You Are My One, My Only

  • Zacky scarfed down his food, he was always down to grub out. But as he went in for the rest of his foid, he noticed the solemn look on Spencers face. He sat his plate down on the coffee table, causing a clank to sound out about the volume of the TV. He leaned back into the couch, and reached over to take her hand off of her stomach and pull her to him, holding her against his side. He placed a kiss on the side of her temple. "I love you," He said softly. "It will all work out."


    Faye stood at the bathroom counter, a towel wrapped around her head and one around her body as she finished her make up. She rolled her eyes at her boyfriend, knowing he would make a comment about her still not being ready if he saw her. "I'm almost done babe," She pointed out as she applied mascara to her lashes, "I'm not going to do my hair, I'm just gonna throw it on top of my head and then get dressed, I promise."
    January 11th, 2016 at 05:08am
  • "I know," Spencer said, her voice soft. "It's just...I dunno, I kinda feel like this is hopeless." She'd been thinking this for a little while, but this is the first time she'd let herself say it out loud. They'd been trying for so long and she hadn't gotten pregnant even once. It was a little disheartening. She just hoped the next step - which was probably IVF - would be more successful.
    Matt walked over to Faye and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder. "Whatever you do, you'll look beautiful," he said, pressing a kiss to her temple. "I'm gonna go wait downstairs, okay?" He gave her another kiss before heading downstairs, letting her finish getting ready in peace. Thankfully he didn't have to wait long before Faye appeared. "See, I told you you'd look beautiful," he said.
    January 11th, 2016 at 10:23pm
  • Zacky let his face fall and his eyes turn away from hers for the first time in a long while. It had been a difficult road for the both of them. But he had continued to keep trying to keep hope and to see her in such distress and allowing the hope to slip away and vanish was a little disheartening. He let out a long, soft sigh. "Let's just try and see what the doctors say next week, okay?" he gave her hand a gentle squeeze, "We gotta try and have some optimism or it will eat us alive, babe."


    Faye smiled as she reached over and grabbed her purse off of the chair, slinging it over her shoulder. She walked over to Matt, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "And I told you that I wouldn't take as long as you thought getting ready." She grinned up at him. "Are you driving or am I driving?"
    January 12th, 2016 at 04:17pm
  • "I know, it's just hard sometimes," Spencer whispered. But she smiled softly, leaning against Zacky. But Zacky did have a point. No matter how hard it was, they had to stay positive. "What did I do to deserve you?" Spencer asked, pressing her face into Zacky's shoulder. She was still holding his hand and gave it another squeeze.
    "I just filled up my tank, so I'm driving," Matt answered. He grabbed his blazer from the back of the couch and his keys from the hook near the door before gently ushering Faye outside to the car. "God, I'm starving," Matt said as he pulled out of the driveway. "I hope they're already there so we can order. By the way, I don't think we should tell them until after we eat. Is that fine with you?"
    January 12th, 2016 at 08:57pm
  • Zacky shook his head, although she couldn't see. Zacky did the things he did because he loved her with every part of his being, he only wanted to make sure that she was happy. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and then spoke, "It's hard all the time, baby. You don't have to down play it. You don't always have to be strong, it's okay to let your emotions out sometimes. I know how hard this is, and I hate it just as much as you do..."


    Faye let out a laugh as she listened to her boyfriends words, reaching over to grab his hand and hold it. "Matt, when aren't you hungry? You could eat all damn day if I'd let you." She grinned at him as he continued to talk. "Yeah," she agreed with his statement. "I think we should wait till we are done eating to to tell them, as well."
    January 12th, 2016 at 09:54pm
  • "I know," Spencer said again. She gave Zacky's hand another squeeze before letting go and getting to her feet. "I'm gonna go take a quick shower." She headed upstairs and grabbed some clothes from the bedroom before heading into the bathroom. Spencer tried not to look in the mirror as she undressed; she'd started to hate seeing her body ever since she'd found out she had trouble getting pregnant.
    "You couldn't stop me if I wanted to eat all damn day," Matt laughed. About ten minutes later, he was pulling into the parking lot of the restaurant. Thankfully, he saw his parents' and Faye's parents' cars already parked there. Inside, a waiter led them to a table and Matt smiled when he saw his parents. "Hey Mom, Dad," he said. "Mr. and Mrs. Wylde."
    January 12th, 2016 at 10:54pm
  • Zacky sighed lightly as he watched her walk away. He had no clue what he could do in order to help her--and that's all he truly wanted to do. However, he knew that there was no helping her with this. He knew she was hurting more than him, and she had to consolidate those feelings on her own time. He kicked his feet up on the couch and settle back into watching the T.V. After some time had passed, he found himself getting up and going to the bathroom door, where he gently knocked and called out for her. "You okay?"


    A flurry of nerves buzzed around in Faye's core, too curious to know what the reactions were going to be. As she greeted everyone, she smiled as in-suspiciously as she could. At first, as they all roamed over the menu, she made small talk with her and Matt's parents. It wasn't until a comment that came out of her fathers mouth that made her go wide eyed and look very guilty of something.

    "So, Matthew, why are we all here? You two almost never bring us and your parents around at the same time." Faye's father commented.
    January 12th, 2016 at 11:11pm
  • "Yeah, I'm fine," Spencer called back. She finished drying her hair and threw the towel over by the door so she could take it out later. She slipped on her shirt and sweatpants and ran a brush through her hair before pausing, wiping the last remnants of her tears from her eyes. Showering was the only time she could cry away from Zacky's prying eyes and questions. She appreciated that he didn't want her to be sad, but sometimes she just needed to let it out.
    Matt froze for a split second when Faye's father spoke, chewing slowly and swallowing before answering. "Well actually, me and Faye have something to tell you," he said. He reached for Faye's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "We're uh, we're gonna have a baby. You're gonna be grandparents." Matt looked at his parents and Faye's, searching their faces for any trace of their reactions.

    "Well honey, that's wonderful!" his mother said. "Do you know how far along you are?"
    January 13th, 2016 at 12:46am
  • Zacky made his way to his office, getting the vibe that she may need a little time alone. He had become pretty intuitive to Spencer's feelings. At times all he wanted to do was comfort her but he knew that being the type of person Spencer was, she sometimes was found to be more comforted by piece and quiet. Zacky picked up one of his acoustic guitars and plopped down in his chair and began plucking away at the steel strings in an attempt to soothe his own mind.


    Faye breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the smiles on her parents faces. For some reason she thought they wouldn't be excited, but she was ecstatic that they seemed to be. She shook her head at Matt's mother. "I'm assuming about a month, but I need to make my doctors appointment for next week."

    Faye's mother grinned over at the pair of them, "That's so exciting, baby! Now Paxton and Raelynn will finally have another cousin!"
    January 13th, 2016 at 02:33am
  • Spencer could hear music drifting out of Zacky's office, so that's where she headed when she left the bathroom. She knew that music was comforting to him, and listening to him play comforted her, too. And she liked to imagine that when they finally had a baby, Zacky's music would be comforting to it as well. She quietly slipped inside and sat on the floor next to Zacky, resting her head on his knee.
    "We wanted to keep it under wraps for the time being, but we thought you guys should know," Matt said. He reached for his glass and took a drink. He wanted to keep Faye's pregnancy a secret from the public and fans for as long as possible. "We're telling the guys next week, though. And I'll probably call Amy tomorrow to let her know."

    "It's about time you had a kid, Matt," his father joked. "You're not getting any younger and neither am I."
    January 13th, 2016 at 03:19am
  • Zacky smiled as he continued to swiftly moved his fingers across the string and fret board for a few more moments as she set there. He played for a little while longer, and then sat the guitar down besides him. He reached down and grabbed her hand, gently tugging her up. When she was standing, he pulled her down into his lap, wrapping his arms around her. He placed a soft kiss against her lips, "You feeling a little better after your shower?"


    Faye laughed at Matt's father. She was waiting for that comment to come. She looked over at her mother, who seemed to have tears in her eyes, and it made her heart swell. She reached across the table and took her mother's hand, "Mom, why are you crying?"

    "It's just different," she began to state, "It's different when your baby girl has a child." Her mother then turned to Matthew, "Thank you for being so good to my daughter."
    January 13th, 2016 at 01:29pm
  • "Yeah, I feel better," Spencer said softly. She kissed Zacky again before resting her head on his shoulder. "Especially after listening to you play." Spencer sat there for a few more minutes before getting to her feet, stretching her arms up over her head. "I think I'm gonna go back downstairs and finish watching Criminal Minds, if you wanna come with me."
    Matt smiled. "Well, she makes it so easy," he replied. He lifted Faye's hand and kissed her knuckles.

    "So are you gonna take any time off now that you guys are expecting?" Matt's mother asked. He knew the question was directed at him.

    "I dunno, you know we're trying to put out the self-titled somtime within the next year," Matt answered.
    January 13th, 2016 at 09:04pm
  • Zacky caught her hand as she lowered it from stretching and gently pulled her to him. He caught her lips in a brief kiss and smiled at her. "Alright, let's go relax and have a good evening." He released her hand and followed her back into the living room, and flopped lazily on the couch. Giving her a goofy grin, he patted the space next to her.


    Faye bit her lip for a moment, she had forgotten about all the recording and discussing an upcoming tour. She pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind, deciding she didn't want to ruin the evening. "Even if he does, we will figure it out... we always do."

    [Sorry I got really swamped with a couple issues at home :( ]
    January 15th, 2016 at 04:00am
  • "Hold on just a second," Spencer said. She went into the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge for Zacky and a soda for herself. She carried them back into the living room and sat down next to Zacky, pulling a blanket over herself and cuddling up next to Zacky. "I love you," she whispered.
    "Yeah, we'll make it work," Matt replied. "I don't think we'd be touring until after the baby was born, though." He'd have to talk it over with the tour manager and make sure he would be here to support Faye throughout the pregnancy and to see the baby be born.

    [that's okay, I understand :) do you think we should skip to the party soon?]
    January 15th, 2016 at 07:01am
  • Zacky watched her disappear out of his sight and then smiled at her as he saw her coming back from the kitchen. "I love you too, always will." He whispered back to her. Zacky wrapped his arm around her as she curled into him, cradling the beer in his other hand. "Thanks, babe, I appreciate that."


    Faye nodded along as Matt spoke. He generally was pretty good at working around things and making difficult situations turn around when it came to their relationship. There was no doubt in her mind that he would be able to have something up his sleeve for this situation as well. "Just like I said, we always figure it out," She smiled at him.

    [that would be perfect!]
    January 15th, 2016 at 05:20pm
  • "Zacky, are you almost ready?" Spencer called out. She slipped her new shirt on and walked over to the bathroom door, knocking on it. "We're gonna be late!" Matt and Faye's little party was this evening, and if they didn't leave soon, they'd be late. She didn't think Matt and Faye would care all that much, but she prefered to be on time. Besides all that, she was curious as to why Matt and Faye were throwing this party in the first place.
    "I'll get it!" Matt shouted, hearing the doorbell downstairs. Faye was probably in the kitchen putting it the finishing touches on the stuff for the party. He'd tried to help her, but she'd shoved him out of the kitchen, teasingly telling him that he'd just mess things up. "Hey man, what's up?" Matt said, opening the door to reveal Jimmy and Leana. He stepped aside. "Come on in. You guys want something to drink?"
    January 15th, 2016 at 08:12pm
  • Zack was just finishing getting out of the shower, as he finished drying off he called back, "Yeah babe, I'll be done in just a second." With a huff, he finished ruffling the towel over his hair. He threw his clothes on as fast as he could and opened the bathroom door, a small stream of steam following out after him. "I just gotta put my shoes and and we will be out the door, Spence."


    Faye was a bundle of emotions. After having her initial doctors appointment two days earlier that confirmed she was in fact pregnant, she couldn't wait for every one to know. As she finished in the kitchen, she walked out to see Jimmy and Leana standing talking to Matt. "Hey guys," she smiled as she walked over and gave each of them a hug,
    January 15th, 2016 at 08:53pm
  • "You look nice," Spencer said. She kissed Zacky on the cheek and then stood by to wait for him to slip on his shoes. She followed him out to the car and climbed into the passenger seat. "I hope they have some food at this shindig," Spencer said, knowing full well they probably did. "I'm starving."
    Soon, everybody had arrived except for Zacky and Spencer. No surprise there, since Zacky was infamous for being at least ten minutes late for everything. "So is there any particular reason you guys decided to throw a party?" Brian asked. "Not that I'm complaining. I'm always down for free booze."

    Matt laughed. "You'll find out soon," he said. "We want everybody to be here before we say anything."
    January 15th, 2016 at 10:01pm
  • Zacky chuckled heartily at Spencer's remark. "Since when do you know Matt and Faye to not have food whenever they throw parties for anything?" Soon enough, he was pulling up to the walkway outside of their house, taking not of everyone's car. "Looks like everyone else has already showed up. Let's get in there so they can make a mockery of us being late once again." he said with a light laugh.


    Faye stuck close to Matt's side, more nervous than ever. She didn't really know how everyone would react to their news, especially so close with the recording and touring planning. She grinned as Zacky and Spencer walked through their front door, strolling over to give them both a gracious hug. "Thank you guys so much for coming."
    January 18th, 2016 at 02:00am
  • "Thanks for inviting us!" Spencer said. She grinned. "I've been needing to get out of the house and I'm sure Zack has, too." Spencer left Faye and Zacky and meandered into the kitchen, where she knew the food was. She quickly grabbed something and went back in the living room, taking a seat next to Zacky on the couch.
    "Finally you guys get here," Matt joked, ushering Spencer and Zacky into the living room. He could tell that Faye was eager to get the news out, and honestly, so was he. "You ready to tell everyone?" Matt whispered to Faye. "Or do you wanna wait a little while longer?"
    January 18th, 2016 at 04:38am