perfect which was probably why he was feeling extremely nervous when he knew he shouldn't be. Callie was the same girl he knew back when they were kids, of course some things change but he doubted the things about her that made him love her would have changed much at all. "So should we figure out which room they're in and take the empty one," Sam asked.
    Melody smirked as she took her second shot, moving her hips to the song after she did. The redhead loved rock n roll music more than any other genre of music especially oldies rock. For Melody she loved it because it reminded her of a simplier time when the worst she had to worry about was her brother and her getting caught hacking into stuff by their parents. "Why did you and your brother start hunting," she asked.
    November 25th, 2016 at 10:04pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "Yeah, that's probably a good idea." Callie said as they made their way back towards the hotel. She didn't mind spending some more time with Sam, and if she knew Melody, and she was pretty sure that she knew her very well, then she knew the redhead would have likely started drinking by now. And she wouldn't be too surprised if the eldest Winchester was right there with her too. They could get started on this case tomorrow, for now she was going to enjoy catching up with Sam, and making up for lost time.
    Dean wasn't too far behind her as he took a second shot. "You have good taste in music, kid." He said. He didn't know very many people who had an appreciation for classic rock the way that he did, however it was pretty obvious that Melody did. She was a cool chick, and he was kind of glad that she wasn't as standoffish with him as she had been earlier that day when they first met, regardless of whether it was the alcohol in her system or not. "It's how we were raised. Our mom was killed by a demon, dad wanted his revenge, and the rest is kind of history." He said, shrugging his shoulders. "Sam got out of the life for a while though. Went to Stanford, almost went off to law school."
    December 25th, 2016 at 10:04pm
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    "Do you ever think back on that summer and wish you could go back," Sam asked. He knew it was an odd question but apart of him honestly wondered. For the younger Winchester that summer had been one of the best ones as a kid because even his dad would joke around and would lighten up on occasion and if Callie's dad was still around he'd probably thank the other man for that because he was probably why John Winchester actually laughed.
    "What made him come back," Melody asked. She had never heard of anyone coming back into hunting when they got out. Of course it was so rare a hunter lives long enough to be able to have an out sometimes. She down another shot of whiskey before she sat down besides Dean on the couch, her leg grazing his as she got comfortable.
    December 25th, 2016 at 11:04pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    The question caught Callie off guard. She wouldn't lie and say that she hadn't thought about it in the past though because she had. She had thought about that summer and how great things had been back then. Sure, there was still mostly everything that came with being in the hunter life, but her dad was alive, she and Sam were kind of a thing, and John was still alive too. Yes, she had Callie now, but she wished things could be just as carefree as they had been back then. "Yea, I do actually." She said quietly. "I think about it a lot actually."
    "I did." Dean said. It was the truth. Sam probably wouldn't have gotten back into the life if it wasn't for him dragging him back into it to find their dad. He couldn't know that for certain, Yellow Eyes still could have gone after Jessica and brought Sam back in anyway, but he'd never know if that would have actually happened. Because it hadn't, and it never would. "Our dad went missing on a hunt, I went and found him at Stanford and dragged him along with me." He downed another shot of whiskey and then sighed. "We didn't find dad on that case. I took Sam back to campus, and the evil son of a bitch that killed our mom had done the same to his girlfriend."
    January 25th, 2017 at 03:24am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    "That summer was probably one of the best times I had around my dad as a kid," Sam admitted. "He was actually calm and relaxed for the most part." The tall man felt a ghost of a smile form on his lips as his hand moved to tuck some of his long brown hair behind his ear. "It felt like for once I was just a kid doing kid stuff." Sam had always hated thinking about how he had grown up but when the younger Winchester found himself wide awake in bed thinking about the past he found his fondest memories tended to be when it was just him and Callie or him and Dean.
    Melody listened to Dean, focusing on his facial expressions and his tone of voice as he spoke. The redhead could see the regret laced in his words. She moved to hold his hand, hoping the innocent touch would be taken as one of comfort. "How do you know for sure the thing that got your mom and Jess wouldn't have still gotten her," she asked. "Maybe it was going to happen eventually anyways."
    January 25th, 2017 at 03:50am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "I think my dad brought out the best in him." Callie said quietly. She really wished that things could be like they had been that summer. Sure, there was hunting, but things had been relatively carefree despite that fact. "It really was a great summer..." Too bad it ended so quickly. Those two months seemed to fly by faster than she ever could have imagined that they would. Before she and Sam even really knew it, the two families were going their separate ways, leaving the two to separate as well. It had been tough, but they both had obviously moved on with their lives, though Sam had gotten out of the life for a time unlike Callie.
    Dean glanced down briefly when she felt him take her hand before refocusing his eyes on her. "I don't really know for sure that the son of a bitch wouldn't have gotten her anyway, but I still think that it's a distinct possibility." He said, frowning slightly. "I always try to think that nothing is ever inevitable, but it's getting a lot harder for me to think that way when I know that I have less than a year before someone comes and drags my ass down to Hell." He had come to terms with the fact, even though he and Sam were trying their damned hardest to find something, a loophole, anything to save him.
    January 26th, 2017 at 03:30am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Sam nodded. "Your dad was a great man." Callie's dad was what Sam had wished his own father had been growing up. He had been understanding, loving and most of all patient which were things no one who ever met John Winchester would ever say about the man.
    "If whatever it was had a vendetta against you guys it would have," Melody stated. "I mean you are Winchesters and you are kind of a big deal." She gave Dean a small smile, hoping to help get him out of whatever somber and sobering thoughts he had swimming around in his head.
    January 26th, 2017 at 05:02am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "He was." Callie said, a sad smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She missed having her dad around. Sometimes, things got crazy, a lot of times actually, so she got too busy to really think about the past and her dad, but she still did think about him often. It was kind of hard not to when it had just been the two of them for the longest time. "He liked you a lot, you know. He liked Dean too, but he mentioned you more than he ever mentioned Dean."
    Dean chuckled slightly in response to her words. "Yeah? You didn't seem to think I was a big deal when you met me down in the lobby earlier." He said. He didn't like thinking about Yellow Eyes or his mom or Jessica too often. He didn't like thinking about how he had dragged Sam back into the life either. He knew that there was a chance that he would have come back to it on his own eventually, but he'd never really know for sure, so he tried not to think about it too much. Sometimes that was easier said than done though.
    January 26th, 2017 at 11:28pm
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    "I think I hung around you and your dad that summer than my own family," Sam admitted. "Dean liked your dad. It be sure didn't mind giving me hell for that when we were alone." They both knew Dean had always followed John Winchester's orders without hesitation or questions. It was Sam had always called Dean their father's little soldier.
    "Just because I knew who you and your brother doesn't mean I wanted to give you an unnecessary ego boost," Melody joked. "You have a big heard as it is and I'd hate to see it explode." The redhead gave Dean a small smile, letting out a small laugh as she watched the look on his face when she saw he had a big head.
    January 27th, 2017 at 03:01am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Callie nodded. "I think you did too." She said. She knew that Sam wasn't the biggest fan of John Winchester, and he'd taken the opportunity to spend time with other people the moment that he could. That was part of the reason why he'd spent so much time with Callie and her father that summer. "That's why we got so close, because we were spending so much time together." She smiled. "Dean gave you hell for a lot of things."
    Dean chuckled. "So you thought putting a damper on my ego was a better option then? Ouch, Red. That hurts." He teased. "I don't have a big head, and you only just met me today, how could you possibly make an assumption like that when you hardly know me? Did Callie say something about me?" He doubted that she had, this conversation was all in good fun really. He was certain that they both knew that.
    January 27th, 2017 at 03:17am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Sam chuckle at Callie's words. "Yeah," he laughed. "That's kind of an understament." Same honestly felt like some days it wasn't a day with Dean without him getting Hell from his brother at least two or three times. It's not like he enjoyed Dean doing that but he had grown accustom to it.
    "Callie never had anything but good things to say about your brother and you," Melody stated. "I just figured she was a little biased and I'd trust all th drunken complaining I'd hear from other hunters." The redhead hoped Dean didn't blame her for that. She had ended up being a bit of a pessimist because of what happened to her family so she tended to expect the worst of people.
    January 27th, 2017 at 03:38am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "I'm sure he still does now." Callie said with a slight laugh as they arrived back at the hotel. She could remember numerous different times that summer when she'd have to intervene when the two brothers started arguing. She was always the voice of reason between them. "Things were so much easier back then..." She frowned slightly. A lot of shit had happened since that some. It came with being in the life though. There were risks that hunters all knew to expect. The possibility of losing friends, family and other loved ones. It all came with the job.
    Dean chuckled slightly. "Callie's more biased about my brother than she is with me, you can trust me on that. Those two were completely smitten with each other that summer. I think Sam really started resenting our dad when he made us leave." He knew that Sam and their father never really saw eye to eye, but things seemed to get a little worse after that summer. A little more tense even. "And now that you've spent some time with me, what do you think? Is what all the other hunters say about me true?"
    February 12th, 2017 at 05:03pm
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    "Things were easier when we were kids," Sam stated. "I really wish things could go back to be simplier and easier, even with all the monsters out there." He ran his hands through his hair, a humorless laugh escaping his lips. "I know it sounds dumb," he admitted. "But at least I'd know I wouldn't lose you or my brother to all this angel and demon crap thatnseems to be surrounding us now."
    Melody chuckled at Dean's question. "Well you aren't just a pretty boy but I can see why they think you're a pain in the ass," she joked. She leaned against the couch, running her hands through begire she looked at Dean with a big cheesy grin. The redhead was shocked at how at ease she felt around Dean when normally she only felt that's way with Callie. She felt it was easy to joke and laugh with him and not be worried he'd get offended.
    February 12th, 2017 at 06:56pm