you hunted me down like a wolf.

  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    Evie Knight

    Derek Hale


    Amelia Thorne​

    Isaac Lahey
    this is a closed rp between hale & momentai.
    January 31st, 2016 at 05:48am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (I have no idea how I managed to make it this long, but I hope it's okay!)

    Derek could feel the pull of the full moon in his blood, flowing deep to his core and begging his wolf to come out. He knew better, of course. He had learned how to control the turn long ago and it was nothing new for him. It helped that his pack had learned a bit of control, too - it meant that he wouldn't have to worry about him as much. Erica could still get angry on the full moon and would sometimes lash out, but she'd regain control after a bit. Isaac had gotten his control earlier than the others, sooner than Derek had expected, so he was sure he had nothing to worry about there. Boyd wasn't much of a problem, either - the only real problem was the fact that Boyd didn't always know his own strength.

    But, for now, everybody seemed okay. They were calmer than he expected and he had even given them permission to go out and do as they pleased - with the warning that, if they felt like they were starting to lose control, then they had to come back so that he could help them regain that control. As long as they listened to him and as long as they remembered all of his advice and instructions from the past full moons, then everything would be okay, he was sure. He had faith in his pack, especially now that they were doing better.

    With them doing whatever they pleased, that left Derek free for the night. It wasn't the best night to go out, he was sure, but he felt like having a walk around Beacon Hills. At least for a little while, anyways, because he'd have to head back home to make sure that none of his pack were having any problems. Shrugging on his jacket, he left his home and stepped out onto the streets. Things were peaceful at the moment, but he was more than aware that the peacefulness probably wouldn't last very long. It never did.

    Slipping his hands into his jacket pockets, the man looked around as he began walking. There was no particular path that he was taking, not right now. For now, he was just walking until he could find something to occupy his time - or until the peace got disrupted.
    Running had become exhausting. Amelia wasn't running anymore, though, thanks to being a safe distance away from her old pack, from her old alpha. The man had let her believe that she would finally be adopted, that she would be out of the foster system - and, though, it did serve to be true, it was at the consequence of being Bitten by him and joining his pack. It had become unbearable, especially when the man was often frightening and cruel, always finding others to add to the pack that he was creating. The last straw had been when he bit a young boy who was around seven. The boy had rejected the bite, though, and he'd passed away.

    That was when Amelia decided that she had had enough. That was when she had started running. She wasn't running anymore. No, instead, she had found solace in a place called Beacon Hills. She'd been there a week and had even enrolled in school, but she wouldn't start until next week, not with the full moon putting her on edge. It would be her first full moon alone and she wasn't sure that she could handle it. It built an irritation in her, a frustration that didn't seem to want to disappear, and she hated it. But she was determined to get through it, no matter what.

    She'd just have to be careful, she reminded herself. Maybe she'd meet other werewolves in the town and they could be of some help, but, right now, she was in it alone. Having stolen the money that her old alpha got for being her foster parent, she had enough to last her a while, but it wouldn't last her forever, especially when she was staying at a hotel. So, for now, she needed a job and she needed to go to school. She needed to be normal - or at least feel like it.

    It wasn't safe to be at the hotel on a full moon, though. This had prompted her to head to the nearest forest in hopes of avoiding hurting anybody. If she was away from civilization, it would be safer, right?
    January 31st, 2016 at 06:26am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    Evie walked the streets of Beacon Hills without a destination in sight. She was planning to stay away from her family home as long as possible. She wanted to make out like she had been doing what her Dad had asked to do; hunt. She was never like him, she didn't enjoy hunting werewolves like he did. She actually found them interesting and also they had never done anything to her to make her hate them as much as her father did. The only time she didn't like them was when they were attacking the innocent, but that was the same for humans.

    She understood why her father hated them. One had bit his mother when he was only ten years old and she took her own life to stop her from changing. It did sadden her that she never met her grandmother because of this, but she chose to take her life. She could've kept living even though she was a werewolf. All she had to do was learn to control it.

    She cuddled into her leather jacket as her feet took her nowhere in particular. She was heading away from the lights of the city. Maybe, just maybe she would check out the woods to make sure no one was getting hurt since she did have her hand gun tucked in the waist band of her jeans for protection. That was her plan for when she got bored of just walking.

    She lifted her eyes from looking at the footpath to the sights ahead. She had missed Beacon Hills when she had moved away for a few years. She had missed the people and the friends she had made. She was glad she was back even though it was because her Dad was sick. Her eyes focused on the shadow in the darkness as she slowed down her pace. It was the full moon tonight and she was still cautious of the people she ran into.
    When he turned into a werewolf, Isaac thought that things were going to be incredibly difficult. Well, it was to begin with. There was the issue with his father that almost landed him in jail even though he had absolutely nothing to do with it. Then there were the full moons. He never expected how difficult they were going to be on him. They were bad, but he was glad he had Derek to help him learn to control his change.

    Isaac took a deep breath in as he headed into the woods. He knew he could control himself, but there was this small part of him that didn't trust. He was still scared that he would lose all control and do something that could hurt someone innocent. He never wanted that to happen so he went as far as he could from civilisation.

    Derek had told him numerous of times that the wood were not that safe on a full moon. Hunter found it the perfect time to hunt and kill the werewolves in the area, but Isaac was going to risk it. If he heard anything he would move as fast as he possibly could. He couldn't risk doing something stupid tonight and he didn't want Derek to think that he had done something stupid either.

    He took deep breaths in and out as he moved deeper into the woods; soon finding a place he could hide out until he didn't have to focus hard on keeping control or until some found him. He sat on the ground and leaned his back up against the tree. He glanced up to the sky; he could just see the moon through the leaves which made him smile just a little until he smelt something. It wasn't human; he could smell another wolf.
    January 31st, 2016 at 06:55am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    As Derek walked, it had been fairly easy for him to catch a scent - one that he recognized rather well, despite how long it had been since he last encountered it. With furrowed brows, the man stepped back out of sight, his eyes going towards the direction the scent was coming from. It seemed to be moving his way and it wasn't long before she came into view. It didn't look like she had changed much, but he knew better than to assume based on outward appearance. Just because somebody hadn't changed on the outside didn't mean that the same could be said for the inside.

    It didn't matter, he supposed. The thing that mattered was that, for some reason, she was back in Beacon Hills. In truth, he hadn't expected to see her again, not after the last time she had narrowly missed on killing him. Were things different now? Was she still a hunter? She hadn't ever seemed like she enjoyed the job of hunting, but he could only assume. They hadn't been the best of friends back then, not with her family hunting his.

    Shaking all the thoughts and memories away, Derek made his way out of the shadowed area he was in when he noticed that she had slowed down in her walking. He stepped into the moonlight, hands still in his pockets, and quirked a brow as he eyed the woman. "It's been a while, hasn't it?" he asked, though his thoughts revolved around why she was there. Had they learned of his pack? If so, his pack was in danger and he couldn't have that. "What brought you back to town?" He made sure to keep his tone calm and curious. No reason to start a fight, no reason to seem suspicious.
    Tension had settled into Amelia's shoulders the moment that she smelled another werewolf entering into the forest. For a moment, the first thing she thought about doing was to run. She'd always listening to the flight side of her fight or flight response, because running kept her alive. But, she was almost certain that it wouldn't be the smartest decision. If the werewolf had caught her scent, then they could track her - and, it could cause problems. But, there was also the chance that this was a good thing. A very slim chance, but she hoped for the best.

    She tried to fight away the tension in her body, worried that it would force out the shift. If she could just get rid of all negative feelings on nights like this, it'd probably be easier to handle them, but she wasn't even sure if that could be done or if it would work. Regardless, the girl followed the scent and made sure to be as stealthy as she could. It wouldn't matter, of course; whoever was out here could probably smell her coming their way, she was sure.

    Before long, she spotted a boy about her age, on the ground and against a tree. Her brows furrowed but she stayed a good distance away. She only stepped around a tree, placing her palm against it to brace herself if she did end up having to run, but she was at least making herself known in hopes of avoiding a fight. Despite feeling doubtful of her luck in that area, she took a breath and asked, "Who are you?"
    January 31st, 2016 at 03:42pm
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    Evie reached her hand behind her back to grip onto the handle of her gun as the figure stepped out of the shadows. She let out a sigh of relief before she dropped her head and let out a laugh. It wouldn't be like old times in Beacon Hills if she didn't run into Derek Hale. She always saw him wherever she went and he was her father's most hated werewolf. Her father hated the fact he hadn't killed him yet, but that was her fault. She had many opportunities to actually kill him, but she never would do it. Sure there were a couple close calls, but she blamed that on him for walking into her line of fire.

    "Derek Hale," she said with amusement as she walked closer to him; letting her grip go from her gun. "My father is still furious that you are alive and kicking," she teasingly added. She stopped in front of him and looked up at him with her eyes studying his face. Besides being older and the stubble on his chin, he really hadn't changed much. It brought a little smile on her face.

    "I'm surprised you don't know," she replied to his question as she cuddled back into her jacket. "I'm sure you've noticed that my father hasn't been out as much as he used to. He's not well at all, that's what brought me back," she said calmly. She wasn't looking for his sympathy. She knew how much him and his family hated her own. She didn't blame them, he done some terrible things by killing innocent werewolves. She still loved her father despite all his faults, but she would never do what he had done.
    Isaac could smell them coming closer, but he could barely here their footsteps. His eyes searched the area until he saw a girls head pop out from behind the tree. He jumped to his feet; not expecting to see her so close to him. He could feel his heart beating fast and he knew his claws were showing. He stayed still as his eyes studied her.

    "Isaac," he said slowly; not wanting to start something with a wolf he didn't know. His eyes kept studying her face, but he soon realised that he had never seen this girl in his life. She must've been new to the area considering she was out here alone in the woods or so he hoped. "Who are you? Are you alone?" he asked as calmly as he could as he stepped back a little from her.
    February 1st, 2016 at 03:12am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    The moment Derek spotted Evie's hand going behind her back, he had tensed up and prepared for a fight. He was adept in how the hunters worked - both her family and the Argents. The fact that her hand was behind her back meant that she probably had a weapon ready if she needed it; he'd have to keep that in mind if things got bad or dangerous. The tension and thoughts of possibly running into some sort of fight disappeared fairly quickly when she dropped her hand, though.

    "Sorry to disappoint him, then. I've become resilient over the years," he offered in response before he lifted his shoulders in a slight shrug. He supposed it was more of anger that the man might feel, like Evie had mentioned, but, either way, Derek didn't particularly care. The idea of being a bother to her father wasn't really anything he cared about.

    He quirked a brow, though, and eyed her as she got closer. "I haven't really been keeping up with your family lately." Sure, he supposed it was odd that her father hadn't been trying to kill him lately, but he had been busy with the Argents and with his new pack. He had new priorities.
    Amelia listened to his heartbeat from where she was, focused on in for any signs of a warning that she should leave. There was a leap that was probably caused by her startling him and his heart rate was a little heightened, but that could be because it was a full moon. Regardless, it didn't look like he was going to attack - he looked as defensive as she felt, which was probably a good thing. She could suppose so, anyways.

    "Amelia," she introduced herself before she offered a small nod. "I'm alone, yeah. And you? Are you alone?" She frowned slightly, brows furrowed as she focused on the scents around them. She couldn't smell any other wolves, which she was fairly grateful for. Chewing on her lip, she stepped out further and tilted her head slightly as she eyed the boy.

    Her tension eased away a bit when he didn't appear to be a threat. In hopes of letting him know that she wasn't a threat, she added, "I'm only out here because it's the first full moon I'm facing on my own."
    February 1st, 2016 at 03:40am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    Evie could help but to laugh at his response. "Good to know that you're not an easy target like you previously were," she taunted; smirking up at the man. She had actually missed Derek. She missed teasing him, she missed arguing with him and she missed firing bullets at him and purposely missed even though he probably thought she was actually trying to kill him. She was truly glad she was back.

    She wasn't surprised Derek was still alive. Her father eyesight was basically gone and the men who followed him could barely hit bullseye on a still target. Now that she was back, she wasn't going to make life easy for Derek. She just couldn't help herself because she enjoyed it far too much.

    "Maybe you should've, that way you would've known I was coming back," she stated to him with a lazy shrug. She kept her eyes on him as she shot him a teasing smirk. "Y'know since my Dad wants me to take over with the hunts, we are going to see a lot more of each other. Lucky for you, I brought my big gun just for you," she added with a wink.
    Isaac took deep breaths in and out as he thought about what Derek had taught him. He slowly began to calm his heart, but he kept his eyes firmly on the girl a few feet away from him. He did not trust the girl in front of him, but he was starting to believe that she was no threat at all. She looked like she wanted no harm, but he had to make sure and keep his distance.

    Isaac nodded when he told him her name. He bit down on his bottom lip as he started to ease a little bit more. He watched as she stepped out further, but he didn't move an inch. He didn't want to startle her like she had startled him. He didn't want her to turn and force him to as well. He didn't want to screw up his first full moon alone.

    "I'm alone, well, out here. My pack is elsewhere," he told her. He believed that she was alone considering he could only smell her and not any other wolves nearby. "You new to town?" he asked as he clasped his hands in front of him and took a few steps forward. "I'm only out here cause it's the first time I'm allowed on my own during a full moon," he said with a small shrug.
    February 1st, 2016 at 04:17am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    In Derek's opinion, he had never been an easy target. To hear Evie taunt him about it made him want to remind her of all the times that she had missed out on killing him - but he still wasn't sure of the circumstances of her misses. He was well aware that she was generally a good shot and, honestly, there had been times when he wasn't even far from her and she would miss him. Maybe some other time, he'd ask about it.

    For now, though, he was more focused on everything else that she was saying. He eventually snorted and rolled his eyes. "You didn't get me back then. What makes you think you can get me now?" he drawled out as he turned his attention fully to her. "Have you even been hunting since leaving Beacon Hills? My bet is that you're probably more than a little rusty." It was his turn to taunt her and he'd missed doing so.

    "If you're planning to hunt here, I'd prefer that you don't." Because he had a pack now full of teenagers. They were young and reckless, but they weren't dangerous, and he refused to let anybody hurt his pack. "Take my word for it, Evie, it'd be a better idea to leave if that's your intention."
    He seemed calmer, now, and that brought a sense of relief for Amelia because it helped her calm down a bit. At the mention of a pack, she wasn't sure what to say or think, because she wasn't sure if all packs were like the one she had come from. Surely not, she hoped, but she didn't want to think too far into it. It'd be better to avoid thinking about it at all, at least on the night of the full moon, because she didn't want to shift.

    "I just got here earlier this week, a few days ago," she explained to him with a small nod. "No pack, though. I left mine." She didn't go into details about it and she hoped that he wouldn't ask, because, then, she'd have to avoid and evade the question or lie completely - both of which could cause him to become suspicious and she wanted to avoid that for obvious reasons.

    She let herself relax a bit more when he stepped closer but she stayed where she was at that point. This boy was still a mystery to her and she wasn't sure if she could trust him yet - but what were the chances of them meeting again after this, anyways? "How many other werewolves are there here?"
    February 1st, 2016 at 04:35am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    Evie did wonder if Derek knew that she purposely missed him most times when she shot at him. She knew she could never admit that out loud. If her father ever heard her say that she would be shunned from the family. Hell, she would be kicked out by her family if they even saw her talking to him. The only time they allowed it was when she was actually in school, but that was no excuse now. It was more fun having him alive.

    Evie cocked an eyebrow at him when he snorted. It wasn't often that it actually happened. "I will happily bet on this," she replied in a cocky tone. "I bet I should shoot you right here," she added pointing to her shoulder. "I mean, I wouldn't want to go for a kill shot because you'll have to pay up and I need you alive for that." She had a smug look on her face as she crossed her arms against her chest. "My aim is second to none. I had to keep that in check while I was gone just incase I had to come back here. You are, after all, my favourite person to shoot at."

    She looked away from Derek at laughed, but it soon stopped when he started to talk again. She hated it when he got all serious. Sometimes it was like he didn't even know her and what her intentions were. "What are you going to do about it Derek? What exactly happens if I stay and hunt? Are you going to come after little old me?" She shot a quick look at Derek.
    Even though she had been here for only a few days, he was surprised that he actually hadn't seen her around. Beacon Hills was a small town, but the werewolf population was even smaller. He was more shocked that he never caught her scent and it made him wonder if Derek knew that there was a new wolf in town.

    As she explained about leaving her pack, he simply nodded in return. It seemed like she didn't want to be pushed on the subject since she didn't explain it anymore. A part of him wanted to know more about her and why she chose to leave her pack, but he didn't know this girl. Maybe if he ever got the chance to know her better he would. "Do you think you'd join another pack?" he asked slowly. He knew Derek was after people for his pack considering he had bitten Erica, Boyd and himself.

    Isaac smiled a little at her question. "There are a few," he told her, "We all get along okay." Sure he had his issues with Scott, but he wasn't going to go after him to hurt him. "Derek's the alpha around here," he explained to her.
    February 1st, 2016 at 05:11am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Amusement flashed on Derek's features, just for a moment, before a small, challenging smirk fell into place. He leaned forward, just a bit, just enough to get into her personal space. "You've had the opportunity to kill me when I've been this close before, but you always missed. If your aim is so good, then you'd have to be missing on purpose. Which begs the question of why you would be missing on purpose, don't you think?" he all but taunted, remaining as he was for a moment before he straightened back up.

    "Or maybe you're lying about that aim of yours and you're a lousy shot. That'd be reckless of you, don't you think? Especially when you're practically challenging a werewolf at such a short distance on the night of a full moon." It wasn't like he'd attack her, though. When they'd talked in school, they had gotten along. It was only on her hunts that things ended up being tense between them every now and then.

    But, now, they were on the topic of her hunting in Beacon Hills, and he sighed. "I never said that I would do anything to you. But I have people to protect - a pack to protect - and they're all young. I can't let you hurt or kill them."
    Would she ever join another pack? Amelia wasn't entirely sure what her answer should be. It was dangerous to be an omega, a werewolf on your own, without a pack. Her old alpha had told her and the rest of her old pack that several times, to the point that it was ingrained in her mind. But, she wasn't sure that any other pack would be different from the one she left. "I guess... it depends on what the pack would be like," she answered.

    It was a good enough answer, in her opinion, an acceptable one. It wasn't a direct yes or no, but it was a maybe, she supposed, and that was better than nothing, wasn't it? "Who's Derek?" she asked with confusion. "Is he a good alpha? Does he force the bite on people?" It was mostly about morals, she supposed.

    But, in a way, she also felt wronged by her old alpha. He had bitten her without any thought or consideration over what she might have wanted. And she didn't want to meet more alphas like that.
    February 1st, 2016 at 05:29am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    Evie turned to face him when he leaned in towards her; invading her space. She kept a smirk on her face as he spoke, but never interrupted him once. "Oh Derek, I didn't miss you some of the time. In fact, if I do recall correctly, I have hit you on numerous occasions. If only I had my aim a little more to the right and if I only I had used my bullets laced with wolfsbane," she said; pretending to be frustrated with herself. She stayed silent for a moment before she turned her body fully to face him. "I think you know that I could've killed you if I really wanted to. You are lucky I am your friend rather than your foe."

    Evie's brows rose at Derek again. "Protecting a pack? Are you trying to tell me you're an alpha now Derek?" She asked with amusement. She always knew that one day Derek would become an alpha. She had always seen that path for him. "Well, tell that pack of yours to make sure they don't try to attack me. That's the only time we will have an issue. I also don't appreciate getting growled at," she told him. "Oh and make sure they don't lose their cool when I do eventually shoot you in the shoulder because I will just to rub it in."
    Isaac smiled at her reply and nodded his head. "I understand that," he said. He had a feeling something went wrong with her old pack; something bad and that was why she was here. Isaac stayed silent when she asked him about Derek. He was cold most of the time and worked him and the others to the bone when they were training, but he knew it was for the best.

    "He's a great alpha," he admitted. He knew Derek would have their backs whenever they were in trouble; he never doubted that. "No never," he continued, "he gave me and the rest a choice. We could chose whether or not we wanted the bite."

    When he looked back over at her, something told him that she was never given the choice whether or not she wanted the life she had. It was hard knowing that he was once human and now he was this. If he never had the choice, he knew he would be a completely different werewolf. "You never got a choice, did you?" he asked softly.
    February 1st, 2016 at 06:25am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "There's a fine line between friend and foe, though. Half the time, I wonder if hunters blur the lines," Derek replied to her, his tone casual, but it held a seriousness to it, because it was easy to be suspicious of hunters - even ones that you were once close to. Considering the many times that her and her family had hunted him and his own family, he felt he had a right to be a little suspicious. Even more so with the Argents in town. As long as the two hunting families didn't join together, his pack would stand a chance.

    At hearing her question is alpha status, he couldn't help but to feel a little proud and smug as he nodded. "That's right. And I won't let anybody hurt them," he said firmly, his eyes focused on hers in hopes that she would understand. He had responsibilities and he refused to fail his pack, not while he could help it. "They won't attack, not unless they feel threatened."

    They knew better. He'd taught them control and he'd taught them to be careful about the fights that they tried to pick.
    Amelia wasn't sure what to think. Was his alpha really great? Or could he just be devoted to his alpha because of the alpha-beta bond? She had never felt devoted to hers, but she knew that most of her old pack had; they felt that he had saved them from a life full of foster homes where nobody would want them until they would age out and end up on the streets. If she hadn't been so upset about not having a choice, she might have even felt the same.

    "No, I never had a choice," she admitted after a moment, despite that she didn't really like talking about it. It put tension in her again and she tried to shake it off before she exhaled quietly. "Nobody in my old pack did. It's a long story and I'd rather not get into it." Especially right now, when they were both dealing with the full moon. It'd be better to deter the subject.

    "What's your pack like?"
    February 1st, 2016 at 05:20pm
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    Evie rolled her eyes. She hated it when he was suspicious of her, but she didn't blame him for it. She was a hunter and he was a werewolf; her family hunted them. When her family finds a wolf, they would be after it until it was dead no matter who they were or what they have done. They could've done absolutely nothing and caused no harm in the world and yet her family would kill it with no mercy, but she was never like that. She had killed a few werewolves in her time, but they had always either attacked or killed someone. She had to have a reason to kill them; they couldn't be innocent.

    "If I wasn't your friend Derek, I would be just like my family," she muttered in reply. If she had never met him and never talked to him she would have let her family brainwash her into believing they were all bad since she was so young when she began to hunt. She risked losing her family every time she missed her shot because if they ever found out she was doing it on purpose she would be considered a traitor. She wouldn't be surprised if they killed her just because she helped the wolves rather than kill them.

    "And you don't have to worry about me hurting them for now," she shot back; staring up at him. "As long as I don't have a reason to hurt them, then everything will be just fine."
    "I'm sorry you didn't get a choice," he said softly. He didn't want to press her any further since he could see how tense she was just by saying that. He knew it wasn't the best subject to be talking about during the full moon so he decided to drop it and not say anything else.

    His brows rose when she quickly changed the subject to his pack. "We are all pretty close," he admitted. "I guess it's kind of like a family. We've all got each others backs..." Isaac trailed off when he heard leaves crunching under feet. He stood up a little bit straighter and moved towards the girl. They were coming from behind him; it didn't smell like another wolf which meant it was probably hunters.

    "We need to move," he told her softly; moving closer to her. "This is a great place to keep away from people, but during the nights, especially during full moons, hunters come out," he told her as he looked over his shoulder to make sure they weren't close just yet.
    February 1st, 2016 at 11:17pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (This is a little short, I'm sorry. x.x)

    There was a small part of Derek that felt a little understanding about her words. She had had several opportunities to kill him and he had seen her kill others, but she never actually killed him. It was better than the alternative of her being a complete enemy or foe. "I guess you might have a point there," he offered in response as he nodded once, firmly.

    "My pack won't cause any trouble or give you a reason to go after them. I can almost guarantee it," Derek added. As long as he kept an eye on his pack, they would be fine, he hoped. He just had to make sure that they listened to him. "I'd prefer it if your family doesn't find out about them as well, so I hope you'll keep the information to yourself." He paused for a moment and glanced away. "I'd... appreciate it, even."
    Amelia felt a frown tug at her lips when the sound of footsteps came. She nodded to his words, but wasn't sure where they could go. The hotel that she was staying at was on the other side of town; she had come to the forest to avoid the possibility of hurting others, so she had to be as far away from the hotel as possible. "Where should we go?" she asked quietly.

    She looked up at him, worry in her eyes, and she hoped that he had an idea or a plan. If hunters were really nearby, they needed to move quickly, but she wasn't familiar with the town. All she knew was the hotel. "You can, um, lead the way. I'm not really used to Beacon Hills just yet, so I don't really know where we could go."
    February 2nd, 2016 at 12:43am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    "I really hope they don't," she replied honestly. She bit down on her lip and looked up at the sky before letting a sigh out. "When have I ever given my family and information? But if you want me to say it out loud I will. My family will not find out about your pack from me."

    Evie could feel her phone constantly vibrating in her pocket which made her groan loudly. She had almost forgotten what she was supposed to be doing tonight and she was sure that was someone trying to find out where the hell she was. "Talking about information," she mumbled as she pulled her phone out of her pocket to reply to one of the several messages. "You should already know that the woods isn't safe during a full moon, but until they catch this omega running about Beacon Hills it will be like a war zone," she stated as she replied to the message that she was busy on another lead. "They won't stop until they catch her. The pack she was from, the alpha was awful. Even I wouldn't hesitate shooting him from what I have heard. The alpha is missing and she's the only person out of the pack they've found. Make sure your pack stays out of the woods for awhile Derek. I'm sure you already knew about that, but just incase."
    "I have an idea," he told her as he motioned for her to follow. There were a few places they could go, but they had to get out of the woods alive. "Just follow me," he ordered softly before he took off running.

    Isaac ran as fast as he could; dodging trees and anything else that got in his way. He kept glancing over his shoulder to check on Amelia to make sure she was keeping up. He could still hear the hunters. It was like they were surrounding them from all sides. He was actually scared that was more than one group out here tonight.

    "There!" He heard someone shout before he felt a bullet barely miss his head.

    He looked back at Amelia and reached out to grab her wrist. "If anything happens you keep running," he told her sternly. "And you find Derek Hale to keep you safe," he added as his legs moved as fast as they possibly could.
    February 2nd, 2016 at 01:47am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Evie's words rung in Derek's head and, suddenly, the tension returned to his bother and his jaw clenched. "What?" he questioned, though he didn't really need the entire thing repeated. His pack would normally be okay. Erica was probably out partying, possibly with Boyd, or at least hanging out and drinking or something. The one he was worried about now was Isaac. He knew Isaac didn't fully trust himself to keep control, so he was probably out in the woods, away from anybody that he might hurt.

    The more he thought about it, the more he worried. And, before long, he was realizing that the longer he thought and worried, the more time the hunters would have to find and kill Isaac if he was out there. Just because they apparently weren't aiming to kill this omega didn't mean that they wouldn't kill any other werewolves that might be around.

    He didn't stick around after that. Turning, he rushed away, dashing off towards the woods in hopes of finding Isaac and getting his Beta to safety.
    Since Amelia had gotten used to running lately, it wasn't too difficult to keep up with Isaac. That didn't stop her from panicking a bit each time that she heard a gun shot. It was hard to concentrate on anything other than running and breathing at that point, so it was a little difficult to concentrate on Isaac's words. Derek Hale. She'd have to remember the name and only hope to be able to find him when she didn't have a face to put the name to.

    "Okay," she managed out with a nod. She kept close to him as they ran, trying to ignore how much noise they were making by stepping on sticks and branches and everything in between. Plus, running was never really a quiet activity.
    February 2nd, 2016 at 02:27am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    Evie watched as he tensed up when she told him what she knew. It was like he had no idea at all. "Derek," she said slowly knowing he was about to do something incredibly stupid. Before she could say, "Don't you dare run off," he had already turned and started dashing towards the woods. "Derek!" she called out to him, but he was already gone and she was swearing under her breath.

    "Absolute idiot," she muttered bitterly as she ran off in the opposite direction to him. She had her car parked not too far away. She ran has fast as humanly possible and sighed happily out loud when she finally reach her car. She quickly unlocked it and jumped in. She started it without and hesitation and drove off after Derek.
    Isaac didn't reply back. He was focused hard on running and dodging the bullets that were flying at the both of them. He tensed every time he heard a shot; waiting for one to actually hit him, but so far he was dodging every single one. He could hear his heart beat racing faster and faster. He knew he was not going to able to control himself much longer.

    He let go of Amelia's wrist as his claws came out and he felt a bullet graze his arm. He knew he was making a lot of noise, but he couldn't help it when he ran. He just needed to lose them, but he didn't know how. They were constantly just behind them and it felt like more kept showing up.
    February 2nd, 2016 at 03:09am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    With the dangers of Beacon Hills, Derek was used to running for his own life. Running for somebody else's life, for his Beta's life, gave him an extra rush of adrenaline, almost the same as when he ran for his own life. The woods were far away - and, more than that, it was large. He'd have to focus extremely hard to determine exactly where his Beta was. Except, that was only if the hunters hadn't found Isaac already. If they had, it would be a lot easier for Derek to find him as well.

    It would also be a lot more dangerous and put him in the crossfire. But, he'd been in the crossfire for his Betas before; he'd do it constantly because he wanted them, his pack, as safe as possible. And he'd do everything in his power to make that the case. Even if it meant that he'd get injured in the process. As long as he avoided getting killed, everything would be okay.

    He just hoped that he'd be lucky enough to avoid that kind of scenario.
    Seeing that Isaac's claws had come out, Amelia's concern grew. If he was beginning to lose control, it would be bad for the both of them. She might even have to end up defending herself against him if things got bad. And, what if the hunters found them at a time like that, too? They'd both be doomed. All of this overthinking was putting her on edge and she tried to focus on the running again.
    February 2nd, 2016 at 03:24am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    Evie was still swearing to herself as she drove her car as fast as she could through the woods. She knew where the hunt was starting and she knew roughly where they would push the wolves if they found any. They would push them towards the clearing to get an easier shot.

    She was getting more annoyed with Derek with every passing second. This was her god damn new car. She had already lost one of her side mirrors when she was a little too close to a tree and now she was going to put her car in between the hunters and some god damn werewolf she didn't even know. He was either going to have to pay to fix her car or he had to buy her a new one. Either way she was just going to be pissed off until either of those options happened.

    Evie finally made a break in the woods and was finally at the clearing. She could only just see two figures breaking out into the clearing on the other side. She pressed down hard on the accelerator knowing that it was only a matter of time until the hunters were going to be right where they were.
    "It's okay," Isaac told her. He knew she would be worrying about his claws, but he wasn't completely loosing his focus. He was so focused on not only protecting himself, but protecting her as well. He knew he wasn't going to completely flip out and start attacking her. He kept pushing himself until they were out in a clearing and his heart sunk a little. He knew this was bad. They were out in the open with no trees to protect them.

    His spirits lifted only a little when he heard an unfamiliar car coming towards them. He hoped to God, if there was on, that it wasn't more hunters. He just kept running. He knew no matter which way they went now there could be hunters and he was going to have to take a chance with this car. He took a deep breath in and he almost sighed in relief when he smelt the familiar sent of Derek.
    February 2nd, 2016 at 03:50am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Derek got to the clearing not long after Evie did. In hopes that they were on the same side, for now at least, he eyed the vehicle but it didn't look like she was getting out. Instead, it looked like she was waiting, possibly for everybody to get in. His eyes went to Isaac and the girl - a werewolf he didn't recognize, probably the omega that Evie had spoken of - and he was quick to snap at them, "Get in!" He rushed to the door and opened it, ushering them to get inside, his attention focusing on the sounds of the hunters getting closer.

    Amelia paused, unsure of what to do. She recognized the scent of werewolf on the man and she eased up a bit. Looking to Isaac, she could only assume that the man was either his alpha or another member of his pack. Without warning, she clasped onto Isaac's wrist like he had done to her and quickly tugged him to the car and climbed in.

    Derek had rushed to the other side of the vehicle and climbed into the passenger seat. He didn't have time to be worried about buckling up - it wasn't like a car crash would kill him. He glanced to the backseat, mostly to check on his Beta, honestly worried that the stress of everything might end up causing a few problems.

    Amelia hadn't released her hold on Isaac's wrist, mostly because of her own nervousness, and she couldn't help but to shrink back when she noticed Derek's attention fall into the back seat.

    "Is that the omega you were talking about?" Derek asked Evie instead of addressing the girl. It probably wasn't the best question to ask at the moment, not when they were basically trying their hardest to stay alive and avoid the rest of the hunters.
    February 2nd, 2016 at 04:05am