Charming Life

  • Leo and Chris looked at one another before sighing. Both shaking their heads as they took and smiled at one another before going over to Piper. "Sorry honey. I know I should trust your instinct. I just worry." Leo told his wife pecking her lips lightly and smiling at her.

    ~ ♥ ~~ ♥ ~~ ♥ ~~ ♥ ~

    Phoebe sighed listing to Paige, "I know. But the less she knows the better off she is out of the danger zone." Phoebe told Paige rubbing her stomach and then her face. She glanced up hearing Cole's voice as she frowned a little. "I'll call you in a bit Paige." Phoebe told her sister before ending the phone call.
    March 26th, 2016 at 09:50pm
  • Piper looked at him. "Well stop worrying." She told her husband then looked at her son. "And you, you can not freak over things like this. I won't got into labor early. I promise." She reassured Chris. She then walked out of the kitchen to pick up Wyatt when she felt an odd feeling. It wasn't a labor pain or contraction, just an odd feeling that caused her to stay slightly bent over as she smiled at Wyatt, not wanting to startle him.

    In the room, cloaked invisible, was that same demon from before. This time he was messing with Piper, making her feel pain but not making her go into labor.

    Paige stayed outside as she continued talking to Phoebe. She knew she was right, it was just crazy that this was all happening. "Alright talk to you soon." She told her sister before hanging up. Paige stood on the porch and just sighed, wishing things would just work out already. She then walked back inside and saw Piper with Wyatt. "You okay?"
    March 26th, 2016 at 10:19pm
  • Chris heard Paige talking to his mom as he walked in there seeing his mom bent over. He feared the worse but promised he wouldn't freak out. He walked over picking his baby brother up as he saw his dad come in. He looked at them and smiled at them, "Why don't we go to magic school?" Leo offered to Piper.

    Phoebe sighed finishing up her work early. She took and walked out of the Bay Mirror and headed down to her car. She couldn't place it but she felt different. It wasn't a good feeling either. She needed to hurry and follow through with this plan.
    March 26th, 2016 at 11:11pm
  • Piper looked to Chris and then to Leo. She carefully sat up, still looking at her husband and son. "Magic School? What do we need to go to Magic School?" She asked. "Maybe take Wyatt up there, but I'm not going up there." She said sternly. She felt another odd feeling/pain, but acted like nothing was wrong once again. She applied a hand on the side of her swollen belly, gently rubbing it as she turned away from everyone.

    Paige looked to Leo and Chris when she saw Piper and her stubbornness. She walked closer to the two men, very concerned. "What are we going to do?" She asked, whispering to them so that Piper wouldn't hear them.

    Cole looked at Phoebe with a smile on his face. "Hey baby." He said softly with a smile. "How are you feeling?" He asked as he walked up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her from behind, and kissed her cheek. "How was your day at work?" He asked as he ran a hand across her swollen small belly.
    March 27th, 2016 at 03:10am
  • Leo sighed staring at his wife. "Piper it might be a little safer there. For now." Leo said to his wife as he looked at her. He wanted to make sure she was safe and sound. And that their unborn son would be safe too.

    Chris sighed looking at Paige, "I have no idea. I think we need to pull the plug on the whole thing." Chris said to Paige and frowned.

    Glancing back at Cole she gave a light smile. "It was ok." She replied to him as she stood there staring out the window. "How was yours?" She asked him.
    March 27th, 2016 at 09:47pm
  • Piper looked at them and shook her head. "No." She said as she looked to Leo sternly. "I'm staying here and that's fine." She walked out of the room to go for a small walk around the house. She kept a hand on the side of her belly, slowly breathing in and out. She was feeling that pain again but didn't say anything because it was nothing like a labor pain.

    Paige sighed. "Pull out of the entire plan...are you sure?" She asked. She then watched as Piper walked out of the room.

    Cole smiled. "It was good, but better now since I'm home to you." He said before kissing her. He then rubbed her belly, feeling the baby move.
    March 27th, 2016 at 10:43pm
  • Leo stared at Paige and Chris watching Piper walking around the house. "It's the only choice we really have." Leo said as he frowned. "We need Phoebe home safe and sound. And we need to make sure that Piper is safe too. So that we can take and get Chris home to the future safely." Leo said looking at them as he saw Chris nod his head. "Paige you need to talk to Phoebe I suppose." Leo said to her. "Maybe we can make this work. I have no idea. We need to get rid of Cole fast." Leo sighed.

    Phoebe looked at him and smiled lightly as she felt the baby moving lightly. She took and stared at Cole a second before feeling light headed. She gripped to his arm as she made a face. This was a feeling she'd never had before.
    March 27th, 2016 at 10:46pm
  • Paige nodded. "Alright, I'll cal Phoebe and see when I can talk with her. We don't want Cole to suspect anything." She then went off to go call Her sister.

    Cole smiled and kissed her lips. When he heard Phoebe's phone going off. Pulling back, Cole looked at her. "Your phone is ringing."

    Piper stopped as she walked, pressing a hand on her stomach. "Ouch." She breathed. "Chris calm down....please." She said as she leaned forward some as she stood behind a chair.
    March 27th, 2016 at 11:01pm
  • Leo took and saw Piper leaning over a chair. He frowned knowing she was in pain. But he knew she was stubborn as well. He walked over to her and rubbed her back lightly. "Do you need anything?" He asked her, worried about her.

    Phoebe heard the phone going off, "Probably Elise. Probably something to do with the article." Phoebe patted his arm. She took and grabbed her phone answering it. "Hello?" She asked.

    Chris stood afar watching his mom and dad. He sighed wondering if someone was doing something to his mom. To cause her pain. He sighed a little leaning into the wall watching them.
    March 27th, 2016 at 11:09pm
  • Piper groaned. "I don't know..." She breathed in and out softy. She was slowly starting to relax as he rubbed her back. "I'm fine...just feeling this odd pain." She admitted as she stayed leaning forward into the chair. The pain increased a little, causing herself crying out in pain this time. "Ouch. Leo." She cried a little, reaching for her husband this time.

    "Phoebe, hey. I need to talk to you." Paige said. "Can we meet up somewhere?" She asked.

    Cole watched her walk away, and waited for her to return.
    March 27th, 2016 at 11:18pm
  • Leo quickly grabbed ahold of his wife orbing her to magic school. He held her close once they were there. "Do you feel any better?" Leo asked her rubbing her stomach worried. He knew something was going on. But he couldn't figure it out.

    Phoebe listened to her sister, "Yeah Elise. Give me thirty minutes and i'll meet you at our normal spot to talk about the paper." Phoebe said knowing and hoping Paige remembered where their normal spot was to talk. The park near the manor.
    March 28th, 2016 at 01:34am
  • Piper moved to where her back was facing Leo. She allowed him to massage the lower part of her back as she stood there. She was starting to feel better, but she was still have small pains. The demon still had the apply to shoot pain to Piper, it just wasn't as intense as before. She breathed in and out as she stayed standing. "Chris!" She called out to her son. She was hoping make he could calm Little Chris down.

    Paige got what Phoebe was saying. "Great." She said looking at the time. She then got off the phone and then looked to Chris. "Ill be back." She said grabbing her purse.

    Cole looked at Phoebe. "You have to leave?"
    March 28th, 2016 at 01:49am
  • Chris orbed in hearing his mother call out to him. He looked at his mom kind of in a panic. "What's wrong?" He asked worried. He walked over to his mom rubbing her stomach lightly and staring at her. He had no idea what was going on but he'd do whatever he could to make her feel better or try at least.

    Phoebe looked at Cole, "Sorry honey. It's important." She said as she pecked his cheek. She grabbed her purse before going out and going to her car. She quickly peeled away heading to the park. Once she got there she parked and got out going to find Paige.
    March 28th, 2016 at 02:22am
  • Piper slowly tried to relax as her husband rubbed her back and her son rubbed her stomach. She breathed in and out, taking slow breaths. "I will be fine I just need you to relax your little self." She told her son as she looked over her shoulder to her husband. "Leo, where is Wyatt?" She asked.

    Cole nodded and kissed her. "Alright. I'll See you when you come back. We can discuss dinner when you come back." He said with a smile. He then kissed and patted her belly.

    Paige got in her car, driving to the park. She was glad to be meeting up with Phoebe and see her after so long.
    March 28th, 2016 at 02:34am
  • Leo and Chris both nodded to Piper's response. "He's in the nursery." Leo told Piper and smiled. He looked at his son seeing him nod his head. He went to get Wyatt for Piper so she wouldn't worry.

    Chris stayed with his mom rubbing her stomach as he looked at her. "You feeling better mom?" Chris asked her curiously.

    Phoebe sat down slowly on a bench and rubbed the back of her neck. She sighed a little leaning back into the bench relaxing some.
    March 28th, 2016 at 02:54am
  • Piper looked at her son and nodded. "I'm better." She said as she pulled her son into a hug. "I love you Chris. Thank you for everything you have done." She spoke with a smile. She kissed his cheek and felt Baby Chris kick Chris's hand. She breathed in and out again a little as she finally sat down, keeping Chris with her. She kept him rubbing her belly as she waited for Leo to return.

    Paige pulled up to the park and saw Phoebe. She smiled as she walked up to her. "Hey sis." She said with a smile. "I am so glad you were able to meet up with me." She went to hug Phoebe when she saw her belly. "Wow look at you." She squealed.
    March 28th, 2016 at 03:05am
  • Chris sat down beside of his mom while rubbing her stomach. Chris took and smiled at her as he heard her words, "I love you too, mom." Chris told her as he kept rubbing her belly. He smiled seeing his brother and dad come to them as Wyatt ran right to their mom. Chris removed his hand from her stomach and watched his older brother with their mom. He knew his future was going to be a lot better now.

    Phoebe smiled hugging Paige, "Six months." Phoebe said to her and rubbed her swollen stomach. She smiled at her sister sitting down with her. "Is something going on Paige?" Phoebe asked worried.
    March 28th, 2016 at 03:15am
  • Piper smiled as Wyatt ran to her. She kissed his cheek and hugged Wyatt. "There's mommy's big boy." She didn't want to let Wyatt see her in any pain. Wyatt kissed his mom's cheek when she bent down and kissed her cheek. He then put his hand on Piper's belly before kissing it. Piper thought it was so cute. She looked up to Leo and Chris and smiled at each of them. "I love you boys." She smiled, rubbing the side of her belly.

    Paige sat down with Phoebe and smiled at her. When she asked what was wrong, she frowned a little. How was she going to tell her six month pregnant sister that their older sister who was nine months pregnant was stressing big time over all of this and that they needed to do something fast. "Well..."
    March 28th, 2016 at 03:29am
  • @ matthew sanders;
    March 28th, 2016 at 03:30am
  • Chris smiled at his mother as he watched his father walk over and slid a arm around her waist. "We love you too." Chris replied for him and Wyatt. Chris walked over hugging his parents and baby brother. This was what his life was supposed to been. He was hoping he'd saved his brother from turning evil. And saved their family too.

    Leo stared at Chris before hugging his sons and wife. He truly loved them more than life its self. "I love you all." Leo said to his family. he held them close kissing the side of Piper's head. He was hoping this thing with Cole would demolish its self. And Phoebe would be safely back with them.


    Phoebe stared at Paige frowning. She shifted a little uncomfortable staring at her sister. "It's about this plan isn't?" Phoebe asked already knowing. "The stress is taking a toll on Piper. We need to finish it today." Phoebe looked at Paige. "I love Cole. But I can't hurt my sisters any longer." Phoebe told Paige gripping to her sister's hand.
    March 30th, 2016 at 04:22pm