Crazy in Love

  • Jimmy nodded his head to Matt, "Yeah I can. We got some Ak's stored up in the attic." Jimmy smiled at Matt as he noticed him staring at Katherine. "You like her man, admit it." Jimmy muttered to Matt.
    Katherine walked with Candace. She knew they'd have to adopt some of the guys habits in order to fit in. But some part of her didn't want to leave the mess for the house staff to clean. But she knew she had too she sighed lightly looking over at Candace. This was going to be a lot harder.
    February 23rd, 2016 at 10:26pm
  • "So what exactly does a heist involve?" Candace asked, catching up to Matt and Jimmy. "I might be a good shot, but I've never uh, partaken in something like this. What kind of merchandise are we moving?" Of course, Candace and Katherine already knew what it was; they'd been studying these boys for awhile. But it didn't hurt to ask.
    Matt rolled his eyes. "You're one to talk," he scoffed. He looked over at Jimmy. "You obviously like Candace, which I think is weird, since we've known about their existence for all of one week. Less than that, actually." But Matt couldn't all the way dent Jimmy's claim. He did feel a certain pull to Katherine, but he didn't want to do anything about it just yet.
    February 23rd, 2016 at 11:40pm
  • [Sorry for the late reply I do apologize. I've had so much going on my great grandma passed and it's just been kind of hard. But I am back!]

    Jimmy heard Candace speaking as he turned and looked at her giving her a light smile. "Well tonight's is tad different. It's drugs mostly. Maybe some guns but mostly drugs. Which is why it's more dangerous and ambitious." Jimmy said to Candace and looked at her as he walked with her.
    Katherine over heard Jimmy telling Candace what they'd be taken tonight. She knew the drug dealer they were going after. He was very notorious on the FBI's most wanted. But nothing like Avenged. Something inside of her felt a huge pull towards Matt. She knew she couldn't do this. She shook the thoughts from her mind and noticed Matt eyeing her, "Something wrong?" She asked.
    March 5th, 2016 at 10:55pm
  • "So basically just take whatever we can grab?" Candace clarified. She knew more about heists then she was letting on, but of course she couldn't let Jimmy know that. It would be too suspicious. She smiled at him. "I'll just stick close to you, you seem like you know what you're doing."
    "You're not very talkative, are you?" Matt asked in response to Katherine's question. Candace was chatting up Jimmy quite a bit, but Katherine didn't seem to want to talk to him all that much. "Are you nervous? I'm sure you've never been on a heist before."

    [[that's okay, I understand!]]
    March 5th, 2016 at 11:07pm
  • Jimmy nodded his head, "That's a great idea. Just stay close to me just in case if something were to happen or something. Hopefully everything goes smoothly." Jimmy told Candace and smiled. "And yeah grab whatever you can." He added.
    Katherine noticed Candace chatting away as she looked at Matt, "Never been on one, but from what I heard them two talking. Seems pretty easy enough." She shrugged and stared at Matt. "And no I am not a talkative person, just occasions." She admitted. That's how'd she'd always been. She'd been hurt so many times in the past. She found it hard to open up to anyone but Candace.

    [[thanks for understanding!]]
    March 5th, 2016 at 11:15pm
  • "I'd probably feel a little better about it if it wasn't storming and shit," Candace said again. She frowned as thundered overhead. "Like I said before, I'm a big pussy when it comes to thunderstorms. They've just always freaked me out, dunno why."
    "Well I'm sure once you've been here awhile you'll start opening up," Matt said. He smiled slightly. "Because you've really gotta learn to trust us if you're gonna last long here. We all gotta stick together."
    March 6th, 2016 at 12:00am
  • Jimmy stared at her a second, "I'm sorry that you're scared of storms. I used to be, but...." He shrugged. "I had to deal with other shit so yea." He told her as he stopped and smiled down at her. "I promise everything will be alright." He assured her.
    Nodding her head Katherine stared at him, "Yeah." She replied in a soft tone as she looked at her watch. It was nearing time to leave for this heist. She cleared her throat, "So what do you guys normally do before the heist?" She asked.
    March 6th, 2016 at 12:27am
  • Candace shrugged. "I'm sure it's just some deep-seated childhood fear, no big deal," she joked, grinning. She never would've guessed that Jimmy would have ever been scared of storms, but she'd heard stranger things. And everyone was afraid of something. "So are we leaving soon?"
    "Usually we just meet up, do a short little debriefing," Matt explained. "I make sure everbody knows exactly what's happening and what to do if something goes wrong, like if somebody gets hurts or shit like that."
    March 6th, 2016 at 01:54am
  • Nodding his head to her, "Yeah in about fifteen or so. Gotta wait on our little pep talk and assignments and shit." Jimmy told her and smiled at her walking into the meeting room with her.
    Katherine nodded her head to Matt and smiled at him, "Okay." Katherine replied to him.
    March 7th, 2016 at 10:50pm
  • "Alright, sounds doable," Candace said. She followed Jimmy into the debriefing room taking a seat next to him. She noticed that Brian was already there and she glared at him, smirking to herself when he seemed displeased. If he was gonna be rude to her and Katherine, she sure as hell was gonna be rude back to him.
    Matt smiled back at Katherine. "It's pretty simple, just stick close to one of us and you should be okay. How good are you with guns? If you're as good as Candace, we'll get you an AK-47 or something, but if not we'll get you a pistol." He paused and laughed. "That AK will throw you back on your ass if you're not used to it."
    March 7th, 2016 at 11:47pm
  • Jimmy took and smiled at her as he took and sat down. He took and rubbed the back of his neck looking for Matt to come in and do his annual pointing out and assignments and what not.
    Katherine smiled a little, "I am so,so with guns. So I might can do the Ak-47." She told Matt with a mischievous smile.
    March 13th, 2016 at 07:53pm
  • Candace looked around, noticing that everyone else seemed to be waiting on something. Probably Matt, since he was the only one not here. But that made sense, since he was the boss. She listened to him giving instructions, hearing him say she was supposed to stay with Jimmy. She rolled her eyes a bit. She knew she had to pretend like she didn't know what she was doing, but she still didn't like depending on someone.
    Matt just grinned. "Alright, well if you think you can handle it," he said. He stepped into the briefing room, noticing that everybody was waiting on him. "So things are gonna be basically the same as always. Johnny, you're staying with the van in case we need to make a quick getaway. Everybody else, you're grabbing. Jimmy, I want you to keep Candace with you and I'll keep Katherine. Sound easy enough?"
    March 13th, 2016 at 08:10pm
  • Jimmy nodded his head and looked at Matt. "Yes it does." Jimmy said and looked at Candace. He saw everyone making their way out to get what the needed. He took and smiled at Candace as he handed her the gun he'd told her he'd give. Something deep down told him that she truly wasn't happy about sticking near him. But he'd make it worth her while. He took and headed for the van smiling down at her.
    Katherine took the gun when a chubby some what guy handed it to her. She just nodded her head and went to find Matt. She found him getting his own equipment as she took and stood beside of him. She noticed him giving the one named Syn instructions. She still didn't like the mother fucker and knowing her, she probably never would like him either. She cleared her throat lightly letting him know that she was there.
    March 14th, 2016 at 11:09am
  • Candace took the gun Jimmy handed to her, smiling widely. It had been awhile since she had a weapon this powerful in her hands and she'd honestly missed it. She was a little wary of using this on an actual person, but she remembered that they were criminals who had killed innocent people and she didn't feel so bad.
    Matt looked over when he heard Katherine clear her throat. He sent Brian away before turning to her. "If you're ready, we can go get in the van. I think everybody's just about ready as well." He took Katherine over to the van, which Johnny already had running, and opened the back doors. "You'll have to ride back here with everyone else, okay?"
    March 14th, 2016 at 05:27pm
  • Jimmy took the gun and slung the strap across his shoulder. He took and smiled at Candace leading her to the van. He offered his hand to her to help her up in the van. Some strange reason he found himself wanting to be more of a gentlemen around her.
    Katherine looked at Matt and nodded her head climbing up into the van, "It's fine." She told him as she took and sat down in the back checking out the gun making sure everything looked squared away. Last time she used one was when she was on the front line before joining the FBI when she was stupid ass teen that joined up to get away from her pathetic life she thought she had.
    March 16th, 2016 at 04:27pm
  • Candace smiled as she took Jimmy's hand and climbed into the van. He was honestly a little nicer than she'd been expecting. Well, all of them except Brian were. She crammed in next to Jimmy in the back of the van and held her gun in her lap. She hoped everything went off without a hitch, or at least without her or Katherine getting hurt.
    Once everyone was settled in the back, Matt went around and climbed into the front next to Johnny. "Alright, let's go," he said. It had started raining pretty hard buy the time they got to the location of the heist, and Matt hoped they wouldn't have to make a really quick getaway, because the rain would make it difficult.
    March 16th, 2016 at 06:57pm
  • Jimmy held to his gun as he glanced over at Candace. He didn't want anything to go wrong with this heist. And some odd reason he didn't want anything to happen to Candace either. He took and jumped up when the van came to a halt. He quickly waited for Candace so they could move in.
    When the van came to a halt, Katherine quickly sprung into action follow Vengeance's lead like she was told to do so. She kept her gun held to her the way she was taught in the military. She took and followed them inside as she began following Zacky as she took and began grabbing things she knew Matt would want and could be profited.
    March 17th, 2016 at 12:42am
  • Candace crept alongside Jimmy as they moved towards the building, clutching her gun to her chest. She didn't know too much about drugs, so she just planned on grabbing whatever she could get her hands on. Hopefully it would be enough to gain her and Katherine a bit more leverage with the group.
    "Stick close to me," Matt hissed at Katherine, noticing that she seemed to be following Zacky. He had his own orders to follow that would easier if he didn't have someone tagging along. Matt moved forward, holding up a hand for everyone to stop when he heard voices.
    March 17th, 2016 at 02:14am
  • Jimmy came to a stop as he felt Candace behind him. He glanced over at Matt then back to Candace. He heard the voices talking as he took and narrowed his eyes a little. He took and kept his gun aimed like normal waiting for Matt's signal.
    Katherine kept her gun clenched to her chest as she took and stared towards Matt's back once she'd gotten back behind him. She frowned lightly hearing the voices talking. She felt her nerves starting to get the better of her.
    March 17th, 2016 at 02:07pm
  • Candace wasn't surprised to hear voices. After all, why would things worth stealing be left unattended? She listened closely, seeing if she was able to to hear what they were talking about. She couldn't hear every word, but from what she could tell, they didn't know that they had visitors.
    Matt thought quickly about what to do. "Jimmy, I want you to take Candace and go on ahead, sonce the two of you are better with your weapons. Zacky, you stay behind to defend from the back. Me, Brian, and Katherine are going to stay kind of in the middle, and we're going to start grabbing the merchandise. Got it?"
    March 17th, 2016 at 07:26pm