touch the sky.

  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Thalia Burke -- Stiles Stilinski


    Grace Argent -- Scott McCall
    January 8th, 2016 at 05:39am
  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    Grace sat on the bench outside of Beacon Hills High School. She was currently waiting on Scott and with Kate and the Beserkers, her uncle made sure Grace wasn't alone for long. He was a little overprotective since she came back with him to Beacon Hills and she knew it was for good reason. Especially after what happened to Allison but she didn't need to be watched over by werewolves. That seemed a bit excessive but she did it because her Uncle Chris was all she had and vise versa.


    Stiles walked the halls of Beacon Hills after classes were over. All of the things going on were crazy. Not only was their a list of supernatural beings that someone wanted dead, their was Kate and her Beserkers. He was working hard to try and find who was behind the death list all the while trying to balance the rest of his life. As of date heard him, he saw Thalia waiting by the door.

    @ Octavia Blake
    January 8th, 2016 at 09:21pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Scott wished he could convince people that he had everything together, he wanted them to know or, at least, think that he knew what he was doing or that he had a plan. But he didn't have a plan, he didn't know what was happening, and he sucked at lying. And he felt like he was under a lot of pressure to figure things out. After all, he was still worried about his best friend and if he really was okay like he said he was. He was also being instructed to keep an extra close eye on Grace now that she was back in town. Of course with everything that had been going on in this town over the last few years it made sense. Plus with the whole Allison thing it made, even more, sense. So Scott understood why Chris had asked him to keep an eye on her. That didn't take the pressure off, though. He wasn't going to complain about it though because well he was the alpha and this was all just part of his responsibility as the alpha. "Hey, sorry if you've been waiting long for me," he said to Grace when he finally found her on one of the benches outside the school.
    Thalia was leaned against the door texting her sister back while she waited for Stiles, who she felt like had been avoiding her. She didn't know why she felt that way, and couldn't really explain how she'd come to that conclusion, but she had. And today she had plans to get to the bottom of everything. After all, she was Stiles' girlfriend and she wanted him to trust her with things. That's what you're supposed to do when you're in a healthy relationship too, trust one another. But if he kept avoiding her and not telling her what was going on with him then she'd never get answers, which wasn't healthy. "Hey, how were your classes?" She asked him finally looking up from her phone with a smile. Which she would've known on any other day had he actually sat with her. She wasn't going to jump right in with accusing him of avoiding her though because the last thing she really wanted was to get into a fight with him at school. Really she didn't want to fight with him at all because she hated it, but if that were to happen she'd rather it be away from school where people could see.

    @ EmzyStilinski
    January 9th, 2016 at 01:00am
  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    @ Octavia Blake
    (Did not get this notification Facepalm Ill reply after school.)
    January 26th, 2016 at 06:43pm