You Are My One, My Only

  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Spencer laughed under her breath. "Well hopefully soon you'll be a baby expert, too," she said. If she ended up getting pregnant from this cycle of IVF, Zacky would have to learn all the things about babies. Spencer grabbed a box of newborn diapers and a package of wipes from the shelf and tossed them in the cart. She smiled at Zack. "Alright, let's go. I'm ready to get out of this fucking store."
    "So tomorrow we should tell our parents that we're engaged," Matt said. He chuckled. "They're probably tired of hearing big news from us. We just told them you were pregnant, what, like a week ago?" He couldn't wait to tell everyone that they were gonna get married, just like he hadn't hardly been able to wait to tell everyone Faye was pregnant.
    April 12th, 2016 at 02:47am
  • bernthal.

    bernthal. (300)

    United States
    Zacky ran a hand through his slightly lengthy, messy hair. He raised his eyebrows and huffed out, "I have been wanting to get out of here since we pulled up in the damn parking lot, you know how much I hate this place..." He flashed her a small smirk as he trotted behind her as she lead them to an empty check out line. After she pulled the buggy up to the lane, Zacky began to pick things up out of the cart to set on the conveyor belt. "Damn, Spencer..." he laughed as he continued pulling things out of the never ending basket, "How much groceries do you think just the two of us really need?"
    Faye laughed and ran a hand through her hair. He did have a point. But in all honesty, she really didn't care. Her and Matt had been together for such a long time, it finally felt like everything was falling into place. She was just as--if not more--excited to tell everyone as he was. She looked up at him, "They aren't sick of it--they'll probably be happier than we are about it," she laughed. "My mom has been asking for like six months if I had started dropping hints yet."
    April 26th, 2016 at 10:22pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Enough to last us a month, unless you want to come back anytime soon," Spencer teased. She knew Zacky was tired of being in the store, he was like a little kid. While he unloaded the shopping cart, Spencer went over and grabbed a few chocolate bars. "Alright, come over here and start putting the bags back into the cart," Spencer told him. When he walked over, she reached over, smirking as she reached into his back pocket to pull out his wallet.
    Matt chuckled. "Yeah, she's been dropping them to me, too," he said. "'You know, I saw an ad for a gorgeous ring on TV the other day' or 'Faye's ring size is 6.5'. Shit like that. Honestly, I think my parents will just be happy I'm finally nailing you down. Apparently they think that if I don't you're gonna leave me. But I think Amy put that idea in their heads." Matt grinned as he reached for Faye's hand, bringing it up close to his face so he could study the ring. "Damn, I really did do a good job, didn't I?"
    April 27th, 2016 at 01:17am
  • bernthal.

    bernthal. (300)

    United States
    Zacky laughed and rolled his eyes at her as he felt the wallet slip out of his back pocket. But he obliged and went over to the other side to start grabbing the bags and putting them back into the cart. He watched her out of the corner of his eye interacting with the cashier. He could tell, just by the sound of her voice, how much happier and content she seemed. He couldn't help but smile as he placed the last few bags into the cart.
    Faye shrugged, "Amy never really cared for me to begin with. I mean, we got along now, but I still think she thinks I stole you away or some shit like that." Faye laughed and sunk further into the couch, lacing her fingers together with Matt's.
    May 3rd, 2016 at 10:27pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Spencer's eyes widened when the cashier told her their total, but with how long they'd put off shopping, it was to be expected. She slid Zacky's credit card, slipping it back into his wallet and handing it back to him. She took the receipt from the cashier and thanked her before she started pushing the cart out of the store. "Good God, this thing weighs almost as much as you do, Zacky," she teased, smirking at him.
    "What are you talking about? Amy loves you," Matt said. He chuckled. "It's me she doesn't care for. But I'm her brother and I pissed her off a lot when we were kids, so what do you expect?" He squeezed Faye's hand before he brought it up to his lips and kissed her knuckles. "So have you started thinking about how you want the wedding to be? I know how girls are, you start planning this shit when you're like five."
    May 4th, 2016 at 04:51am
  • bernthal.

    bernthal. (300)

    United States
    Zacky rolled his eyes and reached up to run a hand through his hair. "Ha-ha," he laughed ever so sarcastically. "You think you are hilarious, don't you?" He flashed her a smirk as they approached the vehicle. He reached don't to grab the fob key, pressing the unlock button a few times and also popping the trunk open as well. He started to grab groceries out of the cart and place them in the trunk. "I think this is a little more than a months worth of food, Spence."
    Faye laughed, shaking her head lightly. The truth was, she actually didn't have a clue on how she wanted the wedding to be. It was never something that she had sat down and really thought about. All she knew is she just wanted to be with Matt, and how ever he wanted to make that happen she was along for the ride. "I mean, I dunno..." she spoke up and bit her lip. "I honestly haven't ever given a lot of thought to it. I don't want it to be extremely big or extravagant."
    May 6th, 2016 at 07:18pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Spencer grinned, helping Zacky to load the groceries into the trunk. "As a matter of fact, I do," she said. "I think I should stand up, I might make a little more money than I do modeling for a certain clothing company." She smirked at Zacky as he loaded up the last of the groceries and shut the trunk. "Alright, I think it's time to get the hell out of here. Hopefully we won't have to come back for another couple of months."
    "Well you should probably start thinking about it," Matt said, smiling. "Maybe Spencer could help you, I dunno. But if we wanna get married before the baby gets here, we really don't have a lot of time to plan." Matt honestly had no idea what kind of things you had to plan for a wedding, because he'd never been involved in one. He was the first of the guys to be married and it looked like Amy was going to be a spinster or something.
    May 6th, 2016 at 11:38pm
  • bernthal.

    bernthal. (300)

    United States
    Zacky rolled his eyes at Spencer as he walked around to the drivers side. He slid into the seat and cranked the engine, bringing the vehicle roaring to life. "First of all, you really aren't that funny." He teased. He made sure that she had buckled her seat belt before he started to back out of the parking lot. "And secondly, you know that I love having you do what you do--and you don't need to make anymore money than what you already do."
    Faye reached out and ran a hand over the small amount of hair that was on his head. She bit her lip, really trying to think if there was anything in particular that she absolutely wanted for the wedding--besides Matt being there instead. She gave him a half smirk and let out a small laugh, "Let's just elope and then have a wedding after the baby."
    May 19th, 2016 at 03:59am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "You take that back, Zacky Baker!" Spencer gasped, swatting at his arm. "I am funny and I think you're just jealous." She stuck her tongue out at Zacky, at the same time reaching over to grab his hand. "And you know I'm kidding, I love being your model. Especially since I get to steal one of everything that I like. Ooh, you should make VU onesies for when we have a baby. That way the mini-Zacky can model for you, too."
    Matt looked at Faye with wide eyes. "Are...Are you serious?" he asked. He'd never thought of eloping. But then again, he thought most women wanted some big, lavish wedding and he associated eloping with Elvis impersonators. But if Faye was serious, then he'd try and get on board. But he definitely wanted to have a wedding, so that all of their friends and family could be there.
    May 19th, 2016 at 04:35am
  • bernthal.

    bernthal. (300)

    United States
    Zacky flashed Spencer a sly grin, "Like I hadn't already been playing on making baby clothes. But, I kinda will need your help with the designing with it starts getting further along." He nodded as he spoke, rubbing the pad of his thumb gently over the skin of her hand. Thinking about all the baby planning--and making--was making him very excited. He couldn't wait to finally have a little family with Spencer.
    Faye laughed, "I'm not like a hundred percent serious. I mean, if you wanted to we could just secretly elope and then throw a wedding party after the baby comes?" Faye rolled her eyes at herself. "God, I sound like an immature teenager." She leaned up and kissed his jawline. "But we still have a little bit of time in order to get some plans together. Everything will work out."
    May 23rd, 2016 at 03:07am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Alright but any design that I come up with is going to be shit, you know I'm not very creative," Spencer laughed. "You're the mastermind, I'm just the pretty face." Spencer smiled as she settled back in the seat, feeling Zacky rub his thumb over her hand. It was so surreal to think that in about two months, Spencer could be pregnant. She was nervous about the whole IVF process, but unbelievably excited about finally starting a family with Zacky and giving him the child he'd been wanting for so long.
    "You had me worried for a second there, babe," Matt chuckled. "I mean, I'll get on board with whatever you want to do, but I'd really rather have an actual wedding so that all of our friends and family can be there to watch." He slid his arm around Faye's waist, pulling her closer against his body. "And I want to be able to watch you as you walk down the aisle towards me in your beautiful white dress. I might even cry."
    May 23rd, 2016 at 05:00am
  • bernthal.

    bernthal. (300)

    United States
    Zacky glanced over at her briefly before gluing his eyes back to the road. Sure, he could design adult and teenage clothes pretty damn well--but a baby? He furrowed his eyebrows as he let out a small laugh. "You are the one who knows everything there is to know about babies--not me. That, my dear, is where you come into play." He lifted her hand to his lips and pressed a small kiss to the skin on the back of her hand.
    "You?" She laughed, "Cry? I've only seen you cry like maybe twice the whole time we have been together." Faye rested her head on his shoulder with a smile on her lips. She began to recall the very first time she ever say Matt cry--even if it was just a little bit. "Like the time ya'll went on tour and I stayed back because I was trying to finish school."
    May 25th, 2016 at 03:05am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Well then I guess we'll just have to get together and do a little brainstorming," Spencer said, smirking at Zacky. She mimicked Zacky's actions, bringing his hand up to her lips, kissing it as she wiggled her eyebrows at him over his knuckles. But she couldn't hold her composure for long and she moved their hands back to the center console, laughing. They arrived back at their house soon, and Spencer went around to the back of the car to start grabbing some groceries. "Oh my God, why did we buy so much shit?" she whined. "We couldn't possibly need all of this."
    "That's because I'm a man, and men don't cry," Matt said. "But seeing you in your dress might bring out some emotions." He felt himself blush a little when Faye brought up her staying behind while they went on their first ever tour. He couldn't say he blamed her for wanting to stay behind. Besides her finishing school, they had been traveling in a cramped little van. "I wasn't crying, there was something in my eyes."
    May 25th, 2016 at 04:56am
  • bernthal.

    bernthal. (300)

    United States
    Zacky rolled his eyes as soon as she started complaining about how much food they had bought. "You always do this, babe. In a few days you will start talking about how you forgot stuff or you're craving this or that and make me go get it." He laughed as he began to grab several bags out of the back of the vehicle. He never liked having to take more than one trip, but he had a feeling that they were going to have to make a few this time.
    Faye laughed out loud, "Matthew you are such a fibber! There was something in my eyes, what like tears or were your allergies acting up again?" She brought a hand up to the side of his face, using her thumb to gently stroke underneath his eye. She leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips, "It's okay, I still think you are a man. And I love you."
    June 11th, 2016 at 01:59am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Well if you think it was bad before, just wait until I finally get pregnant," Spencer shot back. She waited until Zacky had grabbed as many bags as he could handle before she grabbed a few herself. "You'll be at the grocery store so much that you'll have your own reserved parking spot." Spencer carried the groceries inside and then went back out for more. When all of the groceries had been brought inside, Spencer leaned against the kitchen counter and let out an exaggerated sigh. "Man, I'm tired," she said. She looked over at Zacky, pouting her bottom lip. "I think I'm going to need a kiss if I'm going to put the groceries up."
    "No, I'm pretty sure it was dust or something," Matt said, grinning. "No tears." Matt smiled as he felt Faye's hand on his face, and he brought his hand up to rest over hers. He gave it a squeeze, pulling it away from his face. "I love you too, Faye. So much. Like, way more than you could ever imagine. And I don't think I'll ever love anyone this much, except our baby. But that's it. No one else. I'll never love anyone as much as I live you, Elizabeth Faye Wylde, as long as I live." Matt laughed at himself before leaning down to kiss Faye. "Aren't you excited that you get to spend the rest of your life hearing stuff like that?" he teased. "I know I would be."
    June 11th, 2016 at 08:45am
  • bernthal.

    bernthal. (300)

    United States
    Zacky raised his eyebrows, his head nodding along in agreement with her every word. He knew Spencer well enough to guess that he would probably be back at the store by tomorrow to pick up something she wanted or that he had forgotten to remind her to grab. He pushed himself away from the counter that he had been leaning on and reached out to pull her into his arms. He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. He pulled away slightly, giving her a small smirk before dipping his head down to press a more firm kiss to her lips. "I'll help you put the groceries up, baby. Even though I hate doing it."
    Faye scrunched her nose at him, playfully rolling her eyes as she did so. "Matt, you aren't always so lovey dovey--" she paused to lean up and kiss him again. "But I wouldn't want to hear stuff like that from anyone else but you, handsome." Faye pulled the blanket up more, snuggling down into it and Matt's side. She laid her head in his lap and looked up at him. "You gonna pick something else to watch or what?"
    July 29th, 2016 at 07:26pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Aren't you sweet," Spencer teased. She moved up to her tiptoes and pressed another kiss to Zacky's lips, this one a bit longer and with a bit more force. "I might have to reward you later." She ghosted another kiss over his lips before she stepped away. There were times when she wanted Zacky more than anything and this was one of those times, which didn't make any sense since they were only talking about the groceries. Maybe it was because she was so excited that they'd finally found something that might give them the baby they'd been wanting for so long. Spencer just had so much pent-up excitement and energy and what better way to let it out than pinned underneath Zacky, feeling his heart beat with hers? "I'm going to go upstairs and change clothes, okay?" she told him.
    "And I wouldn't want to say it to anyone but you, beautiful," Matt responded, giving her a sweet kiss on the lips. He slipped his hand into her hair as she laid down in his lap, running his fingers through the soft strands. "I'll pick something else," he said. He smiled. "I'd watch hours of infomercials if it meant that I'd have you this close to me, especially with your head in my lap." He reached out, settling his hand on her stomach. "I still kinda can't believe that there's a baby in there. Isn't it like the size of a poppy seed or something? When is the first ultrasound?" He was rattling off questions, rambling again, but he did that when he was excited.
    July 31st, 2016 at 12:12am
  • bernthal.

    bernthal. (300)

    United States
    Zacky smiled into her kiss, letting his smile broaden as she stepped away from him. He caught her hand before she took off upstairs, pulling her back to him once more. He kissed her once more and mumbled against her lips, "I love you," before letting her go. As she disappeared upstairs, he got started on putting away all the groceries. They had several things that needed to stay cold, so he started with all those. Before he realized it, he had managed to get all the groceries put up before becoming distracted. He smiled to himself, clearly satisfied with that he had done. After all, it was a triumph for Zacky. He looked around briefly, noticing that Spencer hadn't come back yet. He went over to the stair case, peering around it. "Hey Spence? Where you at, baby?"
    Faye closed her eyes and smiled. It still melted her heart when Matt got so excited about something they both were going through. She remembered the day that Matt had asked her to move in with him and she had agreed. It was almost like he was a kid on Christmas morning. He was so, so excited to have her around all the time. He would rattle off all the things they could do together, his eyes getting as wide as could be--much like they were now. She flicked her tongue across her lower lip before answering him, "I have the first appointment next week and then they are scheduling out the first ultrasound." She smiled at him as she spoke, "I don't think you get the first ultra sound until you six to eight weeks, but I might be mistaken."
    July 31st, 2016 at 03:32pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "I love you, too," Spencer whispered, smiling as she hurried upstairs. It surprised her a little that even after six years, Zacky could still make her heart race the way he did. She went to her dresser, intending on just changing clothes and going back downstairs for a little while before she and Zacky went to bed. But when she was digging through her bottom drawer, searching for a pair of yoga pants, she found a negligee tucked away in the back. She remembered buying it, back when they'd first started trying for a baby and she'd thought it might spice things up a little. But somehow she'd forgotten about, probably on purpose. Spencer jumped a little when Zacky shouted up the stairs for her, and she looked at the silky gown in her hand for a few seconds before answering. "I'm still upstairs," she shouted. "Why don't you come up here for a few minutes?"
    "That's too far away," Matt whined, tipping his head back against the couch. "What are you now, like five weeks? I just want a little picture to put on the fridge, so I can have another reason to be happy when I go to grab a beer. And of course, I want a reminder that I'm starting a family with the most beautiful woman in the world." He reached for her head, studying the ring he'd so carefully chosen for her. "And soon, I'll get to watch you walk down the aisle in your beautiful white dress and you'll take my last name and everything will be perfect, because I'm never letting you go." He lifted her hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. He couldn't wait to tell everyone that they were getting married and he was halfway considering suggesting that they throw another party, but after how the last one went, he didn't think that was such a great idea.
    July 31st, 2016 at 10:47pm
  • bernthal.

    bernthal. (300)

    United States
    Zacky furrowed his eyebrows. What could she be up to? He ran a hand through his hair as he shouted back, "Alright, babe. Lemme lock up real quick." He made his way around the downstairs, making sure that all the doors were locked. As he began to make his way upstairs, he grumbled to himself. "I always forget the fucking lights..." He trotted back down, going and shutting off all the lights before making his trek back up the stairs once more. He peered in the hall bathroom, flipping that light off as well before heading into the bedroom. When he pushed the door open, he couldn't believe his eyes. "Jesus, Spence...." He breathed out.
    Faye laughed out loud at her soon to be husband. "So you have another reason to be happy when you grab a beer?" She couldn't help but look up and study his face, her eyes concentrating on the smile that was tugging at the corners of his mouth. It was insane to her how in love she was with the man. After his lips brushed her knuckles, she cradled the side of his face in her hand. "I love you, Matthew."
    August 1st, 2016 at 03:11am