Make A Way

  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Stiles & Lydia


    Scott & Allison
    January 24th, 2016 at 08:50pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Lydia tucked her books into her bag before pulling it over her shoulder and making her way out of her bunk towards the dining hall. She had a big day ahead of her and wanted to make sure she was ready for everything. Like usual they'd welcome the new demi-god's who shown up the day before, then they'd train, and then finally they'd let everyone know who would get to go on the newest mission away from the camp. Which she had high hopes it'd be her. She'd been training so hard the last few weeks to really prove that she was ready for a mission away from camp that honestly she'd be a little disappointed if she didn't get it. Of course at this rate she wanted to go on a mission so badly she'd even take something with a team if she had to. Anything that would get her out of here for a while would be good enough for her.
    Scott sat down at his usual table next to Stiles for breakfast, and also, like usual he was waiting for Allison to join them. "I'm so tired," he said resting his chin on his hands and trying to smile at his best friend, who he hoped was in a better mood than the day before. Though Scott wasn't even sure why Stiles had been so upset the day before, he just knew it was something about Lydia. Maybe that she'd beat him on some test or something. He actually hadn't been paying attention when Stiles had ranted about it the day before, and so he'd just kind of caught bits and pieces and put together on his own that there was something about Lydia upsetting him. "So what were you so bothered with yesterday again?" He asked deciding that he'd ask and see if he could help, given Stiles was still upset about whatever.

    [ I'm really sorry I didn't reply sooner again!! I was so busy, then couldn't figure out where or how I wanted to start! So I hope it was okay! ]
    January 29th, 2016 at 10:03pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    [It's okay honey, I am sorry that I haven't responded sooner. I've had sick babies and myself. I am just now getting to reply to my Rp's. Hope it's ok!]

    Allison walked out of her bunk and kept her book tucked against her chest. She walked the halls of the academy as she took and headed for the cafeteria. She knew that more than likely Scott would be at the normal table. With Stiles as he gushed about Lydia or something that Lyda done something to him. She stepped inside the cafeteria as she took and smiled seeing Scott and Stiles as she made her way towards them.
    Glancing over at his best friend and hearing him say he was tried. He couldn't agree more with him on that. He too was rather tired and it was rather unusual. He heard Scott mention about yesterday as he sighed propping his chin upon the palm of his hand as he stared at the wall before them. "She kind of beat me on a test, but that's not the point. I feel something..." Stiles began as he sighed and looked over at Scott. "And I have no damn idea what to do." He admitted.

    [Hope this was ok]
    February 12th, 2016 at 07:17pm