My Story Ends Not Far From Where It Started

  • Rosalie grinned smugly at the look on Jimmy's face. It seemed that he was slowly learning to keep his mouth shut. She turned her attention to the menu, figuring that she should probably decide what she wanted to eat. She didn't know why she ever looked though, she always got the same damn thing whenever they came to this restaurant. "I think I'm gonna get the honey chipotle chicken fingers," she announced, closing her menu. "Same thing I get every fucking time." Rosalie let out a yawn, leaning her head over on Zacky's shoulder as she reached under the table to grab his hand.
    Matt chuckled when Leanne responded to Brian. "Good to know I make a comfortable pillow," he said. He rubbed her arm with the arm he had tossed over her shoulders. "And ignore these idiots. They're just jealous that me and Zack have got someone to cuddle with and they don't."

    "Okay, that settles it," Brian said, grinning as he looked at Johnny and Jimmy. "We have a little time after the show we have in Minneapolis. And we're gonna go out so me, Jimmy, and Short Shit can get a lay."
    August 18th, 2016 at 01:30am
  • Zacky laughed loudly at Brian's exclamation. He thought it was hilarious that the other men were so uncomfortable with the fact that he and Matt had girls around. It wasn't anything unusual. Zacky knew, however, because it was Rosalie--it was just a big deal to some people. He turned to Rosalie, pressing a small kiss against her temple. "I think I am just going to get a burger with out any sides. I mean, I am hungry... I just don't feel like going into a nasty food coma later on." He smiled as he reached out to grab his drink, taking a small sup from it.
    Leanne scrunched her nose as a small giggle escaped her lips, "I don't think it is the cuddling that they are jealous of..." She continued to flip through the menu, making sure there wasn't anything else she wanted to order, and tossed it back onto the table. She let her eyes flutter closed for a moment, exhaustion finally starting to settle into her body. There was nothing more that she wanted then a good, long nap.
    September 17th, 2016 at 10:42pm
  • Rosalie smiled softly as Zacky kissed her temple. It was still a little weird to have Zacky show her affection, but it was a good weird. "You can have some of my sides," she offered. "I can never finish them all, anyway. And besides, going into a food coma just means we have an excuse to cuddle." She poked at his stomach, laughing at the look that appeared on Jimmy's face. "Hey, don't give me that look," she said. "You're the one who started this."

    "Yeah, but it's just weird seeing you guys all...mushy," Jimmy pointed out. "Like seeing a dog walk on its hind legs. It's not natural."

    Rosalie rolled he eyes. "I mean, we could go back to hating each other if you want."
    "I guess you're right," Matt said, chuckling at Leanne's comment. "They're jealous that me and Zacky are getting some and they're not. Isn't that right, Zack?" He wrapped his arm around Leanne's shoulder, rubbing her arm as she leaned against his body. She was obviously exhausted, and he wished she hadn't felt like she needed to tag along. Soon the waitress arrived to take their orders. She looked a little irritated when everyone asked for separate tickets, with only Matt and Leanne sharing one and Zacky and Rosalie sharing one, but it was just easier this way. This way they didn't have to sit down and figure out who owed exactly how much, especially since some people were getting more than others. "When we get back to the bus, me and you can lay down in my bunk if you want," Matt whispered to Leanne.
    September 18th, 2016 at 06:03am
  • Zacky thought about her comment for a moment, and suddenly it hit him. He really didn't want to go back to the way before. But what were they right now? He furrowed his eyebrows at he silently thought. He knew that he was getting way too ahead of himself.

    He reached down and gently squeezed Rosalie's thigh, giving her a small smile when she turned to him. He leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "Does fighting mean make up sex, though? That's the real question."
    Leanne looked up and gave Matt a sleepy grin. Nothing sounded better to her at the moment--besides possibly the rack of ribs that the pair of them were about to share. "I mean, I am a lazy fuck so I always like to nap. That's not even a question with me." She let out a small laugh.

    As the waitress came by and dropped off their appetizer, her eyes immediately went wide. She reached out and grabbed one of the fries and popped it into her mouth, letting out a small, satisfied groan.
    September 20th, 2016 at 04:46am
  • Rosalie turned to Zacky when he squeezed her thigh, gladly welcoming his kiss. She smirked at his question. "Of course it does," she told him. She laid her hand on Zacky's upper thigh, giving it a quick squeeze. "But then again, with you and me, pretty much everything means sex. Which is absolutely fine by me."

    "Oh my God, please shut up before I vomit," Johnny said, sticking out his tongue.

    Rosalie kicked out under the table, connecting with the bassist's shin, smiling smugly when he cursed in pain. "Serves you right for running your mouth, Short Shit."

    "Man, I can't wait until tomorrow night when we go out," Johnny grumbled. "Then you guys will have to listen to us all night."
    "We might have to be careful going out after the show tomorrow night, I heard it's supposed to snow pretty bad," Matt said. "But hey, maybe we'll get snowed in at the hotel." Wouldn't that be fucking nice. A day or three or four with an excuse to do absolutely nothing at all except lay in bed with Leanne. "Well you're also working for a bunch of lazy fucks, so you're in good company, sweetheart," Matt said, laughing. Soon enough the waitress came to drop off their appetizer, and Matt laughed again at the look on Leanne's face as she reached for a fry. "Man, you were excited about those fries," he teased.

    "I think she was more excited about those fries than anything you did last night, judging by that groan," Brian put in, grinning wickedly.
    September 20th, 2016 at 06:05am
  • Zacky was thoroughly entertained with everything that was going on. For once, he wasn't the odd man out. After everything they had all been through in the previous years, it was nice to finally feel content with where everything was at the current time.

    "What," Zacky laughed. "Hear about how you can't get any girls to go back to the hotel with you or score a number?"

    Jimmy laughed all too loudly at the entire situation, but with a look from Rosalie he kept his mouth closed.
    Leanne all but choked back a laugh, finishing the food that was in her mouth. Hearing Matt talk about how they might get snowed in brought excitement to her eyes. She loved the cold and absolutely loved the snow even more. She would give anything to be able just to kick back and relax, possibly throwing in a movie marathon there too. Plus, her and Matt would be able to get to spend some alone time together.

    "Getting snowed in might not be so bad," Leanne commented as she ate another fry. "Could be a lot of fun actually." She looked over at Matt with a small grin on her face.
    September 22nd, 2016 at 03:19am
  • "Aww, give poor Johnny a chance," Rosalie said. She smirked at Johnny. "I'm sure he'll find a girl who will feel sorry enough for him to sleep with him." At this Johnny flipped her off and Rosalie just laughed, turning her head to rest her chin on Zacky's shoulder. She kissed just behind his ear. "I think being snowed in sounds like fun, don't you?" she asked, remembering what Matt had said a few minutes ago. She always liked seeing the snow while she was on tour with the guys and now that she and Zacky were somewhat of an item, at least to her, it would give them an opportunity to spend some private time together. "A couple of days stuck in a five-star hotel with our own room and plenty of privacy...yeah, that definitely sounds like fun."
    "Hey well at least I'm getting it in," Matt shot back to Brian. "How was your hand, by the way?" Brian scowled at Matt and he chuckled, feeling quite proud of himself. He laid his hand on Leanne's knee, rubbing his fingers absentmindedly over her pants as he munched on a fry. "Yeah, being snowed in would be pretty fun," he said to Leanne. It seemed like that's what everyone was hoping for. "We could have a snowball fight, throw snow at people off the balconies, spend hours cuddling in bed...tons of fun." He leaned over to peck her cheek, giving her knee a squeeze. A bit later, the waitress returned with their food, and Matt cut their rack of ribs in half before placing half on Leanne's plate. "There you go, sweetheart."
    September 22nd, 2016 at 05:22am
  • Zacky nodded along with her statement. The whole tour had been pretty crazy. It was just go, go, go—and they had barely had any down time in order to take a breath and relax. They were either cooped up in the tour bus, spending one night in a hotel, or on stage. Zacky dug into his food, looking over at Rosalie. He smiled, “I could definitely go for a couple of snow days. I think we all actually need it, to be completely honest. Shit has been so crazy this tour, I kind of just want to relax for a day or two.”

    Johnny rolled his eyes dramatically, “You just want to have a fuck-fest. Just admit it.”

    Zacky shot him a grin, “That wouldn’t be half bad either, to be honest.”
    Leanne couldn’t stop herself from laughing at Matt’s words. She liked that she was finally becoming more and more comfortable around everyone—even though it took her almost two months. She had always been kind of a shy girl, but being around this whole family had brought her out of her shell finally.

    She picked up one of the ribs, taking a bit of it I forgot how good Chili’s ribs were.”
    September 22nd, 2016 at 09:40pm
  • Rosalie laughed at Jimmy's statement. "Not going to lie, that was definitely on my mind," she said. She had no problem at all admitting that if they did happen to get snowed in, she and Zacky would definitely be spending a lot of time in between the sheets. "I don't know why you're still making such a big deal about this. You're the one who wanted us to start having sex. Well, we're having sex. Really good sex, as a matter of fact." Rosalie paused for a second, laughing at the look of disgust on Jimmy's face. "Oh hush. Eat your food, Godzilla."

    "Don't tell me what to do, Rosie," Jimmy shot back. Rosalie stuck her tongue out at him. "I think you guys just don't want to admit that you also want time alone because you're falling in love."

    "Zacky and Rosalie, sitting in a tree," Johnny started to sing. "F-U-C--hey!"

    "We're in a public place, you little gremlin," Rosalie hissed, kicking him again.
    "Chili's ribs are pretty fucking good," Matt agreed. He picked up a rib and tore a big piece off and sighing happily as he chewed his food. "Man, I didn't realize how hungry I was until now, holy shit." He sat back in the booth, laughing at Rosalie and Jimmy. The two of them always provided a lot of entertainment. And now that Zacky was in the mix, it was proving to be hilarious. Matt finished his half of the rack of the ribs and most of the fries left on their appetizer plate before he leaned back in the booth, looking out the window as he rubbed his stomach. It looked like it might snow soon, but there were a good three hours from Minneapolis right now, so even if it snowed here, it might not snow there. Then again, it was the north and those storms were usually pretty widespread. "Man, I'm stuffed," Matt said. He looked over to Leanne. "I think I'll definitely be joining you for that nap once we get back to the bus."
    September 22nd, 2016 at 10:36pm
  • Zacky looked over at Rosalie, the words that Jimmy said ringing through his head. ..because you’re falling in love. His eyebrows furrowed together as he turned back towards his food, trying to get his mind off the statement. He wasn’t falling in love with Rosalie. Not yet, rang in his head. He swallowed his food, his mouth suddenly become dry. He took a large gulp of his drink. The last time he had felt that way about someone, he got his heart ripped out and stomped on.

    “Who pissed in your beer, Baker?” Brian laughed as he saw the look on his friends face.
    Zacky gave him a small smirk, “Shut up, fucker.”
    Leanne leaned into Matt, her head nodding in agreement. She hadn’t ate like that in a while. But then again, she couldn’t remember the last time she did eat. She was uncomfortably full and taking a nap was on her mind. She looked up at him, giving him a lazy smile. She lopped her arm with his, making herself more comfortable in the small booth. “Thanks for getting me to come and eat, I didn’t realize how hungry I was, either.”
    September 26th, 2016 at 05:35pm
  • "What's the matter, Rosie?" Jimmy teased after he'd finished laughing at Johnny. "Afraid to admit the truth?"

    Rosalie scoffed. "Just because I let Zack stick his dick in me doesn't mean we're falling in love," she said. She rolled her eyes at the skeptical look on Jimmy's face and stabbed one of her chicken tenders. She and Zacky weren't falling in love...were they? No, of course they weren't! This was Zacky, the guy who up until a few days ago, she'd absolutely hated. But then again, things had changed quite a bit since they'd started having sex and Zacky was actually pretty sweet and Rosalie was starting to realize that he was a really great guy.

    "Look, look, Rosie's blushing," Jimmy pointed out, cackling. "You loooooove him Rosie, just admit it."
    "Well thanks for tagging along and keeping me company," Matt said, smiling. He laughed under his breath when Brian mumbled something about the rest of them obviously not being good enough company. "You know, besides these stupid fuckers." He kissed the top of Leanne's head, laying his hand on her knee and rubbing it gently. He leaned back in the booth again, resting his head against the back of the seat. He hoped everyone was ready to go soon, because he was ready to crawl into his bunk and crash until they got to Minneapolis. A few minutes later, the waitress stopped by with the checks and Matt slipped his credit card out of his wallet to pay for his and Leanne's portion. "I think me and Leanne are going to head back to the bus," Matt announced once the waitress had returned with his credit card. "I'm ready for a nap and I'm tired of waiting for you fuckers to stop messing with Zack and Rosalie."
    September 27th, 2016 at 06:19am
  • "Jimmy, shut up." Zacku finally snapped as he saw the uncomfortable look on Rosalies face. He knew exactly how she was feeling. He still wasn't sure what the official title between the pair was, so love wasn't even on his mind at the time. He didn't think that it wasn't a possibility, he just wasn't even sure he wanted to go down that road again. He pushed his plate away from him and sighed, "I'm stuffed."
    Leanne looked up at Matt and said quietly, "I coulda paid for mine." She smiled as she slipped out of the booth behind him. She pulled her sweater tighter around her body as they stepped out into the night air. "Mmm, I hope you know I can be a little bit of a bed hog at times... so sleeping in the bunk with me might not always be so fun."
    October 3rd, 2016 at 05:33am
  • "You know, the fact that you guys keep avoiding the conversation just proves my point," Jimmy grumbled, obviously noticing the tone of Zacky's voice. "Even if you're not in love now, it's going to happen. I know it."

    Rosalie just rolled her eyes, finishing off one of her chicken tenders before pushing her plate away as well. She didn't want to think about the possibility of falling in love with Zacky, because even she couldn't deny that it was a possibility and that freaked her out a little. She pulled her debit card out of her phone case and laid it on the table, asking the waiter for a to-go box and the check the next time he stopped by. "Man, being this full on top of it being so cold is making me sleepy," she said, yawning. "I might have to copy Matt and Leanne and take a nap."
    "Nonsense," Matt said, waving his hand at her. "We might be lazy fuckers, but we're gentlemen. So don't expect to ever pay for you own food." He noticed the way she pulled her sweater tighter around herself and he slipped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. "Well if you haven't noticed, I'm quite large," Matt said, chuckling. "I take up a lot of space myself. And with it being as cold as it is, I won't mind at all if you sleep completely on top of me." Back at the bus, Matt tossed his wallet into his bag before grabbed a long-sleeved shirt and slipped it on. "You want one of my hoodies to wear?" he offered Leanne. "I know it'll be huge on you, but I've got a couple that are really warm."
    October 3rd, 2016 at 06:42am
  • Johnny smirked at Jimmy's comment, "Well, we all know it is going to happen. It has been a long time coming, especially for these two."

    Zacky rolled his eyes once more, not wanting this conversation to go any further. He decided that they would eventually cross that bridge whenever they came to it. He enjoyed what they were at the moment, and didn't necessarily want to ruin it. He grabbed their boxes after asking the waiter for a bag. He carefully placed the two boxes in the bag and carried it out for them. He slipped his hand into Rosalie's as they made their way to the bus. "Yeah, I don't really plan on doing much either. I might lay down too. That or watch a movie or something."
    "Yeah, but I still work and make money too. I can pay every now and then, couldn't I?" She laughed as they made their way to the bus. Once they were to his bunk and Matt questioned her, Leanne smiled and nodded her head. She watched him as he dug around his bag for a sweater for her. She grabbed it from him and slipped it over her head. He was right, it was too big for her—but it was so damn comfortable. She let him slide into the bunk and then followed suit. She snuggled into his side, trying to get comfortable. “You smell nice.” She smiled.
    October 3rd, 2016 at 07:29pm
  • "I still don't understand why you guys want to go out when it's this fucking cold," Rosalie said, sitting down on the couch so that she could put on her shoes. She could see out the window of the bus that it was already snowing, so she didn't understand why Jimmy, Johnny, and Brian wanted to go out and drink so badly.

    "Because we want to get laid, too!" Jimmy shouted. "You know you guys don't have to come with us. You can stay back at the hotel and have fuck or something."

    Rosalie rolled her eyes. "Whatever," she said. "Just hurry up so we can check into the hotel before we go out." Once everyone was ready to go, they grabbed their bags and headed into the hotel they would be staying at, and once Rosalie had her room key, she went to put her bags in the room before the cabs arrived. "It's looking like it might get pretty nasty outside," she said, pushing back the curtains before looking over at Zacky. "What do you think are the chances we'll get snowed in?"
    Matt decided not to get ready until they were at the hotel, since he didn't have much to do to get ready. It was mostly the girls who needed time to get ready. And this outing was mostly for Jimmy, Johnny, and Brian, anyway. They were definitely jealous of the fact that Matt and Zacky had beautiful women in their beds, at least to Matt. With it being as cold it was outside, Matt slipped on one of his thermal shirts before pulling on a long-sleeved shirt and then a jacket. He slipped on his shoes before going over to Leanne, wrapping his arms around her waist and nuzzling his face into her hair. "Am I going to have to carry you back to the room tonight?" he teased, pressing a kiss to her temple. He didn't know how late they were going to stay, with how bad the weather was supposed to get, but no matter how long they were there, everyone was bound to get pretty drunk. "I'm just teasing you, you can have as much to drink as you want. You held your liquor pretty well the last time, if I remember."
    October 3rd, 2016 at 11:56pm
  • Zacky laughed loudly as he watched Rosalie and Jimmy bicker back and forth. Sometimes he swore they were worse than an old married couple. It did provide a lot of humor and enteratinment, so he never really bothered to butt in and stop it. He tugged his beanie down over he head as he looked out the window that she was at, his hand finding its way to her lower back. "God, I fucking hope we get snowed in." he laughed as he pressed a kiss to her cheek. "I could really use a couple days to sleep in."

    "I could really use a couple days to sleep in," Jimmy mocked.

    Zacky rolled his eyes, turning around to show the lanky drummer his middle finger. "Enough, Sullivan."
    Leanne laughed as she pulled a headband over her hair. She turned in Matt's arms, standing on her tip-toes to place a kiss to his lips. The last time she had drank with the bunch, she tried to make sure she didn't get too wasted. But tonight, she kind of wanted to party--especially with Matt. She gave him a small smile, "I mean, if you want to carry me back to the room you are more than welcome to. I wouldn't complain."

    She wrapped her arms around his mid-section, placing her head again his chest for a moment. She looked back up at him, a playful look in her eyes. She spoke low and flirtatiously bit her lip. "I mean, drunken sex can always be fun, can't it?"
    October 5th, 2016 at 04:31am
  • "Well we all know that's a lie, Baker," Jimmy shot back.

    "Of course it is, Jimmy!" Rosalie shouted, deciding to play along with what she was sure Jimmy's line of thought was. "If we get snowed in, which I'm sure we will, Zacky and I will probably spend those few days in bed, having lots and lots of sex." Jimmy made a face of disgust and opened his mouth to say something, but Rosalie started to shove him out of the room before he could. "What are you doing in our hotel room, anyway? Go to your own room and spray on that obnoxious cologne you always wear when you want to get laid. And hurry, the cabs will be here soon." Once Jimmy was in the hall, Rosalie shut the door and locked it, walking over to Zacky and slipping her arms around his neck. "God, I love him to death, but he's a little annoying sometimes."
    Matt smirked at Leanne's words, tightening his arms around her waist as he kissed her lips again. "Yeah, it can be fun," he murmured. "But it can also be a little dangerous." He made a face, recalling a time when he'd been very drunk, too drunk to be having sex, and had somehow managed to fall and nearly crack the back of his head open. "But I'm always down to give it another shot. I'm sure you'd make it worth it, anyway." Matt gave Leanne a wink as he pulled away, grabbing his room key and stuffing it into his back pocket before reaching for Leanne's hand. "You ready to go out and get wasted and probably see Johnny bust his ass on the ice?" he asked.
    October 5th, 2016 at 06:28am
  • "Sometimes?" Zacky questioned as he feigned shock. He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to Rosalie's lips. "You act like you haven't known the little shit forever. And last time I recall, he is your best friend. You aren't allowed to get annoyed with him." Zacky gave her a small smirk before he dipped down and kissed her more forcefully this time, his hands reaching up to hold the back of her neck. He pulled away, slightly breathlessly and smiled at her. He was excited that the pair of them would be getting some alone time. Not only for the obvious reasons, but sleeping in a bigger bed was always a God send.

    "You ready to get going?" He asked as he motioned towards the door. "I bet the other three are just rearing and ready to go."
    Leanne slipped her hand into Matt's, following out the door. She giggled softly at the comment Matt had made. In all honesty, she would probably do the same thing. The young guitar tech wasn't very coordinated when it came to those types of activities. But if you put a softball glove on her hand or tossed her a basketball she would have you beat in a moment. She looped her arm through his as they continued to walk, finding their way out of the building. She peered up at him, a playful smirk on her face. "You sad you can't join in on hunting down some ladies?"
    October 5th, 2016 at 10:14pm
  • "Uh, I am too allowed to be annoyed with him," Rosalie shot back. She leaned against his chest when Zacky kissed her, wishing they had a bit more time before they left so that they could fool around a little before they left. She was really looking forward to being snowed in for a few days and having an excuse not to leave the bed. Staying in a hotel was the only time she and Zacky could have a little privacy. "Yeah, I'm ready to go," she told him. "And we should probably get out there before Johnny, Jimmy, or Brian have a conniption." Rosalie took Zacky's hand and led him outside where, predictably, everyone else was already waiting.

    "Finally you two get down here," Brian said dramatically. "I mean, I know Zacky takes forever to get ready, but even Matt beat you down here and that's says a lot."

    "Well we had to get this idiot to leave us alone," Rosalie said, gesturing at Jimmy who stuck his tongue out at her.
    Matt chuckled at Leanne's question. "A little," he answered. "But then I remember that I get to take you to bed and it's not so bad." He gave her a wink as they approached everyone else. Looking around, he noticed that the only two missing were Rosalie and Zacky, which didn't surprise him at all. Finally the two of them appeared from inside the hotel and Matt laughed as he listened to Brian's whining, cursing at the guitarist when he made the comment about him beating Zacky out here. When the cabs finally pulled up a few minutes later, Matt let Leanne slid into the middle seat next to Brian and then climbed in next to her, shaking the snow out of his hair. "Man, leaving the bar and getting back into the hotel is going to be fun," Matt said. "The ground is already pretty slick and we're all going to be drunk as fuck."
    October 6th, 2016 at 12:35am
  • Johnny and Brian simultaneously rolled their eyes. They both of them were ready to get out and try to get some action. Zacky noticed and raised his hand to flip the pair of them off. He kept his hand placed on the middle of Rosalie’s back as they waited for the cab to finally arrive. Once it did, he ushered Rosalie and him into the back row, sliding over so that she would have plenty of room.

    When they got to the bar, he grasped Rosalie’s hand, leading her inside and out of the cold. He brushed a few flakes of snow of his shoulder and then reached over to grab a few stray pieces out of Rosalie’s hair. “What do you want to drink, babe?”
    When they arrived outside of the bar, Leanne reached up and laid her cold hands against Matt’s neck, laughing when he pulled away in shock. She grinned playfully at him, removing her hand from his skin. She watched as everyone else filed out of the cab, she watched as everyone struggled to keep traction as they walked into the bar. “Just promise not to let me fall, I can get pretty clumsy at times.”

    She gripped onto his bicep as they walked up to the front of the bar, managing to keep herself steady.
    October 6th, 2016 at 06:06am