Different Hearts

  • LaylaPetrovana

    LaylaPetrovana (100)

    United States
    Talen Falk | Naive ✘ Empathetic ✘ Fickle

    Everything was still a little off, the room had stopped spinning though her throat felt cracked and dry. Her head was still slightly throbbing, but it was something she could ignore. What she could not ignore was the obvious tension between the two men. Adrian looked haughty, and annoyed with Nik's presence while the other man looked like he was trying to cover up just how furious he was with the situation. “No, it was no bother at all. I was worried and not expecting anything of this nature on the first day of training,” Her apology was waved off as he came to stand beside her bed; and while it was not directed at her the pointed edge in his voice made the witch flinch. But, then his voice was back to the way it normally was with her. Warm, protective... A sort of soothing that she could feel in her very bones. "Please don’t worry, I'm alright. The headache is going away." She promised. "I'm alright. Not very hungry or anything." To be honest, Talen felt like if she ate anything, it'd only get thrown back up. Her stomach was twisted and slightly nauseous. She had hardly answered when Adrian cut back in, reminding the young witch there was another presence in her room.

    "There is still more that needs to be accomplished today and most of the day has passed. I have to get her magic under control, especially as her energy is practically bursting at the seams.” Upon hearing that the redhead tried to sit up, to slide out of bed though Nik gently put his hand on her shoulder, silently indicating she should lay back down. The two men were staring- rather glaring would be more appropriate at one another. Adrian's colorful gaze was obviously annoyed as he crossed his arms, clearly not pleased with Nik's interference in whatever plans he had for Talen. Meanwhile, Nik was calm. Eerily calm, his gaze was hard, and his lips were firmly pressed together. His shoulders were stiff, and when he spoke there was a rough growl behind his words. “No, she needs to rest. You can continue tomorrow.” There would be no arguing with that tone, and Adrian seemed to concede to the alpha; a frustrated groan leaving his throat as he threw his hands up with agitation. “Fine, I will take my leave for the day and leave Talen with some reading material on spells."

    At this she perked up, and despite the rocky start everyone seemed to be off to, was rather eager. He motioned to a pile of books on the table near the fire, and she nodded. Once he left, she'd get right to studying whatever Adrian left her. "If anything, Talen, you must complete that before I see you tomorrow. I will be staying in the cabin at the edge of the village if you wish to speak with me. Please, take care of yourself.” The witch nodded, "I will. I'll see you tomorrow for training." She bade, and shortly thereafter he was gone, the door quietly shutting behind him and leaving the witch and the wolf alone. Once Adrian was gone that hard edge fell to worry in his eyes as Nik turned back to her. “I’m not quite fond of him,” Nikolai admitted, and Talen had to bite her lip to keep from chuckling. "I noted. Adrian likely means well. But it’s what I’m here for, isn’t it? To learn?"

    Leaning back on her pillows, she offered a small smile. She herself was apprehensive of going back to training tomorrow- but Adrian said today was necessary, she simply hoped the rest of her training wouldn’t be as painful. The room felt small, yet cozy between the two and recalling that he hadn’t budged from her side according to Adrian she felt her heart skip a beat. ”Did you really stay this whole time?” Curiosity tinged her tone as Talen rested her gaze on the wolf. This struck her as unusually kind. When she fell ill back in the human village people would visit throughout the day- but none would remain constantly by her side. ”I’m sorry. The day must of been wasted. I’m sure you’re behind on your own work now. There’s not a lot of time before…” Talen’s voice trailed off, in discomfort. She disliked even thinking what would happen once the two packs fought.

    She shifted, trying to sit up a little straighter on her bed, though her body ached. There was an odd sensation of her finger tips almost… tingling. Perhaps Adrian had been right in suggesting more training. Gods forbid she have a magic outburst. Was that even a thing? God she had so many questions for Adrian tomorrow, but perhaps the books would yield an insight to her newly unlocked abilities. Outside it was getting late, and perhaps if Nik left now he could catch up on whatever she’d caused him to miss today. Blinking wearily, she stifled a yawn behind her hand before slowly sliding to her feet to retrieve the books Adrian left behind. ”Today was a lot, but it’s necessary for what’s coming Nikolai. I can’t afford to be a burden to you, or any of your wolves during any fights; I have to uphold my end of our bargain. I can’t ask you not to worry- but I can ask you to trust me. I’m not as breakable as I seem; and I want to do this.”


    Colton Tattersall | Stoic ✘ Amiable ✘ Impulsive

    Elaine was no shortage of surprises- this much Colton was reminded of when she agreed to come in. So long as he turn around. ”As you command.” He promised, swiveling about in the water so his back was faced to her. He found himself forgetting about the Khollager reserve, and was shocked that his wife was comfortable enough to partake in his shenanigans, as his mother would say. A small smirk touched on his lips at the thought of his mother finding out about this aquatic venture. She’d be utterly displeased with him. She’d was already going to be upset that he skipped their dancing lessons. Shrugging it off the Basileus was jogged out of his thoughts when he heard the splashing of someone swimming towards him. Figuring that she was in enough that he could turn back around, Colton spun to face her; his eyes nearly the same shade as the water. “I cannot believe that we are truly doing this. Oh, Heavens forbid that our mothers find out about this,”

    He chuckled the sound bouncing around them as he lazily tread the water. ”I swear you were just reading my mind. If my mother finds out, she’ll probably refuse to take dinner with us for a few weeks. If your mother finds out- I may have to flee the country for fear of my life.” He joked, gaze twinkling. His streak of mischief seemed to be infectious as Elaine’s gaze brightened, and he was caught off guard as she splashed him. He made a sort of spluttering noise and a knee-jerk reaction pulled back a bit. Realizing what was happening Colton snickered; he never got to do this with his siblings. Or really anyone. His life had been mostly work, working to become a suitable heir, working to bring peace to his people, and to Elaine’s people.

    Most of the time he forgot to just take a breather, to take a rest and have some fun. He’d been raised with the ideology that fun wasn't’t a luxury he could afford. And he most subscribed to that idea; but today was an exception. “Oh, I apologize, my love. I didn’t realize,” She gasped, regarding him with a contrived, playful air of innocence. ”Alright, you asked for it!” He exclaimed, laughing as they engaged in a war that at the end of the day would have no casualties. Beneath the summer sun the king and his betrothed laid various thalassic attacks on one another. For the first time in a long, long time he didn’t feel the potent sting of urgency to end this war. To bring a new age to his people. Instead, he could truly just be as common and carefree as the next man as the two played beneath the sun’s rays. Elaine was quick as an eel, the spray of their watery splashes often clashing against one another. By the time they called a ceasefire, he was out of breath, laughing and positively grinning like a fool.

    He liked this side of Elaine. To see her carefree, happy, and Colton wanted to swear to her that he’d always try to keep things this way between them. However, he felt something that somber would ruin the mood; so instead he quietly swore that to himself. “You put up an honorable fight, Colton,” She stated, gracefully swimming nearer to him. ”I find little can match your strategic mind, and quick maneuvers.” He said in a mockingly grave voice. His grand mood was evident from how utterly relaxed he looked. There was no subtle shadow of worry behind his gaze, and his brows were creased with thought as they usually were. They had been out there a while, he knew the sun was on the verge of beginning on it’s final descent, giving away to night. If they weren’t back before dark; Mother would likely send guards as a search party. And if there was one thing he did not want, it was for anyone besides him and Elaine to figure out this

    “I think we should head back to the castle now before either of us catches an illness.” He nodded his agreement- gods forbid either of them be sick on their wedding day. He’d feel like a fool should that happen. Feeling there was time for at least one more antic, Colton quietly submerged himself beneath the waters. It was easy enough to swim towards her, and moving rather swiftly he firmly yet gently wrapped his arms around Elaine’s waist, and surging up from the water lifted his bride up into the air as he broke the surface. She looked panicked as she was lifted up to the air. Her hands instinctively found his shoulders as she stared down at him- and upon realizing what was going on, relaxed. He half-expected to be scolded as he set her back down into the water, but thankfully she didn’t seem to be terribly upset with him. Instead she chuckled, admitting that he’d startled her. He was about to apologize when he noted just how close they were. He could practically feel her heartbeat against his chest, and for a moment his own stuttered.

    Merton, Tattersall, fake marriage- none of that mattered to him in that moment. In that moment, where the lake seemed near magical, reflecting the orange and pink lights of the setting sun and sky- it was real for Colton. He acted impulsively, without any caution as he wrapped an arm around her waist, holding her to him as his other hand tilted her face up to him. Giving her enough time to pull away, Colton lightly brushed his lips against her’s- and when she didn’t pull away deepened the kiss. The Basileus would of thought with all the time he’d been spending with Elaine; he would of been prepared. In truth however- he was not. He hadn’t imagined how soft she’d feel against him, and how delicate her lips felt beneath his. A sort of fire broke in his brain, searing away any rational thought. It wasn’t until he’d pulled away from breath did he realize what exactly he had done. Almost immediately he felt shame burning his cheeks. Elaine from what he knew, was uncomfortable by such affections and god forbid he’d just ruined their marriage, which he was now remembering was political, by a kiss she didn’t want. ”E-Elaine I’m so sorry. I know you’re uncomfortable by this type of action- I just…. You.” He stumbled in his wording for probably the first time since meeting her, groping for the right way to put that she was beautiful and he’d quietly been adoring her since that time she’d held his dying brother’s hand. ”I’m sorry.” He finally settled for, averting her gaze.
    April 14th, 2016 at 08:37pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ LaylaPetrovana

    Nikolai Torbjorn | Wolf King


    I noted. Adrian likely means well. But it’s what I’m here for isn’t it? To learn? That Nikolai couldn’t deny. Adrian’s sole purpose was to help foster her magical abilities, and he had a connection to Talen’s mother. However, her gut retching cry would forever haunt his dreams and still made his hair stand on end. From his perspective, it could be considered a new form of torture. “I wish there were better methods to his madness,” He rephrased, finding the fatigue in her eyes. Even after losing consciousness for hours, the witch’s body had yet to catch up. The bed creaked underneath his additional weight as he settled down beside her. Nikolai reached out to take her hand into his palm, almost chuckling at the sheer size difference. She appeared to be so delicate but had the drive of a warrior. His gaze softened upon her while his brows unknit, relaxing his features. Without even realizing, the Alpha even released the tension in his shoulders for once. “I was truly worried about you. That split second where I found you on the floor and thought he had harmed you. I almost ripped Adrian’s fingertips from your head, but my father prevented my interference,” He explained, voicing his concern. Nikolai couldn’t even comprehend where this protectiveness stemmed from.

    Hearing her question, he refocused his thoughts and offered a small nod in response. “Well, I couldn’t leave you with him. I wouldn’t allow it, especially until you woke up,” He stated as a matter-of-factly. In his mind, it was no question as to whether or not he should have stayed by her side. His concern would have clouded every single moment of his time, incessantly poking. No, his place was by her side in her moment of vulnerability despite what Adrian tried to convince him. I’m sorry. The day must have been wasted. I’m sure you’re behind on your own work now. There’s not a lot of time before…. His expression darkened at the mention of the war, returning the tension in his posture. It was a fact that continuously loomed over his shoulder. Every second that passed drew them closer to battle. “Talen, I stayed with you because it took priority over everything else, and I don’t regret that decision. Your health is more important than any work that I had to do today. Besides, my beta enjoyed taking over for the day,” He reassured her. “I needed to know that you were safe and awake.”

    Nikolai’s eyes followed her figure as she retrieved the material left behind by Adrian, watching her thumb through the pages. Today was a lot, but it’s necessary for what’s coming Nikolai. I can’t afford to be a burden to you, or any of your wolves during any fights; I have to uphold my end of our bargain. I can’t ask you not to worry- but I can ask you to trust me. I’m not as breakable as I seem; and I want to do this. Her words were true. In this war, he couldn't afford to have any person holding them back from victory for the sake of his people. However, he doubted that Talen would ever become a burden. Her eyes burned with an undeniable conviction despite her fatigue, and this is what he adored about her. A silence passed between them until a sigh escaped his lips in defeat. “Okay, I trust that you know where your limits lie, but you must promise me to acknowledge them during your training. I need you prepared and in the best condition for this day. I know that you are not as breakable as you seem, especially after those days of training with me. Most of those I train have to take breaks in between exercises, but you powered through,” He settled on, gazing upon her favorably. Standing from her bed, he approached the table with the stack of leather bound books. They appeared to be hundreds of years old and thousands of pages long. Talen was in for a long night.

    I will leave you to your reading then. Good night, Talen. Do get some rest though,” He requested, unable to suppress his concern. Nikolai leaned down to brush a gentle kiss on top of her head before leaving her chambers to return to his own. The alpha hadn’t realized how emotionally taxed he felt until he found his father waiting inside of his room. “Nikolai, what happened today cannot happen again. You cannot interfere with Adrian’s process anymore. He came to me and voiced his concern that you may be too emotionally invested in Talen. He is afraid that it may hinder her studies,” His father calmly stated, reaffirming his beliefs. Nikolai grit his teeth in frustration not surprised that the warlock ran off to tattletale. “Father, I spoke with Talen already. I promised to remain out of her affairs. Don’t worry,” He dismissed with slouched shoulders, taking a seat on his bed. “Well, only time will show that, son. Good night then.” As soon as his father disappeared from the room, Nikolai groaned and collapsed onto the bed. There was no use in concealing the noise from his father’s superior hearing.
    Elaina Merton | The Princess


    Paralyzed by his searing gaze, every single movement felt amplified. The way his hand brushed against her skin and snugly curled around her waist. As Colton lifted her chin, her breath lightly caught in her throat at the realization of his intent. He gave her ample time to pull away and dismiss the situation, but Elaina didn’t wish to. Soon, the Queen found her eyes fluttering closed until his lips brushed against her own. Her heart swelled at his gentleness, indulging in the kiss. She felt safe in his strong arms and could only imagine the security of waking up in them every morning. All of her surroundings melted away and nothing seemed to exist other than their finite moment. No fake marriage. No war. Just a man and a woman. However, reality immediately came crashing back as soon as their connection was severed. Elaina immediately dropped her gaze to the waters beneath them unable to rationalize why she allowed that to transpire. In the end, their relationship was purely political. A heat spread in her cheeks unable to confront what occurred. E-Elaina I’m so sorry. I know you’re uncomfortable by this type of action- I just...You. I’m sorry. Despite feeling guilt for allowing her rational to dissipate, Elaina couldn’t deny her emotions nor solely blame Colton. “I-I…Do not apologize. You…I allowed you to,” She struggled to piece together, unable to truly explain herself.

    Regaining her composure, she summoned enough courage to cast timid eyes in his direction. “We should really return back to the castle. I am sure that our mothers are beginning to worry,” She reminded, pulling away from his warm embrace. The chill of the water began to creep back into her bones, prompting her to swim quickly back ashore. The ground beneath her feet felt foreign, but Elaina briskly walked to her clothes hidden behind the trees and slid the fabric back over her dampened skin. It clung to her every curve, making it slightly uncomfortable wear, but it was her only option. Covered by the tree, she leaned backwards against it while her hand flew up to touch her heart. It still beat inconsistently beneath her palm and her lips tingled in response. His touch was still vivid in her memories, and Elaina attempted to suppress any thought that lingered. In the end, their marriage was solely for the war. Any emotions that she had clouded her rationale and threatened her reasoning. She drew in a deep breath, commanding her heart rate to slow. Once Elaina deemed it appropriate, she reappeared from behind her hiding spot. “Sorry, I took so long,” She shivered, wrapping her arms around herself. The sun barely peeked out over the caps of the mountains and signaled the moon’s growing presence. With the temperature shifting, Elaine figured that they had an hour to return back to the castle.

    The journey back to the castle was uneventful with both settling into an uncomfortable silence. Elaina trailed a few steps behind Colton, glancing up at his figure every now and then. She thoroughly enjoyed their light-hearted banter and craved the normalcy as if it were a distant past. When they arrived back, each mother was waiting for her prospective child. Elaina’s eyes landed upon her mother’s disapproving gaze, seeing her soaked appearance. Shame immediately engraved itself on her forehead while she crossed the room to meet Charlotte. “M-Mother, I surely thought you had returned home,” She stuttered in fear of the her wrath. Her mother’s eyes pierced into Elaine’s as her mouth pursed. It seemed that she only gained Charlotte’s disappointment recently. “Perhaps it is better that I didn’t, and more importantly I stay for the duration of your time here. I left you alone for one day and look what happened. Now, wash up and make yourself presentable. We don’t need Elsekrs conjuring up more rumors Mertons,” Her mother’s voice dripped with venom, making Elaina shrink back. Her hands tightened around herself as she nodded her head under Charlotte’s scrutiny. “Yes, of course, Mother.” Glancing over her Colton’s direction, it didn’t appear that his conversation with Irene was far from her own. She retired to her bedroom and requested for a bath to be drawn, hiding herself behind the door.

    Elaina submerged herself into the waters heated to perfection. Closing her eyes, a sigh left her lips while her muscles relaxed and unwound from maintaining a straightened back all day. It was the first time the Queen was alone with her thoughts without her mother’s careful eye and Colton’s charming grin. Despite Charlotte’s obvious disapproval, Elaina wouldn’t change a thing. She needed a stray ray of sunshine in her life to brighten the darkness that surrounded her position in court. If only her mother could understand her reasoning. All the time she maintained a stoic demeanor that every Merton was trained from birth to keep. Emotions always fell second to rationale. Nothing should have phased her or jeopardized her role as Queen. But then there was Colton. He created a haze within her thoughts and brought a smile to expression. With him, Elaina could freely laugh without the constant caution of how it would affect her position. There was something about him that brought out her carefree side that lay beneath the surface. And that kiss made her heart fluttered and experience a happiness that she never thought possible. The mere replay of it made a giggle bubble in her throat. One that she didn’t feel remorse for.

    She found herself standing before Colton’s chambers, lightly knocking against the door. Enter. His husky voice called out, enabling her to step inside. Elaina softly closed the door and took in her surroundings, realizing this would soon be her future room. His chambers were bare except for the minimal pieces of furniture and much reflected her guest room except was larger. In the corner, the fire crackled and a gentle breeze came in from the balcony that she lacked. She found him seated on the bed with a troubled expression.“I came to see how you were fairing. Our mothers didn’t take lightly to our… What was it that your mother called it? Shenanigans?” She recalled after hearing bits and pieces of their conversation. Elaina crossed the room to meet him, more aware of his presence, as the butterflies reappeared in her stomach. His gaze automatically softened as it landed on her, making her recall their moment once more. “I just didn’t…want you to feel ashamed for what happened. It was a pleasant experience…I-I don’t regret it, even the kiss,” She trailed off, struggling to speak her feelings. Her cheeks were set aflame as embarrassment settled feeling like a blabbering idiot. “Um, yes, that’s all I wished to share.
    April 18th, 2016 at 03:48am
  • LaylaPetrovana

    LaylaPetrovana (100)

    United States
    Talen Falk | Naive ✘ Empathetic ✘ Fickle

    "Your understanding is much appreciated. You can count on me Nikolai, I won't let you down. And I'll try to get some rest." She promised in a nearly breathless voice as he bade her goodnight, leaving her alone with the books. For a long time she remained still, nearly frozen with the memory of his lips against the top of her head. Her heart still thundered in her ears, and cheeks nearly matched her hair Talen was sure. She tried telling herself that it didn't mean anything, it was simply a friendly gesture; but that didn't stop the butterflies rocketing about in her stomach. Talen eventually began to try to read, focus, and retain information but it was difficult as she could still vividly feel Nik's rougher, calloused hands against her own. The way that they just about dwarfed her, yet with their brute strength he treated her only with an innate gentleness. No, she could not be getting distracted like this. If she should fawn over Nikolai, Talen wasn't sure she wouldn't be a burden to him on a battlefield. Not to mention- what right did she have?

    Talen had no idea how picking one's mate worked around here. Normally in the village things were arranged for the prospective couple. Their parents worked everything out- who was to say that Nikolai didn't already have a betrothed? A flush broke out across her cheeks- back home all this would be considered quite scandalous, yet... Talen wasn't back in the human village. Not anymore. She was amongst wolves and found herself becoming more and more drawn to their alpha with every passing day. Sighing loudly, more like a groan she forced herself back to the books. From what she was able to gather was, there near infinite types of magic users. Main groups, sub-groups, and the trick was finding out which type of magic you were inclined to wield. From black to white magic, five different elemental types, sub-genres of the elemental's, chants, rituals, alchemy... It felt overwhelming for Talen. An hour later, a hundred pages in, and the witch's head felt like it was splitting.

    What good was all this information? What was Adrian trying to accomplish? To see what kind of magic-user she was? To let her peer into the ever-complicated world of magical beings? All she needed to know was how to protect and maim someone on a battlefield. She needed to know how not to be weak, how not to rely on Nik and his wolves for help, because they'd be busy fighting this battle as well. By the time the sun crept up, it found Talen her cheek rested against one of the ancient books, snoring lightly at her table. She had fallen asleep studying, and had managed to get through most of the book, albeit by skimming. It was a cramping in her back that woke the young witch, with a start it was noted as she jolted from the table. Groaning, trying to stretch out the cricks in her back she cast a glance towards the window, and realizing the sun was rising; figured she may as well. Talen went about her normal morning routine, though this morning with her book nearly attached to her hand. In the bath she was quite careful to hold it out of the waters, and the only moment she paused was when ruffling through the clothes that had been provided.

    She settled for a forest green dress of thin material that fell only to her knees. She smiled thinking of the reactions of her family from the walls. They wouldn't even recognize her now; and it'd only been about a month. Once that was done, her hair bulled back into a simple braid, Talen headed towards the dining hall, her nose still in the book Adrian instructed her to read. After breakfast she'd go to Adrian to begin the real training. Upon getting there, settling down with a simple plate of bread and butter, and different fruits she'd take alternate between reading a stretch and taking a bite of food. Lost to the world she didn't notice as a familiar figure took a seat beside her, not until they cleared their throats. Glancing up, half-expecting to find Nik, she instead found Adrian. The warlock nodded towards her book, a small smile turning up the pale corners of his lips. "How have you been finding it? Normally I wouldn't just let a student off with a book, but extreme circumstances call for extenuating measures, no?" Around them a few half-awake wolves were softly chatting amongst themselves and Talen nodded to his words. "I um... It's interesting." he agreed, alluding to her confusion about each group and sub group. "Good, today we're figuring out which kind of magic you lean towards. Your mother was a practitioner of white magic, and her aligned element was water." Adrian paused to take a breath and then continue.

    I prefer to practice in alchemy, but I know my way around spellcasting. Obviously, spell casting will be the goal of this tutelage, and should you decide to pursue a higher education in magic, I'd be happy to continue to teach you."
    He chattered like a child on their birthday, all excitement and charm. Taking a bite, she smiled as he continued. "Finish your breakfast, afterwards come to training alright? Eat up, you'll need your strength." Adrian bade, though he lingered quietly for a moment. The earlier charm and excitement dropped, to something drier and somber. "Also... Yesterday I apologize that it was difficult for you. But I ask that you talk to the wolf. He can't keep disrupting your studies like that." There was a hard edge to the warlock's voice and Talen frowned, hesitantly nodding. "Alright. I'll see you when I'm done with this." She muttered, though it was spoken to the back of Adrian's robes as he'd already made his way up and was swiftly walking towards the door. Her frown remained as she turned back to her breakfast, rolling her eyes. What did Adrian expect Talen to do? Nik would do as he pleased, and he'd only been worried. The copper haired woman decided that it wouldn't need to be brought up to him as she took another bite of an apple on her plate, already turning back to the ancient, leather bound book.


    Colton Tattersall | Stoic ✘ Amiable ✘ Impulsive

    Thankfully his actions hadn't seemed to make Elaine want to run faraway from him, to end their marriage. Unfortunately as the two swam to shore, and Colton stepped back into his shed clothes, a thick silence fell about them. It felt heavy and awkward and he wasn't quite sure how to abate it. It only added to his lists of worries as they headed back, Elaine a few steps behind him as Colton trekked towards the castle in the setting rays of light. What had he done? Yes, he had always felt drawn to her- since the day she held his dying brother's hand. To him, she'd always represented the ultimate vision of peace, and Colton had admired her more than he'd admitted to himself at first. Elaine was the first person to treat him as another human being. Not an enemy, not a killer, and not the last true Tattersall heir. He'd simply been Colton to her- and for that the young King found himself able to open up to her. Had found himself drawn to her like a lonely wolf to the moon. And Colton wasn't entirely sure that was a good thing. It would mean that should he fall in love with her, quite literally every possible thing that could matter to him, his people, the peace he so desperately wanted, and his love, would be voided should something happen to her. The mere thought made the young king's stomach clench with terror.

    He hardly noted as they slipped back onto palace grounds, and towards one of the side entrances of the courtyards. Colton was figuring he could just slip up to his room, he was somewhat surprised as they slipped into the main hall to get to the stairs that would lead to their respective bedrooms, not only Tattersall Royal Guards, but Merton ones as well. Wrenched from his inner musings, he cast a confused glance towards Elaine furrowing his expressive brows. Her mother had come back? And already? Colton was under the impression she'd want nothing to do with the pair. As Charlotte's gaze fell onto his bride, Colton winced feeling a familiar gaze wrought with anger fall onto him. Turning his head, he found Irene, clad in her normal black attire, her emerald gaze alight with wroth. He wanted to wish Elaine good luck, but didn't want to make her situation any worse as she meekly went to her mother's side. Exhaling composing himself, Colton strode towards Irene. "Where, in Mara's name have you been?!" She hissed, and the King simply shrugged. "Showing Elaine the palace grounds so she may feel more at ease here. I thought she was-" Irene cut him off by pinching the top of his ear, and Colton realized how upset she was.

    "Do you any idea how worried I was, you stupid foolish boy?! First I hear you skip dancing lessons, then no one can find you! Or the Merton girl! Then she shows up, asking for Elaine! And I had to explain that I wasn't quite sure where either of you were! Gods forget her thinking I'm a bad queen, now she thinks I'm a bad mother and an incompetent queen!" Irene hissed beneath her breath, each word twisting a little harder at his ear until Colton felt like it was going to fall off. "Mar- I'm sorry! Alright?" Irene made a grumbling noise, letting go of her son's rather red ear and narrowed her eyes. "Well you can go and apologize to Charlotte now. And from now on I'm putting four guard on you and Elaine whenever you wish to leave the castle walls." Irene directed, and Colton knew better to argue. Turning to go to the Merton Queen and apologize Irene whacked the back of his head, though there wasn't that much force put into it. "Not now! Tomorrow. We're taking our breakfast all together as we fill Queen Merton in on the wedding plans. And if you think I am going to help defend this little escapade tomorrow- you have another thing coming. There's dinner in your room now scat!" Sometimes Colton forgot how fearsome Irene's temper could be. Muttering an "Alright" he turned and hurried to his room.

    It was for the best. He had seen the way that Elaine's face paled with fear in front of her mother; and Colton was in no mood to hear anyone using anything that was less than respectful when addressing his Naga. Including the Merton Queen. Had he been sucked into speaking with her at that moment, he likely would of only caused more conflict. Gritting his teeth he made his way to his bedroom, and once alone shed his clothes to change into some nightclothes. This day had worn him out, and he was ready to simply fall asleep and hopefully forget his fright that with that kiss- he had complicated an already delicate situation. For a while he lay beneath his grand covers, trying to force himself into a deep sleep. Yet try as he might, his brain would not still for it kept the memory of Elaine's lips alive against his own. His hands relieved how soft and delicate she felt beneath his calloused palms. Sighing, figuring that sleep now would be moot, rather than sleep in an hour, Colton swung himself out of bed- making his way to the balcony. He was studying the moon, it's pale silver beauty when he heard a knocking at his door. "Enter." He called, loudly enough for whoever sought his presence to hear. Turning so his back was leaning against the stone railings of the balcony, he was surprised when Elaine made her way towards him. “I came to see how you were fairing. Our mothers didn’t take lightly to our… What was it that your mother called it? Shenanigans?” Colton chuckled, a small smile lighting upon his lips.

    "Ah, well I may be down an ear and disfigured now- but other than that I didn't really get into much trouble. She was more upset that I didn't tell her where we went; and that she had to tell your mother that." Colton explained a smirk on his lips. He wanted to reach out, embrace her and ask about her own mother, but he refrained. “I just didn’t…want you to feel ashamed for what happened. It was a pleasant experience…I-I don’t regret it, even the kiss.” Colton was actually kind of shocked that she didn't want him to feel ashamed for their shared kiss. "I don't regret it Elaine. I just was... uncomfortable in the fact that I may of offended you- but I suppose neither of us have anything to be sorry for. We'll be husband and wife come two day's time. There'll be lots more kisses for you than just today Love." He said, an affectionate grin touching wickedly upon his lips. "I really enjoyed my time with you today Elaine. Truly." His features melded back into something kinder, a streak of geniune happiness. "Unfortunately, with each of my siblings passing the castle became more and more empty and I found myself with less and less playmates. Then when Gregory became the heir, my mother decided that both of us would need to focus more on succession. Things became a lot less fun after that- but today... It was a welcome reprieve from what our normal duties will be."
    April 19th, 2016 at 02:26am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ LaylaPetrovana

    Nikolai Torbjorn | Wolf King


    The following morning the wolf rose with the sun, stretching his arms up to the heavens. However, his father’s warning echoed through his thoughts and made his sleep restless. Nikolai’s first instinct was to seek out Talen to reassure her health but refrained. She requested his faith in her and that he would abide by. If she required his assistance, he clearly conveyed his willingness but until then Nikolai had to remain within bounds. He slipped out of his bed, feeling the cool cement against the soles of his feet. Nikolai breathed in the smell of pine and caught the subtle hint of baby’s breath. Spring was approaching sooner than the pack initially though, making it the prime moment to seek out resources. Wiping the sleep from his eyes, he recalled requesting to help scavenge for materials the previous night. Of course, he refused to tell another soul about how urgent their situation truly was and feigned the need to spend time outside of the war room. Besides, the group was honored to receive their alpha’s assistance in the matter. Nikolai dressed in a pair of dark washed jeans with a fitted green t-shirt before leaving to meet up with the group at the edge of the village. All greeted him with the utmost respect for their future alpha before embarking on their journey.

    Their group was a mixture of ages and personalities. Old, young, and everything in between. There were some who enjoyed mingling with others within the crowd while others remained reserved. Despite the diversity, every person seamlessly weaved together and moved as one body. No individual lagged behind the pack, adjusting the pace to accommodate all. A man boisterously laughed at a joke from his companion, slapping the young man with approval. An older woman knelt down to pluck a daisy from the ground to gather a bouquet of flowers. Nikolai silently observed his pack members until a man’s hand clamped down on his shoulders, pulling him from this thoughts. “Nikolai, I’m glad you could join us,” Jeremy stated with a grin, strolling up beside him. The middle-aged man held a brilliant, whimsical light within his eyes that matched the sun's. It was almost too much for Nikolai to directly look at. “Oh, it’s my honor. All of you play an important part in the pack, and I just wanted to tag along to see what it was like,” He remained modest, not needing any of the praise. “Listen, I know that you have more than enough on your plate right now but your father approached me with the prospect of you marrying my daughter. You know, Sierra. Although nothing is confirmed, he appeared to be quite certain that this arrangement would happen,” He continued on, making his point of the conversation. “I don’t know when your father planned on telling you, but I’m trusting you take care of her. A father always worries.” Nikolai merely stared the older man, completely caught off guard by his words.

    It was true that Nikolai knew well of Sierra, especially growing up beside her. Her caramel hair and hazel eyes caught the attention of many males within their pack. She had a gentle personality and currently had a role in textiles. An ideal mate. They had few interactions other than the occasional greeting whenever they ran into each other. However, he was unaware of this father seeking out a mate for him. Despite realizing that an arranged marriage would come, he never believed it would come so soon. Nikolai thought the war took precedence over other matters and the idea of mates was well off the table. Nikolai had a nagging suspicion this rush was due to his enigmatic emotions for Talen. Regardless, he had no say in what his father’s actions were and merely had to respect his decisions. “Um, yes, I will speak to my father later about the matter, but I appreciate your words and confidence within me. If this does come about, I promise that I will do my best to honor her,” He calmly replied, attempting to conceal his surprise. “That’s all I needed to hear. I believe that you and my daughter will make a fine pair.,” The burly man stated, releasing Nikolai’s shoulder with a firm squeeze. Once the father wasn't in ear shot, he lightly sighed at another matter sprung upon him. He wished that his father would have at least warned him about such matters. Within the next few minutes, they arrived at their site and began to disburse into smaller groups.

    By the end of the day, they managed to find a plentiful amount of supplies and returned back to the village in victory. The young alpha learned a new appreciate for what they did and how they operated. All day they were down on their hands and knees searching through foliage for a plant that was one in a million. It took patience that the alpha clearly lacked after being unable to stay within an area for more than ten minutes. Despite being in prime shape, Nikolai’s back ached and neck tensed from being hunched over. “I just wanted to thank all of you for what you do for this pack. Without every single one you, we wouldn’t be able to perform at maximum efficiency. Please, have a good night’s rest and take care of yourselves,” He dismissed, watching the members dissipate. Nikolai dragged himself over toward the dining hall to eat his first meal of the day. Other than the occasional granola bar, he couldn't truly settle down since they left this morning. Despite knowing it was improper, the alpha couldn’t help but slouch in his chair and rested his elbows onto the table with exhaustion. His hand ran over his neck, feeling the muscles knotted underneath the surface. Surely, his parents would lecture him for his lack of manners but that was the least of his worries at the moment. Nikolai scarfed down his meal and allowed it to settle in his stomach with a satisfying sigh.
    Elaina Merton | The Princess


    Elaina stepped out onto the balcony with a hint of a smile forming on her lips, slipping back into their usual routine. Despite its harsh ending, the night retained its soothing effect. She relished in the silence of the town and was comforted by the fact that all would soon sleep soundly. No more war. No more suffering. The dark skies were blanketed in stars while the moon shone directly overhead and beamed its light down upon them. It was a gentle light that softly illuminated their surroundings, allowing her to make out Colton’s features. “Ah, well I may be down an ear and disfigured now- but other than that I didn’t really get into much trouble. She was more upset that I didn’t tell her where we went; and that she had to tell your mother that.” A small chuckle bubbled in her throat, realizing how similar the Queens truly were. Despite her mother’s sharp gaze, there was a hint of amusement that lay underneath the surface. Charlotte must have taken a great deal of pleasure in catching Irene off guard, considering its rare occurrence. Perhaps it was the reason why her mother hadn’t thoroughly pressed for her whereabouts. “I see, I suppose you didn’t need that ear anyway,” She waved off, allowing a smile to breach the surface. “In all seriousness, I’m glad that your mother didn’t do worse. She seems quite stern when it comes to you, but she obviously means well.”

    On her end of the ordeal, she was shocked to find that her mother had returned back to the castle. She expected Charlotte to be well on her way back to their lands, especially after their rocky farewell. Elaina received no letter in advance about her mother’s sudden change of heart or intention of remaining on Elsekr lands. Recalling her mother’s words, she pondered the thought of this being Charlotte’s way of attempting to accept their marriage. Her mother was always quite the stubborn person and the most secretive of her true emotions. Even with the happiest of news, Charlotte could keep her stoic demeanor. “I actually had no idea that my mother remained on Elsekr lands. She appeared to be quite intent on leaving as soon as possible, but I think she is trying. I just know that if she sees and understands everything that I have come to that she will grow fond of this arrangement,” She stated in certainty, determined to remain positive. There could be no other reason for her mother’s extended stay. The thought of Charlotte attending their wedding raised a weight off of her heart, bringing a sense of ease to Elaina. “I’m not quite sure that my mother will be accepting of the wedding arrangements though. She may actually be appalled by some of it, so I apologize in advance for any scene that my mother may cause,” She warned, knowing that her mother would enjoy creating some havoc.

    I don’t regret it Elaina. I just was… uncomfortable in the fact that I may of offended you- but I suppose neither of us having anything to be sorry for. We’ll be husband and wife come two day’s time. There’ll be lots more kisses for you than today Love.” There it was. Elaina averted her gaze with scorched cheeks unable to comprehend how in tune Colton was with his emotions. He could clearly convey his thoughts while she fumbled over every little word. “You never offended me. It was…just a surprise. A pleasant one nonetheless,” She reassured, reminiscing in the sensation of his lips against her own. “I really enjoyed my time with you today Elaina. Truly.” Her eyes rose to hold his gaze once more, sensing a warmth in his eyes. A smile spread across her lips, wishing to see this happiness on his expression every day. Far too often, Colton held the same furrow of the brow with firmly pressed lips. “Unfortunately, with each of my siblings passing the castle became more and more empty and I found myself with less and less playmates. Then when Gregory became the heir, my mother decided that both of us would need to focus more on succession. Things became a lot less fun after that- but today… It was a welcome reprieve from what our normal duties will be.” Elaina’s heart throbbed at the mention of the deceased heir, recalling the moment that he passed clutching onto her hand.

    Yes, I quite enjoyed it as well. I can’t recall the last time I had this much fun with another person. My older brother, Nathaniel, used to force me to play with him all the time. We would fool around in the fountain in the courtyard, splashing or dunking each other. And my mother would find us with a venomous glare similar to the one she gave me when we reappeared. One time he even shoved a frog in my face, knowing that I detested the slimy creatures,” She groaned, wrinkling her nose at the memory. Elaina vividly recalled its clammy skin against her cheeks and the scream that erupted from it. “Then, the war claimed him as soon as he came of age. And that was the end of it,” She lightly bit her lip, realizing this was the first time she had spoken of Nathaniel. Within her household, the mere mention of his name was forbidden. Every person honored the deceased heir yet not one person spoke of him. It was a silent rule within the Merton family that every person in court obeyed. It was still difficult for Charlotte to wrap her mind around her only son’s death with Elaina not far behind. Elaina’s chest squeezed from a sharp pain as the memory of her older brother spilled from her mouth. Both unable to cope or to grieve with their loss.

    Elaina drew in a shaky breath to stabilize her emotions, suppressing the thought of tears spilling from her eyes. No matter how well she hid behind her mask, a dull ache always resided in her heart. “I don’t know how to handle all of this sometimes,” She confided, placing her hand over her heart. Her pulse was steady and strong beneath her palm yet Elaina felt far from it. The young queen knit her eyebrows together in an attempt to push the sadness beneath, but it continued to bubble to the surface. Long before she realized, a tear slipped and cascaded down her cheek. A small gasp escaped her lips as she immediately reached up to wipe the wet residue. Now, she was truly a mess. “Oh, I apologize. I don’t… I don’t understand why I am being so emotional,” She choked, attempting laugh off the situation. From birth, her first lesson as a Merton was to conceal any emotions that would perceive her as weak. At the top of this list included crying. Elaina never allowed herself to cry in front of any person other than Nathaniel and, now, Colton. “It will subside. Just a moment,” She promised with sadness pooling in her eyes, turning to face away from him. Colton needed a tenacious, reliable Naga by his side, which was far from what she was currently presenting. If Nathaniel saw his sister now, what would he think of her?
    April 24th, 2016 at 09:08pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ LaylaPetrovana
    May 17th, 2016 at 01:28am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ LaylaPetrovana
    May 27th, 2016 at 04:09am
  • LaylaPetrovana

    LaylaPetrovana (100)

    United States
    Talen Falk | Naive ✘ Empathetic ✘ Fickle

    "Talen, you're not concentrating. You need to clear your mind." Adrian explained for what was probably the zillionth time that day. Talen had scurried out to the training field the moment she finished her breakfast, passing by a few familiar faces who greeted her warmly. Though she hadn't time to stop. Then, Adrian lectured her for about an hour on the importance of meditating both in the morning and then at night to help keep her mind focused and sharp. From there he'd transitioned from the types of magic he'd be teaching her- mainly bursts of her own compressed magic to throw targets, fire-magic, and healing types of magic if there were time. Her mind was racing, though he hadn't let up. Once he was finished going over his lesson plan of the week, the blonde warlock had told her to conjure a flame, to remember her magic was the manner in which she manipulated the physical world, and matter, about her. It had been off to a rocky start. Talen's mind was racing, distracted trying to comprehend everything, and worrying if she'd be ready for the what would be her first fight.

    "Talen, you need to think of the flame. Feel your magic shifting to form it in the palm of your hand. Think of the warmth against your skin, the size- hell think of the color Talen. The more specific an image that you can channel your magic into- the easier it'll be to summon." Adrian had tried to lecture twenty minutes into the little witch trying and failing to summon anything more than a few sparks on the outstretched palm. He was a difficult teacher, that much was obvious and his style was rather different than Nik's. The alpha was always firm, but kind in how he taught. If she was in the wrong position for a throwing dagger, or a punch he'd reposition her himself, and would do so until her muscles remembered the move. If she was taking too long to slug a punch, Nik would catch her wrists, and talk out what she'd done wrong. Adrian was completely different. He sat on the fence a few yards away, his gaze flickering from her, to some notes he was scribbling down. It honestly felt like Talen was being graded. And his instructions, tended to start off vague and cryptic, growing more and more pointed and detailed the longer it took for Talen to understand something. He seemed to like watching Talen figure this out on her own, to really dive down into her magic and understand it.

    And Talen figured that magic just wasn't like physical fighting. Nik could show her, tell her how to move, how to throw a punch or show her how to hold herself while throwing a dagger. She doubted magic was that easy to teach. It was a little different for everyone she was figuring out. And it was up to Talen to understand how her own magic worked under Adrian's guidance. The more that Talen figured out for herself, the better she reckoned. Not to mention that Adrian and Nik were very different people. She had been expecting a different sort of teaching. However, as they stood in the field which Nik had shown her how to throw a dagger, how to fight or at least the basics, she found herself missing the dark haired wolf. She hadn't seen him that day, and couldn't help but wonder what he was up to. Though Adrian would always be quick to snap her attention back with a, "Talen! Your mind is straying, whatever you're thinking about it can wait." And she'd blush and sheepishly mutter an apology. Right now, Talen tried to remind herself she couldn't focus on anyone but herself. Someone may depend on her in a fight and Talen didn't want to be the reason that someone in the pack died. The training continued and the witch would liken it to pulling teeth.

    It was long, and arduous though by the time that Adrian called a late lunch for the two, she managed to summon and throw four fire balls in rapid succession. While the warlock didn't directly praise her, she could tell he was pleased with his small smile. "We'll take lunch in my temporary quarters." He had directed, assessing that Talen likely needed to take a beat to regain some stamina and get out from under the spring sun. Their walk was quiet, and she noted that there were already a couple sandwiches laid out for the pair. "I made these this morning. They're still fresh however, so help yourself. I'll get you a glass of water." Out of training, Adrian was still brisk but there was a boyish sort of kindness to his voice. The little copper haired witch had taken the seat that was basked in rays of sunlight, streaming in through the small window. Their lunch was quiet for about ten minutes before Adrian finally spoke up. "What are your plans for after this war? When the pack has won, when Nik is victorious what will you do? Where will you go?" Talen had paused in her munching of her food furrowing her brows. "Here. Our agreement was that I could stay with the wolves, since the Human village my mother left me in would burn me at the stake."

    She thought he'd been told this and for a while he stared in silence at his plate, not touching much. "Talen, I made a promise to your mother. If something happened to her, I would find you and I would look out for you. I was only ten when she died. I didn't know until last year. I figured she'd gone deep into hiding." He stated, his gaze troubled. Talen hadn't known that and feeling he wasn't done remained quiet. "You wouldn't know much about her... But she was a wonderful woman. Honest, strong, kind... My role model really. I just wanted to be like her when I grew up. My parents died when I was five, she took me in and I became her pupil." He explained, seeming almost worlds away. "The wolves have had their wars, and we've had ours. It's what made your mother run. She spent time with wolves and shortly after coming back to the Shining City- where most of our kind resides, had you. Then the crusades began. Some of our own kind, the darker assortment turned on the city breaking past it's protective spells and barriers. Your mom decided to run, I stayed behind to help. But I promised if something happened to her, I'd go looking for you."

    Talen hadn't known this, and she remained quiet, lost for words. "When I heard that Bianca died- I did come looking for you. But I realized your magic was locked, and I figured that you'd be best in a human village where you could live normally. But then the wolves made good on their agreement with your mother. I think she was only trying to create a network of people that would look after you should she perish- but now they've dragged you into a war that you're not ready to fight. You're learning faster than most of my students, especially for being thrown into the deep end. But you don't belong here at the end of the day." He spoke bluntly and Talen's nose scrunched up, about to scold Adrian for his last comment though he continued in his melodic voice. "You belong with your own kind. The wolves will never see you as one of their own. You can be a friend, but you won't ever belong here. You'll be alone, and unable to further our craft. I know you're attached to them, but I'm asking you to consider coming back to the Shining City with me once this is all over. I still run your mother's shop. It's rightfully yours. I'll continue to tutor you, and you won't be the only witch within a thousand mile radius. I already spoke with Damien. He thought it was a very good idea and would be okay with you coming with me once this is over." Adrian offered.

    She was, quite honestly, shocked by this. She hadn't really thought of it like this. She just figured that she would have a place here. But as much as she hated it, there was some validity to what Adrian was offering. She was going to be the only witch here. The few friends she made, their loyalties would always be with the wolves. They would have their own lives. Their own jobs and mates and pups of their own. And Talen? Who knew. If she went with Adrian back to the Shining City she would be surrounded by other witches and warlocks. She'd have a tutor. "Don't answer now. This war isn't going to be short or pretty. You'll have time to decide. Think on it, the pros and cons. If you're finished with lunch let's get back to training okay?" As he spoke, Adrian rose to his feet and the young witch nodded. The rest of the training practice was difficult. She was tired, though by the time had set behind the village, she had managed to summon and throw ten fireballs within six minutes. Two minutes above what Adrian wanted, but she was exhausted and the two decided to call it a night. The blonde warlock bade her goodnight before heading back to his quarters- leaving Talen to mull over her new option. She was drawn here, and she'd admit that it was because of her oracular attraction to the alpha. He was the sea and she a sailor; Talen was drawn to him.

    And in a way that if Adrian was hinting at, would not be looked fondly by the rest of the pack. Would she be insane for turning an offer like this down? Would she really ever be considered a full pack member here? A soft frustrated sigh escaped her lips, tightly pressed together and brows furrowed. Damien thought it was a good idea? There must be a reason for that. The witch was struck from her thoughts when she happened to glance up, noting a familiar figure ahead. His shoulders were slouched and even from where Talen stood, a few feet behind him, Nik looked troubled. He hadn't noticed her yet, and Talen wondered how far lost the alpha was in his own head. "Hey stranger, long day?" She called, quickening her pace to catch up with him. He flinched, his gaze pivoting to her; though slightly relaxed when he noticed it was only the witch. "Very long." He agreed, a dark rumble beneath his words that sounded like thunders on rock and rose goosebumps on her arms. "You?" She shrugged. "Training was difficult, but it's to be expected. I don't want to be a sitting duck." She retorted, unsure of how to bring up Adrian's offer. Did Nik already know? There was only one way to find out. "Nik?" Her voice was soft, unsure though after a split hesitation she continued.

    "We haven't really talked much about after the war. We're both very focused on getting out of it alive, and I know I can stay here, but what would I do? What would I be exactly? How would the rest of the pack see me? Just the old witch who lives in the outskirts of town? I'm curious to know what, if anything, you had in mind." All she was trying to do was get a feel for both options. Though, she wasn't quite ready to clue Nik onto Adrian's offer yet. It wasn't anything she had to hide, but if he didn't know then Talen wasn't quite ready to share. After all, she had an entire war to decide where she'd go, to find out what the pack would think of her should she stay. An outsider who struck an agreement to live with wolves? A friend? Or a prized asset in helping fend off whatever threats rose against the pack? Could she ever be a pack member, or would she always be Talen? Not quite fitting in with humans, wolves, or magical-folk? Her voice was quiet, and unsure and the witch stopped in her tracks, crossing her arms. What did she even want to be? Did she want to be a part of this pack? A part of her very much so wanted that. She'd always wanted to be free, and it seemed no one had more freedom than the wolves. There was also the complications of Nik. However, if she was complicating his life, than what was right? Damien seemed to think it was a good idea for Talen to continue training beneath Adrian. Though, Talen's gut instinct, what she wanted was to stay here.


    Colton Tattersall | Stoic ✘ Amiable ✘ Impulsive

    "My mother is quite stern when it comes to her children, yes." Colton agreed, his eyes flickering away for a moment. "It didn't use to be like that. The older kitchen staff say she used to be so full of life, always laughing and smiling. The war changed that, and I don't really blame her. I think it's common in these times." He admitted, with a slight frown. He didn't want that to happen to them. He didn't want their efforts to be in vain. Colton was determined that he and Elaine wouldn't become like their parents. Off fighting a stupid war while it claimed everything they loved. A weak watery beam of moonlight fell onto his dirty golden locks, basking his skin in silver. A soft sigh left his lips as his gaze flickered upwards to the sky. This was his favorite spot in the castle, the balcony. The beautiful marble was always stunningly illuminated by silver moonbeams. And the view always took his breath away, serving to remind Colton beneath the dark skies, just how tiny he was. He was an infinitesimal blip, and sooner rather than later in the grand scheme of time- his name would just be something in the dusty pages of a book. “I actually had no idea that my mother remained on Elsekr lands. She appeared to be quite intent on leaving as soon as possible, but I think she is trying. I just know that if she sees and understands everything that I have come to that she will grow fond of this arrangement."

    This made Colton smile, a bit of tension eased from his face. All he wanted was for the Merton and Tattersall families to be able to find a peace with each other. It would be hard, and a long process but even if it took months he was determined to get Charlotte to like him. After all, that was his wife's mother and Colton didn't want Elaine to feel pulled between him and her own mother. "Normally I would go about finding ways to charm someone into liking me. Though I doubt that would work on your mother. I only hope that with time she can see this union was not designed to harm you. Rather the opposite. I hope that when she sees I mean you no ill-intent, that I adore you and that you make me happier than anyone in either of our kingdoms- she'll come to accept our union." Colton admitted, his gaze honest as they talked beneath the starlight. Charlotte was no fool, and any acts of what felt like false kindness, Colton doubted would go over well with her. So, he didn't care if it took years. He hoped that he could make Elaine happy and in turn Charlotte so things would be easier in the future. Traveling between both kingdoms, and hopefully Elaine wouldn't feel so stressed about her and her mother's relationship.

    As beautiful as he thought his lands were, she likely would miss Khollager. And if Elaine felt she couldn't go home because of stress between Charlotte and Colton- that would only lead to homesickness. That was a horrid feeling. “I’m not quite sure that my mother will be accepting of the wedding arrangements though. She may actually be appalled by some of it, so I apologize in advance for any scene that my mother may cause,” For a moment the young king said nothing, amusement alighting in his azure depths. He honestly could not picture Charlotte throwing a scene. Rather, he was almost curious to know what Charlotte's definition of a scene was. Screaming? Muttering beneath her breath? An eye roll? Passive remarks? Before he could control himself, Colton was laughing, a shoulder-shaking laugh, and by the time he finished was near wheezing. "I'm sorry!" He gasped, wiping beneath his eyes as scenarios became more and more ridiculous to him. "I can't help but picture what your mother throwing a scene would look like-" Another giggle fell from his lips before he could continue. "And I don't know whether to think it'd be fearsome, comical, or anti-climatic!" Were Tattersall and Merton scenes very different from one another? When Irene threw a scene, the entire castle knew. Things were broken, and more often than not she wasn't afraid to get into a shouting match.

    But would Charlotte simply glare at Colton with enough ice until he froze? "I now look very much forward to tomorrow." He'd stopped laughing, though that impish grin still adorned his lips. "Either way, scene or no scene we will get through it my love. I fear we may have to watch my mother as well. She's rather stubborn, and unfortunately vocal when she dislikes something." To be honest, Colton was more weary of the two queens riling one another up and making for a long day. “You never offended me. It was…just a surprise. A pleasant one nonetheless," The blush had returned to Elaine's cheeks and Colton found himself adoring how it made her look. It was small things like that which alerted the young king to his wife's emotions. "I surprised myself, though in a most welcome manner." He echoed, a pleased purr in his tone. It had been a long time since he felt this close to anyone, and he truly wondered how his plans were going to be affected. He knew Elaine was something different something special since he'd seen her cradling his dying brother singing promises about a tomorrow with no war. She'd been unlike anything he'd seen before, some merciful being fallen to a battle field. Any hate he held for her had vanished that day. From then on, he was unable to see her as an enemy rather her eyes had haunted him for years after Gregory's death.

    “Yes, I quite enjoyed it as well. I can’t recall the last time I had this much fun with another person. My older brother, Nathaniel, used to force me to play with him all the time. We would fool around in the fountain in the courtyard, splashing or dunking each other. And my mother would find us with a venomous glare similar to the one she gave me when we reappeared. One time he even shoved a frog in my face, knowing that I detested the slimy creatures." Colton grinned, so the Merton children had been that way too? He and his oldest brother Arlen had been closest though they were a good ten years apart. And Colton had adored him, adored playing with him- and during the celebration of Braxta the Goddess of trickery and dance, Colton had managed to put worms in Arlen's food. Arlen hadn't even gotten upset he'd eaten one. “Then, the war claimed him as soon as he came of age. And that was the end of it, Though her story came to the part that almost all came to. The war. Death. Images of Arlen's body being carried back into the courtyard, his head severed clean from his shoulders and placed on a stretcher beside him came flooding back vividly to Colton.

    It was the first time he'd lost someone since his father. A deep sorrow stained his bones, but he had grieved. He still kept Arlen's memory alive, during breakfast with Irene as they'd reminisce about the Tattersall's that were no longer with them. Though, he noted with his sharp gaze Elaine's eyes brimming with tears at the mere mention of her brother. “I don’t know how to handle all of this sometimes,” She started, as tears began to splash down the pale pallor of her cheeks. In response Colton's heart clenched tightly. “Oh, I apologize. I don’t… I don’t understand why I am being so emotional,” She attempted to laugh but it was easy to hear the sobs behind the laughter. So this was the Merton resolve. Had she even been allowed to grieve? How did she express grief? Or was it all bottled up inside like a rubber band bound too tight and ready to snap. “It will subside. Just a moment,”

    She stated, another tear escaping her eyes to splash against her cheek. The king moved quickly, snapped out of trance to wrap Elaine in an embrace, one of his hands going to gently rub her back. "You don't have to hide from me love." He murmured, his voice soft and low. "We're to be joined, body and soul in our ceremony. I don't want you to ever hide from me. If talking about Nathaniel makes you sad- don't turn off your emotions. Cry, I promise you're allowed to have your emotions. It may make you uncomfortable, but after you let a little bit of that hurt out it'll feel better. When my brother Arlen died I stayed in bed and cried for a month." He admitted, against her ear. Holding all this in couldn't be good. All this pain, and who had she been able to express it to? No one. Colton hoped that if anything came of this union Elaine would finally have freedom to express herself if that was what she so wanted. He would never be able to control himself like she could; and while he admired that about her, it also concerned him.
    June 24th, 2016 at 07:49am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    Nikolai Torbjorn | Wolf King


    Hey stranger, long day?” Nikolai flinched at the feminine voice and straightened out his back, snapping into attention. An alpha could never show fatigue or weakness to his pack. He braced himself to deny the claim with confidence yet, once his eyes settled on the witch, he partially deflated and deferred the instinct. “Very long,” He admitted, dropping heavy eyes onto the table. While he could suppress the physical pain, the alpha didn’t know how to process the fact that his father was planning his future behind his back. “You?” Nik shifted the conversation, unable to bring up his headaches. “Training was difficult, but it’s to be expected. I don’t want to be a sitting duck.” At this a grin tugged at his lips. No matter what derogatory terms his people used for the humans, Talen wasn’t like them. She was a warrior at heart that didn’t cower behind their walls. “Nik?” Her voice timid, making his eyes snap toward her in curiosity. “We haven’t really talked much after the war. We’re both very focused on getting out of it alive, and I know I can stay here, but what would I do? What would I be exactly? How would the rest of the pack see me?” Those were all valid questions for the alpha. And, to be honest, he couldn’t answer any of them. “Just the old witch who lives in the outskirts of town? I’m curious to know what, if anything, you had in mind.” Nikolai drew in a breath before opening his mouth to say anything but no words left his mouth. “I… I don’t know,” He answered in uncertainty, knitting his brows together.

    What Nikolai did know was that he couldn’t fathom the loss of her. The thought of going through the day without seeing those flaming locks out in the distance or that smile the outshined the rays of the sun made his heart throb. In the end, his father was always right. “And I can’t guarantee that you will have anything here,” He continued on, dropping the volume of his tone to a whisper. Heavens forbid the pack saw him professing feelings for a human let alone a witch, especially after being informed of his betrothal to Sierra. “But I.. I don’t want you leaving either.” Nikolai swallowed hard before clearing his throat, feeling guilt settle in his stomach. How could an alpha be this selfish? After the war, there would be nothing in their village for her. She would become the old witch living in the outskirts that every pup avoided and every werewolf scorned. Without waiting for a response, he abruptly stood from his seat and gathered up the bowl and used utensils. Those few words sapped the rest of the limited energy from his body. “Night, Talen,” He returned his voice to regular volume in a hurried fashion, keeping his head low.

    Without realizing, the alpha ended up in front of his parents’ tent. The tarp was closed yet the soft, warm glow of their lantern peeked out just beneath. He heard their soft murmurs behind the cloth from his heightened senses, barely able to make out their words. “Honey, do you think it was a good idea to talk to Jeremy without Nik?” Lorna gently approached the subject, aware of Damien’s quick temper. As his partner, she sometimes questioned his decisions and offered another approach to the situation. While Damien was impulsive and commanding, Lorna offered a foil by being rational and more sympathetic. Their relationship worked well as they balanced each other out. “No, our boy’s head is spinning with the witch around,” He retorted, sharply cutting off his partner. Damien understood that she meant well but there was no other way to approach the matter. The way Nik’s gaze softened just as it landed on Talen was dangerous.”Sierra is a good fit for him. They’ll lead the pack in the right direction.” Biting her tongue, Nik’s mother suppressed her thoughts. Thereafter, the tent fell silent as the two delicately danced around the subject and waited for the tension to resolve itself.

    Can I speak with both of you?” Nikolai called out while softly pulling back the tarp, announcing his presence. Both parents exchanged an apprehensive look, realizing that their son had been listening in on them. He moved through the partition before letting it gently fall back down behind him. “Jeremy spoke to me today during the scavenge,” He started off, slowly moving into the murky waters of the arrangement. “He, uh, told me about Sierra. But… I don’t think I can do it. You were right.. about Talen. I can’t just pretend like there’s nothing there and get married to another. It wouldn’t be fair to Sierra or to me.” Watching his father’s eyes widen, Nikolai braced for the lecture about the importance of an alpha’s role to the pack, which is exactly what he received. Damien’s harsh words cut Nikolai like a blade. They were relentless and effective, speaking about how no one would follow an alpha mated with an outsider. “You’re lucky that you don’t have any siblings,” His father concluded, landing the final blow to Nikolai’s heart. It especially stung, making his eyes darken with anger. “Honey, you.. you don’t know what you’re saying.You're just upset. Nik, go to sleep and we can talk about it tomorrow,” His mother advised, wary of the tension in the room.

    As if tucking his tail between his legs, he lowered his head in shame and retreated from the tent to take a walk about the village. “What kind of alpha are you going to be by putting your needs before the pack’s? Sierra is more than you deserve and every alpha would be grateful to have her. That witch will give you nothing but misery and shame.” Nikolai swallowed hard, recalling his father’s grating tone. What if his father was right? What if his emotions ruled his life and he destroyed everything his parents built? His fist lashed out, landing on an innocent tree that quaked under his strength. Nikolai heaved out a breath of air to subdue a primal growl, attempting to bottle up his temper. He had never seen such disappointment in his father’s gaze and it was a face he would never live down. “You are a fool blinded by love and acting like no son of mine.” Squeezing his eyes shut, the alpha reached up to wipe the misty residue from his eyes. An anger welled up in his chest at the fact he couldn’t control his feelings. Despite being able to lead an army of werewolves in war, he couldn’t manage a crush. It was pathetic. He was just as pathetic as his father claimed him to be.
    Elaina Merton | The Princess


    Charlotte was actually quite jarring when upset about a situation and, after personally going through it, Elaina wouldn’t recommend it to any person. In fact, all Merton women were a force to be reckoned with when any matter made them angry. Charlotte started by completely wiping the person from existence as if they were truly dead. They could enter a room or speak a word, but Charlotte would refuse to acknowledge their existence. She completely blocked out the person’s presence and pretended as though the room were empty only accompanied by the book in her hand. If the person wronged her, then Charlotte took it a step further. She did everything in her power to make the person’s life a living nightmare. A handmaiden would be forced to work on her feet until they gave out. A royal official would find that all their paperwork went missing right before its deadline. For the king, she would sleep in another room and refuse to even give him a nod of acknowledgement unless it were for public reasons. As for Elaina, Charlotte tended to have a soft spot for her yet didn’t relent on the punishment. Mostly, she received the icy glare of disapproval for at least a week that froze Elaina to the core. While she knew of her mother’s antics, she hoped that Charlotte wouldn’t delay their wedding arrangements.

    Either way, scene or no scene we will get through it my love. I fear we may have to watch my mother as well. She’s rather stubborn, and unfortunately vocal when she dislikes something.” That Elaina already discovered, despite their limited time together. Every time Irene had a chance to make a backhanded compliment, Elaina received it quite clearly. She attempted to appease Irene’s wishes and customs but nothing seemed to please her. Everything was always not satisfactory enough for her only remaining son, which Elaina understood. Irene didn’t approve of her while Charlotte didn’t approve of Colton. Both mothers were quite stubborn, making Elaina crack the faintest of smiles. “I surprised myself, though in the most welcome manner” To this, she lightly bit her lip as the heat in her cheeks intensified before offering a sheepish smile. Sometimes it felt as though Colton understood her feelings more than she did her own. Despite being unable to vocalize her feelings, it warmed her to know that he could interpret her reactions and that he filled that void by being more expressive for them. At the beginning of this marriage, Elaina believed that she would never grow to be fond of Colton, and this would be more a political arrangement than anything else. But she made peace with that, knowing all marriages in Merton history functioned this way. When emotions developed, this caught her off guard and placed her in uncharted territory.

    Especially now. As his arms wrapped around her sides, her palms reached out to ball his silk shirt between her fingertips. “You don’t have to hide from me love.” She held back the sob, squeezing her eyes tightly closed as if the pain would magically disappear. “We’re to be joined, body and soul in our ceremony. I don’t want you to ever hide from me. If taking about Nathaniel makes you sad- don’t turn off your emotions. Cry, I promise you’re allowed to have your emotions. It may make you uncomfortable, but after you let a little bit of that hurt out it’ll feel better. When my brother Arlen died I stayed in bed and cried for a month.” So, Elaina cried. She grieved for the loss of her older brother, letting out the months of bottled up emotions that finally spilled over. Staining his nightshirt with her tears, she continued weep until the wells in her eyes dried up and only gut-wrenching sobs were left. She continued on until all that was left with was a runny nose and red eyes, attempting to catch her breathing from all the emotions that bubbled to the surface. Elaina relaxed her fists and tried to smooth out the wrinkles caused by her mourning. But she felt lighter. While the death of Nathaniel still weighed heavily on her chest, she could feel its burden lighten the slightest. “Thank you, and I apologize for your nightshirt,” She mumbled against his chest, leaning into the steady, strong heartbeat.

    After a moment passed, she stepped away from his embrace with a sniffle and withheld the urge to hide her face. She must have appeared awful to her future husband, considering she was a sobbing mess. The last time she cried Charlotte scolded her for being so weak, claiming it made their empire seem vulnerable. If they showed even once ounce of vulnerability, any person could steal their lands. Then, what kind of ruler would she be? She made Elaina promise it would be the last time but that had been broken…yet Elaina felt no guilt. Grieving for Nathaniel’s death didn’t show portray her as pathetic or feeble. It was a natural process. In fact, suppressing her emotions only made the situation worse as it continued to eat at her until her breaking point. “I should return to my chambers. I cannot keep the future Basileus from his sleep,” She smiled, using the back of her hand to wipe the wet residue from her cheeks accompanied by yet another sniffle. Elaina almost found this amusing. Despite doing the one action she swore to never, she felt lighter than she had in years as if she could be whisked away by the wind. “I will see you tomorrow morning. I feel better,” She reiterated, not wanting him to worry for her.
    June 30th, 2016 at 08:38pm
  • LaylaPetrovana

    LaylaPetrovana (100)

    United States
    Talen Falk | Naive ✘ Empathetic ✘ Fickle

    Talen's dinner was barely touched as she sat, only poking her food about. She wasn't really hungry, rather left in a sense of mystification. Nik wanted her to stay, yet couldn't promise there would be anything for her to stay for. Talen was normally a creature of self-preservation, but not now. She didn't want to care if he couldn't promise anything; because Talen knew that Nik wanting her around would be enough for her. But how was that going to affect how the pack saw him? She didn't know the wolves' well enough to say one way or the either. But Adrian seemed to think that should Talen remain by Nik's side after this war- it wouldn't bring anything but dolor and pain for both of them. That she'd never have a place here. Just the thought of going with Adrian back to the Shining City made her heart ache though. What was the right thing to do here? Was there a right thing? Deny both Nik and her own wants to do what Adrian and Damien thought were best- or remain here? A frustrated huff left Talen's lips. This was not a problem that was going to be solved overnight. So she got to her feet to leave for her own quarters, hoping to sleep on her problems.

    The night air was chilly, enough to bring a healthy pink to Talen's cheek as she decided to take the long way back to her quarters. The night air did help clear her head so after all. The village was mostly silent, and almost peaceful. She wouldn't sleep well that night. When she made it back to the quarters that had been given to her, Talen had simply drew off her clothing, leaving her undergarments as she crawled into her bed. For what felt like hours the young witch tossed and turned about, unable to truly rest. She had eventually given up near sunrise and after dressing into simple gray sweatpants with a dark red shirt; and with nothing else to do, had grabbed one of the books that Adrian lent her- one about healing. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes Talen blearily stumbled out into the cool air, the chill of winter not quite yet gone from the early spring's air. It was brisk enough to keep her awake however. Unsure of where to go, Talen settled for the training fields, where there were a few nice spots to sit against the fenceposts in a thicket of grass.

    The walk was short and sunlight was obscured by the dark, overcast clouds. Once Talen reached her destination, picking out a spot towards the back left corner of the field, she settled down with her book. It was interesting, so far the most desirable way to use her magic Talen thought. Combative magic had been difficult for her, she hoped defensive, healing magic would not be. For two hours Talen kept her eyes glued eagerly on the passages, devouring them greedily as she flipped through pages that detailed different ways to use healing magic, the most effective ingredients and ways to infuse your magic into healing droughts and potions. Yes, this was far more interesting than tossing fireballs at people. It wasn't until her stomach began growling fiercely did Talen sigh, closing the book and getting to her feet. But first, she was going to make a stop. There were a list of ingredients she wanted to get her hands on, and some of them grew around these parts. Perhaps she could ask Nik to tell his wolves to keep an eye out for the herbs, so Talen could start experimenting with healing potions.

    So, getting to her feet Talen hurried towards Nik's quarters. She had been there enough to remember how to get there, though it took her awhile. Adrian would likely be looking for her soon, so Talen would request his wolves keep an eye out for the herbs she needed, grab an apple, and then head off to training. When she reached Nik's quarters she knocked swiftly on the door three times. There was a pause, before a "Come in." There was something off in his voice that didn't sit well with the copper-haired woman. Carefully she opened the door, stepping in to find Nik sitting by his fireplace, a few white strips of gauze out on the table. His body posture was slouched, and there were dark bags beneath his eyes as if he hadn't slept and worry lines were furrowed on his forehead. Then Talen's gaze was drawn to his hands. The knuckles were raw, bits of wood sticking out of them, and without thinking Talen hurriedly dropped her book to rush to his side.

    Without saying anything she gently took his hands to study the damage there. It didn't look terrible. Painful, and with the possibility to become infected, but not too deep. There was dried blood staining his hands and Talen felt her stomach twist. Something was bothering him, his eyes were troubled, and hands wounded. Had he gotten into a fight with someone? Her gaze flickered around his room, there were no walls with holes in them so he hadn't taken his frustration out on anything in here. "You need to clean this out before putting gauze on it." Talen murmured, not yet asking what had happened. Rather she wordlessly stood, noting he had already laid out a bowl of water and a cloth. She'd be late to training, but Talen didn't want to leave until she made sure her wolf was alright. Her wolf? No he wasn't her's and Talen would of been flustered by the thought if her hands hadn't been busy dipping the rag into the warm water, washing out the cuts and splinters embedded in his knuckles. She was nearly done with that before she spoke, questioning him. "What happened Nikolai?" Her lips were set in a frown as she carefully examined the cuts, making sure they were clear of wood before gesturing for him to hand her the gauze.


    Colton Tattersall | Stoic ✘ Amiable ✘ Impulsive

    "Nightshirts are replacable, don't fret." Colton promised as she finally stepped out of his arms. It had relieved him to see his bride release some of the grief and tension she was bottling up; and he hoped it had helped ease her a little bit. “I should return to my chambers. I cannot keep the future Basileus from his sleep,” Colton didn't want her to go, but they would both have a long day ahead of them. Sitting with both queens, and making sure neither ended up with a dagger in their hearts, or neither hindered the wedding plans. It was going to be a long day and they would both need rest to deal with it properly. So wordlessly Colton leaned forward to press a gentle kiss against Elaine's forehead. "Okay. Try to sleep well. Tomorrow will be busy, and you'll need your rest. Should you need me before tomorrow, do not hesitate to come back." He bid in a gentle voice, murmured into her hair. Pulling away he smiled, nodding his head. "I'll see you in the morning Elaine." And with that she was gone. Colton would of liked to invite her to stay the night with him. They'd be sharing a bed in two day's time anyhow- but with Charlotte here that would be just another thing for her to be upset with Elaine over.

    And Colton sensed that Elaine had been very close with her mother growing up. He would do his best not to put anymore strain, stress, or tension on their relationship. Now alone with his thoughts, Colton slowly made his way back to his bed; curling up beneath the covers his eyes fluttering shut. Sleep came easy to him that night, and for once his head was filled with peaceful visions. It was the most restful night he had in awhile. And by the time the sun's first ray's crept into his room, it cast illumination upon his serene face. It was a few hours after the sun rose did Colton awake, slowly and gradually. Rubbing his eyes the young king pushed himself up into a sitting position a leisure yawn falling from his lips. Today was the last day he had to wait before he and Elaine became a pair. A Basileus and his Naga, to rule and join each kingdom in peace. After bathing and dressing; making sure he was presentable, Colton decided to head down to the Greathhall where they would all be taking breakfast. The young king was the first down there- which was what he wanted. Gods forbid that Irene and Charlotte be the first down there, or Irene and Elaine.

    A few servants scurried back and forth preparing breakfast while Colton sat at the head of the main table, his normal spot. Rays of sunlight streamed in through the large grand windows that lined the hall, and Colton was quietly planning ways to keep everyone on civil terms when he heard footsteps approaching. Curiously lifting his gaze, he found none other than Charlotte Merton. Almost at once he forced himself to smile lightly at the queen; though she gazed through him as if he were nothing more than air. Colton tried not to feel affronted at this and rather became determined to become on friendly terms with the Merton woman. "Did you sleep well?" No answer. "I find difficulty sometimes sleeping away from home." Again no response. She was likely just as determined as Colton to ignore him. Being the youngest of six siblings, Colton often learned how to carry on a conversation by himself. "The ride from Elsker to Khollager is exhausting. I imagine you slept well enough. I know Elaine was pleased to see you were able to make it to the wedding after all." At this Charlotte's gaze slid sharply to Colton. However she still didn't say anything.

    "We do hope you'll enjoy the wedding." Charlotte scoffed at this, and Colton grinned. He had gotten some sort of response out of her. "And if there's anything I can do to make your stay more comfortable, let me know. After all you'll be my mother by law tomorrow." He spoke, in a subtly teasing tone, rather amused with Charlotte's expression of dread. His fun was cut short as Elaine made her way into the room. His teasing, roguish grin turned into something more sincere as his wife to be approached him, taking the seat to his right. "Good Morning Elaine. You look like you rested well love. Shall I call for breakfast? I was just telling your mother how excited I was to become family, and if there was anything I could do to make her stay more comfortable to tell us and we'll see it gets done." He stated, that amused glint in his eyes. Though to be fair, he wasn't simply teasing the Merton queen for his sole amusement. It also stood as a reminder to Charlotte that he and Elaine were to get married, that hostility wasn't going to be tolerated. He'd treat Irene the same whenever she decided to come down to join them for their meal.
    July 2nd, 2016 at 06:53pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    Nikolai Torbjorn | Wolf King


    For the next few hours, Nikolai relentlessly took out his frustration on the surrounding environment. Trees, shrubs, even innocent stones that happened to fall in his path were knocked out of the way. All he could see was red. Every punch shredded the skin on his knuckles yet he was blind to the pain, leaving them stained with his own blood. He thought of the disappointment from his father as well as from himself, pouring it all into the physical aggression. By the time he finished, a trail of leaves were left in his path accompanied by scattered chips of bark. Nikolai sat on the ground with his head between his knees, completely drained. Was there a possibility of him coming back from this? Could he toss aside all his emotions to be a proper alpha? His mind continued to spin yet his body felt like a boulder unable to move in the slightest. An hour passed of complete silence other than the buzzing inside of his own head until the alpha flexed his hands, dragging himself onto his feet. He heaved a deep sigh within his chest and wiped the sweat that formed on his brow. Barely able to keep himself up, Nikolai retired back to his quarters.

    Grabbing the medical kit stashed underneath his bed, he took out the various strips of cloth and herbs then fetched a bowl of warm water. He knew of a medicine that could ease the stinging sensation and prevent any infections but it required grinding the herbs together. Considering the state of his hands, it was nearly impossible to grasp anything let alone create a medicine. So, he settled for leaving the white strips in the bowls of water and opted to let his knuckle stop bleeding on their own. It was an abysmal effort since Nikolai could barely muster enough concern to bandage his hands, sitting down at the table. The alpha took the spot right in front of the fireplace, watching the flames lick the air. It strangely calmed and placed him in a trance. Before Nikolai realized, night turned into day. His eyes felt heavy while he lounged back in the chair, letting his head almost hang. Despite spending the entire night with his thoughts, Nikolai continued to feel the dread within the pit of his stomach. Would there be an end to this misery? Then, there was a light knock at the door. “Come in,” He hollowly answered, still transfixed on the diminishing flame.

    Soon, Nikolai found a pair of concerned eyes tracing over his stoic features. It took a minute for him to process the warm, emerald orbs. Talen. As she gently took his torn up hands, he knit his eyebrows together and pressed his lips into a firm line. Nikolai wished for her to hate him, to disregard his pain. But she delicately held him as if he would break from the slightest mishandling. Her soft hands ghosted over his calloused, damaged ones. It made him cringe from an entirely different type of pain. Every single motion showed her unease for his well-being. Her eyes bore into his own, searching for something to explain his quietness. He attempted to bottle it up and pretend as though nothing bothered him, blankly staring back at her. Could he really explain his inner turmoil to her? “You need to clean this out before putting gauze on it.” Yes, he did know that. However, he only gave a slight nod in response. Nikolai hissed out in pain as the water flushed out all of his cuts and she removed the splinters wedged into them. Didn’t she have training this morning? That was more important than tending to the aftermath of his fit. Although, he couldn’t find the strength to turn Talen away.

    What happened Nikolai?” And he finally looked at her. He allowed her to sense the pain in his gaze, trying to explain what words could not. The alpha swallowed hard at the question, letting the inner turmoil etch into his expression. “I… I’m,” He croaked, fumbling to assemble the words to describe the awful night. “My father arranged my marriage.” Searching her eyes for a reaction, he placed the gauze in her hands before settling back into the chair. “And then I went to tell him I wasn’t comfortable with it. He yelled... a lot of things about how an alpha didn’t act like I was. Then this happened,” Nikolai continued, being vague in his explanation. The sting of the argument returned, making him wince. However, he flexed his fingers to pretend the discomfort came from the injuries. As she began to wrap the gauze around his fingers, Nikolai relished in the feeling on her fingertips lightly brushing over his skin. While she was the reason for creating this pain, Talen was the only person who could ease it. “I couldn’t do it.. because of you,” He whispered, hooking his fingers around her own.

    As soon as the words left his mouth, the alpha exhaled a breath he had been retaining. He felt exposed as if he were an open book for only Talen to see. There was no way to take back his emotions or subdue them any longer. Suddenly, Nikolai became more aware of their close proximity and acted on his instincts. Reaching out with free hand, he gently swept his thumb over her porcelain cheek. He began to lean forward, leaving ample time for her to push him away. If she did, Nikolai would receive the answer to his spur of the moment confession. However, when she didn’t, he pushed forward to lightly brush his lips against hers. His inner wolf howled in approval and urged him to indulge further in the action. As he deepened the kiss, the taste of crisp apple overwhelmed his senses. It surrounded and washed over him, allowing him to feel a peace. This was the happiest he felt in days. When he broke away, he automatically felt the guilt return in the pit of his stomach. There were no words that he could speak to mend the situation. An apology didn’t seem to be fitting either, so he merely hung his head in shame.
    Elaina Merton | The Princess


    While she wished for him to ask her to stay, it was neither proper nor a wise decision. One day stood between their wedding, which meant tomorrow would be packed with finalizations. With both queens around, Elaina required rest to prepare for a day of emotional battles taking place within the throne room. The war between Irene and Charlotte would be relentless. Plus, her mother would freeze her beating heart from one stare of disappointment when the servants’ rumors reached her ears. It was already quite late for Elaina to be visiting her betrothed. “Okay. Try to sleep well. Tomorrow will be busy and you’ll need your rest. Should you need me before tomorrow, do not hesitate to come back.” That she wouldn’t, closing her eyes to relish in the show of affection. Elaina placed a piece of her trust within him when they started their journey to peace; something she continued to cherish. He had yet to fall from her expectations. “Sweet dreams, Colton,” She murmured against his chest, lingering only a moment longer. “I’ll see you in the morning Elaina.” Pulling away from his warm embrace, she headed straight for the door and down the hallway to her chambers. Elaina realized her reluctance to leave grew every second she remained.

    She slipped inside of her quarters, heading over toward the wardrobe. It had been a tiresome day for the princess as she confronted emotions buried from years past. With an exhale, Elaina reached around to undo the zipper than ran down the length of spine to step out of her dress and slid on her nightgown. She padded over toward her bed and practically dove into it, letting her head land on the feathered pillow. Settling onto her side, the Princess snuggled further into the sheets and wrapped the blankets around her. And, for once, her sleep was peaceful without nightmares of her brother on the battlefield. The darkness enveloped around her, providing a restful slumber. Far too soon, the sun rose over the horizon and its rays streamed into her bedroom. Elaina woke to stretch her arms up to the heavens. Slowly sitting upright, she rested her back against the headboard of the bed to rub the sleep away from her eyes. Today was an important day for the future rulers, which meant she couldn’t show fatigue. One last day until they were joined in holy matrimony and to end a war. Her heart swelled for both reasons, unable to contain her excitement. The Princess pulled herself off the bed to draw a bath before dressing then heading downstairs to find breakfast.

    Arriving in the Greathall, she found her mother alone with Colton. The Princess’ face felt the color draining as she surveyed the situation. Clearly, Charlotte was not amused with her betrothed’s presence at her frigid, dreadful demeanor. Yet Colton greeted her with a warm smile while she rounded the table to take the seat to his right. “Good morning, Colton. Mother,” She greeted, attempting to shatter the tension spreading throughout the room. “Good morning, dear,” Her mother hollowly answered, raising her gaze for a brief moment. Elaina suppressed the need to shiver under Charlotte’s tone, straightening her back. With her mother around, the Princess became more aware of how she presented herself. Posture, presence, and facial expression. “Good Morning Elaina. You look like you rested well love. Shall I call for breakfast? I was just telling your mother how excited I was to become family, and if there was anything I could do to make her stay more comfortable to tell us and we’ll see it gets done.” Elaina could have sworn Charlotte’s eye twitched from the sentiment. “Shall we wait for your mother before starting breakfast? I believe she would be delighted to join the conversation. After all, we will be spending the entire day with each other,” She answered, noting the prominent distaste in Charlotte’s features. As if on cue, Irene entered inside of the Greathall with a strained smile. The tension in the room automatically increased by tenfold, making Elaina tightened her hands on her lap.

    Good morning, Irene. We were just speaking of you. I suggested that we wait to start breakfast until you joined us,” Elaina offered a hesitant smile, watching her take the place cross from Charlotte. “There was no need to wait. You appear to need breakfast more than I do,” Irene responded with grace. Elaina mirthlessly laughed to brush away Irene’s insult, wondering if she looked that awful. As the silence returned to the room, her worried eyes turned over toward Colton for some guidance. “We should start breakfast now,” She urged, requesting the distraction. However, there didn’t seem to be a way to diffuse the situation. Considering the history between both kingdoms, the queens weren't on the best terms. Elaina witnessed the two queens beginning to challenge each other before the day even began, daring the other to make the first move. Their eyes locked from across the table, refusing to even blink. Charlotte’s emotionless as an iceberg while Irene’s vicious as wildfire. Unfortunately, Colton and Elaina were clearly caught in between them. Growing more anxious, Elaina cast her eyes in Colton’s direction once more. How could they last the entire day with both queens present when they could barely stand to be near each other in one room for a moment?
    July 7th, 2016 at 07:15pm
  • LaylaPetrovana

    LaylaPetrovana (100)

    United States
    Talen Falk | Naive ✘ Empathetic ✘ Fickle

    Talen tried not to react overtly to Nikolai, informing her that his father had attempted to arrange a marriage between him and someone that was not her. Almost at once her stomach twisted into a knot, her cheeks draining of a little color. Against her will, Talen's nose wrinkled though her lips were set in a thin straight line, a purposeful attempt so not to frown. "I see..." The witch murmured, noting the herbs he'd laid out, knowing they'd have to be ground into a paste. She'd soak the bandages in that for a bit as she set about doing that, setting the gauze back on the table to grind up what she needed to, Nikolai continued to speak. "And then I went to tell him I wasn’t comfortable with it. He yelled... a lot of things about how an alpha didn’t act like I was. Then this happened,” He finished, making Talen's gaze snap to his sharply. He wasn't pleased with his match? Was he still obligated to go through with it? What had made his father so upset with Nik not wanting to settle down with whomever he picked. Rather, who did Damien pick for his son? Questions ran through the witch's mind as she hurriedly ground up the herbs. Their paste was watery, green.

    Not enough to soak the bandages in, but enough to spread onto his hands so they wouldn't get infected. She was in the middle of doing just that when the dark-haired alpha spoke again. “I couldn’t do it.. because of you,” He spoke, and Talen felt her heart miss a beat, as shock set into her system. It turned her cheeks a delicate shade of cherry, and before she had time to think Nik's fingers were gently curling around her own. They were larger than her's, and calloused- but warm and gentle. Like himself. She almost shivered beneath his touch, and wordlessly her hands stilled as they had been wrapping gauze around the wounded knuckles. They were close together, Nik sitting in his chair while Talen sat on her knees fixing up his hands. There were mere inches between them and she could feel the warmth of his breath tickling her cheek. He seemed to realize this too, as he leaned forward, slow and enough time that if Talen wanted to truly deny him, she could of easily. Instead she sat still as stone, eyes wide before shutting just as his lips brushed hers.

    At once there was a rush in her stomach, a thrill and a comfort all at once. When he deepened the kiss, Talen brought her hands to hesitantly cup the side of his face, their heartbeats colliding together in time. She shouldn't of done this. No, Talen should of told Nikolai to just go on with what his father arranged. That would of been easiest for the pack, probably for him. But, it wasn't what she wanted, what he wanted. No, what Talen wanted was to stay in this moment, feeling his lips move against her's with confidence, but all too soon Nikolai pulled away. Silence hung heavy in the air between them as the euphoria and thrill of Nik's kiss began to wane. In front of her Nik sat with his head hanged, as if embarrassed by his actions. Meanwhile the witch just sat back on her heels unsure of what to say. Was there even anything to say after that? It wasn't as if Nikolai was the first she'd kissed. But he had been the most... The most exhilarating- and Talen hadn't felt a draw to anyone like she had with the dark-haired Wolf King.

    But she had seen the hurt in eyes, on his hands. She was the fault for that. She was the one driving a wedge between Nikolai and his father. His life had been simple before she'd come and complicated him unintentionally. The silence was wearing on her, and Talen was unsure of what to do. Nikolai himself seemed upset by his own actions. Embarrassed. Embarrassed of her? Embarrassed that he had declined a traditional and accepted mate for her, an outsider? A witch? Had the words which seemed to upset him so begin to clarify to him now that they'd kissed? She couldn't tell. So she settled for what she knew best, running. Jolting to her feet the young witch drew past him to the door- pulling it open and letting herself out without a word her thoughts all jumbled and mixed. She couldn't talk to him like this. She couldn't offer a false reassurance, she couldn't tell him she didn't want him- because that was a lie. Talen wasn't sure what would happen, what paths they'd have to choose, but she wanted to see. Though Talen knew that she didn't want to pretend anymore like she didn't notice how much the two seemed to gravitate towards one another. But as much as Talen may want to, she couldn't tell him that she was his right choice. Because Talen didn't know.

    And the coppery haired woman needed time to figure out what to say to him. To think on what she wanted, and what he wanted- and what would be best. Cheeks as bright as a fire, Talen hurried to Adrian's small quarters on the outskirts of the village her head a mess. All but throwing the door open the warlock's voice drifted to her through her thoughts. "Talen you're lat- are you alright?" Forcing her breathing to return to something normal the young witch glanced up, a smile that never reached her eyes. "Yeah, sorry just slept in. What are we doing today?" The blonde gave her a dubious look, running a hand through his thick blonde hair before shrugging it off figuring it would be wise to just get on with the lesson for now. "Wards. Ideally you can hold a ward with one hand, and cast a destruction spell like a fireball with the other. We should really do it out back though so you don't... Set the house on fire or something." She nodded, a little vacantly to push aside the phantom feeling of Nik's hand on her cheek. She couldn't let this distract her, she had to train. People were counting on her and Talen couldn't let them down. With a sense of determination Talen followed her mentor to the space behind the house, where a few targets had been set up for her to practice with. She would have a long day ahead of her, which would only feel longer to the witch because of her divisive and turbulent thoughts. Responsibility and duty, or self-desire and the chance at true happiness? Talen honestly had no idea.


    Colton Tattersall | Stoic ✘ Amiable ✘ Impulsive

    Colton was halfway through breakfast and nearly choking on the tension in the room. While an immature portion of his being was amused by the daggers the two queens stared at each other, the older, more weathered part of himself knew this had to stop. Unity was a must among their families- and Colton refused to have his plans, his efforts, and his wedding ruined by these two feuding queens. The young king thought that things had been bad when he and Charlotte had been sitting together... Though of course that wasn't helped when his bride joined them. “Good morning, Colton. Mother,” She had greeted taking the seat next to him. Colton normally would of at least reached out for her hand, kissed her cheek if he was feeling bold though under Charlotte's gaze his smile had simply turned sincere. After he had greeted her, suggesting they start on breakfast- honestly Colton thought they'd all be lucky if Irene decided to protest this breakfast by not coming; it was Elaina who suggested they wait for his mother. “Shall we wait for your mother before starting breakfast? I believe she would be delighted to join the conversation. After all, we will be spending the entire day with each other,” He had nodded, about to agree though it was that moment his mother chose to appear from the woodwork.

    It was easy to see how annoyed she was. Irene's lips were pressed into a firm line as she all but swept into the room. Colton's alertness immediately rocketed when Irene took a seat on his other side, her gaze raking over the assembled with a certain annoyance. Colton would have to keep an eye on his mother. Everything was tense, though that was to be expected. His mother alternated between glaring daggers at him, pretending Elaina didn't exist, and glaring daggers at Charlotte. The young Basileus could already feel a headache brewing. Though amicably Elaina attempted to burrow past all this tension, addressing his mother with a cheerful voice. “Good morning, Irene. We were just speaking of you. I suggested that we wait to start breakfast until you joined us,” Of course, his mother found a way to turn that into an insult. “There was no need to wait. You appear to need breakfast more than I do,” That had made Colton's gaze narrow. "Mother, that was hardly called for. You shouldn't be addressing your future queen with such visceral, don't you agree?" He had intervened and perhaps if it was just the two of them at breakfast, Irene would of pinched his ear. But she didn't dare undermine his authority and leadership in front of a Merton. So rather the queen had swallowed her ego and gritted out an apology.

    Things had only gotten worse from there. Charlotte and Irene were locked in some mental battle that was clearly making Elaina uncomfortable. The Basileus felt he already pushed his luck with getting Irene to concede in an apology to his bride. After breakfast he would pull both queens aside. But, perhaps this icy treatment was good for them. Get some of that hate out before the wedding. And that's how he was currently, taking quiet bites of his food and trying not to look outwardly perturbed by the tension he was quietly choking on. "Charlotte, do you intend on staying for a bit after the wedding? We'd be happy to accommodate you." Colton offered, trying to break the silence. Of course, Charlotte just raised an eyebrow and shortly answered, "No. I intend on going back to Khollager after.... This ceremony." Across the table Irene made a scoffing noise, though no one seemed to comment on it. The rest of breakfast was just miserable. He was nearly done with his food when Colton leaned over in his chair, and asked in a low voice to Elaina, "Is it too late to just elope?" Hoping to cheer her up. She seemed to be taking this tension the worst. Her hands were clenched in her lap as she picked at the food. He'd hoped to make her giggle without making the tension any worse. By the time that breakfast actually ended, it couldn't of been soon enough.

    When the plates were clear it was time to move onto the next part of the day- rehearsal. Tomorrow was the wedding and Tatiana wanted to show them how things were coming along, to go over the checklist to make sure that everything had been set up, and that things would run smoothly tomorrow. Colton had noted the woman and her workers bustling around the castle since their last meeting, setting everything up. Today was all about final touches the male had been told. "The rehearsal will be in the Eastern courtyards where the wedding will take place." He stated once they were ready to go, mostly to Charlotte to try to keep her updated on where the ceremony would take place, and what they'd be doing for the day seeing as how she had only decided to show up yesterday. But he hoped to whatever gods were listening, that today wouldn't be a wreck. As the two queens stood, Elaina following suit the king stood as well though he fixed Irene and Charlotte with a rather uncharacteristically stern expression, crossing his arms as if scolding children. "Charlotte, Mother." This garnered both their attention, and Colton met their gaze with a steadfast determination. "We're all going to be a family in this room. This day isn't about your past. It isn't about your feud. It's about new beginnings. If you cannot put aside your grievances with one another for two days, and support your children, and simply be happy to see us happy- then I won't hesitate to ask you to leave."

    The Greathall had grown quiet, the two women's gazes piercing Colton like daggers, though he wasn't done with them yet. He turned his sight on his mother as he continued with his little declaration. "No more backhanded comments, no more glaring at one another or upsetting Elaina. The moment you two begin to cause problems, then I'll have to ask you to leave. I don't want to do this, but my wife's happiness, and our wedding day, will be my first priority understood?" Both queens looked horrified at Colton's declaration. But it had to be done. While he wanted his mother there to support him, if she could not then Irene wouldn't be there. The same went for Charlotte. If she couldn't support Elaina, then she wouldn't be welcomed at the wedding, nor would she be welcomed to the coronation. It may of been harsh, but Colton was done refereeing the two of them. "If you'd like to, Elaina and I are to practice our vows, and I'd like it if both of you were present. But again, if you cannot conduct yourselves amicably- please remain behind." It was clear he wasn't kidding as he glanced towards Elaina, hoping that this was okay with her. Colton knew how important it was that her mother was there to her- but if Charlotte and Irene were just going to fight, to overshadow this day for them; what was the point of having either of them around?
    August 3rd, 2016 at 09:16pm
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    Nikolai Torbjorn | Wolf King

    Just as right as the kiss had felt, Nikolai felt just as guilty about it. The lingering thought of his father’s disappointment was fresher than the blood on his hands. He knew a true alpha made decisions that benefitted the pack, but right now Nikolai was the furthest thing from it. His selfishness overshadowed those responsibilities and during a time of war it could prove dangerous. From that one action, he fully understood his father’s worry. As long as these emotions remained, he would always choose her over his pack no matter the consequences. There was only one way to mend this. Marry Sierra. He needed to sever the thread to his heart, ripping off the band aid. It was ultimate form of devotion to the pack, which would reassure and please his father. Despite the moment of ecstasy, Nikolai immediately crashed back down to Earth and realized the magnitude of his mistake. It seemed that Talen knew it, too.

    Without another word, Talen sprinted out of the door. “Shit,” He mumbled, giving a shake of the head. Instead of allowing her to bandage his hands, he took advantage of the situation and ruined everything. It’s no wonder she ran from him. There were no words to say about the kiss because it was simply a mistake. That was enough to communicate the error in his ways, reassuring he would never do it again. Nikolai leaned back in his chair, tipping his head backward to rest against the chair. Closing his eyes, he allowed a moment to gather his thoughts before sitting upward and finishing the bandage himself. The gauze was loosely wrapped around his fingers and did nothing to stop the bleeding, because it had not been applied properly. It almost made him chuckle at how pathetic it was. He had the help but pushed her away. Now, he was alone. Maybe he deserved the wounds.

    Father?” He called out, pushing past the tarp. On the other side, Nikolai was met with a stone cold expression as his father glanced upward from his desk. Damien made no move to welcome his son in any manner as he dropped his gaze to the book once more. “I made a mistake yesterday,” He started off, mentally including the one from his morning as well. “I should have listened to you. You know the best and… and I should have respected that.” That caught Damien’s attention as he leaned against the back of his chair, closing the book before him. Damien crossed his arms over his chest and patiently waited for his son to continue. He already knew the words that would come out of his son’s mouth. “I think I should go through with this marriage. I want to go through with this marriage for our pack,” Nikolai concluded, waiting for any type of reaction from his father. A pause occurred until Damien cracked a hint of a smile, making a weight lift off of Nik’s shoulders. “That’s my boy and a true alpha,” He broke the silence, encouraging the marriage. “I will let Jeremy know of your approval and we will begin to sort out the details.” Nik forced a smile to appease his father before leaving the tent to return back to his room.

    For once, Nikolai didn’t feel the urge to do anything. He just needed the day to recuperate and laid in bed without another care. His heart could only reiterate what a mistake he had just made and how Sierra was no replacement for Talen, but his mind felt this was right. Nik had only done with every alpha would do. Despite the conflict between his heart and mind, he would have to live with the decision he made.
    Elaina Merton | The Princess

    Charlotte, do you intend on staying for a bit after the wedding? We’d be happy to accommodate you.” Elaina raised her eyes with hope, meeting her mother’s displeased, unamused stare. “No. I intend on going back to Khollager after…This ceremony.” Disappointment rippled through Elaina before settling deep beneath the surface. “Oh, that’s unfortunate. I was hoping that you would stay, Mother. Although, I do understand that you have other duties to attend to back at Khollager,” Elaina responded with ease as if hadn't fazed her. The meal seemed to follow the conversation, dying down into a miserable silence. Without another word, Elaina focused on her meal and allowed the tension to consume any glimpse of a nice meal. “Is it too late to just elope?” Colton’s words barely reached her ears, causing her to crack the faintest of smiles. She relaxed her grip slightly before flexing her fingers. Etched in her palms were the impressions of her fingernails – red and raw. She hadn’t even noticed how tightly her hands had been clenched. In the end, Colton was trying to make her feel better in the middle of the worst breakfast she ever had. Elaina really could not have asked for a better partner to be by her side through it all.

    Rehearsal was next on today’s schedule. Tatiana was placing last minute touches on everything to ensure it was all perfect. It was still surreal for her that tomorrow was the ceremony. The day when the war would cease and countless lives would be saved. However, it had been a few weeks since her last visit to the battlefield to nurse wounded soldiers with all of the chaos happening. Elaina felt guilty that others were suffering while she stayed inside of this luxurious castle with protection. Even if she wanted to sneak out though, she couldn’t. There were too many unfamiliar hallways guarded by soldiers who were watching her every move. The moment she stepped out of bounds the guards would alert their Basileus, and Elaina wasn’t sure how Colton would react to her adventures.

    Standing from her chair, Elaina smoothed down her dress and turned to head out toward the garden until Colton’s words stopped her. “Charlotte, Mother. We’re all going to be a family in this room. This day isn’t about your past. It isn’t about your feud. It’s about new beginnings. If you cannot put aside your grievances with one another for two days, and support your child, and simply be happy to see us happy- then I won’t hesitate to ask you to leave.” Elaina watched her mother’s calm demeanor shatter. Charlotte’s cold eyes narrowed while her lips pressed into a firm, hard line. It was taking everything for the Queen to bite her tongue, suppressing any retort she had. Many never dared to speak to the Queen in that manner, especially since she would have their heads in a second. Luckily for Elaina, Colton was not like most people. “No more backhanded comments, no more glaring at one another or upsetting Elaina. The moment you two begin to cause problems, then I’ll have to ask you to leave. I don’t want to do this, but my wife’s happiness, and our wedding day, will be my first priority understand?” Elaina could have sworn she saw a vein in her mother’s neck pop out. Despite all of the personal issues between the queens, neither would want to miss the ceremony. These were their youngest and only living children after all.

    If you’d like to, Elaina and I are to practice our vows, and I’d like it if both of you were present. But again, if you cannot conduct yourselves amicably – please remain behind.” Both queens exchanged glances for a moment to have a silent conversation before nodding in agreement. “I believe Charlotte and I can put aside our personal differences long enough to attend the ceremony,” Irene finally spoke, addressing the Basileus’ concern. Charlotte gave a mere nod in agreement of the statement. “We truly appreciate your cooperation,” Elaina stated, feeling weight on her shoulders lighten. It was a relief to know that the two queens would not be bickering the entirety of the ceremony, and it would be a day for Colton and Elaina. “Now, we should meet Tatiana in the garden. She is waiting for us.”

    With Colton by her side, she walked down the hallway toward the garden. The smell of roses filled her nostrils and the breeze gently brushed against her cheeks. Slowly, the courtyard came in view with Tatiana standing in the middle of the ivy covered, golden archway at the altar. “Place that over there… Yes, now, a little more to the right…A tad to the left. Okay, perfect. Do not move an inch,” She directed the man who was adjusting the spacing between the chairs. Elaina drew in a slowly breath, taking it all in. Every person was hustling around the garden and placing the finishing touches on everything. “Ah, perfect, you’re both here. Come, come. We need to get started right away. There isn’t much time and there is so much to do,” Tatiana blurted out, gesturing for them to come closer. Elaina walked forward while letting her eyes roam the garden. There were dozens of rows of golden brass chairs lining the courtyard as red roses lined the pathway to the archway where they would exchange their vows. The wildlife was breathtaking and everything was perfect down to the gold sashes wrapped around the legs of the chairs. “It’s beautiful. You have done a wonderful job, Tatiana,” Elaina greeted.
    May 25th, 2017 at 12:57am