Crazy in Love

  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Candace opened her mouth to tell Jimmy to get his own damn food, but then she remembered that she was supposed to be nice to him. "Well I might let you have some if you're really nice," she said, shooting him a flirty grin. "Get me a half a cup of water," she told him. She didn't know where the measuring cups were, and he needed to help if he wanted any food. She frowned again when the thunder clapped loudly. "Ugh, I don't like storms."
    "Yeah, Brian's kind of an asshole, but he'll get over it," Matt added, hearing Jimmy apologize for Brian. He looked at Katherine. "And to answer your question, yes, he probably is jealous that he's not getting his dick sucked. Not that any of us are, as far as I know." Not like I wouldn't it happening, though, Matt thought, watching Katherine and now Jimmy help Candace cook fried rice. "You know we have a kitchen staff, right? You can just tell them you want food and they'll cook it for you."
    February 17th, 2016 at 12:47am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    February 17th, 2016 at 12:48am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Jimmy smiled at Candace and done as she asked. He handed her the water, "Anything else?" He questioned her. He kind of liked this. He knew they had a staff and all. But, he was really liking the whole hands on cooking. He forgot how much fun it could be.
    Katherine smiled at Matt, "She loves to cook just like I do. But I do more baking and decorating than she does." Katherine smiled. "Also love drawing and shit like that." She giggled to herself and smiled at Matt. "I took that when he nearly pushed me into a wall upstairs." She smiled at Matt.
    February 17th, 2016 at 05:56pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Candace shook her head. "I don't think so," she told Jimmy. She poured the water into the pan with the rice and quickly mixed in the seasoning. "Why the hell would I want someone to cook for me?" Candace asked, answering Matt's question. "I've got two arms and legs that work. And besides, I'd probably go batshit crazy if I didn't have something to do." She looked over at Jimmy, shooting him another soft smile. To her, it seemed like he was warming up to her already. This is going to be too easy.
    "Next time just push him back, he'd deserve it," Matt told Katherine, returning her smile. "Maybe you can bake something for me sometime, I have a sweet tooth," Matt added. He didn't have time to do much cooking or baking himself; he just didn't have enough time. And honestly, he wasn't that good of a baker. But maybe Katherine could teach me.
    February 17th, 2016 at 08:58pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Jimmy smiled back at Candace and turned leaning back into the counter near the stove. He didn't have much time honestly to do anything. He watched her cook and smiled to himself. Maybe something more was forming, it was something he truly was looking forward too. He looked at his watch and returned his attention back to Candace, "So what's your favorite dish to cook?" he questioned her.
    Nodding her head Katherine smiled at him when he mentioned about baking for him. Was he warming up to her? It sounded like it by the flirtatious comment. She grinned lightly nodding her head, "I can do that." She told him and smiled. This is going to be easier than I thought.
    February 18th, 2016 at 01:31am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Candace shrugged. "To be honest, I don't think I really have a favorite," she said. "But I do like to think I make a pretty mean eggplant parmesan." She looked over at Jimmy, smiling as she stirred the rice. "Do you have a favorite dish? Maybe I can make it for you. Or teach you how to make it."
    "What kind of stuff can you cook?" Matt asked. "Because my grandma used to make the most delicious little danish things and I haven't had one since she passed away." The idea of having one of those danishes made Matt pretty excited; maybe Katherine could teach him how to make it himself.
    February 18th, 2016 at 04:21am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Jimmy grinned at her, "Sounds yummy." He shrugged lightly and lent into the counter top watching her. "My favorite dish is Chicken Parmesan. It's the best thing my grandma ever made." Jimmy smiled at her.
    Grinning ear to ear Katherine smiled, "I love making danish's. Their so wonderful to create and tasteful too. I can make you some one evening and also teach you how to make them too." She smiled at Matt.
    February 20th, 2016 at 11:23pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "That's not that different from eggplant parmesan, shouldn't be that hard to make," Candace said, reaching over to turn the heat off of the rice. She moved the skillet. "So it shouldn't be that hard to make, I can even teach you." She smiled at Jimmy again before looking over at Katherine, who was still talking to Matt. "Hey Kat, the food's ready."
    "Alright well it might take me awhile to pick up on things, I'm notoriously bad at anything that involves the kitchen," Matt said, laughing. He grinned. "Why do you think we have a kitchen staff?" Hearing Candace say that the food was ready, Matt went over to the cabinet to grab some plates. "What do you guys want to drink? No alcohol for right now, since we're going on a heist tonight."
    February 21st, 2016 at 12:08am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Jimmy took the plates from Matt and went to the table and set them out with the silverware. He got some glasses out of the cabinet and put them at the plates. He smiled turning towards Candace. Something about her, he couldn't put his finger on it. But she was growing on him.
    Katherine smiled helping Matt get some of the stuff out, "Water for me." She replied to him and smiled at him going onward about helping him. She heard her phone buzz in her pocket and groaned a little. She pulled it out and looked at it seeing it was her formant as she excused herself she headed out of the room. "Yeah" She answered the phone. She listened to him go on about a problem with the drug shipment that was supposed to be coming in. It wasn't going to be a huge one. She knew the heist tonight would more than likely be the one her formant was talking about. "Fuck." She muttered ending the call and rubbing her temples. She knew this could cause a some what problem.
    February 21st, 2016 at 06:24pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Candace watched Katherine as she walked away, answering her phone. She knew it was more than likely Kat's informant, judging by the displeased look on Katherine's face. She told Matt that age wanted some water and then carried the skillet over to the table, cringing just slightly when the thunder rumbled again.
    Matt grabbed a few water bottles from the fridge and took them to the table, watching Katherine as she got on the phone. As much as he was starting to warm up to Katherine - and the same with Jimmy and Candace - he still wasn't quite sure about the two of them. Something just seemed off about them. But then again, maybe it was nothing.
    February 21st, 2016 at 08:12pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Jimmy noticed the look on Matt's face. He took and narrowed his eyes a little at Matt. He knew he had big issues on trusting people. But these girls seemed harmless. And they seemed like they knew what they were doing. He sighed a little running a hand through his hair as he smiled at Candace offering her a chair as he took his own chair.


    Katherine slid her phone into her back pocket and walked back to where everyone was at. "Sorry about that guys." Katherine told them and gave them a light smile. "Matt could I talk to you privately a moment?" She asked him. She had to give him a head up about the so called "attack" and what the proballab outcome could wind up being.
    February 22nd, 2016 at 05:20pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Your buddy in there doesn't seem like he likes us very much," Candace commented, jerking her thumb at Matt, who had followed Katherine into the other room. She took a bite of her rice. "Not that I can blame him, he probably has trust issues." She winced as the thunder rumbled again. "Jeez, I hate storms."
    "Uh, sure," Matt said. He got up from his seat and followed Katherine into the other room. He honestly had no idea what this woman could want, or why she was talking to him like she'd been a part of this team for years. "What is it that's so important you needed to pull me away from dinner?"
    February 22nd, 2016 at 05:49pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Jimmy scooted closer to her and frowned, "Hey it'll pass soon." He rubbed her arm lightly and smiled at her. "Just try to think of something else. Tell me what's your favorite pass time and what not?" He asked her trying to keep her mind at ease from the storm.
    Katherine looked at Matt, "That was a friend of mine. Matt tonight you might want to pull back on this heist. He's from another gang, and he knew I got into this gang. Their planning an attack. I know you can use this information to your advantage." She said and handed him the phone to let him read the messages from the guy. He was a close friend's of her but he was also an undercover FBI too. "I know it's your call but I wanted you to be prepared for whatever outcome may come tonight." She told him.
    February 22nd, 2016 at 07:25pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Ah well I like to cook and shoot things, that's about it," Candace said, laughing a little. With her job she hadn't had much time to develop any real hobbies. And she didn't need to tell them all to Jimmy anyway; he didn't need to know too much about her. "I'm probably gonna sleep in Kat's bed tonight so I can cuddle up to her when I get scared."
    Matt frowned slightly. He'd really like to know where Katherine was getting this information. Or who this guy was. "I can't call off the heist," he explained to Katherine. "We need the merchandise. If these guys are really planning an attack then I won't feel bad when we kill them all."
    February 22nd, 2016 at 08:07pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Jimmy looked at her seeing her how scared she truly was with the storm. "You could come hang out in my room." Jimmy offered to her and smiled lightly to her. "I mean if you want to that is, it's totally up to you. I got a King size bed so there's plenty of room." He rubbed the back of his neck lightly shrugging a little.
    Katherine nodded her head to him knowing where he was coming from, "Ok." She said lightly as she excused herself from him and went to get a bite of rice before going to get ready tonight. She texted Roy letting him know that she'd be safe. She tugged her hair into a pony tail slipping into her black leather leggings, and her long sleeve black shirt. She then slid her combat black boots upon to her feet.
    February 22nd, 2016 at 08:17pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Thanks, but I think I'll just stay with Kat," Candace said, smiling a little. She was surprised that Jimmy had offered up his bed so quickly. "Until I get to know you a little better I think I'll stay out if your bed. What kind of girl do you think I am?" she teased.
    Matt went back to the table. "After we're done eating we should probably head down to the meeting room," Matt said, reaching for his water. "Katherine just told me a few things I think everybody should know about before we go on the heist tonight."
    February 22nd, 2016 at 08:32pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Jimmy chuckled lightly at her comment and nodded lightly, "Alright." He told her before looking at Matt and nodding, "Ok." He told him.
    Katherine walked back into the kitchen hearing Matt talking with Candace and Jimmy. She sat back down and finished her rice and water.
    February 22nd, 2016 at 09:01pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Are we seriously going out in this?" Candace asked, jerking her thumb back at the window. She knew the heist was important because the guys needed the drugs and weapons, and her and Kat needed evidence, but she still didn't like the idea of going out in the storm.
    "And I'll have to explain how everything is gonna work, since we have newbies," Matt said. He looked over Candace and Katherine, smiling just slightly. "Jimmy, you can help with that."
    February 22nd, 2016 at 09:38pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Jimmy looked at Matt and nodded his head. "Yeah, I am afraid so." He told candace and smiled lightly. "Let's go on to the meeting room and get this over with." Jimmy said to Matt and the girls as he got up and cleaned the mess up.
    Katherine watched Jimmy go onward as she looked at her friend. She frowned a little putting her arm around her comforting her.
    February 23rd, 2016 at 07:13pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "I guess the house staff or whatever can clean this up," Candace grumbled, looking at the mess they'd have to leave. She felt bad about it, but she knew they needed to be in the meeting room. And if they were going to fit in around here, they'd have to adopt the guys' colder demeanors at least slightly.
    Matt gave the girls another small smile before he and Jimmy headed to the meeting room, focusing on Katherine for a split second longer. "So we're going to have to make sure we're packing more than pistols when we go out tonight," Matt said to Jimmy. "I figured you could take care of that."
    February 23rd, 2016 at 07:51pm