
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    Finnick Odair & Adaline Nore

    Ashby Redpath & Ezra Mooney
    January 26th, 2016 at 02:08am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ sweetest_sin
    Ashby took one last look at District 4. She had been chosen. She walked onto the train and sat down. It wasn't much longer to the capital now but it was just enough time for her to morn her simple life in the ocean. Ashby sighed as she sunk into a chair and closed her eyes. She knew what was to come. She had heard form past victors and her parents had prepared her for this. None the less she did not want to do this. Ashby looked up as the light from the window darkened. A boy stood before her "Hello Finnick." She said and he gave a small smile. "Ashby Redpath right?" he asked and she nodded. He looked sad. "Good luck." he said and she nodded. He was probably on a mother call from the capital to fulfill some lustful woman's desire. She had seen him paraded about on the screens when they talked about the glorious life of the victor. But to her Finnick didn't look so happy he looked sad. Ashby was afraid but most of all she was just hoping that she wouldn't be to attached to anyone. She knew she couldn't actually kill someone she knew.
    Finnick sighed as he moved to his room on the train. He would need the rest before the night came. These capital women where ruthless and strange. He didn't know what to do with them but what they asked because his responsibility was to keep his family safe. If he had to give up his life in someway this was probably not the worst of them. Still no capital woman could ever understand him and all he has been through. He curled up in bed and hoped to get some sleep before the flashbacks invaded his dreams. Finnick ran a hand through his hair and pulled the covers over himself. When he got to the capital he would be fitted for the woman's desires before he would make his way to her side. He slept easily until the train jerked then he jumped out of his bed a knife in hand as he looked around seeing no one. He fell to the ground and counted his breaths trying to steady himself. Finnick ran a hand through his hair sheathing his fishing knife. He then stood and started to get all his things together to get off the train. They where almost there. He could see the Capital from his window.
    January 26th, 2016 at 02:53am
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Ezra sat on the couch, staring out of the window of the train. He had just be selected as a tribute for District 7. He watched as the trees got further away. This could be the last time he ever saw them. Being a tribute never really crossed his mind. There were a lot of people in his district, he did believe the odds were in his favor. He had no idea what he was going to get in to. He glanced away and noticed the girl who would be fighting alongside him. She was just average, he figured he could take her on if need be. Then it truly hit him; he would have to kill to stay alive. He didn't know if he would be willing to do that. His mentor walked over and sat next to him. Ezra turned to face him. "Ezra, I'm Felix." He held out his hand. Ezra nodded and connect his hand with his. "Nice to meet you." Silence fell over the train once more.
    Adaline stood in the middle of her extravagant home. It was purchased and decorated by her mother. They were complete opposites. She always felt as if she didn't belong in the capital. She didn't care about the trends or the food. The only things she cared for were the vibrant colors. Which is why her hair is a pastel shade of pink. That was the only thing capital about her. She took in her surroundings, making sure everything was tidy. She was having a guest over for this first time. She smoothed out her flowing white dress and sighed. This was an odd thing for her.

    (Sorry if it's short. I used my phone.)
    January 26th, 2016 at 04:43am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ sweetest_sin
    Ashby looked up as the train jerked and she stood going to the window. So it began. She painted on a smile remembering that supporters where the most important thing. They got off the train and where hurried into be primped and pressed. "Ouch!" she yelled as they waxed her legs. "Watch it." she said and narrowed her eyes. She felt raw after they where done with her then they hurried her into the dressing rooms for the stylist to work with her. It wasn't long before she was dressed up in some stupid costume that still made her look stunning. She got on the carriage and waved to people as they threw flowers for her. She was just wanting to start training. She had to start otherwise she would never get good at those things she wasn't good at. Ashby was grateful when they put them all in the dinning room. She sat down at the table watching as the other tributes walked in. Ashby was surprised as a boy from 7 walked in. He made her feel dizzy and she didn't know why.
    Once Finnick made sure that Ashby was taken care of was taken off to the woman's house. He would be staying the night there. He stopped at the door and planted a smile on his face before he knocked on the door. He waited till the door opened before flashing a dazzling smile. "Hello." he said and walked in as he was invited in. He looked around seeing a girl with pastel pink hair come up to him then he realized the older woman was not who he was here for. He was surprised. What did this girl have that the President or Panem would want? He smiled anyways. "Adaline?" he asked softly watching her.
    January 26th, 2016 at 05:17am
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Ezra was surprised when the train stopped. He didn't realize he would make it to the Capital that quickly. He was practically forced off the train and into prepping. He didn't understand why the guys needed to be groomed. He sat silently as his hair was cut, his eyebrows were teased with, and a small amount of makeup was dabbed on him. He knew the was no reason to protest, technically he was not in control of his life. They rushed him from grooming to get dressed. He stared at the costume. This was where he wanted to draw the line but that wouldn't be possible. He put on the 'tree' and made his way to the carriages. A smile was plastered onto his face as he waved at the citizens and the cameras. He noticed a girl a few chariots in front of him. He shook it off, now was not the time. After the introductions were over he changed and made his way to the dining room. He was one of the last to file in. His eyes caught site of the once more. He recognized her from her profile. She was from 4. He took a seat as close to her as possible. She was breathtaking.

    A knock on the door sent Adaline into a small panic. She heard his voice and her breath hitched. She couldn't believe Finnick was actually here. She sent him a small smile, "Hello Finnick." She jester ed the older woman out so the pair could be alone. She waited until the door was shut to speak again. "I'm sorry I had to do it this way. I didn't know how else to contact you." She stated shyly. Being around Finnick did something to her. She had never felt like it with anyone else. She sat down on her couch, keeping her eyes on him. She took in every inch of him. He was beyond handsome. She grabbed her glass of wine and drank a little more than she should have. The liquid rushed down her throat and seemed to give her a bit more confidence. "I'm sorry this place is so gaudy. It was all my mother's doing." She explained. She didn't want Finnick to think any less of her so she knew some explanations would need to be in order.
    January 26th, 2016 at 03:01pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ sweetest_sin
    Ashby could tell he was only one person away from her. She didn't know what it was but she could feel his presence like water in the room. She glanced over and watched him a moment before he looked at her. Her eyes grew large before she looked away.She could feel her heart hammering in her chest. No please no. She begged herself not to feel for him not to see him as even human but it was to late and she knew if it came to it he would kill her because she would hesitate. Ashby ate knowing they meant to fatten her up but she was fine with that. She would need the reserve for when food was scares in the games. She really hoped they put her somewhere she could recognize. Ashby was hoping to get into training as soon as she got here but they weren't starting till morning. She didn't know what she would do with all that extra time because she knew that most the night she would not be able to sleep. Ashby refused to look back at the boy though at times she could feel the heat of his gaze on her.
    Finnick looked at the girl that smile still on his face but all he could think about was that this was her first time ever calling upon a victor. He was confused as she spoke because it didn't sound like fake modesty. It sounded like shame and fear. He moved to her side and sat beside her turning to her and running his finger along her jaw. She was beautiful for a capital girl. Defiantly the least strange he had even been summoned by. He was still confused by what she meant that this was the only way she knew how to contact him. This was the only way besides meeting with him while he prepared his tribute. "Adaline." he whispered her name and placed a mental finger on her lips. They where soft and he knew he wouldn't regret this one nearly as much. "Please stop apologizing." he said not only because it wasn't her role to but also because he didn't know what to do with it. He cupped her cheek his thumb moving over her cheek briefly as he leaned in close. "Sweet Adaline." he said softly. He loved her name. It was so gentle and sweet. Finnick knew why most women brought him to their houses but they usually jumped to the point. But with Adaline it was different and he wondered if she had ever been loved by a man before. He could make this special for her. He was so close to her. "This is your first time?" he asked. Usually the city women wanted him to do crazy things. And he had made a deal with the president of Panem that in return he wanted a secret from all of the women and every once in a while one from him as well. But somehow he knew the girl had been told and was sharing all her secrets with him. It was strange. Maybe he would have to ask her and lead her through this first time. He would wait to see what she said. He knew the president must have told the girl that a secret must be shared with him and any payment of secrets there after where to be given if he deemed it needed to the act that they required of him.
    January 26th, 2016 at 05:26pm
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Ezra watched the girl intently. He gave up on trying to be inconspicuous. He smiled as she ate. He knew she was trying to eat as much as possible before being thrown into the games. He tried his best to do the same but his mind was locked in on her. He wanted nothing more than to talk to her but he knew it was a risk. He sat in his chair, silent for a few moments. He was pondering the pros and cons of it all. He took a deep breath and leaned forward to get a better view of her. There was one person between them but sm they weren't paying much attention, the food was too mesmerizing. "You're from four right?" Ezra piped up. He knew the answer already but it was a start. He wanted to get to know this girl, it could be the death of him. But he felt as if she were different. Maybe she could be his ally. Granted, he wanted more but they only had a short amount of time together.

    Adaline tried to keep her composure as Finnick's finger brushed across her skin. She felt sparks in her stomach. She had never been touched like this before or been spoken to with such kindness. He leaned in closet to her and her heart began to race. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She was taken aback slightly when he asked if this would be her first time. She sighed and nodded, still not able to find her words. She was still for awhile, embracing every inch of his touch. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her eyes fluttered open and she was met by his beautifully hazel ones. "Finnick." She breathed out. She lifted a hand to touch his cheek. She left it there and leaned in closet to him. She had finally found the courage to move and speak with him. "It would be my first time." She whispered, moving her hand from his cheek to his chest. She had dished out another thing that no one knew about her. Now she understood why secrets were shared. Finnick was oddly smooth. She lifted one of her legs, the soft white fabric fell away, leaving her leg bare as she placed it on Finnick's lap to get closer. It was becoming easier for her to be confident while alone with him.
    January 26th, 2016 at 05:47pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ sweetest_sin
    Ashby looked up at the other person from four and saw him to engrossed in his food to answer so she lifted her eyes to the boy who had asked her. She looked him over and after a while nodded when the table seemed to go so quiet. "Yes." she spoke then looked back at her food. She didn't know what district he was from but since he was in the tree costume earlier she was guessing seven. She couldn't eat no more she felt sick so she looked back at the boy. "And you are from seven?" Ashby asked realizing the entire table was looking at them. The other tribute from four looked back and forth between then as if something was off. She nodded once she got her answer hoping these pleasantries where over. She stood from the table watching as the peacekeeper in the room shifted uncomfortably and she smiled. She went to the door and looked at the peacekeeper there. "I wish to retire to my room." she said and he opened the door for her. It seemed they where still jumpy that she was going to run from them. Ashby moved to the elevator and hit the button a sigh of relief flooding into her as she was alone. Ashby could still feel all their eyes on her. She didn't like it not one bit.
    Finnick nodded. He had known that before she shared it. "Tell me what you are hiding." he whispered as he pulled her into his alphas hands moving up her sides then up her back. He brushed her hair off one shoulder and ran his nose along the soft spot of her neck. He gently pulled down her shoulder strap of her dress and kissed her on the tender spot of her neck as his hands pressed her closer her body to his. He could tell by the way she stiffened that there was a secret she was kidding that she did not want to tell. "There that one. What ever just went through your head tell me." he whispered and stood carrying her. He walked down the hall and into her bedroom. He knew it was hers by how she reacted when he got close and opened the door. He smiled and set her on the bed. He kneeled before her on the floor looking up at her. Finnick reached up and took off the stupid necklaces that they made him wear. He put them on her dresser then he took her hands and ran them down his chest till her finger tips reached the bottom of his shirt. He helped her pull it off and he tossed it aside looking up at her. "Please Adaline." he said and he gently widened her legs kissing from her knee up until her dress started his hand on her other leg. He then sat back looking up at her again his fingers playing over her skin. Finnick wanted her to feel comfortable telling him this secret no one knew and she obviously had never dared speak out loud before. He knew he deserved it because he was going to make this unforgettable for her.
    January 26th, 2016 at 06:14pm
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...

    Ezra frowned when all she replied with was a simple yes. He ate a bite of food and kept his smile hidden when the girl leaned forward once more. The way she spoke caught his attention. She was being very standoffish and he hoped it was due to the games. He smiled whens he spoke again, "Yes, I am. My name is Ezra." She didn't seem interested. He watched as she stood up and excused herself. He sighed, that was pointless. The peacekeeper was weary to let her leave but he tried his luck anyways. He waited a few moments before proceeding the same way she did. At this point the peacekeepers didn't care. He could see her ahead of him. "Hey, four!" He called out after her. He didn't know her name and he felt awful for it. He caught up to her, most likely to her dismay. "Sorry, I didn't catch your name." He stated sending her a soft smile.
    Adaline's breath hitched in her throat. Her mind was racing. Finnick was caressing her body and it was driving her crazy. She had never felt this before but she was enjoying it. He whispered and she almost melted. His words bothered her a bit but she shook it away. His lips pressed against her skin and he asked for her secret again. A moment passed and she realized what was happening. She kept her mother closed as he carried her to the bedroom. He was teasing her and she loved it. He begged her and she couldn't take it anymore, she caved in. "I despise the capital." She breathed out. Instantly, she realized what she had said. She glanced at Finnick, she was scared. "You can't tell anyone. Please Finnick." She whispered as she leaned her body closer to him.
    January 27th, 2016 at 01:27am
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    January 27th, 2016 at 01:27am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ sweetest_sin
    Ashby looked up as the guy called her by her district. She smiled softly finding it kind of cute. She held the elevator door for him until he stepped in. "No I guess you didn't. I didn't mean to walk away I just had to get out of there. They where all looking at us." she said and shrugged not liking that she used the word us. "My name is Ashby." she said and let the doors close relaxing into the walls of the elevator as it moved. She couldn't use his name though his name echoed in her mind. She knew she couldn't humanize him. It was to dangerous to get close to anyone. She was quiet as the elevator rose. Her stop came up quickly and she stood there a moment looking at him. "It was nice meeting you." she said then stepped out watching as the doors closed. What was that all about? She felt her skin humming as she wanted to reach out and pull him out to talk to him more to touch his skin just for a moment to see how it felt. Ashby frowned suddenly hoping he would open the doors back up but she doubted he would and she knew it wouldn't be good if he did.
    Finnick smiled as she reacted to him just as he expected. He looked up at her as she begged him not to tell and he reveled in the control. He cupped her cheek and then placed a tender kiss on her lips. "It wouldn't be a secret if I went around telling everyone. Trust me Adaline, you have to trust me now." he said and kissed her again deeper this time his tongue meeting hers as her kissed her. He pulled back leaving her breathless. He smiled and kissed her thigh again. She was so soft. He was actually excited about this because it was different than anytime before with any other capital women. Her confession had startled him but he knew she told him the truth with how she breathed it out and then begged him to keep her secret. He had learned what a true secret cost. Finnick trailed his fingers up her thighs reaching her panties and messaged her clit a moment through the fabric. He then laughed the fabric and dragged it down her legs and tossed it to the side. He smiled and moved her up the bed as he crawled over her. He hovered over her and he smoothed her hair back then kissed her again letting his hips rest against hers his hard starting to form. Finnick ran his hand down her side then up her dress pulling it over her belly but not off yet. He looked down at her then moved down kissing her belly. Her skin was so perfect. "Adaline." he moaned softly and looked up at her. He was a little nervous but he was watching her to make sure this was right for her and what she truly wanted.
    January 27th, 2016 at 01:51am
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Ezra kept a smile as the girl spoke. He was able to learn her name, it was quite unique. Her words soothed him. He was glad she didn't leave because of him. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I didn't realize people were paying attention." He explained. He frowned when he realized they were at her stop. He waved a meek goodbye as the doors closed. He spent the ride up to his spot contemplating whether or not to go back. He truly felt as if he should but that could cross the line. The doors opened but he pushed the button for them to close. These could be his last few days, why not take a few risks. The elevator seemed to take forever and he practically ran when the doors opened. But she was right there. He smiled, "I-uh, I don't know actually." He had no idea where to go from there. Maybe it wasn't the best idea.

    Adaline moaned as his pace picked up. The pleasure she felt was unworldly. She thrust her hips closer to his, wanting to feel his touch. "I trust you." She whispered, keeping hold on his gaze for a few seconds. Every kiss took her breath away and every touch made her heart race faster. "Finnick." She breathed out as he touched her spot. He removed her panties and it took everything in her to keep calm. This pleasure was bringing her confidence. Finnick moaned her name and she smirked at him. She leaned forward and unbuttoned his pants. She placed a passionate kiss on his lips and pulled away. Her lips touched his ear as she slipped her hand down his pants. This was a new side of her, one only Finnick will have seen. Her lips grazed the bottom of his ear. "Tell me a secret now love." She whispered, placing her hand against his shaft and softly rubbing it.
    January 27th, 2016 at 06:00am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ sweetest_sin
    Ashby was surprised when the doors opened. She hadn't thought she had been standing there that long. She smiled despite herself. "Ezra..." she said and blushed looking away. He came back. Now she didn't know what to say or do. Ashby bit her lip before looking back at him. "Do you want to go for a walk? The roof has a garden..." she said and clasped her hands behind her just needing to do something with them. Why had she stayed, why was she wanting to spend time with him. This was dangerous. She shouldn't do this. Ashby bit her lip. Maybe just for tonight she could enjoy herself after all it had been nothing but bad for a while and something good needed to happen.
    Finnick was surprised that this very inexperienced girl was doing this. He ran his hand up her bely dragging her dress up too. He sat back a little and took her hand from his pants. He kissed her gently. "That's not how this works sweet Adaline." he whispered and pulled her shirt over her head and he pulled her to him his lips moving from her neck down her chest to her breasts. He let his lips pass over her sweet skin as he kissed her breast then took her nipple into his mouth working it until it perked up and was tender. He pulled back and blew gently on it watching as it made her squirm. He then switched to the other repeating the process then looking down at her. "But I can tell you this." he leaned in and kissed her gently before letting his lips hover over hers as he spoke. "You are beautiful." he whispered his lips brushing hers as he spoke. He then took off his pants and let his hard spring free. He watched her look over him before he moved kissing down her belly till he was between her legs. He spread them carefully and blew gently before he started to eat her out. He knew the first was always the worst but it didn't mean she could't still have an orgasm. He wrapped her in his arms as he continued to please her.
    January 27th, 2016 at 06:26am
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Ezra was thrilled when he realized she wanted him to come back. Her entire mood shifted. It made her happy to know she wasn't as reserved as she was earlier. "A garden?" He smiled wide. "I love anything nature related." He admitted. Ezra could tell that the girl was nervous, he started walking towards the stairs, knowing the elevator wouldn't reach the roof. He turned to look at her, "It'll be alright." He motioned for her to follow. He knew they wouldn't get into too much trouble. They were already tributes anyways. He walked up the flights of stairs until he reached the roof. There wasn't a code for some reason, that seemed off. He shrugged it away and opened the door. He was mesmerized by the gorgeous view. "Ashby, this is amazing."
    Adaline frowned when Finnick didn't play along with her. But her mind quickly threw the idea away. She tangled her hands in his hair. Every kiss put her on the edge. She smiled when he called her beautiful. But she couldn't help but feel uneasy. How many other women did he say that to? How many times had he been someone's first? Those thoughts were interrupted by his tongue on her entrance. She moaned out his name in pleasure. She felt a bubbling feeling in her stomach. "You're amazing." She breathed out as she reached her climax. She felt like a lost puppy with him. "Just tell me what you want me to do." She whispered. She was officially putty in his hands.
    January 27th, 2016 at 04:12pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ sweetest_sin
    Ashby smiled as he agreed. She followed him to the stairs and started to walk. "I wish that was true." she whispered when he said it would be alright. But the truth was that nothing was going to be alright 23 of them were going to die and the last one would never be the same. Once the door opened and she stepped out she gasped quietly. It was lovely. She looked out at the different wold flowers things she had never seen before and some she knew. "Finnick told me about this place. He said that when he had been a tribute another tribute from 7 had told him about this place. It needed up being the place where they agreed to be allies." she said and smiled sadly. Ashby moved into through the path with Ezra. She was sure he probably knew all the names of the plants up here, after all 7 grew everything right? Ashby looked up at him. This had been a bad idea. He was so handsome.
    Finnick felt her body shudder with the orgasm and he smiled. She asked him wha to do and he cupped her cheeks. "You don't need me to do that Adaline. You feel it." he said and then kissed her as he moved back up to her. He whispered sweet nothings into her ear before he told her the truth. "This might hurt a little..." he sat back a little and smiled sweetly at her. "It is my first time being someone's first." he said gently and kissed her deeply as he found her entrance and he slowly pushed into her. He hadn't realized the secret he had just shared. Though it wasn't something he was remotely embarrassed about so it didn't faiths classification of a secret. Finnick got all the way into her and paused letting her adjust to his full length inside of her. He kissed her shoulder teasing her skin as a hand rubbed her side brushing his thumb over her nipple then away. "Are you okay?" he whispered holding her close as he looked down into her eyes.
    January 27th, 2016 at 04:40pm
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Ezra walked a few steps ahead of Ashby. He was captivated by the beauty that surrounded him, including her. He reached his hand out and softly touched a leaf. This was a rare plant and he had never seen it in such impeccable quality. He turned his gaze back to Ashby, "Being allies wouldn't be a bad thing. I can teach you what plants are good for you and those that could kill. You could teach me how to fish and what not." He kept his eyes on hers, "But it's all up to you." He hoped she would agree but he understand if it went the other way. It would be hard to trust anyone but having a partner could be a good start.
    Adaline breathed heavily. She had no idea that she had been missing out on. He was right, she could sense what she needed to do. She trailed light kisses on his neck and continued to play with his hair. She was surprised when he revealed that this would be a first for him. She didn't expect him to talk about personal things. Her breath hitched in her throat as he thrust into her. It hurt her a bit but she could tell the pleasure would come. She became lost in his eyes, she heard him speak but she was in shock at the whole thing. "I'm okay." She whispered. She pecked his lips, "Thank you for being kind."
    January 28th, 2016 at 04:29am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ sweetest_sin
    Ashby watched him. He was beautiful out here among the plants. It brought out something special in him she hadn't seen earlier. She listened to him talk about them becoming allies and she blushed. She hadn't meant to insinuate that they should. She looked down knowing that she should tell him that she couldn't because then if it ever came time then she wouldn't be able to kill him. She looked up at him as he said it was up to her and she nodded softly. "Thank you for the offer Ezra. I will consider it." she said and left it at that knowing she wouldn't be taking any kind of allies. She would hide most the time and and kill those that where came upon her path. It was the only way she would be able to get through this. Ashby watched him look back at a plant in wonder and she frowned moving closer to him. "What do you see. Please explain to me what you see." she said softly her eyes searching his for some kind of an answer as to how he could find beauty in a leaf. The ocean was the only thing that she found beauty in but it's pure might was hard to ignore where a leaf was simple to ignore.
    "Shh. Adaline please just enjoy this." he whispered and her messaged her skin where it hurt most hoping to get her to relax. Once she was relaxed he pulled out slowly then back in again. Finnick kept moving to bring her to a place of comfort. He hoped he was doing this right. It concerned him that he might have hurt her to bad and that she wouldn't feel the pleasure that could be had from this. He didn't want her to speak only because he was afraid of what she would say. Why did she hate the capital when she had everything she desired, why was he what she considered kind when all of this was someone else doing. This was not the real him. If she could see inside his mind she would break. All these things raced through his mind until finally he heard her moan. He relaxed feeling the pleasure starting to build for her. He hung his head kissing her shoulder and her neck. This girl had disarmed him in more ways than she would ever know and he did not know what to do but to give her all that she wanted in this moment.
    January 28th, 2016 at 04:53am
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Ezra had a feeling she would be against becoming allies. He could see the wall she had built up. He understood it. His best chance of survival would be sticking with nature. He knew how to maneuvere through the trees and he could survive off of plants for awhile. His fighting may not be the best but he was strong enough to fend for himself. He glanced at Ashby. He hadn't realized how entranced he was by the leaves. He was a bit embarrassed by it. "I uh-its just I've tried to grow this at home but I could never keep it alive." He stated. "When it blooms, it's a beautiful bright flower. It's just so amazing to see these plants in perfect shape." He finished. He let go of the plant and stepped towards her. "It's rare, that's all."
    Adaline stayed quiet. She closed her eyes and relaxed. With every thrust pleasure grew inside her. She opened her eyes and let then roam his body. He looked so perfect, she had no idea how someone could manage that. She wanted him in more ways than one but she figured that wouldn't be possible. He hit her spot and she moaned his name. She felt bubbles in her stomach again and knew her climax was coming. "You can go faster." She whispered, wanting to feel more of him. She was thankful he was being delicate with her.
    January 28th, 2016 at 06:16pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ sweetest_sin
    Ashby stopped breathing as he stepped closer. She blushed and turned away looking out at the capital lights. She missed the lighthouse light that would move around her entire town. She missed the smell of the ocean that clung to everyone, the smell that they had scrubbed off her own body. She felt like crying then because she knew she would never see it again. Ashby knew that this man behind her was going to be to much of a soft spot for her. Even up here after all the scrubbing she could just barely smell the plants on him. Though she was sure the wood smell he was suppose to have was gone she could smell the way the plants stuck to him and it made her think of how he would smell like the woods and smile there. "Rare things are considered beautiful because they only come into your life for a brief moment... And that is why they are loved." she said and looked back at him wondering if his plan had been to destroy her resolve to kill him. Could he tell that he had? She fell into silence once more before she continued to walk around the garden silently with him. "I look forward to training tomorrow. I don't know why they wouldn't let us start today."
    Finnick looked down at her and kissed her deeply as he moved faster in her wanting her to feel such pleasure. He was not going to be able to come with her but as had been told it was not his pleasure that was needed. Finnick moaned softly agains her lips. She really was amazing in many ways but she scared him because she was so different in many other ways from the capital women. Perhaps that is what made her so amazing. Finnick pulled her closer his hands memorizing her body in it's innocence. She had milky white skin that blushed when she did and was right now heated with this lovemaking. He found it beautiful and wished she would call upon him again so he may understand her more but what would she have to sacrifice for the president to do so? Finnick wished no harm to her and he did not trust the president. Not after the secrets he had been told.
    January 28th, 2016 at 08:58pm
  • sweetest_sin

    sweetest_sin (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Ezra noticed the girl blush and look away from him. He was thankful for that because being alone with her was making him nervous. He didn't know how to explain a plant to her, he was used to people just knowing. But he was sure she would feel the same way about explaining fishing to him. He let his eyes scan the area, the building captivated him. The tallest thing he had ever seen was a tree. It was a special tree in their district. It was planted before the war and managed to survive it. It is supposed to be a lucky charm to them. He stuck one of his hands in his pocket. His father cut a piece of the tree and carved it into a smaller tree. It was his token for the games. He heard Ashby speak so he shoved it back into his pocket. "That was beautifully said." He whispered, hand still in his pocket. He could tell something was off about her; she probably thought he was trying to manipulate her. He sighed, there was no way he would be able to kill her if it came down to it. They both walked in silence. The capital lights glowing on the plants made them even more entrancing. Ashby spoke about training and he became nauseous. He was not looking forward to watching the career pack. "Yeah, it will be interesting." He stated, not really wanting to continue on about the games. After all, this was his last night of somewhat freedom.
    Adaline kissed Finnick back with everything she had left in her. This experience had left her weak feeling and vulnerable. He moaned against her lips and her heart fluttered. He pulled her close to him and she took in his scent. The capital wasn't able to scrub off every part of him. She could smell the sea on his skin. "You smell like four." She whispered. She bit her lip, "I like it." She nuzzled her head on his shoulder, getting comfortable. She closed her eyes and imagined that they weren't in the capital, but in his district. She wondered how life would be outside the walls. Of course it would be tough but she wouldn't be so close to Snow. He would not harm her physically but he had already emotionally drained her. She looked up at Finnick, her eyes locking with his, "Would you like to continue meeting? It wouldn't always be like this." She didn't want him just for sex. She just knew it was one of the only ways to get to him.
    January 29th, 2016 at 07:07pm