Crazy in Love

  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    On Saturday morning, Candace was sitting at the small table in her kitchen drinking a cup of coffee when her phone vibrated, the name Jonas flashing across the screen. She snatched it up and opened the text message, seeing that Jonas had sent her the address to the Avenged Sevenfold mansion and said that the guys wanted them to move in as soon as possible, preferably that weekend. "Well they're certainly used to getting their way, aren't they?" Candace mumbled to herself, forwarding the message to Katherine, in case she hadn't gotten it.
    "I want you to go through and make sure the rooms for those girls are ready," Matt ordered, pointing at Johnny. It had been difficult getting the rooms ready so quickly; luckily Matt didn't actually have to do much work, since he'd hired other people to do it. He'd told Jonas and Danny to let the girls know that they were to move in that weekend so they could get to work. He wanted to get it done sooner rather than later, because Matt hated clutter in the house, and boxes were clutter.
    February 14th, 2016 at 03:25am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Hearing her phone vibrate, Katherine looked down on the bathroom counter and saw two messages had came through. One from Danny saying about the guys wanted them to move in that weekend. And a forward message from Candace saying the same thing. "Damn, when they want something they sure do put it out there." She muttered to herself as she finished fixing her hair. She took and tugged it into a messy bun and sighed. She sent Danny a message telling him to get his ass there and help her back some of her shit up. She paid her lease up for her apartment till this would be over, or so she thought it'd be over. She then began packing up her clothes, bedding things, and other things she'd be taking with her. She sent Candace a message quickly saying, They sure are used to getting their way, aren't they?. She chuckled lightly to herself and finished doing her packing and taking it out to her car.
    Standing outside the room that would be Candace's. Jimmy peeped inside and made sure that it looked good enough for her. He held a file in his hand as he glanced over it. He read over about her. Her likes, dislikes, criminal record. She seemed like a trouble maker, something similar to what he was back in his glory days. He tucked the file underneath his arm and headed down to where Matt was ordering Johnny around like normal. "Here's the file I got Vengeance to pull on Katherine. Likes, shit like that and her criminal record." Jimmy grinned. "Candace has a wrap sheet and a half on her ass." Jimmy chuckled to himself looking at Matt.
    February 14th, 2016 at 02:36pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Candace chuckled when she read Katherine's message. Obviously so. But we're just gonna have to fix that, aren't we? She put her mug in the sink and headed down the hall to change clothes before packing up a few last minute things. She didn't have that much stuff but when it came to anything but work, Candace was a procrastinator. She'd put off packing until almost midnight the night before and hadn't even done all of it. At least Jonas was supposed to be helping her move, so she wouldn't have to make more than one trip.
    "Thanks man," Matt said. He took the file from Jimmy and started flipping through it. Unlike what Jimmy said about Candace, Katherine didn't seem to be so much of a trouble maker, and her wrap sheet was considerably shorter. But as Matt scanned it he noticed one thing that made his eyes go wide. "Holy shit, she's got a felony on her record," he said. She'd been cleared of the charges, but the words were still there: possession of drugs with intent to distribute. "Man, I don't know what the hell we just got ourselves into."
    February 14th, 2016 at 08:29pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Katherine chuckled when she read the response back to the message. She hoped the fake files she'd made up for the two of them was good enough for them boys. She heard Danny walk in as she handed him the stuff as they got at it getting the few boxes and luggage out and into the vehicles. She didn't want to make a million trips, so this got it going in just one whack. She climbed into the car following Danny to the mansion. When she got there she pulled in behind him and stared at the place a moment.
    His eyes widen as he grinned at Matt, "I think we might have just got what we need to take down the rest of these gangs that are threatening us man." Jimmy smirked as he heard vehicle's. He looked out the window and saw Danny, "The one you hired is here." Jimmy told Matt.
    February 14th, 2016 at 09:36pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Alright, I think that's everything," Candace said as Jonas loaded the last box into the back of his truck. "I think we're good to go." Candace climbed into her car, waiting for Jonas to back out of her driveway before following him in the direction of the mansion. It was quite a ways outside of town, with a private drive and everything. These boys liked their privacy. As Candace pulled into the driveway, she noticed that Katherine's car was already there, which obviously meant Kat was as well. "I'm gonna go ahead inside, let 'em know I'm here," Candace said to Jonas, who nodded his head. She walked up to the front door and knocked on it, waiting for someone to come and let her inside.
    Matt nodded at Jimmy and headed over to the foyer, opening the front door and stepping outside. "Leave the stuff," Matt called out. "I'll have someone bring it in later." He gestured at Katherine, beckoning her inside. "Come inside, I'll show you your room. Danny, you can leave." Matt waited for Katherine to approach him before turning and heading inside. He led her to the third floor where the bedrooms were located and handed her a key. "Your bedroom is the first one on the right," he explained. He opened the door, gesturing inside. "Take a look, tell us what you think."
    February 14th, 2016 at 10:38pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Jimmy looked at the door hearing someone knocking. He knew it must have been Candace. He walked over to the door and pulled it open seeing her standing there, "Jonas we'll get someone to bring her things in. Thank you for bringing her up here, you're dismissed." Jimmy told him as he watched him leave. Jimmy took and motioned for Candace to come on in as he handed her a key, "That's the key to your room. It's up on the third floor, fourth door down the hall. You're near me." Jimmy told her as he headed up the stairs with her and stopped outside of her room, "Hope you like it." He smiled to her.
    Katherine stepped inside looking at the bedroom. Her eyes grew wide as she stared at the massive bedroom. She couldn't help but to feel special in that moment. She turned and looked at the one named Matt, "This is--Um--Just--Wow..." She managed to get out as she stared at him then turned back to the bedroom. "You really didn't have to do this, a small bedroom would've been fine." She assured him as she stared into the room. It was beyond her expectations and amazingly gorgeous.
    February 15th, 2016 at 10:38pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Wow," Candace said, looking around the room. "This is uh, really nice. Not what I was expecting, but in a good way." She looked over at Jimmy, reaching up to tug the bottom of her crop top down. Why she'd decided to wear this she didn't know. "So why am I near you?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Do you need to keep an eyes on me or something?" She grinned at him, walking over and plopping down onto the bed. "It's got a nice view," she commented, looking out the window. She noticed the TV on the wall to the left. "But I might have to move the TV around so I can watch from the bed."
    Matt just shrugged. "We make sure all of our employees are comfortable," he said. Katherine seemed pretty excited about the bedroom and despite still not being entirely happy about all of this, Matt couldn't help but smile. "Now, we're gonna give you guys a few hours to get settled in. Unpack your shit, stuff like that. But you need to be downstairs in the meeting room at seven o'clock for well, a meeting. We're running a heist tonight and as employees, you and Candace are expected to go along."
    February 16th, 2016 at 12:58am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Jimmy smiled at Candace, "I just like my employees near me is all." He told her as he noticed the TV. "Before I leave you to get settled, I can move it, if you'd like me too." He offered to her. He watched her closely and smiled to himself.
    Katherine stared at Matt and nodded her head. She gave him a light salute and grinned, "Aye, aye Capt." She smirked and giggled at her own commen. "I'll be there." She told him reassuring him that she'd be there.
    February 16th, 2016 at 01:11am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Candace sat up, brushing her hair back from her face. "If you don't mind," she said, smiling back at him. If she was going to have to get close to Jimmy, she might as well start laying the charm on pretty thick. She looked down, picking at a piece of fluff on the comforter. "You know, last time I had a bed this big I had someone to share it with." She looked up at Jimmy, trying so hard not to smirk. "It's gonna be weird having all of this space to myself."
    Matt closed his eyes, laughing softly under his breath. It might not be so bad having Katherine around, as long as she kept bringing in money for him, that is. "Is there anything else you need before you go?" Matt asked. He leaned against her doorframe, watching as she went around, inspecting the room. He'd worked hard to make sure she'd like the room and it made him happy to see that she did.
    February 16th, 2016 at 01:36am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Jimmy took the TV off the wall and moved it to where she'd pointed out. He heard her comment and knew she was smirking as she said it. He took and turned slowly and looked at her, "Is that so?" He asked her and grinned at her. "Maybe someone will come along." He told her and smiled at her going to the door, "Be in the meeting room at seven tonight. We're going a heist." He told her.
    Katherine glanced around and shook her head turning back to Matt. She turned a little to hard and fell flat onto her ass. She shook her head and laughed lightly sitting in the floor, "No I think I am fine." She told him and smiled. If she was going to have to get close to Matt. She might as well attempt to work her charm now.
    February 16th, 2016 at 01:45am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Yeah, maybe they will," Candace said, dropping the smirk from her face when Jimmy turned around. She nodded as she listened to him explain about the heist, letting him know that she'd be there. In the meantime, she decided to change into something a bit more comfortable. Once she'd gotten dressed, she decided to go and see what Katherine was doing and also be a little nosy. "Holy shit, they fixed you up good," Candace commented as she walked into Kat's room.
    "Alright, well you can just found one of house staff members if you need anything," Matt said. She's definitely something. He could hear Jimmy talking down the hall and assumed he must be dealing with Candace. Matt waited for him in the hallway and walked next to him as they headed downstairs to where the others were. "She settling in pretty well?" Matt asked. "And you told her about the heist?"
    February 16th, 2016 at 02:08am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Katherine looked up at Candace and laughed lightly at her comment about the hooking up. “Yeah I guess so.” She replied to Candace and smiled as she rubbed her butt lightly. She took and motioned Candace in as she took and went into the jointed bathroom and changed into something more comfortable to her. She walked out and looked at Candace. “Any luck charming Jimmy?” She whispered in a low tone to her best friend.
    Nodding his head Jimmy smiled at Matt. “And even turned on some flirty charm.” Jimmy grinned. “Maybe it isn’t going to be so bad to have the two around Matt.” Jimmy said assuring himself about what he had said. In some odd sense he could feel himself falling slowly for Candace.
    February 16th, 2016 at 02:31am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "I think so," Candace said, grinning at Katherine. "I told him that my bed was too big and I was used to having someone to cuddle with. I wonder how long it'll be before he's in my bed. Or the other way around. Either way, I don't think it'll be long. I know his type, it'll be easy to bend him to my will." Candace laughed at the thought. "What about Matt? Any luck with him?"
    Matt raised an eyebrow at Jimmy, hearing him say that Candace had flirted with him. He thought back to his short encounter with Katherine but as far as he could tell, it didn't seem like she was flirting with him. Strangely, he was a little jealous that she hadn't when Jimmy said that Candace flirted with him. "Yeah, I don't think it'll be too bad," Matt agreed.
    February 16th, 2016 at 04:01am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Katherine shrugged a little and looked at Candace, "Not so much. I mean I did flirt. But. No luck with the little flirting I did. Or maybe he didn't realize that I was flirting." Katherine said to Candace and shrugged a little. "Hopefully after this heist and what not, we'll get more progress with them." Katherine smirked lightly.
    Jimmy nodded his head to Matt, "I don't think it will either." Jimmy said going into the game room with Matt and sitting down. "Brian didn't take to well to the news. So you may have to watch him." Jimmy warned Matt. "Johnny and Zacky were on board with it." Jimmy smiled at Matt.
    February 16th, 2016 at 03:12pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Yeah, maybe they'll be so enamored by how amazing we are at being criminals that they'll fall in love with us on the spot," Candace added, cackling. If only things were that easy. She went over and plopped onto Katherine's bed, running her palm over the smooth comforter. "Your bed's pretty big too, you should mention that to Matt," Candace commented. "He looks like he'd be really into cuddling. But then again he also looks like he'd be really into bondage or some shit like that." Laughing again, she sat up and looked at Kat. "I'm hungry. Let's go see what kinda food this place has."
    Matt smiled lightly. "Like I said before, Brian can get the fuck over it," Matt said. "He doesn't make the decisions around here, I do." As they headed downstairs, Matt stopped a few workers, telling them to go outside and start bringing in the girls' things right away, since it looked like it might start raining soon. "Looks like we might be doing this heist in a thunderstorm," Matt said to Jimmy. It would make it easier for them to sneak up close without being caught, but it made it a little harder for Johnny - the getaway driver - to make a safe getaway.
    February 16th, 2016 at 07:49pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Katherine cackled at Candace's comments about bondage. "That'd be some shit then." She cackled out and nodded her head. "Agreed I am starving." She smiled as the two of them walked out of the room. She walked with Candace as a man came at them and hit her hard and Candace going between them. Katherine fell over into the wall narrowing her eyes at the long black haired man. "Watch it bitches." He said in a hateful tone.

    "You mother fucker need to watch where the hell you're going." Katherine said as she began going down the steps with Candace. "That one is Gates I do believe." She said in a low voice to Candace.
    Jimmy nodded his head, "Looks like it. The weather hasn't been calling for it till an hour ago. In some ways it'll work to our advantage. Others, it's going to make it harder to get out of there safely." He told Matt as Matt nodded. Jimmy heard Brian's hateful voice and sighed. "Well the mother fucker started." Jimmy sighed to himself.
    February 16th, 2016 at 08:48pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Well that motherfucker needs to watch it, I used to grapple, I'll kick his ass," Candace growled. She knew it was imperative that they got on everyone's good side, but that didn't mean they had to excuse rude behavior. She might be a smaller woman but that didn't mean she couldn't kick some ass. Candace made a face when she heard thunder rumble overhead. She wasn't the biggest fan of thunderstorms. "Ugh, it's gonna storm," Candace whined. "Kat, I'm sleeping in your room tonight."
    Matt rolled his eyes. "Looks like I'm gonna have to have a talk with him," he said to Jimmy. He spotted Brian up ahead and called him over. "I know you're not happy about the girls being here, but you've got to be nicer to them." Brian frowned, opening his mouth to say something, but Matt cut him off. "There's no argument in this. They're my employees now too and I expect all of my employees to get along. That includes you."
    February 16th, 2016 at 09:11pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Katherine looked at Candace and nodded her head, "Fine by me." She smiled at her as she stopped seeing Matt talking with the rude one that had been a smart ass to them. She narrowed her eyes at the man as Candace grabbed her arm pulling her into the kitchen with her. She took and sighed, "Prick." She said rather loudly.
    Jimmy chuckled at the comment by Katherine and looked at Matt. "Yeah you need to be nicer, Brian." Jimmy narrowed his eyes. In a way he'd grown rather protective of Candace since she arrived here. But it could just be where he liked her too.
    February 16th, 2016 at 10:21pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Candace chuckled at Katherine's comment. She had a feeling they wouldn't get along with Brian, at least not until after Matt or Jimmy beat some sense into him. "Alright, what do we want to eat?" Candace mused, going over to the pantry. "Ooh, they've got fried rice. Let's make that." Candace grabbed the box and sat it on the counter before going to the fridge and getting the butter and other things she'd need. She was digging through a cabinet for a pan when Matt and Jimmy walked into the kitchen.
    "If I hear that you're still being rude there are going to be consequences," Matt said, feeling himself getting angry when Brian rolled his eyes. "Brian, fucking seriously."

    "Alright, I'll be nice to them," Brian all but shouted. "And I don't know what the hell is so special about them that the two of you are acting so protective. What, are they already sucking your dick or something? Jeez."
    February 16th, 2016 at 11:57pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Katherine narrowed her eyes hearing Brian's comment. She felt her blood boil at it and shouted, "Are you jealous cause you're not getting yours sucked?!" She cackled and shook her head and smirked at Candace seeing her shaking her head at her. She smirked and crossed her arms when Matt and Jimmy came into the kitchen. She saw Matt stare at her as she took and gave him a light smile.
    Jimmy looked at Candace and Katherine, "I do apologize for him. He can be an ass when it comes to new people." Jimmy told Candace and saw her about to prepare rice. "Fried rice, my favorite especially with soy sauce over it. Best shit you can have." He grinned.
    February 17th, 2016 at 12:17am