Different Hearts

  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    Nikolai Torbjorn | Wolf King


    The four legged canine moved with ease along the forest floor. Not once did a leg stumble over a tree stump or carelessly trip over a rock. No, Nikolai was aware of every single aspect of his situation. He could hear his paws softly crunch over the snow and Talen’s heart rate picking up from the physical activity. Glancing over his shoulder, he took in her expression of pure bliss. It was a delight to see that she was enjoying their little run. Easily navigating through the terrain, he inhaled the fresh air and picked up the nearby water source. It was one of the most breathtaking places that their lands had to offer. His body quickly shifted gears and started off in the direction, excited to show Talen one of their most prized possessions. The wolf thoroughly enjoyed the wind whipping in his face and tangling his darkened curls. The chill of the winter still lingered yet it was warm enough to enjoy the outdoors. This is what his inner wolf always craved for like an incessant five year old.

    Continuing on their path, Nikolai sought out the fresh water lake that he estimated was a few feet ahead. He could hear the sound of the rushing water and the fish swimming beneath depths of the water. However, Talen’s pace slowed to a mere walk. The wolf slowed out of confusion, wanting to continue on with their light jog. As always, it slipped his mind that Talen did not have the same amount of stamina. This was possibly her first experience outside of the human walls let alone her first run with a wolf. Nikolai turned to back track toward her, taking the moment to allow her to catch her breath. He merely huffed in response to her comment as if to wave her off with a small roll of the eyes. Of course, of course he would never rush a woman. Although, Nikolai enjoyed her spunk and spirit. Waiting until her heart rate slowed a couple beats, he took off once more toward their destination. He continued up the gently sloping path, anticipating her expression. Slowing his pace, they approached the treeline thinning that exposed the hidden meadow.

    Despite still being beautiful, the meadow with more breathtaking during the spring months. A person could view the fish jumping out of the water and various animals coming to take drinks of water. The scent of the flowers filling the air while the birds sand their songs. It was truly a euphoric experience. On top of all of that, it was an easy place for the pack to have their next meal. Deer, bison, and caribou. Practically every single species migrated to this spot at point throughout the season. Turning to peer over his shoulder, Nikolai took in her facial expressions. She seemed to find it beautiful or at least enjoyed the experience. All he needed was for her to appreciate their lands, and that mission was successful. Hearing her next comment, his eyes danced with amusement. If he were in his human form, Nikolai would have grinned. He jerked his head back into the general direction of the camp and started back on his light jog.

    When they arrived back at the village, the pack was starting to form for their daily dinner together. It seemed that tonight they were holding a huge celebration for their guest of honor. His eyes shifted over toward where they held breakfast this morning as if to tell her that is where their feast awaited. Talen could venture forth without him, promising that they wouldn’t bite. On the other hand, Nikolai had to find a suitable place to shift back. The last thing that he wanted was to reveal too much to Talen all in one day. He disappeared off to his quarters and quickly shifted back into his human form, grabbing clothes from the nearby drawers. Transforming from a wolf back into a human was less painful. Sure, his bones were snapping back into place while his limbs shortened, but it was like ripping a band aid off. The faster the process was, the less amount of pain it caused.
    Elaina Merton | The Princess


    Elaina was pleased that Colton was willing to open up to her, expressing his frustration toward Irene. It made her feel foolish for attempting to bottle up her thoughts. There was no purpose for her to suppress everything because her mother was no longer by her side. Just as she listened to his woes, Colton would attend to her own. This he repeatedly reassured her of. As this confirmation crossed her thoughts, her features soften as the weight lightened on her shoulders. In the end, their mothers reacted poorly to the whole ordeal and that clearly affected both of them. Despite any differences between their kingdoms, they were in the same boat from here on and there was no turning back. “Yes, that is understandable. As am I with my mother. They always seem to be so clouded by the present to even get a glimpse of future. My mother refuses to even spare me a glance,” She confessed, matching his mood with her own self-pity.

    Listening to Colton convey his anger, she actively responded with a mixture of nods and facial expressions. ‘Or that you’ll gut me the first chance you get.’ She repeated inside of her own mind, wondering how Irene’s logic could ever make that conclusion. Elaina taking the life of another person? The Mertons were far from cold-blooded killers despite what the Naga understood or accepted. It was instilled within their culture to protect and to honor every life. Being convicted of a murder was an automatic sentence of death within her kingdom. It was the most inexcusable crime in their laws. Furthermore, how could she ever take the life of her partner in crime? Colton was the only person who would truly understand what she was experiencing. Every turned back. Every twinge of pain. Every single emotion that coursed through her veins. There were a myriad of reasons she could go on in defense of not murdering Colton. For the Naga to even believe in such horrid actions made the light in Elaina’s eyes dull slightly. She believed that Irene didn’t view her in that harsh of light but was utterly wrong.

    Once he turned the question to her, Elaina opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out but a soft sigh. She wrapped her arms loosely around herself while her brain formed the appropriate phrasing for her feelings. It was difficult for the young princess to express her emotions to just any person. However, this man would be her husband in a few short days and possibly her only family. “My mother is… or was my number one supporter. Every single decision I made she fully supported even if she disagreed with it, because she understood how important it was to me. I believed that she would even come to forgive me for this one. Or at least acknowledge me when I walk into a room,” She began, willing herself to continue forward. With every word, she wrapped her arms tighter and casted her eyes downward. “I do understand the path of her logic. She probably thinks that you are toying with my heart and are merely after the death of my kingdom. Just as you are to your mother, I am her last living child, the only heir to the throne, and her closest friend. I see that she only wants the best for me but her distance is far too much. It probably pains her to even look at me. All she can see is a fool in love, drowning in the hues of the ocean. Yes, this marriage was not formed by love but that should have been more enough of a reason for her to accept it. When I told of her the marriage ceremony, she didn’t spare a word or a glance. It was as if I no longer existed in her life. As if I were some sort of whisper of the wind.”

    “That is a very kind gesture, Colton, but I am even more afraid of what might happen with you alone with my mother. She can say some very vulgar, hurtful words when she is in the worst of moods,” She replied but truly appreciated. The best they could do for her mother was to let her temper settle. When she was ready, she would seek out Elaina. Slowly, she allowed her arms to relax once more until they returned back to their original position at her sides. Confiding in Colton allowed the burden on her heart to lift ever so slightly. It allowed her to breathe easier. Her eyes shot up to his gaze as his hand slid along her cheek, warming the skin underneath. Her expression softened with his words while a smile crept up on her lips. Leaning into his hand, she spared the moment to relax and take solace in the comfort that he provided. Elaina reached up to place her hand on top his, finally offering a genuine smile. “Thank you, I will take your words to heart. I hope you know that I am here for you as well, Colton. If you ever need anything, I will do my best. After all, my kingdom will also become yours. This situation will be difficult for both of us, and I want us to be able to rely on each other,” She returned. This event happened to be one of the numerous bumps in the road that they would encounter, and Elaina needed to prepare herself. They had to bring peace to their nations and end this war.
    January 30th, 2016 at 05:44am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ LaylaPetrovana
    January 31st, 2016 at 04:29pm
  • LaylaPetrovana

    LaylaPetrovana (100)

    United States
    Talen Falk | Naive ✘ Empathetic ✘ Fickle

    Thankfully, Nikolai managed to guide them back just as it was getting hard for Talen to see where she was going. The forest seemed more alive at night, and on the way back she could hear all sorts of critters calling to one another. The strange, shrill calls of fox, owls waking to the moon- even a couple of howls, though they sounded much closer to the village and were likely parents trying to locate children, or other members of the pack. For the first time in Talen's young life, she didn't feel like she was missing anything. There was no sense of a higher purpose nagging her, the feeling of always being outcasted from the others didn't fill her as it normally did back with the humans. She was shocked really, how little she missed any of those people. It was curious the way she felt drawn to help the wolves fight their war. Yes, part of it was she wanted to finish her mother's work. There was an aspect of survival here, because if Talen could help them and not die in the process- she had a home where she never had to be afraid of accidentally casting magic in front of someone and being burned alive for it. But another part of her, wanted to stay here. She liked the unity of this place, and she felt... welcomed. Perhaps this was the legacy her mother meant for her to inherit.

    While Nikolai moved against the ground like a shadow, undisturbed by the gnarled roots or iced ground. Talen... Talen was less graceful but managed to stay upright without tripping or stumbling. And in her own human way, that was pretty damned good. The penny-haired witch had fallen into quiet on the way back, simply enjoying being out and exploring. Even as a wolf, she was grateful for Nikolai's company. It was better than being alone in a sea of new faces. At any rate, the pair reached the village to find it alight with people shuffling back and forth, mostly heading towards the place that she had taken breakfast with him this morning. They ate together? Like a real pack? Huh, that was interesting. "Everything is just so... Different." It left Talen with equal parts of trepidation, and intrigue. Would she really ever fit in here? Hell did Talen really fit in anywhere? She'd yet to formally meet other members of the pack, and admittedly she was a little hesitant about doing so. Catching Nikolai's gaze pointing her towards the building they'd had breakfast earlier she nodded wordlessly.

    For a moment she stayed put, arms crossed over her chest and cheeks flushed with a delicate pink as Nik left to go shift; or so Talen assumed. She'd heard his clothing rip from him earlier, and while she was growing more comfortable with the idea of werewolves, she wasn't quite ready to deal with nakedness. Exhaling softly under her breath the petite woman took a few cautious steps towards the building dinner would be served, each step picking up a little more confidence. However, upon opening the doors she faltered her gaze softening. Before her felt like an ocean of new people, all chattering merrily with one another. It was obvious that most of these people had known each other their whole lives. "Talen?" Feeling a gentle hand lain on her arm she turned with surprise to find a graying man, his dark hair appearing more gray than brunette. She just nodded, colored eyes watched Talen with an open air of curiosity and hospitality. "Ah, my son left you to fend for yourself?" Remaining quiet for a moment, she just shook her head. "Oh... No he's-" The man chuckled holding a hand up. "Don't worry, I was only joking around. Here, why don't you come sit with us?" Even as he spoke he turned towards the front of the long tables, glancing behind her expectedly. "Oh, of course." He smiled as if to say something though just turned and continued once Talen followed him, trying not to appear meek under the curious gazes that accompanied her all the way to her seat.

    More unfamiliar faces were sitting with one another, an older woman who shared Nikolai’s dark eyes, and reached her hand out for Nik’s father. He took the open chair directly to that woman’s right, easily catching her hand and giving her an adoring look. So these must be Nikolai’s parents. Sliding into an open seat, across from Nik's parent's when the woman's gaze was swept upon her. There was almost an air of haughty pride to her eyes, and while the skin was beginning to wrinkle they remained fierce and sharp. "Talen yes? I'm Lorna, and this is Damien. How are you finding the adjustment?" Her nerves began to ease at her kind tone, helping her feel more at ease. "It's... Nice here. Different, but I'm rather liking it." The older wolf beamed at this, and she cooed to Damien, "See, I told you she would be fine. Sturdy girl, like her mother." The shock must of been clear as day because the woman blinked slowly. "Oh, I suppose you wouldn't know... I knew your mother briefly. She wasn't here very long... And my husband mostly had dealings with her." Against her will Talen's gaze slid towards the graying male as he offered a sheepish grin. "Yes... She was a good woman. Mysterious, and cryptic as all hell. But she helped us a lot. Just as I'm sure you will." While she wasn't sure about that last part the copper haired witch's gaze drifted to her lap as she smiled. "I'm sorry you didn't know very much about her." Lorna said softly, causing Talen to glance up. "I think it's easier. I don't have memories of her to mourn. Just the thought of her." It was what she'd always told herself. And in a way, she was right. Damien leaned forward as if to say something, though was interrupted by the arrival of Nikolai.

    Without even thinking the tenseness of her shoulders evaporated and she released a small breath Talen hadn't realized she'd been holding. "Niko! You're late." His mother started, though there was no real bite behind her words. "At any rate now you're here, let's begin dinner." As if on cue wolves she hadn't noticed standing to the side hurried forward beginning to place down pots, pans, and plates of food- heaping amounts of it. "A pack this big... Well they must eat a lot." The slender woman thought already eyeing a pot of what looked to be some sort of soup. Soup was always a safe choice. Once everything was set and everyone was seated the pack waited for the alpha's go-ahead before they began to tuck into their dinners collectively. She was a little meeker and slower than the other's picking what she wanted. Small samples of some sort of roast, an apple along with a slice of bread. She would of assumed Nikolai would of looked tired, worn out from the shifting- but he appeared fine. There was a slight flush to his well-defined cheekbones, but he still held himself with an air of dignity and pride. He was seated to her right. Everyone around her were embroiled in chatter. He seemed slightly distracted by his own thoughts. Around her the noise crackled on, it'd be a relief to finish dinner. Always a quiet soul, she enjoyed large gatherings in small doses. To top it off, it appeared her acitivites of the day were catching up to her as the penny-haired woman stifled a yawn behind her hand; blinking slowly to try to ward off exhaustion.


    Colton Tattersall | Stoic ✘ Amiable ✘ Impulsive

    Colton had thought he had anticipated every way that this... arrangement could of gone. From enemies to friends- his brain had stormed up every possibility. Except for this one that was. With his hand gently cupping her cheek, his heart skipping a beat as her large gaze pinned him beneath the weight of it all. Yes, Merton women were dangerous- though not in the way that his mother thought. Dangerous in the sense that, Colton found himself nearly enchanted, bewitched by those elegant, bottomless aquatic depths of spruce. A single watery beam of weak moonlight filtered though the window, illuminating and casting her already marble cheeks with a luminous silver glow. Soft curls of golden wheat colored tresses tumbled like a silken wave around her face and for a moment the young king was rendered speechless. Lips that had moving the entirety of the time he'd been struck by her beauty suddenly began to produce sound again. "This situation will be difficult for both of us, and I want us to be able to rely on each other." Quickly, Colton let his hand fall from her cheek and gave Elaine a tepid smile. "Of course. I hope in time it becomes easier on you. I may not measure up to a Khollager suitor, but I'll do my best." There was a small, teasing smile curved onto his pale lips as he cleared his throat standing up. "Unfortunately, we'll have another busy day tomorrow. So it'd be best if I left you to your rest Elaine. Sleep well, and if you need me I'm only a floor above you." Colton promised. "Or, call a guard if it's more urgent. They're posted outside your door. Also-"

    Pausing slipping his hand into his jacket, he produced the ebony dagger he always carried. "Here, take this. Gods forbid someone who wishes you ill intent slips into the room... Keep it beneath your pillow. It'll be the best precaution until you're moved into my bedroom." Even Colton slept with a dagger beneath his pillow. It was something all Tattersall children learned young. Gently hand the dagger to her, careful not to prick her hand with the incredibly sharp blade he nodded as if pleased with himself, or perhaps the situation. "Be careful. It's made of ebony that'll cut bone easily. It'll cut your hand like melted butter." He'd bring the sheathe by in the morning. "Goodnight Elaine." He bade once more, turning and heading towards the door. Quietly he let himself from the room, one back in the halls heaved a sigh of relief. What had happened back there? Had playing in love actually made Colton more... amiable towards her beauty? This was all about convenience. If something went wrong Colton refused to allow himself to become attached to her. As of now there were too many uncertainties. If this would work. If both of them would live- as much as his people were encouraged to, Colton couldn't allow himself to think with his heart in this matter. Their arrangement was something that needed to be strictly ruled by brain. If, Gods forbid, this facade crumble; Colton's loyalties needed to remain with his people. If he were to fall for Elaine, that would not be so and he couldn't rule.

    His steps were loud, scuffled against the stone flooring of the castle. The walk back to his room seemed longer than it should of. Each step was a new worry, a new possibility of what could happen in this arrangement. And that's all it was, all it should be to either of them. Yet, Colton couldn't deny her beauty. She was an exquisite woman. Could he really remain indifferent to her? "I have to if I want to be neutral should something happen between us. Or to us." He argued with himself. By the time he ascended his stairs and shuffled to his bed chambers- he was exhausted. Today was tiring, and the next few days would be just as busy. Practicing his coronation vows, going over wedding plans, the feast they'd hold. All of it would be public as well; which just meant more prepping. The castle grounds would need to be opened up, food would have to be tripled checked for poisons, security would have to be tighter than a drum. Colton didn't even have the energy to change into night clothes. Rather he shed off his shirt and trousers, crawling beneath the covers as such. It didn't take long at all for him to pass out into a welcomed bliss of sleep. Colton likely would of slept through the entire morning and afternoon had he not of rolled, quiet literally out of his bed during his throes of sleep. It had been startling to wake to the sensation of falling, and drowsily he glanced out his window. The sun wasn't very high into the sky which meant it was still morning. "For the best." He grumbled getting to his feet and pushing his dark blonde locks out of his face.

    It was likely still early enough to catch the Merton Queen- though he decided against it. When they visited Elaine's kingdom, he'd have time to corner her into talking to him. And it was likely that she'd be more open and comfortable talking to Colton on her own turf rather than his. His dressings were simple. An almost shimmery leathery black pants adorned his legs, and a simple, looser fitting red shirt completed his outfit. Running his fingers through his hair, deeming himself presentable, he exited his rooms going straight for the kitchens. After convincing the chefs there to whip up a tray of breakfast foods, toast, oatmeal, eggs, and ham, Colton proudly took it from them. His mother would yell at him for looking like a servant, though he couldn't care less. "Marriage is about the little things Colton." Irene had once told him, and while he was still determined to remain only friends with Elaine- he could nice things for her. Ignoring the looks of curiosity Colton was quick to carry the tray up to Elaine's floor, having a guard open the door for him. Luckily she was still asleep so quietly he placed the tray down, and grabbing a nearby parchment and quill scrawled, "Eat up. Big day. I'll be in the throne room for the next hour or so giving audience with the people. Feel free to join." With the note placed obviously on the tray, signing his initials, Colton quietly left the room so not to disturb Elaine. Once the door was quietly shut and the guards assured him no one had come in or out of the room and she was in good hands; Colton hurried to the throne room. At least in there Irene had to act civilized towards him- he hoped. It would at the very least be hard to lecture the king in front of common folk.
    February 4th, 2016 at 04:17am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ LaylaPetrovana

    Nikolai Torbjorn | Wolf King


    Grabbing the first clothes in sight, Nikolai wore a fitted forest green shirt with a pair of dark wash jeans. For a wolf, it was essential to wear anything simple and comfortable since clothes never lasted. He paused to take in his appearance in the mirror, adjusting the dark ringlets of his mane. The curls seemed to have a mind of its own, tangling and weaving together. There was no use in attempting to fix the storm on top of his head he decided. In his eyes, he could see that his inner beast was content and almost amused with their new visitor. It was odd that it had been so welcoming of Talen. A majority of the time his wolf was cautious and never settled in front of newcomers. It continuously lingered in the back of his mind, remaining alert to all movements. Warning him. This time his instincts only told him to be trusting and to be open to Talen’s involvement in the war. Almost as if it already knew that she was an essential piece to the puzzle. He could find dozens of reasons not rely on the penny-haired witch but none of them cautioned him. Nikolai trusted Talen the truest sense of the word.

    Approaching the tent, he pushed back the tarp to reveal the members of his pack buzzing along. Every person appeared to be enjoying themselves, merrily mingling and drinking. Music lightly played in the background and showcased their cultural instruments. It was a typical pack celebration. Although, Nikolai couldn’t remember the last time this happened. The war consumed so much of their time and energy to even think about pausing. He moved among the crowd shortly greeting everyone but in search of Talen. Nikolai was horrified to think about what his parents might say to her in his absence. Not that they would be rude to her but what embarrassing stories that they might share of his. Despite being the next alpha, his parents aimed to keep him humble. Confirming his suspicions, his eyes fell to Talen sitting across from his parents. The young wolf weaved with the accuracy of a viper through the crowd until arriving at the table. “Hello, Mother. Father. I apologize for being late,” He greeted first, hearing his mother’s disapproval. Nikolai always arrived in a timely manner but time had escaped him during their run. He made is a side note to never allow it to happen again. Sliding into his seat beside Talen, he glanced over in her direction and searched for a look in her eyes. It appeared that they had not shared anything cringe worthy yet. He had been spared. “Nice to see you again, Talen.

    As if on cue, stacks upon stacks of food were placed before them. Every type of meat, vegetable, and fruit imaginable was served on the table. No one dared to take a piece without the alpha’s approval though. Nikolai patiently awaited everyone’s arrival, inhaling the smell of the food prepared. His taste buds practically watered in delight. As per usual, he never realized how starving he actually was until food was placed before him. With his father approval, the pack dove into the food. Every wolf reached out to grab anything that could fit on their plates, proving that their appetite matched their size. It brought a small grin to his face, seeing how delighted his people were. There were very few moments of joy that his pack was able to indulge in, considering the circumstances. Throughout dinner, he remained silent. His mind wandered to the impending war and how to reallocate troops to where they were needed. The future king was always too wrapped up in his affairs to stop and enjoy the little moments in life. Before he realized, the feast was over. Each pack member picked up their plates and discarded the leftover bones, but every single piece of food had been claimed. Nikolai shifted his attention over toward Talen, seeing the fatigue taking over her expression. “I think it is safe to call it a night,” He lightly teased, chuckling. Turning to his parents, he bid them a goodnight before placing his hand on the small of her back to guide Talen back to her quarters.

    I hope that you find everything you need. You can always come find me or one of the servants,” He stated, stopping before her door. Although Nikolai could have used a nap, he remembered there were some affairs that required his attention. The alpha was running on a few hours of sleep, but he had no choice but to push through. “My quarters are few doors down. If I’m not there, I’m in the war room.” He added on, seeing her stifle another yawn. Nikolai held back another chuckle since the exhaustion was quickly taking over the petite witch. “Okay, I’ll stop there. I will see you tomorrow morning for more training,” He warned ahead of time. That was another thing to add to the list. He had to draft up a list of what skills she lacked or needed refining. It appeared that his responsibilities never ceased to exist. “Goodnight, Talen,” He bid, offering one last smile before disappearing down the hallway. Tonight would be a long night for the alpha.
    Elaina Merton | The Princess


    Rather abruptly, Colton’s hand fell from her cheek. She dropped her own back down to her side as a cool breeze settled over them. However, the sensation of his hand lingered. His calloused, warm palm resting against the curve. Reassuring and strong. The wind moved through her golden curls, making her tuck a loose ring behind her ear. Meeting his gaze, she admired the way the moon’s light illuminated the depths of the ocean; mysterious and intriguing. But they were as clear as puddles of water, no longer clouded with anger. Her eyes twinkled with delight as a small chuckle left her lips, appreciating his attempt to lighten the situation. Although, Elaina was no longer sure if a Khollager suitor would have treated her this well. Khollager men always came off as aloof and impersonal. That was the way that their culture groomed its people. As long as the marriage followed a logical path, feelings were bound to develop afterward. But this Tattersall made her experience an array of emotions from the moment they met for better or for worse. No Khollager man could have done that. Elain rose from her seat to walk him to the door, seeing that he was ready to depart. Sleep well, and if you need me I’m only a floor above you. She repeated in her thoughts, allowing some ease to wash over. Despite knowing the guards were posted out her front door that seemed to bring her more peace of mind.

    She reached out her hand with curiosity as he produced an ebony dagger from his pocket. It glinted in the beam of the moon, ending at the deadly tip. Sharp enough to slice off a finger in mere seconds. “Yes, I will be cautious,” She nodded, flexing her fingers around the hilt. The weapons was light in the palm of her hand, ensuring that the attacker would never have time to reaction. True to his word Colton had thoroughly thought through her safety precautions. “Thank you.” It was reassuring to have a weapon in her possession. Moreover, he trusted her enough to have it. “Goodnight, Colton,” She returned, watching his figure disappear behind the door. Her eyes followed down to the blade in her hand, and she crossed the room to place it beneath her pillow as instructed. With a small sigh, she placed her hand against her cheek. Elaina closed her eyes as the sensation returned once more as if Colton stood before her with his piercing gaze. It made her heart skip a beat. She lightly bit her lip, wondering why he even had an effect on her. But she couldn’t shake that smoldering gaze. Why was this happening to her? Elaina was no stranger to the power of beauty, but she easily shut it off her instincts. This whole arrangement was for political purposes, and if she couldn’t keep it in those boundaries how could she ever take the throne? Her people needed a strong, rational ruler now more than ever.

    Finishing her nightly routine, the princess found it difficult to sleep that night with those thoughts lingering in her mind. She tossed and turned in a fitful state until eventually passing out from exhaustion. Not even a blaring horn could awake the sleeping beauty during her slumber. The following day, Elaina awoke to see the light of day streaming into her bedroom. She slowly sat up to push the sleep away, stretching her arms up to the heavens. Soon, her gaze fell upon a tray of goods. Forcing herself out of bed, she padded over toward the table to pick up the piece of parchment with writing scrawled on it. Eat up. Big day. I’ll be in the throne room for the next hour or so giving audience with the people. Feel free to join. She read, automatically identifying the sender without reading the initials. Once again, a familiar pang hit her heart. Elaina placed down the card with a heavy sigh, sitting down at the desk. Colton had personally delivered this to her? He brought her every single breakfast item under the sun, showing his eye for detail. Toast, oatmeal, eggs. With one inhale, her stomach growled in anticipation. This Tattersall was becoming quite lethal to her heart.

    Enjoying her solitude, Elaina basked in the rays of the sun while feasting on her various breakfast foods. It was a beautiful morning in the Elsekr lands with the birds chirping and the chatter of its citizens. The countdown to the ceremony was quickly diminishing, leaving butterflies in her stomach. They still had more to accomplish in order to have their families and people accept their marriage. After all, her mother had yet to say a word to Elaina after their conversation. However, she remained steadfast in her decision. As delicious as it was, the whole tray was far too much, so the rest of the food was shared among the guards and servants that lingered around her quarters. She didn’t want it to go to waste. Dressing, she adorned a long-sleeved red dress with golden floral patterns scattered across. It cinched at the waist before flaring out and landing a few inches above the floor. The dress was made for a queen to say the least. Finding her way into the throne room, she paused until their current man’s needs were met before approaching. Her eyes swept over the throne room and all of its extravagance. Elevated at the far end of the room, sat Colton in the king’s throne while his mother occupied the queen’s. His presence was as overwhelming as ever, maintaining his commanding demeanor in front of his people. “Good morning, Colton. Good morning, Queen Tattersall,” She greeted, offering a nod in her direction.
    February 5th, 2016 at 12:56am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ LaylaPetrovana
    February 6th, 2016 at 02:00pm
  • LaylaPetrovana

    LaylaPetrovana (100)

    United States
    Talen Falk | Naive ✘ Empathetic ✘ Fickle

    Talen, as taken as she was with this different style of life; couldn't hide her exhaustion. Her days before this were spent collecting eggs, taking things to the market and selling them. It was the "proper" thing to do. However, in all honesty today was more fun than she had in a long time. However she tried to look a little more alert when she heard the current alpha's voice, sliding about her ears like ribbons of dark silk. “Nice to see you again, Talen.” Cheekily grinning she murmured back, "It's been years." The pack was a rowdy one. Reserve and etiquette were always the first concern at any village event that was to be attended back with the humans. Here, people laughed, talked, and spoke without many filters. That wasn't to say they were barbaric, just more lively than she was used to. Dinner went on, and by the time that people around her seemed to note her exhaustion- she was completely ready for bed. “I think it is safe to call it a night,” She'd been staring off into space at her lap and looking up, somewhat startled she shook her head with agreement. There was no reason to push herself now so she'd be tired for training in the morning. "I think-" She started, slowly, in a leisurely manner, "You're right. It's been quite a day."

    Raising her gaze to meet Nikolai's parent's she dipped her head respectfully. "Goodnight." She returned to them, standing up to follow Nik back to what quarters she would be stationed in that night. Talen was pretty sure that Nikolai had let her sleep in his own quarters the previous night. Which was sweet, but he needed rest as well and one always rested best in their own beds. The walk back was bitterly cold as without the warmth of the sun, the temperature tended to plummet. Shivering she wrapped her arms tightly around her frail looking frame, the wind stirring a few long locks of hair across her cheek. She was all too thankful to be back inside, in her quarters. “I hope that you find everything you need. You can always come find me or one of the servants,” She nodded graciously. It touched her that he was working so hard to keep her contented. Whether it was because he just thought of her like a prize goat or as someone who could grow to his friend; she had yet to figure out. If it was the former however, Talen prayed to whatever gods may be looking upon her that she did not disappoint. It on one level, scared Talen to think that the pack might come to rely on her.

    She had no idea what she was even capable of; and what if it fell short of everyone's hopes? Would they still be so kind to her? Quietly imbued in her own thoughts she nervously bit at her lip. “My quarters are few doors down. If I’m not there, I’m in the war room.” Shaken from her fears Talen had to bite back another yawn as he hastily added to his previous statement. “Okay, I’ll stop there. I will see you tomorrow morning for more training,” concerned frown. "You need to sleep too." She reminded, crossing her arms. "You're not any good to anyone if you pass out from exhaustion." She reminded in a gentle tone. Talen could see how being an alpha was stressful. As scared as she was people looking to her, they certainly looked to Niko for guidance and survival. That would be enough to push anyone to their limits trying to work to save the pack. "You're not invincible Nikolai. Take care of yourself as well okay?" It wasn't very often a wolf got too close to the village for a hunt. It had happened once though and Talen could still vividly recall the village hunters coming back with a wolf's head on a stake. Over-exerting himself would lead to nothing good for Nikolai. "G'night Nik. Sleep well."

    With that he was gone and Talen was quick to crawl into the bed that was provided for her. The covers were thick and warm, chasing out the chill that had frozen her to the marrow from the short walk from dinner. Before she knew it, her body sinking into the soft mattress, the young witch was soundly asleep. She was only woken the next morning by the sounds of the village buzzing about. Groaning she sat up, drawing the blankets tighter around her svelte frame trying to adjust to her surroundings. For a moment Talen expected to be rushed by her aunt, to have woken back up in the human village, in those walls she'd been trapped her whole life. All of this still felt slightly surreal to the young woman; though when she remained in the quiet serenity of the room a tiny smile spread across her lips. Getting to her feet, stretching in a feline like manner, the witch's eyes fell on a pair of clean clothing. They were simple, form fitting pants with an equally form-fitting plain white shirt. Quick to shed the clothes she'd fallen asleep in the witch ran through a mental list of what she'd need to do today. At least train with Nikolai. She also planned on getting to know more of the village. Poke around the small market she'd seen the other day. "I wonder what Nik wants me to do today..." The copper haired woman thought furrowing her brows.

    Deciding there was no time like the present to find out what he had in mind, Talen proceeded out of her bedroom and followed the directions that she could remember towards Nikolai's room. Thankfully she didn't manage to get herself lost as she came upon the directed room. "If he's not here, he's in the war room." She reminded herself. Hearing shuffling coming from the other side of the door Talen figured he was already awake and knocking on the door waited until he called for her to open it. Doing as she was told the girl stepped into his room, her gaze falling on him as he finished tugging his shirt on. A prominent blush rose to her cheeks as she averted her gaze. "Ah, sorry. Um, did you sleep well?" She asked. It wasn't even as if she had seen anything. He was really just fixing the hem of his shirt though living in a house of women who respected modesty and whatnot, even that innocent action brought a flush to her delicate cheeks. "I'm also ready whenever you are. Just so you don't have to wait up for me or anything." Slowly her open gaze of blue and greens flickered back to the alpha gaining back a little bit of confidence.


    Colton Tattersall | Stoic ✘ Amiable ✘ Impulsive

    It was a busy day. People were streaming in and out of the palace with complaints and worries piling on Colton's shoulders like a ton of brick. War caused famine, burned farmland and droughts. All supplies were exhausted. And of course the most worrisome thought of his people was the rumor. The rumor that Colton Tattersall and Elaine Merton were marrying. His people's reactions ranged from horrified, to a morbid curiosity. However some people who came, brought them little wedding gifts. A quilt, someone brought them their prized hen. And that touched the king greatly. It relieved him to know that the majority of his people, even if they didn't understand it- respected him enough to follow his lead. To trust him. Of course Irene was decidedly tight lipped about anything pertaining to Elaine. Even as she sat in her respective throne, regally holding herself while warmly greeting and speaking with common folk; Colton could feel the ice radiating off the woman. It was the way she hardly looked at him, and the disappointment written across her features. It hurt, but Colton gritted his teeth and continued on with his duties. He was in the middle of promising a smaller village of Elsker folk who lived near the warring border of Khollager that he would dispatch another squadron of soldiers to help rebuild their homes when Elaine joined them.

    Her presence was commanding, in a subtle way. The way that Colton could hardly take his eyes off her slender form as she elegantly swept into the throne room, and a small smile touched on his lips. So she had gotten his note. Elaine herself was a vision of beauty. Her dress was a deep sangria in color, embellished with golden floral patterns; and showed off her figure rather nicely. Colton didn't really have to fake the moonstruck expression on his lips as she approached him and his mother. “Good morning, Colton. Good morning, Mrs. Tattersall,” Letting his jaw go slack for a moment Colton cleared his throat, getting to his feet to bow deeply to her. Straightening he motioned for her to sit in the unoccupied throne next to his. It was normally his sister's place though she was out of the kingdom on a pilgrimage to the temple of Isoel. When he ascended officially and Elaine was his official queen; Irene would step down. She'd no longer accompany Colton to the throne room for business matters and her throne would go to Elaine. "You look beautiful as ever Elaine. Wouldn't you agree mother?" There was a pointed edge to Colton's tone as he glanced over at Irene. For a moment she said nothing though before the court dipped her head. "Yes. You look lovely. Good morning." It wasn't a warm and fuzzy tone, but it was civil and that's all Colton could ask of his mother for now. In time hopefully this worked, and his mother would understand

    Smug as a cat with a mouse Colton sat back down in his throne. The throng of visitors had since stemmed to a steady trickle, people coming in every once in awhile. The next audience given was to a woman who swore her neighbor had stolen her pendant. The neighbor swore that the woman was senile and misplaced everything. The first woman wanted compensation for what was apparently stolen; however the other neighbor didn't have enough. In the end Colton ruled it would be fair for the neighbor accused to do two days of farm work for the elder woman, and should the pendant turn up the woman would owe her two days. Neither seemed fully content but they weren't glaring daggers at each other as they had before. When there was a small break between them and the next case Colton leaned over towards Elaine murmuring, "I'm sorry if this is boring. It helps cultivate a bond between us and the common people. Plus in about an hour it'll be over and after that we sit down with the palace's wedding planner." Colton informed, offering a tepid smile to his bride. Even tough he knew this helped cultivate a bond between king and subject, it was dreadfully boring. Most of the same heartbreaking cases that made guilt roll around in Colton's stomachs. Hunger, war-torn villages, and not enough soldiers to help protect, and rebuild the places that were being torn down at such a rampant place.

    Although with the Merton-Tattersall marriage impending the fighting had come to a tense ceasefire. Eventually as Colton promised the hour came to an agonizingly slow end, and Colton felt stretched thin. There were too much resources his people needed and he just hoped they could scrape by until they began to mend from this war. When all able-bodies weren't out on the field fighting. Slumping back in his throne he remained seated as the wedding coordinator would come to them. "Mother, you don't have to stay." Colton bade once the court had receded though the woman gave him a scathing look. "I am your mother, and your mother in law. Of course I'm staying. I may not support what you two are doing but you're still my blood Colton." There was an air of defeat in Irene's voice that made Colton furrow his brow. Of course there was the unspoken factor of she didn't like what they were doing, nor did she approve of it- or Elaine. But if she was going to come around she'd need time and Colton could expect that. Nodding he turned to Elaine and offered a soft smile. "How was your first audience? Soon you'll be Naga and you'll officially be stuck here with me with this duty." A soft playful note crept into Colton's voice as his gaze never left her's. "Hopefully we won't be as busy when the war settles down though. People will begin to figure out how to live on their own. We won't be as needed which is a good thing." He assured quietly, and to further convince his mother he was deeply in love with the Merton woman, he reached out gently taking her hands in his, lavishing her with his attention while they waited for their wedding coordinator.
    February 7th, 2016 at 08:30am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ LaylaPetrovana

    Nikolai Torbjorn | Wolf King


    You need to sleep, too. You’re not any good to anyone if you pass out from exhaustion. Hearing the concern prevalent in her words, Nikolai’s expression softened while a gentle smile formed on his lips. Many lacked the courage to speak those words to the alpha even if they were true, but it showed that Talen cared for him to some degree. Whether those feelings stemmed from true emotion or for leading the war he couldn’t discern. You’re not invincible Nikolai. Take care of yourself as well okay? As much as he preferred to think he was, Nik didn’t have unlimited energy reserves that would enable him to run on little sleep. He kept that truth in the back of his mind as he returned to work for the next several hours of the night. However, Nik soon felt the effects of his fatigue. His mind grew sluggish, taking several moments to comprehend matters. The world even began to spin around the young alpha, making him grip the table to ground him. A small groan followed shortly as his hand ran over his forehead. It seemed that this was his limit. You’re not invincible. He reminded himself, stepping away from the table. “Nik,” He heard a voice calling out to him from behind the door. “I have some information about the magic trainer for Talen. He will be arriving tomorrow. Until then, please continue to train her.” With that, his father retreated once more to leave his son alone with his thoughts. Nikolai saw this as a positive sign. Soon, Talen would be able to harness her magic abilities.

    Retiring to his quarters for the remainder of the night, the alpha quickly stripped out of his clothes and dove into his bed without a second thought. The chill of the night was combatted by the crackling of the fire and the thick comforter, lulling him to sleep. Nik allowed the softness of the bed to envelope and take over his senses before fading into darkness. The following morning arrived earlier than Nikolai had wished. As per usual, the sun awoke the sleeping alpha as it casted it orange hues across the horizon. He cracked his eyes open with a small groan, orienting himself once more. All he desired to do was snuggle further into the sanctuary of his bed and take the day off. Unfortunately, the future alpha had no such luxury. The sounds of his fellow pack mates began to fill the village not the mention the melodies of the birds. A little further off the sizzling of eggs against a hot pan met his ears. No, he could not indulge himself in sleep. Yes, there were matters that required his attention from last night. Allowing those thoughts to settle in his mind, Nik threw back the blankets and placed his feet against the chilled concrete. He paused a moment to place his head into his hands, groaning in protest once more like a typical teenager. Come on, Nik. We can do this. He encouraged, forcing himself to separate from the bed.

    Since the fire burned out from the previous night, the chill returned to his room and nipped against the heat of his skin. Nikolai hurriedly crossed the room to his wardrobe and eyed the ones from the previous night strewn about on the floor. Without another night of sleep, he wasn’t sure if he would have been able to rationalize properly. He reached inside to produce a fresh set of clothes. A midnight blue fitting t-shirt with a pair of black sweatpants to match, remembering that his focus today was to teach Talen. Hopefully, she was dressed in appropriate attire. Soon, the scent of apples filtered the room for behind the door accompanied by light footsteps. Talen. Sensing his visitor’s presence, he began to change until there was light knock at his door. “Come in,” He called back to her, throwing the t-shirt over his head in record time. His hands moved to settle the shirt against his skin, tugging it down at its hem. Ah, sorry. Um, did you sleep well?No need to apologize,” He dismissed with a hidden grin. Although the heat in her cheeks amused him. Crossing the room, Nik nodded his head. “Yeah, as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.” His gaze moved over her expression, seeing that her fatigue was no longer present. It eased him to see that she was becoming accustomed to her living quarters. Nikolai could understand that adjusting to a new environment was often difficult, but she appeared to be settling in quite well. I’m also ready whenever you are. Just so you don’t have to wait up for me or anything.Great, early bird catches the worm,” He repeated the human verse with a small smile. If anything, the wolves were sure to incorporate human history into their teachings. It was essential for any future alpha to learn.

    Let’s head down to the training field. Today, I wanted to focus on weapons,” He informed her, moving back out into the hallway. Exiting the building, Nikolai greeted his pack mates who appeared to be in festive moods after last night’s celebration. The village was lively with every member moving about. Although it was clear that some had too much alcohol from the previous night. They were slumped over in their work stations, but he decided to leave them be. Every person deserved a break from reality every now and then. Nik’s steps crunched against the frozen soil, seeing his breath dissipate right before him. The sun still had yet to warm up the air, but this was ideal sparring weather. “Before I forget, my father informed me that we found a magic user to train with you,” He stated, seeing the excitement reflecting in her bright eyes. “He will be arriving tomorrow. From what I know, he was a young boy when he was trained by your mother and apparently her star student. He was the last person to be her apprentice before she fled for the human walls. Perhaps he will be able to answer some of the questions that you have, too.” Of course, this almost meant that their time together would be drastically diminished. For some reason, this truth irked Nikolai. His duties were piling up on top of one another, clearly showing he had little time to devote to Talen’s needs. However, he thoroughly enjoyed her company. She always managed to brighten his spirits in one way of another. The thought of her spending time with another man spiked his temper, which confused the young alpha.

    Arriving at the training grounds, Nikolai disappeared from her side to enter inside of the shed. There were weapons of every kind. Daggers, axes, bows and arrows. Their arsenal was fully stocked, ready for any type of intrusion. He plucked a couple of daggers from the wall before returning back to Talen’s side. “See those targets on the far end of the field? I want you to throw the dagger and aim for the middle. Here, I’ll will demonstrate. Watch my form,” He instructed, rotating his arm to warm up. Considering his weapon specialty was the ax, the daggers were light in the palm of his hand. However, his inner wolf always appreciate the opportunity to show off. Nik drew in a deep breath as his eyes focused on the target before him while his left foot shifted behind his right. Winding up his arm, his fingers curled around the hilt. A silent moment passed until Nikolai stepped forward with the left, shifting his momentum forward. His right arm swung forward to release the dagger from his grasp. It flipped through the arm spinning around its axes before stabbing the bull’s eye of the target. A little rusty. He commented on his personal performance, but it would do for now. “Okay, your turn.
    Elaina Merton | The Princess


    Whether or not Colton’s reaction was for show, amusement danced in her eyes. It was never often that the future king was caught off guard, and it was quite the compliment. Her light steps against the tiled floors echoed off the walls of the throne room, announcing her commanding presence. Every gaze was transfixed upon the Merton princess as she journeyed across the room to their Basileus and Naga. Stopping before Irene and Colton, she curtsied and offered an additional smile in Colton’s direction. Soon, the Naga throne would become hers. Irene would have choice but to step down from the position. The mere thought sent a shiver down her spine, knowing that their plan would soon become a reality. You look beautiful as ever Elaina. Wouldn’t you agree mother? Elaina could feel the frost of the Naga’s eyes as they swept over her appearance, analyzing every last detail of her dress. The whole entire throne room held its breath in anticipation of their Naga’s response. It was as if the tension in the room could be cut with a butter knife. According to Colton’s words from the previous night, Elaina anticipated Irene responding in a mannerly way though. Yes. You look lovely. Good morning. With that, everyone released their breaths but none dared to speak. “Thank you. That is very kind of you, Queen Tattersall,” She civilly replied back a more lively manner before taking her designated spot beside Colton.

    Elaina silently observed the visitors in the throne room, acknowledging that she had no authority yet, but did make silent judgments. A pair of visitors did strike her attention though. They bickered with one another as one accused the other of pocketing her pendant. Neither had substantial evidence to actually pin the crime on the other, which left them on hearsays. If this had been her decision, Elaina would have ordered the two to drop the argument entirely. Unless the pendant turned up in the neighbor’s hands, they would have to return back to their daily lives. That would be the end of the matter until then. With the war going on, this matter did not require a full investigation. Her eyes flickered over in Colton’s direction in anticipation of what he would rule. Much to her surprise, it was not far from her belief. She thought that it was the most logical path to have taken. Both women appeared to be dissatisfied with Colton but accepted it, knowing they wouldn’t go against their king’s decision. Finally having a break between audiences, she heard Colton’s husky voice reach her ears. I’m sorry if this is boring. It helps cultivate a bond between us and the common people. She fully understood the necessity of having this time for the people to convey their conflicts and wishes. Numerous times, she sat in on her brother’s ruling back in her kingdom just provide a presence. “It is nothing that I have not endured before. Although, I do think the wedding planner is going to be far worse than this,” She admitted in a hushed tone since the idea of sitting around and picking colors bored the princess. It was a necessary evil though and quite an important matter for them.

    Every second of the hour continued to tick by for the Merton princess, merely there for the show of their marriage. From the expression on Colton’s face, she could see that this was wearing him out. The Elsekr’s resources were diminishing quickly as every single citizen had their woes and heart wrenching stories. The war was clearly having an impact on the Elsekr lands, draining every last resource. Every single rejection seemed to weigh heavily on Colton’s conscience, apparent in his expression. It was even worse than she had initially feared. These facts only worried Elaina further about the state of her own kingdom. Every single day, she requested for the guards to inform her of their current condition. So far, they appeared to be scraping by every day, managing to push through. However, Elaina often saw the fatigue on the faces of her people. They were growing tired of this war. Tired of losing loved ones. Tired of fighting. Her only wish was for this marriage to finally mend those broken hearts and return the life back to her lands. Once the hour passed, Elaina lightly exhaled and relaxed back into the chair. It was even emotionally draining to listen to all of his people’s troubles. Her attention shifted over toward Colton and Irene as they spoke of her attendance in their wedding plans. “I may not support what you two are doing but you’re still my blood Colton.” Perhaps that was a positive sign from the Queen. Although she didn’t accept their marriage, she was still willing to appease his wishes. Hopefully, she and her own mother would accept their marriage once day.

    It was…difficult,” She admitted since it took a heavy burden on her. “I see how much the war has taken from your…our people. As long as we have each other, I am sure this is nothing that we cannot push through.” A small smile crept upon her lips as he reached out to take her hands. The same calloused, warm hands that encased her cheek the night before. The mere thought made her heart seize once more while butterflies settled in her stomach. It was quite confusing for the young princess. This marriage was a sham and yet these feelings clouded her logic. “Yes, we will have more time to ourselves.” She giggled back in a hushed tone, playing along with the game. As soon as her sentence finished, the wedding planner made her presence known in their throne room. “Ah, yes, there are the lovebirds. Your majesties.” She curtsied, exuberating lively energy. “There is much to do and so little time.” And with that, she opened up her planner to produce a roll of parchment paper that spanned the entire floor of the throne room. Elaina’s eyes flickered over in Colton’s direction in surprise, attempting to hide the horror that existed underneath the surface. They were about to be subjected to a different type of torture.
    February 7th, 2016 at 09:12pm
  • LaylaPetrovana

    LaylaPetrovana (100)

    United States
    Talen Falk | Naive ✘ Empathetic ✘ Fickle

    It would appear that sleep did Nikolai well. He seemed to be more lively than he had been the other day, and there was a bright gleam to his expressions that made Talen's stomach swirl. Following his lead back out into the hallway, she looked up with a furrowed brow when he mentioned that he wanted to work on weapons. It was a natural jump, weapons would be far more handy than a fist in a war; and she was filled with equal parts eagerness and trepidation. Hopefully he wouldn't pick out a weapon that was too heavy for her to wield effectively. She figured he'd probably start her off with a dagger or bow. A bow she'd shot before, knew the mechanics of working. Talen wasn't such a bad shot either. For her eighteenth birthday part of the village's tradition was to go beyond the walls with the hunters and partake in your first hunt. She'd brought down a wild boar on her own... “Before I forget, my father informed me that we found a magic user to train with you,” Shaken out of her thoughts she looked up rather eagerly as Nik continued on, informing her how he was a student of her mother's. Her last apprentice before she died. This brought mixed emotions, and for a moment she remained quiet.

    Yet another person who would of known Talen's mother... She was slightly envious of this young man. But the fair-skinned witch was far more excited to learn more about the magic that supposedly flourished in her veins, and learn more about her mother. "This... This is excellent Niko thank you!" She finally gasped, biting her lip to contain the grin blooming on her pale and generously curved lips. Talen doubted that tomorrow could come quick enough. Would magic come easy to her? Or would it be something that proved to be just as hard as the physical aspect of fighting? As their footfalls crunched against the icy soil, it occurred to Talen that if she was spending time training with this mysterious magician- where would that leave time for training with Nikolai? Falter she spoke up softly, "Will I only be training with him?" In this short time she'd come to rely on Nik. To think that she would not see him around made her stomach twist uncomfortably. For whatever reason, however beyond her it may be at the moment, she relied on him. Trusted him. Nik was the anchor that kept her to this pack and feeling safe. Without question, fail, or demand, these past days he'd been the one to look out for her.

    To take her under his wing in a manner of speaking. She was completely oblivious to his annoyance as they approached the training grounds again, the sun illuminating everything in pale golden pallor giving an ethereal glow to everything it touched. As they moved on, into the lesson Talen decided to fret over how her time would be spent later. Nikolai was quick in retrieving the weapons she'd be using- daggers. A new weapon, but she was going to work hard to pick it up. Their steel edges glinted dangerously in the daylight, and Talen prayed she was nimble enough not to slice her palm open. “See those targets on the far end of the field?" Her gaze followed to where he gestured at, trying not to feel daunted by the distance. "I want you to throw the dagger and aim for the middle. Here, I’ll will demonstrate. Watch my form.” He instructed, a soft command in his voice. Keeping a sharp eye on the way he stood, his muscles coiled like a serpent Talen was impressed by the concentration in his dark gaze. Then all at once the daggers whistled through the air, striking the bulls eye at the end of the training field. Apprehensively Talen drew her tongue over her lips wetting them as she nodded. "I'll try..."

    The agreement was dubious and Nik handed her the remaining couple daggers. There was an encouragement in his eye as Talen grasped the hilt of the dagger, squaring her shoulders and taking a deep breath. For a few minutes she tried to line up her aim, and bringing her arm back flung the dagger towards the target. To her delight it made the distance, however lodged itself in the fence next to the bulls eye. Getting into her stance rather quickly, obviously determined to hit the mark. Or at least the target. "Here, try this." Niko spoke as he gently moved her arm a little lower and towards the left. His hands were gentle and warm on her arms as he carefully slid her fingers into the correct position on the dagger's hilt. His contact was like an electric current, sparking over her skin and Talen did her best not to shiver beneath his touch. "There." He murmured when he'd finished correcting her stance. Forcing her mind back to the task at hand Talen exhaled, focusing her mind once again on the target. Gritting her teeth the witch flung the dagger once more. This time as it flew through the air, it struck the target. It wasn't in the middle but it was the actual target which was alright by her. The target was better than the fence. "You're not half bad at this teaching thing." She commented turning to him with a sly, playful smirk.


    Colton Tattersall | Stoic ✘ Amiable ✘ Impulsive

    “I see how much the war has taken from your…our people. As long as we have each other, I am sure this is nothing that we cannot push through.” Even if it was an act it made Colton's heart sing with relief. He couldn't go through this alone. There was too much work to be done. Too much hurt to heal for Colton to fix on his own. To hear Elaine swear her allegiance to him... "The same goes for you love. Don't chew off more than you can handle. Rely on me as well." Colton murmured, playing their game well enough that he knew should he look at anyone in the room, they'd look begrudgingly touched by the royal couple's tender display of affection for one another. For their people. “Ah, yes, there are the lovebirds. Your majesties.” Startled by the sudden and somewhat shrill voice of the wedding coordinator Colton sat up, regaining his air of regality as he surveyed the woman. She wasn't young nor old, simply in the middle and her sharp mossy gaze was already scrutinizing the couple as she began to unfurl her scroll. Colton nearly balked at the length of it all, and turning found Elaine to look equally as horrified. Unable to help himself at their shared expression the king snickered beneath his breath, clearly amused.

    If they had thought audience with the people was bad- oh this was going to be a hundred times worse. "Colton, pay attention." His mother warned, raising an eyebrow at him as he nodded gazing down at his lap to hide his smile. To his surprise she looked... Eager to do this. "I remember when your father and I did this... Oh Tatiana is a genius when it comes to weddings. I swear people still talk about the last royal wedding..." His mother mused, getting out of her seat to greet the wedding coordinator. Once they'd finished their greetings the woman jabbed her finger in their direction. "There's a lot of choices here. Types of gowns and flowers, food, seating- settings; is there anything you had in mind? So we can narrow the list down a little?" He paused, glancing towards Elaine. "I would prefer a large wedding. Public invited." Colton spoke, composing himself as he stared levelly at Tatiana. "I feel it best if the people could come and see their king and queen getting married. Lift the spirits with a small feast. It doesn't have to be fancy. But what are your thoughts on the matter Elaine? Are there certain traditions in your kingdom that need to be preformed? Or that you would prefer to have preformed? Traditional food or drinks?"

    He didn't know too much about Khollager weddings, and if there was something that she wanted done, it would be. Tatiana's emerald gaze gleamed. "Ah, Khollager customs. This will be a first, should I look for a way to thread both your customs together?" The woman was talking already though fell silent as they waited on an answer from the bride. To Colton it didn't really matter how they got married. They had to be married in front of the people. It would be a strain on security and it seemed Irene was just piecing that together. "Colton you two need to consider if our security can handle keeping you both safe during and after the ceremony." It seemed his mother was either warming up to the idea of Elaine, or realizing that if something happened to the princess while in Tattersall hands, there would be hell to pay for. "Yes, it's a risk. But everything is a risk. The people have always been more receptive to a queen they perceive to be a champion of the people. A friend. And what better way to give Elaine that edge than to spread the word she wanted our subjects to come and celebrate alongside the royal couple? But, why don't we let her speak? Love what are you thinking?" He fell silent, allowing Elaine to speak about what she wanted to do. Guilt rolled around in his stomach with the choices they were forced to make.

    He knew that the riskiest options were usually most rewarding if successful. But were they really willing to chance security risks to try to give Elaine a more accepting image with the people? Colton knew he had promised to keep her safe; but this was a gamble. It could be worth it, but was he willing to gamble with their lives? Biting his lips considering both sides of the argument; the young king decided to let his bride decide. If she were to decide that she wanted something smaller, safer that would be fine. And should she go along with his idea Colton would do his damnedest to assure she made it to the next day. It troubled Colton to an extent. That even happy days such as a wedding were always to have an overshadowing of fear. Was this something they'd always have to worry about? He bit back a sigh, tuning back into the conversation to hear Tatiana moving onto flowers, what they would to have laid out, and what was in season and which would be easiest to get. "I'd rather do another hour of audiences." Colton thought with a wry grin, leaning back in his throne.
    February 8th, 2016 at 02:30am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ LaylaPetrovana

    Nikolai Torbjorn | Wolf King


    It comforted Nik to see that she could barely contain her delight. The pack was doing its best to accommodate the petite witch, foreseeing their end of the bargain. Soon, it would be her turn to uphold her side. Will I only be training with him? That is when his heart faltered. Her attention was required in the studies of magic and less in the physical side of the war. His sparring with her was only a way to be productive with the time while his father found another magic wielder to advise her. “I believe so,” He softly responded with a hint of sadness in his tone. His eyes scanned her expression to see the spark in her eyes dim the slightest. Perhaps she would miss his companionship as well? “All of your focus should be on magic right now to stop the war. Unfortunately, I don’t possess that ability to help.” Whoever his father found was worthy of their trust and would take great care of Talen. He would become her mentor and guide her through the mysteries of magic. In another sense, Nikolai could not overcome how intimate it sounded. It was if he would be locked away from her world all together. One that only this mentor and Talen would be able to explore. The young wolf could not help how territorial he was. From the moment he spotted Talen, his inner wolf only had one thought: Mine..“Don’t worry though. You can trust whoever is guiding you. Plus, you always know where to find me” He attempted to reassure her with a softened smile.

    Turning his attention back to the target, he stepped away to give her an appropriate amount of space. Nikolai analyzed the way her body shifted her weight, propelling herself toward to throw the knife. Too stiff. Although, it was no surprise that Talen was unaccustomed to throwing daggers. She was always protected within those walls and shielded from the world. On her second attempt, he readjusted her position. As his hands slid along her arm, he felt a pulse of electricity shoot throughout his body. It surprised the young alpha, making him pause for a moment before shaking it off. “There. Now, try again.” He encouraged, creating distance between them once more. This time he watched the dagger catapult through the air and land at the outer rim of the target. Overall, it was an improvement from the fence even if it wasn’t the ultimate goal. You’re not half bad at this teaching thing. A small chuckle left Nik’s lips as he walked back over toward her. She was clearly amused with her progress. “Of course, I have trained multiple members of the pack before.” He mused, basking in his pride. “Don’t give all the credit to me though. You’re listening and adjusting. That’s also important.” For the remainder of their training, Nikolai continued teach her the element of surprise. As long as she could keep her dagger concealed, it would be the easiest way for her to slip out of a situation without using magic. The time quickly slipped by the pair and the rays of the sun casted its brilliant upon them. With the temperature shifting quickly, the field started to heat and tire the copper-haired witch. “We should take a break.

    He plopped himself down onto the ground with a soft sigh, glancing over at Talen to see the tension prevalent in her shoulders. Throughout their training, he continued to push and to challenge her limits. Every time she hit the center of the target, he would move her back further to the point where she almost stood at the other side of the field. Nikolai was proud of her accomplishments. Most took a week to make the progress that Talen made in a mere days. However, it clearly put a strain of her body. “Here, let me.” He stated, moving behind her to place his hands onto her shoulders. There it was again. That familiar hum of electricity moving throughout his body. His fingers gently pressed into the muscle, automatically feeling the resistance. “Relax,” He whispered into her ear, attempting to relieve her pain once more. Nikolai could see her visibly take a breath before shaking the nerves out of the body. This finally enabled him to start unwinding the muscle, letting the pressure dissolve. Mine. His inner wolf interjected once more. Nik grit his teeth and suppressed his wolf’s desires. As much as he wished, Talen was never his. “T-There. I think you should be fine now. Just don’t forget to ice it tonight and you may feel some discomfort in the morning.” He advised, withdrawing his hands from her skin. All he could feel was the lingering sensation of the electricity throughout his body.

    I think we can call it a day. I’m sure that you’re hungry.” Nikolai quickly stated, standing to create some distance. In a time of war, it was dangerous to develop feelings for any person. In one minute, they could be ripped away from any person. And for that reason the mere thought of loving another person truly terrified him. “I have some matters that require my attention now. Hopefully, I will see you later.” He automatically retreated. As soon as his back faced the young witch, Nikolai took in a deep breath to alleviate his nerves and to calm himself. Right now, the smell of apples only invaded his senses and clouded his thoughts. This was a dangerous game that he was indulging himself in. He would have to suppress his wolf’s desires. Nik, this is a bad idea. You are the future alpha in the midst of a war. If you develop feelings for another person, your mind will only be consumed with thoughts of her. He scolded himself. Whenever they were on the battlefield, his thoughts would only linger to her. His mind would no longer be rationally sound. Seeking refuge, he retreated back to his quarters to bathe himself and reflect on his thoughts.
    Elaina Merton | The Princess


    As much as Elaina wished to cower underneath a rock, she proudly sat beside Colton as Tatiana spewed nonsense about their wedding. I remember when your father and I did this… This was the first time that she witnessed Irene’s ice dissolve around her, seeing her demeanor soften. She was still quite stern but held a fondness for the wedding planner. It must have brought back memories of the past with the previous king. Pleasant memories of limited peace. That was something that Elaina constantly yearned for. Although, she was unable to linger long on the thought as the wedding planner forced her agenda. Types of gowns and flowers, food, seating, settings. Her head was swimming in the amount of decisions they would have to make, glancing over at Colton to see him reciprocating the plea for help. After all, she did not know much about the customs associated with the Elsekr kingdom. I would prefer a large wedding. Public invited. Elaina believed that this was a bold move on Colton’s part. By allowing any person into the castle, they were vulnerable to every danger. Guards would have to be posted at every single corner of the castle and yet the risk always lingered. Although, it appeared to be a necessary evil. Their show needed to be available to every citizen in order to become convincing. They needed to experience their passionate love before their eyes to truly be invested. “Yes, I think a large wedding is best. We could always keep guards posted at every door and screen every citizen heavily before allowing them to enter. It is important that our people see this union. They need to feel that they are a part of the kingdom, especially in these dark times.

    Are there certain traditions in your kingdom that need to be performed? Or that you would prefer to have performed? Traditional food or drinks? According to Khollager tradition, the wedding was meant to exist in an intimate setting. Only close family and friends were allowed to attend while the rest of their citizens went about their daily lives. Many people left gifts for the newly married couple at the gates of the royal castle as a sign of respect for the guards to search through and deem safe, but they were not allowed to attend. In the Khollager eyes, marriage was no huge matter especially as they mostly occurred for political purposes. “There is one specific song that I request to be played at the wedding. It is Khollager tradition that the groom and the bride’s first dance is to this song. It has been passed down through my family for generations. Would that be possible?” She requested, feeling her heart blossom at the mere idea. Her mother always mused about how it was the most beautiful melody she ever heard. You will hear it on your wedding day, Elaina. There is no need to rush it. Her mother would often tell her as a young child. “That is my only request. The rest of the marriage I believe should align with Elsekr tradition. After all, we will still hold a celebration within my kingdom.” She compromised with a soft smile, believing that it was fair. If her mother were present, she would be appalled by Elaina’s choices for the wedding. She could practically hear her mother’s shrill voice in her ear, complaining about the idea of a public wedding. However, these circumstances were different. Their marriage was entire show that was necessary to be witnessed by the entire kingdom.

    For the duration of their planning, Elaina continued to look toward Colton for support. Half of the concepts that left Tatiana’s mouth were foreign to the young princess. She had the slightest inkling of what silhouettes suited her the most or what colored tapestries she wanted. The princess could still remember the look of horror that Tatiana adorned when she questioned the difference between shades of blue. She was even unaware of the different parts of the castle that this wedding could take place in. “Perhaps the courtyard? After all, that is where Colton first proposed to me. I believe that it would only make sense to have our wedding vows there as well” She suggested to Tatiana who seemed to appease the idea. Despite the remaining troubles, the young couple managed to push through the difficulties and satisfy all of the wedding planner’s questions. “Okay, I believe that is everything on the list. As long as you leave everything to me, I can reassure that you will have a beautiful wedding.” Tatiana promised with a sweet smile, double checking that every requirement was met. Carefully, she rolled her parchment back into its tight roll and placed it into the slot of the folder. “As always, it is a pleasure to see you, Naga Tattersall. I will see you on your wedding day, Princess Merton and Prince Tattersall. I wish you the best during your coronation..” Tatiana curtsied once more before departing from the throne room. Elaina was unaware of how much time had passed while they were in the throne room, but she automatically deemed it far too much.

    Unable to sit any longer, the princess quickly stood up and stepped down from his sister’s throne. It took her a moment to readjust to having the ground beneath her feet, straightening out her back. However, it was a welcome change. “Naga Tattersall, I apologize in advance, but I will be stealing the prince to have a walk around the castle.” As per warning, she reached out take Colton’s hand and whisked him out of the room. She reasoned that they both needed a moment to breath and reset. There were many matters they had to discuss in private as well. Once they were out of earshot, Elaina allowed a sigh to escape her lips as her free hand flew up to her temple. How that woman could make her brain ache. “That was more tiring than I have originally believed. I almost wanted to do another hour of audiences” She admitted with a light hearted laugh, swinging their intertwined hands back and forth. “I thought that we would be in there for ages. When Naga Tattersall mentioned a wedding planner, I never thought that there would be that many details.” She admitted, taking in a deep breath. “But I do believe that she is right woman for the job. Your mother seemed content as well.
    February 8th, 2016 at 05:53am
  • LaylaPetrovana

    LaylaPetrovana (100)

    United States
    Talen Falk | Naive ✘ Empathetic ✘ Fickle

    These past few days she'd pushed herself harder than she'd ever had to before. Talen needed each of her throws to be swifter, deadlier, better-aimed. Dagger after dagger was thrown, and each time she hit the bull's eye, Nikolai moved her a few feet back. Not that she minded, he was a good instructor. After her quip of him being a good teacher, Talen chuckled at his clear pride on the matter. "Of course, I have trained multiple members of the pack before.” She was pretty sure he was some kind of prodigy around here. However an honest heat crept onto her cheeks as he assured her that she was a good student as well. When she fell into conversation with him, the time between each dagger thrown was prolonged. Neither seemed to notice or care about this. "I just figure you're the best chance of staying alive in a war at the moment. It serves me well to listen." She quipped in a sagely manner. As of now she knew nothing of magic. She'd certainly not be able to protect herself. At least with a dagger she could climb a tree and impale enemies from a safe distance. As the day wore on, the wintery air being driven out by a spring breeze, Talen became more and more worn. The past few days of the young witch pushing herself were beginning to take it's toll.

    It started when her shoulder's began to tense up; the muscle tightening together to make the young woman wince; her aim being slightly off put by this. The sun overhead beat down on her petite shoulders, and when Nikolai noticed her panting called for a break. Her shoulder was dully aching and she wondered if she'd managed to by some cosmically bad luck, dislocate it from throwing to hard. Or perhaps she had slept on it strangely. Either way it was causing her discomfort. Absentmindedly she tried to massage the shoulder as Nikolai flopped down on the ground, she remained on her feet. "If I sit down I may end up taking a nap." She thought, a dry smile touching on her lips. Eventually she was aware of Niko's dark gaze alighting upon her and Talen for a moment forgot to breathe as her heart stuttered. “Here, let me.” At once Nik was on his feet, approaching Talen as he stood behind her, his large calloused hands finding the tension in her shoulders at once. He began to gently massage his fingers against the lump of tension that was plaguing her shoulder; and Talen once again felt that electric current. And it only tensed her further. Her body seemed to hold a rather physical reaction whenever he was near, she blind trust and the butterflies that fluttered about her stomach at times like this.

    "Relax." Nikolai murmured, Talen feeling his breath ghosting against his ear. Exhaling softly, she did as he said allowing him to work out the kink in her shoulder. Once the pain dissipated Talen tilted her head back and made a soft noise of content in the back of her throat. "See, that was magical." Thanking him she turned around to find him with an odd sort of look on his face. Dark eyes that normal boasted of high confidence and composure were eclipsed by something Talen could not quite place her finger on. “T-There. I think you should be fine now. Just don’t forget to ice it tonight and you may feel some discomfort in the morning.” There was the slightest stutter in his words that made the young witch wonder if she'd done something to upset him. "I'll ice it, don't worry I can handle some discomfort." She assured, wondering if he was reconsidering this whole set up between them. Did she do something? Did he think her fragile? Before she could ask he'd hurriedly backed away from her, citing that they could call it a day. And soon after, Nik was hurrying away from her to go take care of some business. For a few minutes she remained rooted in place thoroughly confused on what had happened. "I'm not fragile." She thought to herself, and despite his dismissal, Talen lingered a bit longer to put away the daggers; and try to figure out how to spend the rest of her day. Thankfully it was a beautiful day and she attempted to focus on that rather Nik's odd behavior. Her first thought was to just go back to her room, lay down for awhile; but found that her mind was far too awake for such things. So she wandered about, stopping to talk with wolves who welcomed her rather warmly into the village. The copper-haired witch toured workstations finding the crafts fascinating.

    Hell, she even babysat one woman's kids for an hour while she chopped wood for her home. Everyone seemed more lively today than they had the previous days; save for a few who'd drank too much the previous night. The sun was beginning to set into the sky when she bumped into Raven. The girl was in a circle with some other women of the village, all sewing clothes and blankets. "Oh! Talen, are you looking for Nikolai?" The onyx haired wolf had instantly sprung to her feet, though sat back down when Talen shook it off. "Simply exploring. What's going on here?" The women shared an expression, and Raven's smile was eclipsed by a shadow. "Ah, yes. It's not much but a couple years ago we started a sort of wanted ad. People leave what they need and for who and we do the best to deliver. Clothes, food medicine. All for free. We're a pack we take care of each other- if you're not busy would you like to help?" Relieved to have a task at hand, Talen nodded, and she sat herself next to the obsidian haired wolf. Thankfully, with minimal instructions, Talen was fine to work on her own. She listened with half-interests to what was going on in each of the woman's life; and shyly answered questions thrown at her. Was she leaving someone behind in her human village? How long did she intend on staying after the war? They were kind about her answers, engaged and warm towards her. Talen had forgotten all about Nik's abrupt behavior by the time dinner rolled around she followed the women in putting away their projects, and then to dinner grinning along with the rest of the wolves, stomach rumbling.


    Colton Tattersall | Stoic ✘ Amiable ✘ Impulsive

    Colton was pleased by the courage his bride was showing. Some lesser women would of backed down from such security concerns- Colton just hoped it was the right call. Wordlessly as she spoke the young king reached over, gently squeezing her hand to let Elaine know that he was there to help her. To support and protect her as a proper husband was supposed to do. "It will be played." Colton promised, whether he had to go and find a Khollager band himself to do so. Tatiana was mostly thrilled by the challenges of such a large scale wedding, and finding someone who knew how to play a traditional Khollager wedding melody. The ideas proposed sounded well and fine to him. Not only would the courtyard offer beautiful scenery with the gardens, but it would be hard to slip past the guards. He could station four or so at every entrance, they should both be fine. Tatiana was more than a little disgruntled with Colton's complicity in the affairs of his wedding, though the Tattersall didn't know what she expected. He didn't know the difference between lavender and hydrangea flowers; it really didn't matter to him. "I'd just like to marry the love of my life Tatiana." He'd explained on more than one occasion to receive a glare. "This is going to be the most controversial, anticipated wedding I've ever done and you don't care how the public receives it? It must be dazzling, a reflection of your epic love story."

    She grumbled, and Colton mumbled an apology. Most of the ideas that he and Elaine had picked so far had strayed out of he bounds of conventional. They were not a conventional couple- nor should their wedding he figured after Tatiana's lecture. Awhile longer the four tried to figure out wedding arrangements. Finally, just as Colton felt his head was about to split from all the questions, Tatiana called their session to an end. “Okay, I believe that is everything on the list. As long as you leave everything to me, I can reassure that you will have a beautiful wedding.” For a moment the blue-eyed man thought he'd pass out from sheer joy to hear this was over. He'd rather study the Old Language for a week straight than have to go through that ever again. Chancing a look at Elaine he found her to be in a similar state as himself. About to ask her to come accompany him for a walk, the man bit back a smile as she beat him to it. “Naga Tattersall, I apologize in advance, but I will be stealing the prince to have a walk around the castle.” To his chagrin, and delight, Elaine acted boldly as a true Naga would. Snatching his hands Colton dipped his head to his mother. "We'll have dinner together. All of us." He bade to which Irene just slowly nodded. "I'll see you for supper then." Her words were slightly clipped- but it was an improvement. Still with that foolish love-stricken grin he'd so well rehearsed he had a hard time figuring out if it was real or not, Colton allowed himself to be lead just out of earshot before Elaine let his hand go to rubbing her temples.

    “That was more tiring than I have originally believed. I almost wanted to do another hour of audiences. But I do believe that she is right woman for the job. Your mother seemed content as well.” Chuckling leaning against a wall he quirked an eyebrow with amusement. "You took it like a true hero. I'm sure generations to come they'll sing of that day and how the brave queen managed to get the wedding plans done." He teased, his eyes glimmering in the dim lighting with a good-natured humor. Though pausing he added in a far more serious tone, "Yes. Tatiana is the best. Any royal worth a damn goes to her when they have weddings to plan. I'm told the pain of sitting through such arrangements will yield the kind of results we need." He agreed, not wanting her to worry about the wedding plans. "Ah I have this-" As he spoke the man fumbled about the pocket of his pants, and produced an empty sheath. "-This for the dagger. Should I arrange for lessons?" A dagger was pretty easy, especially one so sharp. As long as she could take a finger off, or even a vital artery out, Elaine could get help and then she'd hopefully have time to get help. It would be a quick fix until she moved into his bedroom. Although Irene had always taught him the dagger trick. Since he was old enough to wield one. Never knew who wanted to see a Tattersall dead, and Irene never wanted to take that chance. "We also have other things to discuss. After the wedding, would it be alright if you moved your chambers to share with mine? You have my word I'll not harm or force you into anything. I'll sleep on the floor if it pleases you, but I think it would best for the image of the marriage."

    Sharing a bed wasn't a big deal to him. In times of hardships when his siblings were alive they'd often all pile into one bed, taking refuge in another human being so close to one another. But Colton understood that their childhoods were very different. Where his were filled with companionship, bared emotions and friendly touches; Elaine's seemed cold. Of course it wouldn't seem that way to her, so Colton kept that last thought to himself in an effort to avoid a fight. They had been doing so well the past few days that he didn't want to ruin that with his careless thoughts. "Of course I don't want you to feel pressure. If the thought makes you uncomfortable, we can have adjorning chambers. At the end of the day it's what makes you comfortable." He added instead, an honest concern in his voice. It would be easier Colton figured, less of a chance for the to be picked off. Colton could be there and protect her should something happen, along with a legion of guards. Although Colton had to wonder; what was his life with her going to be like? Was it going to be more Khollager influenced? Or Elsekr? Would she feel pushed by his culture, and would Colton feel cold and empty? People always said a union between their two lands would be impossible, but were they right? As they stood there conversing, civil and happily; Colton liked to think that was wrong. There could be an alliance between their lands; a marriage that worked. Their marriage may only be a farce, an arrangement for political gain- but perhaps other's could take a more honest, torrid turn.
    February 10th, 2016 at 03:57am
  • LaylaPetrovana

    LaylaPetrovana (100)

    United States
    Accidentally double posted, sorry!
    February 10th, 2016 at 03:57am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    Nikolai Torbjorn | Wolf King


    That whole exchange was surprising for Nikolai. It was uncommon for the alpha to run away from a situation that made him uncomfortable. What was that about? My instincts almost took over my mind, continuously telling me to claim what was mine. But Talen? She is not mine. I barely know her other than the fact that our families have a treaty. After helping with the war, she will leave us. I probably won’t see her again after that. Nik shed his clothes and padded over toward the bathtub to draw water. His fingers ran underneath to test the temperature, feeling the initial chill. The hairs on his forearms rose in response until the heat warmed his fingertips. Perfect. Submerging himself in the water, Nikolai leaned back to rest his head against the edge of the tub. His thoughts continued to circle around in his mind, attempting to explain his sudden outburst. Nik could still picture her expression as he fled the scene. The way her brows knit in confusion and the worry in her eyes. Not even he could answer that question for her. Taking in deep breaths, the alpha decided to let the matters slide off of his shoulders. Maybe there was no explanation for it other than the fact that his inner wolf took a liking to the young witch. As a young wolf, it would make sense. His parents even warned that he would have to find a mate soon before he ascended in the rankings. Many would come after him in a power grab, but he would have be smart about his decision
    That reason seemed to satisfy Nikolai, letting the puzzle pieces fit together. That was all his outburst was about. His wolf attempting to find a mate. There is nothing that I need to worry about. I just have to find a mate within the village and this will all go away. Clearly, Talen is an attractive, young woman, and I realize that. With that sufficient settlement, Nik spent the rest of his bath allowing his muscles to unwind and clearing his mind. It was the only time that he was allowed to keep to himself without worrying about the next move his pack needed to make. For the next half an hour, Nikolai soaked in the warmth of the water against his skin until he forced himself out. Once again, he screwed his head on and made his way over toward the war room. “Nikolai, we have a problem,” His father stated, softly closing the door. “We do not have as much time as we believed. The Curaj are moving in on our lands, and our scouts are saying that they are about to launch an attack within the next week. If they win, this will be a huge hit to our resources. We get a lot of our food and water from these lands. Please, plan accordingly.” His father warned, knowing that this would add pressure to his son. They needed this witch to be ready to defend their lands and quickly. There wasn’t much time. “Father, what do I do? We aren’t ready for an attack like that. We could push all of our soldiers into that area but that would leave our other villages vulnerable. At the same time, these lands are important.” Nikolai could feel his pulse racing in his ear, centering his attention on the map of their lands. “This is your decision to make. I cannot tell you what to do, but I am sure that you will make the right decision.”

    No matter how much Nik continued to stare at the map, there appeared to be no solution. One way or another they would be losing something or someone invaluable. Slowly, the rays of the sun disappeared from the sky to leave the night brisk and chilled. The war room was lit by torches that surrounded the great oak table, providing adequate light. Despite the ample amount of time, the more he started at the table the more his head ached. How could his father allow him to make such a decision even though he wasn’t appointed alpha yet? For now, he retired from his duties to attend dinner in hopes of it providing some clarity. Nikolai emerged from the room to cross the village toward the main dining hall, pulling back to the tarp to reveal his pack mates. “Good evening. I hope you are doing well,” He greeted others, attempting to subdue his troubles. His pack members showered him with praises of how this war was finally going to end with Talen’s help. The last thing he needed was for other to realize that they were in the middle of a crisis. Although, there was a storm brewing underneath his calm demeanor. Among the crowd, he spotted a copper hair figure seated around the table with other women. Nikolai approached as he moved through others, pausing to greet all of them. “Talen, could I speak to you in private for a moment?” He requested and pulled her off to the side out of ear shot from the rest.

    I would like to apologize for my behavior before and let you know that it was entirely my fault. I guess that I wasn’t feeling too well and needed to have some time alone. If you let me, I would like to give you another lesson to make up for it,” He quickly apologized, hoping that she would pardon him. With the war, his emotions were always on edge. Once again, the small voice in the back of his mind made an appearance. This time Nikolai paid no attention to it and merely offered a smile. “Now, please, I don’t want you to panic when I tell you this. It’s an important matter. My father explained to me that there’s a situation up North that will put a majority of our resources in danger. It will happen next week sometime, so I need you to be ready. I can’t have my soldiers leave the other villages vulnerable and we cannot lose those resources either.” Nikolai could see her expression quickly shift to one of horror and realization that they had little to no time. “I know this is a lot to ask of you. Just, please, try to learn as much as possible from this man who is coming to teach you. I need you.” His hand slid along her cheek, hoping to provide some sort of reassurance. It was a lot to ask of Talen who was only introduced to their world a few days ago. Time only continued to be relentless.
    Elaina Merton | The Princess


    You took it like a true hero. I'm sure generations to come they'll sing of that day and how the brave queen managed to get the wedding plans done. Elaina tossed a playful grin in his direction, seeing the amusement dancing in his eyes. “Yes, of course. I have accomplished what no queen has ever before,” She mused, tipping her nose an inch higher into the air. On a more serious note, Elaina truly appreciated every ounce of effort that Tatiana poured into their wedding. It was going to be an event that no person could ever forget or wish to forget for that matter. “Tatiana has an eye for detail and appears to be born for this job. And if she plans on torturing us to produce results, so be it.” The woman had every single aspect pinned for the wedding down to the pebbles in the courtyard. For a Khollager wedding, this amount of attention to detail was completely unnecessary. “However, I will say now that Khollager planners are less painful.” She added on. There were more important matters that their kingdom believed deserved more devotion. This whole extravagant event was well out of her comfort zone. So far, in fact, that Elaina could have sworn that it was entirely on the opposite side of the spectrum. Thousands upon thousands of Elsekr citizens would come to witness the ceremony. Although the future queen was used to public attention, she was not accustomed to the idea of having these eyes upon her during an intimate ritual. The mere thought of those eyes upon her made her slightly tense.

    Reaching out, her hand enclosed on the sheath for the dagger. “Oh, thank you.” The dagger provided a sense of protection for Elaina as a last defense. It was better to be safe than sorry, especially when every citizen didn’t approve of their relationship. Should I arrange for lessons? Yes, I suppose it’s for the best. I have very limited experience with it.” Because of her royal descent, Elaina was required to take some lessons for self-defense in her childhood years. However, luckily, those skills were never put to use and she could barely remember the movements. It was unnerving to realize how vulnerable she was without her guards. “Would you be willing to train me? Unless, you are unable to find the time. I understand that there are many matters you have to attend to before the coronation and wedding.” It was clear that the more time they spent together the more they became accustomed to each other. And considering that they would spending the rest of their lives together that was essential. Although, Elaina didn’t believe it would take more than a few lessons for the motions to flood back. The Tattersalls had quite the reputation for having the element of surprise on their side. Throughout the war, the Tattersalls were always armed with daggers for close combat and extremely deadly. “I hear that your family is quite handy with daggers. Perhaps I could learn new techniques as well.

    We also have other things to discuss. After the wedding, would it be alright if you moved your chambers to share with mine? It slipped the young princess’ mind that she would have to move into his quarters. Her body tensed as her footsteps slowed, letting her eyes momentarily sweep over the floor. The mere thought of losing her privacy and moving into a stranger’s bedroom was unsettling, even if it was Colton. You have my word I'll not harm or force you into anything. I'll sleep on the floor if it pleases you, but I think it would best for the image of the marriage. No matter how uncomfortable she was Elaina realized how essential this steps was in their marriage. It would be odd for a married couple not to sleep in the same quarters. In Khollager tradition, a husband and wife shared the same chambers right after the wedding ceremony. She was certain that Elsekr culture followed a similar procedure. “I understand. I will be honest and say that I will be uncomfortable, but I am willing to share the same chambers.” While she appreciated his gesture to sleep on the floor, Elaina could never allow the future Basileus to. Plus, they could not risk the possibility of the staff spreading rumors that they didn’t sleep in the same bed. “And I won’t allow you to sleep on the floor. If you do try anything, I always have my dagger at the ready.” She teased with a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. If Colton promised to never harm or force her, Elaina trusted his word.

    Growing up, Elaina always had personal quarters. Her brother lived in the next room, but they never shared the same space. Her chambers was the only place where she could hide away from the rest of her family to be alone with her thoughts. A scared space where no one could bother her, and Elaina cherished that privilege. On the other hand, Colton seemed to be comfortable with the idea of them sharing the space, as if it were natural. She wondered what it was like growing up in the Elsekr kingdom. It appeared to be completely opposite from her upbringing. Would she be more in tune with her emotions? How would she view her kingdom in their perspective? Of course I don't want you to feel pressure. If the thought makes you uncomfortable, we can have adjourning chambers. At the end of the day it's what makes you comfortable.Colton, I am more than willing to sacrifice my comfort to end this war,” She countered in a serious tone. As they continued to wander around the castle, they neared the courtyard. Her steps slowed to a halt with a small exhale, letting her eyes scan over the scenery. “In a few days, we will be wedded here. It will all be over.” The thought seemed to spill out of her mouth as the reality set in. Elaina glanced over in his direction and reached out to take his hand. “I still find it hard to believe,” She admitted with a small shake of the head. If any person asked them a week ago if they would ever find a way to end the war, she would have found it comical.
    February 14th, 2016 at 04:21am
  • LaylaPetrovana

    LaylaPetrovana (100)

    United States
    Talen Falk | Naive ✘ Empathetic ✘ Fickle

    Talen was worried about fitting into the group of women she'd spent hr afternoon with, though found her fears were misplaced. As they sat together, they made an effort to include her in their chatter, and pointed out the best things to eat around them. She was enjoying herself even admist the chaos of dinner. One of the women, Valli, was in the middle of complaining about how her mate had allowed their children to stay up late last night after dinner, and how thanks to that they'd been grumps all day; when she paused her gaze flicking over Talen's shoulder. Curiously turning the witch raised her gaze to find Nikolai standing there, looking well... Normal. That abrupt, odd look that had come over his features before he fled earlier was gone. “Talen, could I speak to you in private for a moment?” Feeling the gazes of the other women, teetering between herself and him Talen nodded at his request to speak with her. "Of course." She agreed quickly getting to her feet. Nik was quick to guide her towards a more private area, where they wouldn't be overheard by the other members of the pack.

    “I would like to apologize for my behavior before and let you know that it was entirely my fault. I guess that I wasn’t feeling too well and needed to have some time alone. If you let me, I would like to give you another lesson to make up for it,” Blinking, feeling somewhat surprised Talen's first reaction was to frown, and gently press her palm against his forehead, holding it there for a few moments. When he proved not to have a fever she sighed with relief, lowering her hand; though under his gaze she felt her cheeks flush. "Oh- Sorry. I... I just wanted to make sure that you weren't ill. I don't think it would bode well for the pack if you were. Apology accepted, no offense or harm caused." Talen promised, smiling to cover her nerves. "And if it wouldn't take away from your duties I wouldn't mind another lesson. I suppose I can't be too prepared." She was already an agreeable woman, but she was looking forward to spending more time with the dashing alpha. Besides she was still a little morose about no longer focusing on physical lessons, rather magical lessons.

    However, there was a sense of panic beneath Nik's face, concern and uncertainty. It shadowed his eyes like a rain cloud and Talen wondered if everything was okay. She got her answer without any further prompting as Nikolai sighed- a deep troubled sound before speaking once again. “Now, please, I don’t want you to panic when I tell you this. It’s an important matter. My father explained to me that there’s a situation up North that will put a majority of our resources in danger. It will happen next week sometime, so I need you to be ready. I can’t have my soldiers leave the other villages vulnerable and we cannot lose those resources either.” She listened to his rushed explantion of what was going on. Talen felt her face contort with horror and fear. Fighting, already? So soon? She wasn't ready, how was she supposed to help? How were they supposed to protect everybody? This pack couldn't afford such a big loss, as she had learned from Raven and Valli earlier. Fear began to run ice through her veins, turning her blood into sluggish chunks as color drained of her cheeks. But this was her job. Her duty, and her agreement of staying with the pack. It had to be done even if she felt herself not prepared. Before she could agree, Niko had taken a step closer, a soft promise blazing in his dark eyes, the color of rust blooming on rain-washed steel.

    “I know this is a lot to ask of you. Just, please, try to learn as much as possible from this man who is coming to teach you. I need you.” His words brought a sense of peace to the oceans of panic sloshing in her mind. Before she could thank him, and promise to work her best Nik slid his hand onto her cheek, offering a physical reassurance. Again that familiar thrum of electricity pulsated between them, making Talen's knees weak and stomach swirl. She tried not to read too far into his words, she hardly knew him and she was quite new here. There was likely already a woman who he was interested in, and it wouldn't be her. She was an asset. "As long as you need me, I'll be here to help you. Even in this, you have my word I'll do my best." She murmured, a delicate blush glowing on her cheeks. Around her people continued to chatter on, blissfully unawares of what was about to come their way. Talen bit her tongue when he pulled his hand away from her cheek to keep from sighing. "No. You're about to enter a war. You can't get distracted." If she were to... To notice Nikolai as a man, rather a mentor, things would get sticky. Her focus would not be on her studies as it was needed. "I assume the rest of the pack doesn't know about this?"


    Colton Tattersall | Stoic ✘ Amiable ✘ Impulsive

    Colton nodded at her request, "Sure, I have a few tricks that could help you defend yourself." He promised, blue gaze alight with the prospect of being able to shirk his duties to show his wife the best way to cut fingers off. It would give him a chance to worm out of some of his more... undesirable duties. “I hear that your family is quite handy with daggers. Perhaps I could learn new techniques as well.” He paused, unsure of how to react to this statement though he gave a somewhat easy smile. "Then I look forward to passing on some Tattersall techniques." He finally agreed easily enough. The air about them was warm as they walked, close enough that they occasionally brushed against one another. Colton felt a little sorry for Elaine as she paused, her eyes going wide at his question, asking her to move to his bed. What would he have been like had he been raised with her customs? His people weren't nearly as composed as she was, and for a moment he was sorry. Sorry that she had to adjust herself to his ways while they were here. That when growing up Colton was pretty positive she hadn't dreamed of marrying a Tattersall.

    But she did a good job of concealing her discomfort, as she went on to shake his offers off. “Colton, I am more than willing to sacrifice my comfort to end this war,” There was a note of finality in her voice that made him grin. "Alright, but if you ever feel it's too much let me know. It won't break me to sleep on a floor once awhile, or in the beginning." He was kind of terrified that if he pushed her too far on some things, it would cause her to resent him. To spoil this marriage and their people would be back fighting again. A warm wind stirred against his cheek as he gazed out at the courtyard, heavy with boom with flowers and just alive with green. It would be a beautiful place for a wedding. Much better than the typical royal hall ones. “In a few days, we will be wedded here. It will all be over.” As if reading his mind, Elaine spoke a note of relief in her voice. A wry smile bloomed on the crest of his lips. He never thought a Merton would be relieved to marry a Tattersall. Perhaps the world was ending as a few of his servants had muttered beneath their breaths since learning of the wedding.

    But from the ash, death, and decay of this old world- he and Elaine would build something beautiful. Something that spoke to the notion of peace and a new life. Where neighbors didn't have to hate neighbor, or lose loved one after loved one to this pointless war. They could focus on rebuilding, villages, lives, and the general happiness and quality of life for everyone. “I still find it hard to believe,” She spoke again and Colton had to agree. "This war, all the hatred, it's all we've known. That our parents grandparents, and ancestors have known. I almost... I almost can't imagine a world that our people aren't at war. It will be strange." He agreed. A heavy sigh was drawn from him as he paused, glancing down at Elaine with a somber expression. "It won't be the end though. Just like us all the people know are war. Anger with one another- we need to be there to set examples. To guide them and help them heal, so that there aren't revolts and the land is thrown back into war." His tone had taken on a serious edge as he frowned. "At first I don't expect this to be very popular, so we must stick together. I won't allow anything to happen to you Elaine."

    He had lost too many people already, and his beautiful wide-eyed bride, though they may not love each other- well Colton refused to lose her as well. She was the person who was about to face hell with him for the sliver of a chance that peace could be obtained in their life time. And Colton just had to work very hard to keep that promise to her. The air felt a little too thick and heavy for his liking, and trying to lighten it the Tattersall king beamed at his bride with an impish delight. "Well, aside from all the political game behind our motives- try to have fun Elaine. You haven't been to a wedding until you've been to an Elsker wedding." His eyes sparkled with amusement at his statement. Drinking, feasting, wild dancing, and of course there was always a good brawl or two between party-goers. Not to mention this was going to one of the biggest weddings that the royal family had thrown in ages. Anticipation shivered through his blood, as they walked in the mild summer air. The last wedding he'd been to was his sister's four years ago- and it had been too long since. "Can you dance?" He asked suddenly, pausing in their stroll through the courtyard to fix her with a curious expression.
    February 28th, 2016 at 01:26am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ LaylaPetrovana

    Nikolai Torbjorn | Wolf King


    Seeing the petite witch reach up onto her tippy toes, he suppressed the impulse to take a step backward. He lightly grit his teeth as her hand made contact with his forehead and watched her eyes focus hard while her lips dipped into a frown as if they were searching for something. He wanted to question what she was attempting to do but couldn’t get the words out. His mind was clouded with a haze. A moment of silence passed until Talen pulled away, letting her hand rest against her side. Oh- Sorry. I…I just wanted to make sure that you weren’t ill. I don’t think it would bode well for the pack if you were. Apology accepted, no offense or harm caused.Oh, I see. I believe it is from the lack of sleep. I’m fine now. Thank you for accepting my apology..” He offered a small smile, relieved that the event was past them. The last thing that alpha needed was to have his feelings infringement upon their agreement. And if it wouldn’t take away from your duties I wouldn’t mind another lesson. I suppose I can’t be too prepared. Nik’s eyes brightened at the proposition, delighted yet horrified to spend time with the alluring witch. However, he would be more than willing to oblige her request. “Yes, it’s always better to be over prepared. I can arrange something with you later once the trainer arrives.

    As he explained their dilemma, Nikolai saw her features shift into a variety of emotions. All of them with the underlying fear from the war. He knew that this placed a heavy burden onto her shoulders with the entire pack counting on her magical abilities. If they lost this, they would lose a majority of their resources and most likely the war. The color soon drained from her face, leaving Talen as pale as a ghost. In the moment, he felt like the monster that the humans made the werewolves out to be. A monster for dragging her into his world. A monster for forcing her to confront her magical abilities so quickly. A monster for asking more from her than he could reciprocate. Nikolai requested that she grope around in the dark and find her magically abilities within a week. However, he was in the same boat. They shared the burden of his pack’s future with all members counting on them. In the end, they only had each other to rely on to put an end to this war. The familiar hum of electricity returned with his hand placed against her cheek. His eyes bored into her own, noting the flecks of gold in her greens.

    As long as you need me, I’ll be here to help you. Even in this, you have my word I’ll do my best. A small sigh displayed his relief, letting his hand slip from her cheek. Soon, the color flourished on her cheeks once more. “Thank you so much. You really don’t understand how much that means to the pack and I. Honestly.” The mere thought that Talen was putting her best foot forward was enough for him. Her support was more than sufficient for their cause. I assume the rest of the pack doesn’t know about this?No, they don’t know. I am trying to keep this as quiet as possible.” His eyes flickered back to the others buzzing around a couple feet away. The smiles and laughter spoke clearly to Nikolai. He wanted to protect them from the evils of the other pack. “I want them to be happy. Even if only until everything goes downhill. So, please, don’t mention this to anyone else.” He pleaded, focusing his gaze on her once more. If they learned about the impending attack, every person’s new found happiness would cease to exist. Despite keeping his demeanor calm, a storm brewed underneath and threatened to breech at any moment. “That was all I wished to share. Enjoy yourself and return back to the party. Have a good night.

    Nikolai turned away to retire back to his bedroom since all of his tasks were finished for the day. The only thing that he could accomplish now was waiting. As the seconds continued to tick by, Nik could only wait for Talen to prepare and train. He felt anxious, resting his head against the pillow. The young alpha tossed and turned in his bed in an attempt to find a comfortable position to no avail. It irked him that all he could do now was watch everything unfold. His instincts encouraged him to do something, anything. But there truly was nothing for the young alpha. For the next few hours, Nikolai stared at a fixed point on the ceiling until the sun casted its rays against the horizon. Despite his body begging for rest, his mind continued to race at a mile a minute. Accepting his fact, he flew off the covers and rested his feet against the cold tiled floor. He reached up to place his head between his hands. It was going to be a long day.
    Elaina Merton | The Princess


    Alright, but if you ever feel it’s too much let me know. It won’t break me to sleep on a floor once awhile, or in the beginning. Elaina nodded back, keeping the offer in the back of her mind. The room switch wouldn’t be an easy transition for the princess, considering this would be the first instance of sharing space with any person. This whole entire experience was still a whirlwind of feelings, and she only hoped that it would never whip out of control. Even though she was taught from childhood to suppress her emotions, Elaina had a breaking point just like any other person. A time when she required space and room to breathe. It was quite obvious that Elaina would be pushed over boundaries and in more than once instance require that mental break. However, the results were worth placing her out of her comfort zone and she soon accepted the hurdles ahead of them. The light breeze brushed against her cheeks, bringing her back to reality. Elaina reached up to brush back a loose golden curl with a soft smile in his direction. For once, she could see some clarity in his eyes as if there were a light at the end of this century old tunnel. At the end of that light, Elaina was sure that their kingdom would stand more gloriously and stronger than ever. This war, all the hatred, it’s all we’ve known. That our parents grandparents, and ancestors have known. I almost…I almost can’t imagine a world that our people aren’t at war. It will be strange.Very, but I look forward to the peace,” She agreed, anticipating the day where she no longer awoke to the sounds of swords bashing against each other.

    It won’t be the end though. Just like us all the people know are war. Anger with one another-we need to be there to set examples. To guide them and help them heal, so that there aren’t revolts and the land is thrown back into war.The majority will understand how meaningless this war is when they overcome that anger and adjust to the unity of our kingdoms. They will realize that our two kingdoms are meant to thrive and live together in harmony. However, there will be a select few who we will be unable to convince. I realize that they thrive off of the war from years upon years of anger. We need to be wary of them, but we will prepared for anything.” The resilience burned her eyes, making her feel more certain. I won’t allow anything to happen to you Elaine.And I to you, Colton.” She earnestly returned. Those who wanted to resist their change would threaten the peace and do anything to prevent it. From here on, they always needed to be on guard for any potential danger. She vowed to see this marriage through and to protect him from the others that wanted to sever their alliance.

    It was surprising how well they mended together a relationship from thin air. It would be a lie to say that none of it was organic and they merely tolerated each other, ready to tear each other's throat apart. Despite coming from two opposite cultures, Elaina and Colton worked well in this fake marriage. They both respected each other’s traditions and the differences that existed. Colton never pushed her to embody his traditions while she kept an open mind to his. Although most of her kingdom would never come to understand the Elsker tradition, she came to realize that her people were too clouded by their own standards to recognize the logic of others. If they only attempted to understand the other point of view, they would broaden their boundaries. Their society would be better off. Elaina came to this epiphany on the battlefield amidst all of the bodies. In the end, they were fighting for no reason other than the fact that neither side was willing to concede from the pride of their traditions. Thousands of lives lost to their silly feud whose original purpose was lost thousands of years ago. After the Elskers lost Greg, Elaina promised to end the war and the foolishness. From years of hatred, the mere thought of a Merton and a Tattersall together would have made both kingdoms erupt into a roar of laughter, but it was happening. This was truly happening.

    Well, aside from all the political game behind our motives-try to have fun Elaina. You haven’t been to a wedding until you’ve been to an Elsker wedding. Elaina raised her eyebrows to this statement, not having an inkling of what it was like. All she knew of were the decorations that would adorn the tables and walls but nothing of the festivities. From rumors she never took to heart, Elsker marriages were rowdy and violet. Fights broke out between drunken men while judgments were passed from women on who wore what. It appear to be far from fun in the eyes of her people. In fact it was a mockery of what her people believed a wedding entailed, but she would never vocalize that knowledge to Colton. “I will keep that in mind, but what do I specifically have to look forward to?” She questioned. The excitement was evident on his expression, which made her all the more curious. Can you dance?Yes, I can.” Elaina answered, halting her steps while Colton’s slowed. Of course, if the Elskers had a traditional dance they performed at wedding ceremonies, she would have to learn it. “Why do you ask?” She countered, wanting to know what spurred the sudden interest.
    February 28th, 2016 at 10:54pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ LaylaPetrovana
    March 5th, 2016 at 03:06am
  • LaylaPetrovana

    LaylaPetrovana (100)

    United States
    Talen Falk | Naive ✘ Empathetic ✘ Fickle

    She watched his retreating back with a small frown. She understood his request, to keep this to herself- and she'd comply. He was a leader and in these times people looked to him. He felt responsible for them and their happiness. Nikolai, understandably wanted to protect it. And Talen did not envy that position. The rest of the dinner was horribly slow, and every smile and nod felt incredibly fake to her. However, she said nothing as she picked at her dinner- until Valli nudged her. "Y'know Talen, you and Nikolai look awfully cozy these days." She started with a teasing purr in her voice while Raven looked utterly scandalized. "Valli, you really shouldn't gossip abou-" The blonde wolf waved her hand leaning towards Talen with a playful grin. "You got eyes for the alpha? You're awfully quiet..." Talen, flushed with indignation almost burst out that they were dead wrong about the reasons behind her subtle silence- though quickly she realized that would mean telling them of the attack. Instead she closed her mouth, and huffed, "Raven is right. You shouldn't gossip about your alpha."

    If they wanted to believe she was a moonstruck calf over Nik, that would be better than them knowing the attack the Numar pack would be leveling on them. Valli hung around a little longer before announcing she was off as she doubted her mate could get their kids in bed before sunup. Soon afterwards the rest of the group began to drift to their homes and Talen seized the opportunity to return to her own. The night was warm, warmer than it had in a while and she could feel spring in the air. Though even the promise of melted snow couldn't bring ease to her mind. "What if I'm not enough?" The copper haired woman fretted as she made her way back to her quarters; quietly letting herself in. Shedding off her clothes, she crawled into her bed. Sleep would do little good for her that night as she tossed and turned in the dark quarters. Had she really made the right choice coming here? Talen's life was now more infinitely complicated.

    But... It wasn't all bad. The threat of her first fight made her well... Frightened- but she was behind a good cause. She had friends here now, and honestly she didn't think this was something Niko should be going through alone. The more allies he mustered up- the better. Even when sleep found the svelte redhead- it was troubled and nightmarish. Her brain dreamt of scenarios that pitted her helpless in the midst of battle. Of familiar faces falling victim to faceless wolves, and Talen being unable to help them. By the time she woke, a cold sweat had broken on her forehead and her heart raced about her chest like a bird's. Shivering, she noted the sun had hardly broken past the horizon- though she knew it would be futile to try to sleep again. Figuring that she may as well get up, Talen slowly crawled out bed feeling exhausted; her mind already turning to meeting the man who would be mentoring her. What would he be like? Could he really show her how to wield magic?

    The first thing she got out of the way was a bath, taking her time to soak in the water and try to ease some of her stress before her new mentor came to the village. The water was hot, nearly scalding her skin though it forced her muscles, aching from the days of practice with Nikolai, to relax. When she felt like a human being again, rather than a ball of stress she got out- taking care to dry and brush her hair; wanting to look presentable for the day. When that was finally done, she ruffled through the clothes that had at some point been brought to her quarters, picking out a simple outfit. A sleek pair of black cottony pants that clung to her legs and a simple white shirt. Once her hair was pulled back into a messy bun, pulled out of her face revealing the sharp angles Talen headed towards the door. The air was warm, agreeable and there was no doubt that soon the Earth would be thawed back to life.

    She didn't really know where she was going, the sun was barely past the treeline and most seemed to still be sleeping. Walking through the mostly empty village, she picked up sounds coming from the training field. The heavy thwack! of wood being violently hit, and curiously she drew closer. A lone and familiar figure wielding a war ax, the ferocity of his movements impressing the young witch as she leaned against the fencing of the field, her eyes following Nik's movements. If she had to guess why he was out there so early it'd be for the same reasons that kept her up. It was a few more minutes before he paused, glancing behind his shoulder and offering a crooked smile. He was captivating in a manner that humans seldom could be and almost breathlessly she returned it. "You're up early." She called to him, from her spot against the fence quirking an eyebrow. "Couldn't sleep?"


    Colton Tattersall | Stoic ✘ Amiable ✘ Impulsive

    “Yes, I can. “Why do you ask?” Her voice sharpened by curiosity made Colton chuckle before answering. "Well, I was hoping to convince mother to let us out of dancing lessons today. I'll take you exploring around here. We can do the dancing tomorrow." He admitted, his gaze straying from her face to take in the beauty of the courtyards. "Because I for one would hate to see a day like this go to waste." Colton couldn't imagine anymore lessons or plans that day. Growing up there was a wall near the back of palace grounds, near the royal cemetery that was hardly ever visited. Many times as a child, and even as an adult Colton liked to slip out of that hole and into the forest that surrounded the castle on that side. There was a lake which wasn't a terribly long walk. The solitude offered him time to think, and the chance to pretend he wasn't anything special. The chance to pretend that he wasn't a king who would bear all the troubles and sorrows of his people.

    A chance to pretend for a little bit there weren't thousands of people relying on him. That the people he'd lost already wouldn't have left him in vain. Those woods were his refuge, his sanctuary and he'd offer that now to Elaine. Because they were technically the castle's woods and grounds there were no hunters on their grounds and largely safe. Never had he run into another soul in the twisted, overgrown woods in all his years of exploring it. His thoughts returned to Elaine as he offered, "I can show you my favorite spot in all of Elsekr if you'd like." It was a little timid, as if he wasn't truly sure that she'd accept. After all, some people just didn't like tromping through woods. Especially in the dead heat of summer. And while he may know how to swim- Colton had no idea if his bride could; so even when they got to the lake, she may just want to stay on the shore.

    The sun had reached it's climax, and had just started it's descent in the sky. Colton would guess that they had about five or six hours before dinner, or nightfall which was plenty of time to head to the lake. Gods help him if his mother figured out that's where he spent a good portion of his childhood. Away from the troubles of the palace, and the protection. "But if you wish to rather dance with stuffy old instructors- I understand." He teased, a wicked smile on his face. His oceanic depths danced with amusement at her response as Colton crossed his arms. Maybe it wasn't the wisest choice skipping out on wedding things- but it was only dancing lessons. Of which she could already do, and for the Elsekr dances- well they weren't too complicated. Wild and feral in their movements and free- but he'd lead her in that. And they could simply shift their lessons to tomorrow when they both felt a little more up to it.

    The planning had utterly wiped him out and Colton really didn't want to go back for another round. As much as he loved his duties as king, dancing seemed frivolous enough to him that it wouldn't absolutely beguile his stomach with guilt if they skipped out on it. With one last wicked grin, he turned heading towards the path he'd taken so many times before. Out there they could just be them, without the political facade, and hopefully that privacy would yield them time to get to know one another a little better before they were wed. Leading the way with a jaunty step, his eyes glimmering with excitement to slip past the castle walls he was nearly to the royal cemetery where all his family was buried when he glanced over at Elaine, and he couldn't help but wonder what kind of person she'd be had she not been born a Merton. A farmer? Or a poet? An esteemed socialite? Or a merchant? Did she ever think about that? As they neared the hole in the wall Colton was the first to slip through, stepping back a little and held his hand out to help Elaine through. "You coming?"
    March 8th, 2016 at 03:34am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ LaylaPetrovana

    Nikolai Torbjorn | Wolf King


    The young alpha’s hands itched, placing him at the edge of his seat. Every nerve ending irked him to move, to be productive as the seconds continued to slip away. His mind buzzed with the constant reminder of the impending attack, and it destroyed Nikolai at the realization that he was entirely powerless. Curling his fingers into a ball, Nikolai exited the room to release all his pent up energy. He wandered aimlessly throughout the village along its winding, unmarked pathways. The entire community was quiet and serene as its members peacefully rested, leaving only the sounds of nature to accompany him. Keeping his eyes fixed on the ground, the young alpha strolled until he found himself at the training grounds. It was as if his own body answered his question. There was at least one task he could do in preparation for the battle – train. Nikolai retrieved an axe from the shed, feeling the weight of it in the palm of his hand. It had been at least a week since he had picked up his trusted weapon yet it felt like mere minutes. In one swift motion, his fingers wrapped around the hilt of the axe and cut through the air. A feeling of ease washed over Nikolai, settling his mind for even a second.

    For the next hour or so, he continued his training and made his way through a series of exercise to mentally and physically tone and strengthen himself. Throwing, sprinting, and everything in between. The effects of his exercises were evident in his eyes as the storm settled, remaining at bay once more. At some point, the young alpha ditched his shirt to showcase the layer of sweat that encapsulated his body. He was so engrossed in his methods that he barely noticed the pair of eyes admiring from afar. Winding up his arms, Nikolai raised the axe far above his head before slamming it down and slicing the block of wood beneath. The snap of the log rang loudly in his ears, blocking out his surroundings. He placed his foot securely against the stump of the tree to pull the weapon out from its grain. Repeating the motion once more, he finished the set of logs and left his axe wedged into the stump. Nikolai reached up to wipe the sweat formed on his brow and turned to acknowledge his audience, a copper haired witch. The feminine voiced called out to him, realizing she was caught. You’re up early. Couldn’t sleep? He noted the amusement dancing in her eyes. “No, I was restless,” He admitted with a sigh, crossing the field to meet her at the fence.

    How did you rest?” Nikolai countered, knowing how meaningful today was. Although, he could have guessed her answer. His eyes bore into her own, sensing the same restlessness and understandably so. This was the day she would meet her mentor. A million questions must have been running through her mind. None of which he would be able to answer. Then, there was the fact that the whole entire pack was relying on how quickly Talen could learn how to manipulate her magic. Although the pack remained optimistic of her talents, there were a select few who doubted her abilities. That was enough to make any person’s mind spin. “You’ll be fine, Talen. You’re a fast learner,” He earnestly stated, hoping to easy her worry. However, their conversation was short lived as his father appeared from behind the shadows of the trees. “I apologize for interrupting. Talen, your trainer is here at the center of the village and would like to start as soon as possible,” His father explained, letting his eyes shift between the two. Damien could feel a connection brewing between both young adults and it was dangerous. “Nikolai, I would like to talk to you privately.” Nikolai nodded to his father and spared one last grin to Talen. “Good luck.”

    Once Talen was out of earshot, Damien approached his son with a calm demeanor unable to approach his worry in any other way. “Nik, you have to control your emotions. Nothing positive will come from having a romantic relationship with this girl. She is here to help us. You cannot distract her from that and distract yourself from your own responsibilities.,” The older wolf immediately cut to the point. At first, Nikolai could feel a surge of anger rush through his system at the accusation. How could his father believe that he would neglect his duties for a girl? They were in the middle of a war and his first thought was far from the desire for romance. Instead of lashing out, the young alpha took in a strained breath to settle his emotions. “Father, I can reassure you that nothing of that nature is happening between us. I merely give support,” Nikolai dismissed. However, Damien was far from convinced. His son was never the best at concealing his emotions. “Son, all I wish is for you to be more careful with your emotions. I do not doubt that you will take care of this pack. Just don’t be sidetracked by others and you cannot sidetrack Talen. Please, continue with your training. I believe in you.” Those words reverberated in Nikolai’s mind, fearful of the veracity of his emotions. He could not afford to be influenced by feelings.
    Elaina Merton | The Princess


    Well, I was hoping to convince mother to let us out of dancing lessons today. I’ll take you exploring around here. We can do the dancing tomorrow. That plan seemed far more interesting than attending to their royal duties, especially with this weather. The sun gently kissed her cheeks and the breeze flowed through her golden strands. Because I for one would hate to see a day like this go to waste. That was more than enough to convince Elaina of their detour. “I suppose that it wouldn’t hurt skipping today’s lessons,” She mused, confident enough in her own dancing abilities. After visiting the markets the other day, she was more than willing to explore more of the Elsekr kingdom. It provided a nice contrast to her kingdom’s barren, rocky lands. She had never seen such a diverse range of wildlife before and it immediately intrigued her. I can show you my favorite spot in all of Elsekr if you’d like. To which Elaina raised an eyebrow. “Wow, I would be honored,” She lightly teased, quirking a smile. The princess was never afraid to explore and get some dirt on her dresses, despite being scolded by her mother every time. If she ever heard about her excursions onto the battlefield.

    The princess felt her calm demeanor falter for a moment, letting her jaw slightly slack. But if you wish to rather dance with study old instructors- I understand. “I most certainly would not,” She defiantly replied, unable to foster a better comeback. Of course, as a Merton, Elaina grew up in an environment where she abided by every rule set by her parents. From one wag of the finger, she hung her head in shame. But the constant work drove her to the edge of insanity. She eventually learned that it was necessary to break free from duties every now and then. This would be no exception to that. “Now, let’s go,” She obliged, ushering for Colton to start off toward the path. Not used to the terrain, Elaina struggled to move over the various vines and roots that scattered about the forest floor. Her clothes were far from ideal for their journey, only hindering her movement more. She hiked up her dress a few inches to finally view the ground beneath her and avoided any truly embarrassing moments. It was practically a miracle. As Elaina continued to blindly follow him, she wondered if they would ever reach their destination as the fatigue started to affect her movements.

    That was until Colton slipped out of sight, causing her to pause her footsteps. She looked around in confusion and darted her eyes about until he peaked his head out from the cover of vines. A hole in the wall of the kingdom? Was it safe? However, she knew that he would never intentionally place her in any danger. You coming? Elaina reached out to take his hand without a second thought, allowing him to pull her through the foliage. On the other side, she was met with the most breathtaking view. Rows upon rows of the greenest trees she had ever seen filled the land, surrounding a lake centered in the middle. Animals flocked to the watering hole as a safe zone where every predator and prey ceased their chase. The sun glistened off of the bluest depths, enticing her to dive right in. It was the first time she had seen such a sight of peace, renewing her drive for the unity between their kingdoms. “I can see why this is your favorite spot,” She finally stated as a moment of silence passed between them. A small sigh passed through her lips, breathing in the scent of flowers. Here, they would be able to relax and perhaps even enjoy each other’s company.

    Elaina slipped out of her shoes and felt the dull ache of her feet from their trek. It wasn’t terribly long, but her heels were never made for a leisurely walk through the woods. The grass settled between her toes, tickling her ankles. “Oh, I wish we could go for a swim,” She thought aloud, clearly remembering the last time she was in a body of water. It was in the early years of her childhood. Her older brother, Nathaniel, forced her to sneak out for a moment between their lessons. She could clearly picture the excitement in his eyes as he dragged her out to the courtyard. Elaina cautioned Nathan that it would only bring them punishment if they were ever caught, but he never listened to a word she preached. Clearly, the fountain was nothing in comparison to the lake before her, but it was a wonder to her younger self. The time seemed to fly by as they splashed and dunked each other underneath the water. They most certainly were caught by the royal guards after they noticed their absence, scared half to death by the sudden disappearance of the prince and princess. By the time they returned back to their parents, their clothes were soaked and leaving puddles all over the castle. Her eyes dropped down to the grass beneath her at the memory of her deceased brother. She dearly missed him, knitting her eyebrows together.
    March 13th, 2016 at 06:47am
  • LaylaPetrovana

    LaylaPetrovana (100)

    United States
    Talen Falk | Naive ✘ Empathetic ✘ Fickle

    Talen had hurried off as soon as Damien had told the young witch her mentor was here. As she rounded a corner a man stood, back turned to her and skidding to a stop her gaze flickered over his attire. What he wore was a simple gray robe that seemed to shimmer beneath the light, complimenting his broad shoulders and straight posture. Almost the moment he felt eyes on his back, the man turned around and Talen was quite shocked at what she saw. A man, maybe eight or ten years older than herself stood there. His face was startlingly youthful, boyish almost in a sense. Large emerald orbs, reminding her of the barn cat that used to slink about the village fell on her with an air of surprising warmth. Thick, golden locks spilled past his forehead curling at the ends and reaching his ears on the side while his skin was a deep tanned complexion, speaking to the time he spent outdoors. "Talen." The kindness of familiarity reverberated in his words as he took a step forward, and before the redhead knew it, found herself wrapped in his embrace. "Oh!"

    Her squeak was muffled against his robes, and after a moment he stepped back, his gently shimmering with joy. "Forgive me. I overstep myself. It's just... You look so much like Bianca. I feel as though we already know one another. My name is Adrian, and I'll be training you in how to use your magic." Adrian's robes whispered as he moved, and she nodded. "Not at all. I'll be eager to begin training with you as well." Nodding he clapped his hands together, rubbing them apprehensively as he looked around with a sense of unease. "Right, well we can get acquainted over dinner. Shall we begin? Bianca left me with specific instructions on how to begin your training- and first off we need to unblock your magic." Unblock her magic? For some reason, that left a sour taste in her mouth. If Adrian noted he said nothing as he motioned for her to follow him. And Talen obeyed, falling into step slightly behind the strange man as he muttered under his breath about how he was sure that wolf had said the designated building he asked for was right around here.

    Finally they paused at a small building on the outskirt of the village and Adrian carelessly threw the door open, revealing a simple cabin, a few supplies of books, in the corner, a chair, and an otherwise empty room. "Here we are. Take a seat in the chair." Doing as she was told Talen cautiously crossed the threshold sinking down into the seat and watched as Adrian closed the door behind him. "Unblocking magic," He began wasting no time, "Is no easy feat. Especially not with the spell your mother used. Which was done because she had to. She was going into hiding and wanted to protect you. The child of a witch, especially as powerful as your mother, would normally manifest magic around the age of five. However, when you were born witch hunters were on a crusade. Anyway if I had the time, though that wolf explained I did not, I would do this gradually little by little breaking a seal at a time. However, we do not have the time. So I'll break them all at once."He talked incredibly quickly rummaging through his robe pulling out a stick of chalk, crouching down to draw some symbols around the chair she was seated in.

    When that was done the quirky man straightened and reaching into his robes held out a vial of green sluggish and thick looking liquid. ”Drink this. It’ll help keep you from going into shock, or being overwhelmed by the magic and experiencing… Adverse side effects..” he sounded as if he knew what he was doing so with gentle fingers she took the glass vial, pulling out the corkscrew top with a bit of difficulty. ”All in one go.” Adrian directed as he crossed his arms, watching dutifully as Talen swallowed the concoction- the contents she didn’t know but it tasted vile. Nearly gagging Adrian clapped his hands together, ”Right, now I apologize but this will hurt. Very much.” Before she was given a chance to react his large, soft hands were gripping the sides of her head, and he began chanting in a language she hadn’t heard before, but felt as if she knew. Like a faint memory. Breathing shallow and rapid, Talen squeezed her eyes shut waiting for… Anything. Any pain or the sensation that something was happening. ”Is something wrong? Is it not working?” Worry began to tense her shoulders, what if her magic wasn’t going to come back? If she could only do the little things she could in the village and be no better than a parlor trick magician?

    A few more seconds trickled by, when suddenly and all at once it felt as if her head was concaving. As if a levee had snapped and the fires of hell came pouring through her head, scalding down her veins all the way to her toes. If Talen could of made any noise surely she would've cursed, or cried out- though the scream that had built in her throat was immobilized by pain and leaked out of her throat as a low dismal moan, her lips pressed tight together and teeth clenched. Eyes snapping open she found her vision dotted by stars, pulsated by a blackness that threatened to overtake her. How long she stared up into Adrian's large mossy colored eyes she wasn't sure, though the pain peaked and peaked and peaked, each time bring a new level of pain to the young witch until, unable to take it any longer, passed out. For how long she was in the black space, her body still on fire from the unblocking of her magic she was unsure. How long her body ached and skin screamed as if being torn apart- it felt like an eternity. Though by the time she came back to she was tucked snugly in her own bed, and a hoarse groan slipped from her throat as she stirred trying to collect herself against the lingering pain and spinning vision.

    A glass of water was on the nightstand next to her bed, and without thinking she reached out to get it. However as she reached out she felt a force pulsate from her palm, and to her horror the glass flew from the nightstand, shattering against the opposite wall. "I see you're awake. You’re magic has been unblocked and tomorrow the real training can begin. And she’s fine, as I told you." Adrian was talking, his words a little dry. Propping herself up on her elbows Talen noted that it was already dark outside, just how long had she been out? It was then she noticed another figure sitting in the corner of her room, by the fire- Nik. He looked thunderous and was glaring at Adrian, though when he noted her gaze his expression quickly shifted to something kinder. ”Nik?” Her mentor made a noise beneath his breath and motioned towards him. ”I warned you that breaking the seals your mother put on your magic would be painful. The wolf heard you in distress and nearly interrupted the process. Gods forbid he had, no telling what would of happened. Anyway, when you blacked out he brought you back here and we’ve been waiting for you to wake up.” There was a displeased edge to his voice and softly she smiled at Nik, though she felt like death rolled over. "Thank you. It must of been a bother- I apologize."


    Colton Tattersall | Stoic ✘ Amiable ✘ Impulsive

    He could just feel himself relaxing as he crawled through the hole, fostered by time and neglected by humans. This corner of the palace ground was a resting place for his ancestors and family. No one ever came out, not back this far anyway where the first of the Tattersall’s were buried. As Elaine took his hand and he helped her through the hole, he mentally cursed himself for not taking into account her attire. It must of been troublesome for her to try to trek through the unkempt part of the grounds, and then out into the woods; but he hoped she thought it would be worth it. As she straightened herself on the opposite side of the wall, Colton let his gaze pridefully flicker around their surroundings. Rows upon rows trees stood proud and tall, their emerald colored foliage blocking out all but a few rays of sunlight was fell upon the forest floor. It was his definition of peaceful, and for a moment the young king took a moment to just... appreciate this. His face was turned upwards, enjoying the gentle beams of light that fell warmly on his sun-kissed skin. “I can see why this is your favorite spot,”

    Turning towards Elaine he smiled, clearly pleased with himself. "Yes, we are about to enter some troubling times. This place yields my mind peace, I hope it can do the same for you when I cannot." He honestly hoped that she could find a safe haven. A place she could forget about her troubles for a bit- and this place was perfect. The small lake shimmered brilliantly and a few assortment of animals stood about drinking it's cool, clean waters. Out of the corner of his vision he noted Elaine slipping out of her shoes and dutifully he followed as she began making her way towards the lake. As they neared the shore, the treeline broke away and the sun bore down on his broad back, illuminating his hair- a sandy mix of blonde and brunette. His gaze, as blue and rippling as the surface of the lake flickered around making sure nothing was out of whack. These woods were normally safe, though he did have to deal with the occasional poacher. And that wasn't something he wanted to do with Elaine around. She could get hurt, and things could easily go downhill. Luckily though, the pair was alone.

    Overhead birds called back and forth to one another while the forest sang with life. Once the deer that were flocking at the lake heard the humans, fumbling towards them- they perked their comically large ears before taking off. Their movements were graceful and nearly noiseless as they bounded back into the safety of the treeline. It was picturesque, and Colton couldn't stress enough how much he loved being out here. "Oh, I wish we could go for a swim,” Surprise colored his face, though it was pleasant. He assumed she wouldn't know how to swim- it didn't exactly seem like Khollager royalty would be much for swimming. An impish sparkle crept into his depths as Colton surveyed the lake. "The water does look nice. So cooling, especially in this dead heat." He agreed, as he bent down, kicking off his shoes. They were to be married soon, so he didn't really think twice about shedding his shirt. If they swam for an hour or two, their clothes would be mostly dry. Plus Colton could always sneak them into the castle with one of the many forgotten servant entrances.

    "Speak for yourself, but I think a swim is in order." He said once he stood shoeless in the cottony grass, it's blades tickling his feet. His mother would likely have a fit if she caught them- but no one ventured past the castle walls. Especially not her; and it was a sad life. A confined life- but it had been what his birthright was. And he was happy to lead his people, but hoped one day palace life wouldn't feel so suffocating. That there would come a day without war when the people didn't need to rely on their Baslieus as much as they needed to now. Sending his wife to be an impish grin, Colton took off towards the lake. The sun bounced off his skin, illuminating him and casting Colton in a golden glow. He didn't pause as he reached the water, instead continuing his charge and once deep enough- dived beneath the surface of the lake. The moment his head went under the world above was muted, and with a few powerful kicks, Colton swam a little further into the water. By the time he came up for air, gasping and filling his lungs back up with much needed breath- the male was up to his shoulders; his hair slicked back against his scalp and away from his stunning lapis lazuli depths.

    It was quite pleasant. The uncomfortable heat that had been causing him to sweat on their short trek down here was neutralized. Instead he felt quite refreshed as he splashed about for a bit before turning back to the shore where his wife was still standing as if unsure on whether to come in or not. "Elaine!" He called, his powerful voice carrying easily to her. "The water's fantastic. Come in!" Out of his siblings, Colton was the only one who actually could swim. Gregory had never a mind to learn, and his sister's wouldn't dream of creeping past the wall. Teaching himself to swim hadn't been easy, and a couple times he'd nearly drowned trying. But once he got the hang of it- Colton found it freeing. The king loved the way he could glide through the water so effortlessly, as if he were floating. And the occasional fish that brushed past his ankles was always amusing as well. Overhead the sky was still it's deep brilliant azure, fluffy white clouds dotted sporadically. It was times like this he dreaded going back to the stuffy castle. He hadn't really ever wanted to be a king.

    Colton always thought that honor would fall to Greg. Yet, when his brother died in battle he had become the last Tattersall male, and had to accept the fact that he would have to take over a kingdom. That his life of living free and careless wouldn't ever be realized- and he was okay with that on a level. The stuff of kings did run through his veins, and a drive to protect his people. A drive that had been lit the day he watched Greg dying, his hand held by Colton's fiancee, the Tattersall and Merton conflict forgotten while she comforted his dying brother. That was the day he truly saw peace for the first time, and that was the day that Colton thought there could be a way to make his ultimate dream of peace realized. Lazily he rolled to his back, floating for a bit lost in his own thoughts. This would probably be the only day they had in a long time to relax, just take a breath and enjoy themselves. After the wedding the real work would begin. The work of getting the people to accept Elaine; though he hoped there wouldn't be too much of a problem. If his people could just get over their initial fear and doubt of her... Surely things would be fine for everyone, and his people would understand that the Merton girl only wished to cease this endless war like he did.
    March 16th, 2016 at 03:48pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ LaylaPetrovana

    Nikolai Torbjorn | Wolf King


    Unable to shake his father’s words from his mind, Nik immersed himself back into his training to put a silence to the voice. He focused on the burning sensation in his muscles every time he drove down the battle axe, slicing the logs cleanly in half. The sun continued to beat down high above the horizon and gently kissed his skin while the cicadas sang their song. Thwack! Thwack! The sound calmed his mind as the motion quickly become robotic, drowning out all distractions. In that very moment, the background faded away into nothingness to create a world that only contained his training. Every single ounce of sweat that poured down the side of his face only attributed to one more ounce of strength for the war. Driving in one last blow, he wiped the sweat from his brow with an exasperated sigh from fatigue. All ten dozen of the logs were cut into halves, covering their supply for the next few weeks. His muscles would surely ache tomorrow morning, especially after pushing himself over the edge. The young alpha dragged himself over to the well and poured the frigid water over his head to cool off. Taking a moment to relax, thoughts of Talen crept back into his mind. How was she fairing? Did this mentor really know her mother? Could he ever answer any questions?

    A bloodcurdling scream cut through the radio silence, startling Nik from his trance. It echoed throughout the village as birds flocked away in horror of the origin of the sound. Quickly, his mind registered the distraught voice and took off in a sprint toward her location without a second thought. Nik raced over the forest floor and navigated through the trees roots with accuracy of a viper. The adrenaline spiked throughout his body and enable him to reach the edge of their lands in record time. He burst through the door to see a figure hunched over Talen who was sprawled on the floor, mumbling to himself. “Hey! Get away from her! What you’re doing is clearly hurting her.” Nik defensively called out, ready to launch and tear him away from her. The chanting continued to grow louder and faster as opposed to heeding his order. Closing the gap between them, he placed his hands onto the shoulders of the stranger to hurl him off of Talen until Damien called out to him. “Nik, you mustn’t disturb him. He is unblocking Talen’s abilities and there will be consequences if you interrupt this ceremony,” His father quickly explained, having the inkling that his son would rush over at the first belief of danger. In the instant, Nikolai felt his temper diffuse as his grip on the man loosened but his lips remained pressed into a firm line, confused by the whole ordeal. “He is supposed to be hurting her? Father, we needed someone to help Talen and not make things worse.” To which his father reiterated the importance of this ritual before leaving. In the end, all Nik could do was allow the warlock to finish his duty.

    As soon as the man finished, Nikolai rushed over to Talen and examined her state. “Move over,” The young alpha commanded, wanting the warlock as far away from her as possible. His hands reached out to push the loose ringlets away from her face, tucking them behind her ears. It appeared that the color was slowly returning back to her features and her breath was slowed and even. He would have preferred to believe that she merely took a nap as opposed to passing out. “I can assure you that she is fine and the ceremony was necessary. I would have never put her through that trauma unless it was required. You have to trust me with Talen and understand that I know what I am doing. " Adrian reassured the alpha, seeing the concern on his face. Unconvinced, Nik peered over his shoulder to shoot Adrian a scalding glare and scooped her up in his arms. “I’m taking her back to her room. She has had enough for one day,” He concluded, exited the cabin to return back to the center of the village. The warlock trailed closely behind, yelling out complaints of how Nik shouldn’t interrupt her training. How could this man have done this to her? That scream practically stopped his heart in fear of what might have happened to her. The dull ache still remained, making him furrow his brow. No, this was not the right person to train her.

    Returning back to her bedroom, he gently slid her beneath the covers of the bed and placed a glass of water onto the nightstand for when she regained consciousness. “She only needs some rest, and she will be good as new. It will take a while though because of how deeply rooted her mother’s block was, and I am sure you have other matters to attend to,” Adrian stated after following them inside, settling down onto a chair in the room. Nik narrowed his eyes once more and refused to leave her alone with this man for once more second, taking a seat by the fire. “No, I can wait until she wakes up.” Who knows what other trauma this man would subject her to? True to his word, Nikolai remained by her side until she began to stir far after the sun set on the horizon. The two men had been sitting in complete silence for hours, tolerating each other’s company. Thank you. It must have been a bother- I apologize.No, it was no bother at all. I was worried and not expecting anything of this nature on the first day of training,” Nik stated, allowing an sharpness in his voice to be directed toward Adrian. “How are you feeling? Are you hungry or feel any lingering pain?” He could feel a sense of relief wash over him seeing that she recovered, rushing over toward her bedside.

    Now that you have seen that she has recovered, perhaps you can trust me to take care of her now. There is still more that needs to be accomplished today and most of the day has passed. I have to get her magic under control, especially as her energy is practically bursting at the seams,” Adrian continued to rant on, hoping to convince the alpha. Nikolai could care less in this situation, thinking that Talen had suffered enough. “No, she needs to rest. You can continue tomorrow..” A frustrated groan left the warlock’s lips since the alpha was quite the stubborn one. “Fine, I will take my leave for the day and leave Talen with some reading material on spells. If anything, Talen, you must complete that before I see you tomorrow. I will be staying in the cabin at the edge of the village if you wish to speak with me. Please, take care of yourself,” He excused, drawing his robes closer to himself to protect from the chill of the night. Seeing that nothing else would be accomplished under the alpha’s surveillance, Adrian excused himself for the remainder of the day. However, their training would continue on tomorrow regardless of Nikolai’s wishes. “I’m not quite fond of him,” Nik admitted with a small shake of the head after the door promptly closed.
    Elaina Merton | The Princess


    The water does look nice. So cooling, especially in this dead heat. Elaina quietly raised her suspicions, taking note of the devilish glint in his eyes. Soon, her thoughts were confirmed as he exposed far too much flesh than she ever mentally prepared for. Her hands flew up to cover her eyes while she turned to face away from him in an attempt to give him privacy. A heat spread across her cheeks that surpassed the intensity of the sun’s rays, almost scalding her palms. It was a wonder how Colton could have such little reservations around her. However, the realization of marriage soon crossed her mind. They would be spending the rest of their lives together, sharing every precious, intimate moment. The idea of exposing some skin seemed insignificant in comparison. Speak for yourself, but I think a swim is in order. Spreading her fingers slightly, Elaina peeked out from behind her cover and over her shoulder in curiosity. Moments later her husband to be took off into a sprint toward the lake before ending his journey with a satisfying splash. A small moan escaped her lips, practically feeling the frigid waters washing over her. She stepped forward and waited for him to breech the surface with a cheeky grin. Oh, how she wanted to submerge herself underneath the waters. Their trek through the woods made her clothes stick to her skin, reminding her of the layer of sweat that formed. One small dip in the lake would completely cure her problem.

    Her eyes shifted back and forth between the lake and Colton’s discarded shirt, showcasing her internal battle. Her body inched forward toward the water while her mind reasoned to take shelter beneath a tree. Her mother would surely scold her for baring any skin toward a man that she was not married to. However, Elaina was to marry him in a few days and the opportunity was too rare. Elaina! The water’s fantastic. Come in! The future queen found it increasingly difficult to turn down his offer, realizing how enticing it truly was. “Okay, I am coming in. Just, just, please, turn around and no peeking!” She stressed still feeling a hint of embarrassment, stepping behind one of the nearby trees. Unlike Colton, her reservations lingered. She shed her dress and placed it gently onto the ground in a neatly folded square. Heavens forbid that the servants found a stain or a speck of dirt on it. Gingerly stepping out from behind the tree, Elaina wrapped her arms around her bare shoulders to hide any exposed skin she could. This was completely outside of the young princess’ comfort zone, wondering what spurred her to make this decision. Her eyes scanned over the waters to find the Basileus' broad shoulders facing her. The tension melted off of her shoulders as her arms relaxed down against her sides, seeing Colton heeding her request. As always, her fiancee listened to her wishes and obliged. It brought serenity to her otherwise cautious mind. She started off toward the lake but paused as her feet settled beneath the frigid water, shuddering underneath the sudden temperature change. Despite the discomfort, she pushed through the chill of the water to submerge herself further and found the coolness against her skin refreshing.

    Despite being surrounded with barren lands, her parents believed that their children should be prepared for any situation. This included somehow finding themselves stranded on a ship or in any body of water. From childhood, their parents subjected them to swim lessons. At the very least, both children would be able to keep their heads afloat until rescue came. She could still remember how horrified the mysterious blue substance made her. At a young age, she believed that the foreign body would swallow her whole. Only her brother could put her mind at ease, jumping into the blues first. He would hold out his hand with the most prideful smile, ensuring that he defeated all the monsters. This skill proved to be useful in this very situation, although not in the way her parents believed. Elaina slowly paddled over toward him and allowed a small grin to spread across her lips. “I cannot believe that we are truly doing this. Oh, Heavens forbid that our mothers find out about this,” She stated in amusement, picturing the sheer horror on her mother’s face. Elaina was principled to always follows the laws set before her and set aside any irrational emotions, but Colton seemed to bring out another side. A mischievous twinkle in her eye appeared as she reached out her arm to splash a wave of water in Colton’s direction. Laughter bubbled in her throat at the pure shock on his expression, believing it the was the first time she caught the Basileus off guard. Despite the common belief, it was possible for a Merton to have an ounce of fun every now and then. “Oh, I apologize, my love. I didn’t realize,” She feigned innocence, allowing his initial surprise to subside.

    This started a war of an entirely different kind as both continued to defend their pride. Elaina refused to back down from her aquatic attacks, strategically aiming her blows against him. She patiently waited for a moment of weakness or a way to distract him before striking. However, it was a rare moment that Colton presented her with this opening. Both sides proved to be formidable and ultimately ended in a cease fire. Completely drenched, she lightly giggled and applauded his efforts. “You put up an honorable fight, Colton,” She acknowledged with a hint of a smile. It had been ages since the last time she could recall having this much fun with another person. In the window of time, the war no longer existed and their responsibilities lifted off of their shoulders. They were merely a common boy and girl cooling off in the middle of the warm weather. “Thank you for sharing this spot with me. I truly appreciate it. There aren’t many places where I can escape everything,” She confessed, knowing that they would soon have to return. Their presences could only be missing from the castle for so long. She silently wondered if her mother worried about her whereabouts. With the sun beginning to set, the air began to cool and the wind started to drift in. Goosebumps formed over her skin, making her teeth chatter in response. Her eyes drifted back toward the shore with a sigh. “I think we should head back to the castle now before either of us catches an illness.

    Although, when she turned back to face Colton, he vanished without a trace beneath the dark waters. "Colton?" She called out, whipping her head around in search of her fiancee. Worry started to settle in the pit of her stomach as moments continued to pass. Elaina prepared herself to submerge underneath the surface in search of him until a pair of arms reached out to wrap around her sides. A yelp came out as the arms lifted her out of the water, finally revealing the hidden Basileus. The amusement was clear on Colton's features, seeing the impish twinkle in his eye paired with a smirk. She reached out to steady herself by placing her hands onto his shoulders while he settled her back into the water. She drew in a deep breath to relax her racing heart, unable to be upset with his stunt. "Okay, I must admit that you startled me," Elaina admitted with a light chuckle, recovering from the attack. Once the adrenaline dissipated, the young princess quickly became aware of the position she was in. Her body flush against his strong, muscular one as his warm breath tickled against her cheek. She felt paralyzed underneath his piercing gaze, drowning in the depths. Despite wanting to form words, her mind grew numb.

    (Sorry, I ended up editing the post to add more detail and since I also had an idea!)
    March 21st, 2016 at 03:57am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ LaylaPetrovana
    April 2nd, 2016 at 11:34pm