Bat Country

  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    Rachel Madsen & Zacky Vengeance played by; Saint Rev
    Johnny Christ & Rosalie Park played by; Playboy;
    January 21st, 2016 at 04:39am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Rachel sighed softly as she scrubbed the table in front of her clean. She was currently working one of her part time jobs she had to save up for school. She was one of those people who hated debt especially debt that she could have avoided. The brunette knew being a waitress was one of those jobs that didn't nessarily make good money but since this was only one source of income she had it wasn't too bad. It also helped a lot that she was living in a home that was completely paid for so all she had to worry about was her electricity and water bill each month.
    Zack rolled his eyes as Brian insisted they go out and eat. He wasn't even sure why his friend insisted on pretending to eat human food just so getting laid and drinking blood would follow. All the dark haired man hadto do personally was give the person a seductive lust filled look and whoever he wanted was following his every order. Then again Zack wasn't a fan of human blood anymore at that point. He had stopped drinking real blood ages ago so all he knew now was the taste of synthetic blood.
    January 21st, 2016 at 05:15am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    Rosalie Park was a force to be reckoned with, she had handled several business meetings in one day and she'd be damned if anyone stopped her from obtaining food. Her stomach was practically howling in anger as she pulled into the parking lot of a local bar that served beer and food, it was her favorite place to go to after work . The beer and food seemed to mesh well together and the music there wasn't half bad either. Before she walked into the bar she changed into a pair of comfortable sneakers - her heels were beginning to wreck her feet and she knew once she was old she'd hate herself for the pain she put her feet through.
    Johnny walked into the bar and looked around, he didn't come here often unless he was looking for a quick feed. With all the new laws in place it was beginning to get harder and harder for him to get meals a couple times a week which was all he needed. The synthetic shit was disgusting, it tasted about as good as burned plastic and he couldn't even stand the smell of that shit. He sat down at a table and his eyes roamed the place when they landed on a girl who couldn't be older than twenty five he licked over his lips - he could smell her blood type from here; but how he was going to get her home with him was something he hadn't quite worked out yet.

    hope this is okay
    January 21st, 2016 at 05:21am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    @ Saint Rev forgot to hit reply... oops
    January 21st, 2016 at 05:22am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Rachel walked up to the man who had just walked up to the bar, knowing if she didn't at least greet him she'd be in trouble. "Hi there," she smiled. "Can I get you anything tonight?" She bit down lightly on the inside of her cheek and she subtly looked over the guy in front of her, he was shorter but the mohawk that was styled at the top of his head seemed to make him appear taller.
    Zacky followed Brian into the bar, staying close by in case his friend needed help out of some harmless yet idiotic trouble Brian seemed to always manage to get himself into. He sat down in a booth with his friend, his body tensing slightly as he caught scent of a blood type he hadn't smelled in a while. It was a rare blood type and it had his fangs throbbing for a taste. He looked around the bar, spotting the brunette the smell seemed to coming from and watched her, waiting for the perfect time to go up and introduce himself.
    January 21st, 2016 at 05:55am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    "Just get me your best beer and a burger with some fries," she said smiling a little at the bartender who nodded a little flashing her a quick smile before disappearing into the back to get her burger and fries on the grill. She thanked him and paid for her drink before sighing in contentment, today had been rough but she knew that tonight was going to be the relaxation she needed. Rosalie could feel eyes staring holes into her and she couldn't help but look around to see if she could pin point it, when she did she smiled a little then turned back around to stare at her beer.
    Johnny smiled a little, "Uh, you wouldn't happen to have any AB- Synthetic would you?" he asked curiously, if he was going to drink that shit it was going to be his favorite kind not some O- shit. He couldn't help but get a whiff of her scent, and he nearly drooled when he realized it.... AB- how the fuck had he gotten so lucky, Brian was going to shit his pants when he told him.
    January 21st, 2016 at 06:03am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Rachel's eyes widened slightly as she realized the man in front of her was a vampire. "I'm not sure," she mumbled. "I'll double check." The brunette walked away to the back where the synthetic blood was normally kept. She looked through the storage and couldn't seem to find AB- at all. She grabbed a container of B- they had and brought it out. "Is B- okay," she asked.
    Zacky's eyes met the brunette's eyes for a few seconds, finding himself smiling slightly at her. She was definitely easy on the eyes which was definitely nice. It always shocked him when unattractive people had the most rare and delicious blood ever.
    January 21st, 2016 at 06:43am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    She thanked the bartender for the food and sipped her beer as she looked at the tv seeing that soccer was on, and grinned - she loved soccer. That and baseball were her favorite sports, something she'd always done with her dad before she had grown apart from him and her mother. Sometimes things don't work out the way you want them to, and this was one of those things. Again with the eyes staring into her, but this time she didn't bother looking back at him. Rosalie brushed the hair out of her face and brought it all around to one side so she could braid it back.
    He nodded, "It'll do, and don't be scared I'm harmless its just honestly would you want to eat synthetic food?" he asked seriously, "It tastes like burnt rubber," he snorted as he paid for the drink, "If you order a case of it I'll come by more often, not many places have it,"

    He really hoped he wasn't freaking her out right now, because by the end of the night he could only hope he was having a meal from her and not one of those BPA free plastic bottles with some stupid ass logo on the front.
    January 21st, 2016 at 06:51am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Zacky looked around the bar to see where Brian was, seeing he was already pre occupied with a waitress who seemed more than willing he decided to introduce himself to the brunette. He walked over and sat beside her, casually glancing at her before he held his hand out so he could shake hers. "Name's Zack," he stated. "What's your name?"
    "I've never tried it before," Racel mumbled. "Maybe I'll take a sip of one later." She blushed, feeling silly for saying what she had without thinking. She bit down on her bottom lip, cleaning the bar top nearby the vampire to try and ease the awkwardness she was sure she had created. "Do you only like AB-?"
    January 21st, 2016 at 07:31am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    He smiled, "It'd taste worse to you I bet and I yeah, its my favorite," he said to her smiling a bit as he swirled the B- in the bottle and took a sip making a face as he did so - this shit was really something awful how could they be so inhumane to make them drink this crap. He seriously hoped they found something better because more and more people were deciding that vampires were just a danger to humans.
    She looked at him and smiled, "Rosalie," she said as she shook his hand in her own, "Was wondering when you were going to stop staring holes into me and come talk to me," she grinned to herself as she sipped her beer. He was attractive. His eyes were a green color and they contrasted against his coal black hair and pale skin.

    @ Saint Rev
    January 21st, 2016 at 07:37am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    "Maybe if I heat it up it'll taste better," Rachel suggested. She took the bottle from the vampire and put it in the microwave for ten seconds. The brunette carefully handed it back to him, standing and waiting to see if it had helped at all.
    Zacky nibbled on the inside of his bottom lip, causing his snake bites to shift in his mouth. He had never dealt with a human so confident in herself as Rosalie seemed to be. It was honestly a huge turn on for him since most girls he had interacted with tried to hard or were spineless and did whatever he wanted. "Figured I'd let you get relaxed first," he shrugged. "You looked super tense when you walked in."
    January 21st, 2016 at 04:09pm
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    He took the bottle from the brunette and took a sip making a face, "Nah, still bad," he murmured as he laughed a bit. "Thanks for trying though. Sorry I'm rude, my name is Johnny - whats yours?" he said as he held his hand out for her to shake.

    Johnny knew she didn't have to do that and most places didn't even though that is how they were meant to be served. The hatred for Vampires was high these days even if their meals were willing.
    "I just obtained five new contracts for the company I work for, out of twelve meetings today I got more than half of them to sign to come back for review of the plans I will have for their company, then I had a ton of paper work, and I finished it all in one day," she laughed a little as she sipped her beer, "I'd say I earned tonight, it's been a long time since I've felt content,"
    January 21st, 2016 at 09:12pm
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Zacky's eyes widened slightly at everything the human had done in one day. If it had been him when he was a human he knew he would have either dropped dead or quit because it was too much for him to handle. "That's impressive," he spoke. "Let me buy you another beer," he offered. "You definitely deserve it."
    Rachel shook Johnny's hand, shivering slightly at how cold he was to the touch. "The name's Rachel," she replied. "It's nice to meet you Johnny." He was honestly the first ever vampire she had ever met and she didn't understand why they had such a bad reputation. If they were all like Johnny there was no reason for people to be so mean to them.
    January 22nd, 2016 at 03:32am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    Johnny smiled a little as he looked at her, "Pretty name for a pretty lady," he said to her as he leaned on the table ,"How long have you worked here? I don't think I've seen you here before,"

    To be honest, he was just trying to make conversation if he was going to have a decent meal tonight he was going to have talk with her; not that he minded all that much. She was easy on the eyes and she was really nice to talk to; unlike some of the other women who flung themselves at him.
    She laughed, "If you insist, I won't deny it I feel like tonight is a nice of celebration," she said to him as she sighed a little. Work was something she always took pride in, she always wanted high marks and great recommendations. Her job ,even if she hated it, was her livelihood and her way to a better career why half ass it?

    "So what do you do for a living?" she asked him as she turned to look at him more, her eyes lingered on his own before she turned to finish off her first beer. His eyes were very beautiful, not like anything she'd ever seen before.
    January 22nd, 2016 at 03:46am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    "I mainly produce music for an Warner Brothers Studios," Zacky replied. "On the side I'm trying to get my own record label started up." He had worked for Warner Brothers for years now and he knew he finally had learned enough to branch out and make his own record label. Plus since he had technically been undead for sixty years he had enough money saved up that if the company decided to sue him he as covered for a long time afterwards. "So what company do you work for?"
    "I've worked here for a couple years now," Rachel replied. "I usually work in the back. One of the girl's called in sick so I'm a waitress and a bartender today." She bit down on her bottom lip as she looked at him, wondering just how long he had been coming to the bar. "How long have you been coming here?"
    January 22nd, 2016 at 04:35am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    She smiled, "I work for a Advertisement company, basically I have to get contracts from companies that sell things like Pepsi or MAC," she said to him smiling a little as she ate her food.

    "So today being the day I got five contracts and several others coming for a review next week - thats a huge accomplishment - grounds for promotion," she grinned.
    "A couple years," he said to her smiling a little, "Something like, twenty years I think," he said offhandedly. He had been changed in the late seventies so he hadn't been around as long as some of his friends but he'd been here for a while.

    that was shiiiiit sorry
    January 22nd, 2016 at 04:50am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    Zacky smirked, impressed by how resourceful and smart Rosalie seemed. "You're very impressive," he stated. "Hard working, smart women are extremely rare these days." He wasn't wrong either. Most women he interacted with just wanting to marry a rich man so they didn't have to work another day in their life.
    "How old were you when you were turned," Rachel asked. "You look really young for having come here this long." She blushed, realizing how ridiculous what she had said sounded and hoped she didn't offend him at all.
    January 22nd, 2016 at 05:02am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    Johnny smiled a little, "I was 29, I was turned in 1978. It's weird how this all works, I wasn't sure what to make of it when it happened but I think I did okay," he said to her as he set the synthetic shit on the table. He remembered that day like it was yesterday. That night was the scariest night of his life, and even know it made him shiver at the thought of it, the way he was turned was out of spite and nothing could ever fix the way it happened.

    Some might say he had it coming to him because of the job he'd had, but he'd beg to differ - at the time he was only doing what he thought was right and after he'd been turned he was left for dead or worse left to expose the entire vampire community because he had no idea how to control himself.
    She smiled a little, "I can agree with that, but there are lots of women in my work place who would die for the position I want," she laughed a little as she sipped her beer. "I've been here two years and got a promotion every year which is rare considering I started as an unpaid intern,"

    She made at face at the unpaid part, she thought it was bullshit - if someone is working for you - you should pay them, thats how she saw it. Getting the experience shouldn't be enough payment, some people actually have bills to pay or student loans to pay off. At this point and time the industry was bullshit in her opinion.
    January 22nd, 2016 at 05:12am
  • Saint Rev

    Saint Rev (100)

    United States
    "Sounds like they're kissing your ass now," Zack replied bluntly. "I mean you made all of your sucess no thanks to them." He thought unpaid interns were treated horribly and desevred to be paid just like everyone else who he saw get belittled while he was in the studio. The only one he didn't ever see get yelled at was himself and two or three other people he usually worked with.
    "Do you have a job," Rachel asked. "Or did you get fired when all of the vampires came out." She didn't know why she was curious about the vampire in front of hers life. Maybe it was his smile and how genuine it seemed or the light brown honey color of his eyes.
    January 22nd, 2016 at 06:28am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    "Probably are if we're being honest," she smiled a little as she sipped the beer, "Exactly, I think I should get a fancy office and a nice salary," she nodded a little as she thought about it. Her cubicle right now wasn't much, but she made it work even if it was loud in the office area - thats partially why she wanted her own office. Not to mention she had to put up with her asshole of a manager.

    "I doubt Nathan will give me that though, he has it out for me," she snorted a little, "He'll come up with a reason where I fucked something up when I go into work on Monday,"
    He shook his head, "Nah, I work with some friends," he said to her smiling a little, "So we got to keep our jobs luckily, I think it's helped business actually," he admitted - now that he thought about it, their sales had gone up but their fans kind of got crazier.
    January 22nd, 2016 at 06:35am