Hold On, Hold On

  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    Stiles pondered for a moment. He wasn't sure if she was asking how long had he known about the attacks or how long had he known about all of this? It had been over a year since he found out Scott was a werewolf. "About all of the supernatural stuff, almost two years I think. The attacks, I learned about it this morning."


    Farrah smiled. "Is that a good different?" she said turning towards Liam. This was totally a new way to spend high school. Unless they all turn out to be vampires or something.

    @ sweetest_sin
    January 3rd, 2016 at 06:15pm
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    Sawyer glanced at him. "So stuff like this has been going on for that long?" She was shocked. How were they able to keep that a secret from the town? She sighed. She had no idea how he was still sane. She looked at him and took in his appearance. She inhaled sharply, "Stiles, you're human right?" Part of her was worried to find out the answer but then again, he'd always be Stiles.
    Liam nodded, "I think it's good." He sent her a smirk. Was he really flirting with her when they could be in danger. He shrugged, might as well live a little. He heard a rustled to the side of them. He stopped and sniffed. "See anything?" He questioned.

    @ EmzyStilinski
    January 3rd, 2016 at 07:53pm
  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    (work has killed me the past few days)

    Stiles sighed loudly. It had been going on longer than that. Derek and his whole family were wolves living in Beacon Hills for a long time before they knew about it. He then heard her next question and sighed again. Sometimes he felt he was nuisance by being human but he was in fact human. "Yeah, I'm human." Of course, he was a hundred percent sure Sawyer was human but her sister was a different story.
    Farrah looked around. She didn't see anything but she kind of heard something but it sounded distant. Really distant. She tried to concentrate before she saw in the dark a lot better. Her vision made everything have an orange glow almost like fire and she hadn't realized it but her eyes changed color.


    @ sweetest_sin
    January 6th, 2016 at 08:29pm
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    Sawyer breathed a sigh of relief at his response. She glanced around and back at him. They had been driving for awhile. "Where are we going?" She was curious to see what he was thinking and their destination would.
    Liam stared at the girl. Her eyes were something he had never seen before. He stepped back, what if it was her. "Farrah?" He questioned.

    @ emzystilinski
    January 6th, 2016 at 11:01pm
  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    Stiles shook his thought as he heard her speak. He stared out the windshield. For a moment, he didn't know where he was going but apparently his subconcious did. "An old warehouse kind of on the outskirts of town." He didn't know why Derek's old lift came into mind but it seemed more out of the way and no one stepped foot in there for months.
    Farrah stared intently at the bushes in front of her for a moment before she heard Liam. His voice was almost inaudible and her head started to spun for a moment before her vision returned to normal. "Something's about a 150 yards that way," she said feeling the worst headache possible and she felt as if she was on fire.

    @ sweetest_sin
    January 6th, 2016 at 11:25pm
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    Sawyer nodded at the boy. She watched as the surroundings came and went. They were definitely heading out of town. For some reason she was more nervous about being alone with Stiles than what could be chasing them. She shook her head, typical teenage girl. "Thanks for looking at for me." She said as she continued to look out the window.
    Liam's eyes began to change color and he could feel his claws creeping out. He turned to where the girl pointed. He hoped she was on his side, it was too late to second guess. He glanced at her, "I hope you're ready."
    January 7th, 2016 at 03:20am
  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    Stiles smiled and he was glad she was looking out the window because he was pretty sure he looked like an idiot. "No problem. Thanks for letting me," he said before pulling up behind the building. "We're here."
    Farrah's breath hitched in her throat a bit as she saw Liam. Of course, the moment only happened for a second. She was also ready for what was coming. She was never really afraid of anything and she especially didn't have a fear for death and as whatever that thing was for closer, her vision returned to the same orange glow.

    @ sweetest_sin
    January 7th, 2016 at 03:31am
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    Sawyer slowly stepped out of the jeep. She took a moment to stare at the place. It was interesting. She turned her attention back to Stiles. "Lead the way." She sent him a smile.
    Liam heard the thing come closer. He let out a low growl trying his best to intimidate it. He calmed down when he realized it was Scott. "What happened?" He asked. He already knew the answer. It got away.

    (I let it get away to build up everything!)

    @ EmzyStilinski
    January 7th, 2016 at 03:44am
  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    Stiles nodded pulling a key out of his pocket and unlocking the door before stepping inside. He walked all the way to the elevator before turning around. "Right this way," he said before stepping inside.
    Farrah watched as the figure coming out of the clearing turned out to be Scott and her vision went back to normal. Her headache was worse though and she felt like it was a thousand degrees. She had no idea what she just got herself into.

    @ sweetest_sin
    January 7th, 2016 at 04:00am
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    Sawyer stepped into the elevator and stood next to Stiles. "This place is nice." She said. She tried her best to start a conversation. Now she understood why Stiles seemed so nervous all the time.
    Liam turned his attention back to Farrah. She didn't look well. He walked closer to her but there was a heat radiating off of her body. "Are you alright?" He was slightly worried.

    (Sorry they're short. I'm using my phone.)
    @ EmzyStilinski
    January 7th, 2016 at 04:04am
  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    (It's cool. Mine are short too cause my head hurts )

    Stiles smiled and nodded, a little fidgety. One, he was alone with Sawyer, and two, he wanted to know what kind of progress the other guys made.

    They made it up to the top floor and he lifted up the door. "This is where we all try to congregate after something weird goes in."
    Farrah could barely hear Liam and heard Scott say something she couldn't quite decipher. "I-I I'm not sure what is going on," she said and for the first time in a long time, Farrah was scared which seemed to make matters worse as her vision glowed again.
    January 7th, 2016 at 04:24am
  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    @ sweetest_sin
    (forgot to tag)
    January 7th, 2016 at 04:27am
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    Sawyer sat on the couch. She checked her phone and sighed. She thought her sister would have texted by now. She could see that Stiles was a bit uneasy. Sawyer patted the spot next to her. "If we worry, it will only make things worse." She said it for both of them. Keeping their minds off of it until they found something out would be for the better.
    Liam kept an eye on Farrah. When she spoke he could tell she was scared. "Hey, it's going to be okay. We'll figure it out." He tried his best to keep her calm. Scott glanced at them and back towards the woods. "Liam, take her home. I'll get Stiles and Sawyer. We can all meet there later." Liam watched as Scott ran off. He looked back towards her, her eyes were glowing again. "It'll be okay." He whispered.

    @ EmzyStilinski
    January 7th, 2016 at 04:20pm
  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    Stiles looked up and smiled before making his way over to the couch and day next to Sawyer. He knew she was right but he always worried and he always felt like a sitting duck. "I know and usually things are okay but usually I'm there. I guess it feels weird."
    Farrah barely heard Scott's words but they seemed to calm her down enough to follow Liam and watch Scott disappear. She didn't know if she was like Liam or if something else entirely was going on but maybe her sister knew what was going on.

    @ sweetest_sin
    January 7th, 2016 at 06:23pm
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    Sawyer frowned slightly. "I'm sorry you couldn't be there." She said. She knew he had to get her away from everything so it was kind of on her for why he couldn't be there. She glanced away from him and looked around. "But I'm sure we'll hear from them soon." She tried to sound positive.
    Liam made his way to his car. He glanced at Farrah. "How long has that been happening?" He questioned. He unlocked the door and got in waiting for her to follow before driving out of the school parking lot. It was crazy that people were still having a fun time. If they only knew what lingered by them.

    @ EmzyStilinski
    January 7th, 2016 at 06:44pm
  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    Stiles smiled. "I know we will," he said before thinking of his word choices before. " and it's not your fault if that's what your thinking." It wasn't get fault at all. Scott did what he did to save people and those people came first.
    Farrah sat in the car, trying to keep herself calm. "The vision thing started just earlier but the headaches and the heat, that's been going on for a couple of months. Mostly when I get frustrated or angry," she said hoping she wasn't crazy or a going to turn into some creepy monster dragon thing.

    @ sweetest_sin
    January 7th, 2016 at 07:13pm
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    Sawyer smiled at him. "That makes me feel better." She really did feel much better now. "So, is there anything to do in this place?" She questioned. Might as well try to do something rather than just sitting around waiting.
    Liam listened intently to her as she spoke. "Okay, we can work with that." He said, sending her a reassuring smile. He continued to drive and for some reason he knew where he was going, maybe it was her scent. "Scott and Stiles will be able to figure out what's happening."

    @ EmzyStilinski
    January 7th, 2016 at 07:21pm
  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    Stiles smiled. He didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. "There's a foosball table over there in the corner. It's collected a lot of dust over the last couple of months," he said trying to think if it was ever even used. Just as he was about to get up, he heard the elevator move.
    Farrah nodded and looked out the window pressing her hot face on the cool glass. Things had never been this complicated in her life before and she felt this was just the beginning.

    @ sweetest_sin
    January 8th, 2016 at 03:32am
  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    January 8th, 2016 at 03:33am
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    Sawyer's heart raced as she heard the elevator. She stepped towards Stiles, "That should be someone we know, right?" She couldn't be quite as calm anymore if something else was thrones at her.
    Liam parked on the curb of Farrah's house. He glanced over to her, "I'm sorry if this is weird but I kind of picked up your scent and just knew where to go." He figured being straightforward with her would help keep her calm.

    @ EmzyStilinski
    January 8th, 2016 at 03:27pm